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Renewable Energy 154 (2020) 1e10

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Hydroelectricity consumption forecast for Pakistan using ARIMA

modeling and supply-demand analysis for the year 2030
Rehan Jamil
Department of Building Engineering, College of Architecture & Planning, Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, P. O. Box 1982, Dammam, 31441, Saudi

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The amount of electricity generation and its availability to the residents of a country reflects its level of
Received 26 April 2019 development and economic condition. Water being one of the cheapest and renewable sources of energy,
Received in revised form is being used to produce one-quarter of the total electricity production in Pakistan. This article presents a
12 February 2020
forecasting study of hydroelectricity consumption in Pakistan based on the historical data of past 53
Accepted 28 February 2020
Available online 4 March 2020
years using Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving-Average (ARIMA) modeling. Based on the developed
forecasting equation, the hydroelectricity consumption was predicted up to the year 2030. For validating
the reliability of the forecasted data, the results were compared to the actual values which showed good
Hydroelectricity consumption
fit with minimum deviation. The forecasted values of hydroelectricity consumption revealed an average
ARIMA model annual increment of 1.65% with a cumulative increase of 23.4% up to the year 2030. The results were
Time series forecasting compared with the hydroelectricity generation plans of the Government of Pakistan for its effectiveness.
Hydropower A sensitivity analysis was also performed to study the relation of hydroelectricity consumption to the
Renewable energy annual population and GDP growth rate of the country. The research shall significantly prove to be useful
Pakistan in better planning and management of water resources of Pakistan for future.
© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction having the steep topography, constitutes the major hydroelectricity

resources of Pakistan. The country has over half its population in
Electricity production is the essential part of a country’s eco- rural areas which do not have sufficient electricity available to them
nomic development and growth which further affects the various [2]. However, big steps are being taken by the government to
social issues including environment, standard of living of people overcome this shortage of production by accelerating the con-
and overall society, either in a positive or negative way which is struction of all type of electricity production units to somehow
based on the volume of electricity production as compared to its meet the demands of future. Currently Pakistan is producing
consumption. around 57% of its electricity by using petrochemicals including oil
Pakistan is a beautiful country located in South of Asia and and gas, as compared to the relatively cheaper means of hydro-
contains varying geographical features including rivers, deserts all electricity which stands around 25% of the total electricity being
over its land. Geographically Pakistan can be divided into three produced in the country to meet the demand as shown in Fig. 1.
major areas namely Northern highlands, Indus River plain and With the increase in population with time, the demand of the
Baluchistan plateau [1]. Northern Highlands consists of Hindu electricity shall also increase and due to unstable economic con-
Kush, Karakoram and Himalayan mountain ranges which also in- dition of the country, Pakistan cannot keep relying on thermal
cludes famous high peaks; K2 and Nanga Parbat. Northern part of means of electricity due to its high production cost. Moreover, the
the country covers most of the areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK), higher rate of consumption of non-renewable resources has major
Azad Jammu & Kashmir (AJ&K) and upper Punjab areas. Pakistan environmental impacts on air quality and climate which cannot be
receives sufficient precipitation during the year which runs neglected [3]. Pakistan has to develop cheap but high amount of
through its five major and various minor rivers. Northern area, electricity generating units to cope up with the probable increased
demand of electricity. A hydroelectricity generating plant has a lot
of benefits over other means of electricity production. In addition to
using a renewable source, the electricity plants operating with
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0960-1481/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 R. Jamil / Renewable Energy 154 (2020) 1e10

