BSBXCM501 - Project Portfolio Template.v1.0

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Project Portfolio

BSBXCM501 Lead communication in the workplace


Section 1: Guide workplace communication

Section 2: Engage in workplace communication and negotiation
Section 3: Review communication

BSBXCM501 Lead communication in the workplace

Student name:



Business/organisation you
are basing this project on:

Role within

Project/significant issue to
be communicated:

Project areas requiring

negotiation (at least one):

BSBXCM501 Lead communication in the workplace |

BSBXCM501 Lead communication in the workplace

Section 1: Guide workplace communication

Describe the business or The business is about the one of the leading software company
organisation you are basing as a world education which is totally based on providing the
this project on. facilities for the student. Especially, the tablets and the
What is the name of the
business/organisation? The business is about the World education which targets the
school level students of primary level to use the tablet computer
Which industry is it part of?
in professional way of learning and engage the teacher and
What are the main activities in student for the creation of the learning environment.
the business/organisation?
Here my role is as marketing executive and I need to go various
What are the broader schools and sell the tablets computer to the school students and
organisational objectives and also instruct them to use it.

Summarise organisational World education helps in the built of the business relationship in
policies and procedures various schools and the related school’s teachers and the
students. The main issues are about their hardware and
Which policies/procedures are
content. So, for the improvement of this factors and problems,
applicable to your
they arranged to use to updated system to build a good
project/issue and/or workplace
relationship in individual customer as well.
Due to this unwanted spread of COVID pandemic there results
How are they applicable?
in the issue of less production and all the business sectors
Attach policies/procedures to remain closed as well as the problem in mobility and the cost,
your portfolio. data privacy and lack of knowledge in the tools and technology.
The stakeholders are the suppliers and the distributor of the
products, who were affected by the communication failure and
the situation of Pandemics of COVID hampers a lot in the
Following are the issues regarding the financial data:

, high Strategic Priorities

It will represent in the maximization of accounting and profits
 make sure that all the planning will lead in success of action
 Find out the new way to improve the revenue and add
classroom as required
 Make increase in income generation as more than 10%

BSBXCM501 Lead communication in the workplace |

BSBXCM501 Lead communication in the workplace

 . following are the objectives while pursuing the solution
- To maximize the supply of software and tablets to the
school students
- To increase the reliable business to get profit for the
Three advantages for solving the issues are trustworthy
environment, increment in production of services and good
relationship with customer and the organization.
Three risk of pursuing the solution are challenge of completion,
challenge of managing funding and challenge to engagement of
students to learn

Summarise legislative It was founded in 2016 as it is defined as to improvement in

requirements child policy and the developed classroom activity. World
education makes an appropriate use of its latest trend and
Which legislation applies to
technological use of tablet computers for the primary level
your project/issue and/or
students and as well as it is effective for the teachers too. To
workplace communication?
make engagement of the students for learning environment. It
How do they apply? helps to grow the student’s personal capacity of learning and
understanding the content in the useful and convenient way.
The complex issue regarding this summary is about the product
mobility and the use of the technology regarding the
requirements attached with students emotions and the way of

Research information needs of For business growth, we need to implement the modern
the business/organisation technologies and the system to make the effective change
Provide a written summary of in the business.
your research. The internal information about the company needs
What are the internal includes the system and various calculation subject
information needs? matters which is relevant in internal stakeholders and their
What are the external performances in the business.
information needs? External information is required from the source of
Are there any special suppliers and other investors in World education that is
needs/diverse cultures to also attached with the partners too.
Yes, there is also the need of diverse culture and backgrounds,
How do the needs relate to which makes the students able to learn and engage to get the
broader organisational goals? useful knowledge for the prosperous development in the child
Which sources did you use to welfare and education through the use of technology.
obtain information (at least This suggest the broader organizational goals through the

BSBXCM501 Lead communication in the workplace |

BSBXCM501 Lead communication in the workplace

three, including digital collection of feedbacks and suggestions from all the customers
sources)? and the employee of the organization, that tends to help and
grow the business of the world education and its products.
How did you extract relevant
information from minor The sources that can be used to get information is from the
references? physical and technical source and as well as from the potential
human resources which includes the change related action and
Attach proof of your research
function for the effective progress in business, through the
sources (e.g. internet search,
various digital and social apps for the discussions like Zoom and
video of interview) to your
video conference.
From the minor references, we can extract the relevant
information, through the better monitor and observation related
task in the workplace, by good team building technique and also
arranging the solid strategy for the effective outcome and the
desired process.

Develop communication We use communication protocol to develop the

protocols organization needs from the internet and also from all the
digital and physical resources like materials distribution
Consider the identified and many more which relates the organizational legislation
information needs and and policy.
organisational goals to
Through the local media and also the trade media
develop at least two
communication we can develop the required information
communication protocols. and the strategy for the development purposes and also to
Adapt the protocols (e.g. by establish the good relationship for fixing the problems and
using a different colour or font) errors in the workplace.
to address at least two For the all types of employee even with the ph
different contexts (e.g. deaf
Attach your protocol (including
adaptations) to this section of
the portfolio.

