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How to make uncountable noun countable?

bread - Two loaves of bread  I will beat you up/I will call the police.
coffee - two cups of coffee Refusal
advice - two pieces of advice  I won't lend you the money/ I have tried to advise her but she won't listen.
information - two pieces of information Accept warnings
Countable nouns  Be careful. Do not worry, I will.
 Used in plural Going to
 Can be used with - «a» Intention or plans (decision made before the time of speaking)
 A book, two books  Restaurant - if I decided before
Uncountable nouns  I am going to repaint this room
No plural Prediction about the future, if there is present evidence
 Rice  Look at the clouds. It is going to rain in a minute
Not used with indefinite article «a» To talk about events which are certain in the future
 A rice - I had a rice for lunch.  I am going to be 22 next week.
Commonly confused uncountable nouns Present Simple/Present Continuous for FUTURE
 Information Present simple - timetable
 Advice  The bus leaves at 5.
 What time does our English lesson finish?
Future tenses Present continuous - planned arrangement (diary), personal plan
Will or going to ? = going to
Ordering food in a restaurant: Which is correct?  I am seeing my dentist on Tuesday at 10.
 I will have spaghetti bolognese.  What are you doing on Friday night?
 I am going to have spaghetti bolognese. Future Continuous
Future Simple (I will go) Activity which will be in progress in the future
Make a decision (at the time of speaking)  At 7:30 I will be watching the news. (7:00-8:00)
 I will have fish and chips.  At this time tomorrow I will be travelling home. (I will be in the
Prediction/ weather forecast middle of some activity)
 It will rain/I will probably be home late. Previous arrangements, plans (the same as present continuous but sounds
 will = vôla, chciet more polite):
Promise  Are you coming to the party? = Will you be coming to the party?
 I will write my thesis by myself.  Will you be using the computer for much longer?
Offer I am to do
 I will take that for you/Shall I shut the door? To talk about formal, official arrangements:
….will  The European Parliament is to introduce a new law on safety at work.
Request  The queen is to open new exhibition
 Will you tell him for me? Another meaning - formal instructions, giving orders (as should):
 The medicine is to be taken after meals. 1. A: I haven’t got any money. B: Don’t worry. I will lend you.
Future Perfect Simple 2. A: Why are you filling that bucket with water? B: I am going to wash the
 I will have done car.
Something will be ended, completed by a particular point in the future 3. A: I’ve decided to repaint this room. B: What colour are you going to
 By the time you get home I will have cleaned the house from top to paint it?
bottom. 4. A: What would you like to eat? B: I will have a sandwich, please.
Future Perfect Continuous 5. A: I don’t know how to use this camera. B: It’s easy. I will show you.
 I will have been doing
To emphasize how long something has been going on by a particular point in V sobotu to bude 5 rokov, čo bývam v tomto dome. On Saturday I will have
the future. been living in this house for five years.
 On Saturday I will have been living in this house for a year. Kým prídeš domov, dom bude upratany. By the time you get home I will have
 Next year I will have been working in the company for 30 years. cleaned the house.
Keď budem mať 30 rokov, tak to už bude 10 rokov, čo sa učím španielčinu.
 But: I will have known Tom for 20 years in December.
When I am 30, I will have been teaching Spanish for 10 years.
 But: We will have been married for 20 years. (not will have been
Kým prídem do školy, zjem celú tuto čokoládu. By the time I get to school I
will have ate this whole chocolate.
V máji to bude 5 rokov, čo robím pre tuto firmu. In May I will have been
Litter - smeti
working in this company for 5 years.
I am a jerk - debil
Awareness - uvedomovanie si
Promotion - propagácia
Uncountable - countable
Promócia - graduation (degree)
Advice - a recommendation
Promotion at work - povýšenie v prácu
Advertising - an advertisement
Reservation of folk architecture
Progress - a step forward
Open - air museum
Research - a study
Cliffs - útesy
Monitoring - a close watch
Oil spill - ropná škvrna
Baggage - a suitcase
Toll-free motorways - don’t have to pay the motorways
Information - a fact
Channel Tunnel - railway tunnel that connects UK and France
Money - a coin
Widespread aviability of lead-free petrol - široká dostupnosť bezolovnatého
benzínu (už všetok benzín)
Future tenses
Wide variety of good cuisine - výber rôznych kuchýň
I am having party on Friday evening.
Politically stable - no conflicts
Does the film begin at 5.00?
Interpretation - tlmočenie
What time does the train get to London?
On-site interpretation in other language - that don’t know other languages
I am not going out this evening.
Supply - ponuka
What are you doing tomorrow evening?