performed a hydropower consumption forecasting for China but

used a seasonal decomposition approach by using vector
regression technique. They proved that the method used by them
was reliable for time series forecasting. A similar research was
done by Yuan et al. [13] by using ARIMA and GM models for
China. The focus of their study was to forecast the primary total
energy consumption for the country. Cassiano et al. [14] pro-
posed an ARIMA model by integrating hierarchical clustering
associated PCA for forecasting the effluent flow in a hydroelectric
plant located in Brazil. Perwez et al. [15] used LEAP model and
Hussain et al. [16] used ARIMA modeling to forecast the demand
of total electricity consumption in Pakistan. The research done by
Fig. 1. Contribution of energy resources in total electricity production in Pakistan [2]. them is found to be elaborative as they analyzed the electricity
consumption by categorizing the buildings into domestic and
commercial areas but hydroelectricity was not the focus of their
water have low operating costs, they have longer life span and
research and overall electricity consumption data was used.
provides full control on variation in power generation to match the
Abundant of study is available on the prospects of use of
varying demand [4].
renewable sources for the production of electricity in Pakistan. Asif
The approximate hydroelectricity generation potential in
[17], Rafique and Rehman [18]. discussed the possibility of using
Pakistan was first estimated to be 42 GW in 2004 but due to
solar and biogas energy for fulfilling the demand of total electricity.
identification of new potential sites the figure rose up to 60 GW in
Sheikh [19] discussed the use of wind potential as a source of
2011 [5], but out of this, the existing installed capacity of hydro-
electricity. He also presented the solar and wind maps along with
electricity generation is only 8.2 GW which is 14% of the available
the identification of hot water spring sites for the use of geothermal
potential as shown in Table 1. The table shows that the major hy-
energy. In another work [20], he suggested the ways for effective
droelectricity dams were constructed in 1976 and earlier and
planning and exploitation of renewable energy resources of
despite having potential, no major dam has been constructed later
Pakistan. Various other researchers [21e24] provided a compre-
due to financial issues of the country. The literature review also
hensive overview of the electricity production by various means in
shows that the emphasis on water resources management was
the country and also suggested the possibilities of overcoming the
more during the late 1960s only [6]. But, there is still a huge margin
crisis by using renewable energy sources. Zafaer et al. [25] have
between the installed capacity and available potential of hydro-
reported the shortcomings in the renewable energy policy of the
electricity, which shall be filled to use the available water to its
country by comparing the same with some of the developed
optimum potential. With depleting water storage capacities due to
sedimentation [7] and high rate of evaporations and melting of
After going through the literature, it was found that all of the
glaciers, Pakistan needs to put into effect solid measures to
researchers either studied about the renewable energy sources as a
construct new dams which shall help in increasing the water
whole, or forecasted the total electricity demand of the country, but
storage capacities along with increase in hydroelectricity produc-
no study has discussed specifically water as the source of electricity
tion. For this purpose, proper planning and management is
and no forecast for the increase in consumption of the hydroelec-
required which should be based on the future demand and for that,
tricity for future years for Pakistan is available. Hence, it was found
forecasting analysis is must.
necessary to have such a research available in hand covering the
Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving-Average (ARIMA)
current situation of hydroelectricity production and consumption
modeling for the analysis of time series and forecasting based on
in the country and also should forecast the consumption for future
historical data is found to be one of the most worked upon
planning. This article discusses the increase in the hydroelectricity
techniques by the researchers mainly due to its reliability for
consumption in Pakistan based on the actual historical data. The
such type of data [8]. El-Desouky and El-Kateb [9] performed
hydroelectricity consumption has been forecasted as a time series
ANN and ARIMA modeling for forecasting of electric load for the
up to the year 2030 by using univariate ARIMA modeling technique.
Jeddah city in Saudi Arabia. They used both techniques in order
A sensitivity analysis is performed to study the probable effect of
to reduce the errors in the forecasting and concluded that both
annual GDP and population growth on hydroelectricity consump-
the techniques show smaller errors. Erdogdu [10] used ARIMA
tion. Also the forecasted results are compared with the current
modeling technique to analyze the electricity demand using
energy production plan of the Government of Pakistan. This
cointegration for Turkey. He also validated the results which
research, sufficiently fills the scientific study gap and would prove
proved to be matching with the actual data with very less
to be beneficial for the better planning and management of avail-
tolerance value. A similar study for Turkey done by Ediger and
able water resources for the upcoming years and specifically up to
Akar [11] shows the use of ARIMA modeling for forecasting the
the year 2030.
consumption of primary energy demand. Wang et al. [12]

Table 1
Existing installed capacity of major hydroelectricity plants in Pakistan [39].

Name Installed Capacity (MW) Location Constructed Construction Type

Tarbela 3,478 KPK 1976 Embankment Dam

Ghazi-Barotha 1,450 Punjab 2002 Run-of-the-River
Mangla 1,000 AJ&K 1965 Embankment Dam
Neelum-Jhelum 969 AJ&K 2018 Run-of-the-River
Warsak 243 KPK 1960 Concrete Gravity Dam
Chashma 184 Punjab 2001 Run-of-the-River
Other Small Units 675 Misc. e e
R. Jamil / Renewable Energy 154 (2020) 1e10 3

