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Received: 9 July 2021 Revised: 11 October 2021 Accepted: 20 October 2021

DOI: 10.1002/er.7436


Biomass-based heterogeneous catalysts for biodiesel

production: A comprehensive review

Indira Tobío-Pérez1 | Yosvany Díaz Domínguez1 |

2 3
Lizet Rodríguez Machín | Sven Pohl | Magín Lapuerta4 |
Ramo n Piloto-Rodríguez1

Center for the Studies of Renewable
Energies, Universidad Tecnol ogica de La
Habana José A. Echeverría, La Biodiesel is one of the most widely used alternative fuels to reduce exhaust
Habana, Cuba emissions and the use of conventional fossil fuels. It can be synthesized from a
Center for Energy and Environmental
transesterification reaction from vegetable oils or animal fats in the presence
Technologies Assessments (CEETA),
Faculty of Mechanical and Industrial of homogeneous or heterogeneous catalysts. Some drawbacks of using homo-
Engineering, Universidad Central “Marta geneous catalysts increased attention to heterogeneous catalysts for biodiesel
Abreu” de Las Villas, Santa Clara, Cuba
production. Recently, heterogeneous catalysts derived from biomass have risen
Institute of Thermodynamics, Energy
Process Engineering and System
to the forefront of biodiesel production due to their sustainability, economical
Engineering, University of Applied and eco-friendly nature. In addition, they are easily recovered and constitute
Sciences of Mittelhessen (THM), Gießen, an alternative to eliminate biomass residues. This review highlights several
4 biomass sources used as precursors for the production of heterogeneous cata-
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros
Industriales, Universidad de Castilla La- lyst. Furthermore, methods for preparing heterogeneous catalysts, the reaction
Mancha, Ciudad Real, Spain mechanisms, catalyst advantages and drawbacks, their performance in biodie-

sel production, as well as the methodologies developed for their effective recov-
Yosvany Díaz Domínguez, Center for the ery are discussed in detail. Among lignocellulosic biomass-based precursors,
Studies of Renewable Energies, the paper takes into account those based on biochar, ash, carbonaceous sub-
Universidad Tecnol ogica de La Habana
José A. Echeverría, Calle 114, No. 11901
strate, and seed oil cake. Those catalysts obtained by both preparation methods
e/119 y 127, Cujae, Marianao 15, 19390, (calcination and activation) have good catalytic activity for waste cooking oil
or neat oils. Biomass ash or biochar-based catalysts are also promising routes
in biodiesel synthesis, but significant reductions in catalyst load, reaction time,
Funding information temperature, and methanol-to-oil ratio must be reached.
European Union Program for the support
of Energy Policy in Cuba (GNUFRE); KEYWORDS
Ministry of Science, Technology and
biodiesel, catalyst reuse, heterogeneous catalysis, precursor biomass
Environment of Cuba (CITMA); German
Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy

1 | INTRODUCTION interest in the society and the scientific community due

to the accelerated consumption of fossil fuels and high
According to recent energy policies, technological pro- levels of emissions.1,2 Biodiesel and bioethanol are the
gress will have to face the challenge of increasing energy most widely used alternative fuels to partially or fully
efficiency while reducing the impact of climate change. replace conventional petroleum-derived fuels. Biodiesel is
The use of renewable sources of energy has received great defined, according to ASTM D6751, as mono-alkyl esters

Int J Energy Res. 2021;1–28. © 2021 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 1

of fatty acids (FAME, if they are obtained by using meth- biodiesel is very important. The reaction mechanisms in
anol) of vegetable oils and animal fats, and it can be heterogeneous catalysis are based on the triglycerides
obtained from different feedstock.3-6 (TG) adsorption on the catalyst surface by the interaction
The most common method used for vegetable oil bio- of double-bonded oxygen, forming a carbocation. In the
diesel production is transesterification.7-9 During the case of acid catalysis, then the alcohol attacks the electro-
transesterification reaction, the triglycerides present in philic carbon, and after re-arrangement steps, the reac-
the oil react with alcohol in the presence or absence of a tion products are released. In basic heterogeneous
catalyst to produce FAME as the main product and glyc- catalysis, both reactants are adsorbed on the catalysis sur-
erin as a by-product. Many studies have been conducted face. The heterogeneous acid and basic mechanisms are
to determine optimal operating conditions (temperature, illustrated in Figures 1 and 2, respectively.
reaction time, alcohol:oil molar ratio, catalyst load)10,11 Compared with homogeneous catalysis, heteroge-
and several alcohols can be used, including methanol, neous catalysts are less corrosive; glycerin is obtained
ethanol, propanol, butanol, among others.12 However, with higher purity, they are easily recovered and reused,
methanol is widely used due to its low cost, short-chain which simplifies the process with the elimination or
alcohol, it reacts quickly and dissolves easily in the reac- reduction of washing steps.15-17 However, the use of het-
tion medium.13 Biodiesel synthesis by catalytic trans- erogeneous catalysts brings some limitations. These
esterification can be carried out by homogeneous or include weak catalytic activity, catalytic site leaching,18,19
heterogeneous catalysts. A review published by Sayid and microporosity.9,14 Studies20-23 reveal that enzyme-
Abdullah et al9 summarizes the advantages and disad- based catalysts have several advantages over other cata-
vantages of each type of catalyst. lysts, they achieve adequate yields, the biodiesel obtained
Homogeneous catalysts have a variety of applications is of higher quality, and it is an environmentally friendly
in biodiesel industry due to their high catalytic activity process. Nevertheless, the use of enzyme catalysts has sig-
and availability. Homogeneous base catalysts have been nificant disadvantages such as denaturation of the
extensively investigated14 and implemented in industry, enzyme, high sensitivity to alcohol, longer reaction time
but they are strongly affected by the presence of free fatty required, and higher costs.9,24-29
acids (FFA), which hampers the transesterification reac- The use of biomass residues to produce heteroge-
tion due to the formation of surfactant molecules that neous catalysts not only reduces the cost of the catalyst
favor the appearance of stable emulsions in the purifica- feedstock but also is an alternative to eliminate biomass
tion stage. The previous acid esterification of oil is an residues generated by different human and agricultural
alternative route to reduce the FFA content. The use of activities.30 Biomass catalysts are biodegradable, have
homogeneous catalysts in the production of biodiesel has lower toxicity, several mineral components, and adjust-
some drawbacks, such as catalyst recovery is not easy, able pore size and structure.8 The combination of the
glycerin obtained as a by-product is low quality, and advantages of using heterogeneous catalysts in biodiesel
there are corrosion effects.9 production and the circular economy approach to “zero
For these reasons, the development of heterogeneous residues” makes the use of biomass a sustainable alterna-
catalysts, also known as solid catalysts, to produce tive as a precursor in the synthesis of heterogeneous

F I G U R E 1 Heterogeneous acid
catalysis reaction mechanism for FFA
conversion (L, active site)


F I G U R E 2 Heterogeneous
basic catalysis reaction
mechanism for TG conversion

catalysts, with an effective economy and social impact, investigated. There are several factors to be evaluated
mainly in third world economies where biofuel is pro- that influence both the catalytic activity and the trans-
duced at low and local scale. esterification reaction yield. This work focuses on a
Although several studies have been published on comprehensive review of different biomass sources that
the use of biomass as precursors in the synthesis of het- are used as catalyst precursors, methods for preparing
erogeneous catalysts,31-38 more issues remain to be heterogeneous catalysts, their application in biodiesel

