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Cable Ampacity Calculation and Analysis for Power Flow Optimization

Conference Paper · October 2016

DOI: 10.1109/ACEPT.2016.7811535

4 15,962

2 authors:

Nishanthi Duraisamy Abhisek Ukil

Nanyang Technological University University of Auckland


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Cable Ampacity Calculation and Analysis for Power
Flow Optimization
Nishanthi Duraisamy Abhisek Ukil, Senior Member, IEEE
School of EEE School of EEE
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Email: Email:

Abstract—This paper presents a study of the factors that actual maximum ampacity due to the pessimistic approach. A
determine cable ampacity adjustments and corrections in the real-time knowledge of ambient conditions and predictive
electrical distribution network. Ampacity is defined as the approaches are used in some cases to use that extra ampacity,
maximum current carrying capacity of any cable. This by incorporating the applicable criteria under certain standards.
characteristic parameter depends on many of the cable There are standards defined by IEEE [6] and IEC Standards
properties, installation conditions and surrounding environment. [7][8] that are used as a base ampacity for our comparison. The
In long-distance cable-based power transmission (e.g., HVDC) cables are modelled using ampacity calculation software
and distribution network (e.g., in Singapore and many other CYMCAP [10] which is based on the IEC standards and
cities), there are circumstances where the power cables are laid
various parameter influences on the cable ampacity are
or pass through areas of unfavorable conditions, e.g., regions
having temperatures higher than the allowable values.
discussed in comparison with the standards and also the US
Depending on the extent of such regions and the criticality of its electrical code of practice - National Electrical Code (NEC)
effect on the cable, the rating of the cable will be adjusted based [5]. The main scope of this study is on the underground cables
on the assumption that the entire route is characterized by the that are directly buried, as well as buried with duct banks.
same conditions. The configuration and application of
underground electric cables demand careful consideration of II. UNDERGROUND/BURIED CABLE AMPACITY
temperature effects on the cable materials. These pessimistic
calculations will reduce the cable ampacity to greater extent. An There is a growing interest for optimizing the power flow
analysis of the methodologies used for the derating factors is and the regulatory authorities also require new distribution
presented in this paper. facilities to be placed underground [3]. Apart from the aesthetic
reasons, this also proves to be a reliable solution from damages
Keywords—Ampacity, cables, power flow, temperature sensing. caused by natural disturbances arising from wind, falling trees,
thunderstorms, etc. However, this comes with overhead costs
I. INTRODUCTION and high maintenance if failure happens.
The desired cable ampacity measure is an important factor A. Theoritical Method
that determines the cable conductor sizing. The ability of the A combination of factors is considered in the calculations
cable to dissipate the heat produced in the conductor depends of the ampacity. The simplified ampacity calculations from the
on the efficient conductivity of the cable insulation and the Neher- McGrath formula is shown in the equation (1) that was
surroundings. Hence, heat dissipation is one of the limiting derived for high voltage power cables.
factors that influence the ampacity to the maximum. In addition
to heat dissipation, there are few factors like load conditions: The cable ampacity of units in amperes is:
steady-state, transient and short-circuit scenarios, the amount of
loading itself also affect the allowable ampacity, so it is should
also be taken into consideration to limit the continuous current (1)
that a cable can carry without causing any degradation. The
higher the operating current load, higher the operating Where:
temperature for the particular cable set-up and installation I = cable current capacity (Amperes)
becomes. In short, this may lead to a cable damage or failure
that follows immediately. Tc = conductor temperature (°C)
In long-distance cable-based power transmission (e.g., Ta = ambient temperature (°C)
HVDC) and distribution network (e.g., in Singapore and many Td = dielectric loss temperature rise (ºC)
other cities), cables are usually operated with a derated
ampacity [1]. This is to prevent the instances of failures Rdc = dc resistance of conductor at temperature Tc
especially in conditions where the serviceability of the installed
Yc = component ac resistance resulting from skin effect and
cables is difficult. The derating factor is essential for the safe
proximity effect
operation calculated for all worst-case assumptions along the
line. The derated ampacity in cases will be far lesser than the
Rca = effective thermal resistance between conductor and Cable Design Parameter and Values
surrounding ambient. Index
Parameter Value
It is to be noted that the dielectric loss temperature rise Td 3 Conductor Copper
is negligible for single circuit extruded dielectric cables rated 4 Conductor temperature (ºC) 90
below 46kV. 5 Loading Factor 1.0
6 Insulation Extruded Dielectric
The Neher-McGrath method [11] and the IEC method [7][8]
7 Duct Type Direct Buried
to calculate the cable ampacity are in-principle the same,
8 Ambient temperature (ºC) 25
except the fact that in the latter one, new advancements were
9 Soil Resistance (°C.m/W) 0.9
incorporated after Neher-McGrath formula was established.
10 Frequency (Hz) 50
This makes in principle the IEC more comprehensive as it is
more up-to-date methodology. Similarly, the IEEE and IEC
standards are in principle the same in several aspects that
involves the underground cable calculations, except for few
differences in approach for cable in the air [4].