2. Methodology of analysis [27]. Both of these conditions are fulfilled for this research and the
data is made eligible to be tested by using this method.
The data used for forecasting of hydroelectricity consumption in A typical ARIMA model is said to have the format of ARIMA (p, d,
Pakistan is obtained from the website of BP Public Limited Com- q), where p is the Auto-Regressive term, d is the order of differ-
pany, based in United Kingdom which is related with oil and energy encing required for the data to make it stationary and q is the
[40]. BP has expertise in exploration, extraction and production of Moving-Average term. Although this model is quite complicated
renewable and non-renewable energy resources and related works. but Box and Jenkins presented a comprehensive stepwise approach
Besides this, the company maintains a comprehensive record of for analysis and forecasting of a time series by using ARIMA models
statistics for energy production by various means and its con- in 1976. Their methodology became so popular that the ARIMA
sumption by countries around the world. The data is available for models are very often called as Box-Jenkins models.
download at no cost for the purpose of study and research. The The time series forecasting by using ARIMA models can be
hydroelectricity consumption data is available in Terawatt Hours performed in four basic steps namely, Identification, Estimation,
(TWh) units of measurement which ranges from 1965 to 2017, Diagnosis and Forecasting [28,29]. The whole process of Box-
considerably a good span of 53 years. The descriptive statistics of Jenkins methodology used in the research is shown as a flow
the data shows an increasing trend in hydroelectricity consumption chart in Fig. 2. Before the data is put into the Identification stage, it
with a minimum value of 5.78 TWh in 1965 and a maximum value is necessary to check the stationarity of the data. To check the
of 94.69 TWh happening in 2017. The mean of the data is found to stationarity of the data, unit root test is performed for the time
be 46.36 TWh/year with a standard deviation of 27.89 TWh. The series. The unit root test regresses the time series yt on its lagged
annual GDP and population growth rates of Pakistan for the same value yt-1 [10] and the results of this test show the nature of the
span of time are obtained from the official website of World Bank data in terms of stationarity.
[26] to perform sensitivity analysis. Statistical package EViews 10 is If the data is non-stationary, the estimation cannot be per-
used to execute all the statistical analysis for this research. formed and there is a need to differentiate the data repeatedly till it
becomes stationary. The number of times the data is differenced for
2.1. Time series analysis and ARIMA modeling its stationarity defines the order of differencing, d, of the ARIMA
model. Many types of unit root tests are found in the literature
A time series can be defined as a variable that is observed including Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test [30], Philips-Perron
repeatedly after a specified duration of time. The duration of test [31], Levin-Lin-Chu test [32], Breitung test [33], Im-Pesaran-
measurement could be as short as a fraction of second and could be Shin test [34] etc. However, ADF unit root test is used for the
as long as the years. The variable may show a single upward or research which is best suited for large samples given by the
downward trend or it could consist of multitrending structure over following regression equation [29].
the recorded period of time. The process of measuring the trend
and internal statistical structure of the time series is often termed X

as time series analysis. This process includes various statistical Dyt ¼ ayt1 þ dx’t þ bi Dyti þ εt (1)
testing and calculations.
Many researchers around the world have used various types of
where Dyt is the first difference operator of the given time series, yt-
time series analysis techniques for forecasting as discussed in
1 is the lagged value, a and d are the parameters to be estimated, xt
Section 1. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is quite common among
is the optional regressor which may consist of a constant and εt is
them which is based on machine learning approach and it is mostly
the white noise error term.
used to define a trend in the a time series data. Long-range Energy
The ADF test builds a parametric correction for higher-order
Alternatives Planning (LEAP) model is used for energy policy
correlation by supposing that the y series follows an auto-
analysis and climate change assessment. Grey Model (GM) is used
regressive process and adding p lagged difference terms of the
for forecasting when there are monotonous type of processes
dependent variable y to the test regression. This improved speci-
involved in a data but in this type of a model all the values are
fication is then used to test the hypothesis using the t-ratio.
assumed to be positive. Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving-
The total data used in this research is spread over 53 years which
Average (ARIMA) method has also become one of the most
is transformed to stationary nature. After differencing the data, to
important tool during the last decade for forecasting due to its wide
make it stationary, it remained at 52 which is well above the
range of applicability and flexibility of use. It is the combination of
requirement of minimum sample size, hence satisfying both con-
two individual statistical processes namely Auto-Regression and
ditions of ARIMA modeling.
Moving-Average techniques with an addition of Integrative mod-
ule. Although the above-mentioned methods have their own ad-
vantages over one another but on the other hand each model has
few limitations as well. A univariate ARIMA modeling technique is 2.1.1. Identification of ARIMA model
used for forecasting in this research due to the fact that it has In the first step of ARIMA modeling by using Box-Jenkins
proven to be good and reliable in forecasting a value based on its approach, the number of significant lags are observed from the
historic observations and it does not require any additional vari- correlogram of the stationary time series data. A correlogram
ables. Besides its flexibility of use, ARIMA modeling methodology shows the autocorrelation (ACF) and partial autocorrelation func-
also has a few limitations. One of those being that this method is tions (PACF) in the graphical and numerical form. These functions
appropriate only for a time series that is stationary in nature. A describe the pattern of temporal dependence in the time series data
series is said to be stationary when the autocovariance and mean of [35]. Both columns of ACF and PACF are studied and the number of
the series are independent of time and also it shows that there is no lags which are found significant, either beyond or very close to the
significant autocorrelation existing between the data points. Hence range of 95% confidence interval. The sequential number of sig-
the data is must to be transformed to a stationary nature before it is nificant lags shown by PACF gives the AR term, p, and the same
put to test. Another important limitation is the minimum sample shown by ACF gives the MA term, q, of the ARIMA model. The ACF is
size which is required to perform ARIMA modeling for better and the linear correlation between observations k time lags separately
reliable results. The minimum sample size is recommended as 50 of a time series Y and it is estimated by the following equation.
4 R. Jamil / Renewable Energy 154 (2020) 1e10