Tube fares - fee for travelling
Demand - dopyt
Perceived - vnímaný Ricardo says he won't be attending the meeting he thinks it will be a waste of
Variable standards - it is changing, odlišne štandardy time. (arrangement, prediction)
Poverty and violence in a number of inner cities - the people are poor, being The Prince of Wales is to open the new theme park on April 1st. (event of an
robbed - bank, mugged, attacted official nature and scheduled in advance)
Inner city - city, which is not in the coast We are having an office party on Friday after work for Justyna. She will have
Famine - hladomor been working for us for twenty years. (arrangement, continuous state of affairs
Trade fair- veľtrh up to a moment in the future)
Stickers - nálepky I'm fed up with working here. I'm going to try to get a better job somewhere
Lobbying - persuading else. (intention)
Receptions - food to discuss business On the second night of the programme everyone will be going to a cabaret
Exhibitions - výstavy show. (arrangement)
Press releases - tlačová správa
Leaflets - leták Rolling - zvlnený
Upmarket - určený pre luxusných zákazníkov Gentle - nežný
Target - terč Undulating - vlnitý
PR - public relations Low-rise - nízkopodlažný
Spread the gospel - šíriť evanjelium (šíria správu) Spacious - rozsiahly
Pretty aggressive - pekne agresívna (oksimoron) Well-appointed - komfortný
Worthwhile - niečo stojí za zo Quaint - malebný
Launch - púšťa na trh Old-world - starosvetsky
Charming - očarujúci
Could you ring the airport and ask what time the first flight to Brussels shall Relaxed - uvoľnený
leaves? (regular schedule) Carefree - bezstarostný
(The telephone rings - it is 10.55.). Oh, that'll be Rosa. She said she'd ring at Welcoming - príjemný
11. (deduction) Spectacular - pôsobivý
We'd better hurry up - it looks as if it's going to rain. (prediction based on Soaring - vznášajúce sa
present circumstances) Majestic - majestátny
The Antarctic will certainly become an important tourist destination. (factual Unspoilt - nedotknutý
prediction) Striking - prekrásny
You haven't got a car I'll give you a lift if you like. (spontaneous offer) Panoramic - panoramaticky
It's not surprising he won't do any work for you - you don't pay him! (refusal, Ruined - zničený
lack of willingness) Medieval - stredoveký
Don't panic! I'll have finished the report by Wednesday afternoon. (event Bustling - uponáhľaný
completed in future time) Secluded - nerušený
I won't have time to see you - I'll be finishing the report on Wednesday Safe - bezpečný
afternoon. (prediction; event which will be in progress at a particular moment Uncrowded - nepreplneny
in the future)
The brochure - important documents used in the promotion of a destination.  Does anyone have any questions?
Shelving - regálový
Picturesque - malebný Concerned about - znepokojený
Marvellous - skvelý Low impact - malý vplyv
Idyllic - idylicky Set up - nastaviť
Superb - vynikajúci Pattern - vzor
Floodlit - osvetlený svetlometmi Detergents - čistiace prostriedky
Whitewashed - obieleny Fragile - krehký
Secluded - skrytý Trample over - prešliapať
Cobbled - dláždený (kockami) Encounter - stretnutie
Mouth-watering - lahodný Encourage - povzbudiť
Rubbish - odpadky
The language of presentations Restore - obnoviť
Introduction Income - príjem
 Good evening, everyone. Deprive of - zbaviť
 Thank you for inviting me to speak on ... Preserve - zachovať
 Tonight I am going to talk about ... Streams - prenikať
Introducing your talk Manageable - zvládnuteľný
 I would like to start by... Rhino - nosorožec
 I shall begin by ... Begging - žobranie
Beggar - žobrák
 Then I will speak about ...
Trample all over - šliapať po celom tele
 Thirdly I will talk about ...
Rare plant - vzácna rastlina
 And lastly...
The main part of the talk Acknowledge - uznať
 Let us begin with ... Accept - prijať
 However... Agree - súhlasiť
 As far as (the accommodation) is concerned ... Announce - oznámiť
 Moving on to … Claim - tvrdiť
 My third point deals with ... Concede - priznať
 And last but not least ... Confirm - potvrdiť
Summing up/conclusion Deny - poprieť
 So, in conclusion, you can see that ... Explain - vysvetliť
Saying thank you and ending your talk Imply - naznačovať
 Thank you all for listening so attentively. Insist - trvať na tom
 I hope I have been able to tell you a little about ... Maintain - udržiavať
 Before I sit down I would first like to thank... for ... Observe - pozorovať
Point out - vypichnúť A foregone conclusion - vopred jasný záver
Promise - sľúbiť A fruitful collaboration - plodná spolupráca, prináša výsledky
Remark - poznamenať A heated argument - ostrá hadka
Reply - odpovedať A key issue - kľúčový problém
Reveal - odhaliť A stumbling block - kameň úrazu
State - uviesť A vested interest - jasný záujem, nesporný
Suggest - navrhnúť A workable arrangement - postačujúce, fungujúce riešenie
There’s no point - nemá zmysel
Reported speech
Direct speech Opening a meeting
I am happy - he said that she was happy  Right, shall we get started?
