CM - ASS2 - Gr2 - HERIL JAIN - UG190554

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Test 1: To find the distance from first to the last brick

Test 2: Efflorescence Test

Test 3: Water Absorption test

Test 4: Compressive Test

HERIL JAIN | UG190554 1


Test: To find the distance from first to the last brick

• Aim: To determine the distance of 20 bricks by placing it once horizontally and also placing it vertically.

• Apparatus & Materials: 20 first class conventional brick and a measuring tape

• Procedure:

STEP 1: Firstly, place all the 20 bricks in a straight line in rowlock course as shown in fig.1.

STEP 2: Take a measuring tape and calculate the distance from the first brick to the end of last brick.

STEP 3: Then place all the 20 bricks in a straight line in header course as shown in fig.2.

STEP 4: Take a measuring tape and calculate the distance from the first brick to the end of last brick.

STEP 5: Then place all the 20 bricks in a straight line in stretcher course as shown in fig.3.

STEP 6: Take a measuring tape and calculate the distance from the first brick to the end of last brick.

Figure 1: Placing the brick in line in rowlock course Figure 2: Placing the brick in header course.

Figure 3: Placing the brick in line in stretcher course

HERIL JAIN | UG190554 2


• Observations/Observation Table: The length*breath*height of conventional brick used here is

230.5*108.5*77.5 mm. The following table shows the distance from one brick to the last end brick as per it’s
different courses.

Different courses Distance to distance (mm)

1. Rowlock courses 1550 mm
2. Header course 2170 mm
3. Stretcher course 4610 mm

• Calculations:

Result (from your observation):

1. Rowlock Course: The height of one brick is 77.5 mm.

So, 77.5*20= 1550 mm

2. Header Course: The header of one brick is 108.5 mm.

So, 108.5*20= 2170 mm

3. Stretcher Course: The stretcher of one brick is 230.5 mm.

So, 230,5*20= 4610 mm

HERIL JAIN | UG190554 3


Test: Efflorescence Test

• Aim: To determine the efflorescence of burnt clay building brick.

• Reference IS Code for testing: IS 3495 (Part:3), 1992

• Apparatus and Materials: A shallow level base dish containing adequate refined water to totally soak the
examples. The dish will be made of glass, porcelain, or frosted stoneware and of size 180 mm x 150 mm X 40
mm profundity for square molded and 200 mm dia X 40 mm profundity for round and hollow formed.

• Procedure:

STEP 1: Place the block in a glass square or barrel shaped dish.

STEP 2: Immerse the brick 25 mm deep in water as shown in fig.1.

STEP 3: Place the dish with the water and the brick in it in, warm temperature conditions (ideally 20° - 30°C).

STEP 4: Cover the plan to forestall unnecessary vanishing.

STEP 5: Let the plan normally evaporate and afterward rehash the interaction.

Figure 1: Immerse brick Figure 2: Place the brick

in 25 mm deep water one by one in water

HERIL JAIN | UG190554 4


• Observation:

Responsibility of blossoming will be accounted for as:

1. Nil: No salt deposit found.

2. Slight: Deposit found on under 10% of uncovered brick region.

3. Moderate: Deposit found on up to half of surface unaccompanied by powdering of surface.

4. Heavy: Deposit found on over half of surface unaccompanied by powdering of surface.

5. Serious: Heavy store joined by powdering of surface.

• Observation table:

Gr. No. Brick type Efflorescence test effect

Group 1 Conventional Brick- Class 1 <15% Moderate
Group 2 Conventional Brick- Class 2 0-10% Slight
Group 3 Exposed Brick 2-3% Very Slight
Group 4 Cement Mortar Brick 0 Nil
Group 5 Fly Ash Brick <15% Moderate
Group 6 AAC Block 0% Nil

• Specification: The test is fundamentally performed to know the Efflorescence effect and find out with
regards to the bricks that up till what time effect can be seen on this brick.