production, as well as their recovery and reuse. This (CaO) stands out for its high catalytic activity.14,39 It is
study considers the main type of biomasses based on obtained by heat treatment at a high temperature (gener-
heterogeneous catalyst precursors found in real ally higher than 600 C) from calcium carbonate (CaCO3).
agroindustrial situations, excluding nonrenewable Authors such as Basumatary et al8 and Tang et al30 pay
sources and analyzing the activation processes and special attention to obtaining catalysts derived from
techniques as secondary issues with respect to the pre- organic waste materials due to their high availability, low
cursor, responding to a practical agroindustrial prob- cost, and renewability. The high content of CaCO3 in
lem, which is biomass precursor or waste disposal. waste shells (85%-99%)40,41 constitutes a promising alter-
Comparisons between CaO, ash, biochar, activated car- native as precursor biomass for the synthesis of catalysts
bon (AC), or seed cake-based heterogeneous catalysts derived from CaO. Table 2 shows some sources of waste
were not found in the literature. shells and animal bones used as precursors in the synthe-
sis of CaO-based heterogeneous catalysts.
Before the activation process to obtain the catalyst, it
2 | HETEROGENEOUS CATALYSTS is necessary to prepare the precursor biomass; a multi-
PREPARATION BASED ON stage washing process to remove surface adhering impu-
DIFFERENT B I OMAS S MAT E R I A L S rities and organic contaminants is recommended. In the
specific case of animal bone waste, a first cooking stage is
The search for greener catalysts to replace the use of con- convenient to remove dirt, tissue, and fat. It is possible to
ventional ones has been reported as a need in the biodie- eliminate the excess moisture contained in the feedstock
sel production industry. In this sense, different types of by applying one or more drying stages. Finally, the bio-
waste materials such as waste shell, animal bones, seed mass can be cut into small pieces to facilitate its grinding
cake, ash, biochar, and AC, have been used for the pro- and sieving to obtain the pulverized material to the
duction of heterogeneous, sustainable, and environmen- desired particle size for its subsequent activation.
tally friendly catalysts; the main biomass-based general As shown in Table 2, waste shells or animal bones are
precursors are shown in Table 1. Nanocatalysts have also subjected to treatment before thermal decomposition,
been developed from different biomass materials, which which, in most studies, follows the general scheme
represent nanomaterials or nanocrystals with a particle shown in Figure 3. The residues pass through a washing
size of less than 100 nm. Different preparation techniques process to remove impurities with deionized or distilled
have been studied to obtain these catalysts, from the sim- water,41-44 although some authors also report the use of
ple thermal treatment of the precursor to more complex tap water.55,57 Subsequently, they are solar dried53,64 or
methods with one or more physical and/or chemical acti- in an oven at a temperature between 100 C and
vation stages. 120 C41,42,44,51,52,54,55,57,58,62,65 until they reach constant
weight. Clean and dry residue is ground to reduce parti-
cle size. Those that pass through a sieve are cal-
2.1 | Waste shell and animal bones- cined.51,53,55,56,59,66
based solid catalysts Calcination is the most used method to obtain
biomass-based catalysts, as is evidenced in Table 2. This
Among the most widely used heterogeneous base cata- thermal treatment is carried out in a wide range of tem-
lysts (MgO, CaO, SrO, mixtures of oxides), calcium oxide peratures (300 C-1000 C), which depends on the type of
feedstock.9 The calcination temperature has a great influ-
ence on the composition, physical properties of the cata-
TABLE 1 Biomass-based general precursors lyst, intensity of active sites, and therefore on its catalytic
Precursor Heterogeneous based catalyst activity.
Cho and Seo41 conducted a study with chicken and
Waste shells and animal CaO
quail eggshells calcination varying temperature from
500 C to 900 C (Table 2). They subjected a quail eggshell
Biomass and agroindustrial Ash
to a pre-calcination treatment with HCl under conditions
of 2 and 24 hours of treatment to remove its dense cuticle
Biomass and agroindustrial Activated carbon
layer. They pointed out that 2 hours of acid treatment
was sufficient and resulted in a superior catalytic activity
Biomass and agroindustrial Biochar
to that of homogeneous potassium methoxide. The
authors found changes in crystallinity and composition
Oil seed cake Seed cake
of the calcined eggshells with temperature variation.


TABLE 2 Waste shells and animal bones used in the synthesis of CaO-based catalysts

Calcination conditions

Waste shells Pretreatment T ( C) t (h) Refs.

Eggshell Drying: 105 C, 3 h 900 ns 36
Deionized water-washed 800 4 42
Drying: 105 C, 24 h
Rice husk ash- Impregnation
Deionized water-washed 600 8 43
Drying: oven for 1 d
Deionized water-washed 200-1000 2 44
Drying: 100 C, 24 h
Distilled water-washed 9001st 31st 45
Drying: 105 C, 24 h 8002nd 32nd
Ground to: 63 μm
Water-refluxeda: 60 C, 3 h
Dryinga: 105, overnight
Hot water-washed 850 0.4-2 46
Drying: 60 C, 12 h
Ground to: 250 μm
Warm tap water-washed 9001st 31st 47
Drying: 120 C, 24 h 8702nd 32nd
Ground to: 60 μm
Water-refluxeda: 60 C, 3 h
Dryinga: 105, overnight
Drying: 120 C, 1 h 800 2 48
Ground to: 800 μm
Distilled water-washed 400-900 4 49
Drying: 120 C, 24 h
Ground to: 70 μm
Chicken and quail eggshell Distilled water-washed 500-900 2-24 41
Ground to: 117 μm
Eggshell and mollusk ns 800 4 50
Eggshell and crab shell Warm water-washed 900 2 51
Drying: 100 C, 2 h
Chicken and duck eggshell Ground to: 149-74 μm 600-900 4 52
Pearl shells drying: Sun (2 d) 800 4 53
Ground to: 74 μm
Snail shells drying: 120 C, 24 h 100-600 6 54
Waste white clams Tap water-washed 900 4 55
Drying: 100 C, 4 h
Mollusks shells mix Boiling water-washed 900 3 56
Drying: sun (4 d)/oven
Ground to: 4.75 mm
Snail shells Tap water-washed 900 3.5 57
HNO3-treatment (2-3 min)/distilled water
Oven-dried (110 C, 24 h)
Cockle shells Warm water-washed 900 2 58
Drying: 105 C, overnight
Ground to: <1 mm

TABLE 2 (Continued)

Calcination conditions

Waste shells Pretreatment T ( C) t (h) Refs.

Oyster shell Ground to: 1-1.7 mm 1000 4 59
KI-Impregnation 300 2
Mussel shell Ground to: 0.125-0.25 mm 950-1050 2 60
Coral shells drying: Air-dried (24 h) 700 0.5-1.5 61
Animal bones
Chicken and fish bones Water-washed 1000 4 62
Drying: 120 C, overnight
Sheep bones Water cooking (1000 C, 4 h) 200-1000 ns 63
Drying: 105 C, 16 h
Ground to: <2 mm (by hydraulic press)
Chicken bones Water cooking (20 min) 800-1000 4 64
Drying: sun (several days)/
Oven (110 C, 6 h)
Water-washed 300-800 5 65
NaOH-treatment (1 h)
Drying: 100 C, 2 h
Ground to: 149 μm
Bovine bones Ground to: 37 μm 350-1100 6 66

Abbreviation: ns, not specified.

Treatment between the two calcination stages, 1st: first calcination, 2nd: second calcination.

F I G U R E 3 General procedure for

preparation of solid catalyst by
calcination and/or impregnation

Characteristic patterns of CaO were only observed from 800 C as the optimum calcination temperature from
800 C, which means that complete conversion of CaCO3 which the complete conversion of CaCO3 occurs. The
does not occur below this temperature. Buasri et al52 also content of Ca, O, and P in calcined sneep bones reaches a
used chicken eggshell with similar calcination tempera- maximum value at 800 C, which suggests an increase of
ture range (600 C-900 C), and their results were in agree- chemical activity due to the formation of hydroxyapatite
ment with that of Cho and Seo.41 They reported that the (Ca5(PO4)3(OH)2). As the calcination temperature
presence of CaO at 800 C is evidenced in the calcined increased, the catalyst based on sneep bones showed a
shells, but they contain CaCO3 as the main phase, decrease in particle size, thus increasing the surface area.
reaching the total conversion at 900 C with CaO content This behavior is in agreement with Farooq et al64 and
higher than 98% in the obtained catalysts (Chicken and Suwannasom et al.65 However, other studies have shown
duck eggshell calcined). Wider temperature ranges that increasing calcination temperature decreases surface
(200 C-1000 C) were studied by Wei et al44 and Obadiah area as a consequence of the agglomeration of fine parti-
et al.63 Although they used precursor biomass of different cles.37,67 The results published by Smith et al66 observed
sources (eggshell and sneep bones), both studies report both trends. In the first temperature interval (650 C-