You said you were happy  The first thing we have to discuss / decide is ...
He said - Past Simple Inviting comments
He says - no shift of tenses  I'd like to give the floor to ... - priestor, slovo
 Mrs Olsen, is there anything you would like to say?
Bucks - doláre  Does anyone have any further comments?
Strongly-worded - ostro formulovaný  Would you like to come in here?
Gimmick - trik Directing the proceedings - riadenie, smerovania procesu
Privilege - výsada
 We seem to be losing sight of the main issues - pohľad
Cost the Earth - stojí majlan
 With respect (zo všetkou úctou), I don't think that is entirely relevant -
Descending - zastupujúci
úplne dôležite
Damage - škoda
Clothing the meeting
Plc - public limited company, akciová spoločnosť
Vote - hlasujeme za/proti  Could we stick (pridržať) to the subject under discussion, please?
Election - politické voľby  Perhaps we could come back to that later.
Proposal - požiadanie o ruku  I'll come to you in a minute.
Vicious circle - začarovaný kruh  Are there any further (ďalšie) points anyone wishes to make?
Find common ground - najist spoločnú reč  To sum up, ... - dať dokopy
Face facts - negative, except the reality  Are we all agreed on this?
Put something to the vote - dať o niečom hlasovať  Shall we take a vote? All those in favour (za)? All those against? I
Invite comments - vyzývať, vyvolať diskusiu declare (vyhlasovať) this meeting closed.
Reach agreement - most of the people agree with solution, dosiahnuť dohodu
Second the proposal - podporiť návrh Favour - priazeň, láskavosť
Raise the subject - nastoliť tému Submarine - ponorka
Go round in circles - točiť sa v kruhu Tram - električka
Come to a decision - prísť k rozhodnutiu Liner - Titanik
Chairman - predseda Yacht - [йот] jachta
Scouter - kolobežky Cut down - obmedziť
Raft - plť Check in - zaregistrovať sa
Jaw - čeľusť Fly out - vyletieť
Open-jaw ticket - return is from a different airport Set off - vydať sa na cestu
Coach - bus for long distances Work out - vypracovať, cvičiť fyzicky
Subway - underground Start on - pustiť sa
Coach - bus Put up - vztýčiť
Back out - vycúvať
Phrasal verbs Broke even - zlomil dokonca
Without an object: See off - vyprevádiť
 Got up at 7:30 Make out - vystaviť účet
 My car broke down Run out - náhodou stretnúť
With an object: Fell through - padať cez
 Can you turn off the light? Make up - zmieriť sa
 Turn it off. Break up - rozísť sa
Prepositional verbs: Break down - depressed, zrútiť sa
 Look after 4 kids Split up - odlúčiť
 Look for - search - 3 look for it Let down - sklamať
Bring up - vychovať
 Look up - hľadať - 2 look it up
Tell on - žalovať
More words:
Told off - vyhrešila
 Miss out on - zmeškať
Take after - podobať sa
 Live up to - nenaplnil očakávania Grow up - vyrásť
 Look forward to seeing - teším sa na videnie Drop in - zastaviť
 Run out of - minúť sa Bring up a topic - nastoliť tému
Come in - prísť Chain - reťaz
Sort out - roztriediť Taxi stand - stanovisko taxi
Come back - vrátiť sa Deal - dohoda
Return on - vrátiť sa
Pick up - zodvihnúť Fuel - palivo
Drop off - zaspať Toll - poplatok
Get around - prekonať Track - koľajnica
Look around - pozrieť sa okolo Press on - pokračovať v ceste
Save up - šetriť Station wagon - kombi
Miss out - premeškať Long-haul - vzdialená destinácia
Hang on - hold on - počkať Compartment - kupé
Hang around - potĺkať sa
Drop off - vysadiť estate car - station wagon - kombi
Guard - strážiť underground - subway - tube, v Británii podchod
Platform - nástupište driving licence - driver’s licence - vodičský preukaz
Make for - nasmerovať sa niekam Punkcia - prepyhnuť
Jet lag - pasmova choroba, porucha biorytmu po dlhej ceste lietadlom do Flat-tyre - sploštená pneumatika
iného časového pásma
Roundabout - kruhový objazd Obvious - jasne
Harbour - prístav Bemoan - sťažovať sa
Stopover - medzizastavka (popozeraju v tom mieste) Pampered - I get better services, rozmaznávať
Starboard - pravobok Hold up - zdržanie
Gangway - nástupný/prístavný mostík Cut it fine - na poslednú chvíľu prídem
Spelt disaster - katastrofa
Public adress system - rozhlas vnútorný Load - náklad, hŕba
Proceed - pokračujte Executive - výkonný riaditeľ
Deck - paluba Hindsight - spätný pohľad, dozadu
Pre-flight - predletovy Tackled the problem - vyriešite to
Muster station - zhromaždiť, keď biela situácia Implement - zaviesť
Regret - ľutovať Dedicated - venované
Industrial dispute - strike, štrajk Route - cestná linka
Brunch - instead of breakfast or lunch Pass - preukaz
Disembark - vylodiť sa Eligible - oprávnený, máte nárok
Maitre d’hotel - hlavný čašník Go airside - idete do letovej zóny
Mind the doors - pozor na dvere Lounge - odletova hala
Crew - personál Bulk - množstvo, veľa
Leaning - oprieť sa In bulk - kúpiť množstvom