• Significance: To determine efflorescence of the brick

• Conclusion: The final average gives the overall idea about the bricks and of all brick made in machine
together by testing 5 bricks and taking average of the efflorescence effect acting on the bricks.

HERIL JAIN | UG190554 5


Test: Water Absorption test

• Aim: Determination of water absorption.

• Reference IS code for testing: IS 3495 Part 2: 1992

• Apparatus and Materials: A touchy equilibrium equipped for gauging inside 0.1 percent of mass of the block
test System.

• Procedure:

STEP 1. Immerse totally dried block in clean water for 24 hours.

STEP 2: Remove the Brick and crash water with a soggy material and gauge the block.

STEP 3: Complete the gauging 3 minutes after the block has been eliminated from water.

• Calculation: Water ingestion, percent by mass, following 24-hour inundation in cold water is given by the
accompanying equation: (M2-M1)/M1 *100, The following is the observation table at down.

• Observation Table:

Gr. No. 2 Wet weight (gm) (M2) Dry weight (gm) (M1) Water Absorption (%)
Brick 2 3395 3208 5.83
Brick 3 3535 3450 2.46
Brick 4 3375 3267 3.31
Brick 5 3420 3309 3.35
Brick 6 3505 3352 4.56
Average 3.90%

• Comparing other types of bricks:

AAC Block: 7.82%

Fly Ash: 2.208%

Exposed Brick: 6.052%

Conventional First-class brick: 5.18%

Cement mortar block: 2.673%

Conventional Second-class brick: 3.90%

HERIL JAIN | UG190554 6


• Specification: The test is essentially performed to know the maximum water absorption capacity of the brick
and find out with regards to the bricks which can tolerate its maximum absorption capacity.

• Significance: To know the water absorption capacity of brick

• Conclusion: The water absorption test gives the general thought regarding the bricks and of the all the 5
bricks are then dipped inside water.

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Test: Compressive Test

• Aim: To test the compressive test of the brick.

• Reference IS Code for testing: IS 3495, 1992

• Apparatus and Materials: A Compression testing machine, Compression plate.

• Procedure:
STEP 1: Preconditioning: Eliminating lopsidedness in the bed countenances to give two smooth and equal
appearances by crushing. Fill the frog and all voids in the bed face flush with concrete mortar as shown in

STEP 2: Place the level even surface and mortar filled face up between two handle wood sheets with care to

be taken in putting midway in the compression testing machine as shown in fig.2.

STEP 3: Apply load pivotally at a uniform pace of 14 N/mm2. Each moment till disappointment happens and

note the greatest burden at which block comes up short as shown in Fig.3.

Figure 1: peconditioning or leveling the surface of brick

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Figure 2: Compression test machine figure 3: Final Outcome

Observation/ observation table:

When the maximum load is given on the brick, it starts cracking. Then the brick fails and the test stops and the final
reading of the compressive strength can be taken.


Compressive strength (N/mm2 ):

Kgf/cm2= Max load at failure (kgf)

Avg. area of bed faces (cm2)

Gr. No. 2 Compressive strength (N/mm2)

Brick 1 2.91 N/mm2
Brick 2 2.91 N/mm2
Brick 3 2.9 N/mm2
Brick 4 2.11 N/mm2
Brick 5 2.51 N/mm2
Average Compressive strength 2.688 N/mm2

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• Comparing other types of bricks:

AAC Block: 6.325 N/mm2
Fly Ash: 9.55 N/mm2
Exposed Brick: 10.646 N/mm2
Conventional First-class brick: 8.196 N/mm2
Cement mortar block: 2.405 N/mm2
Conventional Second-class brick: 2.668 N/mm2

• Specification: The test is essentially performed to know the compressive strength of the brick and find out
with regards to the bricks which are made in amount that up to what broaden the brick can tolerate it’s
maximum compressive strength.

• Significance: To know the strength of the brick

• Conclusion: The last normal compressive strength gives the general thought regarding the bricks and of the
all brick made in machine together by testing 4-5 blocks and taking normal of the strength.

HERIL JAIN | UG190554 10

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