850 C), a decrease in particle size and an increase in sur- Figure 3).18,19,42,48,49,59 After the pretreatment and calci-
face area were observed, but in the second temperature nation stages of the precursor biomass, it is subjected to a
interval (850 C-1100 C), the particle size substantially chemical treatment in which some types of active metals
increases, causing a decrease in the surface area. The are mixed with the calcined biomass in an aqueous solu-
results obtained by66 corroborate the theory of Sharma tion. Subsequently, the calcined and impregnated sam-
et al,35 who reported the same behavior in a similar tem- ples are thermally activated to remove moisture and
perature range, despite working with another source of volatile material. This thermal activation also facilitates
precursor biomass. The main argument is that high tem- the metal salt to deposit on the porous surface of the cata-
peratures cause the atoms of small particles to diffuse lyst support. The high calcination temperature favors the
and fuse the particles, generating larger particles, causing interaction between calcined material and impregnation
a decrease in surface area. In all these cases, the particle precursor or active metal to form new crystals, that is,
size has an inverse proportional relationship to the sur- new active sites. However, overheating results in
face area. However, a study by Putkham et al68 reveals sintering of the surface and reduction of the specific sur-
that increasing temperature induces more shrinkage of face area, so that the catalytic activity can be affected.
pore, leading to smaller particle size diameter and lower The catalytic activity of a supported solid base catalyst
surface area of the CaO-based catalyst. depends on the type of metal ion, the available base sites
On the other hand, Farooq et al64 used CO2 tempera- of biomass-derived CaO, and the interaction between the
ture programmed desorption measurements to study the metal ions and CaO. As impregnation precursors, alkali
basic properties of chicken bone-derived catalysts. The and alkaline-earth metal ions are generally used in vari-
results suggest that the catalyst prepared at 900 C shows ous concentrations.72
higher CO2 uptake and therefore shows a higher number Jairam et al59 obtained a KI-impregnation oyster shell
of basic sites on the catalyst surface compared to catalysts applying a process similar to that shown in Figure 3. The
prepared at 800 C and 1000 C. Smith et al66 concluded oyster shells were cut, calcined at 1000 C for a further
that calcination of bovine bones requires a higher temper- 4 hours, and impregnated with KI. Subsequently, the
ature (950 C) for the complete conversion of CaCO3 to sample loaded with KI was dried in an oven at 106 C and
CaO. At this temperature, the catalyst obtained reaches a re-calcined at 300 C for 2 hours. The authors reported an
Ca concentration of 81%. increase in surface area due to calcination of the oyster
Most studies report that for the complete conversion shells in the range of 0.19 to 1.8 m2/g, while after KI-
of CaCO3 to CaO, the calcination temperature must be impregnation, this value increased to 6 m2/g. Boro et al48
between 800 C and 950 C, with 900 C being the most also employed the impregnation method to prepare a
widely reported optimum calcination tempera- series of Li-doped eggshell-derived CaO catalysts. Ini-
ture.36,51,55-57,69 However, some authors report CaO-based tially, the eggshell was subjected to a pretreatment for
catalysts with adequate catalytic activity and a CaO con- subsequent calcination (see Table 2). Later they applied
tent higher than 90% using calcination temperatures the impregnation method to obtain five catalysts with dif-
below 700 C.54,61 ferent Li concentrations of 1% to 5%. All the prepared cat-
Another factor that influences the catalytic activity is alysts were found to be basic in nature, and the basicity
the calcination time. All the studies summarized in of the eggshell-derived CaO is less than that of the Li-
Table 2 used at least a duration of 1 hour of calcination loaded catalyst. They made a comparison between the
time. This corresponds to the results published by Viriya- surface area of manufactured CaO (20.4 m2/g), CaO
empikul et al50 and Roschat et al.61 They demonstrated derived from eggshell (6.8 m2/g), and catalyst doped with
in their research that 0.5 hours is not enough calcination Li (1.15-4.73 m2/g). As the charge of Li increases on the
time to activate a catalyst. The optimal calcination time catalyst, its surface area decreases. This behavior is attrib-
was between 2 and 4 hours since the catalytic activity uted to the obstruction of CaO micropores after Li load-
decreases when the calcination time exceeds 4 hours due ing. The authors found that with a 2% load of Li, the
to a decrease in the surface area related to catalyst maximum conversion of biodiesel is reached (94%).
sintering when isothermal treatment is applied at pro- The use of agricultural solid residues as a support in
longed time.50,70,71 However, in some studies, a calcina- the impregnation method of calcined residues shells has
tion time between 6 and 8 hours has been effective for also been investigated. Chen et al42 used rice husk ash
the preparation of solid catalysts, achieving adequate cat- (RHA) as support to load calcined eggshells to prepare a
alytic activity, with a biodiesel yield between 85 and solid base catalyst. The eggshell was washed with
97%.43,54,66 deionized water, oven-dried at 105 C for a further
Some studies used the impregnation method for the 24 hours, and then calcined in muffle oven at 800 C for
preparation of supported solid base catalyst (see 4 hours to obtain CaO (Table 2). The calcined eggshells

(CE) were loaded by the wet impregnation method in solid ash-based catalyst with a high K2O content. Its mor-
RHA, obtained by calcining rice husk (RH) at different phological characteristics validate the presence of basic
temperatures (Tc-1). The technique consisted of adding surface sites that make it highly efficient. However,
1 g of CE to 50 mL of water to obtain an aqueous solution Vadery et al87 obtained catalysts with better catalytic
of Ca(OH)2. This solution is subsequently added to 9 g of activity, also based on coconut shell ash, but applying the
RHA and mixed with magnetic stirring (500 rpm, calcination method. They achieved a higher yield in the
4 hours). This mixture is allowed to stand for a further transesterification reaction (>95%) with a catalyst load
24 hours to the formation of the precipitate. The sample 50% lower than that used by Husin et al.33 The authors
subsequently goes through an oven drying process found that the content of C and O decreases with the
(105 C, 24 hours) to remove excess water and then cal- heat treatment of the precursor biomass. K proved to be
cined at different temperatures (Tc-2) for 4 hours to obtain the main active ingredient responsible for the high cata-
the ash-supported catalyst (RHA-CE), following the pro- lytic activity, whose presence in the catalyst increases
cedure in Figure 3. The results showed that as Tc-1 between 4 and 5 times with respect to its concentration
increases (400 C-800 C), the surface area of RHA-CE in the untreated biomass. The results showed that 250 C
increases (from 2.23 to 11.75 m2/g). However, the and 3 hours of calcination are needed to achieve a cata-
increase in Tc-2 of the RHA-CE (600 C-1000 C) causes a lyst with a uniform structure from coconut husk, while
decrease from 14.28 to 1.29 m2/g. The authors found that for higher temperatures (250 C < Tc ≤ 500 C), 1 hour of
the catalyst with the best catalytic activity (91.5% biodie- treatment is enough. The optimum calcination tempera-
sel yield) was obtained at 800 C as the optimum calcina- ture was 350 C, obtaining the highest catalytic activity.
tion temperature (both Tc-1 and Tc-2). Similar behavior is evidenced in obtaining catalysts
On the other hand, researchers have tested nano CaO based on orange peel ash. Changmai et al97 washed the
as a catalyst for biodiesel synthesis.45-47 Its large specific orange peels, sun-dried, and then burned them in open
surface area and high catalytic activity constitute its favor- air for 30 minutes. The content of K and Ca increases
able properties for its application in heterogeneously cata- after the burning process. The composition of the catalyst
lyzed biodiesel synthesis.72 Pandit and Fulekar47 achieved showed that K2O (51.64%) and CaO (25.67%) play an
the formation of newly synthesized eggshell-derived CaO important catalytic role, followed by SiO2 (13.24%) and
nanoparticles with a size of 75 nm and a surface area of MgO (4.76%), and the other components to a lesser
16.4 m2/g. Information on a microalgae biodiesel yield of extent. The mesoporous nature, the high surface area
86.41% with a nanocatalyst loading of 1.7% by weight. Teo (605.6 m2/g), and the presence of basic sites influence the
et al46 also obtained a CaO-based nanocatalyst derived good catalytic activity of the orange peel ash. Despite the
from the eggshell. However, they achieved particle sizes ash-based catalyst obtaining method developed by Chan-
between 16 and 27 nm. They obtained a maximum perfor- gmai et al97 is similar to that reported by Husin et al,33
mance of JCO FAME with a nanocatalyst load (2.0%) the catalytic activity of orange peel ash is higher than that
slightly higher than that reported by Reference 47 under of coconut peel ash. This is due to the different nature
optimal operating conditions. and composition of the biomass. Heryani and Yanti102
also used orange peel and two other biomass sources (see
Table 3) as precursors in the synthesis of ash-based cata-
2.2 | Ash-based solid catalysts lysts, but applied another preparation method to obtain
silica crystals. Each biomass was dried in the sun for
The potential of biomass ash as a precursor for obtaining 7 days, pulverized (400 μm), and calcined at 800 C for
heterogeneous catalysts has been widely studied.9,39,73 4 hours. The ash obtained was mixed with NaOH for
The ash is mainly composed of potassium, calcium, 12 hours at 90 C, and the residue of the filtrate was sepa-
sodium, magnesium, among other elements. After its rated. HCl was added to the latter until a white precipi-
combustion at high temperatures, alkali metal oxides of tate was formed, which was washed and dried (110 C,
high basic resistance are formed such as CaO, potassium 6 hours) to achieve the serogel (dry silica gel). The serogel
oxide (K2O), and magnesium oxide (MgO), which deter- was crushed and the silica powder was calcined (700 C,
mines their catalytic ability to produce biodiesel.9 3 hours) to obtain silica crystals. Based on the results of
Among the different biomass sources that have been the characterization tests, the authors concluded that the
studied as precursors for obtaining ash-based catalysts, applied method was effective and the catalysts obtained
RH,37,42,74 cocoa pod and coconut husk,31,33,74,75 banana met the characteristics of standard silica catalysts. They
plant waste,76-84 and wood ash35,85,86 are summarized in refer to the application of catalysts in the biodiesel indus-
Table 3. Husin et al33 demonstrated that only drying and try. However, the study is only limited to the synthesis
burning process of coconut shell is sufficient to obtain a and characterization of the catalyst.