Fig. 2. Box-Jenkins methodology for ARIMA modeling (developed by Author).

8 t1 k¼1
< Xk1
∅k ¼ tk  ∅k1; j tkj (3)
> j¼1
: Xk1
P 1 ∅k1; j tkj
t¼kþ1 ðYt  YÞðYtk  YÞ j¼1
tk ¼ PT 2
t¼1 ðYt  YÞ where tk is the autocorrelation estimated at lag k and t1 depicts the
value of ACF at first lag when k ¼ 1.
where Y is the sample mean of Y, T is the number of observations
and k show the number of lags. The PACF of a series measures the
correlation of Y values that are k periods apart after removing the 2.1.2. Estimation
correlation from the superseding lag. The PACF is measured by After the significant lags have been identified, the tentative
using the following algorithm. ARIMA (p, d, q) models are prepared and equations are developed
R. Jamil / Renewable Energy 154 (2020) 1e10 5

for the process of estimation. Various tentative ARIMA models can

be developed for testing and the one found to be more appropriate l k log T
SBIC ¼  2 þ (8)
can be selected for further process of diagnosis. The measure of the T T
fitness of the model is based on few criteria. A model is said to be a
where l is the log-likelihood given by Equation (7), T is the number
best fit or most appropriate model if it has most number of sig-
of observations and k is the number of right-hand side regressors.
nificant coefficients, its variance is lowest, it has highest adjusted R2
value and lowest AIC and SBIC values out of all the estimated
tentative ARIMA models. All these parameters for model selection 2.1.3. Diagnosis
are discussed below. The tentative model qualifying all the criteria mentioned in
The number of significant coefficients is the most important estimation process is said to be the appropriate model and can be
criterion to be considered for selection of an appropriate model. A put to further test of diagnosis. During this process the residuals of
model having no significant coefficients can be eliminated because the estimated models are studied to check for the white noise. In
its coefficients are not contributing to the fitness of model to the few situations, the residuals may contain any leftover information
actual data. To determine if each coefficient is statistically signifi- which needs to be included in the model making it a more of a
cant, its p-value is observed. A significance level of 5% is considered complex nature. This is suggested by the correlogram of the re-
for the research i.e. a ¼ 0:05: Hence if p-value  a, the coefficient is siduals. If the correlogram is found to be flat, it means that the
considered to be significant and if otherwise it is not statistically selected model is already good for forecasting, but if there is any
significant. A model having highest number of significant co- significant ACF and PACF value in the residuals, that specific lag
efficients qualifies for further parametric analysis. must be included in the ARIMA model as an additional term and
Variance (s2) of the model is the second parameter to be estimation is required to be performed again followed by a repet-
checked. It is the measure of the dispersion of the data around its itive diagnosis check. The process is repeated till the time a flat
mean value. The lower the variance, better is the model. A poorly correlogram of residuals is obtained as mentioned in Fig. 2.
fitting model has higher variance which shows that the individual
data values are too far from their mean value. The variance can be 2.1.4. Forecasting
calculated by the following relation. When the model has been properly examined for its fitness, it
can be processed further for forecasting the time series. In this
stage the future values of the time series are predicted by the model
ε’ b
s2 ¼ (4) based on the final ARIMA model produced during the estimation
T k
stage. The general form of the forecast equation for ARIMA (p, d, q)
where b ε’ b
ε is the sum of squared residuals, T is the number of ob- model can be written as follows.
servations and k is the number of right-hand side regressors.
p X
Another important parameter to be considered is the coefficient yt ¼ c þ fi yti þ qj εtj þ εt (9)
of determination (R2) which measures the quality of the regression i¼1 j¼1
analysis based on its predicted values of dependent variables. In
some cases this parameter does not show the good value if more In this equation first term c, on right-hand side of the equation,
regressors are added in the time series. Hence adjusted R2 is is the constant representing the intercept, fi and yt-i are the pa-
introduced to remove this effect as it does not depend upon the rameters and regressors for AR part of the model, while qj and εt-j
number of additional regressors [29]. The adjusted R2 can never be are the parameters and regressors of the MA part of the model
larger than the actual R2 and its negative value shows a poorly fit respectively, whereas εt represents the white noise error term in
model. The adjusted R2 is given by the following equation. the model calculation.