The series of factors that affect the cable ampacity in the
underground will be considered in the paper for further
discussion are the ambient temperature, soil resistivity, cable
conductor size [9], conductor temperature and load factor.
According to NEC [5], when there is two ampacities applicable
for a cable the general rule is to choose the lowest value.

A. Analysis of Cable Ampacities for Different Ambient

Before we begin, we have to investigate the basis of the Figure 1: 44kV Cable Designed using CYMCAP Software
calculation considered.
The ampacity for the given cable is calculated for a steady
state condition with 100% load factor. CYMCAP uses IEC
(2) 60853 standard to determine the ampacity. We consider the
operating current to be, I = 657 A.
The cable ambient temperature was then decreased to 20 ºC
I’ Ampacity corrected for the new ambient temperature that showed an increase in the cable ampacity from 657
(Amperes) Amperes to 682 A as shown in Figure 2.
I Ampacity calculated for given Tc and Ta (Amperes)
Tc Conductor temperature for which I is calculated (ºC)
Ta Ambient temperature for which I is calculated (ºC)
Ta’ New ambient temperature (ºC)
NEC imposes the deration table for each cable installation
for different ambient temperatures in comparison with the
ampacity calculated for a specific ambient temperature.
A cable profile in Figure 1 was built in the CYMCAP
software to analyze the cable ampacity deration for varying
ambient temperature. The cable parameters considered for the Figure 2: Cable Ampacity vs Ambient Temperature
design are presented in TABLE I.
TABLE I The ampacity calculation from equation (2) holds good for
the above observation. When compared to the IEEE power
ampacity table, the maximum allowed ampacity for a 25 to 46
Cable Design Parameter and Values kV shielded single conductor extruded dielectric power cable,
Parameter Value direct buried in 25ºC earth ambient temperature with the
1 Voltage (kV) 44 conductor at 90ºc copper cable for a load factor of 100%, is I =
2 Conductor area (kcmil/mm2) 1000/507 619 A for a soil resistivity factor of 90 rho.
The vast discrepancy between the IEC standard based conductivity of the soil in the site of installation are not
CYMCAP software output (which is eventually based on the constant [12]. It largely depends on the moisture migration.
Neher-McGrath formula) and IEEE standard 834 are due to the The thermal resistivity of the moist soil is uniform. However,
assumption and the coefficients used are different [12]. when the moist soil surrounding the cables are heated up from
The NEC has defined the adjustment factors for conditions the cable temperature dissipation causing the soil to dry out
with varying ambient temperature, as shown TABLE II. The around the cable, the uniformity assumption does not hold
deration is carried out for the maximum temperature of the good. Also, the resulting thermal resistivity will be higher by a
cable. factor of three [2] or more.
The snapshot of the NEC deration factors to be multiplied In general, assumptions for the homogenous soil resistivity
to the allowable ampacity is provided below. The base ambient
in calculating the cable capacity, simulations are carried out
temperature used for the calculation is 30 ºC
for the above-mentioned cable under the same circumstances
TABLE II for two different resistivity values, as shown in TABLE III.
Ambient Temperature Correction Factors Based on 30°C
Cable Design Parameter and Values
For ambient temperatures other than 30°C, the Index
allowable ampacities are multiplied by the Soil Resistivity (°C.m/W) Ampacity (A)
appropriate correction factor shown below 1 0.9 657
2 1.1 627
Ambient Temperature(°C) Temperature Rating of
60°C 75°C 90°C The observation indicates that the deration resulting from a
small factor change in the soil resistivity is higher, compared
10 or less 1.29 1.2 1.15
to the change in the ambient temperature. The Figure 3, is a
10 to 15 1.22 1.15 1.12 comparison of ampacity with soil resistivity and cable size.
16-20 1.15 1.11 1.08
21-25 1.08 1.05 1.04
26-30 1 1 1
31-35 0.91 0.94 0.96
36-40 0.82 0.88 0.91
41-45 0.71 0.82 0.87
46-50 0.58 0.75 0.82
51-55 0.41 0.67 0.76
56-60 __ 0.58 0.71 Figure 3: Cable Ampacity IEEE Standard for Varying Soil Resistivity
61-65 __ 0.47 0.65
66-70 __ 0.33 0.58
71-75 __ __ 0.5 For 25 to 46 kV shielded single conductor extruded
76-80 __ __ 0.41 dielectric power cables, that are directly buried in 25ºC earth
81-85 __ __ 0.29 ambient temperature with the conductor at 90ºc copper cable
and load factor of 100%, the ampacity increases with the
increase in conductor size. At the same time, the ampacity
B. Effect of Soil Resistivity on the Ampacity deration decreases with the increase in thermal resistivity that is
evident from the above graph.
The soil resistivity is a complementary parameter of the
ambient temperature. The conduction capacity of the
So far the observations were made on the cables that are
surrounding medium in the buried cable environment affects
directly buried in the ground. Another interesting factor that
the cable ampacity to a large extent.
plays a role in the capacity calculation is the depth of burial.
The cable design in the Figure 1, the depth of burial was 1 m
In practice, a thermal conductivity is assumed for
at the top of the cable. By decreasing the depth to 0.5m the
establishing the cable current ratings. Such assumptions as
cable ampacity improved significantly.
discussed in the previous section are for the worst-case
analysis to keep the allowable current within the safe limits.
Though homogenous soil is usually considered, thermal
tables [5] assumed a maximum of 90°C for the conductors.
But in cable applications the transient conditions arise that
may trigger the cable conductor temperature to go above