Support and implement 1

developed protocol(s)
Prepare at least two different
materials (e.g. intranet post,
poster, video, checklist etc.) to
support and/or implement the
developed protocols.

BSBXCM501 Lead communication in the workplace |

BSBXCM501 Lead communication in the workplace

At least one of your materials

should use digital technology.
Make sure the materials direct
others to adhere to
organisational communication
Implement the materials in the
workplace (e.g. upload an
intranet post, place a poster
on the notice board).
Attach proof of the
implemented materials to this
section of the portfolio (e.g.
photo of poster on notice

Mentor others to achieve

communication goals
Who are you mentoring?
are you able to offer?
What mentoring principles will
you follow?
How will you address
organisational communication
requirements and goals?
How will you motivate them to
communicate respectfully and
consider everyone’s needs?
Attach proof of your mentoring
session to this section of the
portfolio (unless viewed in
person by your assessor).

Attach: Policies/procedures ☐

Proof of research sources ☐

Protocols (including adaptations) ☐

Support/implementation material ☐

Mentoring session ☐

BSBXCM501 Lead communication in the workplace |

BSBXCM501 Lead communication in the workplace

BSBXCM501 Lead communication in the workplace |

BSBXCM501 Lead communication in the workplace

Section 2: Engage in workplace communication and


Prepare to communicate
complex information and
negotiate outcomes.
What information (related
to your selected workplace
project or issue) must be
conveyed and negotiated?
With whom will the
information be conveyed
and negotiated (at least
two different audiences on
separate occasions)?

First occasion:

Describe the audience

Are you aware of any
Are you aware of any
differing perspectives?

Plan outcomes
What are the potential
outcomes of the
negotiation (at least two)?
What are your desired
outcomes (at least one)?

Plan approach
How will you
 What method will you
 What communication
style will you adopt?
 Why is this style

BSBXCM501 Lead communication in the workplace |

BSBXCM501 Lead communication in the workplace

What communication
challenges/risks do you
anticipate (at least two)?
How will you remove any
barriers that may influence
Which negotiation
techniques will you follow
to positively influence

Communicate complex
information and negotiate
Attach proof of your
succinct, clear and
persuasive explanation
and negotiation (e.g.
conference call recording,
video of meeting etc.) to
this section of the portfolio
(unless viewed in person
by your assessor).

Confirm negotiation
With whom will you confirm
the key outcomes of the
How will you confirm the
key outcomes of the
Attach proof of your
confirmation to this section
of the portfolio (e.g.
minutes of meeting, draft

BSBXCM501 Lead communication in the workplace |

BSBXCM501 Lead communication in the workplace

Implement negotiation
Attach proof of the
implementation of
negotiation outcomes to
this section of the portfolio

Attach: Complex information explanation/negotiation ☐

Confirmation of negotiation outcomes ☐

Implementation of negotiation outcomes

BSBXCM501 Lead communication in the workplace |

BSBXCM501 Lead communication in the workplace

First occasion:

Describe the audience

Are you aware of any
Are you aware of any
differing perspectives?

Plan outcomes
What are the potential
outcomes of the
What are your desired

Plan approach
How will you
 What method will you
 What communication
style will you adopt?
 Why is this style
What communication
challenges do you
How will you remove any
barriers that may influence
Which negotiation
techniques will you follow
to positively influence

Communicate complex
information and negotiate
Attach proof of your
succinct, clear and
persuasive explanation
and negotiation (e.g.
conference call recording,

BSBXCM501 Lead communication in the workplace |

BSBXCM501 Lead communication in the workplace

video of meeting etc.) to

this section of the portfolio
(unless viewed in person
by your assessor).

Confirm negotiation
With whom will you confirm
the key outcomes of the
How will you confirm the
key outcomes of the
Attach proof of your
confirmation to this section
of the portfolio (e.g.
minutes of meeting).

Implement negotiation
Attach proof of the 1.
implementation of
negotiation outcomes to
this section of the portfolio
(e.g. performance review
spreadsheet updated to
reflect new KPIs).

Attach: Complex information explanation/negotiation ☐

Confirmation of negotiation outcomes ☐

Implementation of negotiation outcomes

BSBXCM501 Lead communication in the workplace |

BSBXCM501 Lead communication in the workplace

Section 3: Review communication

Obtain feedback on
communication and
Use digital technology (e.g.
online survey, email) to
obtain feedback from at least
two sources (e.g. from
mentoring session, or
As you seek feedback,
consider your
as well as the broader
organisation’s communication
systems, channels and
Summarise the feedback.
Attach proof of the feedback
to this section of your

Identify opportunity for

What areas of your
communication and
negotiation need
How effective were the
communication channels,
systems and processes?
What areas of the team or
organisational practices need

Document and implement

improvement requirements
Follow organisational
requirements to document
areas needing improvement.
Implement any improvements
to organisational practices

BSBXCM501 Lead communication in the workplace |

BSBXCM501 Lead communication in the workplace

(e.g. amended
Attach proof to this section of
your portfolio

Attach: Proof of feedback ☐

Improvement documentation/implementation ☐

BSBXCM501 Lead communication in the workplace |

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