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MODULE TITLE: Strategic Human Resource Management


MODULE LEADER: Prayash Rajopadhyaya

ISSUE DATE: May 2022

HAND IN DATE: 21 July, 2022

HAND BACK DATE: 17 September, 2022

Learning Outcomes and assessment criteria specific to this assignment:

Critically review contemporary issues, challenges and complexities of managing

organisations in a diverse and multicultural global environment and their impact on the HR
function and strategic plans.

Assess the characteristics of strategic models of HRM, HR plans, policies and systems and
evaluate their effectiveness and alignment to organisational goals and strategic objectives.

Critically evaluate contemporary HR and employment-related issues regarding the impact

they have on employees. These issues can be legal, organisational frameworks and/ or
various cultural issues in which international organisations operate.

Prove your ability to collaborate with diverse teams to meet organisational objectives and
performance goals.

Critically reflect on the skills and knowledge acquired in the module as an aspiring manager
in contemporary management or HR function and on the experience you had in working
with a diverse work team to complete tasks of your module.

The module presents a comprehensive and thematic overview of strategic human resource
management thinking and research evidence. It is hoped that this will enable you to understand the
field and inform your practice from an HR professional perspective. This module will help develop your
strategic knowledge and its link with the operational perspectives. This takes a view of the strategic
human resource management across a range of organisational structures, industries and cultures

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from a global perspective. Students will self-manage their studies to develop their teamwork skills to
enhance their management practice. The module assessment is divided into two components, one
group-based and one individual, both submitted at the end of the module. The group-based
courseworkis weighted at 50% of the total mark. The individual component covers the remaining50%
and is consisted of an individual essay (30%) and a reflective essay (20%). The module needs the
student also to do extensive reading and team working that will be set at frequent intervals.

It is envisaged that students will work in a self-informed team of 3-5(multinational students)throughout
this module. This will allow you to develop several skills that can be transferrable for use in real-life
work organisations and other modules. It will also allow you to undertake the tasks that will be given
throughout the module. The teamwork that you devise, whether it is presentations, interactive
sessions, preparation notes, etc., will be included as evidence of your collaboration and is included in
the ‘summative’ assessment at the end of the module. Each team member will have to declare what
part/-s of the team project they worked on to evidence their contributions to the team and meet the
Learning Outcome 4 of the module.

Two forms of assessment will be used during the module. After the first few weeks and when you start
working on your tasks as a team, you will be gaining‘formative feedback’every week, which will
assist your learning. This feedback is not recordedin your student record but is to be used by you to
improve your work further. This feedback will be received from your tutors and peers. The second
form of feedback is a ‘summative’ assessment and will be the grade and feedback gained from the
work you will submit at the end of the module.

The ‘summative assessment’ is based on a group portfolio and an individual pair of essays for this
module. You will submit online on the date indicated on the first page of this document.

Component 1:Group Portfolio Brief

There will be two tasks that you will perform over the duration of the module. The team is expected to
work on two presentation files (.pptx or .ppt). Students need to provide evidence that they have
interacted and participated in the teamwork sessions during the module. In your multicultural teams of
3 to 5 members, you will collect and collate the evidence of your teamwork across the module. Ensure
that each person in your team has a copy of the work you have created (e.g. PowerPoint slides,
accompanying notes etc.). However,only the team leader should submit the work of the team. It is
your responsibility as an individual to ensure this work is complete, despite the unlikely event of a
team member’s inactivity. When the work is marked, each team will be assessedequally. Ensure all
academic authors’ work on slides, diagrams, and references are correctly referenced in the Harvard
style format that we use in BCU. There is a flexible word limit for this component, but there must be a
minimum of 3,000 words, including the accompanying notes underneath each slide, with an allowance
of 30%.(30% allowance mean that extra 900 words, hence, not more than 3,900 words)

The group component of the assessment contributes 50% of the overall marks of the

There are two tasks to be completed for this assessment. These tasks, together with the supporting
evidence, will constitute the group portfolio for the module. Equal marks are allocated for each
task/activity together with the supporting evidence. The evidence for the portfolio will include the
PowerPoint presentation slides with explanatory notes underneath each slide where appropriate,
research notes/documents, other background material, etc. Both tasks are to be completed by the
group, and no individual portfolios will be marked.

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Task 1: - [Group Presentation with notes 25%]: -To be ready by week 8
Critically review the impact of any contemporary issues, challenges, and complexities of managing
specific organisations in a diverse and multicultural global environment on their HR function
andstrategic plans.