 T  1 2.2. Sensitivity analysis

R2 ¼ 1  1  R2 (5)
T k
An important test of statistical modeling related to forecasting is
The third important parameter is the Akaike Information Cri- the sensitivity analysis which defines the temporal relation of an
terion (AIC) value. This value is used in model selection procedure output when other related parameters are fluctuating with time. It
when there are non-nested alternatives in the series. Smaller is the also provides the outcomes for uncertainty of situations to foresee
AIC, more it is preferred. It is computed by the following equation. its effects on the results obtained through a statistical model [36].
A multivariate time series analysis which involves more than
l k two parameters becomes sensitive and results in less accurate
AIC ¼  2 þ2 (6) outcomes as it produces more white noise in the forecast model.
Hence, a univariate ARIMA modeling method is used in the
where l is the log-likelihood which is given by the following research involving only one dependent variable which is the hy-
equation. droelectricity consumption for the case. To study the combined
effect of other relevant parameters, another multivariate statistical
Th b ε i
ε’ b model is developed by using Multiple Linear Regression (MLR)
l¼ 1 þ log 2 p þ log (7) analysis. Two additional parameters are selected to be studied for
2 T
any possible effect on the forecast model which are the annual GDP
where l is the log-likelihood, b
ε’ b
ε is the sum of squared residuals and population growth rates. The past 53 years data for these two
and T is the number of observations. The last parameter to be parameters as obtained from the official website of The World Bank
considered for model selection is Schwarz-Bayesian Information is shown in Fig. 3. The annual GDP growth rate is found to be
Criterion (SBIC). This value also helps in determining the appro- fluctuating a lot along these years however, on the other hand, the
priate length of the distributed lag. Just like the AIC, the smaller annual population growth rate shows a mild sloped graph. The
value of SBIC is preferred in analysis. It can be calculated by using mean annual rate of GDP and population growth rates are found to
the following equation. be 5.2% and 2.7% respectively.
6 R. Jamil / Renewable Energy 154 (2020) 1e10

