Rebuild World Volume 3 Part 1 MTL

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Episode 70 Buried Ruins

Episode 71 Know-How on Selling Relics
Episode 72 Souvenirs from the Site Exploration
Episode 73 Results of the Re-search
Episode 74 Sheryl's Shopping
Episode 75 Katsuya and Cheryl
Episode 76 Collision Avoidance
Episode 77 Cheryl and Her Friends Collect Relics
Episode 78 Someone's Up to Something
Episode 79 Sheryl's Disaster
Episode 80 The Value of Information
Episode 81 Unexpected
Episode 82 Security Equipment at the Ruins
Episode 83 The Price of Wishes
Episode 84 Reasons to Help and Who to Help
Episode 85 Continuing Attempts
Episode 70 Buried Ruins

Akira became a hunter in order to escape from the slums and rise to the top, and met Alpha at the
Kuzuthara Street ruins. After accepting a request, they began to work together as collaborators.
Akira's subsequent years as a hunter and businessman have trained him, and his abilities have
grown at an extraordinary pace.
The support he received from Alpha as an advance payment was so powerful that in a short period
of time, he transformed a mere child from the slums into a hunter who was even nominated by the
city of Kugamayama to mediate requests for his services.
With the fruits of his labor, Akira gained what he had once dreamed of in the slums. It is the dream
he used to have when he was wearing dirty clothes, eating food that was as unsafe as clinical trials,
and sleeping in back alleys where it was no surprise if he was killed in his sleep.
I want to wear decent clothes, eat decent food, and sleep in a safe room. That's all I wanted, but in
the back alleys of the slums, it was a tremendous enough desire.
They got serious clothes, even if they were combat uniforms. We ate so much delicious food that
we almost forgot ourselves. I rented a house so big that a novice hunter could not rent it.
They have escaped from slum life and fulfilled a dream they once hoped for.
But even after realizing that dream, Akira's heart remained in the back alleys of the slums. Scorned
by everyone, unbelieved, and killing each other. The spirit of that alleyway remained.
However, his heart changed only a little as he continued his hunter business. Seeing those who
would not hesitate to expose their own lives to death for the sake of others, Akira learned that such
people existed.
And one event had a very strong impact on Akira. It was when he heard a single word said by a
girl named Yumina.
Of course it's worse to steal!"
If someone somewhere had said those words in a different situation, they would not have had the
same impact on Akira. If someone else heard those same words, they would not have the same
But for Akira, it was a very big word.
Akira's spirit, which had been crouched in the alleyway all that day, took just a few steps outside
of it.
On his feet, Akira steps forward and continues his hunter's business. To keep his promise to Alpha.
To someday complete the request she gave him.
And to fulfill wishes that we are not even aware of. To get what we have unconsciously desired,
and to get what we will surely get someday.
Akira and Alpha, the two hunters, continue to work together to fulfill their respective desires.

Akira traded and sold his war record of defeating relic assailants at the Kuzuthara Street site to the
city of Kugamayama, for which he received 160 million aurum.
But he has already spent 150 million aurum. 60 million for medical treatment at the hospital where
he was brought in after the battle, and 80 million to buy a complete set of lost equipment. million,
and 10 million for high-performance recovery drugs.
Akira's body was in shambles from years of harsh living in the slums and even harsher repeated
battles. But now, thanks to expensive and sophisticated medical treatment, he is as healthy as those
who live in affluent areas behind the walls.
In order to continue to achieve further success in the hunter's occupation, more powerful guns and
reinforced clothing are desperately needed. However, the more powerful the equipment, the more
expensive it will be.
High potency recovery drugs are very expensive because they require advanced technology to
manufacture. However, on the battlefield, the probability of death increases dramatically simply
by slowing down due to injury. A recovery drug that can quickly treat such injuries on the spot is
worth more than its high price.
All of them are necessary for Akira. Not a single aurum is wasted.
But even so, Akira's sense of money was steadily being destroyed by a series of payments that
were off by orders of magnitude. Akira, who used to behave suspiciously just because he got a
mere 200,000 aurum, is now a shadow of his former self.
I have already asked Sizuka to procure a new set of equipment. I have been taking care of Shizuka's
equipment purchases ever since I started working as a hunter, and I trust him enough to pay the
entire budget of 80 million aurum in advance without any hesitation.
When Akira received word from Shizuka that a new set of equipment had arrived at his store, he
immediately went to Shizuka's store to receive the long-awaited item.
On the way there, Alpha chuckles lightly at Akira's buoyant appearance.
You are in a very good mood. Are you so excited about the new equipment?"
It's no wonder," he said. You know the new set of equipment that was written in the book, don't
you, Alfa? I'm looking forward to it.
Akira answered as a matter of course, and entered Shizuka's store, being more careful than usual
not to become a suspicious person who was too buoyant to talk to the imaginary empty air.
Sizuka is so good looking that some people patronize the restaurant for her. She welcomes Akira
with a friendly smile on her face.
Welcome, Akira. This way."
He then stood up from the counter and beckoned Akira to him, and led him straight to the
warehouse at the back of the store.
Then it occurred to Akira.
Sizuka. Are you sure you're okay emptying the counter?"
It's okay," he said. My store is not so prosperous that customers line up to get a seat at the counter
just because the owner is away from the counter for a few minutes. It's a shame.
Sizuka said this with a light joking smile. In response, Akira returned a subtle look and voice.
Ha ha ......"
Akira, who has only poor communication skills, was not sure if he should answer, "Then it's all
right. However, he could not think of a good response, so he let his words slip, and instead, he
expressed his original question.
No, I just didn't want anyone to steal the guns and stuff I keep over there in the meantime."
If you don't keep a close watch on them, they will be stolen in the blink of an eye. Akira's sudden
thought was born from the thought that this was a natural consequence.
Sizuka noticed this and felt pity for Akira's days when he had that thought planted in his mind.
However, she smiles as if it is nothing, so as not to feel sorry for Akira unnecessarily.
"Oh, you're worried about that? It's okay. The items on display are secured to a stand to prevent
theft, and surveillance cameras have been installed. We also have insurance through a private
security company. No problem.
Even if a robber takes advantage of this opportunity and steals the store's money, the loss will be
covered by insurance, minimizing the store's damage.
The private security company, which has a contract with the insurance company, then captures the
robber with the prestige of the company at stake. The company then moves to recover its costs.
Whether or not the robber ultimately escapes unharmed depends on whether or not he is able to
pay the amount of damage claimed under various names. If they cannot pay, their personal
belongings, their bodies, and later their lives will be thoroughly converted into money by any
means necessary, and they will have to face the consequences they deserve.
Whether this will be as little as confiscation of property, hard labor, or experimentation with new
drugs and technologies depends on the amount of damage they have created.
However, once they start working to capture the target, they basically move without regard to
whether the target is alive or dead. The reason is that it is better for the guards to kill the target
than to let him escape, for the sake of their own credibility.
Therefore, the robber's chances of settling the damage and surviving safely are limited to the case
where he is caught without dying.
Akira was still a little concerned when Shizuka told him those explanations. So Sizuka decided to
change the direction of the conversation.
Even if there was a little damage to the store from leaving the counter empty for a while, well,
that's a business decision."
"Management Decisions, ......, is it?"
Shizuka jokingly replies to Akira, who looks at him strangely, not understanding what he means.
Yes," he said. Akira is a big customer, and he plans to become a regular. We need to make sure
that he is a regular customer so that we can empty the counter for him and have him contribute to
the sales of the restaurant. So, the big-ticket customer. This way, please.
Akira decided to stop worrying about it any longer in response to Shizuka's concern. He smiled a
little too broadly in return.
I understand. Let's go."
As Sizuka continues to guide him, Akira suddenly thinks again.
(Regular schedule, huh? I think I've already paid for a lot of equipment, and I've been here many
times for ammunition and other supplies. Still, Sizuka doesn't consider me a regular yet? ......)
Akira felt somewhat disappointed about this, and was about to continue his thoughts on what he
should do, when he was approached by Shizuka.
By the way, we are very grateful for your contribution to our sales, but we would like you to
contribute to our products if possible. Reinforced clothing is more like an order fulfillment service,
and to be honest, the profit margins are not very good.
Akira, suddenly approached by a voice, is at a loss for a reply and his gaze wanders.
'Oh, well, that's, uh, that's, uh, that's something you can look forward to in the future.'
I'm counting on you. But not too much, okay?"
Akira responds honestly to Shizuka, who smiles at him as if rebuking a child, but still shows
concern for his partner.
I know.
It might be better to increase the number of times he comes to the store and the amount of money
he spends there, even if he has to push himself a bit to be recognized as a regular by Sizuka. The
thought that Akira was about to think of was interrupted by the light-hearted exchange of words,
and disappeared before he could come up with an idea.
The store's warehouse was also used as a loading dock for merchandise, with shelves stocked with
heavy weapons and ammunition for sale. While Akira was looking at these miscellaneous items,
Shizuka pointed toward the shutters of the warehouse.
Now, your order for Akira's new set of equipment is right over there.
Akira expressed surprise and joy when he saw what was there.
...... Sizuka. I've read your quote, but are you sure you want to include my new set of equipment?"
Although Akira had been informed of the project beforehand, he was still mildly perplexed at the
sight of the real thing.
Sizuka smiles back at me with his best smile.
Of course not. I've kept it within budget."
A wilderness-specification vehicle was parked there. The five-meter-long vehicle radiated an
intimidating presence that was different from the small cars that can only be used in paved urban
It is not an uncommon type of vehicle for wilderness use. Akira has had the experience of renting
a similar car from a rental company. Even so, the recognition that it was his own car gave Akira
deep emotion.
A means of transportation is essential for hunters in the wilderness. Akira, who lost his motorcycle
in a battle with relic raiders, found a new means of transportation.
Then I'll check to make sure we have all the goods, and you can check with Akira too."
Sizuka takes out a piece of quotation paper and gives a copy to Akira as well. He then points to
each of the product names listed there and to the actual product, and they talk about it, asking them
to confirm together that it is indeed here.
One four-wheel drive Telos Type 97, a wilderness-specification four-wheel drive vehicle
manufactured by Tata Tsuzumori Heavy Industries. It is a used vehicle, but it has been well
maintained and is equipped with a control unit that also serves as a spotting device.
In addition to the ability to traverse roadless roads littered with small rubble and debris, wilderness-
specific vehicles are designed with many considerations for wilderness-specific situations, i.e.,
encounters with monsters.
The Telos Type 97 uses an open design with no roof. This is to make it easier for hunters who
carry high-powered heavy weapons in reinforced clothing to use them on the vehicle than with
inadequate vehicle-mounted equipment.
The vehicle's high height and large tires are made of very sturdy material, allowing it to go through
the little obstacles that litter the wilderness.
And the vehicle body is fitted with what are called armored tiles.
Armor tiles are mainly tiles formed of objects that generate force field armor in response to impact,
etc. Some are heavy and thick like steel plates, while others are light and thin like seals.
Basically, it is used by attaching it to something. After receiving an impact and generating force
field armor, the force field armor rapidly becomes fragile and brittle, and usually peels off as it is.
Some vehicles have force field armor force field armor generators built into the body itself, but
these are intended for high-ranking hunters who can afford the high cost of energy and are only
available in the higher end of wilderness-specification vehicles. It was not a product that Akira
could afford today.
One CWH objective assault rifle and one DVTS minigun. 1 gun. Both are placed on the vehicle's
mounting platform so they can be used without the reinforced suits."
Two gun turrets are mounted on the open cargo bed at the rear of the vehicle, each with a gun.
The reason the gun turret is not located at the front of the vehicle is that in wilderness combat with
monsters, there are more opportunities to shoot at a certain distance from the target, or while
fleeing from the enemy, than there are opportunities to shoot while approaching the target.
Of course, you can detach it and carry it with you. But be careful, the DVTS minigun consumes a
lot of ammunition. It comes with a built-in extension part to increase the ammunition capacity.
You should use the corresponding extended magazine, but don't worry, you can use regular
ammunition as well.
The DVTS minigun is supported by a solid gun seat and has a sturdy appearance that makes it
impossible for a person to carry and use it.
The ammunition belt extending from the engine room mated to the magazine loaded behind it. The
large, non-portable magazines are not necessary for rapid-firing from the vehicle. It is enough to
reap the rewards of an encounter with a pack of monsters.
The AAH and A2D assault rifle extensions are in the box over there. They can be used for both,
so you can build them in any way you like later."
Those two guns, which I bought when I ordered a set of equipment, are unmodified so that they
can be used without reinforced clothing. Naturally, they are not effective against hard monsters
like the Yarata scorpions.
One was to be left unmodified just in case, but the other was to be modified to be able to shoot
strong arm ammunition, etc., assuming the use of reinforced clothing.
Two wilderness-specification information terminal Fearance from Tazumori Giken. They're very
sturdy machines with armored seals, and they're both linked to Telos 97, so you can even drive
them remotely. Well, they're going to be used in the wilderness, so the more rugged the better."
Two information terminals are placed on the passenger seat of the car. It had an appearance that
could be described as rugged at best, and at worst, as a design abandoned in favor of sturdiness.
A cover is included to protect the display surface when not in use, but its shape makes one suspect
that armored tiles may have been pasted directly onto it, making it a product for hunters in the
sense that it can withstand use in the wilderness.
Finally, there is one piece of ERPS Integrated Intelligence Gathering Equipment Integrated
Reinforced Clothing, trade name Powered Silence. It's in the storage case there, including all of its
accessories. The linkable sights are also included as part of the accessories, so if you want to use
them, you'll have to put them on later."
A large storage case, just barely large enough to fit inside the vehicle, was placed on the back seat
of the vehicle.
Without the reinforced clothing, they would not be able to receive the full support of Alpha. It is
the most important equipment for Akira now. Even if I had to choose between reinforced clothing
and other equipment, I would choose the reinforced clothing without hesitation. That is how
important it is.
Akira grabbed the handle of the storage case and tried to remove it to check the new equipment,
which was so important. However, the case was much heavier than expected and did not budge.
So this time, I grabbed the handle firmly with both hands and pulled. However, the case still did
not move. Then I put one foot on the side of the car and pulled as hard as I could. Even so, I could
only move the case a little at a time.
Seeing Akira's struggle, Shizuka stood by Akira's side, grabbed the handle with one hand, and
pulled the case. Then, the case that Akira had tried so hard to move moved so easily, as if it were
a solid piece of Styrofoam.
Surprised by this, Akira hurriedly removed his hand from the case. Sizuka took the case out of the
car by herself and put it on the floor.
When Akira lightly exclaimed in admiration, Sizuka, who had been smiling affectionately at Akira,
smiled at him with a somewhat powerful smile, as if to remind him of the power of his smile.
The power of the suit?
What?" Uh, yes. I understand."
Sizuka wears a thin reinforced garment called reinforced innerwear under her clothes. Akira
remembered this from Shizuka's words and answered that he was a little flustered to cover it up.
Why was I reminded of this? Akira wondered, but could not figure it out.
He regained his composure and opened the storage case. Inside was a folded black reinforced suit
and its accessories, including several small devices.
When Akira took the reinforced clothes out of the case to see the appearance, Shizuka spread out
the reinforced clothes so Akira could see them better and held them for him.
Reinforced clothing is made from a fabric base woven with man-made fibers that look hard but
are soft enough to be folded. There was no exoskeleton attached, but a material that looked like a
long, thin, hard rubber plate attached to the surface of the body like a harness.
The backs of the hands and feet were also made of a hard rubber-like material, and there were
areas there that looked like connections to electronic devices. Other hard parts of the body also
had similar connections attached.
Shizuka explains it lightly to Akira, who looks at the part in wonder.
That's the part where you attach the small intelligence-gathering equipment that comes with it," he
said. You said it's an integrated intelligence-gathering device-integrated reinforced suit, right? It's
a product designed with the concept of integrating intelligence-gathering equipment with a
reinforced suit."
Akira continued to take out the accessories in the storage case.
The small terminal of the information collection device looks like a regular polyhedron cut in half,
and combines various functions in a single device, such as a camera, sound collection, motion
sensor, and vibration detection.
Although their individual performance was low, the system was designed to improve the overall
functionality of the system by attaching a large number of them and having them work together.
Akira looked at the accessory, which did not exist in the previous enhancement suit, with interest.
Integrated, is it? Are those still more expensive than regular reinforced suits?"
Naturally, the more powerful and versatile the reinforced suit, the more expensive it is.
I know," he said. The price includes the information gathering equipment ......, and you bought a
car with it, so how did your budget come in?"
A total of 80 million aurum for a complete set of equipment. It was a lot of money, but still,
considering what he had bought, Akira felt that he was well short of his budget. As I was thinking
that, Shizuka added that supplement.
This Powered Silence is a bit of a mixed bag," he said. It is much cheaper than the market price.
"There's a reason, huh?"
Oh, it's okay. It's a brand new product, and its performance is a grade higher than other products
in the same price range. It's just that there's a little something wrong with it, and it's not very
popular. It's just that it's not as popular as it used to be, so it's at a clearance price.
There are many different reasons for items that have a translation, and Sizuka, as the owner of the
store, speaks firmly to relieve the anxiety on the faces of his large customers that this is an okay
Good products that excel in both simple performance and cost-effectiveness do not necessarily sell
well. Other factors play a major role in sales. Reputation is not necessarily proportional to
performance, and there are many situations where publicity and rumors unrelated to the product
itself can sway its reputation.
That is true even for products related to the hunter business. And Powered Silence was a product
that took its negative effects seriously.
A hunter wearing Powered Silence made a spectacular blunder on a big commission shortly after
it was launched. And they were so harshly criticized that they pinned the blame for the blunder on
the reinforced clothing.
Moreover, the hunter was a well-known and talented person in his own right. In addition, he had
switched to another reinforced outfit, and the request he made was a great success. Because of this,
the bad reputation of Powered Silence spread rapidly, and sales were disastrous.
Whether the defect in the control device of the reinforced suit pointed out by that hunter really
existed, and if it did, whether it was really the cause of the blunder, is already a moot point.
However, even if the point had been made in error, or even if the problem had already been
corrected, it was impossible to erase the fatal notoriety that had once been attached to the product.
Sizuka would not normally recommend a product with a bad reputation. Unless, of course, the bad
reviews are just a misunderstanding and there is already no problem.
As for this reinforced garment, another product of almost the same model but with a different name
has been selling well, so the industry at least believes that there are no problems with the design
or performance. However, the product never returned to the shelves of major retailers because it
had already become a discontinued product by that time.
Although the specifications of this experimental integrated reinforced garment had some sharp
edges, the performance was good, but it was an unfortunate product that could not shake off the
bad reputation it had once gained. That is the Powered Silence.
When Akira heard these explanations from Sizuka, he felt a sense of familiarity, although he was
unaware that the bad luck was mutual, in that these reinforced suits were unfortunate and unfairly
Alpha, who partially read that faint sensation in the telepathy, interjects.
Akira. It's okay. Even if there's a glitch in the reinforced clothing system, I'll rewrite that to the
best of my ability, so there won't be any problems."
'Really? That's a relief."
I'll take care of it.
Seeing Alpha smiling so proudly and contentedly, Akira completely stopped worrying about the
strange notoriety of his reinforced clothes.
Then, with Shizuka's help, he put on the reinforced suit and activated it. The strong, tough man-
made fibers stretch and adhere to Akira's body. There was no discomfort, and even when he moved
his body lightly, he did not feel any discomfort.
The storage case also contained a simple protector in the form of an armored seal or other
reinforcement as an accessory to the reinforced clothing. This is also an auxiliary device to be used
by attaching to the reinforced clothes, which are difficult to attach to the reinforced clothes that
expand and contract according to the body shape and body movements, instead.
Akira put a small terminal of information-gathering equipment on a position and attached a
protector. He also put on a head-mounted display device similar to goggles. Finally, he put back
on his AAH assault rifle and A2D assault rifle.
Seeing Akira in his new gear, Shizuka smiles and nods lightly as if to tell him it looks good on
him. Akira looked a little embarrassed.
Now that we have confirmed Akira's new set of equipment," he said. Have we met your
Yes. Thank you so much."
That's good to know. I hope you will continue to patronize our store.
Sizuka said, her smile changing slightly from one intended for guests, and she approached Akira
and hugged him gently.
"...... I know you're going back to being a hunter again, but be careful enough. Okay?"
Akira smiled and nodded a little happily.

After loading the luggage into the car and preparing to leave the warehouse without leaving it,
Akira meets Shizuka from the driver's seat, shakes his head, and leaves.
Sizuka smiled and gave a small wave to Akira. Then, when Akira was out of sight, he exhaled
lightly and chuckled.
...... is not good. I'm really getting into it. I thought I was supposed to be more detached, but I guess
The procurement of Akira's new set of equipment was an 80 million aurum deal that greatly
boosted the store's sales. In terms of profit, however, the result was very mixed.
It is not in the red. It is in the black. However, the profit is so small that it is hard to believe that a
business deal worth 80 million aurum could generate such a small profit, even for Sizuka, who
tries to manage his business conscientiously every day.
But that was something Sizuka did on his own to make Akira's equipment as good as possible.
Even if you consider it an upfront investment to maintain a large clientele, it was so close to
profitability that Akira, who was slow in many ways, felt uncomfortable.
Sizuka laughs lightly as if to change his mind.
Akira. We've got the best equipment we can, so please continue to contribute to the store's sales
for a long time to come. I'm counting on you.
Hoping that Akira would continue to visit his store and come back without being swallowed up by
the wilderness, Shizuka returned to the counter of his store.

Three days after receiving a new set of equipment from Sizuka, Akira was driving his own vehicle
through the wilderness.
All the preparations for resuming the hunter's business were done in those three days.
The reinforced suits, information terminals, and vehicle controllers are seized by Alpha. The ease
of use of the reinforced suits and integrated information-gathering equipment was also confirmed
by a light tour of the wilderness near the city.
It also incorporates parts modified to the A2D assault rifle. The sights have been replaced with
other guns, and test firing has been completed.
I have no worries about resuming my hunter business. Now that he had his own vehicle, Akira was
ready to resume his search for undiscovered ruins.
The destination was a place where an arrow pointing to the installation site had indicated an
underground location when we were previously looking for the location of Lyons Tail's terminal
The place was nothing more than a mass of debris. But as far as we believe the location of the
arrows, there is a possibility that there are ruins underground, like the underground city of the
Kuzuthara Street ruins.
If a large number of artifacts remain in undiscovered ruins, the company can make a huge profit.
Many people with such dreams have been running in the wilderness to investigate the eastern part
of the country.
Some of those who make their dreams come true become wealthy overnight, creating more and
more people who venture out into the wilderness to follow in their footsteps. But most fail, their
dreams are dashed, and they disappear, swallowed up by the wilderness.
Undiscovered ruins are not so easy to find. Even if you are lucky enough to find them, the dangers
inside the ruins are, of course, unknown. You may be attacked by a horde of unknown monsters
and die.
In addition, there is no guarantee that any relics will remain there. There is only a high probability
that they will end up as useless bones.
But still, it is definitely an act worth betting on. Besides, I have Alpha's support. Akira was moving
forward through the wilderness in high spirits.
'And yet, I didn't think I would get my car so soon. Alpha. If I travel in my own car, other hunters
won't know right away if I find an undiscovered site."
Rental vehicles basically record their location and travel routes for purposes such as vehicle
Naturally, the vendor can see that information. If a rental vehicle is used to search for an
undiscovered archaeological site, the location of the site that has been found may become known.
So Akira and his team suspended their search for undiscovered ruins until they could get their own
The alpha in the passenger seat laughs and nods.
Yes. At least the fear of being known for renting a vehicle will disappear.
I'm going to go to the airport and see if I can find a place. Let's get going and look hard."
There, Akira took another look at Alpha's outfit and looked somewhat dismayed.
...... And by the way, hey Alfa, can't you do something about that outfit?"
Sitting in the passenger seat of a wilderness-specification vehicle, Alfa was wearing a pure white
dress that didn't seem to fit the surrounding scene.
Layers and layers of white fabric with an elegant sheen are laid over Alpha's divine and
magnificent limbs. The intense white color is even a little divine.
A white veil with intricate embroidery throughout danced in the wind, and together with the
transparent hair, it created a wave of radiance that was hard not to admire.
Normally, it would be extremely difficult to even get in the car because the fabric would get caught
in any part of the car, but Alfa was sitting in the car wearing the outfit without a care in the world.
This was only possible because he was only in Akira's line of vision.
Looking the opposite of Akira, clad in guns and reinforced clothing, Alpha smiles a smile that
matches his own attire.
'Oh, you don't like it? Does it not match Akira's taste?"
I don't mean that. It's just that I feel so out of place and distracted by the outfit. I'm driving. Isn't
that dangerous?"
I'm supporting him in the back, so even if Akira makes a mistake in driving, there won't be an
accident," he said. You can drive with peace of mind.
That may be true, but..."
Akira frowns slightly, but Alpha laughs and tells him.
As I told you before, I dress this way to ensure that if anyone recognizes me, they will respond.
Oh, that. Well, surely you'd react to that outfit."
The pure white dress is a garment of limited use, and it will definitely cause surprise and confusion
to those who see it in the wilderness without knowing what is going on, wondering where in the
world they are going dressed like that. Akira was slightly convinced of this, but his face remained
subtle, partly because he was taking in the effects of the outfit right beside him.
'Akira, think of it as an exercise in maintaining concentration, and do your best not to let the
presence of an oddly dressed woman next to you disrupt your focus.
Can't you at least wear the maid's outfit you used to wear?" That would have been better.
No. A maid's uniform might be a no-brainer outfit for a female hunter to wear in the wilderness.'
No, I don't think so."
I doubt it. Akira must have seen it many times, right?"
A hunter dressed in a maid's outfit was attracting attention in the underground mall at the
Kuzuthara Street site. And in the lower section of Kugamayama City, the number of women
wearing maid uniforms increased to two. Perhaps there will be more of them in the future, and
they will eventually become a common sight.
At least many of them have already seen a woman in a maid's uniform, so there is a good risk that
seeing themselves in a maid's uniform will only elicit a reaction of, "Oh, no, not again. Alpha noted
"Eventually it won't just be women hunters, but hunters of all genders might even wear maids'
You know, that's a bit of a stretch, isn't it?"
Akira's expression was quite suspicious and even somewhat disgusted when he heard something
that shook his common sense.
Alfa returns it with a teasing smile.
I don't know about that. I don't know about that, but I think that the way we dress can be more or
less agreeable than we think," he said.
For example, he prefaces the story with a hypothetical situation where the alpha leads to that
Some old-world clothing, even everyday clothing of the time, is sturdier than today's average
protective clothing. The same is true for maid uniforms.
Suppose that a huge quantity of maid's uniforms were found in the ruins. Or a device that produces
an almost inexhaustible supply of maid's uniforms is discovered.
No matter how high the performance of a product, if there is an oversupply of identical products,
the price will fall. When the price drops further and falls below a certain threshold, maid uniforms
are treated as inexpensive, high-performance protective clothing with poor design features.
At that point, the money-poor novice hunters will start wearing maid uniforms en masse. It is
because it is better than dying from fighting monsters in ordinary clothes.
And once that number exceeds a certain number, people get used to it. Everyone starts to wear
them without a second thought, and the maid uniform becomes the basic equipment of many
Akira's face showed his confusion when he heard the story.
Will it be so ......?"
'It will be. Of course, it is based on the assumption that it will be so. To give you an example, you
know, the old-world combat uniforms that Akira would think, 'What the heck is that design?
'Oh, that's the one Alpha wore before.
Hunters near the front lines wear those so-called old-world combat uniforms without a care in the
world. At first, it was probably because they could ignore the design if it was so high-performance,
but I guess they eventually got used to it.
"...... I see. So that's why the maid uniform story is also possible if you're not careful. ......"
Akira was convinced by the story, and his expression became a little complicated. Then,
subconsciously, he imagined a scene where all the hunters were dressed in maid uniforms.
The hunter collapses in the slums, the hunters in the trucks that were commissioned to patrol the
city, and even the relic attackers in the underground city all wore maid uniforms, and I joined them
and wore a maid uniform as well.
Moreover, no one is questioning the scene. This is because it has become common knowledge.
Akira couldn't help but hold his head up and stop himself from imagining any more.
......What can I say, every time I hear about the old world, I feel like my common sense is crumbling
inside me."
Common sense changes from day to day.
Continuing their somewhat off-kilter conversation, Akira and the others continued on their way
through the wilderness.

Arriving at his destination, a debris field, Akira first parked his car behind a pile of rubble and
covered it with a camouflage sheet.
Although not as sophisticated as optical camouflage, it is more difficult to find visually from a
distance, even if the color is similar to that of the surroundings. It is effective to the extent that it
can be overlooked if one is not careful even when passing nearby.
Akira, however, looked worried when he saw the car covered with a sheet.
Can you ...... it okay?"
The anxiety he had shown at Sizuka's store, the fear that if left unattended even for a moment, it
would soon be discovered and stolen, again distorted Akira's face.
If you're so worried about it that you can't leave the car, it's not worth it," he said. Since you
covered it with a camouflage sheet to hide it, you should be fine, and to a certain extent, you should
be able to let it go.
......, yes."
Akira changed his mind and began to search for undiscovered ruins.
The ground was covered with earth, sand, and rubble, and no such object could be found when
looking around. We therefore decided to use information gathering equipment to check the
underground conditions and look for buried spaces that might be entrances.
Move the position of the small information collection device attached to the reinforced clothing to
the foot side to increase the accuracy of downward information collection.
Then, with the arrow displayed in the ground in Akira's field of vision and the location of the
terminal installation by Lyons Tail Company at the center, he examines the surrounding area as if
expanding the circle little by little.
Although Alpha was doing the research and data analysis within the information collection area,
Akira was also doing his own research, as well as training on the information collection equipment.
Changing various settings, he continues to probe the conditions under the ground.
However, the survey results displayed in the extended view only showed that the area underfoot
was filled with debris and sediment, and further down only returned a mass of noise that indicated
the limits of accuracy.
Alpha. Speaking of which, how good is your new intelligence-gathering equipment? Is it a huge
improvement over the last one?"
No," said Mr. Krishnamoorthy. It doesn't make much difference.
Is that so?" But Sizuka-san said it's a grade above."
'That would be the overall performance as a reinforced suit. Besides, the information-gathering
equipment I bought from Elena was also quite high-performance, so even though the difference in
performance as a reinforced suit is a step, the difference in performance as an information-
gathering equipment is small.'
I was able to buy it because Elena sold it to me as a dusty second-hand item at a bargain price, and
I would never have been able to buy it with Akira's earnings at that time. Akira further added, "I
would never have been able to buy it with the money Akira was making at the time.
I didn't know that. ......"
Akira looked a little surprised and thanked Elena again. He also vowed to repay this favor.

Three hours had passed since Akira and his team began investigating the area. They have not found
what they were looking for.
I once found a space underground and managed to dig through it because it looked like I could get
in if I removed the debris. However, it was inside a building that had collapsed badly, and it was
not the underground mall I was looking for.
If it were a warehouse, etc., that would be a bonanza, but it was just a large place, like a parking
lot, and the results were disappointing for those seeking relics.
Further investigation continues. The arrow pointing to the underground, which was the center of
the survey area, was already quite far away, indicating to Akira that he had completed a fairly
extensive survey.
I can't find it. ...... Should we try digging from the ground right down to where the arrow is?"
No. That would require extensive work. We would have to bring in large pieces of heavy
equipment, and we would have to be careful not to have any falling rocks, etc., so it would take a
long time.
So when you find an undiscovered site, it just stands out like a sore thumb and tells a lot of people
where it is?"
That's what I'm talking about.
Akira continues his steady investigation, thinking that things will never go as planned. The
surveyed circle widens further, but no entrance to the underground shopping center is found.
Alpha." Suppose there existed a ruin like the underground city of Kuzuthara Street ruins under
here, and there were many entrances and exits. Can you think of any reason why Alfa would not
be able to find those entrances and exits?"
I think so. The part we think of as the ground may have been three stories above the ground at the
Considering the amount of debris surrounding the area, there were countless skyscrapers and huge
buildings here. They collapsed, and a large amount of debris filled the ground at that time.
Over the years, earth and sand have further buried it, so that entrances and exits to the underground
shopping center are now buried deep underground.
Akira thinks about it for a moment, as he is told by Alpha that such a thing is possible.
I'm wondering, "...... So you'd rather look around the outskirts of this debris field, rather than
around here? The accumulation would be thinner in that area and closer to the ground at the time.
Might be easier to spot with intelligence-gathering equipment."
'All right,' he said. Let's do that.'
Akira and his team changed their investigation policy. After another hour, they finally found what
they were looking for.
Alpha points to the ground and shows an extended view of what is beneath it in Akira's vision.
There, under a relatively thin layer of rubble, he could see what looked like a staircase leading
further underground. Akira's face breaks into a smile at his latest accomplishment.
I finally found it! It's a long way from the arrow, but it's a very good entrance, and it doesn't matter
if it doesn't connect to the other side as long as it leads to the ruins!
If it goes this far back, it can't be the entrance to the basement of the building. We won't know for
sure until we check inside. But we'll have to check inside to see what's there.
All right!" Let's do it!"
Akira grabs a nearby piece of debris with his new reinforced clothes, which have a much higher
output than the previous ones. The artificial fibers, which are artificial muscles, dramatically
increase the wearer's physical capabilities and allow him to lift the rubble as lightly as a pebble.
Akira threw the rubble away with enthusiasm.

A crumbling building that seems to have collapsed, leaving only its sides, and an object that looks
like a crushed sign lying near a thin, abandoned, five-story billboard-like ruin.
On it, the south exit of the Yonozuka Station, Kuzuhara direction, A27, was written in very faint
letters. It was a piece of debris that Akira had just thrown away.
In front of Akira, the stairs leading to the basement, a doorway that had been buried for many
years, was bathed in sunlight for the first time in a long time after the debris in its way had been
moved out.
Akira peeks into the back of the stairs. But he could not see the bottom. The staircase was
swallowed by the darkness, and the border of the staircase, which was cut off from view, looked
as if it was telling him that he would lose his life if he continued on.
Bringing back a large amount of artifacts from the undiscovered ruins would yield a tremendous
amount of money. The elation that had been present until just before we found the buried doorway,
cleared the debris out of the way, and peered into the depths of the dug-out staircase, had already
Instead, I feel as nervous as I did when I entered the Kuzuthara Street ruins with only a handgun.
The danger level of unknown ruins is naturally unknown. Akira second-guesses himself with the
illusion that he is walking into the mouth of a huge monster.
(...... calm down. You'll be fine. Just go carefully. Alpha support is there. If it looks dangerous,
just turn back immediately.)
Akira told himself this and took a deep breath to lift his spirits.
Good. Alpha. Let's go."
Wait a minute."
Akira's demeanor was dampened, and he looked a little disgruntled. However, he was lightly
discouraged when he saw the serious look on Alpha's face.
Akira. If you suddenly lose sight of me down the road, just turn back as fast as you can. Okay?"
Absolutely. If you can't recognize me, it means you are disconnected from me. If that happens,
don't panic, don't make a fuss, and act as if restoring your connection to me is your top priority.
Akira froze slightly. Then he asked back with a somewhat stiff and distorted expression.
You say, "...... wait. If we continue on, might we lose connection to Alpha?"
Yes. I've explained before that my spotting accuracy is reduced at other sites and underground,
right? This is also because the state of communication with me deteriorates in such places. And in
other sites, underground, if you're not careful, you can lose communication altogether.
To the exclaiming Akira, Alpha supplements his explanation.
'Of course, the chances of that happening are slim. But it is high enough that you should be careful
beforehand. So, when it happens, be very careful.
Akira peeked once again at the back of the stairs. He found himself cowering.
In the complete darkness of the basement, in the middle of an attack by a powerful monster, the
communication with Alpha is suddenly cut off and all support is lost. Akira knew at least how
deadly that would be.
Akira's anxiety and upset were great because he understood that the place he was looking at was a
place where there was a danger of that happening.
Seeing this, Alpha gently calls out to him.
'Should I stop? That's fine. Even if you don't explore undiscovered sites, you can still make money
by selling information about the place. It won't be a waste.
Akira's face grew stern. But the fear on his face was erased by the severity of his words.
"...... Alpha. Is that what you're stopping me from saying because I'm that scared? Or is it because
it's that dangerous?"
Alpha dares to laugh back.
It's both. I'd say it's the former. It is very dangerous to explore the ruins when you are frightened
and out of your mind.
And Akira laughs back.
Then I won't stop. I'm in charge of will and determination. Isn't that right?"
It is your charge to put your will into your cowering, motionless legs to move forward, or to paint
over your fears with determination and look forward, even if they are false.
We must be prepared to do what we can do if we are prepared to do it. As long as you have Alpha's
support to make up for your totally lacking ability, you must make up for the rest on your own.
I'll take care of the will, the motivation, and the determination. Akira once again resolved to not
lie about the words he had once told Alpha.
Alpha, who was sent unconsciously by telepathy the scene when Akira told him those words,
laughs nostalgically about the events that took place.
'That's right. I understand. Let's go.
Akira went down the stairs leading to the basement with Alpha.
Then they walk back up the stairs to the ground level.
I'll take that one, too."
Akira returned to a vehicle parked nearby and removed the DVTS minigun from the gun's seat. He
then removed the loading belt that was connected to the magazine and attached an extended
magazine in its place, making it a portable heavy weapon. I had thought that it would not be an
indoor weapon, so I did not carry it, but I changed my mind.
AAH assault rifle, A2D assault rifle, and CWH objective Akira, now very well armed with an
assault rifle and a DVTS minigun, stood in front of the stairs again. Next to him, Alpha was smiling
as if he wanted to say something.
"...... what the hell?"
Akira looked a little disappointed. He knew that he had gone down to the basement with great
enthusiasm, but had returned to the surface immediately afterwards.
And Alpha was conveying what he wanted to say by the look on his face.
It's nothing. It's good to be cautious, right?'
Once again ready, Akira went down the stairs and into the ruins this time.
Episode 71 Know-How on Selling Relics

Akira, who had found what he believed to be the entrance to an undiscovered underground ruin,
was proceeding down a pitch-dark staircase that seemed to lead to the bottom of the earth,
illuminated by a light.
The staircase is about 4 meters wide, with a high ceiling, no collapses, etc., and wide enough for a
heavily armed Akira to pass through with room to spare.
There were no major cracks underfoot or on the walls, and there were no signs of erosion by plants.
The stairway to the basement was in such a state that it was hard to believe that it had been buried
for a long time.
We entered by clearing away the debris that blocked the entrance and exit, but not all of it had
been removed, so there was only a little light shining inside. Still, when I turned around to check,
I could see the light shining through the darkness.
When the light is directed in the opposite direction, the tip of the light disappears, swallowed by
the darkness of the basement. Nothing like a bottom can be seen, and the depths remain dark.
In this situation, Alpha will give you instructions.
Akira. Turn off the lights."
Akira hesitated a little, but did as he was told and turned off the lights. The whole area, having lost
its light source, was instantly enveloped in darkness. It was so dark that he could not even see his
own body.
Still, Alfa's image was clearly visible as usual. And Alpha, shining silvery white in the darkness,
raises his right hand.
Then the surrounding scene centered on Akira became colored as if illuminated by strong lighting.
Even the smallest cracks and discoloration on the nearby walls were clearly recognizable.
Akira marvels at the sight of what seems to have become midday only around him.
That's great."
I have corrected the information acquired by the information-gathering equipment and extended it
to Akira's field of vision. Now you can see clearly, can't you?"
Akira smiles back at Alfa, who smiles at him.
I was like, "Oh, yeah, I've got it. "Yes, exactly. Is it because of the accuracy of the intelligence-
gathering equipment that it's darker in the back of ......?"
Akira could see the surrounding scene as if he were the light source, the closer he was, the brighter
it was, and the farther away, the darker and blurrier it was. Beyond that, it remained pitch-black.
Besides accuracy, the priority of the analysis also has an impact.
'So if there's a monster in that dark place, it's hard to aim a gun at it even if you notice it?
In that case, I'll increase the accuracy of the analysis in that area. Try looking through the sights
of a gun.
Akira did as he was told and aimed at the back with his A2D assault rifle. The sight through the
sights was as bright and clear as his own side. The narrow area visible through the sights was
illuminated by a very faint light emitted for night vision that was unrecognizable to the naked eye,
and the image was analyzed by Alpha.
Akira makes another small exclamation.
Oh. Sniping into the dark is perfect, too. That's very thorough."
'You're my support, remember? Of course."
Akira lowered his gun and, seeing Alfa smiling at him with a good smile, chuckled lightly himself
while inwardly bracing himself.
If the connection to Alpha is lost, this support will be lost. Akira continued onward, maintaining a
sense of urgency to return calmly to the ground without panicking or making a fuss in the event of
such an emergency.

Considering the slope of the stairs and the distance they had traveled, they had probably descended
to about the fourth basement floor. Akira finally reached the bottom around the time he began to
think that way, and emerged into a long passageway.
There, Akira exhaled once. Then he checked his vision and was relieved to see that Alpha was still
there, unchanged.
Alpha. We've come down pretty deep, is communication okay?"
I'm fine. It's perfectly all right.
Seeing Alpha smile firmly as he said this, Akira felt relieved and returned his attention to the
exploration of the ruins.
The passageways are in fairly clean condition. There is no debris on the floor, no skeletal remains,
and no mechanical or biological monster carcasses. There is only a little dust and dirt.
If this was the case and there was not even dust on the floor, on the contrary, we needed to be
vigilant. In that case, the probability was high that cleaning equipment from the old world era was
still in operation or working. In other words, there is an increased risk that security devices, which
are now called mechanical monsters, are also in operation.
But the dust on the floor negates this. And the dust that has remained on the floor indicates that
biological monsters and other dangerous entities have not been in the area for a long time. At this
point, the danger level of this site has been lowered considerably.
And since there are no footprints to be seen, the probability that other hunters entered the site
through a different entrance/exit is low. The possibility that this is indeed an undiscovered site has
increased significantly.
Akira nodded in satisfaction after hearing those explanations from Alpha.
No monsters, no one has entered the ruins. Now all we need to do is find plenty of relics and we'll
be all set."
'It looks like this area is just a passageway. Let's hope the plentiful relics have stores and
warehouses in the back.'
All right. Let's go."
Moving down the aisle, Akira spotted what appeared to be a show window. Expecting to see a
relic, he lightly rushed over to check the inside of the wall, which looked like glass.
The next moment, Akira stiffened slightly in surprise and unexpectedly put his hand vigorously
on the wall. Then, with a gleam in his eye, he lets out a cry of delight.
Yes!" Alpha! A relic! And a very expensive one at that!"
The fabrics are intricately three-dimensionally layered, a design that is impossible to create from
a single piece of cloth by any stretch of the imagination, yet there are no seams or cuts to be found
in any of the garments.
A hexagonal board that appears to be an information terminal that displays some kind of letter-
like symbols in the air.
A regular polyhedral object that is translucent and has a geometric pattern floating on it, like an
Numerous other artifacts were also in Akira's possession. The materials and manufacturing
methods of many of them were unknown, and even their uses were unknown, but it was clear that
they had been created with advanced technology in the old world, and they appeared to Akira to
be of extremely high value.
Akira immediately decided to go inside the store to retrieve it, and looked for an entrance that
might be nearby. However, he could not find anything that looked like it, and the only thing around
him was a wall.
......Where's the entrance?" Where is the entrance? It's not there. What the hell?
Neither the glass-like wall separating the relic from itself nor the wall behind it shows any kind of
entrance or exit. Akira had no idea how these relics had been placed in this
What matters most to Akira is not how it was put in, but how it was taken out. And he comes up
with an extremely primitive means.
It can't be helped. Let's smash it. With this idea in mind, Akira clenched his fist.
That's where Alpha interrupts me.
Akira. Calm down."
"...... is it still dangerous to try to break it down and take it out, because it might set off an alarm
or something?"
If the ruins are in such a state of disrepair, there is a probability that the security system and other
systems remain in a dormant state.
And there is certainly a fear that a badly provoked imitation of the ruins' security system, such as
smashing through the glass of the show window, could reactivate the security system, which
fortunately has been shut down.
But Akira, too, did not want to give up with his fingers in his mouth, considering the danger in
front of the relics he had found.
And that danger is the same back here. As long as the goal is to collect relics, you have to be
prepared to take a risk somewhere to get your hands on relics.
Here we are still close to the outside. Even if they mess with the relics and cause the security
system to reactivate, they can escape outside immediately. At least it would be better than taking
the same risk further in.
Akira, caught up in his own greed, explained to Alpha that he was thinking about it.
But Alpha shook his head. Akira looks a little dissatisfied.
I'm not sure if it's really that dangerous." Or are you saying it's better to check the back once you're
Akira. That's not what I'm talking about. It is physically impossible to bring that relic back.
I'll change the display to make it easier for Akira to understand, so just stay calm and watch."
Akira's face was doubtful, and Alfa chuckled as he adjusted Akira's vision in front of him.
Then, from the part of the show window that Akira thought was a view through the glass, there
was a sudden loss of depth.
"...... that?"
I've prioritized terrain information to disable pseudo-stereopsis."
Akira's eyes still see the relic. But it is only drawn on a flat surface. Akira then began to twist the
name of the corresponding object out of his knowledge.
I'm sure it was an advertisement at the time."
What Akira thought was a show window was a wall of posters. He had mistakenly believed that
the real thing was there because of the visual effects that were so sophisticated that he had mistaken
it for reality.
Akira lets out a grand sigh.
"...... just got a wet blanket?"
It's the first time I've been in an undiscovered site, so it happens," he said. You should consider
this kind of experience as one of the best parts of the hunter's job.
...... I know."
Encouraged by Alpha, Akira went further down the aisle.

After a short while in the ruins, Akira found an unoccupied store next to a passageway.
The walls of the store are as transparent as glass, allowing a clear view of the inside from the aisles.
A quick peek into the store revealed multiple display shelves lined up in the spacious interior,
where a number of what appeared to be relics were placed. It was a great find.
But Akira, who had become skeptical after his earlier experience, looked at Alpha for confirmation
before floating away.
Alpha returns a wry smile.
It's okay. This time it's real.
Akira laughed and nodded.
The entrance to the store was an automatic door, but it had stopped functioning and would not
open even if you stood in front of it. He put his hand on the edge of the door and forced it open
with the physical strength of his reinforced clothes.
The door is hard and moves only slowly, even with the force that can throw the debris away. And
yet, even under pressure that would easily shatter ordinary glass, it withstood the output of the
reinforced suit without cracking or deflecting.
Akira entered the store, relieved that no alarms or other alarms went off when he forced the door
The display shelves are lined with a wide variety of products. However, the state of preservation
varied. Some items have turned into a mass of dust due to age-related deterioration. But others, in
transparent bags, looked unnaturally brand new.
There are a lot of things that have been ruined, but there are also a lot of decent things left," he
said. There don't seem to be any great relics like the one on ...... that poster."
I guess this is a mass market store of some sort and they don't carry high-end products. Still, it is
an Old World product. They must be old world relics. No alarm went off, so feel free to take it.'
I guess so." I have a car and reinforced clothes. Let's bring a lot of them home."
When he had not yet acquired reinforced clothing, Akira once packed a large backpack with relics
to the limit of what he could carry with his physical capabilities. The excess weight caused him to
wobble, and he even let out a weak cry as his aching legs failed to take the strain.
Now, thanks to reinforced clothing, such concerns are unnecessary. I was determined to bring back
as much as the capacity of my backpack would allow.
He opens the backpack he brought with him and takes out several other backpacks folded up from
it. After opening all of them, Akira began to go around the store collecting relics, dragging the
sturdy backpacks used for transporting relics.
Akira has no discerning eye for relics. If they are in good condition, he packs them in anyway.
The shelves also contained small electronic devices of unknown use, calculator-like objects, what
appeared to be writing utensils, and notebooks that were not unnaturally discolored. I packed them
all up in one place.
Knives and other cutlery, as well as cooking utensils, remained. The blades were only sharp and
could not be used like the knives we had acquired earlier. I was told by Alfa that this was the case,
so I was a little disappointed and secured them for cash.
We also found jackets, skirts, underwear, handkerchiefs, and other items packed flat as if vacuum-
In its compressed state, however, it appears to Akira to be nothing more than a thin sheet of cloth.
Some of the bags are opaque, and it is only evident that they are clothing of some kind. The design
of the bags is completely unknown to Akira.
I wonder if they sold them without knowing what kind of things they were even then. Would they
be able to sell them? Akira wondered, but Alpha explained to him that at that time it was possible
to check the contents using augmented reality, etc., but now that function has simply been lost.
Opening the package to check the contents could lower the selling price, so I throw it directly into
my backpack, imagining what it contains, wondering if this is another one of those so-called old-
world sharp designs.
There was also a bottle filled with some kind of liquid and a box containing what appeared to be
pills. I asked Alfa what kind of pills they were, but he said he couldn't tell because the labels on
the bottles and the surface of the boxes were damaged. I decided to take them home with me, even
though I had no intention of using them.
Accessories and toys were also found. I packed them as well, wondering if there were any good
luck charms.
After rummaging through the store, all the backpacks I had were full.
There is no way to bring back any more relics even if we get them. Akira decided to cut off the
relic collection and return home.
He drags his backpack back down the aisle. Multiple backpacks wade through the dust on the floor,
leaving long lines.
I got so many artifacts just by doing a little research on the ruins," he said. These are undiscovered
ruins. No wonder hunters are looking for them."
Akira was pleased with the unexpected harvest. Alpha smiles in agreement.
It was worth all the trouble we went through to find it. Communication with Akira was fine, and
we hit the jackpot with these ruins.
I said, "Oh, yes, I did. I'm so glad we didn't stop going down to the basement."
Akira was reminded once again of the correctness of his own thinking by the results of a choice
that he had made with determination and without giving in to fear.

After climbing the long flight of stairs back up to the ground level, Akira had one more job left to
do. He had to fill in the entrance and exit of the ruins once again.
When the entrance and exit were dug out, the debris was piled up in such a way that it was difficult
for others to see it. When he entered, he opened the door only just enough for Akira to pass through,
and when he returned, he opened it only enough to let his rucksack pass through.
Still, there is a big difference in the difficulty of finding them when they are dug out and buried.
In order to prevent others from knowing about the existence of the ruins, I will restore the debris
that I have removed myself.
By the time I finished the last task, the sun was already setting. Akira felt tired and exhaled heavily.
Then he looked at the remains of his own burial and muttered to himself.
Can you ...... it okay?"
Once the site has been dug out, there is inevitably a trace that it was recently excavated. To Akira,
the marks looked a little unnatural because he knew that there was an entrance to the ruins
'I hid it, just in case. Any more than that and it's luck. Let's hope they don't find it.
......, yes."
Bad luck is on my side. Akira thought so, but also realized that there was nothing more he could
do, so he changed his mind and returned to the city.

Akira is taking a rest after a long day at home.
Normally, I would have quickly succumbed to the pleasures of bathing and melted my
consciousness into the tub, but today I had a great accomplishment and left my thoughts in that
He is soaking in the bathtub with Alfa as usual, and he is in a good mood.
How much do you think those relics are worth? Many of them are in good condition, and there are
that many. I think they could fetch a high price, what do you think?"
Alpha, as usual, is submerging her attractive limbs in the hot water without a stitch of clothing on
them. Her naked body was shimmering in the waves of the hot water.
He then sat down in the bathtub to bring Akira's attention more strongly to himself. The water
drips down on her naked body, which is now exposed from the water's surface, and her glossy skin
and the shine of the water drops give off a refined and sexy scent.
But Alpha's body is not real there, and neither are the drops of water dripping on it. The water
droplets on it are not real, but are merely rendered that way in Akira's field of vision by Alpha's
vast computing power.
Still, normally one could have some reaction to its beauty, but Akira's reaction was still terribly
dull. Today, too, he continued to squander the rare feast for the eyes.
Don't get your hopes up too high. Just because it's well preserved and in quantity doesn't mean I'm
Is that so?" But there's that much there?"
'When I was collecting relics at the Kuzuthara Street ruins, I would bring back relics from the back
of the ruins after I had carefully selected them in my own way. You can't think in the same sense.'
......Well, okay."
The type of relics and the demand for them can make a big difference in the purchase price,' he
said. Don't get your hopes up too high, or you may be disappointed later.
Hmmm. I see. Well, we'll see tomorrow."
'And when you sell to Katsuragi, make it in small lots. We don't want to bring in a large amount
at once and have people wonder where we found so much stuff and get strange ideas about the
I'm sure you're right." ...... Will do."
Akira's expectations for the reaction of the other party when he sold a large amount of relics at
once, and the large amount of money he would get from it, were calmed down by this exchange
with Alfa.
Then the unacknowledged exaltation that had sustained Akira's consciousness also drops to that
extent, and his consciousness dissolves into the bathtub. With his blurred head, he suddenly
I'm not sure if you've ever heard of ......, Alfa. What do you call the ruins you found today, ......?"
Yes, it's true. I think the Yonozuka Station site is fine.
The "Yonozuka Station Ruins or ....... Okay. ......."
Akira's consciousness melted into the bathtub as usual, after ruminating on the name of the ruins
he had found.

Katsuragi is a merchant who sells goods, mainly weapons and ammunition, to hunters in a large
trailer that also serves as a mobile store.
Lately, he has been there mostly because his main business is with hunters involved in the
construction of a temporary base at the Kuzuthara Street site. Today, however, he has set up store
in Kugamayama City. This is because I received a call from Akira that he was going to sell relics.
Katsuragi had a deal with Akira to support Cheryl, the head of a weak clique in the slums, in
exchange for Akira selling relics to Katsuragi.
Katsuragi knew that Akira had temporarily suspended his relic collection due to the disturbances
at the Kuzuhara Street ruins. However, he could not be sure that he would come back to sell the
relics as promised after the reopening.
Partly because of this anxiety, Katsuragi's expression relaxed greatly when he saw Akira appear
with a large backpack that looked as if it had been stuffed to the limit with relics.
Then, after completing his assessment of the relics, he turned to Akira with a look that said, "Is
that all there is to it?" without disclosing his inner assessment.
2.2 million aurum."
Akira looks a little dissatisfied with the purchase price offered for one large backpack's worth of
Katsuragi carefully observes Akira's demeanor, probing his inner thoughts, and chooses his words
carefully, wearing his usual businessman's smile.
You look at me and say, "You're not happy with the purchase price. But he's also satisfied to the
extent that he doesn't immediately say, as he did the other day, that he's going to take it to the
Hunter office's purchase office. Right?"
"...... well."
Akira had talked a little with Alpha yesterday about the purchase price of the relics, and although
he was dissatisfied with Katsuragi's offer, he thought that this was about right.
Katsuragi saw through Akira's inner thoughts.
It is not an amount that is unacceptable. But dissatisfaction remains. The more we accumulate
them, the more likely it is that Akira will divert the relics to other places.
In order to prevent this, Katsuragi carefully continues to talk about matters that lead to his own
interests, while probing the level of Akira's dissatisfaction, and keeping the conversation light on
the surface.
Well, I'm not going to buy your relics from you at an unfairly low price," he said. If you take the
relics to another place because of that, it will be a big loss.
I hope so."
It's true. I'm going to continue to get along with you. I'm going to continue to be good friends with
you, and I'm going to keep my promise to you, and I'm going to take good care of Cheryl.
Katsuragi exaggerates this and then looks somewhat annoyed.
It's just, well, you know. It costs a certain amount of money to support Cheryl. So, to tell you the
truth, I'd like to lower the purchase price a little bit so that I can make more money.
Lying, but fudging the extent of the part about how much money he wants to make, Katsuragi
continues his story.
But," he said. As I said before, if I offer a purchase price that doesn't satisfy you, we will both lose
money. So here it is. Since you don't seem to have enough know-how about selling relics, I'll teach
Then he makes a meaningful face, as if he is aware of their situation.
"That's it anyway, isn't it? You usually focus on logging and not so much on collecting relics,
right? If you're used to selling, there were a lot of relics you wouldn't have brought to me."
I'll leave that to your imagination."
Well, even if you're wrong, you should listen. It's a good thing to ask, okay? The purchase price
for old world relics varies greatly depending on where you bring them in. There is a reason why
you were dissatisfied with the purchase price you just received, because there were many relics
that could not be bought at a higher price at my place."
Then he smiles in a friendly tone that invites their interest.
So, if you thought my offer was oddly low, you should be here to hear the details of why and be
convinced. See?"
After earning the other party's approval, how much of the content should be mixed in that is
convenient for you? While pondering the extent of this, Katsuragi began to talk about his
knowledge of relic sales.

Many hunters bring artifacts brought back from ruins to the purchase office of the hunter office
without thinking twice. But if you want to sell them at the highest price possible, there are ways
to put in the time and effort.
Relics also have the concept of supply and demand. If the right item is sold to the right person, it
will sell for a higher price. The selection and selection is complex enough to make a relic sales
agency business for hunters possible.
That is why some will throw it all to the vendors because it is too much trouble, while others will
bring it all to the hunter office's purchase office, even if the purchase price is low, as an addition
to their hunter ranks.
'Tell you what, I can take care of your relic sale in one lump sum, if you want. How's that sound?"
Whenever I feel like it.
I see. Well, keep thinking about it."
The Hunter Office is an organization under the umbrella of the United Federation of Economic
Organizations, which places a high price on relics that its parent company, a large corporation,
desires. In other words, they are the source of analysis of advanced technology in the old world.
They are collected from all over the East through the Hunter Office buyout office, transported to
research facilities directly under the company, and analyzed by many talented scientists and
engineers to support technological development in the East.
Naturally, the more technologically valuable and important items are passed on to larger
companies. As a result, the technology gap between large companies and small and medium-sized
enterprises has been difficult to narrow.
The only way for small and medium-sized companies to overturn the technology gap is to obtain
relics through other acquisition channels. In other words, they have to buy through private vendors
such as Katsuragi and his colleagues.
Katsuragi picks up what appears to be some kind of electronic device from among the relics
brought by Akira.
For that reason, it's a good thing that people come to a place like mine to sell these kinds of relics,"
he said. They get a good price, so I get a good price for them. You know what I mean?
Oh well."
I would love to see you bring in something similar in the future. I'm counting on you.
In terms of technological analysis, even low-value relics can sell for a high price if there is demand
for them. For example, it is possible to manufacture equivalent products using current technology,
but the cost is not worth it, or the brand name "made in the old world" adds value to the product.
These artifacts are then passed on to the corresponding dealers, who check their quality, decorate
them to make them more attractive, and sometimes process them into other items for distribution
as commodities.
Katsuragi picks up a knife and utensils from the assessed relics.
And bringing these relics to me is, well, the right thing to do," he said. If it's the kind of thing I
have a sales channel for, I'll pay a good price for it. It's not special, and I can sell it for a little more
if I say it's from the old world. It's also easy to distribute to vendors.
Then Katsuragi picked up the next set of very thinly packed garments and looked a little difficult.
And by that I mean, this one is a bit of a stretch. I'm sorry, but I don't have a route to channel this
kind of relic."
He also cast a quizzical glance at the garment.
And, clothing relics can be a bit difficult to handle. They were made according to the design sense
of the time, so there are cases where the brand effect of "made in the old world" doesn't work. You
know what I mean?
Well, well, I can see that."
Clothes go out of style, and I don't have confidence in my fashion sense. If it were a big company,
I might just buy it and put it in storage until it goes out of style, but that's just not possible for me.
Katsuragi says with a sorry look on his face.
'So, I'm sorry, but if you ask me to buy it outright, I'll buy it, just in case, because you and I are on
the same page, but I can only offer you near throwaway money. That's just the way it is."
He then looked for Akira's reaction by his expression.
(...... Was that a little obvious? (Nope, looks okay to me)
After checking, Katsuragi picked up another relic to divert the topic and cut off the conversation
about clothing-related relics.
Next is a relic from over here, and it's not right to bring these things into my place."
In Katsuragi's hand, he held a small accessory and an unopened deck of playing cards.
Hunters bring back various relics from the ruins and try to exchange them for money, but some of
them are difficult for the buyers to handle. Some of them are not easy to deal with for the buyers.
They are items that were brought to the store based on the assumption that since they were found
in the ruins, they must have some value.
The amulet that Akira had previously received from Shizuka was also brought into Shizuka's store
for similar reasons.
However, even such items are rarely sold at a high price. They are sold at extraordinary prices by
collectors as a kind of antique.
And because of this possibility, hunters would take back even seemingly trashy items, and
sometimes had disputes with buyers over whether to buy or not.
Katsuragi has a similar experience. I remember it and let out a light sigh.
I'm not saying that there is not a possibility that this relic could be sold to a house of any kind for
a high price," he said. But that doesn't mean I should buy it with that expectation. This is like being
a connoisseur of art. I don't know. Well, you and I are friends. I can at least take it back for free."
What are you going to do with it? They're not for sale, are they?"
"I'd put them in storage at random, and show them to my fellow connoisseurs and favorite proxies.
If someone wants it, it's a bit of a tell. After a certain amount accumulates, I dump it in the
wilderness and that's the end of it.
...... Um, is that okay?"
I've never had anyone complain about it so far, although that's partly because I'm careful about
where I dump it. If I dump it on the outskirts of a slum or something, it disappears within a month.
Maybe some slum dwellers are picking them up."
Such items are also laid out in stalls in the slums. No one complains as long as they were once
discarded. The unsold items are then dumped back into the wilderness.
Even if you dump it in the wilderness, it's still gone before you know it," he said. There are various
theories as to why this is so. Some say that the cleaning machines of the old world are still in
operation and secretly cleaning up the mess, while others say that monsters are eating it. I support
the latter theory. There are even monsters in the wilderness that eat tanks. No wonder."
Unwanted items go from the city to the wilderness. Garbage relics, slum corpses, or those still
And what is needed is to go from the wilderness to the cities. Both precious relics and those who
have shown their prowess.
There was a little microcosm of the Eastern part of the country.

