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Bài tập biến đổi từ loại trong tiếng Anh

1. …………………….., the barber cut my hair too short. (luck)

2. Nam is very ……………………….., kind and generous. (social)
3. She has short …………………….. hair. (curl)
4. My brother likes acting and outdoor ………………………………. (act)
5. Bell …………………. demonstrated his invention. (success)
6. Thomas Watson was Bell’s …………………., wasn’t he? (assist)
7. “ The lost shoe” is one of the ……………………..stories I like best. (tradition)
8. Marconi was the ……………………. of radio. (invent)
9. Alexander G.B ……………………….. demonstrates his invention. (success)
10. We have two postal …………………… each day. (deliver)
11. She ‘s beautiful with a ……………………….. smile. (love)
12. Each of my friends has a ………………………. character. (differ)
13. My uncle often spends his free time doing volunteer work at a local
………. (orphan).
14. Trung and his brother like ………………………… movies very much. (act)
15. Bell experimented with ways of transmitting…………… over a long
distance. (speak)
16. Mr Phong made an …………………. to see us at two o’clock. (arrange)
17. There wasn’t any …………………. in our village two years ago. (electric)
18. Everyone was ……………………….. at the soccer match. (excite)
19. The ……………………… of radio was made by Marconi. (invent)
20. Can I leave the ……………………….. of the table for you? (arrange)

Bài tập chọn từ loại đúng và điền vào ô trống

1. The park service asks visitors to behave _______ and show respect for
A. responsibly
B. responsible
C. responsibility
D. responsibilities
2. The _______ of Board of Directors is scheduled for Monday.
A. election
B. elected
C. elects
D. electable
3. In order to suppress harmful insects and weeds, garden maintenance
companies must choose the right products and apply them _______
A. correction
B. correctly
C. corrected
D. correcting
4. The CEO will use her _______ in determining how the reorganization of
the company will be conducted.
A. discretionary
B. discrete
C. discretely
D. discretion
5. _______ by the audience’s positive reaction to its music, the Gary Jones
played well past midnight.
A. Delighted
B. Delightedly
C. Delightful
D. Delight
6. The young fashion designer wanted to create dress styles ________
different from those of her contemporaries.
A. recognize
B. recognizing
C. recognizable
D. recognizably
7. Many environmental analysts recommend that nations reduce their
_________ on non-renewable energy sources.
A. dependently
B. dependence
C. depends
D. dependent
8. A particularly _________ drawback of this book is the almost complete
lack of useful illustrations or tables.
A. frustrating
B. frustratingly
C. frustrated
D. frustration
9. The general manager has _________ that any information customers
enter be used only to respond to their inquiries and requests.
A. suggested
B. suggesting
C. suggest
D. suggestion
10. Additional information on _________ financial aid such as grants and
scholarships can be obtained from career offices at each university.
A. extend
B. extensive
C. extent
D. extension
11. _________ for reconstruction contracts has been getting stiffer over
the years since it can generate enormously lucrative earnings.
A. Competitively
B. Competition
C. Competitive
D. Competes
12. The general hospital was able to improve patient care significantly
without hiring more staff by _________ in a new information system.
A. invests
B. invested
C. investing
D. invest
13. Our experienced and skilled technicians can be of much help in the
event that you _________ delete something essential from the program.
A. accident
B. accidental
C. accidents
D. accidentally
14. When the __________ for this new safety policy was under
consideration by the managers, a number of experts were asked for their
A. proposing
B. propose
C. proposes
D. proposal
15. All the workers are required to _________ verify that the proper
maintenance of storage facilities is conducted with extreme care.
A. periodic
B. periodical
C. periodically
D. period
16. The elegant hotel we stayed at was _________ and bright and had a
private entrance and patio with a view of the ocean.
A. spacing
B. spacious
C. spaciousness
D. spaces
17. Applicants are advised to fill out an application form concisely to
impress potential employers, without being too ___________ or boring.
A. repeating
B. repetitive
C. repetition
D. repeat
18. All the terms of the agreement must be clear so that the meaning
and intent won’t be __________ by either party.
A. misinterpret
B. misinterpretation
C. misinterpreted
D. misinterpreting
19. There’s another piece of evidence that there has been enormous
___________ in the supply of customized services to customers.
A. growth
B. grows
C. grown
D. grower
20. We are sorry to announce that we will not ___________ any credit
cards starting next year since a cash deposit is required.
A. accepts
B. accepting
C. accept
D. accepted

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