correlogram at level, shown in Fig. 4, was developed for the raw

data to study the nature of the data in terms of stationarity. A
correlogram shows the plots of ACF and PACF against a specified lag
length. 24 lags were used for the current data. It can be seen that
the ACF starts at 0.942 and decreases gradually till it reaches almost
zero around lag 19, after which it becomes negative. Moreover, the
values are outside the confidence interval of 95% up to 13 lags. On
the other hand, the PACF is maximum at first lag with a value of
0.942 but suddenly drops showing no pattern at all.
The correlogram clearly depicts that the data is non-stationary
in nature in its raw form and needs to be differenced because
forecasting cannot be performed on a non-stationary data. To
validate this observation, ADF test was performed on the raw data.
The probability value of 0.965, being greater than 0.05, also con-
firms the non-stationarity of the data.
Fig. 3. Annual Growth Percentage of GDP and Population of Pakistan for the year Table 2 shows the statistical hypothesis results obtained by
1965e2017 [26]. performing ADF Test on EViews 10. The hypothesis test was based
on the null hypothesis that the time series data of hydroelectricity
consumption has a unit root.
The general form of MLR model for this research is shown below. To make the time series stationary, 1st difference of the data was
calculated and correlogram was observed which is shown as Fig. 5.
CH ¼ bo þ b1 GDP þ b2 P (10)
The correlogram at 1st difference shows a patternless diagrams for
where CH is the estimated hydroelectricity consumption, bo is the y- ACF and PACF, which indicates that the data has become stationary.
intercept of the regression line and b1 - b2 are the coefficients of the ADF test was performed again for the differenced data and the
annual growth rates of GDP and population, whose values are probability value was found to be dropped to zero (a < 0.05),
determined by regression analysis. confirming that the series has become stationary.
Various values of GDP and population growth are assumed to
create different scenarios to notice the effect on hydroelectricity 3.2. ARIMA modeling and hydroelectricity consumption forecasting
consumption during the sensitivity analysis. The resulting regres-
sion equation gives an estimated value of hydroelectricity con- The first step in ARIMA modeling is the identification of those
sumption for a specific value of GDP and population growth, for lags which are significant. In Fig. 5 it can be observed that the ACF
each scenario. and PACF coefficients at lag 7 and 9 are out of the range of confi-
dence interval of 95% as their bars extend beyond the dotted lines.
In addition to this, lag 19 in PACF also shows significant value and is
3. Results & discussion
very close to the margin of confidence interval, though it is not
beyond the dotted lines but yet shall be included in the modeling to
3.1. Unit root test for stationarity
avoid any possible error. Based on this information obtained from
the correlogram, nine different ARIMA models were prepared to be
The available data was put to analysis in EViews 10. The
estimated. As ARIMA model has a general form of ARIMA (p, d, q),
where d shows the number of times the data has been differenced
which in this case is 1. Hence the nine models can be listed as
ARIMA (7, 1, 7), (7, 1, 9), (1, 1, 19) based on lag no. 7, then ARIMA (9, 1,
7), (9, 1, 9), (9, 1, 19) based on lag no. 9 and similarly based on lag no.
19, ARIMA (19, 1, 7), (19, 1, 9) and (19, 1, 19).
These identified ARIMA models were put to test for estimation.
The results of the estimates obtained from EViews 10 are shown in
Table 3.
Out of the nine tentative models put to estimation, two ARIMA
models had most number of significant coefficients namely ARIMA
(7, 1, 9) and ARIMA (9, 1, 7). However by observing other parame-
ters, the latter was found to be the most appropriate model for
having lowest variance, AIC and SBIC values and highest adjusted R2
ARIMA (9, 1, 7) was put to residuals diagnostics check. For a
model to be used for forecasting the residuals of the model shall lie
within the confidence interval of 95% or in other words the residual
diagram must be flat. The correlogram of residuals was prepared for
the estimated ARIMA (9, 1, 7) and it was found that lag no. 19 still
showed some significance. This shows that there was some infor-
mation in that lags which was left to be captured in the model.
Based on this observation the selected ARIMA model was adjusted
and two new models were prepared for repeated estimation pro-
cess. The results of the adjusted ARIMA models are shown in
Table 4. By looking at the results and applying the same criteria to
Fig. 4. The correlogram of hydroelectricity consumption data for Pakistan 1965e2017. select the most appropriate models out of the adjusted ARIMA
R. Jamil / Renewable Energy 154 (2020) 1e10 7

Table 2
ADF test results for statistical hypothesis.

Variable Hydroelectricity Consumption 1965e2017 Hydroelectricity Consumption 1965e2017

Data Form Raw Data (At Level) 1st Difference

T-Statistic 0.1324 6.2718
Critical Test Value at 5% Significance Level 2.9188 2.9199
Probability 0.9653 0.0000
Hypothesis Result Do Not Reject the Null Hypothesis Reject the Null Hypothesis
Concluded Nature of Data Non-Stationary Stationary

Fig. 5. The correlogram of the differenced hydroelectricity consumption data. Fig. 6. The correlogram of the residuals for selected ARIMA model.

Table 3
Results of tentative ARIMA models showing comparison of parameters.

Sr. No. ARIMA Model No. of Significant Coefficients Variance (s2) Adjusted R2 AIC Value SBIC Value

1 (7, 1, 7) 0 9.171709 0.050226 5.223053 5.373148

2 (7, 1, 9) 2 7.713225 0.201259 5.079371 5.229467
3 (7, 1, 19) 0 8.452907 0.124661 5.176506 5.326602
4 (9, 1, 7) 2 7.596322 0.213365 5.066861 5.216957
5 (9, 1, 9) 0 8.749581 0.093939 5.184698 5.334794
6 (9, 1, 19) 1 7.814639 0.190757 5.121437 5.271532
7 (19, 1, 7) 0 8.405699 0.12955 5.173076 5.323172
8 (19, 1, 9) 0 7.926427 0.179181 5.134218 5.284313
9 (19, 1, 19) 0 9.870557 0.022143 5.295265 5.445361

Table 4
Results of adjusted ARIMA models showing comparison of parameters.