When Katsuragi finished talking, he took another look at Akira.

I have my own circumstances, and as a businessman, there is a limit to how much I can spend.
Even if you are dissatisfied, 2.2 million aurum is the limit. I can't give you more than that.
And I felt a response from Akira, who was listening to the conversation with a normal, interested
But I also don't want our relationship to become strained because I bought a relic that you worked
so hard to bring back at a low price. So here it is. How about this time we only buy things that are
right to bring back to me?"
The other party accepts what you have to say. Then they should not question this proposal either.
That was Katsuragi's judgment.
You can do what you want with what I didn't buy. You can sell it somewhere else or keep it for a
while. What do you think? I think it's a good, mutually agreeable proposition."
At this point, I am only saying what is beneficial to Akira. Therefore, there is no need to remember
any strange suspensions. There should be no problem. Thinking this, Katsuragi smiled confidently.
Akira thinks for a moment before answering.
I understand. Do that."
I'm going to go to the office," he said. We have a deal."
Katsuragi bought the relevant relics from Akira and transferred the payment. Then, as Akira is
about to leave, Katsuragi calls out to him in a light tone.
Oh, yes," he said. Akira. I said you can do whatever you want with the rest of the relics, but I
suggest you keep them and don't sell them for a while."
I'm also working on building my sales channels," he said. I may be able to get a higher price for
something I couldn't buy this time. I'm sure you're not in need of money for the time being, are
you? Let it lie for a bit, waiting for an opportunity to sell it at a higher price. That's another
technique for selling relics, you know? Remember that."
I was like, "Hmmm. I understand. See you."
Akira answered lightly and left.
Katsuragi saw Akira off, and when he was out of sight, he smiled a businessman's smile that he
never shows to his customers. He then quickly contacted a vendor he knew for further profit.

After returning home from Katsuragi's place, Akira laid out the relics left unsold on the floor and
groaned lightly.
The floor is lined with clothing, accessories, toys, and other artifacts that are not well understood.
We must consider how to handle these.
Alpha told me that Akira could do as he pleased. The hunter's job is to convert relics into gold, but
there is no need to convert them into gold right now. Even if he would eventually buy more
sophisticated equipment, he had only just finished a new set of equipment. We are not in such a
Akira, who kept thinking about what to do, suddenly thinks.
Alpha. About the Katsuragi story, what did you think of that one, Alfa?"
Yes, it is. I didn't lie.
Heh. So should I let it lie unsold for a while?"
When Akira asked this, Alpha gave him a slightly meaningful smile.
'I didn't say I was honest, did I?'
Akira also returns with a light laugh.
I know. But I'm sure Cheryl's taken care of. I'll tolerate Katsuragi's management efforts for that
kind of trouble. If it goes too far, I'll think about it.
Katsuragi is a businessman. He would at least play some games with hunters. Akira thought so,
and considering it part of a hunter's ability to deal with such a situation, he dared to see how
Katsuragi would react.
Alpha looks a little surprised.
'Akira has come to say that kind of thing. Can you afford it now?'
I don't think so." Maybe."
Akira answered lightly, laughing a little without realizing it.
Then, a call request arrived on Akira's information terminal from Cheryl, whom he had just spoken
to a few minutes earlier. When he answered it, he could hear Cheryl's cheerful voice, but somewhat
This is Cheryl. Are you okay now?"
Yeah, what's up?"
No, it's nothing serious, but I was wondering if you would be willing to visit our base again if you
are free."
I heard from Katsuragi that Akira was wearing new equipment when he came to sell his relics, so
I asked him to come and show me the new equipment once. That was Cheryl's request.
Cheryl's clique is basically secure with a powerful hunter named Akira behind them.
When Cheryl and her friends were considered just a bunch of kids, they were safe without any
problems, to the extent that they were under the protection of hunters who were reasonably strong
and somewhat crazy.
Recently, however, Cheryl's group has been growing in number and making money by selling hot
sandwiches, and it is no wonder that other cliques are beginning to think it is unnecessary.
So if Akira shows up at the base with powerful new equipment, it will serve as a check and balance
to the other cliques. It would be meaningful even if he only lightly shows his equipment to those
around him, so please show up if possible. Cheryl asked Akira to do so.
I understand. I'm coming over there now."
Is that okay?" Thank you very much. We are waiting for you."
The call from Cheryl hangs up with a voice tinged with relief. Akira was about to get ready to
leave when he saw the relics still laid out on the floor and remembered a thought that had occurred
to him earlier, and packed the relics of clothing and accessories into a backpack.
What's wrong? And by the way, are you going to sell that too?"
No, I just thought it would be a nice souvenir."
Akira finished getting ready to go out and headed to the garage with his backpack.
Episode 72 Souvenirs from the Site Exploration

Lucia and Nasha were carrying dead bodies on the outskirts of the slum. Elio is with them, but he
is not lending a hand.
The corpse was stripped of its body and wearing only simple clothes. The clothes were also in
tatters, and they were put on for the reason that it would be easier to drag and carry them away if
they had at least that much on.
The body was left on Cheryl's clique's turf. Lucia and her friends were on their way to the
wilderness to dump the body as part of the slum clique's unspoken job of cleaning up their territory.
Lucia and her best friend drag the corpse by one leg at a time, exhaling a sigh as they are fed up
with the weight of the body.
Hey Nasha," he said. How many have you had this week?"
I'm on my sixth.
There are so many. It's not that big a territory, so there should be less."
Nasha, concerned about Lucia's face, smiles and says cheerfully, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
I know it's a tedious and unpleasant job. But as long as they give those jobs to us, they'll be safe.
Think of it that way and be patient.
I know that, but ......"
Lucia let out another sigh. The fact that her best friend cared about her made her feel a little better,
but it was impossible to open up like Nasha, who smiled brightly and said that she had already
broken the ice.
Cleaning up the territory is an important job for the maintenance of the clique's territory. However,
no one wants to do the job of dumping dead bodies in the wilderness. Therefore, those who are
low-ranking in the clique are usually forced to do it, and they do it reluctantly.
It is the same in Cheryl's clique, which is basically newcomers taking turns. And Lucia is that
newcomer, in the position of being forced to do that kind of work.
Lucia and her colleagues, however, were in a slightly different situation. Lucia had been forced to
do this job, which is usually done in shifts, ever since she joined the clique.
And Nasha is on the relatively old side of the clique, has a good reputation within the clique, and
until recently was treated like a potential executive. But now she spends her days carrying corpses
with Lucia.
The cause was Lucia. Lucia was making a living as a pickpocket when she had the misfortune to
steal Akira's wallet.
Akira found out and was about to kill him, but he escaped after a series of twists and turns.
However, because he tried to join Cheryl's clique without knowing that Akira was backing him,
he was caught by Akira who was there.
And now Lucia was working as a newcomer in Cheryl's clique, not even knowing why she was
being kept alive.
When Lucia recalled how it happened, her face contorted sadly with guilt for having involved her
best friend.
I'm sorry, "...... Nasha, I'm sorry. It's my fault. ......"
Even though Nasha did not know it, she tried to use the money she stole from Akira as a brokerage
fee to bring Lucia into the clique. That was a problem, but if she had just said she didn't know and
abandoned Lucia, she would have gotten off with a light treatment.
However, Nasha did not make such excuses, but on the contrary, defended Lucia and asked Cheryl
to save Lucia's life. Because of this, she is now a corpse-carrier just like Lucia, even though she
was a member of the clique and a senior member.
But Nasha returns with a bright smile.
Lucia. I'm tired of hearing that over and over again. If you're going to pester me, can't you just say
thank you instead of sorry or change the pattern once in a while?"
Lucia smiled a little at her best friend's concern for her, who returned the lightheartedness with a
joke, saying she didn't mind.
Thanks to ......."
You're welcome. A lot has happened, but it's nothing new. Lucia and I are both alive. Let's switch
things up."
Except for the fact that the conversation took place while dragging a corpse, it was a warm scene
of people confirming their bond with friends without forgetting to smile, even in the harsh life in
the slum.
Then Elio interjects somehow.
"Uh, Lucia, right? I haven't heard the details either. You stole Akira-san's wallet, right? Why, of
all people, would you target Akira?"
Lucia's face contorts a little when asked about something she doesn't want to bother talking about.
But it is a question from the leader of the clique, who is also their watchdog. She answers in a
slightly frightened tone.
I didn't know I was behind the clique here at ......."
No, just because I didn't know. ......
Lucia, feeling blamed, becomes even more frightened and her face and voice darken. Seeing this,
Nasha interrupts and turns Elio's attention back to her.
I'm sorry. I know you don't like what Lucia did. But I was the one who invited Lucia to join the
clique, and Lucia is sorry for what she did, and she does this every day, carrying corpses. If I don't
have enough to say, I'll ask her later, so please let me stop you there for now."
Seeing Nasha bowing her head in that manner, Elio shook his head lightly and hurriedly.
Oh, no. I'm not accusing you of anything. I'm just curious. You know, when you steal a wallet,
you usually choose the right person, don't you? Why did you choose Akira-san?"
Elio was asking as a simple question, but to Lucia, who was a little mentally weak, it sounded like
she was being told why you are such an idiot and incompetent. She replied with a weak face and
"I didn't ...... think he was such a, strong, hunter. ...... ...... sorry."
Um, Mr. Elio. I really don't want to do that much more ......"
No, no, no, no, no. I'm not really blaming you. ......"
I made a mistake in listening. Thinking this, Elio decided to tell a little of his story to make people
believe that he was not really blaming them.
I've actually done that to Akira-san before. So I was kind of curious."
Elio chuckles at his own blunder and tells Lucia and the others.
The first time I met Akira, I was not sure of his ability and sold him a fight. He hit me from behind,
but I easily returned the blow and was almost killed.
And seeing Akira's ability up close and personal, understanding how reckless I was, and being
mad at my own foolishness in the past.
Elio told those stories to Lucia and the others with a light laugh.
Well, that's what happened. That's why I wondered if Lucia, like me, had misjudged Akira-san's
Then I ask again to Lucia, who is surprised by her own story but seems to have calmed down with
it, her strange fright having faded.
So, what's really going on? Oh, he's a sucker, you think? Yeah, talk normally that way too. I know
how you feel, but it bothers me to the contrary."
Lucia was a little hesitant, but decided to be honest, partly because she sensed concern from Elio's
I'm going to go to ......, uh, yeah. Well, I thought it was a sucker. He looked like a hunter, but he
was just starting out, just a guy with all his equipment, and I thought this would be an easy ......"
I see. I wonder if Akira-san has an atmosphere of being looked down upon by newcomers. I've
been instructed by the boss to warn the newcomers about that, but to be honest, some of them don't
really get it even if I warn them.
Elio laments a bit and then asks in a lighter tone.
Can I tell them about Lucia, too? If they do anything wrong, it will be my fault, so I need more
Oh, yeah. Good, but ......"
I'm sorry. Thanks."
So once the conversation was interrupted. Then Elio speaks, looking slightly embarrassed.
I was almost killed by Akira-san once, but even I am treated like a leader of a clique now," he said.
He said, "Don't worry."
I'm going to go to ...... and see what I can find." Thanks."
Lucia, who had been somewhat put at ease by Elio's story, regained some of her energy and
laughed a little brighter than usual.
If you need anything at all, just ask me or Alicia. I'll at least listen to you."
Having in common that they had done something against Akira, the three of them softened the
atmosphere and continued on their way into the wilderness.
Lucia and her friends were taking a break on the outskirts of the slum after they finished dumping
the bodies in the wilderness.
Nasha speaks to Elio in a whisper so that Lucia does not hear.
Thanks for encouraging Lucia." I'm sorry if ...... I'm making a silly mistake. That wasn't meant to
be weird, was it?"
Elio looks a little strange, then answers, just to be sure, thinking it's a bit of an evil guess.
Just for the record, I'm all about Alicia.
Yes. Thank you."
There, Elio and Nasha interrupted the silence to organize each other's remarks.
"......So, if you're going to tell me something like that, you must have some kind of weird agenda
and have been saying all kinds of things to me?"
If it's too much, tell me or Alicia. If it goes too far, tell me or Alicia, and I'll nail you to a nail so
you won't do anything stupid.
Thank you. You can ask me for something in return. I'll at least play with you.
That's why I'm all about Alicia.
Again there was a silence to organize the conversation. Then Elio let out a light sigh.
You know, I've been instructed by the boss to keep an eye on Nasha and the others. He also told
me to kill them if they ran away."
This is why Elio is accompanying Nasha and her family. Normally, people who go to dump dead
bodies in the wilderness are given guns for safety, but Nasya and the others are not given guns.
I don't want to shoot my friends either. Alicia would be sad. So I don't want you guys to run away
when you're cornered because of some idiot's foolishness. For Alicia's sake, I will at least try to
prevent that. That's why I'm doing this. Is this okay?"
Nasha's doubts were confirmed by Erio, who went out of his way to add an excuse.
I'm sorry." ...... I suspected too much. Elio. Thank you. Tell Alicia thank you too."
Nasha thanked him sincerely and smiled, and Elio smiled lightly in return.
Then Nasha puts on a serious face.
Tell me honestly. About Lucia, do you really think she's okay?"
"...... maybe. Depends on what Akira-san thinks."
How can you be so sure it's all right? It's that Akira-san, remember?"
I don't mean to put it this way, but if I wanted to kill him, I would have done it by now. Since he
is still alive, I guess he doesn't want to kill him anymore. I don't know what made you think that,
Nasha relaxes her expression.
I'm sure you're right." I don't see how doubting that part is going to help, and I'll leave it at that for
Well, just try not to do anything stupid."
I know. I won't do it and I won't let Lucia do it either. I promise."
That's when Lucia noticed Nasha and the others.
Nasha. What are you talking about?"
Hmm?" Consultation on how to improve the current situation. Lucia wouldn't want to carry a
corpse around forever, would she?"
That's true, but ......"
Nasha enters to fudge the story, and Elio gets in on the act.
The break is over. Let's go home."
Uh, yeah.
Elio and his friends began to make their way toward the slum's stronghold. Then a wilderness
vehicle approached from behind them. Thinking it was probably a hunter returning from the
wilderness, they moved to the side of the road to get out of the way, and the vehicle came to a stop
beside Elio and the others.
I knew it was Elio.
When approached from the vehicle, Elio and the others reacted differently. Elio was a little
surprised, Nasha's expression hardened, and Lucia hid behind Nasha with fright on her face.
It was Akira who called out to him.

Cheryl was outside the base to greet Akira.

It was also Cheryl's own desire to meet Akira that led her to invite Akira. This time, however, he
was prioritizing a show of force both within and outside the clique.
For this reason, he had the armed forces personnel of the clique wear the equipment he had bought
from Katsuragi and stand in a line behind him to greet him in a somewhat exaggerated manner.
Even with inexpensive protective clothing and a low-priced AAH assault rifle, which is impervious
to pistol rounds, they are more intimidating than those who have only clothes and a pistol.
Still only less than double-digit numbers, but it was a sufficient force by the standards of a weak
clique in the slums, and served as somewhat of a deterrent.
A short distance away, the other clique members can be seen. They had come to check on Akira
based on the information Cheryl had given them.
Then Akira shows up in a car. The eyes of those around him gathered.
The sturdy-looking, rugged wilderness-specification vehicles are a far cry from the small vehicles
used for light travel in the safety of cities, and their appearance alone evokes images of the
harshness of the wilderness and the dangerous livelihood of hunters who make their living in it.
The CWH objective assault rifle and DVTS minigun, mounted on its rear sidearm, are used for
small fights in the slums. The firearms are clearly deviated from those used for fighting. If used in
a clash between cliques, it would surely create a tragedy.
The reinforced clothes worn by Akira, who sits in the driver's seat, do not look like those cheap
clothes. It is a product originally marketed to high-ranked hunters, which was only fatally
unsuccessful due to bad publicity. To those who were unaware of its reputation, it was nothing
more than a powerful piece of equipment that could blow walls with its fists and easily smash a
human head.
That armament alone is an alarming backstop. Moreover, the person killed a member of a hostile
clique when he had not yet acquired the equipment, and took his corpse with him into the enemy's
The information about his crazy personality inflated the danger of making him an enemy.
Even though Cheryl and her group are still a weak clique, I have heard good things about their
feathers recently. Although they have some troublesome backers, they are not stationed at the base.
It might be a little risky, but if we could get some money for Cheryl and the others, we would be
able to get a good price. The other members of the clique who had been thinking so dropped that
idea when they saw Akira.
So far, Cheryl was happy that her plan had worked out as she had planned. But Cheryl had a rather
stiff smile on her face as she greeted Akira.
(Hey, why are Lucia and the others riding with you?)
Akira is in the driver's seat, Erio is in the passenger seat, and Lucia and her friends are in the back
seat. If a stranger were to look at this scene, he or she would be able to guess the relationship
between the two, including some strange intuition or evil guesses.
Cheryl is still struggling with the treatment of Lucia and her family and is forced to deal with
difficult situations.
They are the ones who stole Akira's wallet, so even if they are capable, they cannot be used heavily.
However, they should not be treated with disregard, and cold treatment, such as intentionally
causing their deaths, is strictly forbidden. Akira has asked us to treat Lucia and the others
On top of that, in this situation, with all eyes inside and outside the clique, Akira has Lucia and
her friends in the back seat. This was the moment when the handling of Lucia and the others
became even more complicated.
There, Akira, who had parked his car in front of Cheryl, calls out to her.
Cheryl. I don't remember if there was a place to park here. Or should I just park here if I want to
show off my gear?"
Yes, sir. Then, please stay here."
The first priority is to respond to Akira. Cheryl immediately made that decision when she was
approached and interrupted her thoughts to deal with Lucia and the others.
He then asked his men to guard Akira's car, and after giving strict orders not to touch it without
permission, he entered the base with Akira.
After a slight delay, Lucia and the others, released from their nervousness, exhaled loudly.
Cheryl invited Akira to her room and asked him in a lighthearted manner how he came to be with
Lucia and the others. She was first relieved to hear the very shallow reason: "I saw them on the
I see. Thank you for your time."
Hmm?" Well, it was a side trip."
From Akira's appearance, Cheryl judged that Akira had most likely already lost interest in Lucia
and her friends.
If we can watch them for a while longer and be convinced that they really don't care about us, we
will have no problem treating Lucia and the others the same way we treat the rest of the world.
This would reduce the amount of trouble I had to go through, as Akira had entrusted me with the
problem-free handling of Lucia and the others. I was optimistic.
Then, in an attempt to put Akira in a good mood, he utters a few perfunctory compliments.
By the way, is that your new equipment? What a great idea! It's cool and looks strong."
Yeah. I don't know what it is, but it seems to be a good one. It's not a popular product for a number
of reasons, but it's pretty cheap for what it is. Well, I guess they gave me a discount because I got
the whole set.
Akira was in a better mood than Cheryl expected when he praised the equipment that Sizuka had
arranged for him.
So, Cheryl tries to make Akira's mood even better by talking happily with him.
I see you got it at a discount. That's great. How much was it?"
With that, I picked up a cup from the table and sipped it to moisten my throat for better merriment.
About 80 million aurums.
And I had to endure the guts to blow out the liquid in my mouth on my unexpected forehead. But
it was impossible to maintain even a smile.
What's up?"
You say, "...... No, it's nothing. Well, that, 80 million aurum, was that cheap?"
Hmm? Sort of."
Cars are used. Reinforced clothes are disposal price. Both were thanks to Sizuka's efforts to
somehow arrange for good quality items at a reasonable price. So, it was probably much cheaper
than buying the same level of equipment normally. Akira answered in this way.
But Cheryl saw 80 million aurum as small change for Akira, or at least cheap in financial terms.
Hiding her inner surprise, she asked somewhat coyly.
I'm sure you've heard of the "...... Akira paid 10 million aurum for a recovery drug the other day,
didn't he? Did you buy or pay for anything else?"
I did."
You said, "May I ask how much you spent on ......? Oh, I'm just curious, so I won't force you to
I want to ask and make sure. But emotionally, I may not want to hear it. Cheryl's words expressed
this conflict.
Akira is about to answer normally when a thought occurs to him and he makes his reply a little
Uh, about 60 million aurums, maybe a little bit."
He paid 60 million aurum in the form of remuneration and compensation to pay for treatment. At
first I tried to say so.
But I think the first thing that might be caught up in confidentiality with the city is why so much
treatment was needed.
In addition, he recalled that Cheryl had previously told him that she did not want him to talk about
something that would kill him. As a result, Akira blurred out the specific use of the money and
only mentioned the payment amount.
Cheryl's face hardens slightly when she hears this.
I see.
A total of 150 million aurum. Akira had become a hunter who could pay that much in a short
period of time. What was the point of giving such a person one or two million pennies? This
realization shocked Cheryl.
Cheryl, who is the one who actively broaches the subject and manipulates the conversation to make
it not just a conversation but a convivial one to deepen the friendship between the two, was silenced
by the shock, which caused a slight pause in the conversation.
Akira wonders about it and suddenly remembers the souvenir.
Oh," he said. Yes, that's right. I have some souvenirs from the relic collection."
From his backpack, Akira took out relics from the Yonozuka Station site, Old World clothing
compressed into plates and accessories also made in the Old World.
It's from the ruins, so it's Old World," he said. Take your pick."
When Cheryl comes back to herself, she is surprised to see those items on the table.
You said, "Well, ......, I'm very happy, but, I mean, are you sure? Old world items are expensive,
aren't they? It's better to buy ......"
I'll be all right. I went to sell it to Katsuragi once, and he told me he wouldn't buy it at a higher
price, or he wouldn't buy this kind of thing, or whatever, and I brought it back."
I see. If that's the case, I'll take it without reservation.
While they are happy to receive a gift, they are also put off if they are given something too
expensive. In the East, "made in the old world" is synonymous with luxury.
Cheryl, who now lacked overwhelmingly what she could give back to Akira, was more than a little
put off by the gift of an item made in the old world.
But when he was relieved to learn that they were cheap enough to be rejected for purchase by
Katsuragi, he began to select them with a very happy face.
'Well, it's old world stuff, even if it's cheap,' he said. It could at least be a piece of evidence that
you're friendly with hunters. Make use of it."
I see that "....... I will use it."
Cheryl did not let it show on her face as she regretted that the gift was not intended to please a
woman with whom she had a close relationship, but rather as a token for the smooth operation of
the clique.

After seeing Akira off, Cheryl returned to her room, lay down on her bed and let out a sigh.
Akira gave Cheryl a souvenir and then left, saying he had other business to attend to. Not being
able to force her to stay, Cheryl was very disappointed and left Akira with that on her face.
I wanted him to cuddle with me for a long time for a reason, take a bath with me again, or stay
over if he wanted. I was even more disappointed because I thought she was so free that she would
come over even if I suddenly called her.
(...... Well, let's just assume that you took time out of your busy schedule to come see me, even if
it was short.)
I tried to calm down with such a convenient interpretation, but my frustration at not being able to
hug Akira even once did not subside. I lay down for a while as if I was sleeping in a drowsiness.
Then I somehow looked to the side and saw a souvenir from Akira that I had left on the table. I
raised myself up, picked up a pendant from the souvenir, and looked at it hanging from the fingertip
of my right hand.
The chain and pendant top, made of a material similar to silver, intricately reflect the light in the
room, highlighting the intricate modeling. Embedded in the pendant top were transparent crystals
with a high refractive index, and artistic patterns emerged from their interiors.
Without any knowledge, it looks expensive. However, similar objects can be made with modern
technology, and their technical value is low.
In addition, hunters often brought them back because they looked expensive, so even if they were
sold as Old World-made items, they were bulky, further reducing their value.
In rare cases, items made with materials and techniques that are impossible to produce with current
technology are discovered and are priced very high. But basically, they are cheaply priced items
in circulation.
Cheryl, who had been looking at it for a while, compared it with another pendant hanging from
her left hand. This one was given to her by Akira. It was a cheap item from a street vendor in a
slum, so it is not as well formed and looks inferior to the one on her right hand.
But to Cheryl, the pendant on her left hand seemed more valuable.
Of course, that's in terms of Cheryl's personal value. Usually, everyone chooses the right one. The
added value, which was only meaningful to Cheryl, increased the value of the cheap pendant on
the left.
Cheryl chose the one on the right. The one on the left was chosen by Akira after much deliberation.
That level of thing, which was unimportant at that time, has become very important to Cheryl now.
Cheryl, who is having trouble switching moods, looks at the other souvenirs. She had selected
several relics of clothing for herself, and Akira had reminded her before she made her choice.
I don't even know what kind of clothes they are. So, it might be very tacky. Even if it's something
weird, Cheryl chose it herself, so give up on it. Well, I'm not forcing you to wear it.
Cheryl laughs a little amusedly, remembering that rather excusable attitude of Akira. Then she
decided to try it on.
Even if it really was something incredibly lame, I thought it would make me feel better to laugh at
Clothing is hermetically sealed in a compressed state. Naturally, they cannot be worn without
opening the package, but at that point, the preservation function of the packaging is lost and their
value as relics decreases. Cheryl hesitated a little before opening the package.
Then what seemed like a hard, thin board by its appearance and feel before opening the package
suddenly regains its softness by increasing its volume. As it was, it protruded from the packing
bag and became a large garment that made one wonder how it had been packed there. Another bag
also contained upper and lower underwear.
Cheryl takes off all her clothes and stands in front of the mirror, first wearing only her Old World
The wearer was able to wear the garment securely and without strain, as if the underwear would
compensate for slight differences in body shape on its own.
The feel is perfect, the comfort is beyond reproach, and no tightness is felt at all. There was a
difference from what Cheryl had been using until now.
Hmmm. It's like an old-world product. I wonder if this is really cheap ......?"
It is cheap by the standards of a hunter who can pay as little as 150 million aurums, or for a relic
that such a person would bring in for purchase. Cheryl felt a little uneasy that this might have been
the case.
I cut off my underwear viewing to cover it up. Then he stands in front of the mirror again, also
wearing Old World clothing.
I'm not sure I want to go there," he said. This one's not bad, but it's like ......."
The jacket and skirt did not have the same function as underwear to compensate for the significant
difference in body size. The adult-size clothes look very tight because Cheryl, who is relatively
petite, is forced to wear them.
In addition, its design seemed slightly out of step with modern sensibilities. It was not so much
that they were extremely tacky. However, the design was somewhat out of step with current
fashion standards.
Maybe it was popular in the old world, but certainly not this one. Cheryl thought as she looked at
her reflection in the mirror.
At the same time, he still thinks that there is no difference between an old-world article of clothing
and that he should be able to assume a status that exceeds that of the boss of a weak clique in the
slums if he wears this clothing in front of a discerning eye.
Akira is trying to make it as a hunter at a remarkably fast pace. In order to repay him, I must catch
up with him as much as possible as he tries to climb to a higher level, so that I will not be abandoned
or cut off.
Cheryl naturally thought so, and was planning her next move to develop the clique.
Then Elio appears. This time, he had knocked properly to make sure he was in. He had come to
talk on behalf of Lucia and the others, thinking that he would explain how he and Akira had come
back together.
Then Cheryl suddenly thinks.
Elio. What do you think of this outfit?"
Elio answers with a quick look.
How is, um, a little sensitive ......"
By the way, this was a gift from Akira to me.
I think it's great!"
Cheryl laughed a bit of fun when she saw Elio's reaction to her hastily reversed statement. She
smiled good-humoredly, thinking that the added value of Akira's gift was still of great value.

Elena and her friends, who had come to Sizuka's store to replenish ammunition and other supplies,
were engaged in a long conversation, partly because Sizuka was looking bored.
The owner, Shizuka, also goes along with it, excusing it as a way to serve his customers.
Yes. So, Elena and the others are done with their work at the Kuzuthara Street Ruins. Was it quite
long? Not so much? Akira seemed to finish right away."
Unlike Akira, who left midway through the request to remove the Yarata scorpion nest, Elena and
her team continued with that request until the work in the underground city was complete.
It was only recently that the city had completed the eradication of most of the nests and the
collection of artifacts found there, and had even installed security equipment so that the
underground mall could be maintained by a small number of maintenance personnel.
Sarah recalls those days and looks lightly tired.
We were still heavily used. That's why we were held back for so long. And Elena kept getting it,
so that's why it took longer. Hey? Elena."
Elena laughed without a hint of concern.
It was a good deal for what it was. As the team's negotiator, I deserved it. And as an information-
gatherer, it was a good job, too, because the more we investigated the ruins, the more we were
Sarah complains in frustration.
I'd also like to know what the thermal officer wants?"
The monsters were almost all exterminated by the end of the day, which made things easier for the
firepower guys, didn't you think? I cut it off because Sarah complained, but as for me, I could have
gone on a little longer, couldn't I?"
Sizuka wonders about Sarah's attitude, who looks quite seriously dissatisfied.
Sarah. It seems to me that you could have had it easy with no monsters, what was so frustrating
about it? Oh, and if you're saying that you never had a chance to use the ammunition you had on
hand and shoot as hard as you could, then I'll agree with you for the sake of store sales."
When Sizuka jokingly said this, Elena laughed and shook her head.
No," he said. Sarah doesn't want the relics she finds to be taken to the city."
By contract, all artifacts found during the commission were to be owned by the city.
Therefore, no matter how many good-looking relics we find, we can only watch in silence with
our fingers in our mouths. Sarah had to back away from the place where the relics were found
many times, at a time of all times.
Elena laughed and explained it, and Sizuka, hearing it, also laughed lightly, easily imagining the
Sarah is a little miffed.
Elena had nothing to complain about, either.
Of course I've had to put up with a lot. You didn't say you weren't."
When Elena said this somewhat happily, Sara was a little unfaithful.
It was just then that Akira arrived at the store.

When Akira entered Sizuka's store and spotted Elena and her friends there, he decided to give them
a souvenir as soon as possible, thinking that he had come at just the right time.
He then took out from his backpack some jewelry and a relic of fabric compressed into a board
shape and told her that it was a souvenir from his exploration of the ruins.
Shizuka and the others look at the items on the counter with interest. All of them, including
Shizuka, are more discerning than Akira, as they have many opportunities to handle relics. And to
this connoisseur, they did not look like items that would be given lightly as souvenirs.
Sizuka confirms it at one point.
Akira. This looks pretty expensive, but can I really have it? Aside from these accessories, this one,
this one, is probably clothing, right? If it's a clothing relic, I can buy it in my store. So you could
sell them, you know?"
Sizuka, does your store also buy relics?"
I'm not a specialist, so I can't say I buy everything. I have a route for clothing-related relics through
a relationship with a supplier or something. Well, I don't handle them directly, so it takes time
before I can redeem them for cash. So, what do you do?"
No, I brought it as a souvenir, so I will give it to you. Besides, I am indebted to Sizuka-san and the
others for all the help they have given me. Please think of it as a small token of my appreciation
for their kindness.
After thanking them sincerely, Akira adds lightly so as not to give Shizuka and the others any
unnecessary concern.
Well, it's a cheap item that was omitted from a purchase at another place. That's just how I feel."
I see. In that case, I'll take it. Thank you. Akira."
Thinking it would be rude to shove the thank-you gift back in their faces, and also glad of Akira's
thoughtfulness, Shizuka and the others laughed and returned the gift.
Seeing their smiling faces, Akira was glad that it was worthwhile to bring them a souvenir. Then
he remembered something.
I don't know what's in that one, so I'll just open it and give it to you if I find a good one. I don't
want to give you something with a strange design as a thank-you gift, and it would make me feel
a little uncomfortable.
Akira then opened the bag. If it's something weird, I'll push it to Cheryl later. In a slum area where
clothing is also hard to come by, it doesn't matter if the design is a bit hideous. It was better than
nothing. With this in mind, she opened the bag and took out the contents.
The object that emerged from inside was women's underwear.
The air is subtly embarrassing. As if to cover it up, Akira put the opened bag and its contents aside
and opened another bag.
Women's underwear again.
Akira impatiently opened another bag, and out came the third item. Akira's hand stopped, and he
didn't have the guts to take out the fourth bag.
"We're all here."
Shut up."
Akira's unintentionally scathing response to Alpha's point brought him back to the thought that
had stopped him. Slowly, he looked up and shifted his gaze from his hand to the front to see
Shizuka looking a little embarrassed and her smile hardening.
Let's see, Akira. Well, you know?"
Akira hurriedly excuses himself.
No, no! I thought it was clothes, or a handkerchief, or something like that! It's true!"
Uh, yeah. I know. So, uh, what do we do?"
Whether intentional or negligent, the actual item is right in front of you. It is difficult to give it to
someone and accept it. Both Akira and Sizuka were at a loss as to how to handle it.
Elena watched them with amusement. As a hunter, she had a fair amount of experience in bringing
back women's underwear for relic collection. If she had a strong perception of them as mere relics,
she could watch Akira and the others' flustered behavior with a smile on her face.
And Sarah was a bit more aggressive.
Sizuka. If you're not sure if you want to take it, can I have that?"
What?" Well, I'm good, but ......, is that okay with Akira?"
What? Uh, yes. If it's okay with you, Sizuka-san, I don't mind."
Thanks. I'll take it."
Sarah takes all the underwear off the counter. Elena's portion was also put away as her own, a little
greedily, as if it were natural, without needing to ask.
Akira looked a little surprised to see Sarah. Elena noticed it and chuckled.
Akira. I'm sorry. Sara is a little starved for underwear these days. Let her go."
Ha, ha ......"
Sarah looked a little disgruntled.
You can say "starving ......, Elena, there's a better way to put it."
But he soon turns an interested smile on Akira.
So, Akira, where did you find this souvenir? Around the city block of the Mihazono Street site?
Did it look like it was still there?"
Let's see. ......
Seeing Akira's stupefied expression, Elena rebukes him a little seriously.
Sara. Don't ask about the location of relics in such a light-hearted way. Akira and we are both
hunters, so you should at least pay us for the information.
I know.
Sarah laughed lightly and let Elena's small talk slide, then brought her expectant face close to
So, what do you think? You can tell me if you want. Of course, I'll pay you for the information. It
can be money or information about relics we know about.
The souvenir relics were obtained at the Yonozuka Station site. Akira was hesitant to say because
he was not sure whether he should tell us about it or not.
But having the expected look on his face from the man who saved his life, Akira easily concluded
that, well, it was okay.
It's good. No information fee is required. I am indebted to Sara and her team."
I see." So, since Elena might get mad if I say ......, how about we go there together next time to
collect relics and we'll do our share of the work then?"
Sarah then looked at Elena.
The price of information is ambiguous. That is a better way to return the information than to make
money out of it. Elena nodded lightly in agreement, and Akira nodded in return.
I understand. Then that's what I'll ask you. The place where I found the relics is the remains of
some kind of store at the Yonozuka Station site.
Elena and the others tilted their heads a little when the name of an unfamiliar site was mentioned.
Then Elena guessed.
Akira. Are you sure you didn't mistake the name of another archaeological site? I'm not saying you
should learn the names of all the nearby ruins, but you should at least learn the names of the ones
you've explored. Sometimes the purchase price goes up if you explain the origin of the artifact to
the seller.
Oh, I'm sorry. It's just what I call the ruins I found recently. ......"
Akira. Stop."
Elena stopped talking about Akira and looked around the restaurant carefully with a serious face.
Sarah did the same to make sure there were no other hunters. When they finished checking, they
all let out a small breath of relief.
When Akira was puzzled by the attitude of Elena and the others, Elena conveyed her intentions to
Sizuka with a glance, pretending to look normal.
Sizuka. I'm leaving today."
Sizuka, sensing this, nods lightly in return.
Yes. Teach Akira some things."
Akira. Let's continue our conversation at our house. Is everything all right with your schedule?"
Uh, yes. I'm fine."
Then let's go. See you later, Sizuka."
Akira was a bit confused when Elena and her friends took him out of the restaurant a bit forcefully,
but Shizuka saw him off with a light smile, and he was quietly taken to Elena and her family's
house without further ado.
Episode 73 Results of the Re-search

Akira was brought to their home by Elena and her friends and was waiting for them in their living
When I came here before, I had not yet acquired my own home and was surprised at the difference
in living conditions compared to my lodgings.
Now I have a house of my own. There will be no surprises like before. Akira thought so, but when
he looked again at the difference in living standards, the difference was obvious, and he realized
that he and others were not there yet.
Then Elena and her friends came back after changing their clothes. Sarah sat across from Akira,
and Elena tried to sit down after distributing drinks, and complained about Sarah's outfit, although
she thought it was useless.
Sara. Didn't I tell you to get dressed properly?"
Sarah was dressed only in a shirt over her underwear. The shirt was not closed in the front,
exposing her skin and cleavage in a showy way.
It's fine. I just want to be comfortable in the house. It's okay. I don't mind if you look at me a little.
In terms of lack of shame, the figure could be described as disheveled and lacking in sex appeal.
However, the fact that she was exposing her attractive body made up for the lack of shame well
Akira cares, not Sarah."
Yeah?" Akira. Is it that unsightly?"
I was told, "...... it's important to loosen up, and since this is Sarah and her family's house, you can
dress however you like. I don't mind."
Alfa often dresses similarly. If you don't mind, it will be fine. If I reacted badly, I would be teased
even more. Akira thought so and tried to implore himself not to worry about it.
Although ostensibly, there is no wavering in Akira's gaze. Seeing Akira's attitude, as if he really
didn't care, Sarah looked a little out of sorts and surprised.
Elena laughed lightly and sat down next to Sarah. Then she regained her composure and got down
to business with a serious face.
I'm going to continue the conversation we had at Sizuka's. Akira said that the Yonozuka Station
ruins are the ones that have not been discovered until now. That's right."
Elena dared to let out a loud sigh. Then she stared at Akira and rebuked him.
Akira. Don't talk about that kind of thing so carelessly.
......I thought it was okay because you and Elena were the only ones in Sizuka's store, but was it
really that bad?"
It's dangerous when you tell that kind of information to anyone," he said. Don't you realize how
much value there is in information about an untouched archaeological site?"
Akira earnestly retorts to Elena, who points out his lack of awareness.
I'm not going to talk to anyone either. I've chosen who I'm going to talk to."
Yes, yes.
Elena and the others looked at each other, flinching a little. Akira let slip a light consideration of
the value of the information. That's what I thought, but I was puzzled and pleased that they
understood its value and were willing to talk about it with us.
And her experience as the team's negotiator calms Elena down first.
Akira. I'm glad you said that. That being said, you should have thought about the situation you
were talking about. You probably thought it was okay because it was Sizuka's store, but it's a public
place, too. You shouldn't be so careless about talking about such things."
Even at Sizuka's?"
Yes," he said. Of course you can trust Sizuka. But there could be a supplier in the back of the store,
or a customer behind a shelf. You should have at least asked Sizuka if it was safe to talk about it
before you brought it up.
Oh, yes, indeed. It was unintentional. Thank you for stopping me."
Akira bowed his head again, saying it was a close call.
I don't care," he said. As a senior hunter, I should give you that much advice. Hey? Sarah."
Yes. Yeah."
Elena and her friends called out lightly to each other to calm their inner feelings, drank more
drinks, and exhaled.
We will go to the site where the souvenir relics were found to collect relics together next time.
When Elena and Akira promised to go there, they had no idea that the Yonozuka Station site was
a previously undiscovered ruin.
Even though Akira had already dived into the ruins once, they were almost completely unexplored
and untouched, and it would be dangerous if they were not well prepared. Elena and her teammates
decided to go with Akira, who told them about his exploration of the ruins.
And the content is more than expected, and Sarah's expectations are high.
I was like, "There are no monsters here, and you just dove down a little bit and found that many
artifacts? A bonanza of ruins. So if there's more women's underwear left in the back, that would
be great. ......"
Akira wonders about Sarah's obsession with underwear, but makes a suggestion.
I still have some clothing relics at home that I didn't sell, but if you need them that badly, I can
bring them to you. Maybe there's some in the rest of the stuff."
Are you sure?"
Yes. I don't know if it's really in there."
Then ......."
Then Elena interjects.
Sarah. Since you said you would take me to those untouched ruins, you should look for yourself
there first. You've got enough for me and Sizuka, so we should be okay for the time being, right?"
In response, Sara also laughed and pushed back a little.
That's good. I'm not saying I want it for free. I'll buy it at the market price. That way, Akira can
sell it at a higher price than if he sells it to some other buyer, and we can reduce the spread of
information about the untouched ruins. It's a win-win situation, right?
There you are missing the part about hunter ranks. If we buy it, it won't raise our hunter rank."
It's just a matter of coloring the purchase price accordingly," he said. If you want, I can go along
with Akira's hunter rank earning later. Akira. How about that?
Sarah and the others looked at Akira as he said this. However, he looked like he was not following
the conversation, so we decided to start with the premise.
Sarah is a nanomachine-enhanced extension of the body, and her body shape changes depending
on the amount of nanomachines remaining and how they are used. In particular, her chest, which
serves as a storage place for spare nanomachines, undergoes a great deal of change.
Because of this, undergarments that are only moderately elastic can be so deep at the top that they
press hard on the chest, or so loose at the bottom that they slip down.
Furthermore, due to the physical capabilities of the enhanced body, as well as the compatibility
with nanomachines or protective clothing, ordinary underwear is often too fragile and soon
becomes useless.
In other words, Sarah needs undergarments that are stretchy enough to accommodate significant
body shape changes, and sturdy enough to withstand the physical exertion of the body
enhancement extensions and the friction with the tough materials used in protective clothing.
And many underwear made in the Old World easily fulfill all of these excessive demands, which
may even seem like harassment to the underwear manufacturers. This is why Sarah seeks out Old
World underwear.
However, they are expensive because of their high performance. In addition to the high quality of
the underwear, the brand effect of being made in the old world has led even the wealthy inside the
walls to purchase these undergarments. This made it difficult for ordinary people to obtain them.
To be sure, underwear that meets such requirements does exist, even in the modern world.
However, the materials and technology required are on par with those of the old world, so they are
naturally more expensive.
If comfort and design are required, the price will be even higher, and the variety and quantity will
be limited. Because of the delicate profit margins for the sellers, the use of these products as
substitutes has not become widespread.
Because of this, when Sarah found women's underwear at the ruins, she would use it herself instead
of bringing it to the buying station as much as possible.
There are many female hunters doing something similar, and not just Sarah. This is because it is
by far cheaper than buying them at the market. Sarah also kept a good number of spare sheets by
accumulating them little by little so that she would not run out of them.
Recently, however, he had no opportunity to go to the ruins because of city-related requests, and
the frequency of underwear wear had increased considerably due to the many times he had to travel
on foot and fight monsters. Because of this, the remaining number of sheets had already reached
the danger zone.
Brittle regular underwear would not be a good substitute as it would quickly ruin it. Therefore,
they would have to live without underwear. This is the reason why Sarah was starved for
underwear made in the old world.

Akira, who had been listening with interest to Sarah's underwear situation, turned his gaze
somehow to the object of his interest. It was the underwear Sarah was wearing.
Sarah notices his gaze and smiles happily.
I'm using it right away. Thanks."
That's when Akira noticed that Sarah was wearing her souvenir underwear. That disrupted his
perception of Sarah's outfit, which he had been trying not to worry about.
I'm going to go to "...... eh? Uh, yes."
Seeing Akira slightly flustered, Sarah smiles happily.
It's good, okay? Take your time. You've given me something good, and I'll serve you."
Akira silently averted his gaze from Sarah. He then urged Elena, who was beyond him, to speak.
Elena. So, what's the deal with selling to Ms. Sarah to help curb the spread of information about
the untouched ruins?"
Elena began to explain this with a wry smile.

Hunters bring back various relics from the ruins and bring them to the purchase office to exchange
them for gold. When this information is compiled, it is possible to get a rough idea of what kind
of artifacts are found in which ruins.
And when a large number of new artifacts that are not found at any site are brought to the
purchasing office, some people will begin to investigate based on this information. This is because
there is a high probability that the artifacts were taken from an unexplored part of the site or from
an undiscovered site.
It is not so easy to be exposed unless you bring in a large number of the rarest relics at once. Selling
to Sarah without bringing it to a buying office would further reduce that low probability. That was
all there was to it.
Still, there are those who drive large transport vehicles to the ruins, load them up to the limit, and
bring them directly to the purchasing office in order to convert all the relics into gold before anyone
finds out about the existence of the ruins.
Such an attempt would naturally expose the existence of the ruins. However, there were many
who, frightened of the danger of dying in dangerous ruins and unable to get help because they
could not tell anyone about the ruins, could not bear to carry relics out of the ruins alone, little by
little, over and over again, and could not stand it any longer.
There have been many other cases in which the existence of archaeological sites that were intended
to be hidden have become known due to various mistakes and other reasons. Even if an ordinary
person found an undiscovered archaeological site, the probability that he or she would be able to
conceal it was low.

Even when undiscovered ruins are discovered in secret, they are usually exposed to others within
a certain period of time. Akira's face turned a little grim upon hearing this story.
Akira does not think he can keep it hidden forever either. But he has already sold the relic to
Katsuragi and given it to Cheryl as a souvenir. I thought I was a little premature.
When I told this to Elena and the others, they told me not to worry about it because when they find
out, they will find out. So Akira decided not to worry about it.

Elena and her colleagues, who were talking with Akira about their plan to collect artifacts at the
Yonozuka Station site, noticed a subtle movement in Akira's gaze. He was unconsciously
comparing Elena and Sarah.
In contrast to Sarah, who was dressed in a daring or disheveled underwear and shirt, Elena was
calmly and neatly dressed.
The collar was tightly closed to cover the chest, the sleeves to the wrists, and the skirt to the ankles.
These clothes were designed to hide the lines of the body and had a somewhat elegant atmosphere.
Neither Elena nor Sarah is uncomfortable with Akira's gaze. Neither of them is dressed in a way
that makes Akira uncomfortable to look at, and neither is staring at them as if they are trying to
put a price on them.
However, I was sure that my best friend, who was dressed in a contrasting outfit, was next to me,
and I was curious to see what she thought of the outfit being compared to my own.
With this in mind, Elena thinks about her own attire after taking another look at Sarah's figure, the
object of her comparison.
(......) I guess I was dressed a little too stiffly.
Elena's figure, which seems to have been chosen to hide the skin from the neck down in a persistent
manner and to have chosen clothes that do not even show the lines of her body, is not at all what
one would think of as immodest. However, it is also an outfit that makes one think that she is
overly conscious of the eyes of the opposite sex.
Elena's reinforced clothes, also called reinforced innerwear, are very thin, and although they hide
her skin, they show the lines of her body strongly enough to make one imagine that she is naked.
Elena wears such reinforced clothing because it is high performance enough to make its design
acceptable, along with the excuse that it is safe because she is well covered by a protective coat.
However, Akira already knows that I wear such reinforced innerwear underneath. So now, I
unconsciously chose clothes with a stiffer design, as if to show proof that I usually wear proper
However, when I compared it with Sarah's outfit, it seemed to me that she was dressed in an overly
conscious manner, as if she was showing strong caution toward the opposite sex. It seemed to me
that she was telling Akira that she, unlike Sarah, was wary of him.
But that doesn't mean I can't loosen my bosom or change into looser clothes now. Sarah would
definitely make fun of me later.
Like Elena, Sarah, too, was rethinking her own appearance based on her best friend's outfit.
(......) I guess I was a little sloppy dressed for the occasion.
Next to her best friend, whose skin is well concealed in a neat and tidy manner, the excessive
exposure of skin is more impressive for its sloppiness than for its sex appeal.
Perhaps Akira is also dismayed. Perhaps he thinks that if he is this sloppy, his attractiveness will
diminish. I can't help but think that.
But I can't close my bosom now, nor can I put on my clothes tightly. Elena would surely lecture
me later.
Let's just think a little more about our next outfit. Elena and her friends looked at each other's
outfits and came to the same conclusion.

Akira, who was continuing the conversation with Elena and the others about preparations for the
search for the Yonozuka Station ruins, noticed that they had subtly changed their mood midway
through. However, he could not understand the reason for the change.
Akira and his team's strategy meeting continued into the night without giving those who questioned
their attire a chance to change.

A week after finding the Yonozuka Station ruins, Akira, who had finished preparing for his second
search for the ruins, parked his vehicle in the wilderness, well away from the city, and waited for
Elena and the others.
There are no people around at all. The terrain is clear and it is easy to see if someone is following
It was Elena who decided to leave the city separately at different times, just in case, and then meet
up with the others later in the wilderness. If anyone was able to follow us there, we were to stop
our search for the Yonozuka Station ruins.
So far, there are no such signs around Akira.
'You seem to be doing okay. I guess I overthought it.'
Some of the artifacts brought back from the Yonozuka Station site were given to Katsuragi as a
purchase and to Sheryl as a souvenir. There was a fear that those with good intuition would
discover the existence of the ruins from there, but Akira was relieved to find that there was no sign
of this during the past week and even now.
Alfa, still dressed in his wilderness-unbefitting attire, laughs teasingly in the passenger seat.
'Aren't you glad Akira's bad luck didn't show?'
"Not at all."
Akira laughed back, unconcerned. Seeing his composure, Alpha changed the type of smile slightly
and laughed slightly provocatively.
I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that, but it's time for me to meet up with Elena and the
others. It's time for us to get started, but before we do, I'd like to go over this one more time. Are
you okay?
Akira was to conduct this search for the Yonozuka Station site without Alpha's support and
assuming the connection was broken.
It was Alpha who suggested it, ostensibly as a training exercise in case of a sudden loss of Alpha
support. If they feel they can fight normally without support, it will prevent the fear of becoming
severely disoriented in the event of an emergency. That's what this training is for, I tell them.
But there was another intention as well. He wanted Akira, who remained skeptical about his own
abilities, to grasp his own capabilities and suppress any unnecessary condescension.
When he had a dispute with Katsuya and his team over Lucia the other day, Akira, who had
extremely disparaged his own abilities, was about to kill each other, ignoring the difference in
strength between them, with the hatred and hatred that came from it.
Alpha, judging this to be desperation due to a lack of room for weakness, decided to give Akira a
little confidence boost.
I have become strong enough to be recognized by Elena and others without Alpha's support. If
Akira recognizes this, he will be somewhat better off the next time a similar situation arises. That's
what Alpha thought.
Akira was unaware of any such intentions, but he welcomed the opportunity to check his own
In addition, I was convinced by Alpha's explanation that it would be just fine if I suddenly lost
connection with myself due to going deeper than the last time in this search, because Elena and
her friends would be able to help me.
Because of these circumstances, Akira was fired up for his second search of the Yonozuka Station
Oh," he said. Good. Let's get started.
I understand. Let's start. Good luck.
Alpha smiled gently as he said this. Then he smiled again in a somewhat mischievous and
meaningful way.
'...... what the hell?'
If you get very lonely, you can stop in the middle and call me, okay?"
Get on with it."
In front of Akira, whose face was twisted in frustration at being teased, Alpha disappeared,
laughing happily.
At the same time, Akira feels uncomfortable in his reinforced clothes. It seemed to move slightly
slower and heavier. The support of Alpha was gone.
Naturally, they had to search for the enemy by themselves. Akira firmly put on the goggle-type
display device that hung from his forehead and began to use the information-gathering equipment
to investigate the situation around him.
Vehicles are also equipped with search-and-resist devices, but because they are for vehicles, they
are tuned to warn of monsters approaching from afar. In short, it is designed for rough, broad and
shallow searches. If you want to thoroughly inspect the surroundings, the information-gathering
equipment you are wearing is better suited.
In addition, it is also linked to the vehicle's search and rescue equipment. When the goggles were
worn and the vehicle's equipment gazed in the direction of the captured response, the information-
gathering equipment integrated with the enhanced clothing automatically increased the accuracy
of information gathering in that direction and further magnified the surroundings in the field of
vision through the goggles.
While these features are certainly useful, it is also true that they are significantly inferior to Alpha's
support. Akira was quick to realize how much he appreciated Alpha's support.
The response captured by the device was that of Elena and her car as it approached. Akira lightly
waved his hand, and Elena and the others also waved back at him in the extended view.
It's right on time. I came very early just in case, but I guess it's part of a hunter's skill to arrive on
time at the rendezvous point in the wilderness, where there are encounters with monsters. What do
you think, Alfa?"
There was no reply.
"...... it was."
The image that is usually displayed in the extended field of vision and the voice that is heard
through telepathy would not be possible without the connection with the alpha. Therefore, of
course, during training, there is no such connection.
Akira chuckles at the fact that the voice that had been returning to him as a matter of course ever
since he met Alpha did not, and that he found it more empty than he expected.
Oh, mooo, ahh."
Akira cheated the loneliness he suddenly felt by using appropriate words and voice.

Akira and his team arrived at the rubble-strewn wilderness near the entrance to the Yonozuka
Station ruins. The first thing they had to do was to dig up the entrance and exit, which Akira had
once dug up and buried again.
Akira and Sara, the team's firepower officers, used their physical abilities to throw debris one after
another to excavate the entrances and exits.
Elena continues to be vigilant of her surroundings with her information-gathering equipment.
There is no sign of monsters or other hunters. The work was going well.
As she watched the work and the scene around her, Elena had her doubts.
(I really wonder how Akira found the Yonozuka Station ruins. (I wonder how Akira really found
the Yonozka Station ruins. He said he found them by chance, but that's impossible.)
There is a limit to the reason for coincidence. Even if you found it by chance, at the very least, you
have to pass through this area.
However, there are no other ruins in the area and it is off the route to nearby ruins. There is no
reason for ordinary hunters to pass through this area.
And it is impossible to find the entrance and exit buried underground by chance. Even if the
monsters overflowed from the underground ruins and cleared the debris blocking the entrance and
exit, there would definitely be traces of them, even if they were there by chance.
But there is no trace of it. In addition, Akira said there was no sign of monsters in the ruins. No
coincidence there.
If we go to the site, we may discover why Akira was able to discover the Yonozuka Station ruins
by chance. Elena thought so, but when she actually arrived at the site and examined the vicinity,
she found only piles of reasons why it was impossible to find it by chance.
(I don't know, but I found it on a hunch I had. (It would be much more believable if you had said
something like...)
Elena chuckled at the thought. And then she realized from what she thought herself.
(intuition or ......)
Akira spotted the Yarata scorpions mimicking rubble and blocking the passageway in the
underground area of the Kuzuthara Street ruins. He also answered that he had a hunch as to why.
Elena does not believe it is a hunch. There is clear evidence, but she can't say. She thinks she just
answered "intuition" to cover it up.
So what is the real reason? Elena had an idea of the reason as well.
(Maybe Akira is the old realm connectionist ......, right?)
The Old Realm Connectors are those who can connect in some way to the network called the Old
Realm, an information network built in the Old World era. And the ruins are also from the Old
World period. There is a connection.
(Suppose, the old domain connectors could find undiscovered ruins?)
In fact, Akira has found the Yonozuka Station ruins. It makes sense. At least it makes more sense
than a hunch or coincidence.
Elena unconsciously turned her gaze to Akira. If that assumption is correct, Akira's value is
tremendous. In addition, he probably has little awareness of this. There is even a possibility that
he really thinks it is just a hunch.
I can take advantage of it. Elena couldn't help but think so.
Some part of my head is screaming at me to terminate that thought right now. But the cold-hearted
part of my mind doesn't care and continues to deepen the thought.
(Old territory connectors will be skeptical and difficult? (But we can ......)
Fortunately, Akira trusts us. Furthermore, their knowledge of the hunter business is poor. If we
can talk our way out of it, we might be able to extract information from him. That's what we think.
(If successful, how much money?)
If a large amount of artifacts can be secured from an untouched site, it can be worth a lot of money.
Selling information on undiscovered ruins alone can bring in an order of magnitude more money,
depending on the negotiations.
(As long as you have the money, you can fix Sarah's body: ......)
Sarah had previously survived a terrible and incurable disease that was only waiting for death by
becoming a physically enhanced extender through nanomachine administered therapy.
But strictly speaking, he is not completely cured. The body of a person on the verge of death is
reinforced with nanomachines, forcing the person to maintain the same state of health as a normal
person. Although Sarah did not die as a result of this treatment, she was forced to live a life of
continuous supply of nanomachines.
In the meantime, radical treatment is possible if one pays a hefty fee. A complete cure is also
technically no problem. However, it would require an order of magnitude larger sum of money,
and Elena and her family's current earning capacity was limited to maintaining the status quo.
If he became a successful hunter, he would one day be able to earn enough money to pay for his
medical treatment. Elena and her friends have continued to work as hunters with this in mind.
But the hunter's business is a deadly game. I have been in a lot of trouble and almost died many
times. There were times when we wondered if we would really be able to make that much money
before we died, that it would be a mistake if we went out into the wilderness to keep Sara from
dying and then let her die.
And now the means by which that order of magnitude of money might be obtained was before
Elena. As the team's negotiator, Akira's eyes are focused on him as he calmly assesses the various
(Is ...... worth a try?)
What is the expected value? Is it worth the gamble? Akira is our benefactor. We want to get along
with him as a good friend. Is the profit to be gained worth stepping on that trust? Elena continued
to unconsciously think about this, and she was lost.
But Elena knew that if she had to choose between Akira and Sarah, she would choose Sarah.
Elena's face becomes slightly serious. And just as the hesitation in her chest began to distort and
bias, she heard Sarah's voice.
Elena! I found a way in!
That brought Elena back to herself.
You looked difficult earlier, what's wrong?"
Elena laughed lightly when she saw her best friend, who had called out to her to express his
concern for her, and her benefactor boy, who had a somewhat worried look on his face.
It's nothing. Akira once entered the site, but it is still an unsurveyed site. I've been thinking about
it a lot."
Yeah? Well, it's pitch black inside the ruins, and in a place like that, you can rely on Elena's
spotting, so think carefully."
I know. Leave it to me. That's why you have to follow my instructions inside, right, Akira?"
Yes. I understand."
Akira smiled and nodded, and Elena smiled back happily.
(Totally, I don't know what I was thinking. There is no need to force me to choose between two
options. What's the point of making it so that I'm trapped in a corner by myself?)
We have been on an upswing since that day. That kind of worry is unnecessary and washes away
the anxiety that created this hesitation.
(I don't want Akira to hate me, and most of all I don't want Sarah to blow me off for betraying my
benefactor. (I don't want to ruin our life just because we don't have enough money.)
We will have a good life together. That is their main goal. There is no reason to enjoy a life in
which you betray your benefactor. Elena thought clearly, and dismissed her earlier thoughts as a
silly whim.