As the basis of your search, selecttwo of the companiesoutlined in the following selectivelist of some
of the top companies mentioned in Fortune 100 Best Companies to work for 2021.
 ICBS (China)
 Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Aramco) (Saudi Arabia)
 American Express (USA)
 Cisco (USA)
 Intuit (USA)
 Tata Motors (India)
 Samsung Electronics (South Korea)
 Royal Dutch Shell (Netherlands)
 Mercedes Benz (Germany)

Compare their contemporary strategic HR approaches; you can identifyand argue about their effect on
the HR function as a whole and the organisation’s strategic plans.

This will include issues such as:

 the hard or soft approach to HRM,
 changing patterns of work practicesto manage complexities of multicultural organisations,
 the cultural dimensions in which organisations operate in the global environment and the
impact these have on HR, and
 thechallenges the HR function faces being strategic in the management of

Examples could be drawn from different parts of the world, and issues related to multi-culturalism,
workplace diversity and equality will need to be considered. It will be necessary to use relevant
literature and concepts and their contribution to our understanding of organisations and the HR
function in diverse and multicultural global environments. [LO1]

Task 2 [Group presentation with notes 25%] -To be ready by week 12

Assess the characteristics of strategic models of HRM, HR plans, policies, and systems,including –
but not limited to – therecruitment, selection, induction, training and development, discipline and
dismissal procedures of an international organisation of your choice.Critically assess any common
patterns that you may see in the HR functions of your choice.

This organisation must derive from the website list given above and can be one of the companies you
explored in task 1. Evaluate their effectiveness and alignment to the organisational goals and strategic
objectives of an organisation of your choice. Create a PowerPoint presentation on how
thesestrategies and policies support the strategic objectives of the organisation. You will need to
critically assess the various policies and functions in the presentation, not simply describe.

It will be expected, where possible, to highlight the link of the organisation’s policies and procedures
to statute and or other external agencies (not focusing only in the UK, but internationally).Your
presentation should draw on the involvement of these third parties in the design or creation of the
organisation’s policy. [LO2]

Other instructions
1. If a group member did not contribute anything or his/her name is not on the list of a given
task, she/he will lose part or all marks pertaining to that task.
2. All members of the group are expected to make an equal contribution to all group tasks and

Component 2:Individually written essays

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Element 1 [Individual essay 30%]- To be completed in week 12
Critically evaluate contemporary HR and employment-related issues regarding the impact they have
on employees. These issues can be legal, organisational frameworks or structures and various
cultural issues in which international organisations operate. Your challenge is to relate one or
combinations of the above with the performance of employees in international organisational

Your essaycould include a critical review of legal issues such as employmentlaw and associated legal
dimensions (e.g. Human Rights; Collective Bargaining; Equality Act, etc.) and changes to the legal
framework within which organisations operate such as (but are not confined to): equality/
discriminatory practice, health and safety responsibilities, Data Protection, family-friendly
requirements and flexibilities, pension’s provision and consultation.
OR could include evolving types of organisational structures under technologically advanced systems
of communication and operations.
OR include the mixture of work cultures in various parts of the world where the West meets the East,
and the North meets the South.

Filter the above through the lenses of how these present a dynamic and sometimes complex
environment for the HR function and HR planning.

This time your task is not to apply it to a particular company, but argue about it,supporting it
theoretically with the appropriate academic pieces of literature. Express your well-stated opinion about
contemporary HR issues regarding one of the three areas mentioned above. Use of recent cases to
support your argument would be helpful. The length of this element should not be longer than 1500
words (±10% allowance) [LO3]

Element 2 [Individual reflective essay 20%]- To be completed in week 13

This element should demonstrate the skills and knowledge you have developed and acquired as an
aspiring global manager and reflect on the teamwork experiences on the various tasks performed by
your group.

In this section, you need to write a 1000 word essay(±10% allowance) critically reflecting on the skills
and knowledge you have developed and acquired as an aspiring global manager working in an HR
strategic role. This essay should not be random but structured using any of the reflective
frameworks/models covered in the module.

It is suggestedthat you keep an academic diary from the first day of your studies within Birmingham
City Business School. When attempting this section, you are likely to specifically remember issues or
aspects that have happened during the Term.

This individual component (the two elements)is submitted individually online and separately from the
teamwork. Parts of the diary could be added to the reflective essay as appendices to support your

The individual component of the assessment contributes 50% of the overall marks of
the module.

Overall, both components need to be attempted to achieve a pass overall – you cannot pass this
module by submitting less than the specified sections.