Unattended - bez dozoru Handful - malo
Pigeon - holub Afterward - neskôr
Until - až do
British - American Review - prehodnocujú
puncture - flat - defekt Benefit - výhody
city centre - downtown For instance - for example
queue [кью] - line - rad Pre-order - vopred objednaný
motorway - freeway - diaľnica Pass holder - držiteľ preukazu
car park - parking lot Hurry up - ponáhľať sa
bonnet (čepiec) - hood - kapučna, kapota Bureaux de change - zmenárne
pavement - sidewalk - chodník Check out - pokladňa v obchode
petrol - gas Counter - pult, linka v kuchyňi
Smash hit - veľký hit, šláger Impolite, impatient
Emulating - zaviesť
Hassle - nepríjemnosť IL - illegal, illogical, illiterate, illegible (nečitateľny)
IR - irregular, irrational, irresistible (neodolateľný), irrelevant (nesúvisiaci)
Hospitality - pohostinnosť IM - immoral, immortal (nesmrteľný), immobile (nepohyblivy), immature
Certain - určitý (nevyvinutý), impossible, impatient, impolite, impartial (nestranný)
Improvement - zlepšovanie Ale! Unreliable
Sets of scales - súpravy váh
Dealt - riešiť Misbehave - správať neslušne
Excuse - ospravedlnenie Misinterpret - zle si to vysvetliť
Proper excess - riadne zaplatenie Misinterpret -zle pretlmočiť
Representation - organ Misdirect - zle usmerniť
Urgently - súrne Mishear - prepočuť
Implement - realizovať Miscalculate - prerátať sa
Entirely - úplne Mismanage - neviem riadiť
Items - problémy Misquote - zle odcitovať
ASAP - čonajskôr Mistreat - zle zaobchádzať
Misunderstand - nerozumieť
Tidy - poriadkumilovný, čistotny
Sympathetic - empaticky Retail - maloobchod
Experienced - skúsený Groomed - upravený
Capable - schopný Trainee - zácviku
Organised - organizovany Carry out - vykonávať
Professional - profesionálny Observe - sledovať
Responsible - zodpovedný Processed - spracovať
Friendly - priateľsky Balance - zostatok na účte
Efficient - efektívne pracujem Fairly - celkom
Polite - slušný Your cheque might bounce - odrážať, šek vráti, lebo ten človek nemá peniaze
Patient - trpezlivý na účte
Motivated - motivovaný Bit of ended - trošku skončil
Literate - can write and read, gramotný Unfortunate - nevhodne

Prefix Eyed us all up and down - premerať si od hlavy do päti

Untidy, unsympathetic, unprofessional, unfriendly, unmotivated Overbook - sell more than they have
Inexperienced, incapable, inefficient Relieved expression - výraz úľavy
Disorganised Single out - vyčleniť
Irresponsible Furious - vety angry
Shabby - ošarpaný  Start, finish
Refund - give your money back  But! Would like + to
To kick up a fuss - narobiť poriadok  I like swimming - I would like to swim
Cope with - vysporiadať sa Verbs + to
Show up - prídem  Decide
Pays to be - vyplatí sa  Plan
Firm - stojím za svojim  Help
Enemy - nepriateľ
 Offer
Teammate - spoluhráč
 Learn - I learned to knit (štrikovat)
1. Kým prídeš domov, večera bude už uvarená. (ja ju navarím). By the time  Promise
you come home, I will have cooked the dinner.  Fail - nepodariť
2. O 5 min. dojem tento steak, a potom môžem ísť s tebou von. In 5 minutes,  Want (I want you to…), tell (prikázať), ask (poprosit)
I will have eaten this steak and then I can go out with you.  Zápor: He told me not to go
3. O 5 min. to bude hodina, čo ješ tento obed. In 5 minutes, you will have  NOT TO
been eating this lunch for a hour.  I want you not to tell him
4. Do konca týždňa dočítam knihu Vojna a mier. By the end of the week, I Verb +ing and to - with a different meaning
will have read the book War and peace. Stop
5. V pondelok to bude už 6 týždňov, čo čítam túto nudnú knihu. On Monday,  I stopped smoking - prestal fajčiť
I will have been reading this boring book for six weeks.  I stopped to smoke - zastavil, aby som zapálil si cigaretu
6. V septembri to bude rok, čo hrám na gitare. In September, I will have been Remember/forget
playing the guitar for a year.  I remembered to lock the door (before you do it) - nezamkol si dvere
7. V nedeľu budem mať napísaných 40 strán z bakalárky. On Sunday, I will  I remember locking the door (after - a memory) - pamätám že zamykal
have written 40 p: from my bachelor thesis. som dvere
8. O minútu budem mať vyfajčenú túto cigatetu, potom prídem. In a minute,  I forgot to meet him - neprišla som
I will have smoked this cigarette, then I will come.  I forgot meeting him - stretla, ale už som to nepamätám
9. V máji to bude rok, čo nosím tento účes. In May, I will have been wearing Regret - ľutovať
this haircut for a year.  I regret not learning enough for the exam
10. V Júni to budú 4 roky, čo fajčím. In June, I will have been smoking for 4  I regret to tell you that you didn’t pass the exam - s ľútosťou
years. oznamujem že nezvládol si skúšku
Verb +ing or to  Can you help me to move this table?