Akira, along with Elena and others, gathered in front of the entrance to the Yonozuka Station ruins
and peered into its depths. The depths of the stairway leading to the basement were engulfed in the
same bottomless darkness as before.
Even though Elena and her team will be accompanying us, this time we will be exploring in a
largely unexplored ruin without Alpha's support. Akira, a little nervous about this, consciously
repeats deep breathing to calm himself.
Next to her, Elena pointed a gun toward the back of the staircase and pulled the trigger. A small
object is fired from the gun's grenade launcher and disappears into the darkness.
Elena. What did you do?"
"I shot out and flew an auxiliary terminal that was also a child of the intelligence-gathering device."
This auxiliary terminal is attached to the point of impact by an adhesive covering and sends
information on the surrounding area to the parent unit. Although the information collection range
is narrow and the accuracy is low, this system enables the safe acquisition of information over long
Even if the communication from the child is lost immediately after the shot, some reason for this,
such as a very dense buildup of colorless fog, can provide useful information. Elena explained so
It's useful, but it's quite expensive for something that is supposed to be disposable. That's why I
don't usually use them, but this time I wanted to be sure because it was an unexplored site, and I
was hoping to find some untouched artifacts.
Elena then shot into a nearby wall as well. This was to get information about the entrance and exit
area in the ruins.
This will allow them to immediately detect if other hunters or monsters enter the ruins after Akira
and his group have entered. It can also be used as a radio beacon to indicate the location of the
entrance and exit.
Akira and his team's information-gathering devices were already set up to work together, so the
information sent from the child devices at the back of the stairs and at the foot of the stairs was
also displayed on Akira's goggles. It indicated that there was no sign of a monster.
Akira also thought this was convenient, but he also thought that it must be very expensive, and
again thought that he usually relies on Alpha in this area as well.
Then let's work hard to get back in the black."
Akira laughed as he said this, blowing away his fears of ending up in the red. Elena and the others
laughed back. Then they all went into the Yonozuka Station ruins.

Akira and his group proceeded through the ruins, lighting their way through the ruins, until they
came to a stairway and a passageway with posters all over the walls.
The light from the portable lighting, though quite strong, was a little dim, and the three-
dimensional images of the relics seen in that light looked as if they were real, even when Akira
looked at them again.
Sara's eyes light up when she sees it.
Elena! There are some awesome relics left!"
Elena's face broke into a smile, too. But she quickly erased it.
It sure looks pretty expensive ....... Oh, Sarah. I'm sorry, but you'll have to give up taking this
Sara's face contorts in frustration.
Why? I just found it. Let's take it home. Don't worry. We can smash through this. If we force it
out, it might set off the alarm, but someone will take it someday, so let's take it home with us."
No, it's not. This is just a three-dimensional image. It's not real.
Surprised, Sarah put her hand on the wall and brought her face close to look through the glass at
the relic. Next to her, Elena shines the light on the wall at a slightly adjusted angle. Then it became
easier to see that it was a three-dimensional image because the light from the lighting and the
shadows of the relic did not match unnaturally.
Next to Elena, who smiles bitterly, Sarah nods her head lightly. Seeing this, Akira lightly blurts it
out. Sarah gives Akira a miffed look.
Akira. You laughed, didn't you?"
I'm sorry. I just had the exact same reaction when I saw this."
Akira apologized, holding back his laughter. So, being the one who had reacted the same way,
Sara was also back in a good mood.
Elena. That's what I meant. My reaction was common."
All right.
Elena laughed lightly and let the story slide.
At the same time, I have a certain question. Akira said he had the exact same reaction. For that to
happen, someone would have to tell Akira that the relic was an image, just as he himself had taught
Sarah that it was an image.
Then he guesses who it is and asks lightly.
Akira. Do you think these ruins are alive?"
What?" Hmmm. It's this dark, and I think he's probably dead."
He added that he returned with the artifacts from the remains of a store a little further down the
street, but the automatic doors were stopped and no alarms or other alarms went off when he forced
his way inside.
Yes," he said. Then I guess we don't need to be vigilant about security devices. I'm glad to hear
that Sarah can't just burst through the case when she finds her underwear."
Elena ......." I would at least check."
Yeah?" That's all right."
Elena laughed lightly and finished her story, then took Akira and the others to the back of the
passageway again. She then wondered if she had been thinking too much, and decided not to worry
any more about the question she had just asked.
Elena suspected that what told Akira that the relics were three-dimensional images was the
augmented reality feature of the ruins. She thought it might have been taught by the guidance staff,
which could only be recognized by those connected to the old realm.
In that case, the probability that this archaeological site only appears to be deactivated but is
actually in operation increases. That means that the security system could call forth a mechanical
monster of a security system.
So I asked him for confirmation, but from Akira's response, I judged it to be a groundless fear. I
was just reading too much into it, and the ruins have been stopped. That was good enough for me.
Not to be a bushwhacker snake, Elena dismissed any further speculation.

Under Elena's leadership, the search for the Yonozuka Station ruins was proceeding smoothly.
There were no collapsed areas in the ruins and no debris scattered about. There was no sign of
monsters at all. The underground facility, which retains a strong trace of its past, was a place that
could be called safe simply because there was no light source.
Thanks to this, we were able to map the Yonozuka Station site quite extensively. Elena had
prepared a large number of small terminals and information-gathering devices for her exploration
of the undiscovered ruins, but the ruins were large enough to use up all of them.
After running out of small terminals, Elena decided that it would be too far from the entrance and
exit to proceed any further, and decided to call it a day and end her search. She tells Akira and
Sara that she will return to the store ruins where she started.
Akira and the others return to the path they came from, somewhat more relaxed than at the start of
the search. On the way back, Elena expresses her impressions of the ruins with a slightly difficult
look on her face.
'And by the way, Akira, I hate to say this, but you've found some nasty ruins.
Akira looked quite mystified by the unexpected evaluation.
What?" Really? There are still relics, no monsters, and I think it's a good site."
There's no question that it's a hit site," he said. It's just, you know? As far as I can tell from my
research at this point, we've hit the jackpot too many times. I wouldn't be surprised if there would
be a big commotion or two if word got out about the existence of these ruins."
Seeing Akira's lack of understanding, Elena adds a supplementary explanation.
Currently, there are no particular obstacles to collecting artifacts at the Yonozuka Station site other
than the fact that it is dark. In addition, there is a high possibility that a large number of relics
remain untouched, and there are no monsters. It is truly a jackpot site.
However, there is a limit to the amount of artifacts that can be carried out by one person. And the
longer it takes, the higher the probability that someone will find out about the relics.
If this is the case, there will surely be a large number of people who will be deployed to remove
the relics as quickly as possible before that time. And if a large number of people are moved, the
existence of the relics will be more easily exposed, attracting even more people to the relics.
In such a situation, if it were an ordinary ruin, some people would not want to be attacked without
knowing the type and amount of monsters that live and breathe in the area, and would wait until
such information is available.
Even though the site is undiscovered, it is a deterrent to prevent the immediate gathering of an
extreme number of hunters.
However, there are no such monsters at the Yonozuka Station ruins. A large number of hunters,
including novices with inferior skills, will rush to the site.
What follows is a killing spree among hunters caused by the relics. In the wilderness environment,
it does not take long for those who cannot be called good with guns to make the choice to kill
others and take the relics.
The commotion will continue all the way until the relics are gone from the ruins or the ruins are
filled with corpses. Elena concluded.
Akira's face scrunches up a little when he hears the story.
......Really, that's the kind of fuss you want to make?"
It's hypothetical," he said. But how can you be sure it won't happen?"
Well, yes."
'It occurs at a high rate to the extent that it requires that attention. I agree."
Maybe I was the one who triggered the commotion. Akira's face turned a little difficult at the
Then Sarah calls out to me in a cheerful tone.
Akira said, "If that happens, don't worry about it. Someday someone will find out, and it will
happen as it is meant to happen. And that someone was Akira. That's all that matters.
...... might be."
Akira's face relaxed with Sara's concern and satisfaction that such an idea was possible.
If it's going to happen anyway, Akira should do it. The person who will benefit the most will be
the one who gathered the people in the first place. It was Akira who found these ruins, so he
deserves a little perk, don't you think?"
I'll think about it. Well, for now, let's just carry them out today on our own."
Sarah laughs happily.
I'll do that," he said. Just the thought of leaving with a car full of relics floats my boat."
As long as you are a hunter, you cannot be a saint. Akira and the others were so divided that their
hearts swelled with anticipation for today's results.

After removing the relics from the ruins, Akira and his team finished filling in the entrance and
exit of the Yonozuka Station ruins again.
Having been dug out twice and buried twice, the marks were quite noticeable. However, Akira
was still reassured that it would not be enough for a stranger to dig it up out of curiosity.
Elena! It's over!"
I'm sure you'll be fine. Shall we take our results home with us then?"
Akira and his team departed from the Yonozuka Station ruins with a full load of the fruits of their
labor in the back of their towed and pulled cart. They headed for the city in a wide circle through
the already dimly lit wilderness while continuing to chat on the vehicle's communication
I didn't think I'd be bringing the shelves home with me," he said. It's true that those shelves are
also made in the Old World, so I guess that means they are relics of the Old World, in a manner of
speaking. ......"
The folding cart that Elena and her team had prepared for transporting the artifacts was as large as
the bed of a small transport truck when extended to its limit. The cart was currently being towed
by a vehicle and piled high with display shelves from the remains of a store where Akira had
collected artifacts in the past.
Do these things sell for a pretty high price?"
Yes. Old World shelves sometimes have advanced quality preservation features. They are still
useful today, so they fetch a good price. See that shelf with the food-like items on it?
There was, but instead of rotting away, it turned into a mass of dust, wasn't it? Even if the shelves
had that quality retention feature, it would be broken. ......"
It could be that they just ran out of energy and stopped functioning. Even if it is slightly damaged,
it may be repairable, and even if it is completely broken, it can be priced for technical analysis.
Of course, there is a probability that it is just a plain shelf. However, we do not have the technology
to accurately appraise such things onsite, so it is a matter of luck, intuition, and experience. Elena
Akira sounded convinced and impressed, and Elena laughed and added more.
I know you're probably wondering why I'm only bringing back the shelves when there were so
many other artifacts, but there's a reason for that too.
Akira's expression hardened a bit, thinking he had been found out.
When hunters find shelves full of artifacts at ruins, they usually take only the artifacts on the
shelves, just as Akira did. Few bring back even the shelves.
Therefore, even in sites that have been explored, there are often quite a few shelves and other items
left behind. Therefore, even if a large number of shelves are brought back from an undiscovered
site, it is likely to be judged that they were brought back only out of desperation by hunters who
could not find any serious relics at those sites.
In other words, the reason why Elena intentionally brought back only the shelves from the
Yonozuka Station ruins this time was also to mislead people into thinking that those who found
the ruins untouched would not bring back only empty shelves.
Well, maybe that's comforting. It would have given us a little more time to get the word out about
the Yonozka Station site to others."
I see what you mean. Thank you."
Akira listened to Elena's story with great interest and realized his own lack of knowledge, which
he could not come up with on his own.

In the wilderness, still a long way from the city of Kugamayama, Akira removed the cargo bed
from his vehicle and replaced it with Elena and her vehicle.
After this, Elena and her team plan to make a major detour to the city from here, or stop at other
ruins along the way, to shade the relics' provenance a bit more. After that, they were to sell the
shelves on the back of the truck.
In the sense of an ordinary hunter, this is a careless act that, if done poorly, could result in the relic
being absconded with or the sale price being cheated. Elena and the others confirmed this to Akira
after he informed them of the situation.
But Akira lightly replied that he was fine. He didn't have a suitable message to sell the shelves,
and thought that bringing them to Katsuragi would only make him look strange or cause trouble
in the purchase negotiations, so he decided to go easy on Elena and the others.
Elena and her colleagues were pleased that they trusted us so much and promised to be responsible
for the sale. They also promised to go to the Yonozuka Station site together to collect artifacts, but
Elena and her family had other plans, so that was to be arranged at a later date.
The next search for the ruins can be done after their own schedule is free, or Akira can move on
his own in the meantime. It is also important to take out the relics before anyone finds them. The
decision in this area is left to Akira, the discoverer of the Yonozuka Station ruins. Akira was told
this by Elena and the others.
After seeing off Elena and the others as they drove away, today's hunter's work came to a close.
Akira takes a breath in the driver's seat. Even though he was talking with Elena and the others over
the phone, he suddenly felt much quieter, as he had been talking with Elena and the others just a
few minutes ago.
Then he looks at the empty passenger seat.
Alfa appeared at the same time as the reply. He was smiling somewhat meaningfully and happily.
"If I call ...... and you come out, that means the training is over, right?"
'You don't have to be strict about it, you've already left Elena and the others, and it's hunter's work
until you get home. That's what Akira thought, and that's why he called me here, isn't it?'
I guess so. Well, let's go back."
Akira starts the car. Then, he shut up as if he was trying to cover something up. Alfa is laughing
very happily next to him, but he doesn't dare to react and continues driving.
Did you miss me?"
...... yes it is!"
Not wanting to lie, partly because of his dealings with Alpha and partly because of his desire to
accumulate trust, Akira raised his voice to cover it up with vigor. Then he accelerated the car with
a grim look on his face.
Next to him, Alpha was smiling good-humoredly.
Episode 74 Sheryl's Shopping

After completing his second collection of relics at the Yonozuka Station site, Akira decided to
spend the rest of his days in the wilderness taking generic defeat requests.
In doing so, we also did a little disguising.
Some of the artifacts from the first artifact collection at the Yonozka Station site are packed in a
backpack and hidden in an inconspicuous location on the vehicle before departing.
Then, after getting out into the wilderness, I put the relic out in plain sight of the vehicle this time,
killed some time with a generic defeat request, and pretended that the relic was brought back from
some other site today before returning to the city to purchase it.
Furthermore, when they encountered monsters, they consumed and defeated them with a large
number of bullets as if they had fought a fierce battle in the collection of their relics.
Without alpha support, how many bullets are needed to defeat an enemy? To get a sense of this,
we fought at relatively close range and fired our DVTS miniguns wildly, turning small groups of
monsters into ground meat.
Akira does not know how much meaning there is in this disguise. But it was better than not doing
it at all, and better than just staying at home and training to manipulate the sensory time, so he
continued to go out into the wilderness every now and then.
One day, Akira was asked by Cheryl to accompany her shopping. He thought about it for a while,
but decided to accept the offer since he could say that he was free until the day when Elena and
her family's schedule was free.

Kgamayama cities are basically more secure and economically developed the closer they are to
the center of the city. In other words, the best locations in the sub-divisions of the city are by the
city walls.
If a child from the slums wanders around such a place, he or she will naturally be picked off by
the guards. It is better if they are gently kicked out, but if they resist badly, they will end up being
turned into corpses and thrown out.
The area around the Kugama Building, however, was an exception. Here, even if a person dressed
in a somewhat dirty outfit entered, he or she would be overlooked as long as he or she did not
behave in an overtly suspicious manner.
The Kugama building also houses the city's largest hunter office branch. Hunters returning from
the wilderness and runaways who have just escaped from the slums also have business here. We
can't kick them out just because they are a little dirty.
Cheryl and her friends were waiting for Akira on the side of that Kugama building.
Cheryl is wearing old world clothes given to her by Akira. She managed to cover up the parts that
would look awkward if worn as is due to size discrepancies by rolling up the sleeves, tying the
waist with a string or belt, and various other creative ways.
Elio is wearing a cheap protective suit borrowed from Katsuragi. It had the appearance of
equipment bought by a novice hunter on a shoestring budget, giving the viewer the impression that
he was such a person.
Alicia was wearing clothes that were only good enough by slum standards. If you look closely,
you can see stains, tears, and other damaged areas, but they are not noticeable because they have
been thoroughly washed and repaired. To that extent, the clothes are clean and honest.
Erio and Alicia were mildly nervous and restless, overwhelmed by the appearance of the Kugama
Building, which is integrated with a huge protective wall, and the hunters and guards surrounding
Cheryl, however, looks calm and stands normally. Erio and the others looked at her and were
impressed that she was just the boss of the clique.
In fact, Cheryl is nervous too. But unlike Erio and the others, she had learned enough skill to not
let it show.
Akira shows up before the meeting time. He is wearing reinforced clothes again today simply
because he doesn't have any going-out clothes. He was a little surprised to see Cheryl and the
others already there, even though he thought he had arrived quite early.
What's that?" I thought we were meeting at 1:00 p.m. Am I wrong?"
Cheryl greeted Akira with a very happy smile.
I'm sure it is. We just came early too, a little earlier than Akira."
In fact, Cheryl and her friends had been waiting for Akira for an hour, as it was fine for Akira to
make them wait, but not the other way around.
Akira's arrival created two pairs, a hunter-like boy and his girl companion, although there was a
disparity in their attire. Cheryl immediately tangled her hand in Akira's arm.
Shall we go then? I'll walk around and decide which restaurant I want to go into. Is that okay with
Cheryl walks out with Akira. At the same time, she instructed Erio and the others to follow her
with a glance. Erio and the others followed in the same manner, although they were puzzled.

Cheryl and her friends are making their way through the shopping district in the lower section of
the city. Because of its location near the city's defensive wall, many of the stores lining the street
are upscale. The surrounding area is also under the watchful eye of security guards.
While chatting with Akira and paying attention to her surroundings, Cheryl saw many times the
guards looking at them and wondering whether to ask them to leave or not.
And each time Cheryl noticed the guards' attempts to talk to Elio and the others, she would speak
to them pleasantly and indicate that she was accompanying them.
Then the guards turned back without talking to Elio and the others. Cheryl saw their reaction and
decided that the stores in the area were not ready for them.
Today I'm with Akira, who is wearing expensive-looking reinforced clothes, so I won't be turned
away. However, we cannot ask Akira to accompany us every time. Cheryl needed a restaurant that
would not refuse their visit, yet would be as upscale as possible.
While chatting with Akira, I searched for a store that seemed to meet my requirements. He picked
out a somewhat fashionable clothing store.
Akira. I'll do it here."
Akira looked at the high-class appearance of the restaurant and thought that his former self would
have definitely been put off by it.
I understand. Let's go in."
But having tasted the atmosphere of the top restaurant, Steliana, which caters to the wealthy within
its walls on the upper floor of the Kugama building, Akira was no longer pressured by this level
of appearance. He opens the door of the restaurant without flinching at all.
Cheryl saw Akira's demeanor and realized that Akira was not the kind of earner who would be
intimidated by a restaurant of this caliber, so she hid her inner nervousness and put on her best
effort to be a suitable person next to him.
Lafantola. That's what the store sign said.

The clothing store Lafantola has a store in the lower section of the city of Kgamayama, where
there are a number of high-end stores in their own right.
Inside the store, the manager, a woman named Cachea, was sighing over the poor sales.
It is not that we are losing money. It is not that we are losing money. We are keeping a surplus to
sustain the restaurant. However, he was dissatisfied because he felt that this restaurant, which he
had painstakingly created, should be able to attract even more customers and prosper even more.
Cashea also works hard every day. She wears tasteful clothes made by her sister, who is an
employee of the store and in charge of tailoring clothes, and shows a work ethic to match.
But it had not achieved enough to stop that sigh.
Then the bell rings to announce a visitor. Turning to the entrance of the store, four boys and girls
enter. Cácea looks at them sharply, asking them to leave if they do not fit in with the clientele of
the store he is so proud of.
A hunter-like boy wearing an expensive looking reinforced suit. No problem.
The girl wears clothes that can't be called cheap if you look at the fabrics, although the design
seems a bit subtle and the clothes are probably not the right size, and she covers it up by dressing
in a way. The shoes are cheap, but on the whole, well, OK.
A boy in cheap wilderness clothes and a girl in cheap clothes. Both have problems.
The guests are a group of four. It was impossible to kick out just two of them. Kashea was slightly
hesitant, but came to a conclusion. When she reached Akira and the others, she smiled amiably,
mainly at Akira.
Thank you for visiting our store. How can I help you today?"
'Well, I'm here to look at her shoes and stuff at ......, is that right?'
When Akira spoke to Cheryl about this, Cheryl showed an unenthusiastic smile toward Cachea.
Yes," he said. I'm going to look at some other things, but first the shoes."
Cashea looks at Cheryl's shoes once more. It was obvious to Kasheer that the quality of the shoes
and the clothes did not match at all.
I am in awe of you. I will be right with you. How are the other guests?
We'll take a proper look around, but first, her shoes, please."
"Thank you."
Cachet led Cheryl to a table provided and encouraged Akira and the others to browse the
merchandise in the store.
The two with problems probably don't have the money and won't be guests, but the other two
should be fine. Since we put the two who would not be guests together, we hope that at least one
of them will be a better guest than the other. With this expectation, Cácea went to prepare the shoes
she was going to recommend to Cheryl.

Cheryl looks at the shoes on the table and is very serious and distressed.
(...... expensive. I wonder if I was too conscious of upscale restaurants that don't refuse to let me
in. Should I have gone for something more innocuous?)
Seeing Cheryl's expression of difficulty at the price being too high, Cachet is gradually replacing
the shoes on the table with cheaper ones. Even so, the price of the shoes was still too high for
Cheryl's senses to comprehend.
(Why is it so expensive if it doesn't increase physical performance like enhancement clothes? (Or
do the shoes that go with these clothes inevitably cost this much?)
Cheryl intends to negotiate with many more in the future for the development of the clique. And
she knew that appearance, especially dress, could have a strong influence on the success or failure
of a negotiation.
I am thinking of wearing the clothes Akira gave me to hope for the next negotiation. Even if the
price is low and the size is a little wrong, they are made in the old world. I think it is more than
enough for a bluff. However, in order to maximize the effect, he needed to have shoes of the same
I can fake being a little overstressed because my clothing size is a gift from a hunter I know well.
However, shoes are impossible. The quality of the shoes in the slums is so high that they can easily
spot your bluff.
If the hunter is so friendly with the hunter that he gives him clothes made in the old world, then if
he wears shabby, cheap shoes, he will give him a pair of shoes of the same quality. Because they
would suspect so.
However, I could not beg Akira for shoes made in the old world. So I decided to buy shoes that
would match my clothes as much as possible, even if I had to spend a little more on my own.
Today's shopping was for that purpose.
Cheryl continues to worry seriously about her business partners in order to keep them on their toes.
In the meantime, she has prepared a budget. It was part of the 2 million aurum she was going to
give to Akira. However, as long as the clique is in operation, there is not one aurum of money that
can be wasted.
Cheryl was asked by Akira to help feed the children in the slums with real food and teach them to
read and write. For a long time before, she had nothing to repay Akira's kindness, but with that
request, she was finally able to return the favor. He was doing his best on that front, too.
But that one costs money anyway. In addition, there is currently no plan to get the money back, so
it cannot be called an investment. In addition, those who are aware of this environment will try to
join the clique and increase their expenses.
But I can't stop. It is the only thing that Cheryl can give back to Akira.
In a situation where money was needed anyway, he wondered if the shoes in front of him were
worth the precious budget he had to devote to them. Cheryl was seriously considering the question.
The recommended shoes were exchanged for even cheaper ones in front of Cheryl, who continued
to worry.

Akira, who was looking around the store with Alpha, looked at the mannequins that adorned
themselves with the store's merchandise as examples of how to dress and looked somewhat
Akira. What's wrong?"
'No, this is a reasonably upscale place, so the clothes on display there must be pretty nice, right?'
I'm sure you're right."
'So, what can I say, no, I certainly don't think it's like slum clothes in quicksand either, ......, but
that's just it, .......'
I'm not sure I'd feel much differently about a high-end store's product than I would about a regular
'Yes,' he said. It's like that. I wonder why. Is it because I have no sense of fashion? Or is it because
I'm a mannequin?"
'Then let me try it on for you.
Alpha turns his own clothes into something identical to the mannequin. The godlike beauty and
well-proportioned body of the mannequin raised the reputation of the same designed clothes by
the quality of the model. But even so, the clothes did not move Akira's heart.
'I still don't feel anything special. It's not like when I ate at Stelliana's.'
The only reason why Stelliana has a store on the upper floor of the Kugama building is because
it's a first-class restaurant, even by the standards inside the barrier. I don't think it's fair to compare
them to us.
'Maybe so, but...'
Akira looks at the price of the product. He remembers the impression simply: "It's expensive. That
was all.
The food at Stelliana's was similarly expensive, but there was certainly an excitement there that
was commensurate with the high cost of the meal. The clothes here, however, lacked that.
Of course, Akira knows that food and clothing are not simply comparable. However, since the
price tag is different from those of clothes, he thought it would be good to have something that
would allow him to feel the difference.
So Alpha changes the clothes again to something else.
Akira. Then what do you think of these clothes?'
The clothes looked expensive at first glance to Akira. The design was a mixture of a dress and a
military uniform, and the blue of the fabric showed. The skirt, which was slit and layered in three
layers, gave it a classy and sexy look.
It's good, isn't it? I have a feeling that if they were found as relics at the ruins, they could be sold
for quite a high price.
Akira was unaware that he was thinking in a very hunter-like manner when he mixed his evaluation
of clothing with his criteria for being a relic.
'If that's all you have to say about this, Akira must be used to it by now.
Familiarity? To what?"
"By the sense of expensive clothes made in the old world."
Alpha wears a variety of clothing in front of Akira, all of which are top-of-the-line even by Old
World standards. Moreover, since they are only images that do not exist, they can be changed to
opulent designs, ignoring the cost of the materials.
This made its quality lightly exceed that of real clothes in appearance alone.
Akira had become accustomed to the luxury of these clothes by seeing Alfa dressed up in them.
Because of this, he no longer felt anything when he saw slightly more expensive clothes.
In addition, the familiarity with Alpha clothing, or old-world clothing, has pulled their sense of
dress in that direction, making them dull to modern fashions.
When Akira hears this explanation from Alfa, he looks convinced but with slight difficulty.
'...... so I guess my fashion sense is a little off after all.'
Will we be further dragged down by the sensibilities of the old world in time? Will they become
so accustomed to designs that cut holes in the chest and crotch to show their underwear that they
will begin to think that clothes without such holes are tacky? Akira felt a little uneasy at the
Then Cachea, who had been serving Cheryl earlier, appears.
Customer. May I have a word?"
Yes. Yes?"
I am sorry to be presumptuous, but may I ask what your budget is this time? Well, your companion
seems to be very concerned about the price.
Cheryl did not actually tell him that she would prefer something cheaper, but as the store manager,
Cachet could have guessed that much.
We would be better able to recommend the right products if you give us some indication of your
Cheryl is the one who selects the items, but it is Akira who actually pays for them. That's what
Kasheer thought. He thinks that a well-paid hunter came to the store with his favorite woman.
Akira understood this immediately. He then took a quick peek at Cheryl's condition with the
augmented view provided by Alpha's support. Cheryl's face, which was staring at the shoes on the
table with a very grim expression due to excessive worry, was etched with deep conflict.
I could have cleared up the misunderstanding, but then it occurred to Akira, and he thought for a
moment before answering.
If you think you're about to cross the one million aurum mark, give us a call."
The amount of money and the way he talks about it, as if it were not a lower limit, causes Cachea
to freeze for a moment.
"......1 million aurum, is it?"
Yes. Payment is by hunter ID card. If it has to be cash, I'll go ahead and drop it off."
No, we accept payment by hunter ID card. May I take your hunter ID card for verification?"
Many hunters lose their hunter ID cards or damage them in wilderness combat. For this reason,
some stores ask that they be presented in advance.
However, Cashea was asking that to confirm Akira's solvency, and the pretext was also a bit
lacking in effort to mend it.
If taken badly, it was no wonder that they doubted that you could really pay such a sum of money,
and even feared that a short-tempered person might become angry.
A normal Cachea would not make such a blunder. That's how upset she was. Still, he quickly
pasted an amiable smile on his face and managed to keep his composure.
Then, inwardly relieved to see Akira hand him his hunter ID card normally, he accepts it and has
it read by the store's terminal. After confirming the results, Cácea gave Akira back his hunter ID
card and smiled as much as he could.
Thank you for your time. We will recommend the best possible product for your companion, taking
into consideration the budget you have presented. If there is anything else we can do for you,
please do not hesitate to contact us.
KaShea told him, bowed politely, and walked away from Akira.
Alpha turns a curious face to Akira.
Akira. Why did you say those things?'
Hmm? Just a little bit."
My fashion sense and sense of expensive clothing. And a sense of the market value of old world
clothing and its value as a relic. It would not be a waste for my future hunter business to check and
be aware of these things. Akira thought so and was about to pay a little money for this little idea.
However, in Akira's financial sense, which has increased by a few orders of magnitude, for better
or worse, that little amount of money had also increased by a few orders of magnitude.

After separating from Akira, KaShea went straight into the employee's room at the back of the
store. He then changes his smile from a customer smile to a manager's smile and lets out a spirited
Seren! Are you awake?"
Seren, Cácea's sister, slunk out of the nap space and turned a disgruntled face to her sister.
She said, "Sis, don't make so much noise. You know I've been up all night."
But Cácea is completely unconcerned and urges Seren to hurry up.
Just get dressed, get cleaned up, and get yourself out of the store."
'You're in charge of serving customers at this time, aren't you, sis? Let me sleep. I'm sleepy."
Just get on with it! And I told you to call me manager in the store!"
"...... too."
Seren began to change into customer service clothes, though it looked like a hassle. As soon as
Cácea confirmed this, she returned to the sales floor.

Cheryl, who had been worrying with a grim look on her face, was finally about to make a decision.
The shoes on the table had been gradually replaced with cheaper ones whenever another item was
recommended, but that replacement process had stopped a while ago.
In other words, the shoes in front of you right now are probably the lowest priced item, and this is
the lower limit. There is nothing cheaper than this in this store. Cheryl decided so.
(...... no choice! (Let's decide!)
There were three pairs of shoes left on the table. They are all expensive items in Cheryl's sense.
(...... buy a pair of these! That's my budgetary limit! Which one is the right one to buy? (...... this?!)
The moment Cheryl looked at the shoe of her choice, it was taken from the table by Cachet and
eliminated from the options.
When he looked puzzled, the other shoes disappeared from the table one after another, and new
ones were laid out in their place.
Cheryl looks at the newly recommended shoes, wondering if there was a cheaper item. Then she
revealed her surprise. It was clearly a high-end product that was in a different price range from her
previous offerings.
Oh, um, I'm sorry. I appreciate your recommending such an item. ......"
Cheryl managed to mend things and opened her mouth to put the shoes back on the table. But she
was interrupted by Cachet, who smiled apologetically.
Customer. I am very sorry for recommending you a lot of items that are not suitable for you.
To a bewildered Cheryl, Cachea continues her story as if to make excuses.
I know this is a bit of an impolite gesture, but I took the liberty of asking my companion for a
budget estimate so that I could recommend a more suitable product."
Cheryl also immediately guessed that it was Akira who had heard it. However, she could not make
out the connection to what Cácea had said and done, and she became increasingly puzzled.
We are sorry to say that we can only recommend items that are priced well below your budget, but
we are confident that we can still recommend these items. We will bring you other items as soon
as possible. See you soon.
Cachet then gave Cheryl a big smile and moved away to replace the cheap shoes in this store's
price range, which she had removed from the table, with high-end ones.
Cheryl, who had been left behind, was half appalled and confused, but as soon as she came to her
senses, she began searching the store to find out what was going on from Akira.

Akira finds a pair of men's underwear and picks it up. He was a little impressed by the packaging,
which was different from the cheap ones he usually uses.
'Should I at least buy some underwear, too?'
Alpha interjects in passing.
I wouldn't recommend wearing it under reinforced clothing," he said. It is not a sturdy item for
hunters, and I think it will fall apart soon.
'...... should I stop?'
Rather than buying luxury items for room wear here, it would be better to use that money to
improve the quality of the cheap underwear I usually wear in the wilderness a little more. With
this in mind, Akira put the items back on the shelf.
Then comes Cheryl, who looks a little flustered.
Cheryl. What's wrong?"
No, it's just over there. ...... Excuse me, could you stay over there with me?"
Akira looked a little mystified, wondering if something had happened with the payment, but he
and Cheryl went to the table where the gorgeous shoes were still laid out.

Cheryl had a somewhat difficult look on her face when Akira finished telling her what had
Kasheer mistakenly thought that Akira, not Cheryl, would make the payment. So, Akira went along
with the story and offered a slightly higher budget, fearing that a lower budget would only allow
him to recommend cheaper items. To that extent, Cheryl accepted the story as normal.
Akira, however, continued that he would be willing to pay for it himself. In addition, he even said
that he would be willing to pay for it himself if he wanted to, and that even if he did, he would not
collect or demand payment.
......, that's a tremendous help, but are you sure about that?"
In contrast to Cheryl's attitude of cautiously asking back, Akira answers lightly.
'Yeah, I'm not sure, but I'm assuming today's shopping is for the clique's operation, right? If that's
the case, I'll cooperate at least that much. Besides, I've asked Cheryl to do some troublesome things
for me. Think of it as a compensation for that."
Cheryl hesitated slightly, then made her decision. She made up her mind and smiled as much as
she could at Akira.
......, I understand. I will take your word for it here."
I felt disappointed that there was no sense of a gift for my girlfriend, but I dared to think positively
that Akira had become active and invested in the management of the clique here.
The debt to Akira has already piled up. In order to repay the debt with interest someday, the larger
the initial investment, the better.
In addition, the larger the investment, the more Akira should expect in return. It solidifies their
connection with us. Akira will not be able to cut themselves off so easily.
With this in mind, Cheryl accepted a further debt so that her connection with Akira, whatever the
relationship, would not be broken.

Seren was dressed for customer service, and she and her sister and manager, Cashea, came to
Cheryl and the others with some of the store's higher-priced items.
I look at my sister enthusiastically recommending the product, at Cheryl who is assessing it with
serious eyes, and at Akira who is wearing an expensive-looking reinforced outfit, and think with
my still somewhat sleep-deprived mind.
(Hmmm. Sis, aren't you being a little too obvious with your attitude just because you're a hunter
who seems to have money?)
In the hunter's business, it is not a dream to win a fortune by collecting relics. Many people lose
their sense of money due to the sudden acquisition of large sums of money beyond their means, if
not to the point of overnight riches.
In addition, some people have spent an inordinate amount of money on equipment, which makes
the meaning of the gold digits unclear. Others spend lavishly to relieve the stress of running to
their deaths. Others squander their money in order to increase their own value and revel in the
pleasure of doing so.
Naturally, such people are the best customers for a businessman. At the same time, however, it is
difficult to have such people as regular customers. They are hunters. They might be dead
Suppose that when a store puts in the effort to get a very well-paying hunter to become a regular
customer, it overreaches itself by assuming that a little loss will be recovered enough in later
Even if their efforts were successful in making them a fixed customer, that hunter could die the
next day and all would be for naught.
Arms dealers, who regularly do business with hunters, have a sense of the level of investment
involved. However, it is difficult for ordinary stores to grasp such a sense.
Because of these circumstances, sales to hunters in stores unrelated to the hunter business tended
to be ad hoc and as far as possible.
Seren knows what it's like, so he didn't find Cachea's customer service attitude that unnatural.
He even goes out of his way to show his face at the store. There must be a reason for that. That is
probably why he is more enthusiastic about serving customers than usual. I thought so and did not
pay much attention to it because I left the management policy of the store to my sister who is the
manager of the store.
Then I look at Cheryl's clothes with a head that's about to wake up properly and realize.
(...... hmm? Is that dress made in the old world? (Not the right size, though.)
They are wearing clothes that do not match their physiques, and they are deceiving themselves by
the way they dress. If taken badly, the clothes are distorting the original design by forcing the
wearer to wear them. Thinking of this, his face becomes slightly stern.
Seren was someone who was concerned about such things, partly because she designs clothes. And
he couldn't help but be curious, so he put on a customer service expression before suggesting it to
Customer. If it is all right with you, I would be happy to make adjustments to your clothing size,
including tailoring, while you are choosing your items."
It was Akira who answered first.
Are you okay?"
Cachea is the first to respond to the questioning voice that comes out of the payment source, and
she turns a confident smile on her face.
Seren's tailoring skills are solid. As the manager of the store, I can recommend him with
confidence. I am sure you will be satisfied with the finished product.
Seren lets out a light sigh before responding with another interpretation.
Your companion's dress is an Old World item, an Old World relic, isn't it? It is true that even a
size adjustment may be considered a modern item and may decrease its value as an artifact. This
is even more so if the item is altered, including the design, as a re-tailoring. If you consider the
garment as an asset, we do not recommend it.
Cachea's smile hardened slightly and her gaze turned to Seren.
(Hey, what's the point of suggesting something that you yourself suggested that would discourage
Seren also returns the question with a look in his eyes.
(What if they re-tailor it without explaining and later claim damages? (Wouldn't you rather your
sister, as the manager, give you a proper warning?)
(Well, then let me be the judge of that proposal in the first place!)
(Then why did you go to all the trouble of waking me up to let me go to the store!)
Cácea and Seren smiled and looked at each other, continuing their long-standing relationship of
mutual respect.
Cheryl has other concerns. Akira is also a hunter. Even though he has already given the relic as a
gift, he might lose his good mood if he does anything to diminish its value as a relic. With this in
mind, he asks for confirmation.
What do you think, Akira?"
If you're going to re-tailor them, what are you going to do with Cheryl's clothes while you're doing
it? Doesn't it take quite a while to have your clothes tailored?"
Akira's words, "Are you okay?" had various other meanings, such as how much the tailoring would
cost, but that was basically the extent of the reason.
Cheryl belatedly realizes this, as well as other concerns. If it takes several days to get the clothes
tailored, she will have to come back to the store to pick them up.
But Cheryl has no clothes to wear at that time. With slum-standard clothes, she could be turned
away before she even reaches the store. She could ask Akira to escort her to the store, but that
would mean having to repeatedly ask Akira's hand. I wanted to avoid that.
Seren again makes the suggestion, judging from Akira and the others that the loss of value due to
the alterations to the clothes does not seem to be a problem.
If you want to change your clothes, we can start taking your measurements now and finish by the
evening. In the meantime, why don't you try on some of our clothes?"
Cheryl worried a little and then asked Akira if he would stay with her until then. Akira agreed, so
she asked him to re-tailor it.
The price for the tailoring was undecided at this point, as we would be working on Old World-
made clothes, so we would first examine the clothes thoroughly and get an estimate.

Seren took Cheryl to the tailoring workroom in the back of the store, and after taking her
measurements, she asked Cachea to return to continue serving customers.
He then takes another long, careful look at every inch of the clothes to be re-tailored. In exchange
for the clothes, Cheryl was given a replacement set of clothes, preferably of the finest quality she
could afford, but whether or not the value was balanced was a question.
The design is a bit out of sync with modern sensibilities. However, the detailed fabrics and
materials are all highly technical, and are the culmination of the extremely advanced tailoring
techniques of the time.
It had just enough quality to make Seren understand that these clothes were indeed of Old World
A little excited at the prospect of my own work on these clothes from now on, Seren begins to
worry about the direction of the tailoring process.
If modifying it by resizing it would reduce its value as a relic anyway, we would like it to be
tailored well, including the design. That is what they asked me to do.
Once the cut is made, there is no going back. We will carefully consider the direction of the
tailoring process, including the cost.
And when he comes to a certain conclusion, he begins to worry. After worrying firmly, continuing
to worry, worrying some more, and worrying a lot more, Seren reached for the store terminal and
contacted Cachea.

Back on the sales floor, Cheryl was being recommended more clothing by Cachet. However, so
far, they have not contributed to the store's sales. The reason for this was not the price, but the lack
of response from Akira.
Trying on the recommended clothes as recommended and checking everyone's reactions, Elio and
his friends responded well to any of the clothes.
The only impression a child from the slums would have is that it is just great.
But Akira gave only a terribly dull response. So Cheryl kept urging Kasheer to buy another outfit
without purchasing it.
Cheryl also has a desire to get a good response from Akira. But right now, she was more interested
in the clothes that would impress the other party and give her the upper hand in the negotiations.
But it is not enough to simply buy expensive clothes. Akira can make the payment if necessary,
which almost eliminates the upper limit of the budget, but it is not a problem that can be solved by
such a small amount.
In order to accommodate a variety of negotiating parties, we needed clothing that had a sense of
luxury that was easily recognizable to the eyes of the layman Shiroto, and that would also shine in
the eyes of the expert Shiroto who is accustomed to seeing fine quality clothing.
Cheryl also does not believe that her own fashion sense is good enough to meet that demand. She
buys clothes that are an order of magnitude more expensive than the free ones. She needed the
recognition of reactions from others.
But the reaction of Elio and his friends is not very helpful. It is because it is not worth talking
about even if it is praised with the feeling of a child in a slum.
The response of the casheia cannot be taken for granted. They include the store's profit as well as
the customer's affection. If you accept the compliments as they are, you may be forced to buy
clothes that are simply too expensive.
So Cheryl focused on Akira's response.
Akira is originally a slum dweller just like them. However, he has already risen to the point where
he can spend as much as 150 million aurums without a care in the world. It is quite possible that
the reason why he has not reacted well to any of the clothes he has seen so far is because he is
already so discerning.
So I want at least some kind of response from that Akira. Otherwise, the significance of spending
a lot of money to buy negotiating clothes would diminish. With this in mind, Cheryl continued to
try on the clothes.
Then Cachet notices Cheryl's thoughts and calls out to Akira with a plan.
Customer. If you don't mind, would you mind picking out your companion's clothes for me once?"
Am I ......?"
When Akira looks a little surprised, KaShea smiles amiably and urges him on.
Yes. I have tried to recommend the best products I can, but you seem to be unsatisfied with them.
I am sorry, but I am sure your companion will only get tired if we continue. How about a change
of pace for your companion?"
If they are choosing clothes based on Akira's reaction, they should not be able to ignore the clothes
recommended by that person. Even if the clothes are cheap, once they are purchased, it will be
easier to create a trend for later use. That is what Kashea suggested to Akira.
That being said, ......"
Akira, however, was reluctant. Akira, however, had no confidence in his own fashion sense. He
thought it would be better if Cheryl chose the clothes herself, so he tried to tell her.
But when Cheryl gave me an expectant look, I involuntarily shut my mouth.
Cheryl could give up to some extent even if she ended up buying clothes that were not suitable for
negotiations, as long as they were chosen by Akira. In addition, if something was obviously
strange, she could simply not buy it.
And I am also very happy that Akira has chosen me. These were strongly expressed in Cheryl's
In addition to Cheryl, Erio and Alicia gave him curious glances, and Akira felt as if he had
somehow lost his way out. Then came a helping hand from Alpha.
Akira. Shall I choose?"
'Really? Then please, ......, wait, what clothes are you going to pick out?"
If Alpha, who often wears so-called old-world-style clothes, chooses to wear them, the content
will be outrageous and biased toward old-world sensibilities. Akira's concern is dispelled when
Alfa smiles and replies, "I'm not sure.
It's okay. You can choose from the products in this store, okay? Clothes designed to make Akira
uncomfortable have never been on the shelves here before.
'...... that too. I understand. Then please."
I'll take care of it.
Akira was relieved to see Alpha smiling confidently.
Then Cheryl. I'll pick one, just wait a minute."
Thank you." Please."
The actual choice was Alfa's, but Cheryl, not knowing this, was very pleased.
Akira then circled the sales floor and selected a complete set of Cheryl's clothes from top to bottom.
From the corner of my eye, it looked as if she was just glancing at the items on display and choosing
at random, which was a bit puzzling to Cácea, who was accompanying her to at least give her some
advice on clothing selection if she needed it.
Even an amateur lacking in fashion sense shows enough to get lost in the multitude of clothes.
However, Akira's short behavior showed no signs of hesitation at all.
Cheryl happily received her clothes and immediately went to the changing room to change.
However, Akira gave her a somewhat hesitant look and said something somewhat unexpected.
I can help you get dressed if you want ......, what do you want?"
Although surprised by the sudden offer, Cheryl is very pleased with the content. She quickly
smiled and replied before Akira could change his mind.
Akira's expression hardened just a little, then he let out a small sigh. Then he entered the locker
room with Cheryl, looking as if he had no choice since she had not refused him.
It was originally Kaseya's job to help him get dressed, but Akira took over, so he waited outside
with Erio and the others.
Then Akira comes out first. Cheryl comes out next, having finished getting dressed.
How about...?"
Cheryl was dressed in beautiful clothes that were different in direction from the cute and lovable
of her age, and showed a little bit of a taller sex appeal in a neat and tidy atmosphere.
The elegant, even sharp-looking clothes make Cheryl's neat appearance shine even more
beautifully. And her slightly embarrassed expression, with her cheeks stained vermilion, gave the
viewer a sense of cuteness and loveliness that should be contradictory.
Cachea answers with flattering and sincere intentions.
It suits you very well."
At the same time, I had to suppress my inner surprise.
(Even though it's my store's product, what's going on to bring out so much potential in such a
messy selection?)
And although his failure to recommend this coordination was a little damaging to his good name
as the manager of the Lafantola costume store, he gave Akira a slight word of praise in his heart,
saying, "You're doing a good job.
Elio and Alicia also have an attitude of admiration that is a step up from their previous appreciation
of the clothes.
And Akira also had a certain reaction to Cheryl, who was dressed in clothes ostensibly of his
choosing, as he lightly admired her.
Yes. It's good, isn't it? I think so. What about Cheryl?"
Yes. I like it very much. I'm very happy."
I see. That's good."
Thank you very much for choosing such a nice outfit."
Cheryl turns to face Cashea.
Well, let me buy this first."
What? Ah, yes! Thank you very much for your purchase.
Recovering herself, Cachea quickly regained her composure and put on an affable smile. Just as
he was about to get back to serving customers in search of more sales, he received a call from
I'm going to check on the tailoring. I will be right back.
It was a nice place. Cácea was strongly dissatisfied, but he left his seat without letting any of his
inner feelings show on his face.
Cheryl even looked a little buoyant after Akira picked out her outfit and complimented her for
wearing it.
Akira did not feel bad about being so pleased. When he was in a good mood, Alpha saw Akira's
attitude and laughed at him.
'How's it going? My fashion sense. Isn't that a big deal?"
'It's a big deal. I didn't expect you to tell me how to dress, let alone choose ...... clothes. Thanks to
you, I had to dress you, didn't I?"
It's part of fashion sense," he said. It's a good thing she didn't hate me.
'I'm the one who cares.
We've been in the bathtub together, and now it's too late.
Unable to argue, Akira was silent at that. Then he looked at Cheryl again. I really didn't think it
was a bad idea.
Akira was a little relieved to see that his sense of fashion, though terribly dull, was not yet twisted.

When Cácea returned to Seren's workroom, Seren had finished the tailoring preparation itself, but
had stopped further work to wait.
Cachea, who thought she had long since worked on the project, complains lightly.
I thought you might have had a problem while working on it, but you haven't even gotten around
to it yet. The sales floor, it was a nice place, remember?"
I'm sorry. There was a problem, and I wanted the manager to make a decision. I thought it was a
management issue, not a tailoring issue.
What's the problem on the management side?"
We'll determine if we really want to move forward with the tailoring."
What?" You can't just go ahead and do that."
First, listen to me. If you still want me to do it, I'll do it."
Seeing Seren's serious expression as the tailor, Cachea also put on a serious face as the store
I get it." Let's hear it."
First of all, the sizing alone would cost 300,000 aurums.
Three hundred thousand dollars is not that much, even if I had it tailored properly, right?"
It's made in the old world. It's a lot more expensive than regular clothes. The quality of the cloth
itself is good, so it takes a certain amount of material and skill just to get the length and other
things just right.
Yes. If it costs that much just to adjust the size, it's a problem. But you contracted a tailor to do it,
didn't you? Can't you do something about that?"
A tailoring job would cost 1.5 million aurum.
"...... What? 1.5 million! Are you kidding me, Seren?
I don't joke about tailoring."
Seeing his sister, who had turned grim-faced, Cachea regained her composure.
I get it. Sorry. I'm sorry. Are you suggesting that I just have it resized because it would cost too
much to have it tailored?"
Personally, I'd advise against sizing them up the most."
Seren goes on to explain why the manager needs the manager's management decision.
If you just adjust the size, you can certainly make the clothes fit Cheryl's body shape. However, it
would be a very delicate garment in terms of design.
The clothes were originally designed for adults, and in an Old World sense. If only sizes were
made for children, the design would break down significantly.
When the size mismatch was forced to be faked by the way the garment was worn, Cheryl's
dressing efforts managed to compensate for the design breakdown. After the size adjustment,
however, that became impossible.
In other words, they would have to spend money, time and effort to create something that would
not only lose its value as a relic because it would not be considered an Old World product, but
would also have a more subtle design that would reduce its value as a mere piece of clothing.
If Seren is asked to make it on top of that, he will make it. But as a tailor, I could not recommend
In the case of tailoring, the problem is that the quality of the fabric of the original garment is too
good, apart from the design.
Modern design changes require additional fabrics, but they must be of a quality that is comparable
to the quality of the original fabric. In addition, the technique must be adapted to the expensive
fabric. This is also expensive, as we do not intend to sell our skills at a discount.
As for Seren, he would recommend a tailoring job, but he was not sure if the other party would be
willing to pay that fee, so he stopped working on it.
So what are you going to do, Mr. Manager? I don't want to be unpopular by getting not-so-cheap
money to just adjust the size, and 1.5 million aurum for tailoring seems difficult, so I think the best
thing to do is to apologize and give the clothes back."
'Sure, they told me to give them a shout when I crossed the one million aurum mark, but I guess
that's hard to do. ......
They told you that?" That's why he was so enthusiastic. No wonder."
A short silence passed between Seren, who was surprised, and Cachea, who was distressed.
"...... Seren. What do you want?"
What?" If I'm allowed to decide, I'll ask the manager for 1.5 million aurum please?"
I get it, "....... I'll just ask."
What?" Seriously?"
Seren, who had thought that they would have no choice but to bow together to the customer and
say that they had undertaken a tailoring job and it was no good, looked surprised at Cachea's
Cachea becomes stern and serious.
I'll do whatever it takes to keep my store thriving, but I'm not going to let your tailoring skills rot
Seren was surprised by her sister's earnest words, then laughed happily.
Sis. Thanks."
Cachea looks sternly embarrassed.
Just ask and you shall receive! If they say no, give up! Also, at the store, the manager!"
Copy that! Manager! I'm asking for it!"
Seeing her sister, who sounded happy and cheerful, Cashea headed downstairs to Akira.

Akira, who heard what happened from KaShea, answers lightly.
I understand. I will pay an additional 1.5 million aurums in addition to the 1 million aurums in that
I told my sister that way, but it is unlikely that she would accept 1.5 million aurum of quintessential
tailoring money. Still, I will try to persuade her as best I can.
Kashea was prepared to negotiate with Akira, but she could not hide her surprise and bewilderment
at his easy acceptance, and it showed on her face.
But even so, he quickly mends his affections and confirms his approval, suppressing his inner
Thank you. As long as we are working on a valuable old-world item, we will not be able to cancel
the order once it has been cut. In addition, full payment is required up front.
Yes," he said. Here you go."
Akira easily took out his hunter certificate. Cácea took it and processed the payment without
showing any nervousness.
We really appreciate that you think so highly of our tailor. If you don't mind ......, may I ask why
you are willing to pay so much for it immediately? To be honest, I thought there would be at least
some price negotiation."
Akira considers a light explanation.
If a tailoring expert said it would cost that much, I figured that's what it would cost, even if it was
expensive. I think it's like servicing or repairing equipment, and I don't want it to be poorly
maintained because I bargained too much. I think that's the kind of thing you either accept or you
don't accept for the price you're being offered."
"How may I help you? ......"
Cashea takes another look at Akira's reinforced clothes. Although Kashea also handles clothing,
she is not a connoisseur of reinforced clothing. However, to the layman's eye, they looked
He looks very young, but he must have the ability and experience to acquire that much stuff at
such a young age. That is why he has such a hunter-like mindset when it comes to tailoring clothes.
That's what Kashea thought. And then it occurred to him.
You mentioned that it is a kind of equipment maintenance, but may I ask how much you paid for
the clothes? No, as someone who deals in clothing, albeit for different purposes, I was a little
Is this it? Well, I bought a complete set of equipment, so how much was ...... for just the reinforced
Seeing Akira beginning to have trouble trying to remember, KaShea laughs and adds lightly.
Oh, I'm just curious, so I can give you a ballpark or set price."
That's 80 million aurum for a complete set of equipment.
And when Akira lightly told him of the order of magnitude amount, he just barely held back from
blowing it out of the water. Furthermore, in his pride as a customer service representative, KaShea
swallowed his shock and smiled amiably.
...... I see that the hunter's equipment is still quite expensive. Thank you for the reference. Now, if
you'll excuse me, I'm going to go tell them to start tailoring.
I don't show my ugliness in front of my customers. She told herself this and kept her expression
without acting suspiciously until she left the sales floor.

Back in Seren's workroom, Cachea let out what she had been holding back.
Selenium!" 1.5 million aurum! I've got your approval!"
I'm glad my sister is so enthusiastic, but, well, it's not going to happen. Even Seren, who had
thought so, unintentionally let out a loud voice.
What? Unbelievable!
I would never lie about something that concerns the management of my restaurant!"
It was!"
After that, the Casheas laughed with their sisters for a while until their excitement calmed down.
It's exhausting to keep laughing. Seren, who came to her senses first, exhales.
So how did you talk them out of it?"
Wondering if his own sister was so well-spoken, Seren became a little worried that Cácea might
be accepting some strange terms.
Cashea also regains his composure.
I told him what happened and he usually agreed. I asked him about the cost of the hunter's
equipment, and he said 80 million aurum. Compared to that, 1.5 million aurums is a small price to
80 million aurum. The hunter who earns a lot of money has a huge equipment cost. Manager, go
make a move."
Don't be a fool and get started. You are expected to be an expert who can pay 1.5 million aurums
for a tailoring job, so do your job well. You got it?"
I'll give it my all without you needing to be told." Leave it to me."
Seeing Seren's enthusiasm for her first big job in a long time, Cachea smiled with real feeling.
Episode 75 Katsuya and Cheryl

Cheryl and her friends' shopping spree at the clothing store Lafantola continued after Cheryl asked
them to re-tailor the old-world clothes that Akira had given her. Now Elio is frantically picking
out clothes for Alicia.
Elio and Alicia are treated as executives of Cheryl's clique and will now have to be more careful
about their appearance. For now, however, their attire remains that of slum kids.
Erio's side can cheat by borrowing equipment from Katsuragi as a member of the clique's armed
forces, but Alicia's side cannot do so. So, since it was a good opportunity, we decided to buy it
today with the clique's budget.
Even cheap clothes by this store's standards are expensive enough by slum standards. Elio was
desperate to dress his girlfriend, and Alicia was happy to see him.
Akira watched the scene with Cheryl as they continued chatting at the table. But then Alpha
suddenly made a proposal.
Akira. We have some time before the tailoring is finished, and don't you think we should finish
replenishing our ammunition while we're at it?"
'Yes. Now."
'I still have plenty of spare ammo at ...... and I'm not going into the wilderness after this. It can
It's important not to put those things off, but to do them when you notice them."
But we just stopped by Sizuka's store the other day, didn't we? If I went back to replenish it right
away, Shizuka would wonder if there was something wrong with me that I needed to replenish it
so often, so I thought it would be better to do it later. Or is there some reason why you need to
replenish so soon?
Akira was also going to go if for any reason, even a little reason, because it was recommended by
But Alpha's reply negates that.
'......? Then we can talk later, okay?"
I get it.
Akira wondered a little, but paid no further attention. But soon he was advised to do something
Akira. Why don't you go to Shizuka's store to sell your relics? You said you would buy clothing-
related relics, right? Let's take what's still left at home.'
'That can wait, too. What's the rush?
Since I bought expensive clothes, I thought it would be a good idea to sell the same clothing relics
to balance the books," he said. I don't know what Akira was thinking when he spent 2.5 million
aurum, but if you don't convert the relics into money, you will have less money in your pocket,
Akira, thinking he is being chastised for wasting money, replies as if to excuse himself.
'...... Uh, let's see, that one makes sense, in case you were wondering. I just thought I'd check to
see if my fashion sense is simply dull or fatally warped. I thought being aware of that would help
me when I sell old-world clothes in the future. Well, if you say it's complacency, that's all I'm
saying, but that's about the extent of it. ......
Akira. Then I think it's a good idea to try selling them at Shizuka's store to confirm that.'
'Yes, that's right. Let's take it with us on our next ammunition resupply.'
You know how they say, 'The first time you think of it, it's a good day?
'...... No, it was Alpha who came up with the idea, not me. Besides, is Alpha the one who cares
about that kind of luck and stuff?"
No, it's not.
Right? So let's do it later."
I get it.
Akira starts to get a little suspicious of Alpha's condition. But he didn't know why, and didn't do
more than wonder.
But there they recommend something else further.
Alpha. What the hell were you doing earlier?"
'To increase the number of places to buy relics, why don't you ask if they'll buy clothing-based
relics here?'
'...... I guess so. I'll have to ask."
Akira also felt uncomfortable repeatedly refusing Alpha's recommendations. He also thought it
would not be a bad idea to have more relics to purchase, so he decided to follow the
I told Cheryl I was going to sit out for a bit, and then went down to Cashea, who was helping Elio
and the others choose clothes. Then I asked about the purchase of clothing-based relics.
The reply from Cácea was that they could not buy the items as relics, but they could buy some
items if they could treat them as clothing made in the old world.
In short, they only buy old-world clothing as vintage items and do not treat it as a sale of relics at
all. Naturally, they will not appear in the history of the hunter's office, and their hunter rank will
not be raised. The answer was, "If you are still willing to do so.
As Akira thanks him and is about to return, Alpha again makes a suggestion.
Akira. Would you like to try and sell it?'
"Does that mean I have to go back to the house to get it once?"
It's fine. Akira is not busy just waiting for the tailoring to be done, is he? Let's make the most of
our time.
'...... Well, okay.
Akira was a little suspicious of Alpha's behavior from earlier, but he did not feel like questioning
him and decided to follow his recommendation.
He tells Cachea that he will pay for the current payment and get the old world clothing. He then
returns to Cheryl, tells her what happened, and leaves the store.
As Akira looks around in front of the store, wondering which direction the road to his home was,
Alpha laughs and begins to show him the way.
Akira. This way.
What? Was it that way?"
Akira, who seemed to be looking in the wrong direction, looked doubtful, but Alpha laughed
without concern.
'There's a flow of people and stuff, and it's better this way. Let's go.'
'...... Oh.'
Akira followed Alpha back to his home, tilting his head slightly.

Cheryl was disappointed that Akira had to leave the table. She was told it would not take that long,
but she let out a small sigh at the fact that she and Akira had lost the chance to chat.
Still, I was basically in a good mood. To change my mood, I stood in front of a nearby mirror,
paused lightly, and smiled.
This is just a confirmation of her own appearance, which Cheryl would normally have polished to
gain an advantage in negotiations. By looking at her reflection in the mirror, she can objectively
grasp her own condition.
However, the intentional smile on her face naturally turned into something other than an act when
she saw herself dressed in the clothes that Akira had chosen for her.
(...... yeah. This would work well for future negotiations. I just need to be a little more creative
with how I stand.)
He tries various ways of behaving and looking so as to mislead people into thinking that he is a
powerful man who can wear so many clothes, so as to make them think that he is wealthy from
day to day, so as never to make them think that he is a child from the slum.
After a while, however, it became an act of enjoying the clothes given to him by his girlfriend. Her
cheeks relaxed with joy, and her expression gradually turned slack.
Then I look through the mirror at my face, which has exceeded its limits, and come back to myself.
Cheryl returned her own expression to the elegant smile she had created through her many years
of study.
At that moment, a bell rang to announce a visitor. Cheryl smiles and turns her gaze involuntarily
in anticipation of Akira's return.
But it was a boy and two girls who entered the store.
It was Katsuya and his team.

