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Process of Integration in the World

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  Integration between people, businesses, and governments is referred to as

globalization. Let's first define the term "globalization," which is used to refer to an

observable fact as a phenomenon. There are many definitions of globalization,

depending on factors like political, economic, cultural, and subject matter specialists and

renowned authors. 

  The significance of the globalization process is it is both difficult and beneficial

for the economy. Let us describe globalization based on political experts, who believe

that it poses a threat to nation states due to the growth of corporations, global

governance, and other international rules. According to economists, globalization is a

result of fast trade speeds, free trade, trade blocs, and other factors that may lead to

more trade between countries due to low commodity prices. Toblerone chocolate, for

example, is a Swiss product that is exported to nearly 120 countries. As a result of

globalization, it is traded here in the Philippines to sell this good or product, which is

known as imported products. According to a culture specialist, globalization shrinks the

world, leads to cultural imperialism, the embrace of foreign cultures, and even produces

a world without boundaries. According to Waters (2001), It is a social process that

creates, multiplied, and intensifies worldwide interdependence. Countries will spread

their exported goods and import goods from various countries as a result of this. 

Three things continue to perplex me, I find it difficult to synthesize all of the

different definitions of globalization into a single statement because there are so many

of them, even though they are all valid. The second is that having this

interconnectedness or connectivity with one another means that, for instance, Jollibee is

not originally from the Philippines, but due to globalization, it is now possible to have a

Jollibee franchise in our country. This could have a positive impact because we can try

to import products from other countries, but it could also have a negative impact if we

have more imported than exported goods, which leaves me confused about how to

achieve balanced economic growth. The decisive point I want to make clear is that

although political, economic, and cultural connections are strong, globalization

nevertheless has both beneficial and harmful effects. 

There are ideas I formerly had regarding the matter is that interdependence

between nations in several spheres of society facilitates cooperation and the possibility

of connecting various nations. Along with that, one of the signs of globalization is the

growth of science and technology. For instance, Japan is more advanced than the

Philippines if you compare the two countries. Despite this beneficial effect, there are

drawbacks as well, such as environmental problems like global warming, pollution, and

many other things. Also one of the reasons for globalization is the rapid shrinking of

time and distance across the globe. For example, when our ancestors traded their

goods with other countries, it took days or even months to arrive, but due to

globalization, having an airline or a good cruise reduced the time it took the traders to

reach their destination. 

On behalf of that, there are also vague areas that I want more explanations about

such as; is there an action to preclude some countries from exploiting developing

countries? Because developed countries know that they need their goods, they maintain

high tariffs or taxes, making it difficult for developing countries to become developed.

Second, how can the threat of globalization to livelihoods and culture be mitigated?

Since we all know that cultural adaptation can have an impact on norms and other

livelihoods. After reading the Globalization MRR1 Article, I used to wonder if it was

feasible for there to be a third wave of globalization after such a severe crisis that it

would have structural impacts on the world system. Even though it is said that this type

of analysis only serves as a critical assessment and does not employ statistical tools. 

Globalization is a historical phenomenon that has occurred in the past and

continues to occur in the present, and whether it has a positive or negative impact

depends on whose point of view. Therefore, even if definitions and measures of

globalization are provided, they are all interdisciplinary, and accompanied by an

overview of its historical and current developments. It is the result of human ingenuity

and technological advancement, which can have both positive and negative effects on

our society, but in the long run, every nation will benefit from globalization. 

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