 Rad plávam - I like swimming  I cannot help laughing/crying - neviem si pomôcť musím sa smiať
 Sľúbil mi, že pomôže mi - He promised to help me Mean
Verbs +ing  If you want to pass an exam it will mean learning a lot
 Like, love, enjoy, hate  I did not mean to hurt you - mat v úmysle
 Mind, miss Go on
 He went on talking for two hours - pokračovať v tom istom Postpone - odložiť
 After talking about school, he went on to talk about the weather - Recommend - odporučiť
pokračovať v inej činnosti Risk - riskovať
Try - pokúšať sa o niečo Save - zachrániť
 Try pressing that button (experiment, not difficult) - nie je ťažké, Suggest - navrhnúť
možno to nevyjde
 I was tired, I tried to keep my eyes open but I could not (it is difficult, Extra passengers - navyše
it need an effort) - je ťažké Inconvenience - neprítomnosť
Require - vyžadovať
Infinitive: Blame - viniť
Afford - dovoliť Sincere - úprimný
Arrange - zariadiť Thoroughly - dôkladne
Choose - vybrať si Circumstance - okolnosť
Claim - tvrdiť Assure - uistiť
Decide - rozhodnúť
Demand - požiadať Adjective word order
Expect - očakávať 1. Qualitative objectives (opinion)
Fall - padnúť  Attractive, famous, young, beautiful
Hope - dúfať  You can use “very” with these: very attractive
Manage - zariadiť 2. Classifying adjective (fact)
Offer - ponúknuť  Pregnant, single (room), double (bed), bridal (suite)
Plan - plánovať  The thing is either that or not, it cannot be used with “very”, e.g. very
Promise - sľubovať single room
Refuse - odmietnuť 3. Word order
Undertake - podujať si  Qualitative + classifying adjective (opinion + fact)
 Example: a large double bed, an interesting young man, a delicious hot
Gerund: soup
Admit - priznať si 4. More “fact” adjectives: word order
Avoid - vyhnúť sa 1. How big? Size
Delay - zdržať 2. How old? Age
Involve - zapojiť 3. What shape?
Anticipate - predpokladať si 4. What colour?
Consider - zvážiť 5. What origin?
Deny - popierať 6. What is it made of?
Justify - ospravedlniť sa 7. What is it for?
Mind - prekážať Example: a small new round red Chinese plastic salad bowl
Miss - chýbať 5. Compound adjectives - zložené
 Contain at least two words Figures - numbers
 An up-market hotel - drahší, luxusnejší Occupancy rate - vyťaženosť
 Self-contained accommodation - samostatne Neat and tidy - upratany, usporiadaný
 A well-appointed room - dobre vybavená Profit and loss - zisk a strata
 An out-of-the-way resort - mimo civilizácii Trial and error
Air-conditioned Manual
Well-equipped VAT - value added tax, DPH, vodka and tonic
Audio-visual Nautical miles - námorné
Cut-price - znížená cena Catamaran
Last-minute Biplane - dvojplošník
Part-time Courtyard
Off-season Snorkel
Purpose-built - postavené z určitým cieľom Scuba diving
Brand-new - čisto nový, prvýkrát nosený Snooker - biliard
Insulting Prestige
Enclosed - v prílohách Prestigious
Enclosure - príloha Minute - maličký
Attachment Wind down - oddýchnuť
Negotiate Trade fair
Stand - stánok
Sick and tired - mat pomezu Shade - chládok
Safe and sound - I’m completely okay, živý a zdravý Shadow - teň
Peace and quiet - pokoj, kľud
Pros and cons - plusy a mínusy, klady a zápory Homonyms
Supply and demand - dopyt a ponuka  From Greek, prefix homos = the same
 E.g. homogeneous, homosexual
Terms and condition - obchodné podmienky  Opposite prefix: heterogeneous
Null and void - neplatná Three types of homonyms:
Void - prázdnota, null - nula  Mail & mail (pošta) - homophone - pronounced the same
Wear and tear - obnosenost, opotrebovanosť  Saw & saw (pila) - homonym - spelled and pronounces the same
Gin and tonic  Tear & tear (trhať) - homograph - spelled the same
Vary Homonyms
Hard and fast - pevne stanovené Leave - odísť, dovolenka
Rules and regulations - predpisy a nariadenia Match - footbal, zápalky, ladiť sa
Facts and figures - fakty a dáta Fine - pokuta, v poriadku
Fair - bledý, spravodlivý, vyhladiť Contract
Swallow - prehltnúť, vlastovička Lead - olovo
Current - súčasný, prúd, ríbezľa, Present
Die (“the die has been cast - kocky sú hodené” - César) - zomrieť, kocka