TABLE 3 Ash-based biomass used in the synthesis of heterogeneous catalysts


Ash sources Pretreatment Method TC ( C) tC (h) Refs.

Rice husk Drying: 110 C Calcination/NaOH-activation/ 200-500 1-3 37
Deionized water-washed Calcination/Li2CO3-impregnation 900 4 74
Coconut husk Drying: Sun Burnt TR ns 33
Deionized water-washed Calcination 250-500 1-3 87
Drying: Sun (5 h)
Cocoa pod husk Tap water-washed Burnt/calcination 300-1100 4 88
Drying: Sun (2 wk)
Banana peduncle Tap water-washed Burnt/calcination 300-1100 4 31
Drying: Sun (2 wk)
80 C, 48 h
MBCUS Drying: Sun (2 wk) Burnt/calcination 550 2 84
Drying: Sun (2 wk) Burnt/calcination/SrO-impregnation 550 2 82
Kola nut pod husk Tap water-washed Burnt/calcination 300-1100 4 89
Birch bark and wood Drying: Sun (1 wk)
pellets 80 C, 48 h
Wood ash Drying: 80 C, 24 h Burnt/calcination 800 4 85
Deionized water-washed drying: Calcination/K2CO3 or CaCO3 500-1200 3 35
60 C -impregnation
Pine wood ns Gasification/calcination 500-800 4 86
Sesamum indicum Drying: Sun (15 d) Burnt/calcination 550 2 90
Tectona grandis Deionized water-washed Drying: Calcination 700 4 91
leaves Sun
Ground to: 250 μm
Walnut shell ns Burnt/calcination 800 2 92

Sugar beet Drying: 100 C Calcination 600-1000 2 93
Carica papaya stem Deionized water-washed Drying: Calcination 700 4 94
80 C, 48 h
Theobroma Drying: 100 C, 24 h Calcination 800 4 95
Brassica nigra drying: Sun (15 d) Burnt/calcination 550 2 96
Orange peels deionized water-washed drying: Burnt TR 0.5 97
Sun (3 d)
Tucuma~ peels Drying: 80 C, 24 h Calcination 800 4 98
Camphor tree leaves ns Burnt/calcination/K2CO3-impregnation/ 500-800 2-3 69
Lemna perpusilla Drying: 50 C, 72 h Burnt/calcination 550 2 99
Rubber seed shell Deionized water-washed Drying: Calcination 40-800 3 100
100 C, 5 h
Ground to: 250 μm
Elephant-ear tree pod Drying Burnt/calcination 30-1100 4 101

Abbreviations: MBCUS, Musa Balbisiana Colla underground stem; ns, not specified; TR, room temperature.

F I G U R E 4 General procedure for

preparation of ash-based catalysts by
different methods

Although some authors report encouraging results by obtain the ash are mainly reported: burning-calcination
applying only a simple air-burning process,33,78,97 other and calcination/chemical activation. In 56% of the studies
studies demonstrate the need for post-burn calcination. cited in Table 3, the biomass is subjected to a burning
Betiku et al88 used cocoa pod husk in a burnt-calcination process in the open air until the ash is obtained. This ash
process to use the resulting ash as a catalyst in the pro- can be subjected to a subsequent calcination and/or acti-
duction of biodiesel. The authors found that samples bur- vation process, or it can be used directly as a solid cata-
ned in open air reveal some degree of porosity. However, lyst.33,35 However, 44% of the studies selected direct
subsequent calcination resulted in a fluffy, fibrous micro- calcination and/or biomass activation (without burning
porosity. This brings about an increase in surface area, in air) to obtain the ash-based catalyst. The use of ash
and therefore, enhances the activity of the ash-based cat- obtained as a by-product of the biomass gasification pro-
alyst. There are reports with similar observations for ash cess has also been reported,86 which constitutes an attrac-
derived from Lemna pepusilla Torrey,99 coconut husk,87 tive alternative for a “zero waste” approach. Figure 4
banana peels,31,75,77,78,81,82,102 orange peels,97,103 wood shows the general scheme of biomass treatment to obtain
pellets,85 Sesamum indicum plant,90 and Brassica nigra.96 heterogeneous ash-based catalysts using the different
Sharma et al35 also reported the importance of applying a methods mentioned above.
calcination process, as it prevents the leaching of K and
influences the reusability of the catalyst. The method of
chemical activation of biomass calcined with NaOH,37,102 2.3 | Carbonaceous material based solid
CaCO3,35 K2CO3,35,69,104 SrO,82 Li2CO3,74 CaCO3,35 K2 catalysts
CO3,35,69,104 SrO,82 Li2CO3,74 has also been studied and
published (see Table 3). Chemical activation has been Catalysts based on carbonaceous materials derived from
shown to favor the presence of active sites on the catalyst biomass have shown high catalytic performance in the
surface, which benefits its catalytic activity. This state- production of biodiesel. These catalysts are synthesized
ment corresponds to the results obtained by Kumar mainly from plant materials through pyrolysis and/or
et al.82 The authors used Jatropha curcas oil for biodiesel carbonization processes. AC is a carbonaceous material
production using a nano-sized catalyst Musa Balbisiana with high surface area and porosity, which is why it has
Colla underground stem (MBCUS) ash-based, following gained significant interest in applications such as carbon
the procedure described by Sarma et al.84 Subsequently, sequestration, wastewater treatment, and energy produc-
SrO was impregnated in a weight ratio of 1:5 (1 g of SrO tion.105 Biochar is carbonized organic matter, produced
per 5 g of nanocatalyst). This mixture (MBCUS-SrO) was in solid form and consists mainly of 60% to 90% carbon
heat-treated for 1 hour at 550 C. The authors reported with a very porous structure.9 It can be obtained from dif-
less potassium and sodium leaching when MBCUS-SrO ferent types of biomass by thermochemical conversion
nanocatalyst is used than when it is used without impreg- (pyrolysis, carbonization, or gasification). The different
nation. They showed that particle size had little impact applications of biochar have been widely stud-
on transesterification, but active base sites and crystalline ied.9,34,106,107 It is used as a soil amendment, as a sorbent
nature had a great influence on catalyst efficiency. to reduce contaminants in soil and water, as a gas adsor-
As can be seen in Table 3, the biomass is generally bent, in fuel cell systems, as a raw material for the manu-
subjected to a pretreatment that consists of washing with facture of AC, and as a precursor for the production of
water (deionized, or tap water), sun-dried (3-15 days), catalysts. Biochar-based catalysts can be used in syngas
and/or drying in an oven (50 C-110 C, 4-72 hours) and cleaning systems, in syngas to liquid hydrocarbon conver-
sprayed (400-20 μm). In published studies, two ways to sion processes, and in the biodiesel industry. Table 4


TABLE 4 Biochar and activated carbon sources used for synthesis of heterogeneous catalysts


Biochar and AC sources Pretreatment Method T ( C) t Refs.

Palm oil empty fruit bunches Drying: 105 C, overnight FeCl3-treatment TR 5h 32
Ground to: 149 μm Pyrolysis 500 20 min
Carbonization 400-600 1h
Sulfonation 150 10 h
Drying 80 Overnight
Palm waste Ground to: <2 μm H3PO4-treatment ns 24 h 108
Pyrolysis 400 2h
Sulfonation <250 1-12 h
Drying 80 Overnight

Palm kernel shell Drying: 110 C, 2 h Pyrolysis ns ns 109
Ground to: 500-297 μm Carbonization ns ns
HCl-activation ns 1h
Sulfonation 150 15 h
Drying 110 Overnight
Hot water- washed HTC 240 4 105
Drying: 105 C, 24 h NaOH-activation TR Overnight
Ground to: 250 μm
Carbonization 600 3
K2CO3 and Cu(NO3)2 TR 6
Distilled water- washed FeCl3-activation TR 4 110
Drying: 110 C, overnight Drying 100 24
Pyrolysis ns ns
Sulfonation 120 12
Drying 110 24

Chicken manure Drying: 80 C, 2 d Pyrolysis 350-550 1h 111
Ground to: <5 mm
Oat hull ns Pyrolysis 600 3h 112
Sulfonation 100-140 0.5 h
Drying 105 Overnight
Douglas fir wood chips Deionized water-washed HTC 121 0.5 113
Pyrolysis 600 1 min
Sulfonation 150 24 h
Drying 105 4h
Rice husk ns Pyrolysis 510 4s 114
Sulfonation 90 0.5 h
Drying 80 24 h
Coconut meal residue Drying: 110 C, 5 h Sulfonation 100 1h 115
Drying 120 2h
Wood chips biochar ns Pyrolysis 400 1h 116
Sulfonation ns 15 min
Thermal treatment 100 12-18 h

TABLE 4 (Continued)


Biochar and AC sources Pretreatment Method T ( C) t Refs.