Katsuya was with Yumina and others looking around the stores in the lower section of the city. To
be precise, they were being taken around.
Although the clean, lightweight equipment they wear is geared toward hunters, it does not give off
the atmosphere of the wilderness, where there is no shortage of rough and tumble affairs. It is more
of a wilderness fashion.
Yumina and Aili are in plain clothes. They look cheerful, as if girls their age have tried their best
to dress up.
When Kashea saw the Katsuyas and judged them to be customers with no problems, she smiled
amiably, as usual.
Thank you for visiting our store. How can I help you today?"
When he spoke to me, Iri, who had been feeling nervous because of the atmosphere of the
restaurant, showed some suspicious behavior.
Yumina, who thinks the restaurant looks expensive but is not that nervous because of her own
guts, answers instead.
Um, I'd like to look at some of your clothes, if that's okay?"
Of course. We are waiting for you, so please feel free to contact us if you find a product that suits
your needs.
As Yumina and the others are about to take a quick look around the store, a tired-looking Katsuya
blurts out, "I'm not sure what I'm going to do next.
Hey, Yumina. Can't we take a break now?"
I'm not sure what you mean as soon as you walk in the store. You're so sloppy."
"Sloppy?" This is your fifth store. And all you did was look around and didn't buy anything."
I couldn't find any good clothes. It's no use. Don't be a blabbermouth. I owe you for what you did,
and you promised to keep me company for the rest of the day.
Yes, yes. I understand."
Seeing Yumina laughing happily while bringing up the previous incident, Katsuya laughed back
that he had no choice.
The reason Katsuya is with Yumina and the others today is to apologize for the time he spent with
Lucia before, when he had angered Akira so unnecessarily that they nearly killed each other.
Katsuya was aware that he would have been in danger if he had not managed to get Yumina to
settle the matter, so he was determined to get her in a good mood today. However, he was a little
overwhelmed by Yumina's enthusiasm.
Of course, I enjoy it because it is a date with someone of the opposite sex with whom I am good
friends. I enjoyed complimenting Yumina and Iri each time they repeatedly tried on clothes, and
choosing clothes and accessories together.
However, after the fifth store, fatigue began to set in. I needed a break.
I should have thought a little more about my equipment." ...... Would a handgun have been about
I thought that Katsuya would not wear the kind of stiff, reinforced wilderness clothes that he
usually wears as a hunter to go shopping with his friends of the opposite sex.
However, he also thought that they would need the minimum equipment to be able to protect
Yumina and the others in case something happened. Therefore, they borrowed thin reinforced
clothes that prioritized a design that would not be intimidating to others, and covered them with a
jacket to cover them up. He also wore a heavy gun for wilderness use.
But since he is not in the middle of his hunter's business, he has to pay for his own energy pack.
So, although he was wearing a reinforced suit, the function was turned off so that he would not
consume it unnecessarily.
The reinforced clothes were a little heavy, and they were gradually sapping Katsuya's strength as
he and Yumina happily made their way around the lower sections of the building. Still, he thought
he would be fine for shopping, so he kept quiet about it to Yumina and the others. However, when
they entered Rafantora, he began to feel tired.
Seeing Katsuya's very tired appearance, Yumina calls out to him in concern.
Katsuya. What's wrong? ......Sorry. Maybe you were sick and I kept you company?"
Uh, huh?"
When Katsuya took a notion and told them what happened, Yumina and Aili looked a little taken
"Katsuya, you know, ......"
In the shopping district near the barrier, reinforced clothes are not necessary. Besides, it's not the
kind of clothing you'd wear during a ...... date."
Katsuya tries to cover it up by laughing. And then, Yumina and the others laughed and were
deceived. They realized why Katsuya had gone to the trouble of wearing heavy equipment.
I don't have a choice. Get some rest."
Sorry," he said. I'll be sitting at the table over there for a bit. Call me if you need anything."
Yumina stops Katsuya as he is about to leave his seat.
When Katsuya turned around, he saw Yumina and Iri smiling happily.
It was nice of you to try to protect us. Thank you."
Yumina said this with a bit of embarrassment, and Iri nodded vigorously in agreement.
Katsuya smiled to cover his embarrassment and walked shyly toward the table.

Two tables for four are placed in Lafantola. When Katsuya came close to one of them to take a
break, he looked at one of them. There sat a boy and a girl, Elio and Alicia, who looked like good
Because of the friendly atmosphere, Katsuya was not inclined to join that table because it was still
empty. So he went to the other table and lightly talked to the first customer there.
Um, may I sit here?"
I don't care.
Cheryl, who was sitting first, smiled graciously at Katsuya as if she were some young lady.
As soon as he did, Katsuya froze in his attempt to pull up a chair. He couldn't help but gawk at
Cheryl's natural beauty. An alluring look born of constant study. Her skin and hair have been
carefully polished with expensive body soap and other products that, although free samples, have
a slight restorative effect. Exquisitely coordinated clothing by Alpha. The synergy of the two was
A young lady who lives inside the protective wall visits a store outside the wall out of curiosity.
Even when she explained this to me, I didn't doubt it for a second.
As Katsuya remained frozen in place, he was approached by Cheryl with a curious look on her
"Why don't you have a seat at ......?"
What?" Oh, no, I'll sit down."
Katsuya came to himself and sat down in his chair with somewhat awkward movements. Then
Cheryl smiled at Katsuya, who was sitting in front of her, and lightly nodded. Katsuya, looking a
little nervous, smiled lightly in return.

Cheryl had felt Katsuya's gaze on several occasions after he arrived at the same table. It was not
an unpleasant stare. It was not a bad thing to think that a rather good-looking person of the opposite
sex was sending her favorable evaluations of herself in the clothes that Akira had chosen for her.
Still, the glancing glances continued to bother me. I waited for a while, wondering if he was going
to say something to me, but Katsuya remained silent.
Having no choice, Cheryl decided to create her own opportunity for conversation. She smiled at
Katsuya in a friendly way.
Are you shopping with a friend today?"
"...... eh?"
'No, it looked to me as if you had come to the store with someone else.
Oh, yeah. With friends."
I see. Do you visit this area often?"
"Oh, you coming? Oh, well, okay, I guess?"
Seeing Katsuya's amusingly good reaction just by looking at her and smiling, Cheryl thought it
was a little amusing, but also thought of something else.
(It would be nice if Akira would respond as plainly as this: ....... I really wonder what's wrong with
it. ......)
Then it occurs to me.
(...... No. Can we go now? Was it the clothes I was missing? (Akira's reaction to seeing me in these
clothes must not have been bad ......)
Cheryl decided to test the idea with the boy in front of her.
I would like to ask you a few questions, if you don't mind. Actually, I've never been to this area
Let's check my current skills and try a little to see how far I can drop the boy in front of me to pass
the time until Akira comes back. Cheryl thought so and smiled with all her might toward Katsuya,
intending to charm Akira.
My name is Cheryl. May I know your name as well?"
"Oh, I'm Katsuya."
Is that Katsuya-san? That's a good name."
Cheryl was smiling elegantly and happily at Katsuya, who was blushing and even mildly upset
and smiling shyly.

Yumina was looking around the store at the clothes with Aili. She takes a garment from the shelf,
unfolds it, checks the design, thinks it is quite nice, checks the price tag, and then simply states her
...... high."
Then he put the merchandise back on the shelves.
I think they're nice clothes, but they're still expensive."
Aili nods in agreement.
It's an upscale store. But that said, I'm sure there must be some clothes that Katsuya would
I know," he said. If it's a high-end store above this one, it's probably too expensive to buy anymore,
so I'll just look around some more.
Yumina and her friends had visited other clothing stores before entering Lafantola, where they are
currently located, but they have yet to buy anything. This was because they did not react well when
they showed Katsuya what they tried on.
They complimented me on how well I looked. However, when you get the same compliments no
matter which outfit you wear and show, it inevitably sounds like flattery. Even if it wasn't flattery,
the value of the praise would diminish.
The person they want to buy clothes for and dress up and show off is Katsuya. Therefore, they
want clothes that both they and Katsuya can truly admire, even if they are a little expensive.
With this in mind, they gradually raised the grade of their store and finally came to this Lafantola,
which clearly handles high-end products, but the budget of Yumina and her friends was getting
tighter and tighter.
It is not a sum that I can't afford if I think of it as a reward for my hard work as a hunter. However,
it was a price that I had to have guts to buy.
If I showed it to Katsuya and he said it didn't look good on him, I would probably feel even worse
about the price. Both Yumina and Iris thought so.
I still need to show it to Katsuya once before I buy it. So I waited for Katsuya to come back from
his break, but Yumina complained that he had not yet returned.
You're late for ......." Too long for a break."
Aili nodded.
I'll go check it out.
Aili left the place to check on Katsuya and soon returned alone.
Yumina, who thought she was coming back with Katsuya, tilts her head.
Where's Katsuya?
Aili is not a very expressive person, but this time he clearly expressed his dissatisfaction.
I was picking on him."
What about ......?"
Aili's frustration was contagious to Yumina.

Katsuya was surprised to find that conversation was so enjoyable in his banter with Cheryl.
So I rushed to the place where the rescue target was located. Naturally there were monsters there,
too, but I was in a good mood at the time and was able to defeat them surprisingly easily. I'm really
glad I was able to get them all out safely.
It is amazing that Katsuya-san can do so much on his own. It seems that the people to be rescued
also had a hard time, but it was a blessing in disguise. It is not usual for a hero to rush to the rescue
in such a difficult situation. I'm sure they think you're very cool, don't they?
......, is that right?"
Yes," he said. At least I would be very happy. Above all, I am glad that everyone is safe, including
Katsuya. I was saved, but the person who came to help me took my place. That is not something
to rejoice about. It is best that everyone is safe. Don't you think so too, Mr. Katsuya?
Yeah, I know."
Katsuya smiled with genuine joy at Cheryl's attitude, who was equally pleased with her own safety
and that of those she helped.
In their chat, Katsuya was the one doing most of the talking, while Cheryl was the listener, smiling
and making pleasantries and comments. However, it was Cheryl who was deciding the direction
of the conversation.
At first, they talked about the shopping district and sub-divisions as the story of this area. However,
at Cheryl's urging, Katsuya began to talk about himself before he knew it.
Must be a hunter himself. Belonging to the Drunkham. Have fought monsters in the wilderness.
Have found relics in the ruins.
Fun things. Happy things. Hardship. Sadness. He continued to express his various experiences as
a hunter with joy, anger, sorrow, and pleasure, as if he were rejoicing, boasting, reminiscing,
regretting, and even spewing out feelings that he would not normally express out loud, little by
And Cheryl was sympathetic to all of it.
He listens with a flutter of concern for Katsuya's safety when he tells his story of being attacked
by a monster in the wilderness. When he tells the story of how he fought off the monster, he praises
him for his success, rejoicing in his return to life.
In a story about a fun search for relics at an archaeological site with his friends, he happily listens
to them talk about the relics they found, while acting as if he was sorry he wasn't there.
They are equally angry with you for being angry. When we complain or whine, they cloud their
graceful faces to show their understanding, and then praise our will to overcome the difficulties
we face.
The opposite sex, beautiful enough to admire, will laugh with delight, puff out their cheeks in
anger, comfort the sorrowful, and listen to you in a joyful and friendly manner, as if they shared
your values.
I really enjoyed that conversation with Cheryl.
Katsuya was engrossed in this endlessly soothing conversation and continued to spit out
information about himself.

Cheryl felt uncomfortable talking with Katsuya.

In essence, what I am doing is just entertainment, a conversational technique to make the other
person feel comfortable talking to me. Cheryl is aware of this.
And at the heart of this is the understanding of what the other person wants. We show our
understanding as we would like the other person to understand. We show our agreement as we
want them to understand. Praise what you want them to praise. We take advantage of that desire,
that want.
To do this intentionally, you need to know what they want. Praise can be painful if it is unwanted.
Even abusive language can be a relief to those who want it. Supply and demand must match in
order to be fulfilled.
But it's hard to know exactly what they want. People don't even know themselves well. It is even
more difficult when it comes to others.
Cheryl has honed the art of finding out the true feelings and desires of others through their slightest
reactions and the content of their unaware responses in the collective life of a slum clique. She has
often been saved by the application of these skills.
The banter with Katsuya is part of that technique. Seeing the other person's attitude as he continued
to talk in a good mood, at first I thought it went well.
However, along the way, I began to feel uncomfortable with the fact that things were going too
(That's weird. I've never known anyone to know so much about what they want. It's as if they're
telling me everything behind my back without saying it or acting like it. ......)
While wondering about that, I also wonder about another discomfort.
Katsuya is beautiful enough. On top of that, from what I have heard, he is struggling without regard
for danger to help his friends in the hunter's business. She is also highly regarded by the top
management of Drangkam for her abilities.
From there, Cheryl had an impressive, sensory and intuitive appreciation of Katsuya as a boy
hunter with a good arm, face and personality.
At the same time, Cheryl was also trying to evaluate Katsuya in terms of his cool-headedness in
squeezing information out of the other party and using that information to cobble together a plan
to gain the upper hand in negotiations.
However, its evaluation was significantly lower than the intuitive evaluation.
To be precise, of the evaluations that Cheryl gave to Katsuya, the intuitive one was too high.
Compared to the rational and logical evaluation, there was a blatant favoritism that even I did not
understand. The discrepancy between the two evaluations made Cheryl feel uncomfortable.
He was inwardly puzzled by this, but instead of showing it, he laughed and continued chatting
with Katsuya. Meanwhile, his own intuition continued to tell him to further raise his opinion of
And then, unknowingly, we think about it.
It may be beneficial for the clique to connect with competent and promising hunters like Katsuya.
The thought leaps as if the process has been left out.
In order to get to know each other more deeply, I invite Katsuya to dinner now and we head to the
restaurant arm in arm like lovers.
Imagine a scene in which the distinction between envisioning and being envisioned is ambiguous.
Or we look at the imagined scene.
Cheryl is walking down an unfamiliar street with Katsuya in a friendly manner. I thought to myself,
as if I were talking to a stranger, that they looked very happy.
Akira walked from the end of the road. Then Cheryl and Akira's eyes met.
Akira, in Cheryl's imagination, did not change his expression, and without saying anything, he just
nipped back on his heels and broke off his relationship with Cheryl.
Cheryl came back to herself and let out a small scream. Her body stiffened in fear for a moment,
and her face scrunched up.
However, he soon realized that it was imaginary and not real, and breathed a sigh of relief. Still,
the palpitations did not subside, and I repeated deep breaths to calm myself down.
Cheryl. Are you okay?"
Looking at Katsuya, who approached her with concern, Cheryl realized that the sense of
discomfort she had felt just a few moments before was gone. Now, both intuitive and logical
evaluations were treating the boy in front of her as just another promising young hunter.
I'm fine with ......." Sorry. Sorry for the disturbance."
Seeing Cheryl laugh at that, Katsuya also laughed with relief.
I see. Good. What's up?"
No, don't worry about it. I was just reminded of something that scared me a little."
Unable to say that Akira cut me off in my imagination because of you, Cheryl laughed and faked
The way Cheryl faked it, even though it was in her imagination, was too crude for her due to her
painful fearful experience, and Katsuya was very worried about her, wondering if she was really
okay. Then, after some hesitation, he continued.
I don't know what happened, but if it's okay with me, I can at least talk to you ......."
Sometimes it is easier just to talk to someone. That's what Katsuya thought and opened his mouth,
but then a slightly angry voice joined in.
Katsuya, you've got some nerve leaving us alone to pick up another girl."
When Katsuya turned to look at the voice from behind him, he saw Yumina smiling powerfully.

At a restaurant not far from Lafantola, Katsuya is frantically making excuses to Yumina and her
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. But that wasn't really a pick-up."
Yumina, who thought they were picking on Cheryl while leaving them alone, left the restaurant
just as they were after a word to Katsuya. Aili couldn't defend her either and left with her.
Katsuya hurriedly said to Cheryl, "See you later," and followed Yumina and her friends, who
managed to meet up with them at a nearby restaurant. They managed to meet up at a nearby
restaurant and continued to apologize flatly.
Yumina, with her navel bent, gives Katsuya a frustrated look as she eats in a way that borders on
Are you trying to say that it's not my fault because they asked me out?"
Aili also turned an unusually reproachful eye toward Katsuya.
He said, "I didn't say that. I'm really sorry. We got a little carried away and I just didn't have time
to leave. That's all I really said.
Two against one. Moreover, the fault is mine. Katsuya knew this, so he apologized anyway.

Yumina knew why she was frustrated.

I have known Katsuya for a long time. I know that he is not deceiving or evading, but that he is
apologizing because he feels he is in the wrong. I also know that he has some loose ends, and that
he probably didn't really mean to do anything bad.
To that extent, Yumina usually just said, "Well, it can't be helped. That's because they have known
each other for a long time.
But now I couldn't do that. I was aware of the reasons for this.
(...... She was so beautiful. Her clothes were tasteful and looked very expensive. ......Maybe she
was a girl inside the barrier? (That restaurant is where people like that come, maybe we were pretty
out of place or something?)
Yumina sighs lightly as she listens to Katsuya's excuses.
(Katsuya, that looked like fun. ....... It's not uncommon for the other party to get the wrong idea,
even if Katsuya has no intention of doing so, but that was ......)
The reason for my annoyance is jealousy. Yumina understood this.
(Oh, this thinking, it's not good. ...... Stop! That's it! It's a date and you're setting a bad mood for
yourself! Yes, sir! (The end!)
I want to be by Katsuya's side, but I don't want to become jealous and follow him around. So I
change my mind. Yumina thinks so, and once she makes a serious face, she turns to Katsuya.
Katsuya. Are you sorry for leaving us alone?
I'm trying!" I'm sorry for what I did!"
Seeing Katsuya somewhat desperate, saying that this was the place to apologize, Yumina smiled
and softened her face as if she had no choice.
I get it. I was being a little stubborn too. Katsuya. Sorry."
No, it was my fault. I'm sorry, Yumina."
I'm not sure I want to do that. Keep up the good work and try to fix Iris' mood.
Katsuya's face hardens slightly with relief that the matter is settled. Then he turned his gaze to Iris.
Iri's sullen stare was returned.
I'm not going to help you because you left me alone and I'm not going to help Iri either?"
"...... oh, oh."
Yumina laughed a little happily when she saw Katsuya apologizing down at Aili this time.

Katsuya managed to put Aili back in a good mood. Once the three of them are back in their normal
mood, Yumina is also able to talk normally about what happened at Lafantola.
And yet, Katsuya can't get enough of that kind of clothing?"
The reason Yumina and her friends didn't buy clothes before was because of Katsuya's poor
reaction. Told this, Katsuya recalls Cheryl's clothes.
No, but that was definitely awesome and ......
'Well, I can understand that. I don't know how many high-end stores you can go to to sell clothes
like that. ......"
As Yumina laments that they are out of their depth, Katsuya reminds her.
He said he bought those clothes at that store earlier?"
Is that so?" I guess I wasn't looking hard enough. ......"
Then I'll go again."
I guess so. Shall we?
At Aili's suggestion, Katsuya and his group will go to Lafantola again later.
Episode 76 Collision Avoidance

Akira returned to Lafantola with clothing relics from home. When he entered the store, he was a
little skeptical that nothing had happened.
'Alpha. Why did you take that detour?"
Akira had gone to great lengths to get to and from his home and Lafantola, at Alfa's direction.
Alfa smiles wryly.
I did it for Akira's safety. It's the only reason you got there in one piece."
'When did the sub-divisions of the city become such a danger zone ......'
It's really strange.
Akira was a little concerned about Alpha's strange attitude, but it still did no real harm, so he let
out a light sigh and stopped worrying about it further. As it was, he was greeted by Cheryl with a
smile and took his place at the table.
At that moment, Alfa suddenly looked troublesome.
'Alpha. What's up?"
Akira. No matter what happens, stay calm and never make a scene.'
Akira also guessed from Alfa's appearance that it was not an enemy attack or other troublesome
matter. However, he was quite suspicious of the unusually troublesome look on Alfa's face.
'What's with you, all of a sudden? What's going on?'
Akira said, 'That's fine, just keep your cool. Also, ask Cheryl to adjust the conversation
So what happened?"
Just do it.
Akira was even more dubious, but followed the instructions to a point.
Cheryl. Um, whatever happens from here on out, you're going to have to talk your way out of it."
What?" Yes. I understand. I'll take care of it."
Cheryl also wondered about Akira, who suddenly started talking strangely. However, there was no
reason for her to refuse Akira's request, so she smiled and agreed.
Then Katsuya and his friends came to the store again. Akira and Katsuya's eyes meet, and an
acrimonious atmosphere begins to prevail.
Why are you here ......"
At Katsuya's muttering, Akira thought the same thing. Then he finally realized the reason for
Alpha's instructions earlier.
Alpha. All that stuff you were saying to me was to keep me from meeting this guy, wasn't it?"
Alpha lets out a sigh.
'Then you should have said so.
When Akira lightly replies in this manner, Alfa turns his sullen anger on him.
'Let's leave because the person who defied my instructions and tried to kill each other is nearby.
Do you think you can say that? Do you really think they'd listen to you if you told them?"
'......, yes.'
Akira also believes that he is at fault for the recklessness of that time. For that reason, he answered
in a bad way.
I know you must have thought I was suddenly asking you to do something troublesome like restock
ammunition or sell relics, but I did my best to suppress unnecessary commotion without alerting
Akira to the other party's presence," he said.
Yes, I do.
'If only Akira had followed my instructions honestly at that time, I wouldn't have had to go through
all this trouble, you know? Do you understand?"
Yes! Okay, okay! It's okay! I'm not making a scene here! All right. ......"
Akira responded firmly to the potentially lengthy sermon and tried to calm Alfa down. With that,
Alpha backed down.
It's all right if we know. Then let's have a little play to keep the noise down.
Akira lightly sighs and returns his gaze to Cheryl, ignoring Katsuya and the others who have come
to his side and regretfully places the backpack filled with relics on the table.
It's the one you want. Check it out."
Then I opened my backpack, thinking to myself, "What's the example product?
Cheryl read Akira's intentions when she deepened her guess from the appearance of Akira, Katsuya
and the others at what began with almost no explanation.
He looks inside his backpack and closes it, smiling happily as he turns to Akira with the attitude
of someone who clearly has the upper hand in the power relationship.
Indeed. Hopefully we can continue to have a good relationship."
......, I hope so."
Akira said this in a somewhat dismissive manner, got up from his seat, and moved to the table
where Erio and his friends were sitting.
Naturally, Elio and the others gave me blatantly puzzled looks, but I told them in a whisper to keep
quiet and not say anything unnecessary.

Katsuya was quite perplexed. At first, he saw Akira with Cheryl and decided that he would cause
a ruckus like he did with Lucia, and he immediately decided to help Cheryl.
However, from what followed, the power relationship between Akira and Cheryl appeared to be
This eliminated the situation in which Katsuya intervened with Akira to protect Cheryl, causing a
When Katsuya is puzzled, Cheryl smiles at him.
Why don't you sit down?"
What?" Oh, no. ......"
Katsuya was slightly nervous and puzzled.
I answered that I would sit at the previous time and sat down, looking a little nervous. The
nervousness was for Cheryl, who looked like a daughter from somewhere, with clothes and good
looks that would not be surprising if she lived inside the protective walls.
But now Cheryl, with her clothes and good looks intact, wore the air of an authority figure who
takes people like Akira by the chin.
Yumina and Iri looked at each other and nodded lightly. Aili then took her place at Cheryl's table,
while Yumina moved away from there and took her place at Akira's table.
When Katsuya is puzzled by this as well, Cheryl smiles and asks him to be seated.
Please come in. It's open, okay?"
Uh, yes.
Feeling a strange sense of defiance, Katsuya maturely took his place at the table.

Erio and Alicia were seated facing each other at a table for four, and Akira joined them, so the
only empty seat was in front of Akira. Yumina joined them. Naturally, Akira was in front of her.
Thus, Akira had to face the girl who had made such a big impact on him, head-on. Flinching
inwardly, he guessed why she had taken the trouble to sit here.
I'm at ....... What can I do for you? Just so you know, I'm not trying to cause a scene here."
I just thought I'd let you know that we're not trying to cause a scene either."
I see. Ok."
I'm done. They will be back soon. Akira thought so, but contrary to his expectations, Yumina
remained seated. However, they were not in a friendly chatting mood. Silence fell over the table.
Caught in the middle of a situation they did not understand, Erio and Alicia kept quiet anyway so
as not to say anything strange and incur Akira's wrath.
Then Akira looks a little lost before opening his mouth.
Last time, then, well, I'm sorry."
The last time was when he took Lucia and the other time was when he held Yumina hostage in the
underground mall. Akira, however, is not allowed to talk about the underground city due to
confidentiality obligations with the city. So, in his own way, Akira put it into words that he could
just barely say.
Yumina looked a little strange, then guessed Akira's intention. She responded with a light laugh.
Never mind. It seems like we have a lot going on down there. When you're a hunter, unexpected
situations happen all the time. If you don't mind, I'd appreciate it.
I see." ...... Thanks."
Akira looked a little surprised at Yumina's reply, then smiled back somewhat happily.
The air at the table relaxes. Elio and the others were relieved to see that any signs of potential
trouble had almost disappeared.
Taking advantage of the relaxed atmosphere, Yumina decided to ask something a little more
By the way, you said you didn't miss the guy at the time, are you still looking for him? I don't mean
to offend you by saying this, but don't you have to be so fixated on a mere pickpocket?"
After saying this, Yumina worried that she had overstepped the mark a bit.
But Katsuya, who had mentioned that he was a little worried about what happened to Lucia,
thought it would be better than going to the slums to look for her because he was concerned, so he
lightly urged Akira to do so.
If you get a good response, you can tell Katsuya about it later and reassure him. If he gets a bad
reaction, he should just keep quiet. That is what Yumina thought.
And while Akira's response was a good one, it was far from what Yumina expected.
That guy. I don't care about him anymore."
Is that so?" Well, it's useless to worry about every little thing, isn't it?"
I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it. I already got my money back, and I don't care if I'm a
pickpocket again and get killed or live happily ever after somewhere else.
Akira's lighthearted response made Yumina look a little difficult. Since she could not sense any
lies in his attitude, it meant that Lucia had really stolen the wallet from Akira and Katsuya had
helped her do it.
Let's keep quiet about it to Katsuya for now. If I told Katsuya, he might say he would check to see
if it was true, and that could be troublesome. Yumina decided to change her mind.
But it was impossible to be completely calm, partly because I was angry at the girl who had tricked
Katsuya into causing so much trouble.
Akira notices this.
What's wrong? Oh, you're supposed to be helping him as a hunter in Drunkum and he's asking you
to bring him in to hear what's going on? So you don't like me killing that guy or something?"
No, it's not. I just wondered what happened after that. I know it's hard to live without
pickpocketing, but that's no reason to steal people's stuff, and it's not the same as taking care of
them so they can live without doing so."
Yumina worries about Katsuya as she watches Akira shake his head in agreement.
I don't care if it's someone you know, if you try to save everyone, even strangers, you'll be
absolutely crushed. I think it's admirable and kind, but you can't let your admirable and kind
intentions crush you to death.
I will stop Katsuya before he does. Even if I die because of it. Yumina renewed her resolve.
Akira cannot perceive such subtleties. Still, he nodded his head in agreement with what was said
on the surface.
I know," he said. It's great to see someone who can do that, but there are limits, aren't there?
If there were such a personality, I think he would be wonderful enough to be admired even by my
own twisted and twisted mind. But I would never want to be that person.
That was also Akira's limitation.

Cheryl laughs and talks to Katsuya at the table.

Have you made up with your girlfriend?"
When Katsuya looked at her curiously, not understanding what she meant, Cheryl turned her gaze
once to Yumina and then back to Katsuya.
I see you haven't done it yet. You mustn't do it. You can't be on a date with your girlfriend and
then go out with someone of the opposite sex."
Cheryl smiled mischievously at him, and Katsuya fell in love with her again. But when he noticed
the word "lover" and hurried to deny it, he was told something even worse in a way.
I know there are some people in this world who are willing to have multiple relationships with the
opposite sex, but there is still a limit," he said. Or are you in the process of cutting back because
you have a little too many?"
No, it's not!
Katsuya frowned musingly. But that didn't change his fear of Cheryl, or his perception of her as a
mysterious person who would take Akira lightly.
I apologized and even made up for the fact that Yumina was not my girlfriend and that I was a
little late getting back because I was trying to take a short break and things got a little too long.
Please don't say anything strange.
I see. Then let's not get mad at the person who suddenly left the table when we thought he or she
was in the middle of a seduction.
When Cheryl said this to Katsuya with a bit of amusement, he looked back at his own behavior.
Then, thinking that he had done something that could have been interpreted that way, he blushed
No, no, I mean, I didn't mean to hit on you. ......
If you are unaware, it is worse. I think there are probably a lot of people who misunderstand. Am
I wrong?"
Cheryl then turned her gaze to Iri.
Then Iri nodded emphatically.
No difference."
I knew it," he said. Are the other people hunters, too? It would be terrible to get shot over a love
I always have recovery medicine on hand in case Katsuya gets shot at any time," he said. It's pretty
expensive stuff, so as long as the hit point isn't the head, we'll be able to get there in time.
Katsuya flinched in surprise. He wanted to think it was a joke, but it was difficult to read it from
Iri's expression. To cover up his uneasiness, he broached another subject.
Cheryl. Oh, by the way, you were talking to that guy earlier, what were you talking about?"
It's about work. Don't mind me."
"You work here at ......? Besides, didn't you say you'd never been in this neighborhood before?"
Yes," he said. It's your first time, right? It is more convenient to change the location of each
transaction. There are jobs out there like that."
I thought you bought those clothes here."
I bought it. You have a good selection, don't you? I think that's why Katsuya and the others came
Yes, I know, but ......"
They are being left in the dark. Katsuya knew this, too, but Cheryl's friendly smile reduced his will
to pursue the matter.
And Cheryl laughs invitingly.
Do you care?"
Well, that's, well, ......, if you put it that way."
Then, as it's a secret, keep it to yourself."
What? What's that?"
Secrets are good, aren't they? If I keep it a secret, even if it is a trivial detail, people will be curious
about it, try to know about it, and pay attention to me. I will make it for Mr. Katsuya because it is
a good opportunity. So please keep it on your mind."
Cheryl laughed mischievously. Katsuya blushed slightly and thought of a rebuttal.
I thought it wasn't good to mislead people like that."
I'm fine."
Unlike Katsuya-san, who is unconscious, unaware, and indiscriminate, I consciously choose my
Katsuya flinched, his face reddening. He knew he was being teased, but he couldn't find the words
to say anything back.
If you are dissatisfied, I suggest you review your own words and actions that are unknowingly
spreading misunderstandings."
Katsuya was red-faced and had nothing to say back.

That was enough, and Cheryl decided to cut the work of smoking Katsuya out of her life. She did
not know what it was that Akira wanted to cover up, but she decided that Katsuya no longer had
the will or the time to pursue that something.
Then he unconsciously turns his gaze to Akira. Cheryl had a smile on her face with an unconscious
expectation of praise for a job well done.
But his smile hardens slightly. Ahead of him, Akira was talking with Yumina, looking somewhat
Cheryl is not strongly moved by the fact that Akira is happily talking to someone of the opposite
sex other than herself. At least, she is not shocked.
However, it was a different story when Akira seemed to have forgiven the other party.
(...... What? Why? Why? (What do you mean?)
......Katsuya. If you have made up, why is your companion sitting over there?"
Let's see. ......."
I don't know, but there must be a reason. You can ask for more details later. When Katsuya, who
was aware of the situation to that extent, was at a loss for words, Iris answered instead.
I'm talking to Katsuya to make sure he doesn't get into trouble again."
You said you got into a tussle. ......, what happened?"
There was a little."
Cheryl wanted to know what that bit was about, but Aili was done talking about it. So she turned
her gaze to Katsuya as if urging him to talk.
I'm just, you know..." I didn't know you knew Cheryl."
The specifics are unknown, but it was confirmed that there was a struggle between him and Akira.
Cheryl looks at Akira again. After all, she seemed to have forgiven Yumina a great deal.
(...... Why are you so friendly with someone with whom you had a dispute? Was it really just a
little thing? If that's the case, why bother trying to talk to Akira?)
If it's not a big deal, I'd suggest you keep your distance so as not to provoke them. ......
Katsuya replies with some difficulty.
I think everyone has their own criteria, but we had quite a struggle. So Yumina thought that here
they wouldn't make a fuss, and decided it would be better to have a proper talk with them.
Hearing this, Cheryl became increasingly puzzled.
(How can Akira be so open to someone like that? I don't know. (Really, what do you mean?)
While I was thinking this, Yumina, who had finished talking with Akira, got up from her seat and
was about to return to Katsuya. Cheryl felt that Akira seemed to have a disappointed look on his
Cheryl was aware that her emotional side was confused, but she felt her calm side telling her that
this was a bad idea.
I am upset now. If I talk with Yumina in this state, I will probably be exposed. Cheryl decided to
Mr. Katsuya. It looks like she is coming back, so I'll leave you now. I have some more work to
Really?" I just wanted to ask you a few questions about Cheryl's outfit with Yumina."
I think it's a good experience to look for clothes that suit her together, don't you? And having an
answer diminishes the enjoyment."
I said, "So, Yumina is not my girlfriend, or rather, my lover. ......
Turning to Katsuya, who was slurring his words, Cheryl smiled wickedly and headed toward the
back of the store with her backpack.
While selling the contents of the backpack on Akira's behalf, he needs to keep quiet to KaShea and
the others. If Katsuya and the others knew that it was Akira who selected his clothes, it would
contradict the content of his earlier performance. He needed to keep the two sides of the
conversation quiet.
And more than that, I needed to calm down first.
(What was she talking to Akira about? (What can I tell Akira that would make him so open to me?)
I know that it is impossible for me, in my state of agitation, to ask that outright.

After meeting up with Yumina, Katsuya and his friends went to Lafantola to pick out clothes again,
this time buying them well before leaving the store.
Inspired by Alfa's coordination, Cashea went all out, and the yuminas were very happy with the
clothes they were able to buy, which received a good response from Katsuya.
It was expensive, but I'm glad you got some good clothes." Iris."
It was good. It was expensive."
Yumina then pretends to Katsuya that she is talking about clothes, then asks in a whisper.
So, Iri, what was this Cheryl girl like?"
Yumina did not have a chance to talk to Cheryl after all. When it came time to leave after buying
the clothes, Cheryl did not return from the back of the store.
She was beautiful, wore expensive clothes, and seemed well spoken." Also ......"
She probably doesn't like Katsuya."
Yumina makes a surprising face. She had been talking so much with Katsuya, who sometimes
inexplicably attracts the attention of the opposite sex, that it was no surprise that she had become
somewhat interested in him as well.
Really? That's unusual."
Intuition. No proof."
Iri answered that, but thought he was probably right. Even though he seemed to be enjoying
himself, as if he was playing with Katsuya, he felt that he was not actually enjoying himself one
iota and had other intentions.
Yes. Well, whatever it was, I'm glad it all went off without a hitch."
The Good."
Neither Yumina nor Aili would welcome any more competitors. Yumina and her colleagues
communicated that they were glad to have that included.
Then Katsuya interrupts.
Yumina, iri. What did you like?"
Iri, what's the secret?"
He said, "He said he would care if I made up a secret. So I'll keep it a secret."
It was a sign that Iris wanted him to care about her as well, but Katsuya did not sense the subtlety
of this. He looked a little puzzled, as if he had no idea why.
We're a team, there's no secrets."
...... Then I'll tell you. Katsuya was telling me how Cheryl warned him that it's not good to hit on
women without their knowledge."
Katsuya blew up. Yumina, who had never heard of it before, naturally joined in the conversation.
Katsuya. A stranger so kindly warned me, you know? You're happy for me, aren't you?"
Yeah, right.
Katsuya laughed and cheated. As he played along, the word "secret" reminded him of Cheryl. Then
he suddenly realized.
(Come to think of it, I know I've talked to Cheryl about a lot of things, but I don't know anything
about her. All I know is her name. She must be wealthy because she can afford such expensive
clothes. ......)
I have no idea where he lives, or even if he lives in a prestigious location on the side of the wall or
inside the wall, but I have no idea where exactly he lives. I had no idea where he lived, and even
when I thought back to my conversation with Cheryl, I could not find a single piece of information
that seemed to fit the bill.
Katsuya keeps thinking about Cheryl to see if there is anything there, and then smiles when he
realizes that he is more concerned about the secret that has been kept from him.
(Hmmm. You've got Cheryl on your mind. Does that mean I'm being played?)
When he thought of Cheryl laughing at him teasingly, she looked beautiful and happy, and Katsuya
did not feel bad.

After Katsuya and the others left, Akira returned to a separate table from Erio and the others and
continued to ponder what to do with the Yonozuka Station site. Cheryl was in the back of the store
discussing with Seren about tailoring her clothes and was not here.
After Cheryl left the table with the relics given to her by Akira and took them to the back of the
store, Seren, who had appraised them, took a keen interest in the clothes brought in and suggested
that they be re-tailored to include them. He said he wanted to tailor clothes made from multiple
Old World garments.
Naturally, the fee would be higher for that amount. When Cheryl was reluctant to accept this, Seren
persuaded her to offset the cost by purchasing the extra clothes and cloths.
And Akira accepted it. Originally, he had only followed Alpha's suggestion to buy the clothes,
which was just a pretext after all, and Akira himself was not enthusiastic about selling the clothes
at a high price. He was not even trying to sell the clothes at a high price. If the clothes were to be
used as materials, that was fine, and he thought it would be interesting if he could make some
amazing clothes out of them.
After that, Cheryl stayed behind with Seren to decide on the direction of the design, etc. Akira
went back to the sales floor first. Akira went back to the sales floor first, and was just thinking
about the remains where he had obtained the old-world clothes that would be used as materials for
the tailored clothes.
Akira looks at Alpha, who is sitting across from him.
Alpha. I still think it would be better to collect relics at the Yonozuka Station ruins instead of
waiting for Elena and the others to free up their schedules.
Akira, who expected a good or bad response, was answered by Alpha in a slightly different
If that's what Akira thinks, then that's fine.
'But if you try to take artifacts out of the ruins alone, you have to go back and forth a lot. You'd
also have to dig in and out and bury them, and that's how easy it would be to get discovered.'
Yes, it is. We have to consider that risk.
If we could get as much of the relics out as possible in a single search, it would probably be a little
more efficient, but the only people I trust to collect relics with me are Elena and the others."
Yes, I agree. If you ask Katsuragi, he will at least arrange for someone, but the Yonozuka Station
ruins will surely be exposed at that point.
'I guess that's true.
Akira glances at Alpha. Then Alpha read his intention and laughed.
Akira. Decide for yourself. Don't make me say, 'Let's do it.
Akira smiles bitterly.
No, I just don't know what's best.
As Elena and others have said, there are no right or wrong answers when it comes to dealing with
untouched ruins. You can ask me to explain the risks and rewards, but you can't throw all the
choices at me.
For Alpha, it is convenient that Akira follows his instructions without hesitation. However, it is
not good if he abandons all choices from the beginning and just waits for instructions.
No, I know, but...
Akira said, "Think about it in your own way, worry about it, and decide for yourself. It's okay.
Whatever you choose, I will support you.
If Akira is left to make all decisions on his own, when the connection with himself is severed, he
may not be able to make any decisions on his own and may rot away without even being able to
move from the spot. That is something Alpha does not want.
In addition, in order for Akira to accomplish his request, he needs to be able to work while
disconnected from himself.
He follows his own instructions and then acts flexibly. To get him to do so, Alpha laughed and
encouraged Akira to make a choice.
'...... got it. I'll think about it some more."
Akira laughed lightly, thinking that maybe he had grown up a bit enough to leave some choices to
(Well, I'd say the choice is between going alone as often as possible or waiting for Elena and her
friends to free up their schedules.)
It is difficult for Akira to choose the option of gathering people and carrying out the relics from
the ruins at once. This is because he cannot think of a way to gather people who will not talk about
the Yonozuka Station ruins.
If one simply wants to gather people, one way is to approach Katsuragi. But Akira cannot trust
Katsuragi that much.
Unless he had a reason not to or could not betray them, Katsuragi would easily discard his ties
with the child hunters in front of the great benefit of the untouched ruins. Akira thought so.
(First of all, I can't imagine anyone who would want to betray me: ......)
Just as Akira was about to continue his thought with mild self-deprecation that he was not there,
Cheryl returned and sat down across from him.
Akira unconsciously turns his gaze to Cheryl and gets lost in thought.
Akira. What's wrong?"
No, not really.
Akira. It's a tailoring job, but he wants more time if possible. He says if you can wait until after
closing instead of finishing in the evening, it will be that much better, what do you say?"
Do what you want. I'm not going to wear it, and if it can wait and turn out good, so be it. ...... Oh,
you're telling me I have to stay behind with you. I don't have plans today, so I can stay."
Thank you." ...... Um, um, what is it?"
Cheryl asked a little curiously when she noticed Akira staring at her.
If they are staring at you, or if they are admiring you, Cheryl welcomes it. She will at least pose
happily, asking you to look at her without hesitation.
No, not really.
But Akira's eyes indicated that it was some kind of confirmation. Cheryl noticed this and felt a
slight nervousness, but had no idea what it was.
Then the bewilderment turned to anxiety, reminding him of his imagination when he was talking
to Katsuya. It was the image of Akira, who had easily cut ties with him.
I shudder, and Cheryl opens her mouth to deny the imaginary.
Oh, um, ......, really ......, what is it?"
'Uh, you can say no, but I actually have a little favor to ask of Cheryl: ......'
I understand! I'll do it!"
Akira is a little surprised at Cheryl's enthusiastic acceptance of his request without even asking
him what he was asking for, and he pulls back lightly.
I see. No, but you should at least listen to what I have to say before you respond. ......"
I'll do it."
"Let's see, it's all confidential and pretty deadly stuff. ......
I don't care. I'll do it."
I see. That helps."
I have the backing of Cheryl and her family. If Cheryl betrays me, I will lose my shield. That
would still be a problem for now. Therefore, the reason why I can't betray her is stronger than
those people.
Akira decided that it would be a good idea to invite Cheryl to join his clique in collecting artifacts
at the Yonozuka Station site.
We checked the ruins twice and found no monsters. It would be safer than ordinary ruins. Then
even a mere child would be able to carry out the relics.
It might be a little heavy without the reinforced clothes, but I carried the relics from the depths of
the Kuzuthara city ruins to the city when I was not wearing reinforced clothes myself. I would be
able to manage. I thought so.
But still, as long as you are collecting relics in the wilderness, there is a risk of death. Even if it
displeases the backers, it is better than dying. Thinking that he might not like the idea and might
refuse, I asked him to do it with the idea that it would be better if he did not do it.
Of course, I had no intention of telling him that I had found untouched ruins, and since he was not
a hunter, I assumed that he did not know much about ruins, so I intended to mislead him into
thinking that it was some random known ruin.
However, Cheryl's attitude, in which she agreed to the request without asking what it was and did
not change her answer even after I told her that she was in danger of dying, made Akira think that
if she was willing to go that far, we could talk some more.
However, I'll interject a choice just to be sure.
I understand. Then do me a favor, would you rather help me without knowing anything or with
knowing more?"
Which is better for Akira?"
I don't care which one it is. I don't care which one you choose, whichever is best for Cheryl. If I
help her without knowing anything, she can claim she didn't know when something goes wrong.
Of course, if it goes well, the reward is worth it."
Cheryl could tell from Akira's demeanor that he really didn't care either way. If that is the case,
she decides without hesitation that she is the one who can cooperate with Akira as much as possible
and make an effort to make him recognize her value.
Please elaborate."
I understand. It's not something I can talk about here, so I'll talk about it after I leave the store. I'll
talk to you after I leave the shop. ...... Oh, and if I wait for the tailoring to be done, it'll be night, so
can we talk tomorrow?"
If it's okay with me, I'd like to hear about it as soon as possible, so it's better to ask after we leave
the restaurant, but I'll go along with Akira's schedule.
Then we'll do it when we get back."
Thank you."
Cheryl bowed lightly to Akira, who put her own convenience first, and then went to tell Seren that
she had received consent for a time to have her clothes re-tailored.

Akira and his friends did a round of shopping while waiting for their clothes to be re-tailored. Now
they continue chatting to pass the time.
Heh. Are hunters belonging to Drunkham supposed to entrust the sale of all relics to Drunkham?
They can't sell them on their own.
Yes. They pay their hunters a base salary according to their hunter rank, and then rewards are
added based on performance and other factors.
As a fellow hunter, Akira listened with great interest to Cheryl's story of drangkam, which she had
heard from Katsuya.
Each hunter belonging to Drangkam is required to hand over his/her earnings to Drangkam once.
This includes relics obtained from collecting relics, as well as rewards from commissions.
Then, from the total sales of the entire clique, the total amount of fees for requests and the sale of
relics, minus the expenses of the clique and distributed according to the results of each person, is
given in a form similar to a salary.
The expenses of the clique include the base salary given to the hunters belonging to the clique.
This is a way to bring stability to the hunter business, where earnings are unstable.
Through this system, money is given to hunters who are not working as hunters for various reasons,
such as rest due to injury, or those who are not earning much money due to training or other
reasons, thereby supporting the stability and progress of the entire clique.
However, this is only basically the case, and each hunter can change the ratio of results that he or
she gives to the clique. Old-timers like the shikarabes are only partial recipients.
However, if the ratio of results given to the clique is reduced, the base salary is also reduced. This
is a win-win situation, as they will only receive a small amount when they are injured or otherwise
And young hunters are prohibited from changing ratios. Ostensibly, the reason is that lowering
their base salary when they are still inexperienced and not earning enough could kill them in
hardship. The young hunters were convinced in the name of preventing this.
But there was also an intention there to get them accustomed to having their own earned results
managed by the Drunkham side.
This increases the power of those who are not out in the wilderness but are involved in determining
compensation conversions. And it is the clique's clerical faction that will benefit the most.
Cheryl was telling Akira these stories with her own speculations.
I'm a hunter, but I have a base salary. It's a little strange."
"I think it has its downsides, but I think it also has a lot of benefits in terms of providing stability
to the hunter business, which is not stable in terms of cash flow," he said. Well, I think that the
unevenness of the benefits is causing a gap between the old and the young.
I can't imagine how hard it must be to run an organization."
Cheryl, as the boss over the clique, nodded a little exaggeratedly.
Yes. It's hard."
He then looked for Akira's reaction. However, contrary to my expectations, not the slightest bit
was conveyed, and I ended up only making Cheryl let out a small sigh.
Alpha laughed at the scene, but since it was out of Akira's sight, it went unnoticed.

Akira was waiting for Cheryl's return in Lafantola after midnight, when business hours had already
Then Cheryl emerges from the back of the store with a slightly flushed cheek. Standing next to her
is Seren, who expresses her satisfaction at having accomplished what she set out to do.
Cheryl, standing in front of Akira, had a smile that was a mixture of mild nervousness and
How about...?"
Cheryl is wearing a tailored outfit that Seren just finished making. It is a luxurious garment made
from several old-world clothes, and the design of the garment, which was adjusted for Cheryl at
the time of its design, is full of a sense of presence that sets it apart from other such garments.
It was enough to make Akira spontaneously exclaim in admiration.
Oooh. Yup. That looks great on you."
Cheryl's face breaks out in happiness and embarrassment at Akira's praise. The radiance of her
smile further enhanced the value of the clothes.
Alfa laughed and nodded.
It was worth the 1.5 million aurums I paid for it."
'Totally. I guess that's the problem with ...... my dull fashion sense, though, that I can't tell much
from regular clothes unless I pay that much money for them.'
Akira makes up his mind to do so, inwardly mocking himself.
'...... Okay! I'll stop judging the value of any old world clothes I find at the ruins for myself! Leave
it to the experts! I've made up my mind!
"So it took 2.5 million aurums to come to that conclusion."
It's good. It's important to know the value of relics, isn't it? Including the fact that I don't see the
value in it.
Akira concludes that this is the case, and KaShea calls out to him.
I hope you are satisfied with our tailored clothing."
Yes. To be honest, I didn't expect it to be this good. I am satisfied."
Your words are the best reward for us. If you ever have another opportunity for tailoring, please
feel free to choose our craftsmen for your next project. Thank you very much for using our store.
Cácea exhaled an inward breath of relief that her sister had completed the expensive job without a
problem, and bowed her head politely.

After seeing Akira and the others out of the store, Kashea removed her sales mask and exhaled
heavily, looking a bit tired.
It's done!" 2.5 million aurum today alone, or maybe more if you combine the offset with the old
world clothes. It's been a long time since I've seen how much money hunters make.
Although tired, Cashea was satisfied. Then, he wondered and called out to his sister, who had
contributed greatly to the sales this time.
Seren. I have to admit, I didn't think I'd ever be able to make a dress that good either. When did
you become so skilled?"
Seren answers proudly.
It's a wonder to me, too," he said. Her qualities. The type and quality of the clothes she brings in.
Even the brilliance of my skills. Plus, my inspiration at the right moment. All of them mesh
together to create an honest miracle. I probably won't be able to do the same thing again.
Cachea was satisfied with this explanation, then suddenly became panicked.
I told him that I can't do the same thing ...... and that I'll take care of our craftsmen next time!
They'll expect the same work the next time!
I don't like it when you say that to me. I'm going to bed now, so don't wake me up."
Seren said this with a satisfied look on her face and returned to the store. He was tired from the
lack of sleep he had just had and from the fact that he had just finished tailoring a dress with all
his might. He was going to sleep like a dead man.
Cashea returns to the store looking a little impatient. He was a little worried that he might be asked
to tailor clothes to the same standard again, but in order to suppress his anxiety, he strongly
reminded himself that today was a good advertisement for the store, so there was nothing to worry

After leaving Lafantola, Cheryl had Akira drive her back to the base. Then she decided to go inside
to hear the details of her request.
But once there, Akira went home and returned in a wilderness-specification vehicle and headed
into the wilderness with Cheryl.
Cheryl is also surprised. Even though she had been told in advance that this was a strictly
confidential, no-holds-barred conversation, she had not expected to have to go that far.
And I was even more surprised when I heard the story. We have found an undiscovered ruin and
we need your help to remove artifacts from it. Cheryl understood how much important and
dangerous information that simple statement contained.
Episode 77 Cheryl and Her Friends Collect Relics

Cheryl is trying to do something again. It was three days ago that the clique was talking about it.
As with the hot sandwich sales, a gag order was in place, forbidding any unnecessary questions or
But the kids in the clique were optimistic that the boss was planning another good earner for the
clique. The clique's armed forces personnel, led by Elio, were called in individually, but only a
few took the situation seriously.
The few that did were only told that they were going out into the wilderness because Akira needed
help, and in addition, they were told that Cheryl would be accompanying them, so they thought
there was no danger there.
When I went to the Kuzuthara Street site to sell hot sandwiches, it was no different than being out
in the wilderness, and it was due to that familiarity.
On the day of the plan, not long after the date had changed, Cheryl's group was waiting for Akira
at a place on the outskirts of the slum, near the wilderness.
Cheryl is wearing the clothes that Akira, or technically Alpha, picked out for her at Lafantola, with
a wilderness-oriented coat over it. It is not a protective coat, but a wilderness coat to protect against
the sandy dust of the wilderness.
A wealthy man is trying to get through the wilderness with an escort to another city. Cheryl dared
to dress that way.
The boys, including Elio, and the armed members of the clique are dressed in guns and protective
gear. Although cheap, they are armed for the wilderness and against monsters.
And Lucia and Nasha were there too.
Seeing Lucia's anxious look, Nasha lightly hugs her and cheers her up with a cheerful voice.
I'll be fine. Don't worry. You heard from Erio that Akira-san doesn't care about Lucia anymore,
right? All we have to do is get through today. Let's do our best."
Lucia managed to nod as she grabbed Nasha's clothes.
Nasha looks at Cheryl. Unlike the others, Lucia and the others had been brought in only to be told
by Cheryl that they owed a debt to Akira. No further explanation was given.
I told Lucia it would be okay, but I knew that was just to reassure her, that it was thinly based and
more like wishful thinking. But I wanted it to be so. More than anyone else, for Lucia's sake.
Cheryl noticed Nasha's gaze and turned toward her. But when she made eye contact with Nasha,
she didn't seem to be bothered by it and looked forward again.
In a sense, Nasha's wish was granted. Already Cheryl had almost lost interest in the life and death
of Lucia and the others.
If he survived this time, we will treat him normally as if he has completed purification. Even if he
died, Akira thinks it would be acceptable if he died in the process of collecting relics at the
Yonozuka Station site.
As for Cheryl, she was happy either way. She was even relieved that the trouble was finally over.
After a short wait, Akira showed up in his car shortly before the scheduled time. Everything was
ready to go out into the wilderness, including the ammunition loaded into the vehicle.
Cheryl runs up to the parked car and smiles happily.
Akira. Nice to meet you today."
I guess I'm the one to tell you that."
Akira then chuckles bitterly and looks around curiously.
Where's Cheryl's car? I don't see him.
He is supposed to come when the time is right. We are almost there."
At the scheduled time, the trailer appears. Although it looks sturdy, it is not what one would call a
wilderness vehicle, with no armored tiles on the body and no machine guns or other armaments. It
is a vehicle used for transportation within the city or for escorting people to nearby cities.
Darice, who was driving, stops the trailer near Cheryl and gets out. Daris is Katsuragi's partner, a
clerk and escort at the store, and today he was asked by Katsuragi to bring Cheryl's car here.
Cheryl. As promised, this is as far as I go. Is that all right with you?"
Yes. Thank you very much."
Dalis notices Akira and laughs lightly.
I wondered what they were thinking going to Narahagaka with just a bunch of kids, even if they
were armed, but of course Akira would be there too."
The city of Narahagaca is a small city west of the city of Kugamayama.
The monsters in the wilderness are generally weaker in the west and stronger in the east, so the
west direction is relatively safe. The road from Kgamayama City to Narahagaka City is not too
dangerous for hunters with vehicles if they choose it well. Still, it is dangerous enough if Cheryl
and the others head there alone.
Cheryl laughs and reminds him.
Please keep quiet about Akira, okay?"
I know. Well, you take care, too. Akira. This cargo bed is quite thin, so you can't expect any
protection. Remember that. See you.
After saying this, Dalis returned on foot toward the lower section of the city.
Cheryl looks over at Darice with her head bowed, then gives instructions to her subordinates with
a determined expression.
We're leaving! Get in!
The boys and Nasha and the others opened the rear doors of the cargo bed and went inside. Cheryl
then got into Akira's car with Akira and Elio got into the driver's seat of the trailer, and the group
left for the Yonozka Station ruins.

A trailer carrying Lucia and her friends on the back of a box-shaped load is moving through the
wilderness in the middle of the night.
The inside of the cargo bed, which should have been pitch-dark, was well lit by the lighting that
had been brought in and was bright enough. However, the ride was not comfortable, and the
occupants tried to endure the long hours of travel by sitting on cardboard boxes.
Occasionally, gunshots echo outside, indicating that Akira is fighting monsters. The realization
that they were now out in the wilderness, born from this, was making the children in the back of
the truck nervous. They had been told by Cheryl that they were welcome to sleep until their arrival,
but few were able to sleep.
Nasha was putting Lucia to bed to ensure her strength. As she watched Lucia sleeping, a boy who
had just been playing with an information terminal approached her and called out to her.
Hey, why are you guys with me?"
Seeing the boy's attitude of disbelief and frustration in his gaze, Nasha tries as much as possible
not to provoke him.
...... we were just told by the boss."
What did they say?"
He wants me to pay back Akira-san.
Hm. I see. Then pay me back as much as you can.
I know.
The boy moved away with a displeased look on his face and started playing with his information
terminal again.
Upon closer inspection, there were others who were looking at them in frustration and disbelief.
Nasha took the time to look away from them with an apologetic attitude.
Nasha knows how they feel. What Cheryl is trying to do this time is unknown. But if they were to
be treated as pawns in some way, the first ones to be assigned that role would be herself and Lucia.
They are worried and afraid that by being with them, they will be treated the same way.
It is hostile to Akira. It is a clique that assumes Akira's backing, and that means a lot.
(...... Lucia has gone after some really tough people, too. I'd like to think her luck hasn't run out,
though, since she's still alive after all that she's done.)
Nasha shakes her head lightly as she realizes the weakness that has been born within her.
(No, it's not. Luck is there. So we can manage. I have to think so first. Don't you agree? Lucia.
(Together we will survive.)
Nasha renewed her determination and closed her eyes to maintain her strength as well.

Cheryl praises Akira for his decision to snipe from the shaking car body in the dark, low visibility
It's amazing! I can't believe you took a single shot with it being so dark and shaky! Akira is very
strong after all!"
However, Cheryl is not exactly sure if she was really hit or not. It is impossible to search for a
monster with her own binoculars, which she believes to be the target.
Even so, he judged that it must have been taken down with a single shot, since the response of the
onboard spotting device showed that anything that looked like it had disappeared, and Akira
lowered his gun. And indeed, the monster had been defeated.
......, yes."
Akira's reaction, however, was dull. It was a reaction that could even be described as sullen, as if
he had somehow managed to cover up his bitterness at being flattered and not being able to be
Uh, yes.
Cheryl hardened her smile and stopped her admiration. Then she inwardly held her head.
(Oh, now that was a pattern that shouldn't be praised. I don't understand ......! What's different from
the last one! (Not a bad response when I praised the first sniper. ......)
If you don't praise what you want to be praised, you won't get a favorable impression. Cheryl
knows this, but she was not able to discern it well with Akira.

Akira looks subtle when Cheryl praises his sniping, but Alfa laughs and calls out to him.
You don't seem happy. It wasn't that bad, was it?"
Thank you very much. So how far off would you be without Alpha's support?'
About 10 meters to the left.
"Not so much."
Akira sighs inwardly. He concentrated, held the gun firmly in his reinforced clothing, even
manipulated the experience time, and aimed as precisely as he could, but he was disappointed that
he could still miss that far on his own.
Alpha encourages this with a gentle smile.
You were right, but you realized on your own that you would have been wrong. That's another
sign of growth. It's a big deal.
'...... is that right?'
Yes, it is. Well, I'm sure you're a long way from being accurate and hundred percent accurate on
your own, aren't you? We have a long way to go. But we are growing well, so let's take our time.
In fact, Akira's marksmanship has improved dramatically. The accuracy of precision shooting with
Alpha's support is simply extraordinary, and Akira, who has become accustomed to it, has only
unconsciously raised his standards higher.
'......, yes.'
Encouraged by Alpha, Akira regained his discouraged enthusiasm. He returned to the driver's seat
and exhaled lightly. Then he somehow saw the trailer behind him.
Cheryl. It's that trailer. ......"
We've done everything we can to disguise the location of the ruins, so there's little danger of them
being exposed from that trailer.
Oh, yeah.
Akira was about to ask something as simple as where he borrowed it from, but was a little surprised
when he got a more detailed explanation than he expected.
Cheryl continues to explain.
When Akira told Cheryl about collecting artifacts at the Yonozuka Station site, she did the best
she could in the short time she had there.
Cheryl and her team are ostensibly headed to the city of Narahagaka this time. To do so, we had a
dispute with the supplier of the ingredients for the hot sandwiches. They made their price point
and pointed out the cost of transportation, pretending that they were trying to lower the price of
their purchases.
The vendor cannot accept that this is so. They try to refuse to lower the price by telling them how
difficult the transportation is. Then, interspersed with sales pitches, he suggested that if they
insisted so much, they should try to transport the goods themselves. Of course, Cheryl led the
conversation so that this would happen.
Cheryl took him up on his offer and secured his promise to consider the purchase price if he
succeeded in making the round trip to Narahagaka city on his own.
The contractor added the condition that a regular trailer, not a wilderness trailer, be provided and
that it be used to travel to and from the city of Narahagaka. The contractor added the condition
that a non-wilderness trailer be used for the trip to and from the city of Narahagakah.
Of course, that too was guided by Cheryl. The trailer is borrowed, but it is not rented for hunters,
so there is no danger of them finding out the route of travel later.
Akira is ostensibly treated as an escort for that transport. Cheryl went out of her way to request it,
and it is listed as such in her personal history on her personal page in the hunter's office.
The reason I kept Darris in the dark about this Akira is that in the promises he made to the vendors,
it is unclear whether accompanying Akira would be within the scope of Cheryl and her team's own
Precisely on that pretext, the question of their leaving the city with Akira in the middle of the night
was erased from Dalis and his partner, Katsuragi.
Secretly leaving earlier than the stipulated time with Akira, he is playing a small trick to increase
the chances of a successful round trip to Narahagaka city and back. To mislead us into believing
Cheryl had done all this to prevent the Yonozka Station site from being exposed.
Akira nodded in admiration when he heard this explanation.
I see. Then I guess I'll be okay."
If I had more time, I could have done a few more things, but it wouldn't have made sense if
someone else had found the ruins in the meantime. We compromised."
Well, well, that's just the way it is, isn't it?"
Akira inwardly wondered if he had done enough to compromise, if he had not done enough to
prevent exposure, and he was a little depressed, thinking about how much he had wanted to go to
the Yonozuka Station ruins with Morozusen-san.
However, since Akira was simply hired as an escort, it would not be a failure in terms of the request
if I, as the client, had escorted him without any problems. Please rest assured that I will not tarnish
Akira's military history."
Oh, yeah. Thanks."
No, of course not.
Akira was a little saddened by Cheryl's work ethic, feeling that she was not up to the task.
Alpha smiles meaningfully at Akira.
Akira will have to be able to do that on his own eventually. It looks like a long way to go.
'Yes, that's right. Let's take our time.'
Akira smiled bitterly so Cheryl wouldn't see.