Lie - klamať, ležať Canoeing
Mean - lakomý, odporný Scuba-diving
Stalk - sledovať, stonka Wind-surfing
Tire - unaviť, nabažiť sa Cycling
Well - studňa, dobre Ice-skating
Homophones Horse riding
Brake, break - brzda, zlomiť Hiking
Cell, sell - celá, bunka, predať Water-skiing
Flour, flower - múka, kvet Hang-gliding - rohalo
Heal, heel - uzdraviť, päta Fishing
Hour, our Cross country skiing - bežkovanie
Poor, pour - chudobný, naliať Sun-bathing
Sea, see Climbing
Steal, steel - ukradnúť, oceľ Dawn-hill skiing
Weather, whether - počasie, či Yachting
Stair - stare Kayaking
Die - dye Snorking
Piece - peace - peas Paraschuting - z lietadla
Hole (diera) - whole (celý) Sky diving
Rain - reign (vládnuť) Free fall
Night - knight (rytier) Base jump
Bored - board Rock climbing - iba skala
Hire - higher Mountain climbing
Through (cez) - threw (hodiť v minulom)
Way - weigh (odvážiť) Golf course
Pair - pear (hruška) Bowling alley
Homographs Football pitch
Content (adj., noun) - spokojný, obsah Volleyball court (súd)
Wind - vietor, oddýchnuť si Ski run
Tear - slza, trhať Athletics track
Row - pádlovať, hádka, Camp site
Refuse Ice-skating rink
Bow Site - place
Contidionals If 2, 3.
 If I didn’t love you, I wouldn’t have married you.
0. If you heat water at 100 C, it boils.  If 2 - now, 3 - past.
If + Present Simple, Present Simple
ALWAYS, fact, 100% reálne UNLESS - if not
Unless you stop, I will call the police.
1. If it doesn’t rain, I will go out. PROVIDED THAT - za predpokladu že
If + Present Simple, will + Verb ON CONDITION THAT - pod podmienkou
FUTURE, 50:50 reálna, expected to happen
2. If I had money, I would buy a car. 1. Keby som mal peniaze so sebou, bol by som išiel taxíkom. If I had had
If + Past Simple, would + Verb money with me, I would have gone by taxi. 3
NOW, 0% nereálne 2. Keby som bol včera šiel na party, stretol by som veľa nových ľudí. If
I had gone to the party yesterday, I would have met a lot of new people.
3. If you had studied more, you would have passed the exam. 3
If + Past Perfect (had done), would have + V3/ed 3. Keby som si bol zobral dáždnik, nebol by som teraz mokrý. If I had
PAST, 0 % nereálna taken my umbrella this morning, I wouldn‘t be wet. 3,2
4. Keby som Ťa bol videl, bol by som Ťa pozdravil. If I had seen you,
What will happen if I don’t water the flower?1 i would have said hello. 3
If I asked you to marry me right now, would you say yes? 2 5. Keby tá kniha nebola taká drahá, kúpil by som si ju. If the book wasn’t
If I went to Berlin, I would go by train. 2 so expensive, I would buy it. 2
If I had gone to the party yesterday, I would have met new people. 3 6. Ak stlačíš tento gombík, počítač sa zapne. If you press this bottom, the
If I had a better English teacher, I would speak English better. 2 computer turns on. 0
If I were you, I would buy that blouse. 2 7. Keby som vedel, že Gary bol v nemocnici, bol by som ho navštívil. If
If I had seen you, I would have said hello. 3 I had known that Gary was in the hospital, I would have visited him. 3,2
If you press this bottom, the computer turns on. 0 8. Keby som urobil chybu, ospravedlnil by som sa /ale ja si myslím, že som
If I had more money, I would travel by taxi more often. 2 ju neurobil/. If I had made a mistake, I would have apologised. 3
If you don’t stop, I will call the police. 1 9. Keby Bob nebol taký lenivý, bol by urobil skúšku. If Bob wasn’t so lazy,
he would have passed the exam. 2,3
Mixed Conditionals 10. Ak odídeš teraz, prídeš domov o šiestej. If you leave now, you will come
If 3, 2. home at 6 p.m. 1
 If I had taken my umbrella this morning, I wouldn’t be wet. 11. Keby som išiel do Berlína, cestoval by som vlakom. If I went to Berlin,
 If 3 - past, 2 - now. I would travel by train. 2
 If I had studied worse in primary school, I wouldn’t be here right now. 12. Keby sme boli zavolali lekára skôr, on mohol byť ešte nažive. If we had
 If we had called a doctor faster, he still would be alive. called a doctor earlier, he would still be alive. 3,2
 If we had taken a map, we would not be where we are.