Hardwood ns Pyrolysis ns ns 117
KOH-activation ns ns
Sulfonation 150 5-15 h
Drying 110 Overnight
ns Pyrolysis ns ns 117
Sulfonation 150 24 h
Drying 70 1h
Woody biomass ns Pyrolysis ns ns 118
KOH-activation ns 2h
Carbonization 450-875 2h
Sulfonation 150 15 h
Drying 110 Overnight
ns Pyrolysis ns ns 119
KOH-activation ns 2h
Carbonization 675 2h
HCl-activation ns 1h
Sulfonation 150 15 h
Drying 110 Overnight
Murumuru Kernel shell Ground to: 125-500 μm Carbonization 600 1 120
Sulfonation 120-200 1-8
Drying 60 24
Ground to: ≤ 340 μm Pyrolysis 600 1 121
Sulfonation 200 4
Drying 60 24
Mesua ferrea linn seed shell Tap and deionized water- Carbonization 500 1 122
washed Sulfonation 120 10
Palm oil trunk and Sugarcane ns Carbonization 400 8 123
bagasse Sulfonation 150 15
Drying 105 18
Jatropha shell Water-washed H3PO4-impregnation TR 24 124
Drying: 100 C, 2 h Physical activation 500 24
Ground to: 1.8-2.8 mm
KOH-impregnation TR 24

Abbreviations: ns, not specified; TR, room temperature.

summarizes different sources of biomass used to obtain impregnation method (see Table 4). The significant
catalysts based on biochar and AC to produce biodiesel. increase in surface area and the number of active sites
Dong et al113 consider that with a combination of corroborated that the HTC technique influences the per-
HTC and pyrolysis, it is possible to produce a better qual- formance of the precursor biomass as a support for the
ity carbonaceous material as a catalyst. Abdullah et al105 nanocatalyst. A biodiesel yield of up to 95.36% was pro-
prepared nanocatalysts impregnated with K2CO3 and duced by a one-step reaction process with 4% by weight
Cu(NO3)2 based on porous AC by means of an HTC- catalyst loading.


F I G U R E 5 General procedure of
biomass treatment to obtain
carbonaceous materials-based catalysts

The chemical activation method has also been shown structure of the catalyst will depend on the nature of
to play a key role in creating carbonaceous material biochar, the method, reagent, and activation conditions.
porosity and increasing surface area compared with phys- As shown in Table 4, some authors treat the biomass
ical treatment. Jenie et al32 used palm oil empty fruit before its thermochemical conversion to obtain the
bunches as a biomass source in obtaining biochar by biochar. Although the direct use of biochar as a catalyst
pyrolysis/carbonization for its later use as a solid catalyst is reported,111 the most used methodology consists of
precursor. The methodology used included a biomass three stages: pyrolysis (350 C-600 C, t ≤ 3 h) to obtain
magnetization treatment before its thermochemical con- the biochar, sulfonation of the biochar with concentrated
version. The results showed that iron Fe load in the H2SO4 (100 C-150 C, t ≤ 24 h), and a final cleaning and
biochar samples increases crystallinity. Chellappan drying stage of the solid catalyst (100 C-150 C,
et al125 obtained a solid magnetized catalyst based on t ≤ 24 h).112-117 In several published studies, a carboniza-
biochar. In this case, the magnetization was carried out tion stage before sulfonation (400 C-875 C, t ≤ 2 h) is
after sulfonation with H2SO4 of the biochar obtained by also applied to obtain AC, generally in those cases where
pyrolysis of cassava peel. other stages of chemical activation are carried out with
The sulfonation with H2SO4 is one of the most used H3PO4, KOH, HCl, among others.108,109,114,118,119,126-128
chemical treatments in the activation of biochar. Figure 5 shows a general scheme for the production of
Akinfalabi et al108 used palm waste biochar for sulfona- solid catalysts based on carbonaceous materials,
tion with three different reagents (H2SO4, (NH4)2SO4, corresponding to the most widely reported synthesis
ClSO3H). The results showed the best catalytic perfor- methodology.
mance in the conversion of palm fatty acid distillate into Although chemical treatment can have a good impact
FAME for the sample sulfonated with H2SO4. Nuradila on the performance and porosity of the catalyst, an excess
et al109 report an increase in the microporous surface in the number of chemical activation stages brings with it
when the biochar is activated with H2SO4. Characteriza- some drawbacks106: more activating reagents are con-
tion of the hardwood biochar catalyst sulfonated with sumed in the preparation of the heterogeneous catalyst,
concentrated H2SO4 revealed an irregular and porous car- increases the total cost of the process, and the time of
bon structure with carboxylic and sulfonic groups synthesis of the catalyst is increased, and corrosion prob-
attached to the surface. Dong et al113 also employed H2 lems may occur. For this reason, in this type of study, it
SO4 sulfonation of pyrolyzed Douglas fir wood chips is important to include a global analysis with a level of
biochar. The catalyst obtained exhibited a superior cata- cost-benefit compromise that guarantees the sustainabil-
lytic activity to commercial Amberlyst-15. Jenie et al,32 ity of the process.
after thermochemical conversion, chemically activated
the magnetic biochar with concentrated H2SO4, decreas-
ing the specific surface. Gonzalez et al112 reports a similar 2.4 | Oilseed cake-based catalyst
behavior regarding the reduction of the surface area with
the application of sulfonation and the increase of the The seed cake-based acidic catalyst is prepared by sulfo-
reaction temperature. The authors attribute this behavior nation after the pyrolysis of the seed cake. The black solid
to the collapse of biochar pores due to oxidation, conden- materials produced are then extensively washed with hot
sation, or carbonization of their morphological structure distilled/de-ionized water (>80 C) until pH 7, followed
during the reaction. However, the behavior in the surface by drying in an oven to obtain the palm seed cake-based

TABLE 5 Oilseed cakes used in the synthesis of heterogeneous catalysts

Operation conditions

Seed cake Pretreatment Method T ( C) t (h) Refs.

Sunflower cake Castor cake Drying: 80 C, overnight Sulfonation TR 1 15
Jatropha cake Ground to ≤2 mm Aromatization 120 ± 5 1-4
Macaw palm cake
Jatropha seed cake Drying: 80 C, overnight) Pyrolysis 300-650 24 129
Ground to ≤2 mm Sulfonation 50-100 22
Drying 100 1
Tap/distilled water-washed drying: 70 C Calcination 450 3 130

Tap/distilled water-washed drying: 70 C KOH-activation 70 ns 130
calcination 450 3

Abbreviations: ns, not specified; TR, room temperature.

AC. The cake can also be directly sulfonated after a scheme shown in Figure 6). The best catalytic activity is
preconditioning process of pulverization and drying. achieved with a pyrolysis temperature of 500 C, at the
Only sulfonation is reported for preparing catalysts based lowest sulfonation temperature and the highest volume
on oil cake. of sulfonated agent.
The use of oilseed cake has also been reported, Kamel et al130 demonstrated that the cake obtained
although to a lesser extent concerning the aforemen- from oil extraction is indeed a sustainable and low-cost
tioned biomass sources. Table 5 summarizes the studies source for the synthesis of heterogeneous catalysts. The
that report the use of oilseed cakes as a precursor source. catalysts obtained by both preparation methods (calcina-
Moreira Santos et al15 used four different seed cakes tion and KOH-activation/calcination) showed good cata-
obtained after extraction of sunflower, castor, jatropha, lytic activity, although the highest biodiesel yield was
and macaw palm as solid lignocellulosic precursors. The obtained with the chemically activated sample. However,
cakes were dried and ground to mix them later with con- the authors considered that the catalyst obtained by calci-
centrated H2SO4 (98%), under the conditions shown in nation is optimal, because with less preparation time and
Table 5. The authors noted that after sulfonation, the lig- lower cost, the biodiesel yield was very similar to that
nocellulosic material turns completely black, suggesting achieved with the chemically activated catalyst.
a strong dehydration process. They found that the sam- The use of by-products of the biodiesel industry, as
ples could not be activated at room temperature, biomass precursors in the preparation of catalysts for
according to the catalyst characterization tests. They their application, is an energy and environmentally
noted that longer reaction times (4 hours) led to a attractive alternative. Figure 6 shows a biodiesel produc-
decrease in the number of acid groups and that the sur- tion scheme (adapted from131) where the residues from
face textures of the cake did not change significantly after the stages of “harvesting and dehulling” (shell) and “oil
sulfonation. The catalyst showed activity comparable to extraction” (cake and husk) constitute the source of pre-
those of the homogeneous H2SO4 catalyst. The authors cursor biomass of heterogeneous catalysts that can be
concluded, according to preliminary tests, that the het- used in the same process. The use of feedstocks as frying
erogeneous catalyst obtained can be used in the produc- oil or FFA does not correspond to the flow of processes
tion of biodiesel from oil with high acidity. shown in Figure 6.
Jatropha curcas (JC) has been identified by the scien- The most suitable method to prepare the catalyst can
tific community as one of the best sources of inedible oil be selected from a technical-economic analysis. This
to produce biodiesel. Lim et al129 and Kamel et al130 pro- analysis should include the characterization of the pre-
duced biodiesel from the oil of JC seeds using catalysts cursor biomass, application of different methods, varia-
based on the cake obtained from the oil extraction itself. tion of the operating conditions both in the synthesis of
Lim et al129 subject the JC seed cake to a pyrolysis pro- the catalyst and characterization of the catalyst and the
cess of 24 hours, varying the temperature from 300 C to transesterification products (biodiesel and glycerol
650 C (see Table 5). The obtained biochar is mixed with phases), recovery, and catalyst reuse.
concentrated H2SO4 (40-120 mL) for 22 hours at different Heterogeneous catalysts offer several advantages,
temperatures between 50 C and 100 C (following the including renewable, nontoxic, reusable resources, high