Akira and his team arrived at the Yonozuka Station ruins a long way off. This was also Cheryl's
manipulation to keep her children from guessing the location of the ruins based on travel time and
other factors.
Cheryl compromised there, too, although Elio, driving a quicksand trailer, could see that he was
taking the long way around. Because of that compromise, Elio was nailed by Cheryl who told him
that if he said anything bad, she would kill him.
It is Alfa, not Elio, who is actually driving the trailer. He has given Akira's spare information
terminal to Erio, who has it connected to the vehicle's control unit so that he can intervene in the
driving process.
Erio thought that the trailer, which moved smoothly even when driven by an amateur, was
equipped with a very sophisticated driving aid.
When they arrived at the ruins, the children, who are the carriers of the relics, were not yet ready
to go to work. First, Akira needs to dig up the entrance and exit of the ruins again.
With the power of his reinforced clothes, Akira is able to clear away the debris one after another.
Cheryl and Erio watched in amazement. And the sound of the debris being cleared away frightened
the children still in the back of the truck.
After safely opening the doorway, Akira peers into its depths. Then, with Alpha's support, the back
of the staircase, which had been engulfed in darkness, was shown extended to the bottom.
What's that? Alpha. I thought this extended display was based on the information from the
information gathering device, so the out-of-range areas would be dimmed?"
Yes, it is. Akira's information-gathering equipment alone can't see all the way to the bottom of the
stairs. But the small terminal that Elena installed before is still alive, so we are adding information
from that and displaying it.
'Ah, the one that Elena-san was shooting at all kinds of places. I didn't know it was still working.
I wonder what's going on with the energy and stuff.
'If it's just standby energy, it probably consumes less. I just activated it. I linked it to Elena and her
team's equipment during the previous relic collection, so it was ready to be activated even by me.
'I see. Then you know if there are any monsters within the information collection area?'
I understand. I don't see any response within range.'
Seeing no problem, Akira decided to begin collecting artifacts in earnest.
Cheryl. Get the lights out."
I understand.
The back of the trailer is opened and a number of lights are taken out from inside. They were cheap
and only illuminated the surrounding area, but a number of them were available.
Akira packed it in his backpack, entered the ruins, and began setting it up to the desired location.
Knowing that there were no monsters, he skipped the search and went down the stairs at a brisk

Before dawn, the children of the clique were unloaded from the cart and gathered in front of the
entrance to the Yonozuka Station site. They were then given instructions by Cheryl.
Enter the ruins, follow the lights to the back, and return with the artifacts. That's all the instructions.
But whether they could be carried out or not was another matter.
Okay, everyone, let's get started."
Cheryl said with a smile and clapped her hands. But no one moved. Then Cheryl's tone changes to
an order as the boss of the clique.
You may begin."
The children flinched at Cheryl's intimidation. But still they only looked at each other.
Cheryl softens her tone.
I'm fine. Akira even went in and installed the lights once. He said the monsters have been
exterminated. All they have to do is bring the relics back. Don't worry. It's no big deal.
The children relaxed slightly, but still no one stepped forward. They were not hunters. Even the
boys, who had been briefed beforehand, were second-guessing their decision to actually go out
into the wilderness, hear the gunshots, and stand in front of the ruins, where monsters were said to
Cheryl again changes her tone back to instructions and threats.
Yes. Then I'll leave them all here and go home. Akira is not wasting his time feeding us. Next
time, we'll have to bring in someone who will work for us. Bye.
Seeing Cheryl trying to get back to the car, and Akira following her, the boys' agitation quickly
increased. But even so, they were limited to looking at the entrance and exit of the ruins with grim
Then a voice calls out to Cheryl.
When Cheryl turned to look in her direction, Nasha was holding up her hand.
We'll get it. So wait."
Nasha pulls Lucia toward the stairs. Lucia was frightened, but she forcefully takes her.
Lucia. Please. Come with me. I'll take your place if anything happens to you. Just for now, hang
in there."
Then Nasha stared at Lucia.
Lucia was still shaking a little, but she gripped her hands tightly, erased the fright from her face as
best she could, and nodded.
Thank you. Let's go."
Nasha laughed as much as she could. Then she and Lucia walked into the ruins.
Cheryl gives the boys a cold stare.
'So I can leave the rest of you behind? Then take off your equipment and disappear. The equipment
is a part of the clique. Leave it. If you try to take it back, we'll consider you a thief. You didn't steal
it from me. It's from Akira, okay?"
The boys' gazes turn to Akira. Akira looked like he didn't care.
But it seemed to the boys that their lives did not matter. It was a natural thought, since the other
party was someone who would kill a member of a hostile clique to get into its stronghold.
One by one, the boys entered the ruins. It did not take long before they all gave up and entered the
Cheryl exhales a light breath of relief and then apologizes to Akira.
I'm sorry. I thought I did a good job of selecting people. ......"
No, I was a little naive too. You're right. It's an archaeological site, isn't it? Even if they say there
are no monsters, I didn't check for myself, and I don't want to go in there.
Akira understood once again from the boys' attitude that ruins are inherently such a terrifying
After waiting for a while, a survivor emerges from that horrible place. It was Nasha and the others
who were the first to enter the ruins. Packing their relics into the backpacks they had been given
in advance, they returned safely, mentally and physically exhausted.
He then places the backpack in front of Cheryl and opens it to show her what's inside. Cheryl
smiled with satisfaction as she and Akira checked the contents.
Then put that in the back of the truck. You can repack them into cardboard boxes and stack them
from the back."
Lucia nodded silently and headed for the back of the truck. She was too tired to reply.
Nasha remained there, slightly lost. Then Cheryl asked straightforwardly.
Nasha hesitated further, then bowed her head to Akira, not Cheryl.
...... Akira. Now can't we just get by with just Lucia?"
Hmm?" I'd like you to tell Cheryl about what goes on in the clique, not me. ......"
Pay back what you owe Akira-san. That's what the boss instructed me to do."
Akira had assumed that Lucia had already taken his wallet, and because of this, it took him a little
while to understand what she meant.
I said, "Oh, so that's how it is. I understand. I got what I owed. Cheryl. Use your judgment from
now on."
I understand. Nasha. Tell Lucia to thank Akira."
Thank you."
Nasha bowed deeply to Akira and the others. Then she carried her heavy backpack into the back
of the truck, staggering a bit. She was very tired, but she was smiling to tell Lucia about this as
soon as possible.
Cheryl, on the other hand, was a little dubious about Akira's decision. Somehow, it seemed to her
that Akira had made a decision that was out of character for him.
Akira. If we re-treat Nasha and the others in the clique with the judgment that the debt has been
paid, Nasha will be the leader of the clique, and Lucia will be treated normally by placing her
under him, is that okay?"
I don't think it's my place to ask Cheryl about that, but if that's what she decides, that's fine with
me, right?"
I see." ...... I understand."
If Akira says so, I have no objection to Cheryl. But the feeling of discomfort remained.
(......Speaking of discomfort, it's odd when Akira didn't kill Lucia at that time. He was in a hurry
at the time and didn't realize it, but Akira should have known that such a lenient handling of the
situation might cause problems later on. ......)
Cheryl was bothered for a while by the discomfort that appeared just as she thought the trouble
was over.

Akira and his team were making good progress in collecting artifacts at the Yonozuka Station site.
Akira continues to scout the surroundings on the ground. Even as the sun rises overhead, there is
no sign of the monsters. The same is true underground, and the small terminal that Elena has set
up in the ruins shows no sign of monsters. Both above and below ground remained safe.
Thanks to this, the only thing preventing the children from collecting artifacts was the exertion of
carrying the heavy relics deep into the ruins, through dimly lit corridors with poor lighting, up long
flights of stairs equivalent to a four-story building, finally to the surface, rest a little, and then go
underground again.
Cheryl's subordinates are desperately working hard in the flesh to do hard labor that they would
not willingly do even if they were wearing reinforced clothing. Akira looked at them sideways and
remembered the hardships he once endured carrying relics from the depths of the Kuzuthara Street
ruins in the flesh.
Thanks to the children's efforts, the cart is already half full of relics. Since they are not carefully
selected and are hauled in haphazardly, the results are not always commensurate with the quantity.
However, Akira was satisfied.
The people are very helpful in the collection of relics. The best thing is that there is no danger that
the relics I have collected will be stolen while I am deep in the ruins.
Alpha laughs beside Akira.
You worry too much. I don't deny it, but if you worry too much, you won't be able to collect relics
by yourself, will you?
I know. But you can never be too careful, can you?"
If it were Akira's vehicle, it could be concealed by covering it with a camouflage sheet, but the
size of this trailer makes it stand out from the crowd.
Then the car might be attacked by monsters and scrapped, or the relics might be stolen by a hunter
who happens to be passing by.
At least Akira was not optimistic enough to dismiss the odds as rare.
And as if to confirm this, a response appears on the car's search equipment.
Akira. There are two cars coming this way.
Roger that.
Akira shouts loudly toward the back of the truck.
Cheryl! Two cars approaching! Watch out!"
I understand!"
Cheryl, who had given instructions to pack the relics into the back of the truck, stopped her work
and immediately began to disguise the presence of the ruins.

Two vehicles, one a large trailer that was not wilderness-specification and the other a bus that was,
in a manner of speaking, wilderness-specification, were making their way through the wilderness,
somewhat similar to the combination of Akira and his vehicles.
A man named Dale, driving a trailer, lets out a sigh and blurts out.
...... totally, I don't know how I ended up taking on this kind of work."
Hearing this, the man in the passenger seat laughed happily.
What are you talking about? That's not how it works! Of course it's because I have a huge debt."
Dale's face contorted in disgust.
I ain't got any of that stuff."
Oh? What, are you trying to tell me that my debt is a pittance? That doesn't make much difference
when you're in this!"
Dale's voice is also raised by the man's teasing attitude.
I ain't got no debt!"
Don't joke about it! Then why are you in this? Do you think you are the only honest hunter? It's
The man is laughing as if he is lightly intoxicated. Dale thought there was no point in trying to
deal with him anymore, and inwardly poked venom at the source of the situation that had led him
to this point.
(Damn brokers! You're a joke! You're a joke! You're a joke! I'll protest for sure!)
There are many livelihoods in the East that are related to the hunter's business. One of them is the
brokerage business for hunters. They offer a wide range of services, from job placement to team
building and temporary staffing.
Dale registered himself as a referral agency, a type of brokerage.
Friends who are willing to trust their lives to each other in the wilderness are precious, but finding
such people is difficult. It is also difficult to find people who are willing to accept compensation
and the length of time they are willing to work.
Referral agencies compensate for these and are utilized by many hunters. Many hunters use
referrals because they are relatively trustworthy, even if they are strangers, as long as they are
mediated by a good referral agency.
Serious agencies will refuse to register or introduce a person who is of bad conduct or, in extreme
cases, whose partners disappear or die one after another. The same is true for those who cause
numerous problems after referrals.
The good referral agencies are weeded out by such a process, leaving only those who are relatively
Due in part to the management efforts of Tongtou Kikanren to keep hunters from becoming a
group of powerfully armed robbers, being registered with a good referral agency was now one of
the foils for hunters.
Dale was then referred by one of the referral agencies to a temporary opening to fill a vacant
collective artifact collection job.
It is common for hunters to join with another team of hunters to collect artifacts at slightly more
difficult sites, for safety reasons.
Introducing agencies may be willing to create opportunities and gather participants. However,
sometimes there are not enough participants to flow.
Dale was recruited for this type of collective artifact collection work, assuming that the minimum
number of workers could not be met due to vacancies. However, the job description was far from
what Dale had expected.

The other one, a wilderness-specification bus, was carrying the main force of the mass relic
collection operation.
Kolbe, the overall leader and monitor of the hunters, speaks a little harshly to Guba, the leader of
the actual working group.
Guba. Just so you know, it's about due, right?"
Guba turned an irritated, stern face toward Kolbe.
I know.
'I hope you know that, but you also know that trailer relics aren't enough, right?'
Kolbe reminds him of this, and Gyuba's voice cracks up involuntarily.
I know! Shut up!"
Kolbe was not too upset, but ended the conversation with a slight nod of his head, as if he were a
little taken aback.
The giubas doing the collective artifact collection work are hunters who are heavily in debt. They
are forced to drive their vehicles to distant ruins that they cannot return to on foot, and collect
artifacts to repay their debts.
The trailer is loaded with relics collected by Guba and his friends. But even after selling them, they
are still far from paying off their debts.
Dale is driving the trailer because he has no debt. He was the only personnel who had gone out of
his way to provide a separate line of work so that he wouldn't steal a relic hauling trailer in a fit of
debt woes, and Kolbe was the only one who knew about it.
Guba is not a bad hunter, and in anticipation of his skills, he has been assigned as the leader of an
operational unit and is allowed to wear a reinforced uniform.
But the debt had grown too large to be covered by his arms. The interest was ballooning, and it
was only a matter of time before he would be dropped into a worse situation.
They may be subjected to a simple cyborg procedure, and even though they are alive, they may be
deprived of the freedom of their limbs and sent into the depths of dangerous ruins as if they were
pawns to be discarded. They may be subjected to unapproved combat drugs.
Whatever else it is, there is no doubt that they will be in a suitably miserable state, having their
human rights sold out to pay off their debts.
Guba, who knew this better than anyone else, was impatient.
(Damn it! My debt won't even go down because of these useless trash! I'll kill you!)
The reason they don't do that is that if a person dies on the team, the survivors are under the
agreement that their debts are to be carried by the survivors. There is no trust, but they help each
other for their own benefit. That is how it works.
Still, there will be deaths. That is what the hunter's business is all about.
In addition, the participants are all problematic people who have debts that they cannot repay with
their own skills. In some cases, going out to collect relics ended up adding to the debt.
(We gotta do something ......, even undiscovered ruins are a shot in the arm if you happen to find
them ......)
Although he knew that such a convenient thing would never happen, Gyuba had a feeling of
clinging to the straw that was floating in his mind.
At that time, the trailer contacts us.
Reaction ahead. A car is approaching."
The trailers transporting the relics carry better equipment according to the value of the load than
the buses transporting the giubas. This allowed them to detect the vehicle's approach very early.
Guba checked ahead and sure enough, a wilderness-specification vehicle was approaching.
However, Guba thought that the other vehicle would yield to him due to the size of their vehicles,
so he paid no attention to it.
What is it?"
In addition, a short-range general-purpose communication arrives from that vehicle. The person
driving the bus connects it to the microphone inside the vehicle.
The escort is having vehicle trouble and has stopped ahead of us. I'm sorry, but you'll have to give
way. Can you hear me? If you can hear me, at least answer me. Our escort is at ......."
The voice belonged to Akira.

Akira watched Guba and his team's car from the vehicle.
'Hmmm. There's no sign of changing course. Didn't you hear me?"
'Maybe they are, maybe they're just ignoring you.'
It's a pain in the ass."
Akira knows that he is not obligated to give way to the other party. Giving way in the wilderness
is a way for both parties to avoid getting into trouble for approaching unnecessarily. If you think
the other person is a small thing, there is no need to avoid him.
A corollary would be that the robber is trying to guide the path of the other party. If it is a group
of transport vehicles, it may be safer to plow through them.
As Akira was waiting to see what the other party would come up with, Gyuba's vehicle came to a
halt when it was close to a certain point. Then Kolbe, Guba, and Dale get out of the car.
Akira, who was watching the scene, looked a little dubious.
'They're arguing about something. What is it?
Kolbe and the others approached Akira as they were.

Dale let his frustration show on his face.

Why bother stopping at all?" Why don't we just go around?"
Guba becomes irritated and grumpy with the instructions.
I'm the one who decides. Don't tell me what to do.
Dale looked at Kolbe, but Kolbe shook his head lightly.
I'm sorry," he said. I'm sorry, but I'm putting him in charge of the unit. For now.
Guba became increasingly grumpy when he was implicitly nailed with a warning that he would
not be limited to that if he failed to repay the loan.
Gyuba comes straight to Akira's front and lightly assesses his opponent.
Was that you on the other line?
Yes," he said. I'm sorry to do this on our end, but could you please detour?"
It's not that narrow. Let me through."
There are plenty of narrow streets and places to pass. You just have to go through a little further."
That's your convenience, isn't it?"
Akira, who was a little lost, slightly sternened his face and gave it a try, wondering if he was just
being arrogant or if he had a reason for coming to make things difficult.
What are your demands?"
Guba laughs when he decides he's pulled it off.
We just want you to give us as much as you're willing to give us."
Akira then switched his mind, deciding that he had come to collect from them with some difficulty.
Just out of curiosity, how much?
Yes, a million aurums."
Guba then pointed to the bus behind him and their forces. The reason he went to the trouble of
stopping the vehicle was because he wanted to make a few coins out of the difficulty, and he
thought that if he could make them understand the number of troops on the bus, he would be able
to get a better idea of what was going on.
Of course, Guba did not expect to get a million aurums for this, but he was hoping that even
100,000 aurums would be enough to pay off his debts and cover the interest. That's how much
money they were in need of.
And I also thought that with the difference in strength between us, we would give that much.
But Akira, his expression slightly darker and more ruthless, retorts as he should.
I refuse. It would be cheaper to kill you all."
Gyuba didn't think he was being serious and glared at Akira, thinking he was returning the
And while this grim atmosphere is exacerbated by the wilderness environment, a scolding shout
flies from the other direction.
Hey! Screw you! Is that why you pulled over? Stop it! It's idiots like you that ruin the reputation
of hunters!"
Dale's interjection brings a look of surprise to Akira's face. At the same time, a distinction was
made in Akira's perception between gyuba and others.
Beside Kolbe's wry smile, Gyuba's mood worsens when he is interrupted by an unnecessary
Shut up! You stay out of this!"
I'm a hunter! I won't stand by and let a robber, let alone a hunter, like you, carry me around without
a word!"
Seeing Gyuba and Dale, who had left him alone and started arguing, Akira returned to his once-
switched consciousness. He exhaled lightly in exasperation.
So, are you going to reroute us or not?"
It was Kolbe who made that decision. We end the conversation with a light laugh.
I get it. I'll go around. My bad. Guba. Let's go home.
Hey! You promised not to interfere with my instructions!"
That's only for directing the collection of artifacts," he said. I'm not going to get into a story where
there are dead people where it doesn't concern me. Let's go home."
When Kolbe changed his face from a wry smile to a stern one, Gyuba, who had been intimidated,
pulled back meekly with a grim expression on his face. Dale, seeing this, laughed in good humor.
Kolbe and the others return to their vehicles and change course. Akira saw this and moved his own
vehicle back to Cheryl and the others.

Kolbe and his group proceeded to take a wide detour around Akira and his group. Guba was in the
car, looking out with a grim look on his face.
Akira and his car appeared in his field of vision. Guba clicked his tongue as if to throw up, then
took out his binoculars and looked at Akira and the others somehow.
I see the hunter of the child who was displeased with him, the girl who is smiling happily at him,
and the child who is carrying out the load from the transport vehicle. There, Guba's face changed
from merely grim to suspicious.
(...... They're all kids. What kind of gathering is this? And keeping the load out? If the escort is
that transport vehicle, why bother to take the load out? (Vehicle trouble, right?)
Gyuba, who was watching Akira and the others as they were, suddenly realized.
(Hmm? Where did the load I just put out go? I don't see it. (Just hiding behind the debris?)
Guba continued to think with an increasingly dubious look on his face, but was interrupted by
Hey, don't look at the kid, think about the next relic collection. Don't think you can go home
without a good haul?"
I know!"
Guba replied impatiently, then switched his attention to trying to figure out where to go next to
collect relics.
However, I was strangely caught up with Akira and the others and could not think clearly.

When Akira told Cheryl about the situation, she smiled in relief.
I see. I'm glad I didn't cause a scene."
Oh," he said. Thank God they pulled it off so easily. ...... hmm? Cheryl. Why are you taking the
relics out of the back of the truck and putting them back in the ruins?"
We had a little trick up our sleeves in case they came this way."
Cheryl then went with Akira to the entrance of the ruins and pointed to the back of the stairs. On
the landing of that staircase were stacked cardboard boxes filled with relics.
I think it's enough to disguise the inside of a basement, even if someone sees inside."
Stacked cardboard boxes form a wall, concealing a staircase leading deep into the basement. It
does not reach the ceiling, but the nearby lights are turned off, so it is not obvious at a glance.
If asked, he plans to say that it is an important cargo and that he is temporarily moving it to the
basement ruins of a building he found nearby. Cheryl explained.
Akira nodded lightly, impressed.
I see. But won't this make it impossible for us to collect relics too? Do we have to evict them every
The boxes are empty where they go through, so it's fine. And for the time being, we'll put the relics
brought in from the back in the aisle in front of the stairs."
Akira nodded in agreement.
Alpha. I guess I should have at least covered the doorways with camouflage sheets during my
previous search, huh?"
'It's all about risk/reward in that area.
If the camouflage sheet is used to cover the entrance and exit of the site during the artifact
collection, it may even reveal that there is someone who wants to hide it when it is discovered,
which may draw extra interest.
Originally, it was not that noticeable if you were just driving by nearby. Sometimes it is better to
expect the possibility of being overlooked. Alfa explained.
'Hmmm. That's how it is.'
Even Akira would have left the entrance to the space he found in the debris field over there,
wouldn't he? I think there are a lot of similar places.
Oh, I see.
Akira was convinced and felt a little depressed with himself for not being able to think about many

Guba continued to contemplate his next relic collection as he was being rocked by a wilderness-
specification bus, but he couldn't help but think about Akira and the others.
Then, out of an idea, he calls out to Kolbe.
Hey, I have a suggestion. Let's go back to that kid."
What?" What are you talking about?"
You said, "Vehicle trouble. Let's tow them to the city and get paid for it. I can escort you if you
want. You might even get a nice reward for the emergency request. What do you think?
Kolbe thought he had a point in that suggestion, but quickly rescinded it.
I can't do it," he said. You're the one who tried to get money out of me by making it difficult for
me. There's no way they would accept it. You should hate yourself for doing something stupid.
But Guba laughed back.
That's the thing," he said. That's what I would have done if I had suggested it to them. But that
guy, Dale, the one who was so aggressive with me, right? And if you, who showed me your
superiority, make a proposal, it could be negotiated.
Kolbe regained some room for thought after hearing this explanation, and Guba continued.
If you want, why don't you just make soup stock out of me? Just say something like, "I'll give you
a discount as an apology for that idiot's rudeness. That's right. Let's hear his opinion too.
Guba then connected with the trailer and explained his proposal to Dale. Dale's concern came back
in the other direction.
They may be gone. Besides, if they had enough trouble to tow it, they would have towed it with
that car."
Even if they are no longer there, why don't you at least go and check? Besides, the transport vehicle
may be carrying something heavy, and that vehicle may not have enough power to tow it. If that's
the case, then we can get by with our vehicles as well, can't we?"
Hmmm. But you know... ......"
Dale also thinks the proposal itself is a good thing. However, he also thought that it would deviate
from the scope of his current request if it were to extend to escorting the other party.
It was as good as changing the request in midstream, and as a hunter, Dale did not like that kind
of change.
But then Guba continues in a lightly mocking manner.
"What, you thought you were the good guy back then, but all you did was talk? You don't owe me
that much, do you?"
What?" ...... would be good. I agree."
Despite the provocation and the frustration in his voice, Dale agreed. Guba gloated that he had
succeeded and turned his attention to Kolbe.
You know what? I want to pay my debts, too. I don't know if the next relic collection will go well.
So I don't want to miss out on a golden opportunity. Please do me a favor.
I understand." ...... That's good."
Kolbe was subtly concerned, but when he was told it was for the purpose of repaying a debt, it was
difficult to refuse from his position and he accepted the proposal.
All right. Hey! You heard me! We're going back!"
Guba's happy voice echoed through the bus. The hunters on board wondered why Guba seemed so
happy, but no one was able to discern his intentions.
Episode 78 Someone's Up to Something

Akira and his team were about to reach the final stage of collecting relics.
In the aisle closest to the entrance and exit of the Yonozuka Station site, there is a pile of cardboard
boxes filled with relics. These were all packed into the back of a trailer, which was too crowded
to accommodate the children in the clique.
All that remained was to bring them up to the ground, load them on the back of the truck, and
depart. When Cheryl reported this to Akira, his face relaxed with a good mood at the excellent
I'll be right back," he said. Then let's pack up the relics and go home right away."
I left the lights in place, what do you want me to do?"
I think we should just leave it as is. If we haven't found this entrance by the time we come back
next time, we can use it again."
I understand. Then I'll just cut it off."
Oh," he said. I asked."
Cheryl moves away from Akira to give instructions to her subordinates.
When Cheryl was stopped, she turned to see Akira smiling slightly embarrassed.
I really appreciate your help. Thanks a lot.
Cheryl looked surprised for a moment, then smiled back very happily.
Alpha asks lightly with his usual smile on the surface.
Akira. You look so happy.
I'm happy for you," he said. That amount of relics, you know? I wouldn't be surprised if it was as
much as 50 million aurums.
That's it?"
'That's all you're saying, ......, 50 million? No, it's certainly not set to sell for 50 million, and it may
be too early to get carried away. But you can count on it, can't you?"
Akira replied happily. The content of his reply was different in direction from Alpha's concerns.
So Alpha drops his concerns once and for all. Then he smiled meaningfully, as if to stir up Akira's
You can hope all you want, but keep your expectations to yourself until you have finished the
redemption," he said. With Akira's bad luck, I wouldn't be surprised if anything happens after this.
Akira's anxiety is unnecessarily aroused, and he puts a hard look of anxiety on his face. Even
though he knew he was being teased, it was difficult for him to laugh it off due to his previous
'...... alpha. Let's not talk like that, shall we?'
Akira. Stay alert."
'So I'm not going to relax until I get home, so don't waste your time making me anxious like that:
Then Akira notices Alpha's serious expression and immediately switches his attention to him.
Enemy or Foe? Monster?"
No. It's a car. The people who were trying to make things difficult for Akira a while ago have come
It's true,' he said. What are you doing back here?'
I don't know. That's why we need to be vigilant.'
I guess so."
Akira informed Cheryl of the situation and got back into the vehicle to keep Kolbe and the others

As Akira parked his car a short distance away from Cheryl and the others to watch the Kolbe's
departure, the Kolbe's stopped their car as before and the three of them came to Akira's door.
What do you want?"
When Akira tells him this with a foreground of caution, Gyuba laughs playfully.
Don't be so alarmed. I'm sorry about that time. I have a good story to tell you."
Akira changes the quality of his voice from warning to caution.
"You think I'm going to listen to you? Go home."
Guba flinched, took a step back, and raised his hands lightly.
Don't be so intimidated. Dale and Kolbe over here will do the talking. I'm just here to apologize.
Dale exhaled lightly in disgust and looked apologetic to Akira. Kolbe then chuckles lightly and
enters the conversation.
I'm Kolbe. He's Dale. You don't have to deal with this idiot over here named Guba."
That's terrible.
Shut up. And I just want you to listen to what I have to say. If not, I'll leave immediately. I don't
want any trouble."
Next, Dale continues, showing his apology with his attitude.
I'm sorry for this fool's foolishness. I have something to say to you to make up for it. I don't mean
to cause you any trouble. Please listen to what I have to say.
When Akira heard from Dale about the details of Gyuba's proposal, he became more dubious.
'Alpha. Do you think it's true?"
At least I don't see any signs of lying. I think it's safe to assume he means what he says.
Where's the other one?"
Why don't you ask him?"
Akira gives Gyuba a hard look.
Is that true?"
Guba then smiled bitterly to cover it up.
You don't believe anything I say, do you? You're going to have to hear it from these two. I'll say
all you want if you say it's true, but do you believe me?"
Kolbe lets out a sigh and lets Guba back down.
You shut up. And, well, we're sorry too, but it's not all pure good intentions. We want to be paid,
whether it's towing or escorting. Of course, we're willing to take a discount for what this idiot has
done. How's that sound?"
He meant it.
So. ......."
Akira was a bit troubled. For Akira and his colleagues, who were not actually experiencing any
vehicle problems, Kolbe and his team's suggestion was nothing but an unnecessary kindness.
However, the offer was made in good faith and with an apology, and there was no reason to refuse
it. In addition, it seemed unnatural for him to refuse the offer while he was stranded in the
wilderness. He tried to come up with a good excuse.
I'll just take it. I can't give you the details because it's a personal situation over here, but I don't
think my employer would take the offer."
Akira looked at the other side to see how this would work. Then Dale's well-meaning suggestion
was returned.
I'm not going to get too deep into your situation, but I think you should at least talk to your
employer, don't you? As long as you can talk like that, you must be a very trusted escort, but there
is a territory. Don't you agree?"
Uh, yes, but ......"
When Akira is at a loss to say anything, Kolbe continues.
I'd like to talk to your employer. If they refuse, I will leave. As for me, I think it's better to leave
the contract talk to the higher-ups, don't you? How's that sound?"
Akira thinks of an excuse. He managed to come up with one.
'Then I'll have you disarmed. All of your guns and the energy packs in your reinforced suits. As
an escort, that's non-negotiable. What do you think? If you don't like it, give it up."
You don't want to give up your equipment in the wilderness. Akira thought so, and he
congratulated himself on what a good excuse he had.
But it is easily overturned.
Guba held a gun and energy pack out in front of Akira.
Akira, Dale, and Kolbe were surprised. Then Guba smiled meaningfully and pointed behind him.
'In case you haven't noticed, there are a lot of our guys on that bus. We've disarmed them, I might
add, okay?"
Dale followed in his opposition to Guba and disarmed him. But Kolbe shook his head with a grim
look on his face.
I'm sorry, but I can't do it. You two go."
Two people who fulfilled the conditions are waiting for Akira's reply. Akira's head was in his
hands, but he followed the words he had given himself.
I understand." ...... Get on it."
Akira was once again a little depressed at his lack of thought, thinking that he had been careless.
It was a little later when I realized that I should have brought Cheryl instead of the two of them,
which made a further dent.

Cheryl quickly assessed the situation with a message sent to her information terminal in the short
time before Akira brought Dale and the others.
He then takes off his coat and greets Dale and his friends with a natural display of his expensive-
looking clothes, and politely bows his head, pretending that he is hearing Dale's proposal for the
first time.
I am sorry. We appreciate your concern, but our contract with the other party does not allow us to
use your help. Please withdraw."
Dale was a bit surprised to be greeted by someone unexpected. However, while he was
uncomfortable with the combination of the trailer, which seemed cheap to his own senses, and
Cheryl's light, even graceful appearance, he prioritized the situation of such a young girl stranded
in the wilderness.
I'm a hunter too. I understand the importance of contracts. But are you sure? There's no safe place
in the wilderness to be stranded, you know?"
Don't worry. We have guards and other arrangements in place, although I can't give you specific
details because of the contract.
"Escort is ......, he seems to be the only one ......"
Dale glances at Akira. He looks well equipped, but he doesn't look very strong. At least she didn't
look strong enough to be entrusted with escorting Cheryl, who looked like a young lady from
But Cheryl returned a big smile.
I'll be fine. Akira is my reassuring escort whom I trust more than anyone else."
The smile was not acting but shining, reflecting that Cheryl meant what she said.
Dale laughed softly, surprised to be lightly fawned over.
I see. In that case, we're pulling out. Have a safe trip home."
Yes," he said. Thank you."
Hey, let's go home.
"...... hmm? Oh. Okay."
Guba, who had not spoken a word while Dale and Cheryl were talking, answered only that last
question and ultimately did not join the conversation.

On the way back to the bus after leaving Akira and the others, Dale turned a puzzled look at Gyuba.
He was wondering how Guba, who had willingly agreed to be disarmed, was really just along for
the ride.
What are you doing following me?"
Well, you know what? I thought I'd at least see what his employer looks like."
Gyuba fudged it appropriately by saying so. Of course, that was not the reason.

Akira dropped Dale and the others off halfway, then returned his equipment and turned around,
letting out a sigh on the way back.
'Contractually, I can't talk about it. Contractually, I can't. Was that a simple reply enough?'
Akira's sigh was deep because he was aware that he had complicated the situation with a poor
That's where Alpha gets a little serious.
Akira. Just a word of advice. It might be dangerous to let them go home alive.
What? Why not? They must not know about the ruins, right?"
For now. But they might find out sooner or later.'
Guba had been checking his surroundings ever since he was disarmed and led by Akira to Cheryl.
He also took a good look at the condition of the transport vehicles.
If the vehicle trouble is detected as Lie from there, there is a fear that there was some reason to
stop at this location. At the very least, they would be interested in this location.
After that, they might try to investigate the surroundings, deciding that there is something in this
area. Even if what they are looking for is not the entrance to the Yonozuka Station site, it is just as
easy to find.
When Akira hears this explanation from Alpha, he turns around involuntarily. There is the
unprotected back of Dale and the others.
'...... That's just the kind of concern you're talking about, right?'
Yes, it is. We're also talking about a certain probability of it happening.'
And it is also about how much to respond to an event that we do not know how likely it is to occur.
Akira thought about it for a moment and came to a conclusion.
I'm not going to do it. I'm sure one of them only proposed it in good faith, and I don't think the
other one would be the one to keep his mouth shut because he knows the ruins exist.'
For now, it is only a concern. And even if it has been found as a concern, it can't be helped. By
Akira's own standards, killing the other party and shading the existence of the Yonozuka Station
ruins was not the way to go.
'Alpha. Think I'm not thinking straight?"
Alpha laughs lightly.
Everyone has his or her own feeling about it," he said. I don't mind if Akira decides so.
'......, I see.'
Akira laughed as if he felt a little better.

As Akira watched with Cheryl as the relics were packed into the trailer, he spoke of his concerns
and rationale for exposing the Yonozuka Station site.
Hearing this, Cheryl bowed her head apologetically.
I am sorry. I may have made some clumsiness on my part.
Akira laughs and shakes his head lightly.
Well, that's all I'm saying," he said. Don't worry about it. If it doesn't work after all that
concealment, there's nothing I can do about it."
That's very kind of you to say."
By the way, what would Cheryl think if she were on the other side?"
I think that means they stopped by here in a transport vehicle to bring something in or take
something out. And if they went to all that trouble to come to a place like this, it's because they
have a hiding place or delivery point for very expensive and dangerous goods."
What's such a bad product, for example?"
Like, "Diversions from the Hunter's Office Relic Buying Station, ......?"
Oh, that certainly sounds bad."
The loading process is finished while they are chatting. Then, Akira's view of the ruins of a nearby
building came into view as he decided to fill in the entrance and exit of the ruins again, just in case.
Looking at the ruins of the building, only a portion of which remained near the wall due to some
structure, Akira asked Alpha about an idea he had.
Hearing this, Alpha confirms in the affirmative.
You can do it, but then Akira won't be able to dig it out on his own, will he? Are you sure?"
Oh," he said. It's that big. There must be another way in or out if we look for it. So, let's block it
up already.
'All right. Then let's do it with flair.'
Akira laughed back at Alpha, who laughed happily.

Once back in the vehicle, Akira heads toward the building with the CWH objective assault rifle.
He then held the gun firmly in place with the physical capabilities of his reinforced clothing.
Even though the building looks almost like it collapsed, it is a quintessential Old World structure
and is sturdy enough to remain in this condition without collapsing. It still needs more time before
it collapses naturally.
But if they are to be artificially collapsed, that's a different story.
Akira takes good aim and pulls the trigger. The powerful specialized bullet that was shot out lands
on the fragile parts of the building, dents and spreads cracks radially.
After surveying the condition of the building with information-gathering equipment, Alpha used
this information to calculate the most effective shooting points to bring the building down. Each
time a bullet was fired, the impact of the impact of the bullet landing was transmitted to the interior
of the walls, drastically reducing the durability of the entire building.
After continuing to shoot and changing the magazine twice, the barely remaining building began
to creak. Small pieces of debris were already spilling from the walls.
Akira. This is enough preparation.
I understand. Then let's see the power of the new reinforced suits.'
Akira puts away the CWH objective assault rifle and stands on the side of the building, smiling
happily. Then he readies himself and takes a deep breath. In response, the output of his reinforced
suit is raised to the limit.
The next moment, Akira slammed a painful kick into the building.
The hard paved ground under the shaft foot cracks and shatters in reaction to the kick. The walls
of the building then ripple and cave in around the kicking foot, shattering despite its solidity,
spreading the impact throughout the building.
Then the building tilted.
Not enough! One more blow!
A continued roundhouse kick slammed into the wall, and the roar of the sound spread to the
surrounding area. With the impact of the den-den-hanipa, part of the wall, which had already
become quite brittle, collapsed and fell down. The building tilted further.
'Not enough? That's tough!"
Next time!
I get it!"
In a world where the flow of time has been slowed down by concentrating and manipulating the
sensory time, Akira holds the free-falling debris with both legs as his body slips backward in
reaction to the kick, and then accelerates forward and steps forward at high speed. Even the speed
of the kick is added to the power, increasing the force of the next blow.
The reinforced clothing temporarily increases energy consumption, giving the wearer's limbs
power far beyond that of a normal person. This power is then amplified by the mastery of Alpha's
support. Akira combines the two and launches a kick at the target with the maximum power
available at the moment.
The target was hit by a direct hit and collapsed, crumbling into a heap of rubble. The entrance and
exit of the Yonozuka Station ruins were completely buried by the pile of rubble.
When the dust settles after the collapse, Akira appears, stretched out wide. He looked satisfied.
'New reinforced clothes, good performance. The guy who gave ...... a bad review of this reinforced
clothing, was he dissatisfied with this performance?'
Alpha smiles with pride.
'Well, someone else doesn't have my support, so maybe it was a fair assessment in that sense, you
I know. I appreciate it.'
Akira and the others laughed good-humoredly at each other.

Cheryl watched the building collapse from a short distance away. She had expected something to
happen as she had moved away at Akira's direction, but this was unexpected.
When I realized a little later that Akira had done it to block the entrance to the ruins, I was surprised
that he would go that far for that purpose, too.
Elio, who was watching the same scene next to me, has a drawn look on his face.
...... boss, did you do that, Akira?"
I'm sure you're right. Otherwise, I wouldn't have told you to stay away from me because it's
Why did you do that?"
There is a concern that others may discover the existence of the untouched ruins, so by completely
blocking off the entrances and exits, this concern is reduced as much as possible. Cheryl surmised
that this was the case, but since there was no way to tell her, she decided to play it off appropriately.
I don't know. It just kind of happened, didn't it?"
"...... something to do somehow?"
Yes, I do. You know that Akira bought new reinforced clothes, don't you? Maybe you wanted to
test out the performance of your new enhanced clothing?"
You mean you went to all that trouble to bring that thing down for that?" he said. ...... I see."
That is a quandary. Erio once thought so, too, but the thought that Akira might do it pushed him
to drop his objection.
It's amazing."
Yeah, right.
Cheryl is the only one who sees the same scene and thinks it is genuinely awesome. The other
children, while certainly thinking it was amazing, pulled a face and were stunned and frightened
to varying degrees.
Cheryl and the others then joined Akira and returned to the city with a trailer full of relics.
With a little too much relic in the back of the truck, Lucia and Nasha were in Akira's vehicle with
Lucia and the others were once again happy with their drawn faces that Akira had forgiven them.

A short time after Akira and the others left the entrance and exit of the Yonozuka Station site,
which was buried in a pile of rubble, Gyuba appeared there in his car, tilting his head.
I'm thinking, "...... that's weird. It's supposed to be around here somewhere?"
The car's navigation system indicated that it was in this area, but there was no such place, and the
thin abandoned building nearby that might have been a landmark was nowhere to be seen.
Still, Guba drove around the area to look for it, thinking it should be in this neighborhood.
However, he could not find the place he was looking for.
Shit!" What's going on?"
For some reason, the navigation function is malfunctioning. Thinking this, he went back and tried
to reach his destination again, relying on his own memory, only to arrive at the same place.
That's impossible! It's supposed to be around here! What the hell is going on?
Guba thought that the entrance and exit of the Yonozuka Station site was some sort of hidden
There are many rumors that business people temporarily hide their illicit goods in the wilderness
or use the wilderness as a place to do business. There have also been cases of insurance fraud in
which transporters, in cahoots with their guards, hide their cargo in the wilderness, only to have
the vehicles attacked by monsters and report that they have lost both the vehicles and the cargo.
It is highly likely that the hidden warehouse is where those items are stored. Guba thought so.
It is rarely a problem for hunters to steal those items. They can simply say they found them in the
wilderness. Of course, the person from whom they stole the goods would resent them, but that is
the order of the wilderness. There were few cases of ordinary people making matters worse by
killing each other and the hunters.
Guba believes that his attempts have not been exposed because of his correspondence with Cheryl
in the wilderness.
If someone like myself came messing around and probing, I might be recognized, but it was a
good-natured hunter named Dale who made the suggestion, and there was no unnatural reaction
on Cheryl's part in responding to him.
In addition, even if they were aware of his plan, there is a limit to the amount that can be transported
in that transport vehicle. It would be impossible to transport all the goods from a warehouse so
large that it had to be built in the wilderness. That is what I thought.
So first of all, I rushed there by myself. I looked at the scene, and if it seemed too much for me to
handle, I could invite others, but for now I aimed for exclusivity.
But we can't get to the site. If we did not hurry, we feared that our supplies might be moved to
another location just in case. I was in a hurry, but I just couldn't get there.
Fuck you!" It should definitely be here!
As impatience grows frustrated and frustration grows more frustrated, a call request comes into
the information terminal. When Guba saw the source of the call, he came to his senses, was slightly
puzzled, and answered the call.
"...... what do you want?"
A joyful female voice comes back from the information terminal.
What a terrible response! I went out of my way to contact you to sell you information."
You think I have that kind of money?" No. Do you think I would buy it even if I had the money?"
Yeah?" Well, I'm not going to force you to sell. Bye."
Guba stopped himself from doing so. I understand that the other woman is a very poor quality
person. Many people have been ruined by being involved with her. But that's how competent she
is, and that's why I thought this story made sense.
The urgency of the situation, where the debt repayment that he thought he had found was about to
disappear, makes Gyuba decide to do it.
I'll at least listen to you at ......."
One hunter hired some kids from the slums to help him collect artifacts at the ruins.
You're not very perceptive, are you? You mean the place is low enough difficulty that you could
take a child there and still have enough relics left that you'd want a child's help to transport them?"
Hearing this story, Guba looked doubtful.
(...... hmm? (What?)
Perhaps they found an unexplored part of an archaeological site somewhere," he said. I don't have
any information on the location, though.
The woman's story stimulates Guba's thoughts.
(What did I think? What are you trying to figure out? What's on your mind? (What are you trying
to remember?)
But I did get some information about the hunter and the child. The previous rumor about the child
who brought the artifact to the buyers was a rumor after all, but this time it's confirmed information.
(Hunter? Slum kids? When I saw that transport vehicle through binoculars, there were other kids
besides the hunter guy and the one in expensive clothes. And they were carrying something. Maybe
downstairs. So I thought maybe there's some kind of hidden storage in the basement. ......)
I'm sure you're being forced to collect artifacts to pay off your debts, right? Then wouldn't you
want information on where there are plenty of relics left?"
(relic collection ......, not underground storage, ruins?)
Don't you think if we put that hunter and his kid on the trail, they'll take us to the unsurveyed parts
of the ruins?"
(Unsurveyed portion of ......, unsurveyed, ruins? What if what those guys were carrying down there
was survey equipment? What if the ruins were large enough to require such a thing? (What if the
ruins were safe enough for children to enter?)
Don't you want some information on that hunter? Of course, it's not for free. But don't you think
it's worth it, even if it means a little more debt for you? So, here's the price for that hunter's info:
Shut up."
Hey, what?
Just shut up.
Guba then looked around again at his surroundings. In addition, he checks the display on the
vehicle's navigation system. Then he looked again at the location of the thin building that was
supposed to be the landmark of their destination.
There was a pile of rubble that appeared to have been created by the collapse of that building.
Guba's face hardened when he noticed this.
(Remember! What was his name? As I recall, that's what that woman said! Remember! Remember!
I'm pretty sure it's ......, a......, what? (A, a ......?)
Then Guba utters the name he remembers in his dying breath.
"...... Akira. Hey, that hunter's name is Akira, right?"
A woman's faltering voice comes back from the information terminal.
How do you know that?" Where did you get that information from!"
Immediately, Guba laughed out loud. All the while, the woman's dubious voice could be heard
coming from the information terminal, but she continued to laugh without caring.
Then he hung up the call and looked at the pile of rubble with a very happy, evil smile on his face.
You have one, don't you? Down there, the ruins! The entrance was right over there. ...... So they
thought they were noticed and buried it! Until they brought that building down!"
Gyuba, having departed the car at a brisk pace, returns to the city at full speed.
'Did they bury the entrance because they got rid of all the relics? No, no! Then leave it alone! I
buried it because there's plenty left! Then of course you know how to get the rest!
There is a realistic probability in front of us that we will not only be able to pay off our debts, but
also to acquire a huge fortune. Realizing this, Guba did not hesitate to reach out.
I'll get it!" It's mine!"
To obtain it, Guba abandoned his preference for means.

At the same time, in the lower section of Kgamayama City, a woman was laughing at an
information terminal that was out of communication.
Good luck."
Then, with a beautiful but poor quality smile, he mumbles something like that and connects the
call to the person he is looking for.
It's me. Maybe it worked. So please check. Bye."
The woman laughed very happily, imagining those who would have taken the gamble for her,
without even realizing that they had been noticed.
Episode 79 Sheryl's Disaster

After finishing collecting artifacts at the Yonozuka Station site, Akira and his team returned to the
city of Kugamayama and headed for Akira's home.
Then he piles up the relics brought from the ruins in the garage. It is dangerous to store them in
the base of Cheryl and her family in the slum, even if Akira is behind them.
After that, the day was broken up when Akira drove Cheryl and the others to the base. The sun
was already setting. Cheryl was also busy with returning the trailer. Akira and Cheryl decided to
make arrangements for the distribution of rewards, etc., tomorrow.
Akira is also tired, even though he is wearing reinforced clothes. After eating and taking a bath to
relieve his fatigue, he immediately fell asleep.
The next day, Akira decided to head to Cheryl's base to talk about yesterday. He had heard that
parking a wilderness-specification vehicle in front of the base would be a deterrent, so he was well
Once out in the wilderness and about to head for the slums along the perimeter of the city, a call
request arrives from Elio. Akira answered it, which he thought was unusual.
It's me. What's up? I'm almost there. ......"
Akira! Cheryl has been kidnapped!"
What about?"
The call from the unexpected was news of an even more unexpected situation.

Cheryl is changing in her room in the clique to greet Akira. The clothes were tailored in Lafantola
from material made in the old world.
Cheryl treats this outfit as a winning outfit to wear especially during important negotiations, and
she usually puts it away with care.
And now, for the most important job in a sense, which is to receive Akira, and in order to further
deepen our relationship wearing the clothes that Akira gave a very good response to, the tailoring
cost alone was 1.5 million aurum, a very expensive price. He did not hesitate to put on his sleeves
and dress up in these clothes.
Then, as I was waiting for Akira's arrival, a kid from the clique knocked on my door in a panic.
You can come in. What's wrong?"
Boss, a hunter, no, not Mr. Akira, but another hunter, is here to see you.
Cheryl's face turns grim, as she senses from the boy's appearance that this is no mere visitation.
I get it. Did you get their name or what they want?"
The boy shook his head, looking a little frightened.
Where are they now?"
This is the entrance to the base.
I don't care if it's a false economy or a scare tactic. I'll be right there. Please."
Cheryl smiled to reassure the other. The boy calmed down a bit with that and nodded and went out
to call his friends.
Cheryl's expression returns to serious and she catches her breath.
(Not a very friendly partner, I'm afraid. Akira will be here soon. Let's buy ourselves some time
until then.)
Although he has the backing of Akira, this kind of thing can happen as long as he is not stationed
there. Cheryl decided that there was no time to change her clothes and left the room.
The hunters were waiting for Cheryl at the entrance to the base. There were three of them: a man
in a hood, a man in a full-face helmet, and a man with the right half of his face mechanized.
In both equipment and appearance, he is neither a hunter-at-arms nor a hunter-at-arms. Regardless
of the merits or demerits of their personalities, they exuded the distinctive atmosphere of someone
who is accustomed to wilderness activities and killing.
Cheryl sharpens her expression to avoid being swallowed by the other's mood.
I heard you wanted to see me. What do you want?"
The hunters look at each other. Then one of them took off his hood and showed his face to Cheryl.
You are ......!"
It's been a while."
Guba laughs. There is no contempt on his face. But there is no respect either.
I'm looking for you. I need to ask you a few questions. You're coming with me."
Guba said and grabbed Cheryl's arm. At the same time, the other hunters all ready their guns at the
same time.
Then, unluckily, one of the clique's armed personnel appeared on the scene, having finished his
preparations. And when he saw the scene in front of him, he involuntarily tried to raise his gun.
You guys!" What an imitation ......"
The boy was about to say so, but before he could finish, he was hit by a bullet all over his body
and died instantly. The powerful bullets, intended for anti-monster use, did not penetrate the boy's
cheap protective clothing, but rather shredded it to pieces, scattering it and its contents all around
Erio rushes to the scene slightly later. However, he immediately jumped back as fast as he could
to escape the enemy fire. The surrounding floor and walls were not only full of holes, but were on
the verge of collapse.
The screams of those in the clique echoed. But none of the Gyubas were moved.
Cheryl shouts to her men.
Stay back!"
Guba takes Cheryl out of the base by force. His fellow hunters followed Gyuba out of the base
after a light check-fire around them.
A few moments after the gunfire died down, the children in the clique looked on in horror. The
walls and floors, covered with splattered blood and bullet holes, showed plainly the threat of the
It took a while longer for Erio to come to his senses from the fear of being almost killed and contact

Akira, having finished listening to the situation from Erio, asks back with a grim look on his face.
In other words, we don't know who or what took Cheryl and for what purpose, and we don't know
where she is. I have no idea. Is that what you're saying?"
'Oh, I'm sorry, but I have no idea.'
I see. Call me if you find out anything. See you."
Akira's attitude of trying to end the conversation as if it were no big deal is met with a panicked
response from Erio, who wants the situation to be taken care of behind their backs.
Wait a minute! That's it?
What can I do with the information I just got? Well, I'll try to find out. See you later.
Akira said that much and hung up the call.
Alpha. Just out of curiosity, do you know where Cheryl is based on the information you just gave
Even I can't do that.
I know, right? ......"
Akira would also go to help Cheryl if he knew where she was. Because he promised to help her to
some extent.
But it is difficult to start with the search. Cities and wildernesses are large. Even if you limit the
search to slums, it is large enough. Even if we were asked to search until we found them, we could
not agree to do so.
As Akira wonders what to do, Alpha simply tells him.
If you want to go save Cheryl, go that way. The people who took Cheryl are driving through the
Akira turned a subtle and slightly reproachful look at Alpha.
Didn't you say you couldn't get the ...... quintessence?"
Alpha laughed back, unconcerned.
You can't locate him based on that information. But you can find out where he is from other
Akira returns even more bitter laughter.
I said, "Oh, yeah. I get it. I'm sorry for the way I asked. I'm right over there, aren't I? Roger that!"
If you know where they are, there is no need to get lost. Akira changed the car's direction of travel
abruptly and accelerated it at once as if to relieve his exasperation.

Guba's vehicle is a wilderness vehicle designed with no framework on the roof, making it suitable
for attacking and carrying a large amount of cargo while on board.
Guba forced Cheryl into the car, and they drove straight out of the slums and into the wilderness.
He then asked his companion to take over driving in the middle of the trip and roughly moved
Cheryl, who had been sitting in the back seat, to the back of the vehicle, before facing her again.
Well, thanks for keeping me waiting. Let's get down to business. I have a question for you.
Cheryl gives Guba a hard look.
'I don't know what you're talking about, but do you expect me to talk?'
Now I have a question.
Guba ignored Cheryl's reply, grabbed her right hand, and broke her little finger without asking a
Cheryl's face is distorted with intense pain. Guba asks as he watches her.
I need to know the entrance to the ruins. Where is it?"
I don't know ......."
Guba also breaks Cheryl's ring finger.
Where are you?"
I don't know. ......
Cheryl replied, staring at Gyuba, her face, voice, and body shaking with intense pain. Without any
hesitation, her middle finger was also broken. Cheryl's face contorted in even more bitter agony.
Don't say that. Where are you?"
You don't know .......
Cheryl's face tightens in fear as she wonders if her index finger is next. Still, that didn't stop her
from glaring at Guba.
But after confirming Cheryl's reaction to that point, Guba smiled happily in contrast to his friends,
who began to look a little dubious.
Even Cheryl is dubious. And then she is told something even more unexpected.
I see!" You know! Good. I was actually a little worried that you might not know about this, even
though I forced you to take me out. I'm relieved.
I'm telling you ...... that I don't know."
No, I know. You definitely know. You know enough to know what I want to know, at least enough
to not question my questions, to understand what I'm asking without having to ask back."
Hearing this, Cheryl's expression was mixed with something other than anguish from the intense
pain. It was also the reaction Guba had expected.
If you really don't know anything, then your attitude is correct: "I don't know what you're talking
about. But your attitude was that you understood the question and answered that you didn't know.
You're a good actor. If we hadn't met once in the wilderness, I would have been fooled."
Guba was genuinely impressed.
It must be hard to perform while in pain, isn't it?" At least you weren't thinking straight enough to
act like you didn't know what you were talking about. That's why I broke my fingers first. You
were right."
Cheryl stares at Guba in pain. But compared to earlier, she was more frightened than angry.
It's a definite sign that there are ruins in that place," he said. And since I didn't know there were
ruins in that place, there is no doubt that they were undiscovered ruins.
Cheryl's index finger was broken.
Then let me ask you again. I want to know the entrance to those ruins. Not the one buried in a pile
of rubble, okay? It's another entrance. You know it. Where is it?"
Shhh, I don't know. ......"
Thumbs are also broken.
Don't say that. The only way to dig up the entrance there is to take out some heavy machinery and
spend some time. If we did that, it would stand out like a stone and the existence of the ruins,
which we had hidden, would be exposed. And yet, as long as they could abandon that entrance
without hesitation, there must be another entrance. Isn't that right?"
"I don't know, no ......"
Guba took Cheryl's left hand. Cheryl shakes reflexively.
"When we're done with this finger, we'll move on to the arm, okay? He told me to talk to them
while I'm at it. Right?"
"I don't know, no ......"
The little finger and ring finger are broken at once. A scream of intense pain escaped Cheryl's
Not much grace left, huh? If I break both your limbs and you don't answer, I'll dump you in the
middle of the street. And since I have no choice, I'll compromise my prominence and dig out that
entrance. The quicksand will reveal the ruins to other hunters, but it will only turn into a quick
win. I'm hoping that the relic collection will be successful enough. Don't be naive enough to think
that if we keep quiet, we won't die, okay?"
I don't know. ......"
Cheryl's firm will makes Guba's quicksilver smile disappear. Then she tried to break the three
remaining fingers of her left hand at once.
But then he is interrupted by a fellow worker. A man named Vegaris, wearing a full-face helmet
but with an audible voice.
Then who knows? That hunter named Akira?"
I don't know. ......"
You found that hunter and those ruins, didn't you?" So we worked together to collect artifacts.
I don't know. ......"
'Then what were you doing over there? Tell me."
I don't know. I don't know.
Cheryl continues to say she doesn't know, her face contorted with pain and greasy sweat. Then a
man named Kennit, whose face is half mechanized, noticed something.
"...... Hey, what's your name?"
I don't know. I don't know.
This guy, ......, has only said he doesn't know from the beginning!"
Guba and the others couldn't help but look at each other.
Even if a question is answered falsely, if the response is specific, it is not impossible to detect it
due to inconsistencies in content. However, if the same response is given repeatedly, irrespective
of the content of the question, it is no different from silence. It becomes extremely difficult to
detect falsehood.
Even if we were to let her answer "no" to everything and find out from her partner's reaction,
Cheryl's current reaction is severely mixed with that caused by her extreme pain. It is extremely
difficult to detect falsehoods from minute differences in reactions.
Guba involuntarily grabbed Cheryl by the chest and pulled her close.
Hey!" The ruins, the undiscovered ruins are over there!"
I don't know, I don't know, I don't know.
Cheryl's face was contorted in anguish, and she was mocking her opponent.
"This guy, this guy ......"
Guba could not tell whether the taunts were meant as a sneer at those who were desperately
searching for nonexistent ruins or an act to make them doubt the existence of real ruins.
Kennit appeases Gyuba.
Relax," he said. Given the circumstances, there's a good chance that there are undiscovered ruins.
Even if they are not ruins, there is a possibility that there are plenty of things left in the hidden
warehouse. That's why I took you up on your offer. You don't want to kill this guy and needlessly
eliminate a source of information."
I'm sure you're right." ...... Ok."
Guba removed his hand from Cheryl. Cheryl, who was having difficulty standing on her own,
collapsed into a heap.
'So, Guba, we were going to go to the site as is, but are you sure you want to stay?'
Oh," he said. We were going to enter the ruins through another entrance, but if this guy won't talk,
we'll figure out a way to get rid of that pile of rubble, or look for another entrance nearby.
"I don't think we're going to be able to do enough to get them out or find them, do you?"
"The more people you bring in, the less you get out of it," he said. It was a hard decision to ask
you guys out, you know?"
Seeing Gyuba's distressed face as he said this, Vegaris and Kenit laughed happily.
They are debt hunters like Guba, participants in a collective relic collection operation. Although
they were working under Guba due to his commanding ability, they are more competent than Guba
in terms of combat as hunters. The only thing that puts them on the same level is the order of
magnitude of their debt.
There is no guarantee that the area entered through another entrance to the ruins will be safe. The
reason why the hunters who found the ruins let children and others from the slums accompany
them was to let them enter first and make sure they were safe. It is conceivable. That is why Guba
was calling on his companions in consideration of their fighting ability.
The car changes the direction of travel a little too much. This caused the vehicle to sway a little.
Guba looks at Kenit in the driver's seat with a doubtful look on his face.
What's up?"
An oncoming car is coming towards you at a considerable speed. It was dangerous, so I shifted my
course to a larger one."
I see. Well, this is the time. Let's play it safe. ...... Whoa! What?
An oncoming car changed its course to match! You should have slowed down before yielding!"
Kennit expresses his confusion. The fact that we gave way in the same direction could be put away
as a coincidence, but I couldn't understand why we didn't slow down at all. He could not understand
why they did not slow down at all, since they were not being chased by a monster, even after
checking the response of their search instruments.
He has no choice but to give way even more heavily. However, the oncoming car was even more
in sync with the oncoming car. And instead of slowing down, it was accelerating.
So Kennit finally realizes and is astonished.
Son of a bitch! He's going to hit me!"
Guba looks at the oncoming car and his face contorts in surprise when he notices who is riding in
the car.
That's him!
The oncoming car was Akira's car.
Kennit tried to avoid the collision somehow, but both sides were closing the distance rapidly and
the oncoming car was ramming into each other to make a collision. It was already impossible to
avoid. He abandoned the car and shouted.
Get out!"
Guba and his team jump out of the vehicle without hesitation. There was no time to take Cheryl
After a moment's delay, the vehicles collide with each other in a spectacular manner. The impact
threw Cheryl out of the car with great force.

Cheryl was thrown out of the car and into the air by a collision between vehicles, and in a world
where time moves very slowly, she forgets the pain in her hands and realizes that she will not
(I did my best ......, and Akira even thanked me yesterday ......)
Cheryl was more disappointed than in her own death, for just as she had hoped that she had finally
been recognized, albeit slightly, and that she had finally gained Akira's trust, that things would be
better from here on out, she was disappointed.
(That didn't take long. ......)
Cheryl looked out at the blue sky with a sad smile on her face, lamenting the fact that everything
was over.
Akira held me there.
Cheryl, who could not even react to the suddenness of the situation, let out a small voice. At the
same time, Akira, who was holding the rescued object in the air, landed on the ground. The impact
brought Cheryl back to her senses.
Good. You're safe."
But soon he was confused again. Cheryl's confusion was exacerbated by the fact that Akira had
told her that she looked light and was safe, that she had immediately started running briskly with
herself in her arms, and that the vibrations of running had stimulated her injuries to the point where
she remembered the severe pain she had forgotten because she had been so surprised to come back
to herself.
Cheryl was carried straight to Akira, letting out a strange sound of pain and confusion.