Sr. No. ARIMA Model No. of Significant Coefficients Variance (s2) Adjusted R2 AIC Value SBIC Value

10 (9 & 19, 1, 7) 2 6.729279 0.288325 5.034548 5.222167

11 (9, 1, 7 & 19) 2 6.389634 0.324245 5.021015 5.208635

models, model no. 11 ARIMA (9, 1, 7 & 19) comes out to be the Hence the adjusted ARIMA model (9, 1, 7 & 19) was finally
optimum model. selected for forecasting the hydroelectricity consumption for
For further investigation, the correlogram of the residuals for Pakistan up to the year 2030. After getting the results from EViews
this model was observed and it was found to be flat showing that all 10 by going through the above process the general forecasting
the required data and information has been captured in it and all equation (Eq. (9)) can now be written as follows.
lags were well within the limit of confidence interval, as shown in
Fig. 6. yt ¼ 1:696 þ 0:435 yt9  0:417 εt7  0:381 εt19 (11)
8 R. Jamil / Renewable Energy 154 (2020) 1e10

Fig. 7 shows the plot of historical and the forecasted values of

hydroelectricity consumption in Pakistan up to the year 2030 as
obtained through forecasting equation (Eq. (11)) prepared by
ARIMA modeling.

3.3. Comparison and validation of results

For validation of the developed forecasting equation, the equa-

tion was used to predict the hydroelectricity consumption for the
years 2001e2010 for which the actual data is already available. The
comparison of the values obtained from the forecast equation and
the actual data is shown in Fig. 8 graphically and in Table 5. From
the table it is clear that the predicted values are very close to the
actual values of hydroelectricity consumption for the year
2001e2010 and the difference is found to be within the range of
±1.6% with an average difference of only 1.23%. Fig. 8. Graphical comparison of actual and predicted hydroelectricity consumption for
This indicates that the forecasting model has an excellent fitting the year 2001e2010.
effect to the actual data and would show reliable results when
applied for the future. After validation of the forecasting equation,
Table 5
the future forecast values of hydroelectricity consumption in Comparison of actual and predicted values of hydroelectricity consumption for the
Pakistan for the year 2018e2030 are calculated as shown in Fig. 9. year 2001e2010.
The forecasted values show that by the end of year 2030 the hy-
Year Hydroelectricity Consumption (TWh) % Difference
droelectricity consumption would increase up to 116.87 TWh
which was at 94.69 TWh in 2017. This results in a total increase of Actual Value Predicted Value
23.4% over a span of 13 years, with an average annual increment of 2001 56.2 57.0 1.45
1.65%. 2002 61.3 62.1 1.38
2003 64.7 64.1 0.97
2004 69.0 68.4 0.85
3.4. Supply-demand analysis of hydroelectricity in Pakistan 2005 80.8 79.5 1.59
2006 79.6 78.9 0.88
2007 83.2 82.5 0.86
Keeping in view the expected increase in the demand of elec-
2008 78.5 79.7 1.49
tricity in the country with the increase in population, The Ministry 2009 74.2 75.3 1.54
of Water and Power, Government of Pakistan has a lot of hydro- 2010 77.6 78.6 1.33
power projects streamlined. These projects are either under con-
struction or ready to be constructed and would contribute to the
electricity development in the country by the year 2030. As dis- hydroelectricity consumption forecast created in the research to
cussed earlier the hydroelectricity has a major contribution in the compare with the hydroelectricity production available in the
total electricity demand and production, hence to stabilize the future. The production capacity of hydroelectricity is planned to be
demand for the future, few mega projects are included in the extended up to 25 GW by 2030 from 8.2 GW which was being
expansion plan. It becomes necessary to compare the

Fig. 7. Graph showing forecasted hydroelectricity consumption along with historical data.
R. Jamil / Renewable Energy 154 (2020) 1e10 9

Table 6
Sensitivity analysis for hydroelectricity consumption of Pakistan against annual GDP
and population growth rate.