Final suggestions

 The individual assignment should be word-processed and double line spaced. Do not use
bullet points (except on PowerPoint slides).
 Use Arial size 11 points (this font and size) for your assignments – minimum of 18-20 points
for the PowerPoint presentations.
 State the word count used in your group presentation and your individual document.
 On each sheet, ensure you have page numbers in the format ‘Page x of y’.

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 All work should be referenced in Harvard style format – there are hand-outs available online
at the Library’s website if you are unsure about this:
 Do not use Wikipedia, Google, Googlebooks or Yahoo – the former is not peer-assessed, the
work is unreliable, and the latter are search engines. Do not rely too heavily on Internet
 There is no need for a contents page.
 Use contemporary academic textbooks and academic journal articles (newspapers are not
articles); use post-year 2010 academic work, unless your source is fundamental for
understanding your topic.

University Regulations
The word limit is for your coursework assignment and does not cover material submitted as an
appendix. Material submitted as an appendix provides background for your coursework, but it will not
be markedunless specified in the brief. Also, you must cross-refer between the main text of your
assignment and any appendices to demonstrate the linkage. The Appendices do not constitute
additional material unrelated to that included in the body of your assignment. If you do not refer to the
work in the appendix, this included work in the appendices is not marked.

Your References page will not be included in the word count, but where you quote within the
assignment (e.g. Smith and Jones (2010) identified that…) will be included in the word count.

Since your work is submitted in electronic format, you are required to declare the number of
wordsused in your assignment. A random number of courseworks may be selected to check for
adherence to the word limit.

If you produce less than or exceed the word limit by up to 10%, no action will be taken, though you
may receive adverse feedback. If you produce less than or exceed the stipulated word count by more
than 10%, a deduction of the mark awarded will be made to reflect that you have not met the
assessment requirements.

Team marks
The team members and the team name should be clearly identified within Component 1 of the
assignment. All team members identified will be awarded the same mark unless the team specifically
decides an alternative distribution – in this case, speak to your lecturer concerning this course of
action. The tutor may then have the discretion to adapt the mark of those individuals who have not
contributed to the team effort, according to their contribution.In the unlikely event of someone not
contributing at all or the contribution of that individual is not acceptable, a team may decide to exclude
that member from their team. This sanction must be usedresponsibly, and team members should
consult with tutors and the individual first. The individual should be informedof their concerns and
allow the individual sufficient time to take appropriate action before proceeding to exclusion, which
should only be carried out following consultation with the tutor.

Suggested structure for your portfolio

Title page, including the name of the assessment (Team Portfolio), the team name and members’
names, the module name (Strategic Human Resource Management), module code (MAN7039), your
lecturer, and your submission date

Component 1 of the assignment should be submitted as one PDF file by the team leader only,where
both slides and notes underneath are visible on the same page – any other format uploaded is
classed as a non-submission. Your tutor will show you how to save your PowerPoints in that format if
you do not know. Upload the feedback cover page provided to you by BCU so that markers add
their comments and marks in it.

Component 2 of the assignment should be submitted separately on a different submission link

provided by AITM College. The assessment should be in pdf format along with cover page and
originality report from turnitin in the same file Upload the feedback cover page provided to you by
BCU so that markers add their comments and marks in it.

HRM7053 – IMBA FT Stage 1 ‘Strategic HRM’ – September start - Page: 5 of 7 – August 2021
Birmingham City Business School

International MBA ‘Strategic Human Resource Management’ – Module Code: MAN7039

Individual Portfolio – First Attempt

Assessment Criteria:

0 – 39% 40 – 49% 50 – 59% 60 – 69% 70 – 79% 80 – 100%

Fail Fail Pass Strong Pass Very Strong Pass Exceptionally Strong Pass
(merit) (distinction) (distinction)
Critically review contemporary issues, challenges and complexities of managing organisations in a diverse and multicultural global environment and
Criterion 1
their impact on the HR function and strategic plans.
Mark: Irrelevant material. No meaningful review of Some basic review of Good and critical review of Detailed critical review of Very detailed and comprehensive
Failed to look at the literature Failed to contemporary literature contemporary literature. contemporary literature and critical review of contemporary
diverse environment in review contemporary and discussion on the Superficially reviewed detailed discussion on various literature. Comprehensive review of
which organisations issues and changing contemporary issues. contemporary issues and issues and challenges. the complexities faced by the
operate. Failed to review patterns of work Some basic review of the changing patterns of work Detailed review of management or HR function. Critical
contemporary issues and practices. No link with complexities faced by practices. Examples will complexities faced by, and the review of contemporary issues and
changing patterns of the changing nature of organisations. Superficial have been drawn and challenges of dealing with, changing patterns of work practices
work practices. Lack of society and the market review contemporary multicultural/diversity issues people management. Critical including cultural/international
use of contemporary place. Referencing will issues and changing reviewed. Good academic review of contemporary issues dimensions. Detailed examples.
literature and poor or no be very poor patterns of work practices. rigor. and changing patterns of work
referencing. Some academic rigour. practices.
Assess the characteristics of strategic models of HRM, HR plans, policies and systems and evaluate their effectiveness and alignment to organisational goals and strategic objectives
Criterion 2
Mark: Lacks understanding. Little understanding. Some understanding and Good understanding of the Detailed understanding of the Comprehensively and critically
Too broad and without Failed to provide assessment. Rationale for selected organisation’s selected organisation’s assessed the selected organisation’s
any focus. Too many examples of the the chosen organisation. approach/policies. Drawn approach/policies and critically approach/policies. Very detailed
generalisations - very processes and Selection of policies, from organisation’s actual assessed how they relate to supporting evidence of effective
little evidence of procedures used. Lack processes and procedures policies. To some extent, the organisation’s strategic team working. Provided excellent
research and/or of critical evaluation – used. Presented in a critically assessed issues. objectives. Practical examples answers and/or explanations.
understanding. Very little mainly descriptive. Little coherent manner. Some Use of practical examples to used to illustrate
if any, evidence of team evidence of team evidence of team working illustrate understanding. understanding. Detailed
working and no working and little and supporting evidence. Good evidence of team supporting evidence of team
supporting evidence. supporting evidence. Reasonable attempts to working with supporting working. Detailed good
provide explanations. evidence. Good explanations explanations.
Critically evaluate contemporary HR and employment related issues regarding the impact they have on employees. These issues can be legal, organisational frameworks and/ or various
Criterion 3 cultural issues which international organisations operate in
Mark: Failed to review Minimal and insufficient Basic description of some Good evaluation of Critically evaluated in detail Comprehensive critical evaluation of
contemporary issues review of contemporary contemporary issues that contemporary issues that contemporary issues that contemporary issues that relates to
related to the selected issues related to the relates to the selected relates to the selected relates to the selected the selected organisation. In-depth

HRM7053 – IMBA FT Stage 1 ‘Strategic HRM’ – September start - Page: 6 of 7 – August 2021
organisation. Failed to selected organisation. organisation. Basic organisation. Some organisation. Critically and in- critical evaluation. Evidence from
ensure work is current by Failed to evaluate but evaluation. Some currency evaluation. Evidence that depth evaluation. Work will be very recent cases or research.
researching recent only described some in the work by research. work is current by research. very current and up-to-date as Detailed supporting evidence of
cases. Very little issues. Not current by Some evidence of team Good evidence of team evidenced by their use of effective team working. Excellent
evidence of team research. Little evidence working and supporting working and supporting recent cases and research. explanations.
working and no of team working and evidence. evidence. Detailed supporting evidence
supporting evidence. little supporting of team working. Provided
evidence. good explanations.
Prove your ability to collaborate with diverse teams in order to meet organisational objectives and performance goals.
Criterion 4

Depending on the level of contribution of the student, the final mark of component 1 will either keep the full score or be reduced up to 10%
In case the student has not contributed to the team at all, then all marks from component 1 will be removed.

Critically reflect on the skills and knowledge acquired in the module as an aspiring manager in contemporary management or HR function and on the experience you had in working with a
Criterion 5 diverse work team to complete tasks of your module
Mark: Failed to provide a Some very basic Some critical reflection Good critical reflection on Detailed critical reflection on Comprehensive critical reflection on
critical reflection. Stated reflection - may not be with - much being the skills and knowledge the skills and knowledge the skills and knowledge acquired
in general terms. Lack of critical. Generalisations descriptive. Some acquired and how these acquired and how these could and how these could be applied in
evidence of learning on without specific generalisations. Some could be used in a be applied in the the contemporary organisation. Very
the module and/or reference. Little critical reflection on the contemporary role. Good contemporary organisation. good, detailed and comprehensive
reflection on the evidence of reflection on team working experience. critical reflection on the team Good and detailed critical critical reflection on the experience
experience of working in team working. Some discussion on the working experience. reflection on the experience of of working within a team with
the team or any lessons challenges and Critically reflected on role working within a team with detailed analysis of the challenges
drawn. opportunities encountered. and contribution to the group detailed analysis of the and opportunities. Very detailed
activities and critically challenges and opportunities critical reflection on role and
reflected the performance encountered. Detailed critical contribution made and critical
and functioning of the team. reflection on role and reflection on how the team
contribution made. performed and functioned, and
lessons drawn from those

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