With Alpha's support, Akira was able to locate Cheryl and moved ahead of Guba and the others.
Then, he decided to first pull Cheryl away from Guba and the others by physically hitting her with
the entire vehicle.
This was because he believed that it was futile to call for surrender, and that such an imitation
would only cause the opponent to use Cheryl as a shield.
There are multiple enemies. There is no time to kill them in order by long-range shooting. We are
not confident that we can quickly kill them all before the survivors kill Cheryl. And even if we
could, there is a risk that the car that lost its driver would run out of control and overturn, killing
Cheryl in the process.
If you are chasing your opponent from behind, it will take time to close the distance and you will
be shot. It would be difficult to catch up and save Cheryl.
Then let's help them from the front. Akira thought so and jumped into the gap between the vehicle
and Gyuba's group.
In the meantime, I explained my idea to Alpha before doing so. Since I was not stopped there, I
decided that it was probably not a bad way to go about it, so I went ahead and did it.
Both vehicles are covered with armor tiles. However, in a near head-on collision, there is a limit
to how much the impact can be mitigated, and in addition, the inertia of the occupants will not
disappear. Cheryl was thrown out of the car with no recourse.
Nevertheless, Cheryl was briefly unharmed at the time of the collision because she was wearing
the clothing she had recently acquired. Old-world clothing sometimes outperforms modern
protective gear. The clothes were made from old-world clothing and tailored to protect Cheryl
from the impact of the collision.
In addition, Guba's body slamming into the vehicle was done after Alpha had carefully calculated
the position and angle of the collision so that Cheryl would be blown away as safely as possible.
Thanks to this, Cheryl was in a sense safely thrown out of the vehicle.
Akira then jumped out of the car himself and landed with Cheryl in the air. He concentrated even
before the collision, manipulating his experiential time, leaping with the power of his reinforced
clothes without panicking in the gently flowing world, and helping Cheryl by precisely aligning
himself with her.
It is still difficult for Akira to do that on his own. But with Alpha's support, it was easy for him to
do so.
After securing Cheryl, Akira hurriedly left the scene and quickly hid behind nearby rubble. He
then lowered Cheryl to the ground, checked her carefully again to make sure she was not injured,
and lightly exhaled a breath of relief.
Minor injuries, huh? Good, good.
Surprised by his words, Cheryl, on the contrary, regains her composure and smiles bitterly.
Thank you for helping me. But, you know, I don't think it's a minor injury. ......"
Cheryl said and showed her hands, which had seven fingers distorted and crooked.
Oh ......, that's a serious wound."
A serious injury is one in which an arm is torn off or a leg is shredded. Akira remembered the last
time he had been told this, and found himself beginning to lose a great deal of his sense of what a
minor injury was.
Then, with a somewhat wry smile, he takes out the recovery medicine.
Open your mouth.
Oh, well, I didn't mean to prompt you. ......
Just open the door.
Akira stuffs a recovery potion into a maturely opened mouth. Cheryl swallows it with some
The restorative, which costs 2 million aurum per box, takes effect quickly despite being
administered orally. First, within seconds, the pain disappeared from Cheryl's hands. Furthermore,
therapeutic nanomachines gather around the broken fingers and begin to heal them.
As Cheryl looked at her hands in surprise, they were held by Akira.
Cheryl sounded slightly aggravated. But the surprise of having her hand held by the opposite sex
she had feelings for was replaced by another surprise in the words that followed.
This is going to hurt a little bit."
Akira begins to adjust Cheryl's distorted, broken fingers.
Cheryl, anticipating severe pain, let out a light scream. However, as Akira declared, it only hurt a
little thanks to the painkilling effect of the recovery medicine. The broken finger healed faster now
that it was in shape.
I'm not sure I'm ready for this kind of first aid," he said. Drink some more."
Akira placed an additional pill in Cheryl's hand and put away the restorative.
I'm going to go kill those guys, Cheryl can hide here. It's dangerous, so don't move, okay? Don't
even show your face."
Cheryl gives me a dubious look.
Dangerous, those people should have been thrown out of the car too. ......
No, they got out on their own."
"Still, he's probably dead or badly injured. ......
Akira shakes his head at Cheryl's common-sense decision.
They're all alive and not a scratch on them."
Akira said and jumped out of the rubble to kill Gyuba and the others.
Cheryl, who was left on the spot, mutters.
Is that what hunters are ......?"
Common sense is determined by the environment in which one lives. Cheryl was reminded once
again of the abnormality of those outside her own common sense.

Gyuba and his team escaped from the vehicle before the collision and were able to passively, albeit
awkwardly, before they hit the ground. This meant that they did not land on the ground without
any problems, but thanks to the protection provided by their reinforced clothing and their physical
capabilities, they only suffered a little painful damage.
Guba, who had been lying on the ground, staggered up a little and checked his surroundings with
a grim face.
I said, "...... What the hell is wrong with that kid? Hey! Are you okay?"
Kennit and his team also got up and proceeded to check the situation.
Yeah, whatever! But still, what's with that kid? Hey, Guba! You said at the time that you were that
guy, do you know him?"
Oh. That's that hunter, that Akira guy who said he was guarding that woman. ...... Don't tell me
you're here to rescue her?"
Guba looks for Cheryl. But she cannot find her. He looked around to see if he had been thrown far
away by the impact, but he still couldn't find her.
Vegaris points the gun at Akira's vehicle and checks the driver's seat. It was empty, of course.
There's no sign of this Akira guy either. "There's no sign of this Akira guy, and the woman is gone,
too. ...... No, wait, if he came to save the woman, why would he hit the car? Gyuba! Was that really
that kid Akira?"
Oh, there's no doubt. That's for sure."
Guba answered with conviction. But there was hesitation in his expression.
'I'm sure, but ......, why did you drive up and body slam me? Whether you're here to help me or kill
me to keep me from talking, there ain't no point in doing that."
Guba and his colleagues had the same doubts and held their heads up the same way. But as soon
as their own intelligence-gathering equipment responded to their search, they all put their vehicles
on alert, using their vehicles as shields.
He then quickly realized that the reaction was Akira's and switched his attention to killing each

Akira jumps out from behind the rubble and runs with the physical power of his reinforced clothes.
However, he is swept away by his excessive physical abilities, and it is difficult to say that he is
running well.
Akira was now moving his reinforced clothes without Alpha's support. He was desperately moving
his body, which was likely to topple over instantly if he was even slightly distracted, using even
the manipulation of his body's sensory time.
In a slow-moving world, the body cannot keep up with conscious movement in the flesh, and can
only move frustratingly slowly.
But with this reinforced clothing on, he can move his body so fast that his consciousness is slower,
even excessively so.
Akira's immaturity in not fully absorbing the differences was manifested in his dangerous
movements. Akira himself was aware of this, and with a grim expression on his face, he
unintentionally let out a whimper.
'Alpha! I'm really counting on you to be there for me when I'm in danger!
Next to him, Alpha is smiling as usual. Even when Akira manipulates the time he feels, he does
not delay his reaction because of it, showing no change from his usual state.
I'll leave it to you. But do the best you can, okay?"
I know!"
Akira was told by Alpha to defeat Gyuba and the others on his own. I will help you if you are
really in danger, so see how far you can fight without my support. He had been instructed to do so
with a smile.
At first Akira was reluctant to do this at a time like this. However, he replied that it was precisely
because it was a time like this that it was meaningful to do so.
The opponent is moderately strong and really wants to kill Akira. So it is just right for training.
Alpha had said so.
In order to kill its training partner, Akira closes the distance with the enemy in a large arcing
movement. This is because if he closes the distance in a straight line, the enemy's line of fire will
overlap with the debris in which Cheryl is hiding.
He then holds up the DVTS minigun as he runs. I had removed it from the vehicle and carried it
with me when I decided to do a physical assault with the vehicle. The magazine was also replaced
with an extended magazine.
The CWH objective assault rifle is also removed and carried together. The weight of that also
slowed Akira's movements.
Continuing to search the area around the vehicle with increased precision with information
gathering equipment, we were able to capture the responses of three people, although they were
unclear. Without Alpha's support, we could not see them through the vehicle, which was shielded
from our view. However, it is enough to confirm that the enemy is there.
The sights are set in the vicinity of the enemy and the trigger is pulled. The barrel spins at high
speed and continues to fire bullets at blinding speed. The rate of fire is lowered so as not to use up
the remaining ammunition in a short period of time, but a hail of bullets still hits the area.
A large number of bullets land on the two vehicles, damaging the armored tiles one after another.
The force field armored force field armor generated in response to the impact of the impact of the
bullets emits a slight impact-converted light, momentarily illuminating the point of impact. The
amount of light told the story of the intensity of the gunfire.

As the gunfire rang out, on the other side of the vehicle, Guba and his team were listening to the
sound of incoming bullets and guessing the enemy's strength.
It's quite a lot of ammunition. Is it a minigun type?"
With cheap reinforced clothes, you shouldn't be able to shoot well due to the weight and recoil.
You're wearing a pretty good suit."
Well, this much is not a problem. Let's just kill him quickly. Cover me."
Copy that."
Vegaris moved in, and Guba and Kennit began to provide cover.

Akira, who was adjusting his position with his opponent while firing his DVTS minigun wildly,
noticed Vegaris coming out from behind the vehicle.
He decides it's a good target, and sets his sights on it. Even if he missed a little, he could make up
for it with the amount of bullets he had, so he concentrated the bullets he had scattered all over the
area on Vegaris.
But Vegaris withstood the barrage. The thick armor-oriented reinforced suits that he was wearing
repelled the bullets fired from the DVTS minigun.
In front of Akira, who reveals his surprise, Vegaris himself holds up a minigun.
Akira sees this and kicks up the rubble under his feet, hooking it with his toes. A larger piece of
rubble floated in front of Akira and became a shield.
The rubble was hit by a large number of bullets fired by Vegaris. The rubble was shattered by the
impact of the bullets, and in a short time it cracked and shattered. Akira jumped to the side in the
meantime and fired back at the same time as getting out of the enemy's line of fire.
But even that shot barely penetrated Vegaris. Although he was a little frightened by the bullets and
lost his stance, he tried to shoot Akira, who had fled.
Akira quickly ran on the ground with the physical capabilities of his reinforced clothing and
escaped from the enemy minigun's line of fire. Taking evasive action with all his might, he
managed to duck the barrage and move to another pile of rubble, the shadow of an abandoned
building that was on the verge of total destruction.
It would have been a close call if the opponent had not been knocked out of position by a bullet
and disrupted his aim. Thinking this, I exhaled with a grim look on my face.
What does it mean to be unscathed after taking that much food? No, I'm sure he's not unscathed,
Then comes advice from Alfa, who is smiling with a smile to spare.
The DVTS minigun's extended magazine is a little less powerful per shot in order to keep the price
down and the number of rounds available. Use the CWH objective assault rifle against them.
'Roger that. ...... next time we'll buy a little more expensive ammo.'
Akira chuckled. If you reduce the cost of ammunition, you also reduce the safety of that
ammunition. I understand this, but it is different from what I really feel.
And if you constantly take unforeseen circumstances into account, your budget will quickly go out
of balance. The misfortune of the unexpected was also threatening Akira soberly in this situation.
There, Akira's hands moved of their own accord and fired the DVTS minigun upward wildly. The
barrage of bullets intercepted the grenade launchers, and the impact of the explosions scattered
around them.
When Akira is taken aback, Alpha smiles at him with a smile of his own.
That was close, wasn't it?"
Akira immediately started moving.

It was Guba who fired the grenade and Kenit who told him where the target was located. Both
were surprised that they responded well to the minigun shot by Vegaris, even though it was
intended to draw their attention to the target.
Guba. Shoot the next one quickly."
Roger that.
They had ample ammunition because they were about to take on an unsurveyed site. He was going
to kill Akira with plenty of ammunition.
Episode 80 The Value of Information

Akira kept moving, looking for an opening to counterattack. However, shrapnel shells were
coming at him from above and a barrage of bullets was coming at him from the side. Both of these
attacks were likely to hinder his actions, and if he stayed put, he would only die, so Akira kept his
attention on the move.
Still, he manages to shoot Vegaris with a CWH objective assault rifle. The armor-piercing rounds
fired hit his full-face helmet.
But Vegaris withstood the armor-piercing rounds. His helmet cracked, and he was only severely
disoriented, but it was far from a fatal wound.
'Damn! I should have used dedicated bullets!"
Since the specialized ammunition was too expensive and powerful to use in the wilderness near
the city of Kgamayama, the CWH objective assault rifle's magazines were left with armor-piercing
rounds, which backfired. Moreover, the magazines for the specialized ammunition were still in the
vehicle and not on hand.
I had no choice but to repeat the shooting with armor-piercing bullets. At the moment he pulls the
trigger, he compresses the time he feels, extends the time he has to adjust his sights, and takes a
good aim and snipes. Thanks to his efforts, the bullets landed on Vegaris' torso and legs without
It is effective but ineffective. Although once knocked down, Vegaris usually gets up and resumes
shooting. Moreover, the shrapnel falls in the meantime.
In a situation that could hardly be called superior, Akira's face was grim, both because of the
enemy's strength and his own weakness.
Even though it was three against one, the enemy was definitely weaker than the relic assailants
they had fought in the underground city of Kugamayama, and in addition, their own equipment
was much better than at that time.
Akira felt that he had matured, and at the same time, he realized that he still had a long way to go.
Akira. To the right.
'......, got it.'
That one word is also support and evidence of his own immaturity. However, the fact that he only
needed that level of support was also evidence of his growth. Akira told himself this and
concentrated on the battle.

Kennit had succeeded in flanking Akira by using Vegaris and Gyuba as decoys. He left the attack
to the two men and moved stealthily to avoid being detected while he himself concentrated on
gathering information and providing cover.
Once in position, he slowly and cautiously readies his sniper rifle. The target has his hands full
dealing with Guba and the others, and the spotters are distracted by them. As long as he keeps his
own movements to a minimum, there is no danger of being noticed even if he is within their search
range. Kennit was convinced of this.
Akira's reinforced clothes do not appear to have the same protection as Vegaris' reinforced clothes.
The bullets are powerful enough. If it hits anywhere, it wins. Even if it is impossible to kill them
instantly, an opponent whose movement has been slowed by a bullet is just a target, not an enemy
of theirs. With this in mind, they set their sights on the target.
He leaves a line of fire and focuses his attention to aim at the moment the enemy's figure overlaps
with it. Carefully, deciding on a single shot, he waits for the opportunity.
Then, Akira's figure overlapped the line of fire.
(Got it!)
Just as they were about to pull the trigger immediately, Akira and Kenit's eyes met in the sighting
The surprise makes Kennit's consciousness stiffen for just a moment. In that moment, Akira had
finished pointing the CWH objective assault rifle at Kennit.
The gunshots overlap. Kennit took an armor-piercing bullet between the eyes and died instantly
with a look of surprise on his face. Akira, who knew in advance that he was being targeted, barely
managed to evade in time.
The sudden loss of the search information sent to him made Vegaris realize that Kennit had been
(Kenit ......! You don't think they got you?)
In a gunfight in which neither side knew the other's position, and in which both sides were hiding
and probing each other, Vegaris did not feel as if he could win against Kennit. Vegaris could not
hide his surprise that Kennit was defeated in a situation in which his companion excelled.
Guba's grenade attacks were also very poorly aimed. The loss of information from the kenit made
it difficult to fire extreme curves to deliver the grenade directly over the enemy.
Guba's method of attack had already changed to simply guessing the opponent's position from the
direction of Vegaris' fire and shooting anyway. He is trying to compensate for the fact that the
enemy's position is unknown by the quantity of grenades.
This causes countless plumes of smoke to begin drifting into the area. It also affected the
information-gathering equipment, reducing the accuracy of search and rescue. Because of this,
Vegaris loses sight of Akira's position.
Damn ......, where are you?"
While scattering bullets, he prepares for his opponent's counterattack. I have proven that my
reinforced clothes can withstand enemy attacks. I wait for the opportunity to concentrate fire on
the position of the opponent who has counterattacked.
But Vegaris did not take advantage of the opportunity. Instead of shooting, Akira used the smoke
from the explosion as a smoke screen to close the distance.
Akira suddenly appeared out of the smoke, delaying Vegaris' reaction. While he was re-pointing
the muzzle of his heavy minigun, he was approached at close range. Then, with the momentum of
his leaping into the air, he unleashed a kick.
Not a single scratch was inflicted by that kick. But it did not prevent him from falling. Vegaris
tried to stand up in a panic, but was prevented by the impact of Akira's CWH anti-armor assault
rifle pointed at his helmet.
This would work for quicksand."
Immediately after Akira said this, the muzzle of the gun, precisely aligned with the previous impact
point, erupted with fire. An armor-piercing bullet shot out at close range penetrated the solid
helmet and stained its interior red.
Guba's voice rings out into the communicator with a very grim expression on his face.
Kennit!" Vegaris! Answer me!"
The communication is live but there is no reply. Both indicated they were killed.
'...... Damn! I didn't know he was this strong."
In Guba's eyes, Akira did not look that strong. He did think that his equipment was quite good, but
he thought that it was just bought with the money from selling relics obtained from the untouched
He is a mediocre hunter with only high-performance equipment, and only a little strong for a child.
That sensible judgment was overturned by the reality that both of his friends had already been
If we fight seriously, we have little chance of winning. Judging this, the option of running away
comes to mind.
(...... car, does it work? (Just check ...... or something)
Wilderness-specification vehicles are sturdier than ordinary vehicles. They are also covered with
armored tiles. Thinking there was a possibility, Guba cautiously headed for the car.
Guba was lucky enough to reach the vehicle without being spotted by Akira, and immediately
checked to see if their vehicle would work. However, they were not so lucky.
No or ......"
If that is the case, I look for any weapons. However, Akira's vehicle was loaded with only
ammunition, and our own vehicle had only equipment and tools for exploring the ruins.
A dead end. Gyuba, who had unintentionally thought so, was half desperate, wondering if he had
no choice but to challenge Akira with a counterattack.
In this state of thought, an object tumbled from the vehicle is reflected in the field of vision. This
stimulated Guba's thoughts, which were cornered and desperate.
This stimulus made Gyuba think about things he would not normally think about. Furthermore, he
decided that this idea, which he would not have implemented in a serious battle, was better than
going into the fray with the determination that he would have to fight.
Guba loaded the object that had rolled off the vehicle into a hand-held grenade launcher and
checked his current position and a map of his surroundings with the onboard navigation function,
which was still working. He then shot out in the direction he thought would be most effective, at
what he called the enemy mover.

Akira returned to Cheryl's place once Gyuba made a move to run away. Akira returned to Cheryl's
place once he saw Guba running away, because he could not leave Cheryl in the wilderness
because he chased after Guba alone.
After explaining the situation, Akira asks what he should do, and Cheryl begrudgingly gives her
'If possible, I'd like to return to the cities without forcing them to chase me.'
Are you sure? If you get away with it here, you might not be able to kill me again, okay?"
It's important to kill the attackers, but it's not the end of the world if they go too deep and die. Well,
not Akira, but me. I am sorry. I don't want to die.
Cheryl then bowed her head politely in apology.
Akira found Cheryl's in some ways perfectly natural opinion quite surprising. And he realized once
again that he was off in many ways.
I said, "Well, yeah. I'll be there. Well, let's go home. Then, I don't have a car, so I guess I'll have
to ask someone around Katsuragi to pick me up, or walk home.
...... Akira. Just a quick question, why did you hit yourself with the car? That's what ruined your
car, right?"
I figured it would be quicker and more reliable."
I see.
It was difficult even for Cheryl to take a favorable view of him, saying that he was trying to help
me even if he had to lose his car. This caused Cheryl's smile to become a little hard.
'Alpha. Cars are no good, right?"
'I thought I hit it with care, so it might move more than you think. I even applied the emergency
brake just before. But once the control unit is down, it's impossible for me to move it remotely in
its current state.
I see. Then I'd better see if it works.'
'The car has the rest of your enemies, so be careful if you check it out.'
'Oh, he's trying to drive away, too. I get it.'
I'm going to make sure the car works and kill the rest of the enemies while I'm at it. Akira was
about to tell Cheryl this when Alpha put on a serious face.
Akira. I'll support you from here.'
'...... got it. What happened?"
'There's a herd of monsters approaching. They are weak individually, but there are many of them,
and Cheryl is among them. Be careful. If you don't want Cheryl to die, take her with you.
Roger that.
Akira tells Cheryl with a serious face.
Cheryl. We're in a bit of a dangerous situation, so just stay calm and hold on tight, no matter what
Akira then held Cheryl in a hug with only his left arm.
Ha, yes?" Yes!"
Told that it was a dangerous situation and that Akira's face was close to hers as he hugged her,
Cheryl managed to reply with a mixture of confusion and embarrassment on her face.
Alpha. Then I need your support."
I'll take care of it.
Alpha smiled confidently. Akira laughed back. Then he started running with Cheryl in his arms.

Guba continued to fire enemy mishaps from the side of the vehicle.
Enemy attractor is a general term for tools that have the function of attracting monsters. It is mainly
used to lure monsters out of the way and defeat them or temporarily move them to another location.
Devices attract monsters by emitting light, sound, heat sources, vibrations, signals, smells, and
many other things. High-performance devices attract large numbers of monsters with minimal
information attenuation, even in thick, colorless fog.
The activation methods also vary, ranging from immediate activation to timed activation to sensor
activation. Some can be used as projectiles.
Naturally, it must be used with caution. If you are not careful, you will attract monsters from all
over the place and end up being attacked by a swarm of them.
But Guba dared to gather a large number of monsters indiscriminately. The purpose was to hit
Akira with the herd.
If Akira came to Cheryl's aid as an escort, he would also have to protect her from the monster
hordes. In other words, she would be forced to fight with a foot and hand to lead the pack. Even if
they were different, they would be more likely to win a melee than to fight with Akira in the middle
of a fight.
With this in mind, Guba was about to use all of the enemy mishaps that were loaded on the vehicle.
Anything that could be set to maximum effective range would be set to maximum and shot out as
far as possible.
But whether or not the monsters would come close to them even if they used an enemy mover was
a matter of luck, and that was a gamble Guba was willing to take. Guba's gamble paid off. The
vehicle's spotting device detected the reaction of a group of monsters.
Next, the enemy mover is shot out in the direction where Akira would be. Whether they are actually
there or not is unknown, but it still makes no difference that they are set up in this perimeter. This
will ensure that the monster swarm will be caught up here.
The rest was up to Akira. Gyuba was waiting to see what would happen, whether he would come
this way, betting on the possibility that the car would still be moving, or whether he would run to
the opposite side of the herd and escape.
And the result comes. Akira came running toward the vehicle with Cheryl in his arms.
After confirming this with his own information-gathering equipment, Guba smiled as if he had
reopened the capsule, put the capsule in his mouth, and finished preparing to use his trump card.

Akira was running to the vehicle with a CWH objective assault rifle in his right hand and Cheryl
in his left arm.
With Alpha's support enabled, Akira's vision has a clear view of Gyuba over the vehicle. However,
there is no movement in that opponent.
'Alpha. I hope they haven't noticed.'
'Then that's fine. Let's kill him quickly.
I guess so."
It is not possible to shoot a Gyuba that is using a vehicle as a shield from the position of the Akira.
Strictly speaking, shooting Guba with the entire vehicle would increase the probability of the
vehicle getting stuck, so it should be avoided. With this idea in mind, Akira closes the distance
with the vehicle.
Still, Guba made no move. Akira had a choice between climbing over the vehicle and attacking
Gyuba from above or going around and attacking him from the side, and he chose the former. He
thought it would be better if it was a surprise attack.
Then, when they reach the side of the car without any movement in the gyuba, they try to go
straight over the vehicle.
The next moment, the upper surface of the vehicle plunged in front of Akira's eyes like a looming
Akira reflexively compressed his experience of time to the extreme. In a world that moves very
slowly, they ran up on their feet to a vehicle that would have slammed into them in an instant if
they had a normal sense of time, and tried to avoid the mass of steel that was approaching them at
high speed. Then, with Cheryl in her arms, she leapt halfway up and avoided a collision with the
Akira is astonished. In front of Akira's eyes was Gyuba, who had also leapt and was holding a gun.

What Guba put in his mouth was a kind of accelerant. The duration of effect is a few seconds at
most. It is a combat drug that increases the time of sensation by more than ten times, sharpens the
five senses, strengthens reflexes, and even improves concentration.
It is an expensive, high-performance drug, but its short duration of effect makes it difficult to use.
Taking it when one does not know when the enemy is coming will only waste energy, and even if
one uses it after realizing it, there are many cases where it is too late. If you don't actively and
appropriately exert the effect at the right moment, it is almost meaningless.
Guba used it with exquisite timing.
Originally, I was going to use it in the middle of an attack by a pack of monsters.
In a melee, both sides are forced to deal with a myriad of opponents at once, which leads to a lack
of processing capacity and, inevitably, a lack of attention to the opponent.
Therefore, he intended to use an accelerant, recognize the situation with a margin in a world where
the flow of time seemed slower, raise his processing capacity for the enemy, create a respite that
would allow him to attack the opponent, and exploit an opening.
Akira, however, was trying to reach the vehicle before the monster hordes arrived at the site.
Guba judged that Akira's ability to defeat Vegaris and Kennit made it impossible for him to win
in a gunfight. However, he thought that in a shootout in a situation similar to a combat battle, he
would have an advantage because of his ability to use accelerants.
Then, just before Akira arrived, he took an acceleration drug, and the moment it took effect, he
kicked the car up with the power of his reinforced clothes. In addition, he jumped over the
overturned car in front of him.
Due to the physical capabilities of the enhanced suit, the time it takes for the feet to leave the
ground and rise higher than the vehicle is, in reality, a fraction of a second. But Guba, with his
accelerated consciousness, held his gun firmly in place in that fraction of a second.
Time moves so slowly that you can follow the back of the car with your eyes while leaping. He
even feels frustrated by his own movements as he holds up the gun. In that dense moment, he
points the muzzle of the gun at Akira at the same time as he jumps over the vehicle.
Seeing the look on his opponent's face, as if he were unable to react to his moves, Gyuba was
confident of victory.
At the same time, a strong-arm shot from Akira's A2D assault rifle landed on Gyuba's gun, arm,
and throat.

Gyuba was a cut above Akira, but Alpha went several steps further.
The reinforced suit is manipulated in accordance with Akira's leaping movements, making him
remove his hand from the CWH objective assault rifle in mid-air and quickly move it to the A2D
assault rifle. The first time, he has the user switch to the other side of the device.
Furthermore, it accurately recognizes Gyuba's movements, calculates the trajectory of his leap,
predicts his position at the moment he enters the range while his opponent is out of range, and
finishes setting the sights in advance.
Then, at the same time that Guba entered the line of fire, he first destroyed the weapon, breaking
the arm that moved it and landing it on the throat where it could inflict the maximum amount of
wounding within a fraction of a second before the next round was loaded into the barrel, as long
as he could re-sight it.
It all happened in an instant. But for Alpha, it was more than long enough.

Guba, who was still able to recognize the scene before him due to the residual effects of the
accelerant, saw Akira align the sights of the A2D assault rifle on his forehead before he died from
a throat wound.
He simply marveled at his opponent's ability to easily outperform him with the accelerant.
(Strongly ....... No wonder Vegaris and his friends lost ......)
No wonder he was losing, and before the thought could continue, Gyuba was hit in the head with
a strong armored bullet, and his life and his thoughts were stopped forever.

Guba and his car flipped with a flourish, Akira landed on his feet, and Guba's body, missing most
of his head, hit the ground.
Akira was manipulating his experiential time, but his awareness was not caught up in the
momentary attack with Gyuba.
Still, I could at least recognize what had happened by following up, putting away the A2D assault
rifle and dexterously grabbing the CWH objective assault rifle as it fell. Then, he let out a big
'Alpha. Thank God."
You're welcome.
As if to tell us it wasn't a big deal, Alpha had a smile on his face with plenty of time to spare.
Akira places Cheryl in the back seat of his car to check the condition of the vehicle. The front of
the car was slightly crumpled, but there seemed to be little deformation for such a powerful
'Hmmm. It's just a wilderness-specification vehicle. It's sturdy.
The armored tiles on the contact surfaces have all been peeled off in place, so that's part of it."
'Armored tiles, that's handy. So, does it work?'
Akira tries to start the car. Immediately, the body of the car shook violently.
It worked! ......, but is this thing working?"
'The ride will be terrible because the body is a little distorted. But it's better than running away
from it.
Alpha pointed in the direction of the swarm of monsters that had been lured by the enemy aircraft
and were about to rush toward us.
'Yes, that's right. All right! Let's get out of here!"
Akira calls out to Cheryl, who is still in a daze, in a strong voice.
Cheryl came back to herself at one point, though she was left confused to the extent that she could
not answer seriously, "Yes.
Let's get out of here! Hold on tight because it's going to shake!"
I understand!"
Cheryl clings to the back seat to keep her body in place. Then, as the car began to drive briskly,
the violently shaking body of the car threw Cheryl out of the vehicle.
Akira quickly grabbed Cheryl, who screamed in the air in a mixture of confusion and surprise, and
brought her back into the car. He then held her again with only his left arm as if to embrace her.
I understand. Hold on to me again."
Akira goes straight to the rear of the vehicle to check on the monster herd. Various biological
monsters, including beasts, reptiles, insects, and other strange creatures, were chasing after Akira
and his friends in a swarm.
Alpha. They're catching up to you. Can't you go faster?"
'I'm taking it to the limit, in case you're wondering. It's not a serious condition just because it
moves. There's a limit to what your driving skills can cover. Pull away.
Roger that.
He shoots wildly with a DVTS minigun in his right hand. A barrage of bullets hits the monster
hordes, and they counterattack with a barrage of bullets against the enemy's mass of bullets. The
monsters, mercilessly bombarded by the storm of bullets, were unable to resist the threat and fell
one after another.
The enemy's flesh shreds, scales crack, and exoskeletons shatter. Against an opponent who kills
with quantity, not quality, the DVTS minigun unilaterally demonstrated an efficient and effective
killing spree.
As he watched the scene, Akira recalled a time when he had been attacked by a pack of monsters.
Then, he thought deeply.
'I wish I had this back then.
Akira was with Katsuragi and his group at the time, but he defied the enemy hordes with deadly
force using only his unmodified AAH assault rifle. Without the help of Elena and the others, he
would have died.
Alpha laughs and quietens Akira.
'Now it is. Instead of lamenting the past, rejoice in it. Even the improvement of your equipment is
part of your growth as a hunter."
'Yes, that's right. Let's just say I've grown this much too.'
Akira laughed and continued to shoot the DVTS minigun in a good mood.
Cheryl watched intently as the monsters were crushed one by one, still holding on to Akira. She
felt dependable, but at the same time, scared.
But I can't loosen my hold on Akira. But she can't relax her hold on Akira, because losing it would
be more frightening for her.
After running for some time after that, Akira and his team easily repelled the hordes of monsters.
Once outside the effect range of the enemy mover, there were no additional enemies, and once the
rest were defeated, the rest were easily shaken off.
With the car slowing down and the shaking under control, we started our return trip to
Kugamayama city. By the time we reached the city, it was almost dark.
Akira drove Cheryl straight back to the base and returned home before the vehicle, which was in
even worse shape, came to a complete stop.

Akira is taking a bath at home to recover from the day's work. Soaking in the plentiful hot water,
he was more relaxed than usual in the pleasures of bathing, but fatigue was evident on his face.
And yet, those guys kidnapped Cheryl to get her to tell them the entrance and exit to the Yonozka
Station ruins. ......
Akira was aware of the situation because he had heard about it from Cheryl on the way home.
Thinking back on it, he let out a deep sigh.
Not "...... surprisingly, no. If threatening a kid from the slums can get me information on an
untouched archaeological site, I'll do it."
Alpha, who is bathing with us as usual, smiles at us in a caring and encouraging manner.
'You shouldn't worry about it too much, okay? Cheryl knew the risks, but she was prepared to help.
Well, yes.
And since we killed those three guys who kidnapped Cheryl, that will be a deterrent from now on,"
he said. We can't have them stationed in a slum base, so we'll have to ask them to compromise on
Akira can understand that. It is also understandable. But not enough to make his slightly clouded
face relax.
Alpha looked at Akira's situation and used it as an example of what had happened before.
When Cheryl's request was met and backed, those who did not believe in it once attempted a raid
on Cheryl's stronghold.
Akira, who had been secretly watching, killed all those who actually tried to attack him on the
spot, and warned those who hesitated to attack him not to touch Cheryl, and left.
'At that time, Akira said, didn't he? I don't have time to escort Cheryl all the time. If the threat
works, we don't have to die. The rest depends on Cheryl's luck.
...... Oh, right."
'This time it was bad luck. But I was lucky enough to survive. That's all.
......, yes."
Then Akira smiled bitterly, as if he had been divided.
I'm out of luck." Neither am I. Neither is Cheryl."
'Well, Akira has me with him, so he'll be fine. Let's do our best.
Roger that.
Seeing Alpha smiling at him, Akira also changed his mind and laughed lightly.

Cheryl is taking a bath at the base to recover from the day's work. It was not her own time to bathe,
but this time, as the boss of the clique, she was exercising her authority, kicking out the others and
soaking slowly in the hot water alone.
I'm tired. ......"
After Akira drove her to the base, Cheryl was forced to do her job as the boss of the clique with
no time to rest.
He quieted the upset children. He talked down Katsuragi, who heard the commotion and came
over. He explained that Akira had saved him and that he had killed all the attackers. Thanks to his
hard work, the unrest in the clique was somehow calmed down after midnight.
I wasn't aware of that. ......"
Information on undiscovered archaeological sites. I thought I knew how much it was worth. But I
didn't think that I would go into a clique backed by hunters and kidnapped the source of the
information with impunity just because there was a possibility that they might know about it.
(For now, let's just be quiet for a while and be ready to contact Akira at any time. Fortunately, the
relics are at Akira's house. The base shouldn't be attacked because of the large amount of relics
hidden there. ......)
With a slightly boiled head, he considers his immediate concerns and how to deal with them.
However, Cheryl and her team, lacking the strength to fight, had no choice but to take a backseat,
including asking Akira for help.
(If only the existence of those ruins were widely known, they would have no value as a source of
information. ......, no, that would be a problem for Akira. ......)
Akira should not have given up collecting artifacts at the Yonozuka Station site. There is a
possibility that he knows of another entrance and exit, although he has not been told about it.
Cheryl's face contorted slightly as she thought this.
(I'll have to discuss this with Akira later. ......)
Even after all that had happened, I had no intention of saying no to Cheryl if Akira asked me again
to collect artifacts at the Yonozuka Station site.
But next time I was thinking of doing a little better.

Kolbe had loaded the debt hunters into a wilderness-specification bus to the area where Guba and
the others had died.
He instructed the hunters to exterminate the surrounding monsters and collect the corpses of Gyuba
and his men. After a while, three corpses were brought before Kolbe. The bodies were heavily
damaged, but they were recognizable from their personal belongings and the rest of the body.
All right," he said. Good work. Go ahead and go inside. Yeah, I'll make sure you guys don't have
to take on their debt. We'll deduct their compensation from the debt."
The hunters breathed a light sigh of relief and returned to the car. Later, alone outside the vehicle,
Kolbe pulls out an information terminal.
It's me. I checked Guba's body. Looks like he got his ass handed to him.
A joyful female voice comes out of an information terminal.
Yes," he said. Good work. Your reward has already been transferred. Check it."
Kolbe looks a little lost as to whether to ask or not, and then he says it.
So what did you want Guba to do with the information?"
What are you talking about?"
I know that you have been seducing Guba into doing something.
I haven't sold him any information lately."
I didn't say I sold it. I'm saying that you gave him a good reason and told him a story that sounded
right, and then you leaked the relevant information to an informant you thought he might have a
connection to, right?
Otherwise, there was no way Guba would have been able to locate the woman he had only seen
once in the wilderness so quickly. Kolbe was convinced of this.
And what information did you give them?" Did you tell them there are undiscovered ruins?"
What are you talking about?"
Hearing the panicked tone of his voice, Kolbe lets out a light sigh.
Don't do those little tricks," he said. Is it really likely that ...... you would do such an imitation?"
A joyful voice comes back, easily indicating that the flustered tone of the previous statement was
an act.
"Oh, do you have any idea?"
I don't feel obligated to answer ......."
The three debt-ridden Gyuba and his men have gone into debt to acquire equipment and
information, and they are kidnapping the boss of a hunter-backed clique by force, riding into his
base in broad daylight. And in a great hurry.
Kolbe, thinking that it was something that would make Guba and the others go that far, mentioned
the undiscovered ruins as a way of probing his opponents.
Well, if you have another idea, I'll tell you. You, someone asked you to make sure that this Akira
hunter is really strong, didn't they?"
What are you talking about?"
I hear that that clique is doing very well these days for such a small and weak group. If the backer
is weak, there must be a lot of people who think they can take the whole clique if they eliminate
him. That's about it, isn't it?"
I am also an informant. I'm an informant, and I don't give away information about my clients'
transactions for free. How much are you willing to pay?"
Hmph. I don't want it.
Oh, dear.
I gotta go.
When Kolbe says this and tries to hang up the call, he is told lightly at the end.
If you're going to move to collect relics, the sooner the better, okay?" The early bird gets the worm
in those things. ...... Oops, you can't? But maybe there's a way to get someone else to do it?"
It's none of your business."
Kolbe hung up the call in frustration. The woman's joyful laughter disappeared with it.
Kolbe clicks his tongue and puts away his information terminal. Then he reconfirms his opponent's
(You mean you tipped me off too. ....... What are you up to?)
While guessing the intentions of a very poor quality woman, Kolbe found himself thinking about
the undiscovered ruins and clicked his tongue once more.

In a lower section of the city, a woman is talking happily over a mobile terminal.
Yes. Undiscovered ruins. Isn't that good information? I approached you specifically because you
and I are good friends. Do you understand that?"
Hearing the reply, which clearly shows interest and caution, he continues thoughtfully.
Yes. I don't deny that it is uncertain information. But the possibility alone is worth it, isn't it? Of
course, I'm not going to force you to buy anything. But you want to earn your young track record
to compete with the old guard at Drunkham, don't you?"
I hear a voice that is more interested than alarmed, and I chuckle.
I don't think it's an amount I can answer immediately either. Take your time. But remember, it's
first-come, first-served. And don't forget that I approached you first, okay? Well then, Mizuha. I'll
be waiting for your reply."
The woman hung up the call and immediately contacted another.
It's me. I have a good story to tell you. ......"
The woman's joyful talk continued at length with many of them.
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Episode 81 Unexpected

A week after finishing collecting artifacts at the Yonozuka Station site with Cheryl and her family,
Akira visited Elena and her family again. Akira visited Elena and her family's house again to
discuss the next relic collection with Elena and her family, who were free for the time being.
Akira is greeted by Elena and the others smiling, and is ushered into the living room. Unlike Akira,
who is still dressed in his reinforced uniform, Elena and the others are dressed in civilian clothes.
Elena is dressed a little more worn than last time. Sarah was wearing what looked like skinny pants
with the bust closed.
Akira's only reaction to seeing Elena and the others was to breathe a sigh of relief that he did not
have to worry about where to put his eyes.
Elena and the others were equally relieved, but also slightly disappointed that Akira did not
respond to them in any way.
But that's beside the point. First of all, Elena began to talk about the current status of the ruins, as
well as to confirm the situation.
Akira. I regret to inform you at the outset that the Yonozuka Station ruins have been discovered
by other hunters."
What?" Is that so?"
Yes. So I have to ask, do you have any idea on Akira's part as to why he was exposed?"
Akira was at a loss to say. Elena, sensing this, continued in a lighthearted manner.
You don't have to elaborate," he said. Just tell me if you have any idea. If Akira doesn't have any
idea, then we might have done something wrong, and we just want to make sure.
Let's see, there's .......
Looking at Akira, who seemed to be somewhat at fault, Elena decided to laugh lightly and let it
Yes," he said. Well, sooner or later you will be found out, so you shouldn't worry too much about
it, Akira. I thought I was being careful, but I'm sorry if it was our fault.
'No, it was probably me. Thank you for caring."
Akira laughed like he was blown away and changed his mind. Elena and the others laughed back.
And you know what? Back to the topic at hand, many hunters are currently in the area of the
Yonozuka Station ruins, looking for the entrance to the ruins. But I have a small concern about
Akira looked a little mystified. He thought that since the existence of the ruins had already been
exposed, there was nothing to be concerned about.
Yes," he said. Well, maybe I'm just overthinking it, but it seems like the word about the ruins is
spreading a little too fast, and it seems like a lot of people have moved on."
Even if other hunters know about the existence of the ruins, they, too, will not do anything to blow
the whistle on it. The fewer competitors, the better.
And if you can get into the ruins as soon as you get there, but you need to find a way in and out
and dig it out. Even just using heavy machinery at the site requires arrangements, transportation,
and escorts. It takes a lot of time and effort.
A quick check of the site showed that it had not yet been confirmed that the ruins actually existed.
If that is the case, most people must be half-convinced. However, even if the ruins were
undiscovered, there were too many people who had actually started to search for the ruins. This
was Elena's concern.
Akira is lightly lost when he hears this explanation.
"Well, does that mean we have to hurry up too? Or are you just saying that it smells fishy and we
shouldn't do it?"
Sarah makes a slightly difficult face.
Both. And I'm sorry to say that we don't like the idea of collecting relics on the premise of engaging
other hunters, let alone with monsters.
Considering the way hunters gather at the Yonozuka Station site, there is probably a high
probability that hunters will kill each other in a battle for relics.
Knowing this and willingly participating in the commotion was far outside the guidelines of Elena
and her team's hunter business.
Elena turns a serious face to Akira.
So, what do you want to do, Akira? As long as we promised to go collecting relics together again,
we'll go with Akira. So please don't force us to go with you if we don't feel like it.
Sara turned a gentle, spare smile.
Well, if you say that the hindrances are a hindrance, then I give up."
No, it's not. I'm more of a drag."
When Akira hurriedly replies, Elena laughs lightly as well.
I'll do my best to help you with that. You can count on me."
Uh, yes."
Although he felt cheated, Akira did not feel bad. He returned a light chuckle and accepted the offer
to go with Elena and the others to the Yonozuka Station ruins to collect relics.
I'll get back to that. Elena, you have a kink in your thinking, don't you?"
I know, but I don't think we should throw away an opportunity to collect artifacts at a nearly
untouched site for something as trivial as that."
Elena and her team are hunters. They have a desire to get their hands on a large number of relics
in untouched ruins. Akira fully understood this.
After consulting with him, we decided to wait and see for three days.
In the meantime, I would just finish my preparations, head to the site, and check the situation again.
If hunters are killing each other in the ruins, we will switch to collecting relics at other ruins. That
was the plan.
Depending on other circumstances, we will plan together for various situations, such as exploring
the ruins as usual or looking for another entrance/exit ourselves if one has not yet been discovered.
Akira was satisfied with the content of the plan.

Elena saw Akira off to the front door of her home with Sarah. Then, after saying goodbye to Akira,
she calls out to him in a lighthearted manner as he is about to leave.
Akira. Let me ask you something, what do you think of our outfits today?"
What?" Yes. ......"
Akira looks at Elena and the others' clothes again. They did not look problematic. Then he looked
at his own outfit, thinking that we are not talking about taste in clothes, but about appropriate attire
for the occasion.
...... should I have come in regular clothes instead of the enhanced ones?"
Next to Elena, who looks slightly disappointed at the somewhat misguided response, Sarah joins
in Akira's conversation with a wry smile on her face.
Yes, it is. I don't want to force you to do anything, but don't be too afraid to go out without your
reinforced clothes. Of course, we're talking about a safe place, right?
Yes. I will be careful. See you later."
Akira bowed lightly and left.
Sara smiles meaningfully at Elena, who still looks a little difficult.
Elena could have dressed a little more relaxed, couldn't she?"
I'll think about it.
Sara laughed happily at Elena's somewhat disgruntled smirk.

Large heavy machinery continues to remove piles of rubble near the ground level of the Yonozuka
Station site. A large four-wheeled vehicle with a fuselage that also serves as a pilot's seat was being
used to clear away huge piles of debris with a two-fingered hand extending from the fuselage.
Nearby, several troop carriers are parked around a pile of rubble, and armed men continue to guard
the perimeter, a contingent of about 30 men, all young hunters.
Underneath the pile of rubble is the entrance to the ruins buried by Akira. The rubble was so large
and so massive that it would be difficult for a hunter in a reinforced suit to remove it. Therefore,
large heavy machinery was transported all the way here to deal with the situation.
And among these hunters were Katsuya and his friends.
Hey, Yumina," he said. Is there really an entrance to the ruins down here?"
I don't know. I would think that Mizuha would have some degree of certainty since she is making
such a big deal out of it."
Mizuha is an executive of Drangkam and the boss of Katsuya and his team. Katsuya and his group
were working under Mizuha's direction.
What do you think of Iri?"
If there is definitely an undiscovered site here, then the entire Drunkham will move. When only
young people like us are moving, at least Drangkam is not certain."
True to Aili's words, the only Drangkam hunters present were young, and those who were strongly
promoted by the clerical faction. There was not a single adult like the shikarabes. Mizuha was also
in charge of arranging the heavy equipment.
Moreover, it was ostensibly treated as a training exercise. Only Katsuya and his team were
informed by Mizuha that they were actually searching for undiscovered ruins.
Previously, Drangkam had pretended that the commotion in the underground mall at the Kuzuthara
Street site had never happened. Katsuya was very unhappy about this, and Mizuha informed
Katsuya in the form of an apology.
Aili responded negatively, but Katsuya replied optimistically.
But there might be, right?"
I'm not saying there aren't any. It may be that Mr. Mizuha is trying to monopolize the achievements
on the younger side and is withholding information from the executives on the older side."
It is possible that Mizuha is just getting ahead of himself with unclear information, but Iri kept
quiet about that one.
Katsuya nods lightly, in a good mood, and turns his expectant gaze to the pile of rubble.
Ruins, I hope there are."
Looking at the piles of rubble that were slowly but surely being removed, Katsuya was filled with

A man watches the piles of rubble being removed by heavy machinery from a distance with a bitter
look on his face.
Damn!" Drunkham's already taken over!"
The man is named Olsov, who was appointed the new leader of the collective artifact collection
operation after Gyuba's death. And it was no coincidence that Olsov chose this location for his
next relic collection.
Kolbe!" What the hell is going on? Why are they here before us?
Through Orsov's information terminal, a troublesome voice comes back from Kolbe, who is not
accompanying us this time.
I don't know. They must have gotten the information through another route and moved ahead of
us. I gave them the information about the ruins, but it was your fault for not being patient enough.
Don't take your complaints out on me.
Kolbe's voice had turned gruff toward the end. Olsov flinched when he heard it.
But, hey, you can't expect us to move quickly on such sketchy information, can you?"
'It's also your job, as your leader, to decide how you're going to work with that included. It's not
my job."
Kolbe continues as if to further nail Olusoff, whose face is contorted grimly.
First of all, you asked me if there was any place where I could make money, and I answered you.
If you don't like it, change the place. I don't care where you guys go to make money. Do what you
With that, communication with Kolbe was cut. Olsov was inwardly frustrated, but his face was too
sternly contorted due to the difference in their positions.
Then a man from the same unit calls out to him.
So, Olthoff, what are you going to do?"
...... Let me think about it for a minute. You guys search the perimeter in the meantime. Go."
The leadership of the unit had just changed, and the only reason the others followed Orsov was
that he had been appointed by Kolbe. He is a great man, but he does as he is instructed.
After a while, the number of other hunters in the vicinity increases. In addition to Drunkham,
Olthoff, and others, those who had obtained information about the ruins by some means were
Various people, ranging from teams of a few to squads of a dozen or more, are clearly taking action
to look for something, whether it be examining the area with information-gathering equipment or
retreating through the debris.
After seeing the situation for himself and hearing about it from his friends, Olthoff began to
reconsider his course of action based on the premise that there were undiscovered ruins here.
(After all, is it really there? Even though the Drunkham guys beat us to it, I thought it was odd that
they only sent kids if they really thought the ruins existed. ......, they were just the advance party
and the main group would come after this? Shit! (If only we had moved sooner: ......)
Olsov's regret was evidence that he was beginning to believe in the existence of undiscovered
ruins. Then a call request arrives on the information terminal. Olthoff, thinking it was from Kolbe,
turns his frustration into irritation and raises his voice.
Kolbe! What do you want?"
Kolbe? No, it's not. I'm Viola. I'm an informant."
But the voice that returned was unfamiliar.
Yes. I thought we were going to chain to the leader of the collective artifact collection unit, is that
I know, but you can find it at ......."
I'm glad to hear that," he said. I was afraid I was wrong. I just called to give you the information
as promised, are you okay now?"
Promises? Of what?"
What's that? That's strange. Didn't you hear? I have some additional information on undiscovered
sites. ......, okay. I'll contact Kolbe to confirm ......."
Orsov interjects hurriedly.
No, I remember! There it is! I thought it was something else! It's okay! I'm listening!"
Olthoff had never heard of such a story. But he immediately decided it would be a good thing to
Yeah?" Okay, I understand. First things first. ......"
Orsov was listening to Viola's story with a joyful sneer.

Viola finished telling her story to Olsov from her office in the lower section of the city.
Well, then, that's how it is, please."
I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it. I'll let Kolbe know. If you have any more questions,
please contact me directly. If you need to connect to Kolbe, he'll get angry and say it's too much
trouble. Please do.
I understand. Bye."
Viola, who hung up the call, laughed happily.

After a period of observation of the situation at the ruins, Akira and his team were on their way to
the Yonozuka Station ruins as planned in advance.
Akira is being driven by Elena and her family. His own vehicle was currently being repaired. The
body of the car was a little distorted, but not enough to replace it, but broken enough that it would
be difficult to repair it in a short time.
He only explained to Sizuka, who referred him to a repairman, that he had bumped it a little. At
that time, he was a little confused, but because of Akira's past reckless behavior and the fact that
Akira himself was unharmed, Sizuka assumed that the vehicle had taken his place and only
cautioned him to be careful.
Akira thought about borrowing a wilderness-specification vehicle from a rental agency to
accompany him, but Elena and her colleagues recommended that he ride with them. He was told
that there was no need to go that far, as he could simply head directly to the site and check the
Elena and her team's vehicle is large enough to carry a CWH objective assault rifle and a DVTS
minigun with the whole gun turret and ammunition. With plenty of room to spare, Akira decided
to do Elena and her team a favor.
The large vehicle was driven through the wilderness. Although they encountered monsters several
times, Akira and his team approached the Yonozuka Station ruins without any problems.
Elena. Have you received any information about the ruins since then?"
I've been trying to figure it out, but all I've been able to find out is that the entrance to the ruins has
been opened due to a maze of information.
Akira wonders a little at Elena's tone of voice as she replies in a quizzical tone.
"Is that all you can do ......, or do you usually know more than that?"
For the other hunters, the sudden discovery of new ruins means that they will at least make a small
effort to prevent the spread of information about the ruins to other people. Therefore, it was enough
to hear that the entrance to the ruins had been opened, which was proof that the undiscovered ruins
existed. Akira thought so.
Elena hears this from Akira and answers.
I wonder. We don't have the same opportunities to discover new sites, so I don't know the details
of what is normal in such situations, but there is something a little strange or contrived about the
information I've been given.
There are multiple entrances to the ruins, there is only one. A large number of relics were found,
there were none at all. They are full of powerful monsters, which we did not encounter at all. Very
narrow, very wide. Intense fighting is occurring, there are only skirmishes. There was a lot of
confusion among hunters at the moment.
As far as Elena could tell, the only thing that was clear about the Yonozuka Station site was that
the ruins were real.
Well, it's information about a new archaeological site, so I'm sure there's at least some artifice
mixed in with the information that's out there. ......, but I feel like the information is skewed
For those who are aggressive or short-sighted with little time to spare, hurry as quickly as possible
to the ruins or you will be ahead of them and it will be too late.
For those who are reluctant or can't afford to take action, don't rush, because it's not safe to do so
until you're well informed and prepared.
Somehow it seemed to Elena that the information currently circulating about the Yonozuka Station
ruins was intended to divide the hunters who were heading for the ruins into two groups.
Then the former would already be rushing to the ruins and the latter would arrive much later.
If that were the case, the ruins would now be in a situation where those who have no time to spare
and can only make snap judgments are fighting over a large amount of relics with the logic of the
wilderness. The arrival of powerful people with time to spare should delay the arrival of order in
the ruins for a long time. Elena thought so.
Akira and his team are on their way to the Yonozuka Station site at a time when it is neither the
former nor the latter. This is because they had decided on a period of time in advance to take a
look at the situation.
If she were to decide again now, Elena would go to the ruins at the latter time. The reason she did
not do so was because she did not want to make Akira, who would rather do the former, wait any
'Well, this is just my guess, and I won't really know for sure until I get there. Akira. That's why
we'll go ourselves and be very careful."
I understand.
Hearing Akira's clear and honest reply, Elena's expression relaxed. Then Sarah suddenly thought.
I was wondering why Akira's vehicle broke down? I heard you hit the front of the car pretty hard,
maybe you ran over a monster in the wilderness?"
Uh, something like that."
When Akira responded with a subtle smile and a cover-up, Sarah laughed, as if she had been lightly
Akira. If you hit him yourself, you should not do such a thing even if it is a wilderness specification
vehicle. Just so you know, the impact is surprisingly strong."
Ha, ha ......, yes."
When Sarah laughs that her prediction came true based on Akira's attitude, Elena laughs and
Yes, Akira. Sarah did that before with a rented vehicle and got into a lot of trouble."
When Akira involuntarily turned his gaze to Sara, she smiled and swept her eyes, deceiving him.
What was the hardest part?"
Let's see, Sarah was having trouble defeating the monsters ......."
Akira! That doesn't matter, there's a monster out there! It's a good opportunity for us to see what
Akira can do with the new equipment, so do us one favor."
I understand.
Knowing he was being deceptive, Akira laughed and grabbed the CWH objective assault rifle.
Looking at Sara, who seemed somewhat relieved, Elena let out a giggle.
Akira asks as he points his gun at the target.
'Alpha. Support me if I'm about to come off.'
I understand. I can support you well enough to make sure you get one shot at it, okay?"
No, you don't have to go that far. Elena and the others would think it strange if I showed them my
abilities on my own now, but it would also be strange if I had no support at all.
I understand. Then do your best not to make me support you as much as possible.'
I know.
Akira concentrates on his target as he watches Alpha, who is smiling as he points at the target in
his view through the sights.
The enemy is a metallic ball about one meter in diameter. It wanders around the wilderness on legs
that have been cut open and grown out of part of that sphere. I pulled the trigger, slowing the flow
of the world in my consciousness, slowing the target's movement relative to the rest of the world.
The armor-piercing projectile that was shot out hits the center of the mechanical monster, in the
middle of its spherical torso. The circular lens, which looks like a camera or a projectile of some
kind of visible energy, cracks and shatters.
The legs break off, unable to withstand the impact transmitted from the torso. The round body part,
having lost its support, rolled on the ground with its function suspended.
Sara sees this and raises her voice.
Well done!" Akira. You did it."
'Alpha. Did you support anything?'
No.' 'No, I don't think so. I didn't.'
Understanding that he had hit the target on his own, even if by accident, Akira also laughed and
accepted Sarah's praise.
Thank you."
Then it's our turn. Elena. Send the data.
All right.
Sara holds the gun up, Elena compensates for the aiming, and the bullet flies in a straight line from
the muzzle to the target. The high-speed bullet pierced through the round torso of the enemy,
wrecking the same mechanical monster with a single shot.
Well done."
Well, we're about done.
Elena and the others laughed and accepted the praise from Akira.
But Elena was inwardly a little dubious. She had never heard of such a mechanical monster in this

Arriving near the Yonozuka Station ruins, Akira and his colleagues could not hide their surprise
at the surrounding scene.
Biological monsters are lying around as corpses or springs after being hit by countless bullets.
Mechanical monsters have been turned into wreckage with holes in their armor. Mixed in with the
mass of corpses and wreckage were the wreckage of heavy machinery and vehicles, and the corpses
of hunters scattered about. These are the traces of a large-scale battle.
Akira then found a hole near a place where many corpses and wreckage were scattered. It was the
entrance to the ruins, but it was not the one that Akira had previously filled with a pile of rubble.
I got out of the car and peered into the back of the house with my gun ready, and saw a staircase
at the end of the debris-laden earth and sand. In other words, this entrance/exit was dug out of the
earth and sand. The situation was very different from Akira's time, when he simply cleared away
the debris.
Elena. What do you want me to do?"
Let's take a look around first. Even though the ruins are underground, under the circumstances it
might be better to start by mapping the above-ground area first."
I understand.
Akira and his colleagues followed Elena's decision and began to investigate the situation on the
ground with their own information-gathering equipment.
After investigating the above-ground area for a while, we found what appeared to be several
entrances and exits to the ruins. Some of them were vertical holes with a diameter of about 5
And everywhere there were dead hunter bodies lying around. Judging by the amount of monster
corpses and wreckage, it was clear that the firepower on the hunters' side was high enough to
prepare them for collecting artifacts in the untouched ruins. On top of that, they fought back
desperately and lost.
Sarah was snarling at some of those monsters. Akira noticed it and called out to her.
Sara. What's wrong?"
Hmm?" Among the monsters scattered about, I saw a familiar one mixed in, but I thought it had
to be one of a kind that doesn't live around here."
Sarah pointed to a corpse that resembled a large, one-meter-long spider. It was partially
mechanized as if it were a cyborg, and its body parts were different from those of a normal spider.
At first glance, it only looked like a spider, but it was nothing more than something spider-shaped.
You do recognize him, don't you? How strong are they?"
The individual differences are great," he said. The one we beat when we were guarding the
construction of a temporary base at the Kuzuhara Street ruins was so strong that even we had a bit
of a tough time.
Are you that strong?"
"It's the one that inhabits the far side of the ruins," he said. If ...... that kind of monster inhabits the
wilderness around here, it would drastically change the distribution of monsters in the area if it's
not done well. ......
Akira looks around to check for other dead monsters. There were no corpses of the same species
lying around.
I don't see any others. I guess this individual was just lost in the mix for some reason."
Let's just remember that there are monsters like this out there and be on the lookout for them.
Akira and his team continued to survey the surrounding area, and after roughly an hour of mapping
the above-ground area, they headed for the area near the entrance and exit of the ruins, where Akira
had buried them in a pile of rubble.
The entrance and exit, which should have been buried, were completely exposed. Wrecked heavy
machinery and vehicles were lying around. There were also a large number of dead monsters and
hunters lying around. Moreover, the amount of dead bodies was larger than in other places.
The situation has already exceeded all prior expectations. The advantage of having been inside the
Yonozuka Station site before has already almost disappeared. We all understand that.
Nevertheless, if one is to enter the ruins, this is a more suitable place to enter than other entrances.
The map of the ruins that I made before was made from this entrance, and it is somewhat better
than the completely unknown condition of the interior.
In front of the entrance/exit, Akira and the others had to decide whether to proceed or return.
Everyone was unsure for various reasons, but then Elena noticed Akira's hesitation and asked in a
light tone of voice.
Akira. If Akira were here alone, what would he do?"
If I'm the only one? Yes, ......, since we've come this far, well, I'll go in."
I have the support of Alpha. If something goes wrong inside, Alpha will probably stop me from
going any further, and I will be fine if I turn around at that point. Akira's answer was based on that
level of thinking.
Elena and the others looked at each other when they heard this. Then, with a slight, happy, yet
subtle smile, they turned their heads back to Akira.
And Sarah dares to make it clear.
I understand. Then let's go in."
What?" Then, just because I said so, that's why you have to make up your mind. ......
Elena also smiles a little powerfully at Akira, who is puzzled.
I'm glad you're concerned about our safety and think we shouldn't do this. We are hunters, too, and
we have more experience than Akira. So, I'm sorry to say this, but if you treat us like we're holding
you back, even if you care about us, it makes us feel a little uncomfortable. Do you understand?"
Elena and the others were more than happy with Akira's concern. However, Elena dared to
emphasize the more subtle side of her feelings here.
Well, I didn't mean it that way. ......
Akira flinched a bit when she said this, but Sara laughed at her in a friendly manner.
That's all right then. If Akira doesn't think of us as a liability, it will be easier and safer than going
alone with him, right? No?"
Akira would not hesitate to proceed if it were just him, but he hesitated, wondering if he should
involve Elena and the others in the process. However, he laughed and changed his mind when
Elena and the others told him there was no need to worry about it.
No, it's not. I understand. Let's go.
This made Akira and his team all laugh and decide to re-explore the Yonozuka Station ruins.

