Quarantine Plan Sample

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Dear Sir/Madam:

My name is xxxx. I am an international student currently

studying at University of XXXX in XXXX(city,province).

I am planning to take the flight AAA number with China Eastern

Airline (Departing from Beijing and Arriving in Vancouver on

August 18th, 2020, 9 PM.

I will be staying at xxxx (Location of self-isolation) for a 14-

day self-isolation.

My friend XXX will help me with buying groceries and essential

products. He will deliver them to my door. If you want to

confirm any details with him, please feel free to reach out to

him via phone. His phone number is XXX-XXX-XXXX.

Best Regards,

Your Name

Necessities and Groceries:

My friend XXX will help me with buying everyday essential products and deliver
them to my door without making any physical contact with me.


Medical Care:

I have prepared all the regular medications. If I need any medical care emergency,
I will contact XXX hospital directly.(找一个离你隔离地最近的医院的信息)


Contact Information:

My email address: XXXXXXXXX

My phone number: XXXXXXXXX

My friend's phone number: XXXXXXXXX

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Thanks.


Your name

Primary Contact Information

First Name Last Name Date of Birth

Phone Number Email

Home Address City Post Code
Quarantine Plan

1. I do not have any signs or symptoms of COVID-19, including

fever, a cough, or difficulty breathing, and I have not

experienced any of those symptoms in the past few months;

2. Location of 14-day self-quarantine: _________________________

3. After arrival at Vancouver airport, travel directly to the

location of quarantine without delay and stay there for 14 days.

4. Travel from airport to quarantine address by taxi and wear

mask during transit.

5. Only go to work or the workplace after the 14-day quarantine

is over.

6. Take care of the child at quarantine place and not use

daycare, school education or similar services.

7. Practice 2-meter physical distancing at all times.

8. Have no guests during 14-day quarantine.

9. Never leave the quarantine location during 14-day

quarantine. Call a doctor for advice when seeking medical


10. Have zero contact with vulnerable people.

11. When using shared spaces, or private outdoor spaces in the

location of quarantine:

a) Avoid contact with others who did not travel with us

b) Disinfect spaces after use, and

c) Wear a suitable non-medical mask

12. Order food, groceries and other essential supplies online.

Ask friends to shop and deliver (contact-free) supplies if online

service is not available

13. Self monitor for the following COVID-19 symptoms: fever,

cough, difficulty in breathing, etc.. Once begin to show the

above symptoms:

a) Immediately call the public health authority of BC, and

b) Describe the symptoms and travel history, and follow their


14. I understand that the rules regarding the entry and

quarantine etc. are constantly evolving, therefore, I keep myself

updated by visiting the Covid website.

15. I understand that Covid poses a serious threat to all of us

and Health Canada will check up on me to see whether I am

abiding by these measures.

16. I understand that if I do not comply, I could be charged with

a hefty fine and may be jail time depending on my violation.

17. Download "ArriveCAN" and following every required steps.

Self-Quarantine Plan
Dear Officer,
My name is XXX, my passport number is XXXXX. I am an
international student of XXXX(school name). 
I am planning to take the flight XXX number with XXX Airline,
departing from XXX(city) and arriving in XXX(city) on
XXX(arriving date and time).
I will quarantine in XXX hotel for 3 days and then to
XXX(quarantine place) for a 14-day self-quarantine from
XXX(date) to XXX(date).
I will follow all the instructions from public health
authorities and stay in my place during quarantine. The
followings are the details of my quarantine place.
Preparation for the Quarantine
 I have already got XX(number) of shots of XXX vaccine. An
English certificate can be provided.
 I have prepared all the items I will need for the 14-day
 I do not have symptoms of COVID-19. A proof of negative
result can be provided.
 I have downloaded the ArriveCAN App.
My pre-booked hotel XXX will pick me up at the XXX airport in
a personal vehicle, and I will go to the hotel directly
without delays or making any stops. I will wear a mask while
in transit.
After the 3-day hotel quarantine, my friend XXX will drive
his own car and pick me up to the destination directly. I
will sit in the back seat and we two will put on the masks
all the time and not going to contact anyone else. 
The Quarantine Place
I will stay in XXXX(student residence, hotel, rental
apartment, etc.) during the entire quarantine period. The
address is XXXXXXXXXX. 
I will not leave my place of quarantine unless it is for a
medical emergency, an essential medical service or treatment,
to obtain a COVID-19 molecular test, or it is pre-authorized
by a Quarantine Officer. 
Necessities and Groceries
I have internet access so I can order meals and shop
groceries online. All essential products will be delivered in
front of my door without physical contacting with me. I will
still wear a mask when I pick up the supplies.
Medical Care
I will monitor my health condition every day, and take a
COVID-19 test on Day 8 of their quarantine.
I have prepared all the regular medications. If I need any
medical care emergency, I will contact XXX hospital directly.
My Contact Information
Phone Number:
Emergency Contact Name:
Phone Number of Emergency Contact:
If you require any additional information or have any
questions, please feel free to contact me. Thanks a lot for
all your help.
Best Regards,
Your Name

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