94.69 Population Growth Rate

1.75 2 2.25 2.5 2.75 3

GDP Growth Rate 4 108.01 99.73 91.44 83.16 74.87 66.59

4.5 107.21 98.93 90.64 82.36 74.07 65.79
5 106.41 98.13 89.84 81.56 73.27 64.99
5.5 105.61 97.33 89.04 80.76 72.47 64.19
6 104.81 96.53 88.24 79.96 71.67 63.39
6.5 104.01 95.73 87.44 79.16 70.87 62.59
7 103.21 94.93 86.64 78.36 70.07 61.79
7.5 102.41 94.13 85.84 77.56 69.27 60.99

the population growth rate remains the same over time. Fig. 10
Fig. 9. Graph showing forecasted hydroelectricity consumption along with historical shows the graphical representation of the effect on the hydro-
electricity consumption caused by the variation in GDP growth rate
for a constant population growth rate of 2%.
produced at the end of year 2018 [2]. By keeping a capacity factor of
55%, as calculated for hydroelectricity plants in Pakistan [37], the 4. Applicability of presented methodology for other countries
annual hydroelectricity generation would increase from 39.5 TWh
to 120 TWh by 2030. Fig. 9 shows the comparison of the forecasted Forecasting of hydroelectricity consumption can be performed
hydroelectricity consumption by using forecasting equation ob- for other developing countries by following the similar methodol-
tained through ARIMA modeling and generation by the year 2030. ogy presented in this research. The historical data of the country
From the figure it is clear that Pakistan is currently in deficit of under study can be obtained through the sources mentioned in
hydroelectricity generation. The lag is being covered by the Inde- Section 2 or any other governing authority. For a reliable statistical
pendent Power Producers (IPPs) which have either been estab- analysis of a time series by using ARIMA method, it is recom-
lished indigenously or have been hired on rent from external mended to have a minimum sample size of 50, which means that
sources. With all the projects streamlined for future construction, the past data for at least 50 years should be obtained [27]. The four
only in the year 2030, Pakistan would be able to catch up to the major steps of Box-Jenkins methodology for ARIMA modeling
hydroelectricity demand without depending on IPPs and producing (Fig. 2) can be followed to develop the forecasting equation and
the same through hydropower plants only. Major hydroelectricity further estimation of hydroelectricity consumption in future years
projects planned to be constructed up to the year 2030 include for any country.
Diamer-Bhasha dam, Dasu dam, Suki Kanari and Karot hydropower
plant with production capacity of 4,500 MW, 4,320 MW, 870 MW 5. Conclusion
and 720 MW respectively [38]. But as mentioned by Nicholas and
Buckley [2]; huge challenges are being faced for these projects to be Considering the electricity supply and demand condition in the
implemented as planned including financial and political issues. In country, this research was taken up to study the historical and
case of any delay in any of the projects, as mentioned by Abbasi future trend of electricity consumption produced by hydropower
et al. [38]; the country would be spending money on IPPs in future plants in Pakistan. Forecasting studies hold an important signifi-
as well and it would have to rely on other means of thermal and cance in planning and managing the resources for the future. The
nuclear power which would affect the country’s economy badly. obtained historical data was put to statistical analysis and ARIMA
modeling was performed to predict the consumption of hydro-
3.5. Effect of GDP and population on hydroelectricity consumption electricity up to the year 2030 for Pakistan. The results obtained by
the developed forecasting equation through ARIMA modeling were
After performing multivariate MLR analysis, the general form of validated and found to be matching with the actual available data,
regression equation (Eq. (10)) can now be written as follows.

CH ¼ 172:4  1:6 GDP  33:14 P (12)

The developed MLR model shows statistically acceptable results.
A sensitivity analysis was performed for hydroelectricity con-
sumption against annual GDP and population growth based on Eq.
(12), as shown in Table 6. A value of 94.69 TWh was taken as base
value for the analysis corresponding to the year 2017 for which
annual growth rates of GDP and population are 5.7 and 2.07
respectively. To create various scenarios, the range for the annual
GDP growth rate was taken as 4%e7.5% and the same for the annual
population growth was allowed to be varying between 1.75% and
The analysis show convincing results. It can be seen that with
the increase in GDP growth rate the hydroelectricity consumption
decreases for a constant value of population growth. It shows that
when the GDP of a country increases, it becomes less reliant on Fig. 10. Effect of GDP growth rate on hydroelectricity consumption for a constant
hydroelectricity consumption and the value decreases even when population growth rate of 2%.
10 R. Jamil / Renewable Energy 154 (2020) 1e10

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