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Chemistry Quiz for grade 11 from unit one

Part I Multiple choice
1. Milk turns sour. This is a_________
A. Chemical change C. Chemical property
B. Physical change D. Physical property
2. Aluminum phosphate has a density of 2.56g/cm3.This is
A. Chemical change C. Physical change
B. Chemical property D. Physical property
3. Which of the following is a chemical property of iron?
A. Iron corrodes in moist air
B. The density of iron is 7.874g/cm3
C. Pure iron is soft
D. Iron melts at 1800k
4. Which of the following is a chemical property?
A. Flammability C. Boiling point
B. Melting point D. Density
5. Which of the following is NOT a fluid form of matter?
A. Solid B. Liquid C. Gases D. None
6. A form of matter has no fixed shape and no fixed volume. An example of this
form of matter is _________
A. Petrol B. Iron C. Krypton D. Steel
7. Which of the following CANNOT be matter?
A. Heat B. Air C. Paper D. Water
8. The percentage of alcohol in the beer is ____
A. Extensive physical property C. Chemical property
B. Intensive physical property D. All
9. Properties that depend on the identity of substance is __
A. Mass B. Hardness C. Extensive D. Intensive
10. _______is a branch of chemistry that would study about enzymes used in the
digestion of food.
A. Inorganic chemistry C. Biochemistry
B. Physical chemistry D. Analytical chemistry
11. _______is a branch of chemistry that that would measure the amount of energy
of an atom absorbs in nuclear reaction.
A. Physical chemistry C. Biochemistry
B. Organic chemistry D. Inorganic chemistry
12. _______is a branch of chemistry that identifies an unknown through by
determining its composition
A. Physical chemistry C. Organic chemistry
B. Analytical chemistry D. Biochemistry
13. The measure of the amount of matter in an object is called
A. Length B. Height C. Mass D. Volume
14. A graduated cylinder measures ______
A. Length B. Height C. Mass D. Volume
15. Which prefix is used to designate ?
A. m B. M C. K D. c
16. The closeness of a measurement to its true value is called__________
A. Precision B. Accuracy C. Usefulness D. Reproducibility
17. Which of the following measurements contain two significant figure?
A. 0.00400L B. 0.00404L C. 0.00044L D. 0.00440L
18. Three different students weigh a standard mass of 2.00g on the same balance.
Each student obtains a reading of 7.32g for the mass of the standard. These
results imply that the balance that was used is _________
A. Accurate B. Precise C. Accurate and precise D. None
19. In the measurement 0.503L , which digit is estimated digit?
A. 5 B. The second zero C. 3 D. The first zero
20. What is the measurement 111.009mm rounded off to four significant figure
A. 111mm B. 111.0mm C. 111.01mm D. 110mm
21. 284.4nm is _____________cm?
A. 2.844cm B. 28440cm C. 2.844 10-5cm D. 2.844 10-9cm
22. 2 liters=_____deciliters
A. 20 B. 40 C. 200 D. 0.2
23. 3.2 104 L ________Ml
A. 32 B. 3.2 106 C. 3.2 103 D. 320
24. If the range of measurement is narrow but far from the true value is _____
A. Accurate B. Not accurate C. Precise D. Imprecise
25. Hypotheses are best described as ________
A. Confirmation B. Replication C. Prediction D. Assumption
26. Resolution is the same as _________
A. Reliability B. Accuracy C. Precision D. Quantity
27. Testing hypothesis often involves __________
A. Answer B. Experiment C. Problem D. All
28. Observation made during an experiment are _________
A. Data B. Problem C. Conclusion D. Question
29. Which of the following are examples of dressing appropriately in the laboratory
A. Pulling long hair back C. Leaving long hair down
B. Wearing sandals D. All
30. All of the following are examples of unit except,
A. Teaspoon B. Gram C. Weight D. Kilometer
31. The relationship between mass, volume and density is ______
A. V=md B. d=mv C. m= dv D= d+v
Part II Work out
32. The true mass of an aspirin tablet is 0.37g. Three students are asked to
determine the mass of the tablet. Each student weighs the tablet three times.
Trial Student A Student B Student C
1 0.335g 0.357g 0.369g
2 0.331g 0.375g 0.373g
3 0.333g 0.338g 0.371g
I. What type of error prevails in the measurement of student A,B and C?
II. Calculate average deviation for each student?
III. Which student was most precise?
IV. Which student was most accurate?
V. Calculate the percent error for measurements made by student A, B and C?
33. Calculate the following to the correct number of significant figures
I. 121.2 +1.21+0.1234
II. 2.39-0.2345

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