Reading and Writing

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“Movie theater”

The movie theater is an exciting place where

people can relax and enjoy the experience. The warm
scent of popcorn emanates throughout the cinema and a
waft of chocolate delights the air. The pitter patter of the
young children’s feet scampering about the arcade
creates a feeling of anticipation and joy before the movie
begins. Youthful couples and sleepy grandparents
saunter through the doors. As the movie begins, the soft
cushions allow tired bodies to sink in a rest. Everyone’s
mind is taken to a miniature vacation as they as they
watch the movie before them. The cinema is an
extraordinary place to spend down time.



It was year 2020 since the covid-19 declared as

a pandemic in the Philippines. I will never forget the day
where I can able free go outside and at school for having
fun and having new learnings. I was grade 9 when the
whole country went into lock down, for us to avoid from
getting sick. During the lockdown my life was full of
sorrow and hopeless. I always prayed to god in the
morning after waking up that I hope someday the whole
world will became peaceful, where we can freely go
outside without concerns of the virus. To have lockdown
I felt like in prison because I can’t able go outside, the
things that I always do during the lockdown were I
always used the internet and watched TV for having fun
because aside from that, there is nothing that gave and
made me enjoy. And, when I really bored sometimes, I
take slept all day aside doing the household chores. My
days during the pandemic is very incomplete because it
badly changed everything that I usually do in my
everyday life.


A highly contagious respiratory disease caused by the

SARS-CoV-2 virus. SARS-CoV-2 is thought to spread from
person to person through droplets released when an infected
person coughs, sneezes, or talks. It may also be spread by
touching a surface with the virus on it and then touching one’s
mouth, nose, or eyes, but this is less common. The most
common signs and symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, cough,
and trouble breathing. Fatigue, muscle pain, chills, headache,
sore throat, runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, and a loss
of taste or smell may also occur. The signs and symptoms may
be mild or severe and usually appear 2 to 14 days after exposure
to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Some people may not have any
symptoms but are still able to spread the virus. Most people with
COVID-19 recover without needing special treatment. But other
people are at higher risk of serious illness. Those at higher risk
include older adults and people with serious medical problems,
such as heart, lung, or kidney disease, diabetes, cancer, or a
weak immune system. Serious illness may include life-
threatening pneumonia and organ failure. Research is being
done to treat COVID-19 and to prevent infection with SARS-
CoV-2. Also called coronavirus disease 19.
Compare and contrast

“Elementary school and middle


Elementary school and middle school have

common traits, there are numerous differences between
the two as well. In elementary school, student usually
stay in the same classroom with one teacher for most of
the day. However, that is not the case in middle school,
where student typically different teacher for each subject.
Students there is not one classroom in which to store
supplies, middle school often provide students with
locker while elementary students store their supplies in a
desk. Although some students at the elementary level
enjoy getting to know the same students all year, middle
school students have the opportunity to get to know
many deferent classmates because of their multiple class
schedule. In conclusion, middle school and elementary
school have very different aspects of learning to offer

“Ways to avoid getting virus”

People are more likely to act in healthy ways

when it’s easy for them to perform that behavior. So,
let’s think in terms of hand washing, for example. It will
be very important to have hand washing stations and
hand sanitizer easily accessible to people. Making the
behavior very easy to start and to repeat is very
important. If you put a mask next to your front door,
and it’s easy to grab when you go out the door, that’s
going to be easy to implement and you may be more
likely to actually do it again. If you want to encourage
people to physically distance from other people around
them, having signs on the floor is actually something
that works.

“What is the main characteristic of a

good student? “

A good student must have a huge desire and passion to

learn and explore something new. Everything would indeed seem very
easy and enjoyable if we think of school as a place for discovering our
self as person not as a frustrating place where we are always pressured
by a tremendous amount of work. Furthermore, a good student must be
punctual, organized, and know how to develop self-discipline. For
instance, he or she must always come to class and the assignments and
projects on time. Developing a good time-management and self-
discipline is, in fact, a part of professional development for students and
directly related to their success. In addition, a good student must be
active and be polite. A good student would actively participate in the
class discussions and would not hesitate to ask questions to his or her
teachers. In addition, a good student would also always listen to the
teachers and never interrupt when the teachers are talking or explaining
something. Other aspects of a good student are honesty and
consistency. A good student should be academically honest in all aspects
of their schoolwork. For example, he or she would never cheat on tests
or presents the work done by others as if it were his or her own
(plagiarizes). Lastly, consistency is very critical in the process of learning
since it helps students to achieve their academic goals.

“Challenges of the front liners”

Front liners face many challenges now a days due

of the Covid-19 Virus. One of these obstacles is
discrimination by the people around them. They
experienced that, because people around them
threat them like they are infected with the virus
even though they are not. To solve this problem,
our government made a new law to protect our
front liners who experience discrimination. This
new law will protect them our front liners who
serves in our community for us and our country to
be safe from Covid-19. This law also the to
overcome the issue about our front liners.

What are the causes of road


Traffic accident occur because of several reasons

why traffic accidents happen, but three of them are the
most significant causes of traffic accident. One of the
main reasons of traffic accidents is careless drivers.
Some drivers ignore the traffic rules such as traffic lights
and other warning signals. Moreover, they resist wearing
set belts. In addition, some drivers drink alcohol while or
before driving. Another cause that results in traffic
accidents is weather conditions. Drivers tend to lose the
control of the car on wet and slippery roads and this
gives rise to traffic accidents. To sum up, careless
drivers, weather conditions, and too many cars cause
traffic accidents. Drivers should take all these into
consideration if they do not want to have an accident.


SUBMMITED BY: decederio a candole 11- stem 4

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