FIGURE 6 Biodiesel production using a heterogeneous catalyst (HC) derived from processing biomass residues

catalytic activity, stability in both acidic and basic, high subsequent processes for biodiesel separation and purifi-
tolerance to water, and FFA. Solid basic catalysts based cation. Pour point and flash point depend on FAME pro-
on biomass ash generally have higher catalytic capacity file and subsequent effectiveness. The effectiveness of the
and stability compared with CaO-based catalysts. How- heterogeneous catalyst is mainly based on the biodiesel
ever, CaO-based catalysts have the simplest synthesis yield and the conversion conditions, which lead to energy
route. Heterogeneous acid catalysts based on carbon efficiency (temperature and reaction time, assuming that
materials are synthesized by more complex methods that for any case, the methanol excess is recovered and reused
increase the synthesis time of the catalyst and increase its as well as the catalyst). Compared with the homogeneous
cost. Nevertheless, the latter has higher porosity, surface catalyst, the heterogeneous one, which usually appears in
area, mineral content, and stability, which translates into solid form, acts as another phase in the reaction. Among
better biodiesel yield and reuse of the catalyst. On the the mentioned advantages of the use of heterogeneous
other hand, the amount of carbonaceous material based catalyst, the main issue to be addressed is related to post-
heterogeneous acid catalysts to be used to produce bio- separation processes, and the main drawback is the
diesel is less compared with heterogeneous basic higher cost of the catalyst, but this could be attenuated
catalysts. by using biomass precursors.
Up to this point, this review has demonstrated that all A particular feature of heterogeneous catalysts is their
analyzed biomass precursors are suitable to produce het- tuning characteristics that create acidic-basicity, porosity,
erogeneous catalysts for biodiesel production, following and surface area that can greatly extend the range of
different thermochemical routes. Nevertheless, biodiesel feedstock for esterification/transesterification process. No
production, yield, product quality, and reuse of the cata- additional pretreatment is required for the reduction of
lysts are the main issues to select a proper catalyst. the FFA content while using heterogeneous catalysts.
Moreover, this can simply catalyze biodiesel production
from high acid oil,17,132 this being a remarkable
According to the results shown in Table 6, CaO
A deep analysis of the biodiesel quality is not within the biomass-based catalysts may lead to biodiesel yields of
scope of this review, although it is being analyzed in 89% to 99%, with the exception of the report of Nakatani
some of the studies revised. Among several indicated et al143 with very low conversion yield besides a very high
quality parameters, cetane number is dependent on the catalyst load (25%). Several reports attested mass load of
fatty acid profile of the oil source; density and viscosity catalysts equal or less than 5%, representing promising
are related to the feedstock but also the effectiveness of results, also taking into account its recovery and reuse

TABLE 6 Performance of biomass-based heterogeneous catalysts in biodiesel synthesis

Surface area Loading time T MetOH:oil Yield

Lipid source Catalyst source (m2/g) (wt%) (h) ( C) ratio (%) Refs.
Tallow Mussel shell 23.2 5 1.5 70 12:1 90 133
Rapeseed Biont shell 63.4 3 3 70 ns 97.5 134
Shrimp shell 13 2.5 3 65 9:1 89.1 135
Soybean Eggshell ns 3 3 65 9:1 95 44
Palm olein Eggshell 1.1 10 2 60 12:1 95 50
Pongamia Eggshell ns 2.5 2.5 65 8:1 94-97 136
Frying oil Eggshell 71 1.5 2 65 12:1 96 137
Snail shell 24 2 8 65 6:1 87-99 57
Clam shell 2.6 3 3 60 6:1 89-97 138
Fish oil Crab shell 16 2.5 1.5 65 10:1 96 139
Mustard T. striatula shell 8.35 3 6 65 9:1 93.3 140
Palm oil Pomacea sp. shell 17 4 4 60 7:1 95.6 141
Animal bones 110 20 4 65 18:1 96.7 63
Eggshell ns 1.5 2 65 12:1 98 41
Green mussels shell ns 7.5 3 65 2:1 95.1 142
Frying oil Chicken bones 3.4 3 3 80 3:1 96 65
Soybean Oyster shell ns 25 5 65 6:1 70 143
Thevetia Musa balbisiana trunk 1.5 20 3 32 10:1 96 144
Jatropha Musa balbisiana 38.7 5 1 275 9:1 98 84
curcas underground stem
Lemna perpusilla Torrey 9.6 5 1 300 9:1 89 99
Acacia tree stem 3.7 5 3 65 12:1 98 35
Coconut husk ns 7 45 min 45 12:1 99 87
Mesua ferrea Musa balbisiana 38.7 5 1 275 9:1 95 83
underground stem
Bauhinia Banana peels 4.4 2.75 1 65 7.6:1 98 81
Azadiracha Cocoa pod husk 2.8 0.65 1 65 3:2.2 99 88
Cerbera Coconut husk ns 10 3 60 6:1 88.6 33
Palm oil Eggshell ns 7 4 65 9:1 91.5 42
Canola Harwood ns 5 3 65 18:1 89-92 119
Wood Canola ns 5 3 150 6:1 48 117
Frying oil Rice husk ns 5 15 110 20:1 87.6 114
Palm FAD Palm waste 372 2.5 2 60 9:1 96.1 108
Oleic acid Corn straw ns 7 4 60 7:1 98 145
Palm oil Palm oil trunk ns 2 0.75 65 ns 93 123
Sugarcane bagasse ns 2 0.75 65 ns 94 123


TABLE 6 (Continued)

Surface area Loading time T MetOH:oil Yield

Lipid source Catalyst source (m2/g) (wt%) (h) ( C) ratio (%) Refs.
Frying oil Sugarcane bagasse ns 1 5 66 18:1 94 146
Palm oil shell 3.5-3368 1-6 1-4 60-100 6:1-18:1 82-95 105
Jatropha shell ns ns 2 60 20:1 87 124
Palm FAD Sugar beet pulp ns ns 5 85 5:1 92 9
Palm stearin Palm oil shell ns 10.5 4 60 20:1 95.3 124
Seed cake-based
Oleic acid Sunflower seed oil cake ns 5-20 2 60 12:1 84-94 15
Castor seed oil cake ns 5-20 2 60 12:1 84-94 15
Jatropha seed oil cake ns 5-20 2 60 12:1 84-94 15
Palm oil ns 5-20 2 60 12:1 84-94 15

Abbreviation: ns, not specified.

