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 Sense of power and responsibility

 Control and harmony
Control in the workplace is when the management ensures that the task and activities in an
organization are done according to the plan. It is also about making sure that the organization
resources are used efficiently and effectively in order to achieve predetermined goals while
harmony is about the unity of every person in an organization. It is when the workplace is
peaceful, and everything goes right because everyone agrees on each other.

Example: Lea, a manager of a clothing store in Quezon City always monitors her staffs regarding their
sales effort and makes sure that they are courteous and helpful to the customer of their store. She also
ensures that the assigned employee in the inventory keeps it accurate. They also use email lists and
phone numbers to get in touch with the customers after a purchase to determine satisfaction and drive
future sales.

Employees of McDonalds Pasig are very close with each other and always perform well in their job
because they have a harmonious working environment. Everyone is given a chance to express their ideas
and opinions in a particular work matter. Respect can also be seen in them and the manager always
initiates a conversation if there is a problem so that workplace drams can be avoided.

 Time management approaches

 Monochronic and polychronic
Monochronic individuals value time. They want to finish one task at a time. In their time culture,
time seen a valuable thing that should not be wasted. They do one task at a time and make sure
that it is well-managed. These persons schedule their task in an orderly manner. Polychronic
people work on several task on the same time. Multitasking is their thing.

Example: Mico, a Filipino employee always sets a schedule of his tasks in the workplace. He always
finishes one task at a time because he doesn’t want to make his work heavy. He always uses his time
effectively because he hates it when his tasks get too many.

A Filipino employee who works at a restaurant counter can talk to three (3) customers at the same time
while. He can split his attention to these three customers, and he believes that it makes his work faster.

 Definitions of identity and purpose

 Individualistic and collectivistic
Individualistic are those people who tend to stress on the needs of themselves first over the
needs of the group or as a whole. They are autonomous and independent. These people tend to
be self-reliant and put emphasis on being unique and standing out. Collectivistic are people who
are emphasizes the need of a group over the needs and desires of each individual. Here, they
promote selflessness and puts the group’s sake first. It is important for them to put a greater
emphasis on common goals rather than individual pursuit.

Example: Steph, a Filipino employee who works at an office is more comfortable on accomplishing a
task on her own. Working alone is more okay with here. She prefers to make decisions on her own and
excel in her responsibilities in the workplace.

Nestle Philippines portrays collectivism in the workplace as their managers often give activities and tasks
to their employees in groups. They believe that working together can create more good results in the
company. For them, working in a group can build creativity, innovation, and motivation.

 Organizational arrangements
 Hierarchy and equality
Hierarchy in the workplace simply refers to the organizational arrangement of individual deals with dividing and grouping the employees into departments and functions. The
chain of command can be shown in a hierarch as well as the channel for the communication of
authority from higher to lower levels, and the delegation of responsibilities. Equality pertains to
the equal treatment and opportunities given to each person in an organization regardless of their
position. Their differences are being accepted. It is about creating an inclusive working
environment where employees are able to feel secured and happy.

Examples: John, a hotel porter at Grand Hyatt in BGC always let their general manager to take the
elevator first even if he is the one who arrives first in the front of the elevator. He always does this
because he knows that the general manager has a higher position compared to him and he gets
uncomfortable around him.

The manager of Wow Philippines Travel Agency always interacts with his employees. He also shows
respect in everyone. This manager even treats his employees to lunch or dinner even if he knows that
they are below his level. He does this so that his subordinates will feel that they are being treated equally
and for them not to get intimidated by him.

 Notions of territories and boundaries

 Protective and sharing
Protective employees tend to be more secretive and avoid interacting with their colleagues too
often. They protect themselves by not talking about their personal life and feelings in the
workplace. They value privacy and do not like to share their things and stuffs with their co-
workers. Employees who are fond of sharing are those who are open about their personal life
because for them, it can lead to building a closer relationship with other employees. It is okay for
them to share stuffs.
Example: Alice, an office staff rarely talks with other persons in the workplace. She and her husband
often fight, and she comes at the office quiet and annoyed most of the times. Every time her colleagues
ask her what’s wrong, she will just say “nothing” because she doesn’t want to be judged.

Claire is a friendly person that is why she gets along well with every individual in their workplace. She
loves sharing stories about her and her experiences. For her, it is her way to get closer with other

 Communication patterns
 Formal and informal
The formal communication pattern can be seen in the workplace when every individual talk with
each other together with a rule of protocols when communicating. Informal is when there is no
rule or protocol t be followed. It can be spoken or written and can be conveyed through gestures
and body language.

Examples: The head chef of a restaurant always advises other chef to do their job properly in a way
that he always gathers them and talk to them formally as a way of being professional. He also maintains
eye contact when communicating with them.

There is always a group conversation happening at an office. Everyone in the group can share anything
he wants by talking in a casual or informal manner. They can also interact and understand each other
even through gesture only.

 Modes of thinking
 Deductive and inductive
Deductive is a form of logical thinking which starts with a general idea and reaches a specific
conclusion. It can be sometimes referred to as top-down thinking or moving from the general to
specific. Inductive involves creating generalizations that are based on specific situation that a
person has experienced, observations they made, or something that an individual has known to
be true or false.

Examples: Mr. Quintos, as a CEO, always thinks logically and make meaningful decisions in the
workplace. He only comes to conclusions that are based on premises assumed to be true.

Ms. Gomez only makes reasonable decisions based on the evidence. She observes first before reaching
a conclusion.

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