The NEC [5] that follows Neher-McGrath set standard

tables for ampacity deration for conductor temperatures

Figure 4: Cable Ampacity Improvement with the Change in Depth of


From the above Figure 4, the ampacity improvement can

be seen evidently from 682A to 756A. But there are
constraints in this type of optimization as codes like NEC [5]
have posed limitations to the minimum depth of burial for the
cables. Figure 6: Cable Temperature Effect on Ampacity
C. Ductbanks for Underground Cables
Along with the cable size the parameter that improves the
The effect of duct banks on the cable is explored to allowable ampacity, an increase in the cable temperature also
understand the effect of it on the cable ampacity. When the favor the higher rating for the cables. However, high cable
above cables that are equally spaced buried in the earth are temperatures will result in dielectric losses and insulation
placed in a ductbank filled with matter that has better degradation.
conductivity than the surrounding soil, the allowable cable
ampacity results are much higher than their counterparts that In the above example of cables in duct banks Figure 6, an
are directly buried. increase in 10°C of temperature result in an increase of 5% of
the current rating. This is a significant improvement.
E. Other Factors
The cable loading will also affect the total ampacity for a
given cable. A cable with 75% loading factor will have higher
allowable capacity than the cable with 100% load factor.

The standards and codes for cable rating can be used as a

reference. A detailed study about the cable installation site and
prevailing environment will be instrumental in producing
more accurate ratings.
Figure 5: Cables in Backfilled Ductbank
The underground cables used in power transmission and
distribution network are operated at a much lesser current
By placing the cable designed as in Figure 1, inside a carrying capacity compared to the maximum capacity of the
ductbank with fillings as shown in of thermal resistivity cables. The various factors that contribute to this deration are
slightly higher (60 rho) than the ambient soil (90 rho), the discussed in the paper.
ampacity of 830A instead of a low 682A can be allowed The ambient temperature variation for 5ºC causes a
through the cable. This is shown in Figure 5. This ductbank significant change in the allowable ampacities in the order of
application will be advantageous where extremely hostile 10 A. The effect of soil resistivity based on the IEEE
ambient conditions prevail in the cable route. Standards [6] and also from the software clearly indicates that
a small factor change will result in a huge difference. The
D. Conductor Temperature
other factors like the use of duct banks, varying cable burial
The IEEE standards have the general limitation with depth, cable size, conductor temperature, load factors affect
respect to the cable conductor maximum temperature. The the overall ampacity of the cable. Sometimes, considering the
cable sizing based on the worst-case parameters without [3] “Underground vs. Overhead Transmission and Distribution” June 9,
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[4] Francisco de León, "Major Factors Affecting Cable Ampacity" 2006
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[9] Technical Information Handbook, Wire and Cable, Fifth Edition,
This work was supported in part by Llyods Register and Anixter Inc, 2013.
Energy Research Institute (ERIAN), Nanyang Technological [10] CYMCAP – Power Cable Ampacity Calculations, version 7.1, Cooper
University. Industries 2009.
[11] J. H. Neher and M. H. McGrath, The Calculation of the Temperature
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[2] George J. Anders, "Rating of Electric Power Cables: Ampacity
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