(see next section). The transesterification reaction tem-

perature between 65 C and 70 C and time of 1.4 to
4 hours in most cases are in the order of the reported by
homogeneous basic catalysis. Methanol-to-oil ratios in
some cases are higher than those used in homogeneous
catalysis. However, considering that the excess of metha-
nol should be recovered and reused, this is not a disad-
vantage for this technology, even when larger amounts of
alcohol should be purchased and handled.
Eggshell is the most used catalyst precursor, with
good conversion performance, but the research studies
rarely analyze the real application of the proposed cata-
lysts since, in many cases, the relationship between the
primary catalyst sources is not related to the biodiesel
F I G U R E 7 FAME yield and catalyst load for different biomass-
industry at any scale. For instance, concerning the pre-
based heterogeneous catalysts
cursor eggshell, it is questionable how complex it is to
establish a full supply chain to assure enough eggshells
as a precursor for biodiesel production from any oil observed compared with the rest of biomass precursors
source at the amount needed to cover the industry analyzed.
demand. The smart way is to use an own agroindustrial One of the main parameters to evaluate the catalyst
residual as a precursor of the catalyst to be used in the performance is the biodiesel yield, which strongly
same biodiesel industry, contributing to closing the cycle depends on transesterification operating conditions such
and to the circular economy. There is a lack of reports as catalyst type, alcohol and catalyst amount, time of
using, for instance, JC or palm oil wastes as catalysis pre- reaction, and temperature. A comparison of the different
cursors to produce biodiesel from the same oil source. types of biomass-based catalysts analyzed concerning
According to Table 6, the catalysts obtained from bio- FAME yield and catalyst amount is shown in Figure 7.
mass ash or biochar are promising routes. In the case of The values are represented by the average of several
biomass ash as a precursor, significant reduction in reac- reports that include data presented in tables and are, in
tion time compared with CaO-based is clear, also with this case, complemented with14,33,34,84,147-152; as reference
reductions in the methanol-to-oil ratio. In biochar-based for comparison, the homogeneous based catalysis (HBC)
catalysts, a decrease in biodiesel yield is observed. In gen- is also included. The 5% error bars show the nonsignifi-
eral terms, the best results are obtained when AC is used cant difference in the use of one or another catalyst type
as a precursor. Significant reductions in catalyst load, concerning FAME yield, and the best cases are the use of
reaction time, temperature, and methanol-to-oil ratio, HBC and the ash-based. On the other hand, the lowest
keeping the reaction yield in between 92% and 98%, are amount of catalyst is used in HBC followed by biochar

TABLE 7 Comparison of biodiesel parameters among heterogeneous catalysis and standards

ASTM D6751 EN 14214 CaO Ash Biochar+AC

Density (g/cm ) at 20 C 0.875-0.900 0.860-0.900 0.87 0.88 0.88
Kinematic viscosity (mm /s) at 40 C
1.9-6.0 3.5-5.0 4.74 5.22 4.25
Flash point,  C 100-170 120 min 119 136 158

Cold filter plugging point, C — 4 to 3 EN 116 15.6 10.6 3.3
Copper strip corrosion 3 max 1 max EN ISO 2160 1 1 1
Acid value (mg KOH/g) 0.5 0.5 0.42 1.61 0.5
Oxidation stability 3 h min 8 h min 6.3 1.1 6.9
Iodine value (gI2/100 g) — 130 max EN 14111 78 79 121
Cetane number 47 51 55 56 52
Cloud point 3 to 12 10 15 1.7
Pour point 15 to 10 0 max ISO 3016 7 0.75 —
References ASTM D6751 EN 14214 45,47,153 8,82,84,101,147,153 120,122,154-158

+AC. The other variants of catalyst type are between 6.1 of cycles may decide the substitution or not of homoge-
and 7.5 wt%. This amount is higher compared with HBC neous catalysis, because they directly affect the economic
to get similar FAME performance, but it should be feasibility of a kind of catalysis, which is not cheap in
noticed that all catalysis routes are based on biomass pre- general terms. For this reason, the influence on the num-
cursors, significantly reducing production cost but reduc- ber of cycles in the catalyst performance is analyzed in
ing environmental impact. The cost associated with the the next section.
production of the biomass-based catalyst is also a critical
point to selecting a route.
The quality of the biodiesel produced by heteroge- 4 | RECOVERY A ND REUSE O F
neous catalyst should not be affected by the catalyst type TH E CA TAL YS T
since catalyst, in principle, influences the kinetic behav-
ior. However, since the catalyst strongly influences the One of the main advantages of using heterogeneous cata-
downstream processes (separation and purification), the lysts for the synthesis of biodiesel is their recovery and
biodiesel quality must be taken into account when het- reuse, which contributes to a significant reduction in the
erogeneous catalysts are used. Some of the main parame- cost of biodiesel production. Nevertheless, catalyst stability
ters included in international biodiesel standards are under successive batch must be attended, and synthesis
presented in Table 7 and are compared with those strategies to enhance catalyst performance are reported.18
obtained by the use of heterogeneous catalysts following Studies on the use of catalysts in several reaction
the routes analyzed in this work. The data shown in cycles (3-10 cycles) without and with reactivation treat-
Table 7 correspond to the mean values of the indicated ment between cycles are summarized in Table 8. Some
references. It is observed that most of the analyzed qual- studies have shown a slight reduction in biodiesel yield
ity parameters are inside the standard requirements. It is up to the fourth or fifth cycle, but it remains close to
important to point out that these are related to many fac- 90%.56,89,91,92,94,97,105,130 In other cases, after the third
tors associated with biomass characteristics, catalyst, cycle, the catalyst undergoes a substantial reduction of its
operational conditions, separation, and purification pro- catalytic activity62,93,95,98 reflected in a reduction of the
cesses; therefore, Table 7 just demonstrated the feasibility reaction yield by more than 10%. Dong et al113 showed a
to comply with the standards by selecting any of the types decrease of 8% in the second reaction cycle compared
of the analyzed catalyst. with the first, but from the third to the tenth cycle, the
In order to have all the elements related to the substi- yield remained without great variations (≈80%). Husin
tution of homogeneous catalysis by heterogeneous cataly- et al33 and Onoji et al100 reported performance values
sis, among all issues to take into account, the main target from the first cycle do not reach 90%. However, the
is the biodiesel yield achieved per cycle. The properties of potential of catalysts reuse has been encouraging as the
biodiesel obtained and their agreement with standards difference in performance between the first and fourth
are basic issues, but biodiesel yield per cycle and number cycles is short (see Table 8).


TABLE 8 Studies of reuse of solid catalysts derived from different biomass sources

Yield achieved in each cycle

Biomass-derived catalyst Initial treatment C-1 C-2 C-3 C-4 C-5 C>6 Ref.
Chicken and fish bones 1000 C 80-85 75-80 70-75 65-70 <50 — 62

Chicken bones 100 C, 2 h 89.3 >85 80-85 ≈80 ≈70 <60 C-6

Mollusks shells mix 100 C, 3 h 95.7 95.2 94.8 89.6 80.6 — 56
Coconut husk 100 C 88.6 88.6 88.5 88.4 — — 33
Moringa leaves No treatment 86.7 >70 53.11 — — — 38
Kola nut pod husk 98.7 ns ns 96.3 — — 89
Cocoa pod husk No treatment 99.03 >98 >98 — — — 31

Sesamum indicum plant 110 C, 3 h >98 >98 >98 — — — 90

Walnut shell 800 C, 2 h >95 >90 >90 >90 — — 92
No treatment >95 <30 — — — — 92

Tectona grandis leaves 100 C >90 >90 >90 >90 70-80 — 91
Carica papaya stem ns 95.2 94.8 93.6 92 90.5 85.4 94

Orange peel 100 C, 5 h 98 96 93 89 85 — 97

Sugar beet 80 C, 3 h >95 >90 <10 <10 <5 — 93
Theobroma grandiflorum 400 C, 2 h >98 >98 22 — — — 95
Tucuma~ peels ns 97 >90 >90 >80 60 — 98

Banana peduncle 100 C, 6 h 98.7 >90 >90 — — — 77

Banana peels 100 C, 5 h 98.9 81.3 67.7 52.2 — — 78

Camphor tree leaves K2CO3-activation/500 C, 92.3 90.1 — — — — 69
Rubber seed shell 105 C, 3 h 85 84-85 83-84 >80 77.3 — 100
Cassava peel 100 C, overnight 98.7 ns ns ns >75 — 125
Palm waste 80 C, 12 h 96.1 93.1 89.4 84.7 76.3 58.8 108
Palm kernel shell 600 C, 3 h 90-95 90-95 90-95 85-90 80-85 <60 105
Coconut meal residue ns 92.7 ns ns >80 — — 115
K2CO3-actived (30%) Bone meal biochar- 105 C 96.9 ns ns ns ns 76.8C- 159
K2CO3-actived (30%) bone meal biochar- 105 C 98.2 ns ns ns ns 84C-10 159
K2CO3-actived (40%) bone meal biochar- 105 C 97.8 ns ns ns ns 80.3C- 159
Douglas fir wood chips ns 98.2 >90 83.9 ≈80 ≈80 ≈80C-10 113
Seed cake-based
KOH-activated Jatropha curcas cake ns 96.8 95-96 94-96 92-93 91-92 — 130
Calcined Jatropha curcas cake ns 94.9 93-94 ≈93 92-93 91-92 — 130
H2SO4-actived several seed cake ns 88 66 56 46 — — 15

