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Regular diet enriched flour.

Whole wheat flour is a whole

A regular diet is a balanced meal plan that consists of grain--wheat flour is not.
a selection of nutritious meals from each food  Choose whole grain bread with 2-4 grams of
category. If you don't have any health issues that call dietary fiber per slice.
for a particular diet, stick to this meal plan.  Choose cereals with at least 5 grams of
Unhealthy fats, salt, and added sugar are absent from dietary fiber per serving.
a healthy food plan. Your risk of developing heart
disease, osteoporosis (brittle bones), and some Vegetarian Diet
cancers may be reduced.
What foods should I limit? The vegetarian diet involves abstaining from eating
 Vegetables with added fat such as French meat, fish and poultry. People often adopt a
fries, or vegetables with cream sauces or vegetarian diet for religious or personal reasons, as
topped with cheese well as ethical issues, such as animal rights. Others
decide to become vegetarian for environmental
 Fruit with added sugar such as canned reasons, as livestock production increases greenhouse
fruit in heavy syrup or frozen fruit with gas emissions, contributes to climate change and
added sugar requires large amounts of water, energy and natural
 Carbohydrates high in fat and sugar such
as cookies, donuts, croissants, store-bought Therapeutic Diet
muffins, or other high-fat breads
When we talk about therapeutic diets, we are
 Protein foods with added fat such as fried referring to the types of food we add in, avoid,
meats, seafood, or poultry, or those served timing, amounts, and hydration that suit your
with high-fat gravies and sauces personal metabolism and help the body heal. Because
we are all unique, there is no one-size fits all model
High-fat protein foods such as t-bone steaks, ribs, for a diet, even one that claims to be therapeutic.
chicken or turkey with skin, hot dogs Based on your individual genetics, lifestyle, and
 , and sausage goals, a food program may need to be individually
tailed to you and your needs. However, there are
 High-fat dairy products such as cream some straightforward plans that have been proven to
cheese, regular hard cheeses, regular and be very successful.
premium ice cream, or whole and 2% milk

 Unhealthy fats such as butter, hard

margarine, and shortening.

High fiber Diet

Fiber is an important dietary substance

to your health. Most fiber-containing foods are also
good sources of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants,
which offer many health benefits. A registered
dietitian can provide in-depth nutrition education to
help you develop a personal action plan.

Tips for increasing dietary fiber in your diet:

 Add fiber to your diet slowly. Too much

fiber all at once may cause cramping,
bloating, and constipation.
 When adding fiber to your diet, be sure to
drink adequate fluids (at least 64 ounces or 8
cups per day) to prevent constipation.
 Choose products that have a whole
grain listed as the first ingredient, not
Clear liquid diet A low-fiber diet may be recommended for several
A clear liquid diet consists of clear liquids such as conditions or situations. It is sometimes called a
water, broth and plain gelatin that are easily digested restricted-fiber diet. A low-fiber diet limits the types
and leave no undigested residue in your intestinal of vegetables, fruits, and grains that you can eat.
tract. Your doctor may prescribe a clear liquid diet Occasionally, your doctor also may want you to limit
before certain medical procedures or if you have the amount of milk and milk products in your diet.
certain digestive problems. Milk doesn't contain fiber, but it may contribute to
discomfort or diarrhea, especially if you're lactose
Full liquid diet

A full liquid diet is made up only of fluids and foods Hypoallergenic diet
that are normally liquid and foods that turn to liquid
when they are at room temperature, like ice cream. It A hypoallergenic diet is a diet composed of foods
also includes: Strained creamy soups low in allergenicity. Specifically, it is free from soy,
nuts, egg, dairy, corn, beef, gluten, shellfish, and
Cold liquid for T&A diet citrus fruits. That said, patients on a strict
hypoallergenic diet should be carefully monitored
Cold liquid diet also termed as TONSIL diet, is food and properly managed to avoid nutritional
preparation includes serving cold or iced liquids. This deficiencies.
diet varies depending on the severity of the patient’s
condition, age and overall health status. Usually,
patients are instructed to refrain from eating solid
foods for a day or two only since this diet does not
provide adequate nutrition.

Soft bland diet

A soft-textured, bland diet is used when you need

food that is easy to chew, swallow, and digest. You
will need to choose soft foods that are low in spices
and seasonings. You will need to avoid high-fat
foods, as well as caffeine and alcohol.

Mechanical soft diet

A mechanical soft diet is a texture-modified diet that

restricts foods that are difficult to chew or swallow.
It's considered Level 2 of the National Dysphagia
Diet in the United States. Foods can be pureed, finely
chopped, blended, or ground to make them smaller,
softer, and easier to chew.