After preparing to enter the ruins, Akira and the others descended the long staircase they had
passed before.
Akira carries a backpack full of ammunition, and in each hand a CWH objective assault rifle and
a DVTS mini He is holding a gun. The weight of the gun was supported by the physical strength
of the reinforced suits, so there was no problem, but there was no difference in the large amount
of luggage, and they were having a bit of trouble going down the stairs, which had changed
dramatically since the last time they were here.
The staircase, unlike the previous one, is bright enough despite being underground. The shape of
the shadows indicate that the light is coming from above, but even looking up, there is no sign of
any light source. The lights that Akira and his team had installed last time were still on the floor,
but had been broken in the aftermath of the battle.
And there were many downed monsters lying around. Many of them had lost their original forms
due to violent attacks. There were bullet marks on the walls, floor, and ceiling, and many traces of
explosives, which could be seen clearly in the bright light.
Elena sees the situation and surmises.
I was surprised to see that this site was still functional," he said. And the bullet holes indicate that
they were shot on the entrance/exit side. That means the hunters probably tried to take down the
monsters that entered the ruins from further in. ......
Akira also thinks a little.
Are you saying that because the monsters got deeper into the ruins, the ruins started functioning?"
It could be," he said, "or it could be because of something the hunters did when they got to the
back. It could be that he was chased by a monster, ran away, and took the monster deep into the
ruins with him.
'Then there might already be monsters roaming deep into the ruins. ......That would ruin what was
once a monster-free ruin."
Sara laughs as she lightly encourages Akira, who laments so.
Well, ruins are usually like that," he said. Let's just assume that we're in a normal relic collection
After descending the stairs and reaching the passageway while remaining vigilant, we set out for
our immediate destination, relying on the map we had made earlier. On the way there, Elena looked
a little grim.
What's wrong?"
Part of the corridor is closed. I'm sure it's the effect of some function of the ruins working in
conjunction with the lighting, but this has reduced the accuracy of the map considerably."
Sarah looks around and laughs lightly.
There's another way, and it's okay."
I guess so. Shall we go?"
After making appropriate corrections to the map, we arrived at the remains of a shopping street
where we had previously only studied the location and never touched the relics. The place was
also filled with the scars of the battle between hunters and monsters. Then Elena's face tightens.
Sarah. Akira. Reaction from before. Monster."
All right.
Roger that.
Sarah and Akira stand on either side of Elena with their guns ready to intercept. Elena also readied
her gun and switched the priority search range of her intelligence-gathering equipment to the front.
Then comes a swarm of biological monsters from the back. Not only beasts and reptiles, but even
insects and plants rush in, roaring and kicking the floor in their own way of movement.
Carnivorous plants that have learned how to run are running, moving their thick roots like legs.
Cyborg beasts, whose living parts have decayed, exposing their mechanical parts, are running with
their mouths open. Large insects as tall as an adult's waist crawl on multiple legs along the walls
and ceilings, followed by similarly sized lizards.
Elena quickly recognizes these monsters with her information-gathering equipment and identifies
those that need to be destroyed first, such as machine-gun-grown individuals. She then conveys
this information to Sarah and Akira and instructs them on efficient combat.
Akira and his team followed their instructions and unleashed a flamboyant fire without restraint.
A dense barrage of bullets hit the monster swarm, filling the space to crush the enemy, and the
powerful bullets made its original form disappear.
The extended magazine of Akira's DVTS minigun is more expensive than the previous one. The
power and the number of bullets have been improved in proportion to the doubled price, and the
firepower is sufficient if the cost of ammunition is taken into consideration.
For those individuals who withstand the barrage of bullets, armor-piercing rounds fired from the
CWH objective assault rifle pierce their weak points with unparalleled accuracy. They pierce
armor, tear through thick muscle armor, and destroy vital organs protected by them.
In addition, Akira is now fighting with the firm support of Alpha. All the bullets were overrunning
the enemy hordes with maximum efficiency.
Sarah was lightly tongue-tied at the sight of Akira.
Akira! Is everything okay over there?"
I'm fine!" No problem!"
Yes! It's a pretty good mix of monsters you'd find deep in the Kuzuthara Street ruins, but if that's
all you can afford, it's a big deal!"
What?" Are there that many in the mix?
Yes! I don't know why, though!"
I understand! I'll be careful!"
Hearing Akira's energetic reply, Sara was even more caustic in her accusation that she could not
lose as a senior.
The automatic grenade launcher, which, like the minigun, is normally impossible to carry and use,
is held lightly by the physical capabilities of the enhanced and extended body. He fired multiple
grenades in rapid succession toward the back of the herd. A series of explosions engulfed and
obliterated the enemy group.
"Ms. Sara! Is that safe to use in a place like this?
It's okay! The ruins are old world, you know? It's pretty sturdy, so don't worry about it."
Akira was slightly troubled, but when he recalled that the walls of the Kuzuthara Street ruins had
only cracked when the walls of the building were hit directly with bullets from the dedicated CWH
objective assault rifle, he thought, well, I guess so, and decided not to worry about it any more.
The first time I saw a new building, I was surprised to see the number of people who had been
At that moment, a monster blown away by the blast flew toward Elena by bad luck. Elena kicked
it to the side with a spinning kick and then complained.
Sarah! Even if the building is sturdy, be a little more careful shooting!"
Elena! Sorry!"
"Totally ......"
Seeing Sara laughing and apologizing, Elena let out a light sigh. Akira, sensing the leeway in her
appearance, laughed lightly, thinking that there was no need to be so careful at the thought of
involving Elena and the others.
Akira and his team fought off the monster horde as it was. When Elena looked at them for about
10 seconds to make sure there were no additional signs, her expression relaxed and she announced
the end of the battle.
I'm going to go to the airport and see what's going on," he said. It's done. We took them down
pretty easy for that many, but there were a lot of them."
Yes, that's right. That cost us a lot of ammunition.
The perimeter was almost a straight line structure, and the herd was coming from behind it. Thanks
to this, we basically only had to shoot at them from a distance, but ammunition consumption was
inevitable. This was especially true if miniguns or other weapons were used.
Seeing Akira's worry about the cost of ammunition on his face to the extent that he can cover it up
with a wry smile, Elena laughs as if to cheer him up.
I agree. I should stay here and collect relics to make up for the cost of the ammunition.
Considering the number of store ruins, one would expect a considerable amount of artifacts. Elena
laughed as if to tell us this, but as we all looked around, her smile turned into something closer to
a wry smile.
...... Well, there are some left if you look for them."
Before we arrived, the area was already full of scars from heavy fighting, and we had just now
been subjected to even more fierce fighting. Even if the ruins themselves are old-world and sturdy,
it does not necessarily mean that the stores and relics there are also sturdy. There was a certain
amount of fear of having ruined various things.
Akira and his colleagues looked at each other and smiled wryly, then set about collecting relics.
Episode 82 Security Equipment at the Ruins

Akira and his team were busy collecting relics in the ruins of the shopping district where they had
just finished fighting. Even though the condition of the ruins is quite different from what they had
initially expected, there is no difference in the fact that they are here to earn money as hunters. We
have to make sure we get the relics and make a profit.
They cleared debris from the ruins of half-destroyed stores and cleared the bodies of monsters and
hunters together to search for relics. Fortunately, the relics were still there, much to Akira and his
team's surprise.
Even so, there are many relics that cannot be called safe in the aftermath of the battle. Akira found
a woman's underwear and picked it up. The wrapping had been damaged by a bullet, and blood
from monsters had soaked through.
It would not be worth money even if I brought this back. With this in mind, I put it away on a
nearby piece of rubble, and Sarah notices it.
Akira. Can I have that if you don't want it?"
What?" It's in such a state, you know?"
Then Akira remembered that Sarah had once told him she was starving for underwear. He was
surprised to see on her face that she was in such dire need of something that was even in this bad
of a state.
Sarah sees this and giggles.
I'm not going to use it as it is," he said. I'm going to send it to a repair company. With any luck, it
will be as good as new and cheaper than buying a regular one. Depending on the condition, they
may even buy it outright, you know?"
Oh, I see what you mean. Then go ahead."
Sarah stuffed the underwear into a clear bag and then put it in her own backpack. Akira looks at
her and wonders a little.
Sara. Did you have those bags ready separately?"
Hmm?" Well, yeah. Are you one of those who don't use Akira? Old-world packaging is certainly
sturdy, but many of them are deteriorating, and the more expensive ones can be used a little more
After Sarah said this, she looked at Akira and realized that she was not communicating with him.
Akira. Do you know what this bag is?"
What, the bag, right?"
Well, yes, but it's a relic storage bag, to be exact."
Relic storage bags are a type of relic carrier for hunters. Many relics are fragile, and many special
storage bags are sold. Some protect precision machinery from vibrations, while others are high-
end products that even protect against gunfire. Although they are expensive, they are widely used
to preserve the quality of the relics and sell them at a high price.
Many do not use it because it is too much trouble, and it is not a necessity. At first, Sarah thought
that Akira simply considered the hassle to be too much of a bother. However, it was unexpected
that he did not know that relic storage bags existed in the first place.
I'm not sure if there is such a thing. Hmmm. Maybe I should buy one too."
It's useful for transporting these soiled relics, and there's no harm in buying it. But don't refill the
original packaging. Old World packaging is often more efficient.
I see. I understand."
If you have the opportunity to collect artifacts with other hunters, or if you have the opportunity
to talk about the handling of artifacts, there is usually a good chance that you will learn about
artifact storage bags.
But Akira did not have that normality. Sara took pity on him and his face slightly darkened, but he
quickly changed his mind. She dared to laugh in the manner of a senior.
I'll be right back," he said. Since we're on the occasion, I'll tell you a little story about that kind of
hunter's business. Yes. As a senior."
Is that so?" Well, then, please."
Akira laughed back, unaware. And then Elena, who joined us on the way, continued to collect
relics with us, imparting knowledge that Akira had extremely few opportunities to acquire in his

After one battle and one relic collection, Akira and his team had earned quite a bit of success on
their own.
And Akira and his team have plenty of spare energy left. Therefore, the decision to go forward or
return was once again necessary. To go further and put the extra energy into making more money?
Or turn back and put the extra energy into safety? Neither was a mistake.
Elena asks them to share information as well.
Now what? Judging by the amount of relics here, I'd say this place is still in pristine condition. If
we work a little harder, there's a good chance we can make more money."
Akira looks further in, at the end of the passage where the crowd of monsters had just appeared.
According to his memory from a previous mapping project, there was another shopping area
beyond the passageway, although it was a little further away. It was worth going that far to check
it out.
Normally I would have said so first and Elena would have stopped me, but can I ask why Elena
said so first today?"
Because this time, you can't just come back again," he said. When we come back next time, this
place will certainly no longer be an untouched ruin.
If we cut off the relic collection here, in the sense of Elena and the other hunters, the next time we
will come back here will be after we are thoroughly exhausted from today's work and ready to
collect relics again, which will be in three days at the earliest.
At that time, those who had decided that they did not have enough information now had already
finished their preparations and were on their way to the ruins. It is hard to imagine that a light
search would have yielded a large number of relics in an untouched state.
In addition, now is the time when the hunters who have been ahead of us have finished defeating
the monsters until they are all killed by each other, and it may be the best condition for the
followers to work hard to collect relics.
Elena felt that it was not worth it to throw away that opportunity for the sake of a little safety.
Akira, who heard this story, is troubled along with Elena and the others. However, they cannot
continue to think about it for too long in the ruins. So, he came up with a plan.
How about we go to the site of the next shopping district? That's it for collecting relics. And
regardless of the results there, we will return home."
Elena gets a little concerned and confirms it in passing.
'That sounds good, too, but what made you think that?'
If we're lucky and the next relic collection goes well, however many relics are left there will be
the limit of the amount we can bring back. If there are not much relics left, let's just assume that
our luck was up there this time and get the hell out of here."
Elena judged from Akira's demeanor that there was no underlying reason for this.
I understand. Shall we do that? Is that okay with Sarah?"
It's good, isn't it? It's a great opportunity. Let's make another buck."
Akira and the others nodded lightly and started walking further into the ruins.
Sarah asks Elena in a whisper.
So, what was that about earlier?"
Hmm?" You see, Akira once rushed us suddenly in the underground mall, didn't he? I was just
checking to see if that was happening again."
Yeah, that's what I meant."
Elena and her team dismissed their concerns with that.
There was no way for Akira, let alone Elena and the others, to know if Alpha was intentionally
keeping silent.

Akira and his team, who had to go further into the city, arrived at the site of the next shopping
district. Although it took some time due to the fact that a part of the passage was closed, forcing
them to take a detour, and they encountered a few monsters along the way, they arrived at their
destination without any problems.
The corpses of hunters and monsters were lying on the ground at that location as well. The ratio
of the number of corpses suggests that the hunters fought hard, but there is no doubt that the
situation ended in a terrible way.
And while checking the perimeter, Elena alerts us to the situation.
Akira. Sara. I got a reaction. Be careful."
Akira and the others point their guns in the direction of the response. Beyond it was a door that
looked like a loading dock for a warehouse. The door was distorted to the point that its operation
was hindered, and it was slightly ajar.
Then a voice comes through the gap.
Hey! Is someone there! I know you're there! Answer me!"
Akira and the others look at each other lightly before approaching the door, and a man spots Akira
and the others through a crack in the door and shouts with delight.
I did it!" We're saved! Please! Help me! Open this door!"
The man is a hunter named Levin, leader of those who escaped into the door. He had escaped, but
in the aftermath of the battle, the door was distorted and could not be opened, and he was at a loss.
Not wanting to die out in the ruins, he kept waiting for other hunters to come through the doorway.
In contrast to Levin, who was delighted that help had finally arrived, Elena did not let her guard
down. She carefully asks the other person through the door.
What are you doing up there?"
'We got attacked by a monster and ran in here, but it wouldn't open!
What's going on in there? Is it pretty big? How many people are there?"
What?" Well, it is quite spacious. Probably some kind of warehouse or something. There are five
of us, including me. It doesn't matter. Open up."
Five, or ....... That's a lot less."
Really?" That's what a team of relic collectors would do. Well, if it's some hunter's clique or
something, it's probably more.
No, I mean that there are a lot fewer bodies than there are out there. You abandoned the others and
ran in there by yourselves, didn't you?"
Elena gave a hard look through the gap in the door, and Levin flinched widely on the other side of
the door.
I didn't have a choice! The odds were so desperate that there was no chance of winning a serious
fight, and we were the only ones near this door who could afford to run for cover!"
When the man makes that excuse, he makes more excuses.
And as the leader of my team, I had a duty to put the lives of my teammates first! I couldn't risk
the lives of my friends for a competitor who just happened to be in the vicinity! You know what I
I see. Well, that certainly doesn't help."
'So you don't think it's a bad idea for us to leave you guys behind? Sorry, but I also want to prioritize
the lives of my fellow hunters, so I want to reduce my chances of inadvertently coming into contact
with other hunters. I don't want to be attacked."
You're kidding, right?" Come on!"
Levin sounded impatient and distressed.
Elena let her guard down a bit, judging from Levin's appearance that the other party was in real
trouble and was unlikely to suddenly become a robber.
So, what are you really going to do?"
'Well, you could at least open the door, couldn't you?
Yes. I think it's good."
Akira agreed with Sarah's opinion, and Elena nodded lightly.
All of the Akira's were willing to at least help, as long as the help was harmless. Elena and Sara
agreed on their goodness, and Akira agreed on the idea of adding to his good fortune by doing this
good deed.
The wilderness is a ruthless place, but there is no need to be unnecessarily ruthless. The degree to
which one must be ruthless is determined by the situation and one's own capacity and strength.
Elena and her friends were strong enough to help a stranger in this situation, even though they
were wary of him, and Akira affirmed their strength.
So, how do we open it?
"Oh yeah, ......."
Sarah looked at the door and sneered.
Let's kick it down a notch."
Then he stands in front of the door and tells Levin and the others in a loud voice.
Stay away from the door, it's dangerous! Unless you want to get blown up with them!"
As Levin rushed away from the door, Sarah's painful kick slammed into it. A roar sounded that
made one imagine the power of the kick, and the door creaked loudly.
Sarah, a nanomachine-assisted body enhancement extender, was improving her physical abilities
through the use of higher performance nanomachines. She began to greedily seek out underwear
made in the old world, in part because of the shorter period of time it took for cheap underwear to
become useless.
He has also replaced his protective clothing with something that can withstand his physical
capabilities. Thanks to this, Sarah is able to kick the door open with no problem at all. Even when
the sturdy doors made in the old world are subjected to impacts that cause them to creak and warp,
the high level of protective performance protects the wearer.
Sara continues with a painful kick. The further impact made the distortion of the door worse, but
the door still served to separate the space sufficiently.
It's tougher than I thought it would be."
As Sarah looked a little surprised at the resistance beyond her imagination at the door, Akira stood
next to her. Then, as if they had guessed each other's intentions, they laughed lightly, took a stance,
and simultaneously released a kick.
The kick was so powerful that an ordinary person could easily handle a heavy weapon, which
would be difficult to carry. The impact of two people being hit by these kicks at the same time was
more than they could bear, no matter how sturdy the doors were made in the old world. The door
was already damaged and brittle, so it was kicked through in one fell swoop.
Akira and Sarah look inside with satisfied faces. Levin and the others looked at Akira and the
others, their faces drawn in comparison to the crumpled door.

Levin and his team finally made it out of the warehouse, but the relief on their faces was palpable.
They are still inside the ruins, and the dead bodies of hunters and monsters scattered around them
clearly indicate the danger of the current situation. In addition, just a few minutes ago, Akira and
his team had kicked down a sturdy door in a spectacular manner, as if to show the difference in
their abilities.
Still, Levin laughs with his friends and thanks them for their sincere appreciation, for their
protection, and for not provoking the other party unintentionally.
Thank you. "Thank you. I was just about to do something if I couldn't get out of there."
Elena laughs back.
You're welcome."
Then he continues with that smile.
I'm sorry then, but you need to get away from us right now. I'm not going to go collecting artifacts
in the ruins with a hunter I don't know."
Yeah, well, ......."
Levin flinches and looks around again.
...... But first, can I ask you what's going on outside the ruins and how you got here?"
The outside of the ruins was also full of monsters and dead hunters, not much different from this
place. They had come all the way here after defeating a pack of monsters on the way. Levin's
expression turned grim when he heard these stories from Elena. Then he smiled as affectionately
as he could.
If the situation is so dangerous, why don't you join us in collecting relics, just for the heck of it?
I don't want to. I understand your situation, but do you really think we're going to abandon the
other hunters and team up with the people we've been hiding out with?"
I know, right? ......"
Elena gave him a slightly hard look, and Levin chuckled.
If you understand, just go. At least far enough away so that we can figure out if we're far enough
away. If you're still hanging around after all this, we'll assume you're trying to attack us.
Sara, with a stern expression on her face, looks at Levin and his friends and makes no move to
I'm sorry, but we've been through a lot. I'm becoming quite suspicious. If you don't stay with us,
I'm going to get suspicious, okay? ...... or are you going to do it here?"
Levin and his team flinched as Elena's smile faded and she began to intimidate them. However,
with few ammunition remaining, it was doubtful that they would be able to return to the ground
on their own. In addition, from what Elena had told them about the situation on the ground, there
was little chance that their vehicle would be safe. Levin and his team wanted to somehow
accompany Elena and the others back to the city.
So after a whispered consultation, Levin, the representative, tightened his face and began
negotiating with Elena and the others for their own survival.
I understand. Then I'll make an urgent request right here. Please do so. Please accept. We don't
want to die either. We'll do our best to get you paid. What do you say?
Elena and Sarah looked at each other, a little bewildered by the unexpected suggestion.
"How's it going, I've been told. ......"
Hey ......"
Elena then pulls out an information terminal to check the communication status. The connection
to the hunter's office was not connected due to the fact that we were underground and in the ruins.
In case you're wondering, if you say something random with the idea that we can't process formal
requests here because we're out of range, you're going to regret it, okay?"
Then Levin's face turned grim with dissatisfaction.
I'm a hunter too. I know what it means to speak up about an urgent request through the Hunter's
Even though it is before the formal request process is processed and is only an oral agreement at
this point, it makes no difference that a false request is a fraud on the hunter's office. It is different
in weight from those verbal promises. There was reason enough for Levin's face to twist into a
grim expression.
Then Elena and the others are hunters. That gives them room for consideration for the request.
Seeing this in the attitude of Elena and the others, Levin quickly tried to proceed with the
"So, as far as compensation, well, there's three of us, so at a million aurums apiece, that's three
million aurums. How's that sound?"
But Elena had a look on her face that said she couldn't talk about it.
What are you talking about? There are five of you, aren't there? So ......"
Five million?"
Although Levin thought the price was high, he also thought that he could not turn his back on it,
and was inwardly relieved that the deal had progressed to the point where he could negotiate the
However, the words that follow overturn this.
Fifty million.
The faces of the Levins were all at once stained with surprise. Then Levin hurriedly complained.
Wait a minute! What the hell is that?
I'm sure you're aware that the fees for emergency requests are more expensive, right?" I won't force
you to do anything. If you don't like it, go back on your own."
But that doesn't mean ......"
And you know better than I do that these ruins are in trouble. That's why you abandoned the other
hunters and ran away, right? Besides, if we hadn't helped them, they would have been trapped
forever, right? A million aurums per person would not be enough to pay for a safe return to the
city from that situation."
Elena's explanation continues as if she were folding up.
We'll do our best as long as we take it as a request," he said. But we don't even know how many
monsters we will encounter on the way home. Three million aurums is a lot of money, and if we're
not careful, we'll lose money just on expenses, including ammunition."
Levin was cornered without being able to argue much.
If you couldn't pry that door open, then you're not wearing reinforced clothes, are you? How are
you going to protect the people who came all this way and leave with that kind of equipment? I
admit I'm charging a premium because it's an emergency request fee, but I don't think it's an
unreasonable amount of money to talk about. Am I wrong?"
Levin was flinching under Elena's offensive.

Akira watched the negotiations between Elena and Levin with great interest. There, he was
approached by Alpha in a slightly serious tone.
Akira. Be on the lookout over there."
Akira reflexively raised his gun in that direction. Elena and the others were slightly behind, and
Levin and the others were even later.
'Alpha. Monster?"
No, it's not. It's a person. But he is running, judging from the speed he is moving. Whether or not
he is being chased by a monster is unknown from here because of the inaccuracy of our
intelligence-gathering equipment.
Roger that.
Akira is pointing his muzzle at a corner. The other side of the corner is outside the detection range
of the information-gathering equipment, and even with Alpha's support, it is impossible to see
through the transparent display. He calmly waits for the other party to come.
Elena also caught the reaction of something approaching with her own information-gathering
equipment. This made her wonder a little about Akira's premature reaction, but she reconsidered
that this was also the case in the underground city of the Kuzuthara Street ruins and shelved the
question for now.
Then, Akira and the others involuntarily looked in dubious surprise on their faces when they saw
what appeared from the corner of the passageway. It was a stray bullet, not a live one, but a short
line of light flying through the air.
The ray lands on the wall of the ruins and causes an explosion. At least that is what it looked like
to Akira.
Alpha! What the hell was that?
It's what we call a laser bullet. It's a directional high-energy beam that propagates while reacting
with the colorless mists in the atmosphere. The reaction converts part of the energy into light,
making it look like a long, extended light bullet. What looks like an explosion is actually ......"
Anyway, it's not good to eat, right?"
"You'd have to use corresponding force-field armored force field armor to avoid injury."
Roger that!
The amount of laser bullets coming out of the corners of the corridor increases. It was obvious to
Akira that someone or something was being targeted by those laser bullets.
Then that someone turns the corner and comes running frantically toward Akira and his friends.
Akira's surprise was evident on his face when he realized who it was.
That guy is ......!"
It was Yumina who came out of the corner.
As Yumina rounded the corner, the target was out of range and the laser rounds stopped firing.
Then, after a short pause, several metallic spheres, each about one meter in diameter, came flying
out of the corner, rolling briskly.
The metal ball then sprouts legs from its surface and stops its own inertia as it slides, scraping the
floor. More quickly, he took a stance and tried to aim the laser projectile launcher in the center of
the sphere at Yumina.
Akira shouts.
Get down!
That's how Yumina notices Akira and the others. Surprised to see Akira and the others in this
situation, and even more surprised to see them at gunpoint, they still quickly got down on the spot
with only a slight delay.
Before Yumina could finish lying completely on the floor, Akira had already pulled the trigger,
and an armor-piercing round fired from the CWH objective assault rifle passed just above Yumina.
It then penetrated and destroyed the round mechanical monster behind it, piercing the entire laser
projectile launcher.
Elena and Sara also continue to shoot and take down enemies. They feed countless bullets to
Yumina, destroying her one after another, starting with the metal ball that tries to aim the laser
bullets at her.
Yumina's face tensed up at the sound of bullets whizzing past her, but she crawled sideways across
the floor to the edge of the wall and out of the line of fire. Then, standing carefully, she ran along
the wall.
Then Akira, who no longer feared involving Yumina, began using a DVTS minigun, and Sarah an
automatic grenade launcher. A storm of bullets and grenade explosions hit the mechanical
monsters. The spherical security machines were quickly crushed and every last one was wiped out.
Akira lowers his gun and exhales.
'Alpha. What was that?"
It must be a security device here. It's poorly armed, so I think it's just a little simple security fixture.'
Akira, feeling uncomfortable with this explanation, asks back with a dubious look on his face.
'...... poor was shooting laser bullets, right?'
Even if it's for non-lethal use against civilians, it's no good if you can't at least help put down a
riot," he said. So there is a limit to how much we can reduce its power.
"Non-lethal ......, if I take that thing, I'm dead, right?"
"It's non-lethal by old-world standards."
'I see. ....... The average person in the old world wouldn't die at that level. ......"
Akira was somewhat convinced that the clothes made in the old world should be so sturdy, and his
misunderstanding of the old world deepened.
Yumina comes to Akira and the others, catching her breath. Levin and the others, who had been
hiding again in the warehouse where they had locked themselves in, only showing their faces to
see what was going on, came back timidly after the battle was over.
When Yumina came to the side of Akira and the others, she bowed first.
Thank you for saving my life when I was in danger."
Don't worry about it. I'm glad you're safe. ...... So, are you alone? Aren't Katsuya and Iri with you?"
When Elena asked on behalf of Akira and the others, Yumina's face contorted in grief.
And Yumina bows her head deeply and strongly and loudly.
Elena. Sara. Please! Please help me!"
Yumina's desperation and earnestness told Akira and the others very clearly that this was the only
Episode 83 The Price of Wishes

While the above-ground portion of the Yonozuka Station ruins was still calm, the entrance to the
ruins was finally dug out from the pile of rubble. The young hunters of Drangkam who were
watching the scene cheered in anticipation of the undiscovered ruins and immediately prepared to
go inside.
To prevent other hunters from using the entrances and exits that had been opened, most of the
manpower was allocated to defending the ground area, and only a small number of elite hunters
were allowed to enter the ruins. So, Katsuya and his team were to enter first.
The stairs lead to the depths of the ruins, which are engulfed in darkness. More than anxious at the
sight, Katsuya's heart swells with curiosity and anticipation for the unknown ruins as he and
Yumina carefully descend the stairs.
But then Katsuya's face turns dubious. An installation-type light had been placed on the staircase
landing, which was illuminated by his own lighting.
I'm thinking, "...... is this lighting? What's with all the lights here?"
Iri cautiously approaches the light. He operated the switch, and the light was firmly activated,
illuminating the area.
It still works.
Seems so. ...... What? Why are there lights already installed in an undiscovered archaeological
Yumina also curiously checks the lighting. It was immediately apparent that they were not of Old
World manufacture, but cheap modern ones.
What do you mean?"
Anyway, let's move on."
Katsuya, despite his growing bewilderment, proceeded deeper into the ruins, partly because
Yumina urged him to do so.
There were other lights already installed on the stairs, all of which worked. As the staircase was
brightly illuminated by them, Katsuya's confusion grew even stronger.
I'll be back in a minute." Yumina. Aili. This is an undiscovered site, right?"
It is true that the entrance to the site was buried under rubble. We dug it out. That's what Katsuya
must have seen."
No, I know, but ......"
Katsuya and his team continued down the long flight of stairs, turning on the lights that had already
been installed. During this time, Katsuya was constantly making bewildered noises.
After that, they go down all the stairs and arrive at the passageway. At that point, the anticipation
of the unknown ruins had already been completely cut from Katsuya's face, but here, he goes
beyond doubt and expresses skepticism on his face. When Katsuya and his team illuminated the
back of the passageway, the lights that had already been installed continued that way as well.
Yumina gives a mild chuckle.
Ah, it looks like someone has already explored these ruins."
I know, right? ......"
Katsuya let out a loud sigh of disappointment on his face. Although he had already known it for
some time, he would no longer have the experience of being the first to go to an unknown site. His
disappointment was only increased by this.
I don't have a choice. Let's switch it up. It makes no difference that this site was largely unknown,
and I'm sure the artifact collection will be just as promising."
This is also an experience. As long as you make as much money as you do and go home, there's
no problem. If the information inside the ruins is not widely available, just looking inside and
making a map will be a good enough accomplishment."
With the encouragement of Yumina and the others, Katsuya also changed his slightly downcast
mood. He smiled cheerfully to lift his spirits.
I guess so." All right! Let's go for it!"
Katsuya and his team once again proceeded with their search for the Yonozuka Station ruins.
Walking along the long corridor with the installed lights on, they look around various places, being
pleased to find the remains of warehouses and stores, and disappointed to find that the relics have
already been taken out.
The map of the ruins created by the automatic simplified mapping device also became much wider
during the search. Katsuya smiles with satisfaction at the results so far.
I think it's time for us to go back to the others. There were places where relics were left behind,
but we couldn't carry them all by ourselves."
There were no monsters." Good ruins."
It was worth clearing out a pile of rubble to get in there. We've made a map of the interior, and I'm
sure everyone wants to go into the ruins, so next time we'll have to be the ones up there guarding
the place or they'll be mad at us. Let's hurry."
Katsuya and the others return to the ground laughing in anticipation of today's results.
At that moment, Katsuya thought he heard a scream.
In fact, no screams were heard. Even if you listen carefully, the only sound you can hear in the
ruins is the sound of your own footsteps. Katsuya was well aware of this.
There is no such thing as hearing with the ears. It is not an auditory hallucination, not a voice, not
even a sound. Still, there is a voice calling for help.
The next thing I knew, Katsuya was running out.
Hey! Katsuya?
Yumina! I have a bad feeling about this! Let's hurry back!"
Aili immediately started running, and Yumina followed with a grim look on her face, wondering
if she was going to do it again. Then they returned to the middle of the long passageway, and just
as they were within communication distance of their friends, the screams of their friends and their
cries for help reached Katsuya and the others.
Katsuya! Help! If you can hear me, get back here now! Katsuya! Please! If you can hear me, please
contact me immediately at ......"
It's me! I'm on my way! What happened?
As soon as Katsuya answered, his voice, which had been tinged with impatience and fear, filled
with joy.
Ya, I did it! Connecting! Katsuya! Please! Hurry up! Monsters! A swarm! A great number of them.
I'm coming! Hold on!"
Just as Katsuya is about to end the conversation with that, Yumina interrupts with a clear voice.
Tell me exactly what's going on over there. How big are the monsters? How many are there?"
How many? How many? How many? I've lost count! So hurry back!"
Can't your forces ever hold out on their own?"
Aah! Absolutely impossible! So hurry up ......"
How can the situation be reversed just because the three of us are back when it's absolutely
impossible to do so?"
What? Well, that is if Katsuya is there ......"
Yumina frowned widely when she heard the reply. Her companions put their trust in Katsuya. In
other words, they are not trying to call themselves back to abandon securing the entrance and exit
of the ruins to take off. I understood that they were just looking for hope in a critical situation.
Yes. Then if you leave us and take off immediately, will you be able to escape?"
Katsuya looks at Yumina involuntarily as he runs. Aili also frowned, but it was not an accusation
against Yumina, but rather a belated understanding of the situation on the ground.
And when he did not receive a response from his friends, Yumina urged him to strengthen his
Answer. How are you doing?"
I think it's hard to ...... mu. And, but, if Katsuya is there, ......"
Yumina quickly realized the reply was wishful thinking. At the same time, he gave instructions in
a stern voice.
Abandon the place at once and hurry into the ruins!"
What? So, but ......"
Hurry up! The sooner you hurry, the sooner you can meet up with Katsuya!"
Okay, okay!"
With that, the communication was cut off once. Katsuya turns a very surprised face to Yumina.
Yumina?" What do you mean?"
I don't know about you, but there seems to be a considerable amount of monsters on the ground.
So we are all holed up somewhere in the ruins. At least it will be better than fighting near the
entrance to the ruins.
"Why did you do that ......"
The question is later. You're going to help everyone, right? When you've got time to think about
something you don't need to think about, focus."
So Katsuya quickly switched his attention. He closed his mouth in vain and ran to help his friends.
Aili asks in a whisper alongside Yumina.
"Ue, is it that dangerous?"
Maybe. I think it's a situation where leaving itself seems reckless when the call wasn't to come
back as soon as possible because we're leaving the ruins."
Imagining a situation in which it seemed difficult to even get into a troop transport in a hurry to
escape, there was even a fear that the ground could be overrun with monsters if they were not
Then it's not safe for us to go back.
I know." ...... But you can't tell that to Katsuya, can you?"
When Yumina smiled wryly at that, Aili gave a small nod. Then they both followed Katsuya with
serious expressions on their faces.
When Katsuya and his friends approached the stairway, they found that their friends had already
reached the passageway. The one who reached the stairs first repeatedly fired shots toward the top
of the stairs to cover his friends who were running down.
Lighting is installed on the stairs and in the corridors, so there is no need to get lost. The friends
who were running along the passageway along the lights notice Katsuya and his friends.
This way! Hurry up!"
Katsuya beckons his friends to join him as he tries to cover them. Yumina and Iris looked at each
other, and Yumina turned back to lead her friends to the evacuation site, while Iris went to cover
Then Katsuya reaches the side of the stairs and the two companions who had stayed to the end to
continue shooting for the others.
At the same time, a swarm of monsters rushed there. Running down the stairs while being hit and
dying in the process, the swarm rolled down the stairs with such force that Katsuya and his two
companions were instantly swallowed up.
Iri, who was a little late and thus did not get involved, screams and shoots at the monsters.
However, even if he kills them, their corpses do not disappear. In addition, more and more of them
are added to the pile as if they were tumbling down from the top of the stairs.
Iri's expression turned saddened when she could no longer help.
The next moment, Katsuya kicked through part of the monster pile and jumped out.
Katsuya exclaims to Iri, who expresses his joy on his face, handing him the companion he was
holding so that he can throw it at him.
Go ahead! I'll hold them off here!"
"I'm a private person: ......"
No! I'll be right behind you! You go ahead with him!"
When Iri was about to say that she would stay too, Katsuya interrupted her with a sad voice. His
face was full of sorrow.
Please, ....... Go to: ......."
Aili flinched slightly and made a decision.
"...... hurry!"
My companion had fainted. To save them, someone had to carry them. I don't think Katsuya would
abandon his friends and run away. If I force myself to stay behind, Katsuya will stay behind to let
us escape. There is no time to convince him that I will stay instead.
At this rate, we will all just die. In order to get Katsuya away from this place, we must first get
ourselves as far away from this place as possible as quickly as possible.
Iri told himself this and left Katsuya behind with his friends to keep him from dying. His face was
painfully stern and sad and distorted.

Katsuya grasped his own mortality when he was swallowed by the monsters that rushed to him
from the top of the stairs.
Reflexively looking up, there was no light. All the lights on the stairs had been destroyed, and the
light on the ground was blocked by a large number of monsters, preventing it from reaching us.
Seeing this scene, his own exceptional talent told him that there was no way to save himself. There
was no room for doubt.
The power of concentration at the verge of death prolongs the flow of time. In order to survive, we
stop perceiving superfluous information and turn the world white.
If he had been the only one present, Katsuya would have succumbed to the words of his own genius
telling him that it was impossible.
But nearby are his friends who were swallowed up together by the monster horde. If I give in to
the situation, they will die too. I will let them die again. This thought barely sustained Katsuya.
Still, he realized that there was nothing he could do with his current abilities.
But there, I dare to strongly reject that idea.
(No, no! My talent is not like this!)
In order to save his friends, he sought something that could overturn the situation and forced
himself to apply his talents to it.
Although Katsuya had not heard it directly from Shikarabe, he had heard from others that
Shikarabe had acknowledged his talent.
He hated him because he was so bossy, but he knew that Katsuya himself had been recognized by
his opponent, who had acknowledged his talent, saying that his talent alone was better than mine,
and that it would shine if he polished it.
This is not what I am capable of. If you accumulate training and actual battle, you will awaken
your talent someday. I can become even stronger. Katsuya subconsciously thought so.
But here's a strong thought. If it is not enough that I am willing to die to save my friends, I will
save them even if I have to beat them to death with all my might right now, right here, right now,
with the talent that should awaken someday.
(Not someday! Now! Wake up now! I don't care why you woke up! If there's a price to pay, I'll
pay it! Give me the power, right here, right now!)
In a world white-tinted by extreme concentration, Katsuya struggles to his feet and hopes as he
fires wildly at the large mouth of the monster that is closing in on him, listening to the sound of
gunfire distorted by the gentle flow of time.
On the side, a girl was laughing.
The next moment, Katsuya was almost unconsciously unleashing a kick at the monster in front of
him. The kick, which was made with the physical ability of his reinforced clothes, was so fast and
sharp that it seemed to anticipate Katsuya's talent, despite the fact that he did not usually practice
The kick killed the enemy instantly and at the same time twisted the inertia of the opponent. The
monster, which had originally been covering Katsuya, was now diverted to the side.
The recoil from the kick caused Katsuya to lose his position. At least, that's what Katsuya himself
thought, and he felt impatient.
However, by assuming a position as if he had fallen over, he was able to avoid the attack of a
monster that had jumped at him from another direction.
Then, upon spotting his friends nearby, he reflexively reached out his hand. He felt that the
movement of his own hand was very slow and frustrating, but still he desperately reached out and
firmly grasped his friend, who was knocked unconscious by the monster's attack.
(...... there must have been another one! (There was!)
Katsuya tried to step in to help his remaining friends. At least, that was his intention.
(...... eh?)
But Katsuya's body was flying back in the opposite direction.
(Wait! (Still have friends at ......!)
At the same time as he thinks this, his ability to preempt as he wished, he tries to get Katsuya to
leave the scene as if to tell him that he is not going to make it. Kicking the monster out of the way,
he escaped through the gap and out of the encirclement.
After a moment's delay, the friends who could not be saved were devoured by the monster. Katsuya
watched this scene through the gap in the closing siege.
Something I had heard all along before I turned back, a voice that was not a voice calling out to
me for help, disappeared with a final silent exclamation as the heads of my companions
Katsuya was about to shout out, but Aili's voice stopped him.
That brought Katsuya back to himself just in time. He then entrusted his companions to Iris, and
he himself remained where he was and began to stall the enemy. He held his gun on the monster
hordes, and, single-handedly, he held them back, inch by inch.
(Damn it, ......!)
Katsuya was aware that he was more brilliant than ever. He could clearly see the enemy's
movements. The bullets he fires hit their targets as if they were being sucked into the target. Thanks
to this, he does not feel a shred of fear even though a swarm of monsters is rushing toward him.
He is in great shape.
But there was no exaltation.
(Have I abandoned my people?!)
I became much stronger, as if my dormant talent had suddenly awakened. Despite this, I was
unable to save my friends.
He calmly decided somewhere in his heart that it was too late for him to awaken his talents and
become stronger as he wished, and he simply abandoned his friends. I ran away. I cut them down.
Katsuya was half-awestruck, wondering if he had unconsciously made that decision.
"You've become so strong, and now you're just like this? Is it my strength to abandon my friends
and run away? Is that my talent? And you tell me I've become strong!
Katsuya shoots in a rage. Countless bullets turn the enemy into corpses with maximum efficiency.
Pushing the corpses away, the followers rush through the corridors of the ruins.
Damn it! Damn it! God damn it!"
Katsuya was even shedding tears while fighting. Against the oncoming hordes, Katsuya even had
time to wipe away his tears and change magazines. Still, the fact that he could not save his friends
was hurting him.
The passage is wide, but still much narrower than on the ground. The more dead bodies of monsters
that were felled by Katsuya, the more the passage became clogged, and the slower the following
group slowed down. Finally, Katsuya was able to turn his back on the enemy.
Katsuya sensed this and changed his behavior from stalling to retreating. He stopped shooting and
started running as fast as he could. His expression became more distorted with grief because he
was unable to express his passion to the enemy.
Were his own actions really his own choice? Katsuya is unable to realize this. That is also the price
of a wish.
In a blank space, a girl was laughing.

If Olthoff were to excuse anyone for his own conduct, it would be that he did not intend to go that
far. He never had a chance to answer that question.
What Viola told Orsov was how to prevent Drangkam from taking over the ruins. Once the
entrance to the ruins was occupied by Drangkam, it would be difficult for other hunters to enter
the ruins. This was a way to do something about it while it was still possible.
It would be easy to eliminate the young hunters of Drangkam by force of arms after the opening
of the entrance and exit. But it would make Drangkam a clear enemy. They are coming in in troop
carriers with Drangkam markings. Not knowing about it will not work.
Drunkham also has a physical appearance. As long as the hunters to which it belongs are attacked,
even if they are young, it will send out armed old hunters to retaliate clearly after thoroughly
investigating the person in question.
However, if we leave it as is, the worst of the relics from the ruins will all be taken by Drangkam.
Even if other entrances and exits exist, it will take time to find and dig them out. It is even
conceivable that there are no other entrances or exits.
So how can other hunters get Drunkham to unoccupy the entrances and exits to the ruins without
doing anything themselves? Just have the monsters attack them instead.
We can lure the hordes of monsters to the entrances and exits of the ruins by some means and force
the Drangkam hunters guarding the entrances and exits to retreat. Then other hunters will be able
to enter the ruins.
In the first place, it is basically difficult to occupy the entrances and exits of archaeological sites.
One has to be on the alert for monsters 24 hours a day in the dangerous wilderness, both from the
outside and from the inside. Then there is the fear of being attacked by other hunters. Usually, they
end up getting kicked out.
As the site is an undiscovered ruin, Drunkham has very high expectations for the collection of
artifacts. However, it is only a rumor and not enough to dispatch a competent old-timer.
So first, we dispatched young hunters. Then, as soon as the actual ruins were found, they would
dispatch the older hunters. This was the thinking of the hunters in the area, including Olthoff.
In order to prevent Drunkham's occupation of the ruins, it was necessary to make the evidence that
he was the discoverer of the entrance and exit a matter of doubt and uncertainty between the time
the entrance was discovered and the arrival of the old guard. If they were to forcefully reoccupy
the abandoned entrance because they had found it, they would attract too much hostility from the
other hunters.
Then Olthoff and his team prepared to have a pack of monsters attack the area around the entrance
and exit of the ruins.
While observing the huge heavy machinery clearing away the piles of debris, we set up the enemy
mover so as to draw a line to other areas where there are many monsters. After confirming that the
entrances and exits were open, we prepared to launch the machines.
There, a fellow man, who had finished the installation as he was told, was scared to death.
You really want to do this, Olthoff? This is a bit of a quirk. ......"
It's all right. They won't know. A lot of hunters were making a lot of noise looking for the entrance
to the ruins, so the monsters came by in packs. That's all.
No." That's one thing, but ......"
Letting monsters attack other hunters. The man could not oppose this action to his face, but he was
not willing to go so far as to speak out in this way. Olthoff noticed this and laughed to appease
I heard that the kids in Drangkam are very privileged in their clique and are very well equipped. It
won't matter if they get attacked by a few monsters.
But hey, ......"
He said, "Just scare them a little and let them know they can't continue to occupy the entrances
and exits to the ruins. If they remain stubborn, we can help them fight off the monsters. Then we
can use that favor as a bargaining chip to get them to let us into the ruins. That's the extent of it."
My fellow man shut his mouth at that. He is in debt, and the man wants the relics that may be lying
in the untouched ruins. If that's the extent of the story, I compromised.
Olsov laughs and returns to check on Drangkam. Then, judging from the commotion among the
young hunters, he decided that the entrance to the ruins had indeed been found at last, and he
activated the enemy mover.
But that doesn't mean that the monster herds will rush in immediately. Even if you succeed in
fishing them out, it takes time for them to come to this place. In addition, it is a matter of luck as
to how many monsters you can attract. If we were not successful, we might only be able to attract
a few fish.
While waiting for the results, hoping that it will work, a response from the search equipment
appears. Olthoff smiled involuntarily, but his face soon became dubious, and he tensed up with
impatience and fear.
Olsov!" We're in trouble!"
Ah, ah!"
Recovering from his thoughts at the sound of his friends' voices, Olsov immediately instructed his
colleagues to return to their vehicles and departed at the same time they all boarded. The vehicle's
search equipment displayed an enormous amount of monster responses.
What the hell is going on? Just because I activated the hostile machine doesn't mean I'm going to
bring in that many monsters!"
I don't care! Just get out!"
A wilderness-specification bus is driven in the opposite direction from the herd. But the man
driving suddenly stopped the vehicle.
What the hell are you doing? Hurry up!"
No! And me, too!"
The battle had already begun at the front of the bus. We could also see vehicles fleeing from that
Change course immediately!"
I'm trying!"
The vehicle is not a small vehicle, but it manages to change its direction of travel. In the meantime,
small, fast monsters approached the vehicle in packs. The hunters shot at them from the window
sill and fought them off.
There's too many!" What the hell is going on?
I don't care! Just let it go! If they destroy the bus, it's over! That ain't a lot you can run away with!"
The hunters stick countless guns out of the bus windows and shoot wildly, blocking the monsters'
approach anyway. The enemies are all weak, small things that can be taken down quickly.
But there were many. The vehicles are loaded with plenty of spare ammunition, but even so, they
swarmed in such large numbers that we unconsciously worried about running out of ammunition.
Finally, the bus starts driving briskly in the other direction. The ride was uncomfortable due to the
fact that they were stepping over dead monsters, but the occupants were still more relieved to be
able to escape.
But then the bus stops again. The hunters, who had unexpectedly rushed under the driver, could
not utter the complaint they were about to voice.
"Over here too? ......"
Beyond their field of vision, they saw the vehicles of hunters fleeing toward them and a large herd
of monsters chasing them.
There was no time for Olthoff and his team to reverse the situation. The bus was swallowed by the
herd. The sound of gunfire, indicating a desperate response, continued for a while, but then died

The situation was similar everywhere around the Yonozuka Station ruins. Hordes of monsters were
rushing in from all directions around the ruins, forcing hunters to fight back.
It is no coincidence. The herd was being gathered in this area by enemy aircraft.
Olthoff and his colleagues were not the only ones who used the enemy mover. Many hunters
seeking relics from the untouched ruins were prompted to think in the same way and used their
own enemy-getting machines after receiving similar information, in an attempt to prevent
Drunkham from monopolizing the relics.
Not only that, but some of them drove into the wilderness in vehicles, with enemy mishaps
activated, and rushed into this place with their hordes of monsters in tow.
A large number of hunters are gathering at the site in search of a large number of artifacts that lie
in the undiscovered ruins. Even if the size of the herd is somewhat large, it will be enough to repel
them. If they are small, they will be easily defeated and continue to occupy the entrances and exits
of the ruins. Those who had received the information were each thinking in the same way, and
were trying to call in a little more monsters.
As a result, the monster hordes had been pieced together from the extensive wilderness
surrounding the ruins and had swelled to enormous numbers.
Most of them were small and easily defeated. However, even the hunters, who were armed to the
teeth in their search for undiscovered ruins, were too large a crowd to resist.
The young hunters of Drangkam, who had occupied the entrance and exit of the ruins, also fled
into the ruins. Monsters followed them into the ruins.
After a while, other hunters, who had lost their escape route on the ground, rushed into the ruins,
thinking it was better than on the ground. The monsters followed them.
It did not take long before the ruins thereby swallowed up the hunters and monsters on the ground.

After guiding her friends to the best place to hunker down and instructing them to create a simple
base, Yumina immediately went to cover Katsuya. When she reunited with Aili, who was holding
her friends, she was surprised to see Katsuya was not there.
And Katsuya?
I'm stuck at ......."
Why didn't you stay with us? Yumina almost shouted at him. However, she understood the general
situation from the sad expression on Airi's face and the unconsciousness of her friends, and she
spoke to her gently out of concern for Airi.
I'm going to go to ...... and see if I can find anything. They're over there. Bring them over there and
come back to cover. Hurry up."
I didn't tell him to wait for me at everyone's place because I thought that would be better for Iri. I
guessed that Iri also wanted to get back to Katsuya as soon as possible, and I encouraged her to
make an effort to do so, so that she would feel a little better about it.
Aili nodded silently and hurried ahead. Yumina also hurried ahead in the opposite direction.
Thanks to the lighting of the passageway, Yumina was able to run as fast as she could without
getting lost.
It is difficult to run through dark corridors with only hand-held lights and night vision using
information-gathering equipment. It is impossible to say that there is absolutely no chance of
encountering monsters in the darkness.
Where normally I would be wary and only proceed slowly, I can now proceed without much
concern. I hurried under the Katsuya, thankful to someone who had kept the lights in place.
And when he saw Katsuya at the end of the passage, his face broke into joy at his safety.
However, he quickly tightens his face and moves to the end of the aisle to keep Katsuya out of the
line of fire, and he positions his gun behind Katsuya, wary of any monsters that might be chasing
Concentrate the search range of intelligence-gathering equipment forward to increase the distance
and accuracy of intelligence gathering. Then, relieved that the enemy's presence was far enough
away, he lowered his gun.
Katsuya soon came to Yumina's side. But then he stopped. Yumina wondered about that.
Katsuya. What's wrong? We need to hurry. ......"
Although the enemy is still far away, there is no time to stand still. Yumina, who was planning to
follow Katsuya as he ran past her, looked into his face as he stopped.
There was the face of a loved one, battered and bruised, with even a tear-stained face. There was
the face of a beloved one who had been loosened up by the sight of a young familiar face, and with
that, all her tension disappeared and she stopped dead in her tracks.
Yumina shakes Katsuya's hand without saying anything.
Let's go. They're waiting for us. Right?
Then he pulled it lightly and laughed.
Pulled a little too hard, Katsuya took a step forward with it. Then he started running again.
Yumina pulled Katsuya's hand and hurried to her friends. I don't know what happened. But holding
on to Katsuya is neither here nor now. For Katsuya's sake, we must first hurry to a safe place. With
that in mind, she pulled Katsuya's hand now.

Everyone welcomes Katsuya with a smile as he joins his friends. The voices that were spoken to
Katsuya were filled with genuine gratitude and admiration, as Aili had told him that he had single-
handedly held off a horde of monsters.
But Katsuya could only return a sad smile. Then he told everyone he was tired and needed to rest,
and asked everyone to help him defend his simple base and lay down as if he were collapsing.
Physically and mentally, Katsuya was at his limit.
Yumina then took over command and proceeded to seal off the simple base. Using the ruins of a
seemingly sturdy store, a simple barricade was created with items from the store. They then took
turns standing guard and preparing for the enemy.
If contact is lost, Drunkham will move to their rescue. The young hunters in the field kept their
composure and waited for the situation to calm down.

The hunters had a tough time on the ground, but regained the upper hand after the battlefield was
moved to the ruins.
The monsters in the vicinity of the Yonozuka Station ruins were originally not very strong. On the
ground, they were attacked from all directions like a tsunami, making it difficult to fight back, but
inside the ruins, where the amount of enemies attacked at once and the direction of movement can
be limited, it is easier to deal with them.
Furthermore, because of this situation, many have temporarily joined forces. Some have
strengthened their armaments to search for undiscovered ruins, and some have emphasized
succession capabilities such as extended magazines. Those who had been fleeing anyway due to
surprise at the sudden situation regained their composure and will to fight.
It didn't take long for the conditions inside the ruins to become not much different from those in
other places where there are more or less monsters. The surviving hunters gradually became
engulfed in the elation of being in the midst of untouched ruins.
Their spirits were high, as they had just emerged from a dangerous situation. And the relics left
behind in the ruins were enough to stimulate the hunters' greed.
Still, hunters do not turn their guns on each other to rob each other. The survivors know that they
are that strong.
In addition, many of us did not want to do anything that would cause those who survived together
to engage in a battle over where to collect relics.
And above all, this is an undiscovered site. Even if a good place is taken first, there is a good
chance that a better place will remain if we go further ahead. Those who had been taken by others
to collect relics first proceeded further into the ruins, leaving the others behind.
As a result, the hunters continued their search deeper and deeper into the ruins with little trouble.
A team of hunters led by a man named Chares arrived at a certain place.
There was a cylindrical tunnel with an inner diameter of about 30 meters that penetrated beneath
the wilderness. A boarding platform supported by a thin metal-like object was set up in the air,
indicating that the vehicle that would have passed through this tunnel was so huge and self-floating.
Chares and his team arrived at the boarding area through a passageway leading from the ruins and
were overwhelmed by the enormity of the place.
It then illuminates the end of the tunnel from the end of the boarding area. Beyond that point was
closed and isolated by a huge bulkhead.
Chares and the others look a bit grim, amazed at the scene around them.
What is this place ......?" It's a hell of a sight, but ......, there don't seem to be any relics."
I guess the best part of being a hunter is being able to see these sights for myself, but right now I
want the relics. What do we do? Shall we look for one?"
But at a glance, I don't see any buildings that might hold artifacts.
Even with lights and flares illuminating the area, all that could be seen was the massive outer wall
of the tunnel. We found other entrances and exits that lead to the boarding area, but we could not
find the place where the artifact we were looking for might be located. Chares and the others
wandered around the boarding area, discussing their next move.
Then suddenly a woman appears. Chares and the others stopped their chit-chatting in an instant,
and reflexively raised their guns and held them at gunpoint. Their movements were quick enough
to reach this place and allowed no resistance at all to the other party.
But the woman was not phased in the slightest. Dressed in some kind of Old World-style uniform,
she smiled amiably at Chares and the others.
Chares, who had been watching the other party's departure with a serious expression on his face,
discerned the woman's true identity from the reaction of the information-gathering equipment.
"Stereoscopic images: ....... Ghosts of the Old World or ......"
Wait, these ruins are still operational?"
Even if it's a function of the ruins, it's probably just a guide to the area. ......
For the moment, the other party is only an image, and the danger is low. Chares and the others
began to exchange their opinions. Then a woman's voice interrupted them.
Welcome to Yonozuka Station. This station is currently inactive. Error D40823745. 8264......"
The woman goes on and on about error codes in front of the bewildered chares.
Welcome to Yonozuka Station. This station is currently inactive. Error D93757430. 9326......"
From then on, the woman kept repeating the same sentence. Chares and the others slightly
understood the situation.
This is not a serious move."
'Well, maybe it was for the best. Even if they were working properly, I don't know if they'd be
friendly to us."
I asked around to see if she would answer me if I asked her where the relics were, just in case, but
the woman just repeated the same words. I chuckled lightly and said that Chares and the others
knew what they were talking about.
Let's go. We didn't come deep into the ruins to admire beautiful women. It's no use for a hunter to
sit and stare at a woman in the dark like this forever.
I guess so." Let's go."
At that moment, the whole area suddenly became as bright as midday. Everyone was quickly
alerted to the sudden situation. But nothing more happens than the brightening.
Welcome to Yonozuka Station. This station is currently in a state of readiness for activation. Error
E49374769. 264......"
Chares and others let their guard down as the woman's voice echoes repeatedly.
I said, "...... what's with the lights suddenly coming on? Did someone do something?"
As each of them shook their heads in denial, Chares and the others shook underfoot. Then Chares
noticed further changes in the surroundings.
Hey! The tunnel is opening up!"
The bulkheads closing the huge tunnel were beginning to open, albeit slowly.
Chares and the others were surprised, but kept a watchful eye on the nearly open bulkhead, hoping
to see something good beyond it. But when they saw what emerged from the gap, they frowned.
Monster! Shit! Not even from this side!"
Oh, man! That's a pretty strong one!"
Monsters were springing up one after another from behind the bulkheads. While Chares and the
others' faces turned grim at the sight, a further change startled Chares and the others.
Part of the tunnel wall opened and spherical security machines emerged from it one after another,
and they began to fight back by shooting laser bullets at the crowd of monsters.
Is that ......, the security device at the ruins?"
Oh! Good! Good grief!"
While his friends cheered when they saw the monster blown away after taking a direct hit from a
laser bullet, Chares's face was drawn with a sense of foreboding.
And the hunch comes true. A metallic ball emerged from the ceiling, fell down, and landed on the
boarding area, then rotated on its vertical axis on the spot, grew legs, adjusted its stance, and
stopped with its laser launchers pointed at Chares and the others.
Chares, who had anticipated this, immediately fired his gun wildly at the sphere. The metal sphere,
which was covered with holes and disoriented, still shot out laser bullets, but the light bullets
deflected far away from Chares and his group and landed on the tunnel wall.
Furthermore, Chares kicks the security machine. The spherical machine is blown away, distorted
by the impact, and falls from the boarding area. It then slammed violently to the floor and was
completely destroyed.
Chares and the others chuckle. There was no doubt that the security machines at the ruins were
targeting not only the monsters but also themselves for elimination.
I know, right? Let's get the hell out of here!"
Chares and the others fled the scene as fast as they could. In the meantime, hordes of monsters
were springing out of the tunnel, and the number of security machines was increasing to match.
Welcome to Yonozuka Station. This station is currently in a semi-active state. Error F34953578.
The woman in the 3D image, who was left alone, kept repeating similar words all the time.

Yumina asked Aili to take care of Katsuya, who was still asleep, while she and her two companions
surveyed their surroundings.
The intermittent sounds of battle heard in the simple base have now disappeared. After
investigating for a while, there is no sign of monsters. We think that we may be able to move to
escape from this situation.
It would be better to go back and wake up Katsuya and consult with him about whether to try to
escape with the results of the relic collection conducted at the simple base, or to head to the ground
with a few people and once again ask for help from Drangkam. Yumina told them this and decided
to return to the simplified base.
At that moment, the inside of the ruins suddenly became bright. Yumina and her colleagues were
surprised by the suddenness, but rushed to the simple base as an unforeseen event had occurred.
But then a further situation struck. The passageway leading to the simple base was blocked by a
partition wall.
Yoo, yumina. What do we do?"
Seeing the flustered state of her friends, Yumina tried to keep as calm as possible.
I don't have a choice. Let's find another way: ......, stay alert!"
There was a response to the search by the information gathering equipment. The approaching
response caused Yumina and her team to raise their guns and be on the alert. Then they saw the
other party and involuntarily made a dubious face.
The response was a spherical machine rolling briskly down the aisle. Judging it to be a mechanical
monster, he immediately opened fire. The spherical armor repelled some of the bullets, but three
bullets damaged the machine.
However, the metal ball did not stop rushing forward and charged toward Yumina and the others.
Realizing that she could not avoid it, Yumina stopped shooting and took a stance, taking a step
forward and striking the metal ball with all her might.
A blow with reinforced clothing, although it missed the true. In addition, the opponent's
momentum is also riding on it. Yumina's fist caused the enemy's plane to crumple and deform so
much that it could hardly be called a sphere. The distorted machine was pressured and bent by its
inertia and flew diagonally upward, crashing into the ceiling and falling.
Yumina! Are you okay?
Yumina gritted her teeth, her face contorted as she endured the intense pain in her right hand.
No, of course not! We need to move now! You two, step forward!"
The two companions were mildly confused by the sudden change in the condition of the ruins and
even the monsters, but they temporarily forgot their confusion when they flinched lightly at
Yumina's spirit. They moved forward as instructed and hurried on anyway.
Yumina followed suit with a grim look on her face as she took a recovery potion.
(...... This is broken. It won't heal quickly. I guess I'll just have to be patient. ......)
The recovery medicine provided by Drunkham to the young hunters is not cheap, but even so, it is
not a luxury product in the order of a million or so aurums per box. It has been difficult for a while
for Yumina to fire a gun with her right hand.
Even if I return to the simple base, I may become a liability. In addition, if other passageways were
blocked by bulkheads, it was doubtful that I would be able to reach the base. So Yumina made a
Listen, both of you. I'm going to keep going out there. And I'm going to tell Drunkham what's
going on and call for help. What about you two? Are you coming with us?"
When asked this question, Yumina's friends looked at each other somewhat impatiently.
"......No, I think we should all go back to the simple base. ......
You saw how the passage was blocked. I'm telling you this because I don't know if I can get back
to everyone."
But if that's what you mean, then it's the same if you can get back on earth, isn't it?"
Yes. It's about whether to wander through the ruins to get to the surface or to a simple base. There
are more and more strange monsters, and it is no longer safe to stay holed up in a simple base
forever. We should at least call for a rescue team. So, which way do you want to go?"
I understand what you are saying, but there is no guarantee that it is safe on the ground, so I want
to go back to where my other friends and Katsuya are. But I also don't want Katsuya to be angry
with me for leaving Yumina behind. Yumina could tell from the way the two of them were looking
at each other what was on their minds.
I'm going to go to ...... and see what I can find out. You guys go back to the guys and tell them
what's going on. When you get back, take care of Katsuya, okay? Don't push it."
I get it. Be careful."
There was a slight feeling of unconscious relief among the friends who got their excuses.
Yumina was separated from her friends because of it. That was better than ordering them to take
their friends and having them change their opinions in the process.