It has been published that many catalysts maintain Cocoa pod husk ash-based catalyst prepared by
their stability and catalytic activity without the need for Olatundun et al.31 Reuse potential was investigated under
treatment for their reactivation. Such is the case of the the optimal conditions established for the synthesis of

biodiesel from honne oil. After completion of the trans- Nath et al,90 who found that the Sesamum indicum
esterification reaction, biodiesel, glycerol, and solid cata- plant ash-based catalyst, after the third cycle of use,
lyst were separated by centrifugation. The recovered showed substantial leaching of K and loss of Na and
catalyst was reused without washing or any thermal or Si. These results specify that the catalytic activity of the
chemical treatment. Biodiesel yields were higher than Sesamum indicum catalyst gradually decreases after
98% during three consecutive use cycles, which shows each reaction cycle, and this is due to the loss of catalyst
that there is no significant loss of catalytic activity. during its recovery process. Gohain et al94 noted that
The catalyst derived from Moringa oleifera leaves the most important fact for the deactivation of the
ash38 showed in the first cycle a biodiesel yield over 85%, Carica papaya stem ash catalyst is due to the leaching of
and after the third cycle, it was reduced by 30%. It was K since K2O is significantly soluble in glycerol and
noticed that the coloration of the catalyst after each cycle methanol. They further noted that K and Ca tend to
was much darker. This behavior, together with the dras- leach more easily than other elements.
tic reduction in yield, suggests that the catalyst suffered a Mendonça et al98 observed a considerable decrease in
deactivation due to contaminants on its surface that sub- catalytic activity, resulting in a low conversion (22%),
stantially reduced the active site density. The authors even after reactivation of the catalyst, indicating possible
considered that, in this case, high-temperature regenera- leaching of the material. They emphasize the importance
tion (>500 C) is required to reactivate the catalyst after of checking the stability of the recovered catalyst by a
each cycle. This approach is consistent with the study leaching test. Leaching can lead to contamination of bio-
carried out by Miladinovic et al,92 who evaluated reusing diesel, reduce the useful lifetime of the biofuel, and
walnut shell ash catalysts with and without heat treat- reduce the possibility of reusing the catalyst. The tech-
ment between use cycles. The results showed that the nique used by the authors is based on contacting the cat-
FAME content decreased substantially from a value alyst with alcohol (ethanol or methanol) under optimized
higher than 95% to around 30% when the catalyst was reaction conditions. Then it is separated by centrifuga-
reused without the reactivation step. To explain the drop tion, and the alcohol, with the expected leached material,
in catalytic activity, the authors separated the catalyst is placed in a flask with the oil in a new reaction. They
again from the reaction mixture, and it was reused after verified that part of the conversion of oil into biodiesel
re-calcination at 800 C for 2 hours. Indeed, the catalyst comes from homogeneous leached active species since
recovered its activity, and it was possible to use it in four they obtained a conversion of 60.38% with a similar tech-
reaction cycles (>90%). The characterization of the recov- nique. Sharma et al35 found that the methanol extract
ered catalyst showed structural changes that may be one from the wood ash-based catalyst did not show any reac-
of the reasons for its deactivation. However, the re- tion, confirming the non-leaching of the catalyst using a
calcined catalyst showed a similar structure to the initial similar technique. The stability of the active basic sites
ash. Although the catalytic activity was recovered, the present on the catalyst was supported by negligible solu-
specific surface area decreased significantly after re- ble alkalinity of the methanol filtrate and leached catalyst
calcination. residue activity, which confirmed the heterogeneous
The change in the structure of the recovered catalyst nature of the catalyst. According to Reference 35, calcina-
was also reported by Abdullah et al.105 Despite showing tion at high temperatures leads to the sintering of small
good results in terms of biodiesel performance during mineral aggregates that prevents the leaching of potas-
5 cycles of catalyst use (>80%), a significant reduction in sium, which leads to a more stable catalyst, allowing its
surface area, basicity, and acidity was observed after its reuse for several consecutive cycles.
thermal reactivation. The authors noted that repeated A general behavior of the four catalyst biomass precursors
calcination causes the pore structure to collapse, blocking analyzed in this study is shown in Figure 8 based on several
available pores, resulting in a reduction in pore volume reports.15,33,47,56,64,78,93,94,97,98,100,105,108,113,130,150,154,155,160-163
and specific surface area. Based on these results, the Despite the effectiveness of catalyst reuse, it depends on sev-
authors recommended carrying out a reusing study with- eral factors; it is evident that after the second or third reuse
out heat treatment between cycles or replacing it with cycle, the FAME yield drastically decreases. Therefore, the
other activation methods, in contradiction to what was reusing of catalyst must be accurately studied in each case,
proposed by Aleman-Ramirez et al.38 to decide when to use fresh catalyst or reactivate it, seeking
Another parameter to evaluate is the stability of the the most efficient and cost-effective production process.
recovered catalyst, closely related to its catalytic activity. As evidenced in the reports, during the recovery and
The leaching of components in the recycled catalyst results repeated use of the catalyst in the reaction, there is a pos-
in a reduction of active sites, and therefore, its catalytic sibility of agglomeration of ester and glycerol and FFA
activity is significantly affected. This was demonstrated by molecules on the catalyst surface in which the active sites


F I G U R E 8 General
behavior of the FAME yield
related to catalysts reuse

of the catalyst are blocked. This, together with the possi- must be developed since every context and access to
bility of leaching, results in reduced biodiesel conversion technologies is different. The cases of (e) and (f ) in
due to the loss of stability and catalytic activity. These general terms are not applicable to biomass-based het-
factors limit the potential for reusing the solid catalyst. erogeneous catalysts, but are very effective in the case
of metal oxides. Nevertheless, heterogeneous catalysis
brings enough environmental and sustainability advan-
5 | C HA L LEN G E S AN D tages that research and development of cheaper tech-
FUTURE WORK nologies should be developed in the next future. Thus,
to make the process operational in biodiesel plants and
The transesterification process to produce biodiesel by from the commercial point of view, a large amount of
heterogeneous catalysis is not quite complex, but its research and development activities are still needed.
implementation requires capital investment.164 Some critical areas, which require intensive research,
According to the reaction mechanism and features, con- are described below:
tinuous reactors are more suitable, since they use shorter
reactor volumes. The most reported reactors in heteroge- • Improving the yield and increase of the cycles of use of
neous catalysis are as follows: (a) packed bed, in which the catalysts.
the permeate stream comprising biodiesel, methanol, and • Development of new catalyst formulations mainly
glycerol is collected and further separated124; (b) trickle based on the use of biomasses or waste materials iden-
bed where oil is fed through a single tube and is distrib- tified inside the industrial activities.
uted on the catalyst bed165; (c) packed bed membranes, • Development of catalyst with low deactivation, high
which are very selective. Products and remaining reac- renewability, and high selectivity.
tants are leached through and collected in bottom con- • Design of cheaper reactors and processes.
tainers. Methanol is continuously evaporated due to its • Development of novel upstream and downstream
lower boiling point, followed by distillation and returning processes.
to the process to reduce its depletion166; (d) cation
exchange resins; (e) electro-catalytic; and (f) conven-
tional homogeneous batch reactor adding a magnetic 6 | CONCLUSIONS
field for catalyst separation and recovery.
The implementation of these technologies in already The transesterification for biodiesel production can be
existing biodiesel plants based on homogeneous catalysis conducted with homogeneous or heterogeneous catalysts.
will necessarily imply reactor modifications or entire sub- The use of homogeneous catalyst is associated with limi-
stitution. In this regard, a deep analysis before investment tations, such as the difficult recovery of the catalyst, the

low quality of the glycerol obtained as a by-product, and financed by a European Union Program for the support
corrosion effects. Several sources of waste materials such of Energy Policy in Cuba (GNUFRE).
as waste shells and animal bones, seed cake, ash, biochar,
and AC have been used for the production of heteroge- ORCID
neous catalysts. Calcination is the most widely used Indira Tobío-Pérez
method for obtaining biomass-based heterogeneous cata- 2507
lysts. Due to its high catalytic activity, CaO stands out Yosvany Díaz Domínguez
among the most widely used heterogeneous base cata- 5522-0746
lysts, with an optimal calcination temperature of 900 C. Lizet Rodríguez Machín
The catalytic activity of ash-based catalysts depends on 8251-4440
the nature and composition of biomass, and the two main Sven Pohl
ways to prepare the catalyst are burning-calcination and Magín Lapuerta
calcination/chemical activation. The most reported way Ramon Piloto-Rodríguez
to produce biochar-based catalyst is to treat the biomass 2583-4189
before its pyrolysis (350 C-600 C, t ≤ 3 h), followed by
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