Bland diet

A bland diet includes foods that are soft, not very

spicy, and low in fiber. If you are on a bland diet, you
should not eat spicy, fried, or raw foods. You should
not drink alcohol or drinks with caffeine in them.
Your health care provider will tell you when you can
start eating other foods again.

Low fiber diet

Low calorie or very low-calorie diet A low-carb diet limits carbohydrates such as those
found in grains, starchy vegetables, and fruit and
A very low-calorie diet is a clinically supervised diet emphasizes foods high in protein and fat. Many types
plan that involves eating about 800 calories a day or of low-carb diets exist. Each diet has varying
fewer. They are sometimes considered for obese and restrictions on the types and amounts of
severely obese people who are managing diabetes, carbohydrates you can eat.
going to have surgery, or preparing for fertility
treatment. Very low-calorie diets are for adults who Low salt diet
are obese and severely obese, defined as having a
BMI over 30 and 40, and need to quickly lose weight. A low sodium diet is an eating plan that people can
They are not the first option to manage obesity and follow to reduce the amount of sodium in their diet.
should not be routinely used. Doctors may recommend a low sodium diet to help
manage certain medical conditions, such as high
High calorie diet blood pressure and kidney or liver disease. The body
needs a certain amount of sodium to function
Although being overweight is a better-known culprit properly. Sodium helps maintain the body’s fluid
of health issues, being underweight can also result in balance and plays an important role in muscle and
health problems. Eating five to six times a day, eating nerve function. However, too much sodium may lead
more protein and fat, adding high-calorie snacks and to worsening high blood pressure and associated
extra toppings are among the ways to gain weight. health complications.

High protein diet Low potassium diet

High-protein diets typically include large quantities A-low potassium diet is defined as a dietary intake of
of protein and only a small amount of carbohydrate. between 2000 to 3000 mg/day. A registered dietitian
Most people can follow a high-protein diet by eating or nutritionist can help to create a low-potassium
meat, fish, dairy products, beans and legumes, eggs, meal plan. Your height and weight dictate the range
and vegetables that are relatively rich in protein, such of servings you need.
as asparagus and spinach.
Low purine diet
Low fat diet
What is a low purine diet? Purines are chemicals that
Eat mostly plant foods (such as vegetables, fruits, and are naturally found in certain foods and drinks. When
whole grains) and a moderate amount of lean and your body breaks down these chemicals, uric acid is
low-fat, animal-based food (meat and dairy products) the byproduct. A low-purine diet reduces the foods
to help control your fat, cholesterol, carbs, and and drinks with the highest purine content to reduce
calories. When you're shopping, choose fish, poultry, uric acid.
and lean meats. Limit these to 5-7 ounces per day.
Restricted residue diet
Low cholesterol diet
The residue restricted diet provides food low in fiber
Low cholesterol diets are healthy diets that can are which will result in a small amount of fecal material
most effective if they become lifetime habits. Low in the lower bowel. This diet is used prior to surgery
cholesterol diets work by reducing the amount of of the gastrointestinal tract. It may also be used
saturated (animal) fat to drive down LDL cholesterol following gastrointestinal surgery.
and using more monounsaturated fats (olive oil,
canola oil) and soluble fiber to drive up HDL

Ketogenic diet
Low carbohydrate diet
“Ketogenic” is a term for a low-carb diet (like the tube feeding if you can't eat enough to get the
Atkins diet). The idea is for you to get more calories
nutrients you need. When tube feeding occurs outside
from protein and fat and less from carbohydrates.
You cut back most on the carbs that are easy to the hospital, doctors refer to it as home enteral
digest, like sugar, soda, pastries, and white bread.
nutrition (HEN). A HEN care team can teach you
how to feed yourself through a tube and provide
support when you encounter problems.

HEN might be recommended if you have difficulty

eating, but your digestive system works normally.
Examples include:

 Cancer, such as head and neck

cancers, or cancer treatment that
makes it difficult or painful to

 Neurological problems, such as
stroke and amyotrophic lateral
sclerosis (ALS)

 Gastrointestinal problems, such as
delayed gastric emptying
(gastroparesis) and bowel obstruction

 Trauma, such as an injury to your

digestive tract


Enteral nutrition, also known as tube feeding, is a
way of delivering nutrition directly to your stomach
or small intestine. Your doctor might recommend Parenteral Feeding
Parenteral nutrition is a way for you to receive
nutrients by bypassing your digestive system. People
who can’t use their digestive systems because of a
condition can temporarily or permanently receive
nutrition intravenously, through an IV catheter.
Parenteral nutrition can be supplementary (partial) or
complete (total parenteral nutrition). Partial
parenteral nutrition is often given temporarily to
people who need an immediate boost of calories
before transitioning to a longer-term solution either
enteral feeding or gradually resuming mouth feeding.
PPN is also commonly given to long-term hospital
patients who tend to have general malnutrition for a
variety of reasons.

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