13. Čo by si robil, keby sa ti pokazilo auto? What would you do, if your car Usual state of affairs - záležitosti, bežný stav veci
broke down. 2 Request - žiadosť
14. Ak zohreješ ľad, roztopí sa. If you heat ice, it melts. 0 Would be better of - radšej by si mal
15. Čo sa stane, ak tie kvety nepolejem? What will happen, if i don’t water Will (100%) - might (50:50%)
the flowers? 1 Could = would + can
16. Čo urobíš, ak neprestanem? What will you do, if I don’t stop? 1
17. Ak mi ihneď nepovieš pravdu, prestanem ti dôverovať. If you don’t tell Answer phone
me the truth immeadiately, i will stop trusting you. 1 Very - intensifier
18. Ak by som ťa teraz požiadal o ruku, povedala by si áno? (1/2) If Convenient - ľahko dostupné
I proposed to you now, would you say yes? 2 Horrendously - príšerne
19. Keby sme mali lepšiu učiteľku, vedel by som lepšie po anglicky. If we Pretty - celkom
had a better English teacher, we would know English better. 2 Reasonable price - rozumná cena
20. Keby si mi to bol povedal včera, mohli sme sa vyhnúť tomuto Out-of-this-world
nedorozumeniu. If you had told me yesterday, we could have avoid this Divine - božské
misunderstanding. 3 Relatively
21. Keby som mu bol písaval maily častejšie, nestratil  by som priateľa. If Extremely
I had written e-mails to him more often, i would not have lost the friend. Especially
3 Absolutely
22. Keby som mu písaval maily častejšie, ešte stále by bol mojim priateľom. Stick to - držať sa svojej rutiny
If I had written e-mails to him more often, we still would be friends. 3,2 Vaporetti - parniček, hromadná doprava
23. Keby si bola dala viac chilli do tej omáčky, tak je chutnejšia. If you had Offhand - z hlavy, s pamäti
put more chilli to the sauce, it would be more delicious. 3,2 Lobster - homar
24. Keby som si nebol zlomil nohu, mohol som s vami teraz hrať futbal. If
I hadn’t broken my leg, I could play footbal with you now. 3,2 Silent letter
25. Keby som bol prišiel taxíkom, nebol by som teraz unavený. If i had gone Psalm - žalmy
by taxi, I wouldn’t be tired now. 3,2 Lamb
26. Keby som mal viac peňazí, chodieval by som taxíkom častejšie. If i had Mortgage
more money, i would go by taxi more often. 2 Kneel - kľaknúť si
27. Ak mi dáš peniaze, kúpim ti tú knihu. If you give me money, I will buy Knight
that book. 1 Knit
28. Keby som hovoril lepšie po anglicky, pracujem ako prekladateľ. If Debt - dlžoba
I spoke English better, I would work as a translator. 2 Registered
29. Keby si nebola povedala „áno“, mohol som byť slobodný. If you hadn’t Vehicle [вікл]
said I do, I could be single now. 3,2 Subtle - maličký
30. Keby si nebola povedala „áno“, neboli by sme sa zobrali. If you hadn’t Buoyant - vznášajúci sa
said I do, we wouldn‘t have got married. 3 Sovereign - vládca
  Recorded - záznameť
Refuse - odpadky Mag
Refusal - odmietnuť Upgrade - better level of services
Transfer - prevod (peniaze) Bemoan - complain
Suit - suite (room, apartman) Yield - profit, výnos
Desert - dessert Claim - tvrdiť
Price - prize Fare - the cost of the journey, cestovné
Island - Iceland - Ireland Bona fide - čo reálne sa zaplatia
Career - carrier Executive - businessman
Lose - loose (stratiť, voľne oblečenie) Competetive - konkurenčný
Albeit - also
Modal verbs Incentive - motivujúci
He must be American 100% Lure - priťahovať
He should be American 75% Drawing power - príťažlivá sila
He could be (might) American 50% Appropriate - vhodný
He can’t be American 0% Sovereign - vládca
Must, should, could, might, can’t + past have Ved/3 Seek - hľadať (seek sought sought)
He must have been at school Carrier - prepravca, dopravná spoločnosť
He could have lied to me Stringent - prísny
He can’t have lied to me Loath - neochotný
You should listen to me (advice) Granting - darujem
You should have eaten breakfast (výčitka do minulosti) Hop - náskok
You should have written your bachelor thesis earlier. Savvy - rozumný
Nough - zero
Foregone conclusion - vopred jasný záver Painless - bezbolestný
There’s no way - nie je šanca Saddled with - zaťažený
Doubt - silne pohybujem Unclaimed - nevyužité nalietané
Likelihood - z najväčšou pravdepodobnosťou Likely - pravdepodobne
Just possible - je možnosť Hike up - vyhodí vyššie, do prvej triedy
It’s a safe bet - bezpečná stávka, na istotu Promotion - higher position at work, show your product to buy it
The chances is - máte šancu
In all probability - zo všetkou pravdepodobnosťou Willing
Slight chance - malička šanca (Al)though - napriek tomu
Distinct possibility - vzdialená pravdepodobnosť Through - cez
Bound - určite Deal - ponuka
Dispute - hádať sa, štrajkujú Offing - offer
Stand-by flight - ak sa oslobodí miesto, tak vám ho dajú Volume - objem
Supplement - doplatok
Supersonic jet - nadzvukové lietadlo I'll do my best to have an answer within a week. I promise to do my best to
Hesitate have an answer within a week. Urobím všetko pre to, aby som dostal odpoveď
Bump up - napchať do týždňa. Sľubujem, že urobím všetko pre to, aby som dostal odpoveď do
Determined - rozhodnutý týždňa.
Brim - pretierať cez okraje,
Ploy - taktika If I were you, I would make a strongly-worded complaint. I recommend
Portable - prenosný making a strongly-worded complaint. Na tvojom mieste by som podal ostro
Sympathetic - sucitny formulovanú sťažnosť. Odporúčam podať dôrazne formulovanú sťažnosť.
Purser - pokladník
The guide said she certainly did not turn up late. The guide denied turning up
Socket - čo v stene late. Sprievodkyňa povedala, že určite neprišla neskoro. Sprievodca poprel,
Flip chart - доска с бумагой и доской že by prišiel neskoro.
Slide projector - premietačka
Screen It would require us to make a change in the schedule. It would mean making a
OHP - overhead projector - meltar change in the schedule. Chcelo by to, aby sme urobili zmenu v
Remote control harmonograme. Znamenalo by to zmenu v harmonograme.
LAN - local area network Language for handling complaints
Lectern - rečnícky pult Introducing your complaint
Marker pens  I'm not one to make a fuss, but ...
Plug - to čo dávam do steny, zaštička  I don't want to complain, but ...
Unplug - akusticky  I'm sorry, but I really feel I have to make a complaint about ...
Podium - pódium Handling a complaint
Pointer – ukazovatka  I'm sorry to hear that.
 Let me take the full particulars.
I think it would be a good idea to write to the tour operator. I suggest writing
 I fully understand.
to the tour operator. Myslím, že by bolo dobré napísať cestovnej kancelárii.
Odporúčam napísať cestovnej kancelárii.  I'll do my best to sort it out.

Would it be inconvenient for you to wait a little longer? Would you mind Jazyk na vybavovanie sťažností
waiting a little longer? Bolo by pre vás nepohodlné čakať o niečo dlhšie? Predstavujeme vašu sťažnosť
Nevadilo by vám počkať trochu dlhšie?  Nie som z tých, ktorí robia rozruch, ale...
 Nechcem sa sťažovať, ale...
OK, yes, I made a mistake about the time but not the date. I admit making a  Prepáčte, ale naozaj mám pocit, že musím podať sťažnosť na...
mistake about the time but not the date. OK, áno, pomýlil som sa v čase, ale Vybavovanie reklamácie
nie v dátume. Priznávam, že som sa mýlil v čase, ale nie v dátume.  To je mi ľúto.
 Dovoľte mi uviesť všetky podrobnosti.
 Plne chápem.
 Urobím všetko pre to, aby som to vyriešil.

Letters of apology: useful expressions

 I was sorry to hear that ... Bolo mi ľúto, že som to počul...
 Please accept my sincere apologies for ... Prijmite prosím moje úprimné
ospravedlnenie za...
 I have thoroughly investigated your complaint... Vašu sťažnosť som
dôkladne prešetril...
 I apologise for the inconvenience. Ospravedlňujem sa za nepríjemnosti.
 …due to circumstances beyond our control. v dôsledku okolností, ktoré
nemôžeme ovplyvniť.
 I will personally make sure... osobne sa presvedčím...
 I can assure you this will not happen again. Môžem vás ubezpečiť, že sa to
už nebude opakovať.

e.g. – for example

i.e. – that is
etc. – and so on
3% p.a. – for each year
a.d. – после нашей эры
bc – до нашей эры
asap – as soon as possible, как можно скорее
eta – estimated time of arrival
p.a. – per annum; (ročná úroková miera)
Asap – (tak rýchlo ako to bude možné)
AIDS (acquired immune deficienxy syndrome)

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