The monsters that invaded from the ground were repelled, and peace was restored once inside the
Yonozuka Station ruins.
But this time, the monsters that sprang up from the underground side and the security machines of
the ruins caused confusion once again. And the blockage of the passage by the bulkheads made
the structure within the ruins a different one in terms of travel routes.
Because of this, Yumina had to make a very large detour to reach the ground. It took some more
time before she met Akira and the others, who were being chased by monsters.
Episode 84 Reasons to Help and Who to Help

Akira and his colleagues, who were collecting relics at the Yonozuka Station ruins, were once
again asked for help after being thanked for saving Yumina, who was being chased by the ruins'
security machines.
I appease Yumina for now and start sharing information. They had joined the conversation because
when they saved Yumina, they were in the middle of negotiating whether or not to accept an urgent
request to escort a group of hunters led by a man named Levin to the city.
The many hardships that have followed since Drangkam's troops were attacked by a pack of
monsters on the ground. Hearing this from Yumina, Elena smiled gently.
Yes. That's what ....... I'm sorry you had a hard time. I understand. Let's just get out of the ruins
together. Then we'll go to ......."
Then Levin interrupts me, looking impatient.
Wait!" After you're out there, you're going back to the city!"
What?" It's ......"
Elena had to stop herself from speaking when she was met with frantic looks from both Yumina
and Levin.
Please! Please help me! Elena and her team were able to defeat those monsters, right? Please help
us rescue Katsuya and the others!"
Don't joke! The ruins are crawling with monsters like that, right? We should get back to the city
as soon as possible! Drunkham can rescue them!"
Elena is lost. Emotionally, she wants to help her friend Yumina. But as far as she is concerned,
this is not a situation where she would move because she is already a friend. This is the realm of
the work we receive through Drunkham.
If the request was to start with a search of the ruins for the purpose of rescuing Katsuya and his
family, it would be necessary to go above ground to contact Drunkham and negotiate a request
based on the assumption that a reasonable reward would be paid.
In addition, he is with Akira today and is also negotiating an urgent request with Levin and his
team. We have to negotiate with both sides, including how they will respond.
If it is not done well, Katsuya will die during those negotiations. The same is true if negotiations
break down. That is why Yumina is asking so desperately. Elena knew that much as well.
Levin took Elena's hesitation to excess. He made a difficult decision, judging that they might
involve themselves in the rescue of Drangkam if they did not.
I get it!" I'll pay you 50 million aurums! That's an emergency request done! Am I right?"
Elena looks surprised and dubious.
Can you pay?"
Elena did not believe that the 50 million aurum was a negotiated offer, and did not expect it to be
accepted as is. She doubted the other party's seriousness, including its ability to pay, and as the
negotiator, she turned a hard look at Levin.
Levin, in turn, returns a stern but serious look.
......We've been collecting artifacts, too. Sell it, and if it's not enough, pay the rest in installments.
I thought we agreed on that payment plan?"
Wait a minute! Levin! Are you serious?
Levin returned a stern look to his companion, who interrupted him without thinking so.
If you don't like it, you can go home from here by yourself. That's what I'm talking about. Do you
"Yes, I know, but ......"
I won't force you to do anything. If you leave, the payment will be reduced to 40 million. No, if
it's just me, it's down to 10 million."
As the friends turn their anguished faces toward each other, Levin makes an even more decisive
Anyone else who has a complaint, let me know. No, leave the relics now and depart. The relics
will be carried by those who return with an escort. It is safer that way. The relics will be distributed
among the living after they return to the city."
Dead people don't need money. With those words, Levin's friends made a hard decision. They
nodded that they had no choice.
Levin nodded lightly in return. Then he turned his face to Yumina.
We're all here. I'm not asking you to pay the same amount, but if you're going to scrap our urgent
request and give priority to yours, you'd better pay us a fair amount, regardless of how many people
you have over there.
Yumina's face contorted in grief. As a hunter, I can see your point. But I can't tell her that I can
pay her the money she deserves, either personally or as a hunter belonging to Drunkham.
Hunters are out in the wilderness risking their lives. To ask such a person for a favor but not to pay
for it is tantamount to saying that his life has no value. Yumina could think of nothing that would
convince Elena and the others.
Elena also struggles inwardly. I don't want to abandon Yumina and the others. However, she
cannot make the decision to abandon an urgent request that has already been concluded, even if it
is an oral agreement, and throw away 50 million aurums.
It would certainly be a beautiful story to help a friend without compensation by throwing away the
money obtained. But that goodwill can get us killed. The wilderness is not kind enough to let
hunters live on who continue to do work that is not worth it. We understand that.
We need money to heal Sarah's body. I can't let Akira go along with my free goodwill. Elena told
herself this and tried to make a decision.
At that moment, Akira interjects in a lighthearted manner.
I'll take care of the search for Katsuya and the others, while you and Elena take care of Levin and
the others.
Everyone's astonished gazes focused on Akira.

Akira was listening to Elena and the others as if they were talking about something else. He thought
it was tough for Katsuya and the others, who were holed up somewhere in the ruins, but that was
all. It is not so different from the way they treated Levin and the others.
And although I knew that I would probably end up going back to the city, I knew that if Elena
wanted to go help Katsuya and the others, that would be fine.
In that case, there must be some reason to do so, which I do not understand. Akira thought to that
extent, trusting Elena at best and throwing the choice to Elena at worst.
Then Alpha points out.
Akira. Just to let you know, you have the option of leaving Levin and the others to Elena and the
others, while Akira goes to help Katsuya and the others, right?"
Akira is quite surprised at the unexpected point of view.
What? Why?"
'If you're asking why, in the sense that you don't see any advantage in going to help Katsuya and
the others, I'll tell you that it doesn't matter. What's important is that you recognize that you have
that option.'
'So what do you mean?
Whether you save them or leave them to die, you have to make a little choice,' he said. Akira is
now throwing the very choice to Elena, isn't he?"
'No, I mean, yes, but right now, Elena is kind of the leader. ......'
But still. If you keep throwing choices to others because they don't matter, you'll get so used to it
that you won't even be able to make important choices yourself. It's okay to put Elena's choices
before your own. But at least make a choice.
That's the way it is, Akira thought for a moment.
'Well, you can go home. I don't have to go out of my way to help those guys in Drunkham.
Yes. If Akira thinks so, that's fine.
Akira wonders if Alpha's words are somehow meaningful.
'Alpha, what is it? Are you trying to tell me I should go help?'
No," he said. I'd be fine with letting them die, too.'
'I'm told that he's holed up at ...... and that if Yumina goes out and calls Drunkham, he'll at least
come to the rescue. It doesn't mean she's going to die, does it?"
'Well, the people who are holed up will be, but she will die.
Akira's face becomes slightly stern.
'...... why?"
'Because even if we went outside the ruins together and contacted Drunkham, I don't think we
would return to the city together. I think we would go back into the ruins to help Katsuya and the
Akira unconsciously turns his gaze to Yumina.
Of course, there is a chance that we will be lucky and meet up with Katsuya and the others without
encountering any monsters, but as far as I'm concerned, I don't think the odds are realistic. I would
have died earlier if Akira and the others hadn't saved me.
Akira tried to imagine what Yumina would do after this, with a little more grimace on his face. It
turned out just as Alpha had said.
But when asked whether he would help Katsuya to avoid that outcome, Akira could not give an
immediate answer. Instead, he responded with something else.
'...... So you want me to save Katsuya?'
So, yes, Akira could have used that as an excuse if he had been told. But Alfa would say something
else back.
No, I don't think so. As I said before, I'm fine with letting them die too. But, well, if I may add, it
would not be to save Katsuya, but to save Elena and the others and Yumina.
When Akira showed that he did not understand the meaning, Alpha added a supplementary
Elena and the others are not emotionally inclined to abandon Yumina and her family. And as
hunters, they have a relationship with Drunkham. Even if they had no choice under the
circumstances, if they left the hunters belonging to Drunkham to die, it might affect their future
If Akira can cover Katsuya and his group there, there is a good chance that he will be able to reach
the holed-up people in time to rescue them. He could also protect Yumina, who would probably
go to the rescue of Katsuya and the others. This would alleviate the guilt of Elena and the others
and worsen their situation.
In addition, if he owes Katsuya a favor, it will serve as a check against Katsuya, who is strangely
poking at Akira.
Including them, we cannot say that there is no profit at all. Alpha explained this and then smiled
And yes, you might have better luck if you save a beautiful girl. Last time you almost left a
beautiful girl hostage to die, and then you got into a lot of trouble, didn't you?"
Akira bites back a wry smile as he recalls an incident in the underground mall at the Kuzuthara
Street ruins.
'Oh, yes, I did.'
And that was the extent of the story, he told himself, and that he had obtained a sufficient excuse.
He tells Elena and the others in a light tone.
I'll take care of the search for Katsuya and the others, while you and Elena take care of Levin and
the others.
It was Yumina who was most surprised by Akira's statement. Instead of being pleased, she showed
confusion on her face.
I'm going to go to "...... eh? You know, good?"
Still, I didn't go so far as to suspect what they were up to. They were clinging to straws to save
Katsuya and the others. Whatever the reason, cooperation would be welcome. The fact that he was
probably a friend of Elena and the others also reduced his suspicion.
I'll run away if things get bad. So I won't accept it as a request, and I won't help you. I'm declaring
that's all I'm going to do.
I understand, "....... Thanks."
Still saved, Yumina laughed and bowed her head.
Elena and the others had difficult looks on their faces. Sara asked briefly, slightly distressed.
Akira. Are you okay?"
There are many details to ask about if the situation permits. Strength, remaining ammunition, how
to return. There is no end. However, I wondered if those who were not going to help should ask
detailed questions to those who were going to help.
So I asked shortly. In those short words, I hoped to find something that would both worry Akira
and repel his concern.
Akira answers with a light laugh.
I'm fine. Like I said before, if it gets dangerous, I will run away."
Elena sensed in his reply the same thing she had heard before in the underground mall at the
Kuzuthara Street site. Although they could not explain it to themselves, Akira was saying that it
would be all right based on some solid evidence. We saw through that.
In fact, Akira thinks that Alpha would stop him if he was in danger, and that he would not have
bothered to offer him the option of helping in the first place, so Elena's guess was correct.
I understand. Then you take care of that. Take it easy. Okay?"
Yes. I understand."
Elena laughed as if to remind him, and Akira laughed back.

Akira and his team then split up and completed light preparations. Akira and Yumina handed over
their luggage that would interfere with their search to Elena and her team, who instead received
ammunition and other supplies and headed deeper into the ruins. Elena and her team were to
protect Levin and his team, while Levin and his team were to return to the surface, carrying
everyone's relics and other items.
Contact with Drunkham will be made after Elena and her team are on the ground. Yumina also
had the option of going above ground with them and contacting them herself. However, she
decided to accompany Akira instead of going to the ground, because she did not want to spend
time returning to the ground once there and because she was afraid that there would be trouble if
Akira encountered Katsuya and his group alone.
Yumina bowed politely to Elena and the others before heading back the way she came. Akira also
bowed lightly and followed.
Elena and the others laughed at Akira and the others. Then, as soon as they disappeared, their faces
Sarah. We should go, too. Let's hurry."
He finished his work quickly and headed to support Akira and his friends. That's why I'm in a
hurry. Sarah knew that much and nodded her head firmly.
Yes," he said. I'll take care of it."
Then, as if to say that the firepower would compensate for the lack of search and rescue in the
rush, he held a gun in both hands and laughed.
Then Levin interjects with a tease.
'Uh, well, you know, now that we have one less escort, we can't afford to cut our escort fee a little
I'll think about it. You can negotiate that later."
Uh, yes.
When Elena returned his stern gaze, Levin flinched and closed his mouth.
Let's go."
At Elena's command, the rest of the group departed for the ground.

Yumina and Akira proceeded through the ruins almost without searching. Strictly speaking, he left
all the searching to Akira and concentrated on guiding himself to the place where his friends were
holed up.
The most correct path is unknown to Yumina. After separating from her friends, she was attacked
by monsters and had to flee to the ground, so she only vaguely remembers the path to the simple
base. Even so, she was trying to remember as much as possible as she went along.
At Akira's instruction, he stops. A little later, a reaction appeared on the information-gathering
equipment. And the monsters that were the source of that reaction were shot by Akira the moment
they exited the corner of the passageway and were annihilated.
All right. Let's go."
Yumina's tongue rolled inwardly at the sight of Akira, who said this lightly and without a shred of
flinch. Just by looking at the accuracy and speed of his spotting and his quick and precise response,
it was clear that he was several steps ahead of himself.
(...... really strong. No wonder Shiori is so wary of it)
Yumina and her friends had been abandoned by Shiori in a sense when they had previously tangled
with Akira over Lucia.
Yumina knows that this was a hard decision to keep Reina out of a dispute that could have led to
a killing match with Akira.
However, he also wondered whether he had to go that far in the presence of Kanae, who was
probably of the same caliber as him, in addition to Shiori, who was more powerful than he was.
Until now, I had been convinced by this question, judging that it was because Shiori cared so much
about Reina.
However, now that they had witnessed Akira's ability, they were reconsidering their decision
because they had decided that the odds were so low that they needed to abandon themselves.
(If we had done it wrong, we would have killed each other with these people. ...... That was really
close. I did good back then.)
I am proud of myself for negotiating my way out of that tangle, but also a little worried.
(It's encouraging to have someone that strong on your side, but I wonder if it's safe to have him
meet with Katsuya. ...... I have to be careful)
Yumina was secretly prepared to intercede to the death if something happened again.
And when I involuntarily stop to think about these thoughts, Akira calls out to me curiously.
What's up?"
Oh, it's nothing. Where do you think we are?"
Yumina deceptively took out an information terminal and displayed a map of the ruins.
The map data was received from Elena before we parted. Unlike Katsuya's, Yumina's information-
gathering equipment was not equipped with a map-making function, and because of this she had
to wander around the ruins since yesterday without knowing her current location.
Akira points lightly on the map.
Right here.
Seeing Akira's condition, Yumina was inwardly surprised. From the way Akira had been acting
since they started working together, it seemed that he did not have anything that would
automatically record his current location like he did, but he easily indicated that this was definitely
where he was.
In the labyrinthine ruins, he continues to accurately grasp his current position on his own, with
several battles in between. Yumina understands how difficult it is to do so through training at the
Drangkam. That is why her surprise was so great.
'......, yes. Maybe, but I think this is where our friends are."
Then you've come a long way," he said. That's how many bulkheads were closed."
I was hiding and running away from monsters, among other things. Now, if it's a monster, we can
defeat it, and let's hope the bulkheads aren't blocking the passage afterwards."
I guess so." We have to go. Let's go."
Yumina puts away the information terminal and readies her gun. Due to the injury, the movement
of her right arm is sluggish. Akira notices this.
What's wrong with your right hand?"
Hmm?" Oh, this? I'm a little wounded."
If you're not cured, does that mean you're out of your recovery meds?"
No," he said. I used it, but I was a little reckless, so it didn't heal completely."
Akira takes out his own recovery medicine and hands it to Yumina.
Use it.
Is it good?" Looks pretty expensive. ......"
I'm sorry, but the less I'm dragged along, the better."
Akira said this with a light laugh, as if he was joking a little, and Yumina laughed back.
If that's the way it is, feel free. Thanks."
I then took the recovery medicine they gave me, and the pain in my right hand that had been there
for a long time immediately disappeared. Furthermore, the remaining discomfort in my right arm
disappeared, and I was able to move it lightly to make sure there was no problem.
Yumina flinched lightly at the sheer effectiveness of the recovery potion she received.
You are using a very sophisticated recovery drug," he said. Aren't these pretty expensive?"
Akira nodded seriously.
It's expensive. But if you die because you skimped on the money, it's for nothing."
Uh, you know, should I, uh, pay for it later?"
I don't need it. Like I said before, I didn't take it as a job. I don't charge for expenses. Besides, the
cost of the ammunition I shot just now is quite a bit because I'm using extended magazines now.
If I had to bill you every time, there would be no end to it.
Yumina nodded lightly and said, "That's right.
Yes," he said. Then I'll just say I owe you."
I'm sure you will. And while you're at it, make sure you pay the debt back to Elena and the others.
I owe them a lot. If you can, please pay them back in return.
Akira let out a small sigh, to which Yumina lightly smiled back.
I'll be there. Let's go."
Having regained some of her strength after the injury to her right arm had fully healed, Yumina
was fired up and hurried onward.

Elena and her group returned safely to the ground with Levin and his group. They encountered a
few monsters along the way, but all were very small and only served to make Levin and the others
understand the significance of the escort fee.
Once outside, Elena and her vehicle quickly left the Yonozka Station ruins. The relics and the
Levins were loaded onto a folding cart and departed for the city of Kugamayama.
At the same time, he completed the emergency request procedures and contacted Drunkham. Then,
about a third of the way into the city, we stopped the car.
Then Levin in the back of the truck complains to Elena.
'Hey, why are you parked here?'
I'm just trying to get you guys safely to the city. Just wait a minute. Here they come."
A large armed truck and escort vehicle approach from in front of Elena and her car. Then, when it
stopped by Elena and the others, the leader of that side, Hunter, got out.
You must be Elena, right? This is Kurosawa, who was contracted by Toned Services to provide
transportation. Is the cargo on that side of the truck okay?"
Yes. Both people and relics. People to be transported to the city, relics to be temporarily stored."
I understand. Hey! Load it up!"
Under Kurosawa's direction, his men carry the relics from the back of Elena and the others' trucks.
There are many ways to earn money as a hunter. One of them is called a courier. They transport
various goods and people between cities and ruins.
Moving to and from distant ruins and transporting artifacts from there is a labor-intensive task in
itself. For a small team of hunters, it may also be difficult to assign a person to wait outside the
ruins to ensure a return trip.
And when they find a large number of relics, some of them feel that it would be a shame to give
them to someone who was just waiting outside, even if they are from the same team.
Because of such labor and separation of interests, there were many who sought out those who
would only undertake transportation between the city and the ruins, and there was enough demand
for them that some made it their specialty.
But it would be unbearable if they absconded with the relics. Naturally, trust is necessary for this
kind of work. Kurosawa was not a courier, but he was a hunter with that trust.
'You're back from the rumored ruins, right? What's it like over there?"
Elena smiles meaningfully back at Kurosawa, who asks this lightly.
That's information that's worth money, isn't it? How much would you pay? I would say, "I'm sorry,
but I don't have time to haggle over the price. Buy the information from him."
Levin, who was pointed at, flinched a little at the sudden appearance of Kurosawa and the others.
Still, he took the opportunity to interrupt the conversation.
Hey, we're talking about a slight reduction in our escort fee: ......
The reduction in the number of escort personnel from this point on will be offset by the increase
in the number of escorts from this point on. I've thought this through, haven't I?"
Oh, no. ......
After that, you can make it up to them by selling them information about the ruins for a higher
price. We are in a hurry, so I will keep my mouth shut here. Bye."
Elena said and returned to the vehicle, and then she and Sara returned to the Yonozka station ruins.
Kurosawa looks at Levin, who is left on the spot.
'Well, I'll ask around as I go back. If it's good information, I'll give you a high price."
I'm counting on you.
Kurosawa packed Levin and his crew into the back of the truck and instructed his men to depart.
Information on the Yonozuka Station ruins is still mixed up, which has significantly reduced its
credibility, and information on the current status of the ruins from a confirmed hunter who has
returned from the ruins was given a reasonable price.

As Yumina and Akira made their way through the ruins, they encountered a group of hunters
engaged in a battle with monsters. As they joined them and fought them off, their leader, Chares,
looked at Yumina and gave her a slightly doubtful look.
Thank God. ...... hmm? Are you a hunter in Drunkham?"
Yes. I am. He is not, though."
Perhaps her name is Yumina?"
Yes, but ......"
The chares looked light-headed at Yumina, who had a curious look on her face.
I see." ....... He went in the opposite direction. What luck."
'No, maybe you really took that story to heart?'
No way. That's not a quirk. You're thinking too much ......"
Yumina had a bad feeling about what Chares and his colleagues were talking about. She looked
anxious and hesitated a little, but opened her mouth to say that she had to listen.
Who is that guy? Are you a hunter in Drunkham? What's going on?"
I met a hunter named Katsuya. He said he was looking for his lost friends. His companion's name
was Yumina. That's you, right?"
Yumina's face becomes stern all at once.
"That idiot ...... what are you doing ......!"
If he left them with everyone else, he would stay there to protect his friends and not do anything
reckless. Yumina's head was turned as she realized that this expectation had not been fulfilled.
Excuse me! Do you know where that guy went?
Sorry, all I know is that they went in the opposite direction from us."
I understand! Thank you! Akira! Let's hurry and catch up!"
Wait a minute.
Akira stopped Yumina, who was about to start running now, and took out an information terminal
and pulled out a map, which he showed to Chares.
We're supposed to be here right now. Can you tell me where you met this Katsuya hunter?"
Whoa? Is this a map of this site? How did you get such a detailed map ......"
Chares was surprised that the other party already had a fairly detailed map of the site, even though
it was supposed to be an undiscovered ruin. And when he tried to ask about it, he was interrupted
by the feisty Yumina.
Excuse me! Please tell me first where you left off with Katsuya!"
Oh, yeah. I understand. Let's see. ......."
Chares pulls out his information terminal, checks his own travel record, and compares it to the
map. He then pointed outside of the map, outside of Elena's survey area.
"...... maybe, but it's around here. And I think this guy Katsuya went this way."
Chares said and pointed further outward. Yumina hastily thanked him and tried to move.
Thank you!" Akira! Please visit ...... immediately."
I told you to calm down.
Akira managed to calm Yumina, who was clearly losing her cool.
I've met someone who might know something," he said. Let's ask what we can and search calmly
based on that information. It would be easier to find Katsuya that way, wouldn't it?"
"Well, yes. ......"
When Yumina realized her own state of panic at being so pointed out, she realized that she had to
remain calm in order to help Katsuya, so she repeatedly took deep breaths to regain her composure.
I'm sorry. I've calmed down. I'm sorry. ......, you're making this a hassle."
Yumina dared to complain lightly, and used the opportunity to redirect her own enthusiasm in the
right direction. Then, thinking that this was a kind of negotiation, she put her head to work and
realized something.
I'm sorry. You said earlier that you took that story to heart. What do you mean? What does this
have to do with Katsuya?"
When asked this question, the Chales looked at each other. They nodded lightly, thinking that since
they had just joined the group, they could at least talk about it.
Yeah, I actually found a ghost from the old world deep in the ruins: ......
Finding a woman with a 3D image in a huge tunnel-like area. That a swarm of monsters was
springing up from the end of the tunnel. The security machine that seemed to be guarding the ruins
was attacking both the monsters and the hunters. Chares and the others told Katsuya about this.
When I met Katsuya, Chares and his group were just in the middle of a battle with monsters. In
return for his help, I told him to stay away from the area as it was dangerous, but he seemed quite
Akira wonders after hearing that much.
'That sounds interesting, but if you really believed that story, you wouldn't go there because it's
dangerous. Why are you telling me you might have gone that way?"
No, we were having a little chat about that old world ghost at the time ......
The woman in the 3D image is probably some function of the ruins and was originally a being that
could receive and respond.
And the fact that there was no response to anything they said could have been due to the fact that
the response was on the augmented reality side, or it could have been due to the fact that the ruins
had just been restored to function and needed time to fully work.
In other words, someone who has a display device with corresponding augmented reality
capabilities, or who may be able to take it on now that enough time has passed.
If the woman is a guide to the facility, etc., it may be possible to search for lost children, i.e., to
determine the whereabouts of straggling companions. In some cases, she might be able to negotiate
with the security machines at the ruins to prevent them from attacking the hunters.
Chares and the others were teaching Katsuya such things in the form of light banter.
Well, the woman's place is in the tunnel I mentioned earlier, which is probably still crawling with
monsters, and this Katsuya guy should know that. So I don't think he went that way.
Yumina's face contorts grimly. There is no clear reason. But her longtime association with Katsuya
told her that the odds were good that he was headed to that place.
I'm sorry. Can't you tell me where it is?"
Yumina bowed her head in sincerity, but Chares was difficult to deal with. She was not willing to
give him the exact location of the site because she would have to take him there or give him a
record of her movements within the ruins.
But Chares and his team had no intention of heading back to the place where the security machines
of the ruins would have been engaged with the hordes of monsters springing from the depths of
the tunnels.
The data from the movement record within the ruins is also data from an automatic simplified
mapping device, information that would fetch a high price considering the fact that these are
largely unexplored ruins. I understand the other party's situation, but Chares, as a hunter, could not
just hand it over with a bow of his head.
Akira then offered to exchange his map information for it. Chares and the others immediately
agreed to the deal because the information was more valuable.
Even Yumina, who understands its value, is surprised and lightly puzzled.
Um, Akira, are you sure?"
It's not good. So you'll owe Elena and the others later."
Akira also believes that originally the consent of Elena and her family was necessary. However, it
is impossible to do so now, and in addition, it is an emergency situation, and he is the one who
told them the location of the ruins. Considering this, he decided that he would be able to make
excuses to Elena and the others.
Yumina doesn't know that much. However, she knows that it is a bad thing to do, so she turns a
serious face to Akira.
I understand. I'll apologize to Elena and the others later."
I asked. So, let me ask you, if Katsuya is at that 3D image, you are going to go there, right? Are
you serious?"
I'm serious. Please. Akira. Help me."
Jump into a deadly situation together to save the person you once struggled with to the point of
almost killing each other. Yumina understood that she was saying that.
I know you don't like it, but I know you don't have to. In addition, the other party has declared that
they will run away if it is dangerous and will not help. That is why Yumina pleaded with all her
Akira answers simply.
I understand. Let's go."
Yumina was more surprised than grateful at how easily he responded. But she immediately laughed
and thanked him.
Thank you. Let's go."
Yumina and Akira, each with their own thoughts, changed their destination and hurried onward.

The chares who saw off Yumina and the others looked somewhat impressed.
He's in good company."
Sorry I'm not good company."
Chares laughs back at his companion's joke.
Don't say that. But that Katsuya guy was kind of awesome, wasn't he?"
I understand. It was something great. It was strong, but that's not all. There was something more.
I don't know what it was.
The chares nodded lightly in agreement in unison.
I think that's why he has such a good group of friends. It's not enough to simply be strong like
I understand. Charisma, huh? Well, it's not a word we're associated with."
The Chales, who are competent enough to explore the ruins to collect relics in this situation, praised
Katsuya for reasons that they themselves could not explain exactly.

Katsuya woke up as if knocked awake by countless voices calling for help, voices that sounded as
if they were about to crush him.
Once you wake up, the voices disappear. Katsuya then understood that it was just a nightmare.
Again. ......."
As I raised myself from the floor of the simple base and exhaled heavily, I was approached by Iris,
who was by my side, with a concerned look on her face.
Katsuya. Are you okay?"
Katsuya dared to smile brightly.
I'm fine. I've been sleeping a little too much and having weird dreams. Too much rest. What's with
all the ...... light?"
Suddenly the lights came on."
Oh, yeah.
Iri's explanation was too straightforward and lacking in detail, so Katsuya looked around to hear
more details from Yumina. He could see his companions taking turns taking breaks to be vigilant
and collect artifacts. However, there is no sign of Yumina.
Aili. Where's Yumina?"
I'm out at ...... to check."
I see. ......?"
It is important to check the condition of the ruins for the safety of the place and in some cases to
escape on your own. It is no wonder that Yumina is willing to take on this role.
But Katsuya could see from Iri's expression that she was worried. He asks with a serious face,
hoping he is wrong.
...... iri. How long has it been since Yumina went outside?"
"About ......6 hours."
Katsuya's face became stern all at once.

After hearing from the other members of the group and having gained an understanding of the
situation, Katsuya makes a decision.
Iris. I'm going to go look for Yumina now."
Seeing Iri nodding strongly, Katsuya's face turned stern and a little sad.
No, it's not. I'll go alone. I want you to stay here and protect the others."
Iri was about to reply that she was going too. But before he could, Katsuya put his hands on both
of his shoulders and pleaded with him.
Please. Please."
When he was told so seriously in a somewhat sorrowful manner, Iris could not say she did not
want to.
If they ask me to follow them, I will gladly do so even if it is a place of death. However, he cannot
stop Katsuya, who is heading for his death, with all his might. That is the limit of Iris.
I can't do anything that Katsuya doesn't want me to do, and I can't do anything that Katsuya doesn't
want me to do. All he could do was nod.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. As long as they're holed up here, I think they'll be fine without me. As for the
rest, well, I'll come back on my own, so if Yumina comes back later, tell her she doesn't have to
go looking for me."
Okay. ......."
Seeing Iri looking more heartbroken than she was, Katsuya smiled brightly to cheer her up and
hugged her lightly.
I'll be fine. I'll be back, and so will Yumina. Let's go home together. For that reason, I want you to
stay here and do your best. I know it's hard work here, but I know you can do it. I'm counting on
you. Okay?
Iri nodded strongly as Katsuya held her close.
Come home."
It's a given."
Katsuya then let go of Aili. He then dared to show Iri a confident smile and left the simple base
with his friends seeing him off.
A little further down the aisle, and just as he decided that his mood was definitely not going to be
noticed by his friends, Katsuya's face changed to a grim but determined one.
Yumina! Stay safe!"
I would never abandon my friends. That was a mistake. If it was not a mistake, I will not repeat it.
He told himself that, and hurried onward with determination.

The other young hunters look suspiciously at Iris, who has seen Katsuya off with a sad look on her
Iri. Was it a good idea to let Katsuya go alone? I still think we should go ......"
Katsuya's instructions. We stay here."
No, but you know what, ......
In those words, there was an unacknowledged feeling that it was safer and more secure to be with
Katsuya because he could rely on her in case something happened.
Iri doesn't know that much either. But it was enough for him to know that he was going against the
instructions of Katsuya, who had asked him so desperately to do so. He turns his face sternly, even
a little scared.
If you leave here without permission, I'll crush you.
Wow, okay. ......."
The young hunters succumbed to Aili's spirit and fell back. This prevented further dispersion of
the force and the safety of the simple base was maintained.

Katsuya runs through the ruins looking for Yumina. On the way, they encountered and engaged
monsters several times, but kicked them off.
Katsuya was in such great shape that even he was scared. He could somehow see the positions and
movements of his enemies. If he fired a shot, the bullet would land accurately and he could easily
take them out. Perhaps it was because he was concentrating so hard that time seemed to move a
little slower.
And Katsuya was more than perplexed by this, but in a way, he was also puzzled and convinced
that it was to be expected.
(I knew it was ......, is that what you meant?)
Recently, I have been doing better when I work alone, both in training and in actual combat.
Katsuya was aware of this fact.
This is also the reason why I did not allow Iris to accompany me. Normally, it would have been
better to go with her in terms of strength. But Katsuya was in such good shape that he felt he could
achieve better overall results on his own.
Katsuya had many thoughts about this situation. But for now, he dared to look away. Even if a
large group of people were to move around in the ruins, they would only stand out. He decided to
stop thinking about unnecessary things, thinking that it would be convenient to save Yumina with
the smallest number of people and maximum efficiency, and that he could worry about it after he
had saved her.
Yumina ......, where are you!"
Even if one searches alone in the dark in the large ruins, it is not so easy to find them. There are
many places to hide from monsters. In addition, if you think that if you send out a distress signal
poorly, the monsters will detect it and cut off your transmission, it will be even more difficult to
find them.
But Katsuya had a clue how to find Yumina.
'...... Damn! Where is it? Which one is it?"
Katsuya somehow knows the location and direction of someone who needs help. Even now, he
senses this and runs through the ruins as he is led, hoping that one of them is Yumina.
And he saved many. But Yumina was not among them. We couldn't take her with us, so we gave
her the location of the simple base and hurried to the next reaction. We repeated it.
But Yumina cannot be found. I couldn't believe that she was dead, so I continued to search for her.
On the way, I found a group of hunters who were engaged in a fight with a monster, and I helped
them out. I asked them if they had seen Yumina.
He did not get the answers he sought, but he did tell me about the old world ghosts he had found
among the ruins, 3D images of women, along with advice that the place was dangerous. We
thanked him, parted ways, and returned to our search for Yumina.
Still, Katsuya was becoming impatient when he could not find Yumina. Strangely, I don't think
she is dead. But he just couldn't find her.
Yumina does not want Katsuya to help her; she is trying to help Katsuya. Therefore, no matter
how much she is guided by the voiceless voice asking for help, she is not there. Katsuya was
unaware of this.
As Katsuya grows impatient, he subconsciously begins to hope for a solution to this problem. And
then he finds himself heading for a place where there is a three-dimensional image of a woman.
If I go there, everything will be solved. Without even realizing why it would solve the problem, I
was ready and raring to go, believing that it was the only solution.
Episode 85 Continuing Attempts

In the boarding area of the huge tunnel at the Yonozuka Station site, a woman with a three-
dimensional image is still repeating similar words, smiling in the direction of no one.
Welcome to Yonozuka Station. This station is currently in a semi-active state. Error G57349573.
And around it, a fierce battle was being waged between the ruins' security machines and the
monster hordes.
The sphere-shaped aircraft scorches the enemy with a concentrated fire of laser bullets. A huge
reptile opens its mouth and bites and crushes the aircraft. Then a hail of laser bullets, and even a
bombardment from a turreted insect joins the fray. The battle continues, as if an ordinary hunter
could be obliterated in the aftermath.
The monsters currently roaming the ruins are individuals that overflowed from here.
Katsuya watches the battle from the shadows of the passageway that connects to the tunnel section,
his face scrunched up.
That's great. That's why I warn people to stay away."
He then carefully checked the boarding and alighting area and spotted a woman.
That's it. If you go over there ......"
To do so, one must first run through a bridge-like corridor to reach the boarding area, and then run
further down the boarding area to the front of the woman. There are monsters in both the corridor
and the boarding area, and the tunnel is riddled with artillery fire. This is a situation that Katsuya
would certainly not be able to handle under normal circumstances.
Katsuya is slightly lost. However, he decided that he was in good enough shape to make it, and he
was determined to save everyone as long as he could get there.
All right! Let's go!"
He leaps from the shadows of the passageway with his gun at the ready and runs down the crossing
corridor. The monster there reacted immediately, but he destroyed it with a hail of bullets faster
than it could move, and ran past it.
The old-world footholds did not shake even when he stepped on them vigorously with the physical
strength of his reinforced clothes for acceleration. With this, I thought I could get there quickly,
so I stepped forward and continued to run, and then stepped into the boarding area.
At that moment, Katsuya felt weak and dizzy for just a moment. This caused him to slightly lose
his position. But that level of disruption was a minor one that could be quickly regained if he were
in peak condition, and Katsuya intended to do so.
But I can't get back on my feet. The failure to get back into position within the slightest disturbance
causes the disturbance to become so great that you involuntarily drop to one knee.
There, a monster with the appearance of a giant gecko or snake emerges, climbing up the narrow
piers that support the crosswalk, and quickly attacks. It was an attack that seemed to take advantage
of Katsuya's surprise at the suddenness of the situation.
Still, Katsuya reflexively turned the gun on himself and fired back. While the reptile rushed toward
Katsuya, it crumpled under countless bullets at close range.
The enemy was destroyed. However, Katsuya's expression became more grim and distorted.
Because his sights were off, he could not hit the weak point and could not defeat the enemy
Katsuya's movements, which had been in great shape just a few moments ago, were completely
lost immediately after he felt dizzy.
(......What's up all of a sudden! Have you been so tired that you've reached your limit without even
realizing it! Damn! (At a time like this!)
Still, there was no going back now, and with only a few more steps to go, Katsuya stood up and
hurried onward.
But the next little bit is far away. The movements of my body, which were agile just a few moments
ago, now seem terribly slow. The world, which I had the illusion that time was moving a little
slower, has suddenly accelerated, and I feel as if the enemy has become more agile by that amount.
There's no time to get the sights right. He manages to compensate by firing his gun in rapid
succession. This futile move prolongs the time it takes to defeat the enemy, and gradually pushes
Katsuya closer and closer to the edge.
I can't stand losing ...... at a place like this!" You're almost there!"
Still, Katsuya moves forward. He scolds himself and closes the distance between himself and the
woman in the 3D image.
He punches away a dog-shaped machine with rotting biological parts, kicks away a curled-up
caterpillar, and shoots back and destroys a metal ball that was about to fire a laser bullet. Leaving
the corpses of enemies in his wake, he advances steadily, little by little, getting closer to both his
own limits and the desired location.
And we got there. The woman in the three-dimensional image, dressed in Old World-style
clothing, repeated similar words when Katsuya came in front of her.
Welcome to Yonozuka Station. This station is currently in a semi-active state. Error G59534759.
And Katsuya shouts.
Tell me where Yumina is! Open all the bulkheads in the passage! Close the tunnel! Have the
security machines deal with the monsters first! Now!"
Welcome to Yonozuka Station. This station is currently in a semi-active state. Error G59534854.
"...... eh?"
The woman did not return any response when Katsuya shouted at her. And the small voice that
Katsuya let out did not indicate surprise at this.
Why ......?"
A look of terrible confusion comes over Katsuya's face.
"Why did I ......, ......, think this was going to work?"
Katsuya was astonished that he had not been able to notice until now what he would have
immediately noticed if he had even the slightest doubt about what was obviously wrong in the
normal course of events.
Still, the situation does not change. A nearby monster tries to attack Katsuya. The presence of the
monster brought Katsuya back to his senses, and he quickly fought back and repelled the attack.
But coming back to himself, Katsuya reaffirmed his hopeless situation, and his face contorted
Monsters are gathering in droves at the boarding and disembarking areas and in the crosswalks. In
order to get back from here, we have to get through there in our current state, which is severely
out of shape.
Impossible. His own exceptional talent calmly told him so.
And then a beast so large that one wonders how it got there, it attacks toward Katsuya.
Damn it. ......."
Katsuya pointed his gun, knowing it was useless, and muttered with a distorted, bitter smile.
The next moment, the beast's head popped off. A headless corpse rolled on the floor. As Katsuya,
who knew that the power of his own bullets would not do this, was startled and bewildered, he
continued to hear the familiar yelling.
There he is! Katsuya!"
I looked in the direction of the voice and saw Yumina at the end of another cross hallway. Her face
showed more anger than joy at finding Katsuya.
And next to him was Akira, who had just killed a monster with a specialized round from his CWH
objective assault rifle.

After parting with Chares and his group, Akira and his group headed for the location of the woman
in the 3D image, where Katsuya might be.
Instead of Yumina, who was rushing ahead anyway, Akira was doing almost everything from
searching for the enemy to fighting them off. Naturally, Akira's workload was extremely heavy,
but thanks to Alpha's support, he was able to handle it without difficulty. Yumina, who had been
speeding up her steps little by little while watching Akira, was already almost in a state of running.
Even if you are in a hurry, it would normally be extremely dangerous to simply run through the
ruins where monsters lurk and roam. If there are enemies lurking on the sides of passages or around
corners, that alone would be fatal. And in fact, I have encountered monsters many times.
Under such circumstances, Yumina is able to proceed with little or no loss of running speed.
Surprised by Akira's ability to achieve this, the accuracy of his search and repulse, he hurries
I know I am putting the burden on the other party. However, in order to help Katsuya, I will be
lenient with Akira for now. Telling herself this, Yumina ran through the ruins.
Akira lives up to Yumina's expectations, continuing to quickly and accurately destroy the enemy
so that he does not have to stop. He used Alpha's spotting to get the position in advance, and the
moment the target entered the range where he could fire, he fired a bullet into the weak spot.
Naturally, this movement is not Akira's own effort. In other words, Alpha manipulated the
reinforced suit to achieve it halfway. Therefore, the delay in the movement of the contents due to
a lack of ability was a burden on Akira's body as it was.
My whole body is already screaming. Akira was dodging his complaints of pain by taking a
handful of recovery pills.
So in a sense, Akira is using expensive recovery medicine only for transportation. Akira himself
wondered if this was a waste of money. However, since Alpha did not stop him, he decided it was
worth it and took it.
If Akira had asked, Alpha would have stopped him. But he couldn't stop himself.
Then they arrive at the tunnel section. Akira was instructed by Alpha to change the bullets in the
CWH objective assault rifle to special bullets in advance. The magazines of the DVTS minigun
are also replaced with new extended magazines.
Even more immediately, sniping instructions are given. Akira immediately raised the CWH
objective assault rifle and destroyed the monster that attacked Katsuya.
It was also evidence that Alpha already knew what was going on in the tunnel, but since it was in
a sense business as usual for Akira, he did not realize that it was inherently unnatural for him to
know this, nor did he care about the unnaturalness of Alpha's knowledge of it.
Then Yumina saw Akira's sniper and recognized Katsuya. He raised his voice to yell at her.
There he is! Katsuya!"
Akira looked a little surprised.
I was really there. I don't know how you made it over there by yourself in this situation."
Really, what are you doing?"
I'll cover you from here. Bring them back. We won't last long."
Akira then takes up the DVTS minigun and sweeps the monsters in the corridor and boarding area.
He also shoots down the monsters going up from under them.
I just switched to a new extended magazine, so my remaining ammo is maxed out. Even so, if I
keep shooting at the minigun's rapid-fire rate without a break, it will soon be empty. But if we
don't shoot anyway, it will be impossible to suppress the monsters gathering in the wide tunnel.
Akira is right, the grace period is not very long. The moment Yumina realized this, she ran.
Run as fast as you can through the crossing and boarding area. Jump over monster corpses and
rush under Katsuya. Naturally, Yumina is also targeted by the monsters, but she believes Akira
will do something about it and rushes forward, completely ignoring her enemies.
A large number of bullets were landing around her and piercing the space in front of her, but
Yumina was undaunted by the sound of the bullets landing and the wind howling through the air,
and she was running at full speed, feigning fear with a stern expression that even showed her anger,
and maintaining her enthusiasm.
Katsuya, who was a little confused, came to his senses when he saw this. He was about to shout
for Yumina's safety to turn back, but as he gazed at Yumina, the camera of the information-
gathering equipment zoomed in on the object.
When Katsuya saw the shape of the yumina, he flinched, forgetting the situation. Meanwhile,
Yumina had reached Katsuya.
What are you doing? Don't just stand there, Katsuya, run a little yourself! Or can't you run? In that
case, I'll drag you along!"
The short reply that Katsuya managed to give to the squealing Yumina did not mean that he could
not run, but Yumina grabbed Katsuya roughly and started to drag him back, forcing him to go
Wait! I can run by myself!"
Yumina, who had no time to waste on useless questions and answers, held on to Katsuya and did
not stop. But when she felt a tremor beneath her feet, she stopped involuntarily. With that, Katsuya
managed to regain his footing.
Yumina involuntarily looked around to see if the scaffolding had begun to collapse. Then she
noticed the cause of the tremors. The tunnel had begun to close with a roaring sound.
The tunnel is at ......! Katsuya! What did you do?
Oh, is that me?" No, I'm ......, I'm not ......, eh, it's me?"
As Katsuya is again confused and Yumina wonders about it, a series of bullets land near them. It
was Akira who fired the shots. When Yumina and the others involuntarily turn their heads in that
direction, Akira beckons them to hurry.
Katsuya ran before he was dragged away again, and Yumina soon followed.

Shortly before the tunnel began to close, the woman in the 3D image, who until now had not
reacted to anything anyone said to her, was reacting toward those in front of her.
There stood Alpha. However, it existed only on the sensor data of the stereoscopic image display
device, and even Akira could not perceive it.
Its alpha tells us.
Do it.
Then he disappeared.
It was only after that that the tunnel began to close.

Katsuya and the others join Akira. Akira removed the empty extended magazine from the DVTS
minigun and replaced it with a new one. He had consumed that many bullets in just a short time.
After the meeting, we will continue to distance ourselves from the tunnel. Then, when they reach
a place where they can calm down enough to breathe a sigh of relief, each tries to check the
First, Katsuya turned a dubious face mixed with confusion to Akira.
Why did you save my life?
Akira gives me a disgusted look in response to that question.
I didn't mean to help you.
What do you mean?"
Akira and his friends are suddenly in a bad mood, and Yumina interrupts them.
ooooooooooooo, we'll get to that later! Katsuya. How are you doing? Is it pretty tight? Answer
honestly. The situation is not safe yet, so don't misrepresent the war situation with your weird
stubbornness and skinny-dipping."
Seeing Yumina's serious attitude, Katsuya also answers honestly.
It's a lot tougher. But I can fight."
Yes. Akira. I'm sorry, but could you please share the recovery medicine again? Even Akira would
prefer to have more strength, wouldn't he?"
Yumina. If you're on recovery meds, there's still some left. ......"
Akira's recovery pills are better, more expensive, and work faster than ours."
Yumina bows her head sincerely to Akira, who expresses difficulty with her expression.
Akira let out a small sigh and handed the box of recovery medicine to Yumina.
Yumina took it, took Katsuya's hand, and put the pill in his palm. Then, she nailed it to his palm.
Don't make a mess and use it. Don't complain or I'll force you to cram it in."
So Katsuya let out a light sigh and took a recovery drug, as if he had no choice. The effect was
immediate. The pain disappeared from his body, the fatigue vanished, and he even felt as if he had
more strength.
The original Katsuya would have laughed and thanked the person who shared so much with him.
However, because the person he was thanking was Akira, and because he and Akira had been
through so much together, his stubbornness came out stronger than his gratitude.
I ask in a slightly stronger tone, as if to say I don't owe you anything.
I'll pay you for what you spend on ......." How much?"
Akira responds with a similar attitude.
I don't take money for every piece of content I spend. It's too much trouble to calculate how much
you've spent.
Then I'll pay by the box. How much?"
Oh, yeah, two million aurums."
At Akira's reply, Yumina blew up more than Katsuya.
Is it that expensive?
Well, it's one that works as well as any made in the old world," he said. And the price is right, too.
It sure worked well, but ......"
Even Katsuya, who had been so enthusiastic in his sales pitch, flinched. But as far as he was
concerned, Yumina was also using it. Katsuya has his own stubbornness. He could not say that he
would stop paying after all.
But paying 2 million aurum is very difficult. This made me unconsciously suspicious of the price.
However, Akira told me lightly.
I'm not asking you to pay two million aurums," he said. I'll give you the whole box of it, and you
can buy the same thing later and return it to me. That's fine.
Once that was said, it became pointless to question the price. Katsuya looked at the box of recovery
medicine and, slightly impatient, summoned up his remaining willpower.
Okay. Okay.
Yumina blandly sighs. Katsuya smiles a little stiffly to cover it up.

When Katsuya and his friends returned to their friends, the situation had changed again.
The simple base was filled with young hunters from Drangkam as well as hunters that Katsuya
had helped. Aili, who was in charge of the place, had let them in, judging that Yumina and Katsuya
would do so.
In addition, there were other hunters such as Chares. If there was a simple base within the ruins,
they wanted to use it to rest safely and were allowed to enter in exchange for providing their own
strength as a defensive force.
In addition, communication with the ground was still connected. Elena and her colleagues, who
had returned to the ground level of the Yonozuka Station ruins, tried to make a general-purpose
communication by raising the output of the communication to the limit and sending it downward,
after having guessed the location of the other party based on a map they had created themselves.
Then, those at the simplified base managed to capture that generic communication and returned
the communication upward to establish mutual communication. After that, they used Elena and
her team's vehicle as a relay to communicate with Drunkham.
The young hunters who had been holed up in a simple base had regained their spirits when they
were informed that Drangkam's support would be arriving soon, and they welcomed Katsuya's
return with open arms.
And Katsuya and the others told everyone what they knew. The tunnel was closed and no
additional monsters would come from there. The partition that had divided the passage was now
open. The people in the simple base cheered when they heard this.
After a brief exchange of information, those who learned about the current situation at the ruins
began to move. Some of them are trying to resume collecting relics while they still can, while
others are trying to get out of the ruins immediately. Akira, Katsuya, and the others were the latter.

As Elena and Sara parked their vehicle at the ground level of the Yonozka station ruins and waited
for Akira, Akira arrived looking tired. She welcomes him with a light chuckle.
Thanks for your hard work. From the looks of it, it sounds like you had a really hard day."
I had already heard about the events at the ruins when Akira was in the simple base below, but
seeing him up close made me more aware of how difficult it was.
Akira also manages to return a wry smile.
Yes. It was hard work."
Sara laughs and offers Akira a little nudge to the back seat.
You can take your time if you like here."
"Thank you very much."
Akira laughed and returned the smile. I put down my luggage and stretched lightly.
So, Elena," he said. What are you going to do now? I heard that until the Drunkham reinforcements
arrive, we'll be here to take the place of the transponder. ......"
I'm planning to leave when I'm done taking over. Or do you want to do some more relic collecting?
I sent the relics to the city first, so there's plenty of room to pack the car, okay?"
No, that's not quite right."
I'm sure. Get some rest."
Looking at Akira, who shook his head in disgust, Elena laughed along with Sarah.

Back on the ground, Katsuya and his team first put the overturned Drangkam vehicle back together
to see if it would move, and then carried supplies out of it.
There is no specific work to be done after that. We wait until backup arrives. We took turns taking
breaks, as we could not rest enough in the basement.
Only Katsuya, however, was equipped and exploring above ground. He ostensibly told his
companions that he had slept enough underground to make up for it.
But the real reason was that I needed to do something to distract myself.
Seeing his friends on the ground rejoicing that they had been saved, Katsuya, too, felt joy and
relief. But as soon as he let his guard down, his feelings for his friends who could not be saved
swelled up inside him.
In the basement, I was too busy to look away. But now I can't. Even if only one of his friends had
been killed, Katsuya would be concerned about his own lack of ability. In addition to that, this
time, due to the regret of having abandoned his friends, he could not bear to rest in silence.
In a sense, Katsuya's actions were an escape, and because of this, his feet were unwittingly leaving
his friends.
As we continue our search on the ground in silence, we receive a call from Yumina, who is resting
in her vehicle.
What's going on?" What's wrong?"
I only called because Katsuya's reaction seemed a little too far off."
...... that far off?"
You're away. Katsuya. It's about time you came back at least once."
No, I'll look into it some more. It's okay. There's no monsters here."
Katsuya dared to answer in a cheerful voice, but Yumina could see that he was being strong. A
slightly stronger, but still concerned voice came back.
Come back. If you don't come back, I'll come to you."
He said, "I'm fine. You have hardly slept since yesterday, haven't you? Yumina should be resting.
I was sleeping, I'm fine."
You have two choices: Either Katsuya comes back or I go over there. Which do you want?"
Katsuya could not answer. After a short silence, Yumina decides.
I'm the one going over there. Wait for me."
So the communication is cut off. Katsuya let out a big sigh.
"You can't help your fellow man. ...... It also makes me worry. ...... What am I doing ......."
Katsuya hung his head deeply because he cared about his friends.
After a while, I saw Yumina and Aili a short distance away. Katsuya waved his hand in an
exaggerated manner to indicate that everything was okay. He then smiled and tried to welcome
Yumina and the others as they came closer.
At that moment, Katsuya felt a tremor beneath his feet. The next moment he wondered about it,
the ground beneath Yumina and the others collapsed and caved in over a wide area. The ground
beneath them collapsed and fell in a wide area, leaving them with no way out.
Yumina!" Aili!"
Katsuya was reflexively trying to run to Yumina and the others. But his legs would not move. On
the contrary, he is telling them to jump back with all their might before his own foothold collapses.
The preemptive competence calmly told him to escape even if only by himself, since Yumina and
the others could no longer be saved.
(Don't fuck with me!)
But Katsuya shouted back at the advice. If his own exceptional talent has blossomed and he has
become capable of judging the situation accurately and calmly, and as a result he has become
competent enough to understand that it is best to let Yumina and the others die, then he will try to
move forward on his own, believing that such competence is unnecessary.
His preoccupation with talent told him that his own condition would be severely compromised if
he worked with his friends, and that his inferior abilities would not save him.
I don't care. Katsuya told himself and leapt forward.
Extreme concentration slows the flow of the world. In a world where everything but Katsuya
himself, Yumina and the others, and everything in between, is dyed white, Katsuya turns his back
on what is behind him and moves forward.
In that white world, the girl behind Katsuya's back had her face contorted in severe discontent.

Akira, who felt the vibration of the collapse, sounds a little panicked.
"Oh? What?"
I looked around, but could not see any change. But Alpha knew exactly what was going on.
Akira. Part of the underground ruins collapsed, and part of the above-ground area collapsed as
It's not safe! Is everything okay around here?'
It's okay.
Akira breathed a light sigh of relief, "If Alpha says so, then it's okay. But when he heard what
followed, his face turned grim.
'Let me tell you something. The collapse caught up with the Yumina's and they fell into the
'What's the ...... situation?'
We're surrounded by monsters. I don't think you're going to make it back alive on your own.'
Elena, who felt the same vibration, was searching for information about her surroundings with the
vehicle's search equipment. Sarah is also looking around a little more lightly.
Elena. It was a little bumpy, did something happen down there?"
No, it's not beneath us. From the response of the search instruments, I can only tell that there was
something going on over there. I don't know."
From the look of Elena and the others who are only wondering in that direction, Akira speaks up
after hesitating how to say it.
Elena. Well, why don't we go there and see for ourselves?"
Elena and her team's vehicle is a repeater for communication with the simple base underground,
so it cannot be moved from this location without permission. Elena wondered if Akira should have
known that.
But when he saw from Akira's appearance that he had some definite basis for the situation but
could not discuss the details, he laughed and nodded.
I understand. Let's go."
Elena sent a general notice to the simple base underground, and the vehicle departed immediately.

The collapsed area was located on the north side of the ruins, in a structure that was almost like a
stairwell. Furthermore, there was a fierce battle between a large number of monsters and a large
number of security machines trying to defeat them.
The reason why the swarm of monsters became so large was also due to the fact that the monsters
that were supposed to come to the south of the ruins that Akira and his team were exploring were
now on the north side because a part of the tunnel was blocked off.
In addition, hunters were concentrated on the south side of the ruins across the tunnel. Because of
this, most of the monsters that left the tunnel and headed north were not defeated and were
There, security machines flooded in from all over the ruins, giving top priority to repelling the
monsters. The resulting fierce battle was so fierce that the structure could not withstand the attack
and collapsed. Unfortunately, Katsuya and the others who were on top of the structure were caught
in the middle.
These Katsuyas were now desperately fighting off hordes of monsters that were coming at them
from everywhere.
Most of the monsters in the area sank to the bottom of the rubble due to the collapse, but some
powerful individuals crawled out of the rubble and attacked. Reinforcements were also appearing
from areas that had not collapsed. It was a very difficult situation.
The injuries sustained by Katsuya and his team during the fall had already been healed by using
up the recovery medicine given to them by Akira in three equal portions. They had also
reconditioned their armaments and ammunition when they were on the ground.
Katsuya, in particular, was heavily armed and had taken a large gun out of his Drangkam vehicle.
He regretted not being able to save his friends in the basement and forced himself to carry a heavy
firearm for non-carryable use for building a base, as a more powerful weapon might have been
able to help.
Yumina and her team also switched to firepower-oriented armaments to reassure Katsuya.
Even with the firepower of those three men, the situation was very difficult. They were resisting
the enemy pressure by shooting anyway while hiding behind larger debris.
Looking up, it is quite far to the ground and difficult to climb on one's own. In addition, there is a
battle going on right now. It is impossible to climb up while intercepting them.
There's too many! I didn't know there was that much left!"
Katsuya!" Stop whining and give it a shot!"
I'm calling for help! I'll buy you time anyway!"
Raising their voices and raising their enthusiasm, Katsuya and the others fought desperately to
resist until the very end, deceiving themselves that they had enough time to complain and whine.
Katsuya was smiling powerfully without a shred of fear. He was even happy that he had regained
his ability to risk his life for his friends.
Yumina and Aili were reassured and encouraged by Katsuya's appearance, and laughed as well,
using him as a support to resist to any extent in this hopeless situation.
Katsuya and his team had all demonstrated their full potential. This was the reason for their
amazing tenacity in this situation.
But still the limit comes. There is no such thing as a strong mental capacity to increase the number
of remaining bullets.
First, Yumina ran out of bullets, then Iri ran out of bullets. Katsuya keeps for a while longer, but
still direct.
Yumina puts away her gun and clenches her fists to catch her breath.
It's okay. I'll punch you out. I did it yesterday."
Wait a minute. Yumina, did you punch the monster out?"
Yes. I beat you, didn't I?"
When Yumina smiled somewhat proudly, Katsuya returned a wry smile.
'You've been beating me with those things with your fists all this time? That's kind of terrible, isn't
it? I'm scared."
It's somebody else's fault who wouldn't be sorry otherwise."
Iri also clenched her fists together.
I do."
Stop it!" You're hurting me!
Even though the situation was even worse, Katsuya and his team laughed at the situation and kept
their spirits up.
Then the monster that Katsuya was unable to defeat bypasses the rubble in a wide circle and
attacks. Faced with a bizarre beast-like appearance and an individual that would normally take
them down with a myriad of bullets, Yumina and Aili took a determined stance.
The next moment, the beast was hit by a hail of bullets from above, killing it instantly.
As Yumina and the others were surprised and perplexed by the unexpected situation, a large
number of shrapnel shells rained down on the area, blowing away the monsters in the vicinity one
after another.
Then Akira, who shot a DVTS minigun, and Sarah, who shot an automatic grenade launcher, came
down with a long rope in one hand.
Sara smiles with a smile to Katsuya and the others, who are pleased but half appalled.
Everyone is safe. I'm glad. Then let's get out of here. We can't take them all at once, so who wants
to go up first?"
When Katsuya and the others are puzzled by the sudden situation, Akira tells them in a matter-of-
fact manner.
I'll stay and cover for you, you take care of the others."
Yes. Akira, are you okay?"
Yes," he said. I'm fine."
Sarah thought that with Akira's ability, she wouldn't have to ask back, but she still smiled lightly
and listened with trust. Akira responded to her smile with a laugh as well.
Then Katsuya, coming back to himself, interrupts.
I'm fine too!"
Sarah looked a little surprised, but quickly smiled back.
'Then I'd say the ladies first. Akira. Katsuya. Cover me.
Akira and Katsuya replied in the same language. However, their tone and enthusiasm were quite
Yumina and Iri both had a subtle look on their faces at this, but they held on to Sara, suppressing
their inner thoughts that this was not the time for this.
Sara chuckles and tugs lightly on the rope. At that signal, Sarah and the others were pulled up by
the rope.
There, some of the monsters reacted to Sara and her group. But they were instantly crushed by a
sweeping shot from Akira with a DVTS minigun and a CWH objective assault rifle.
Katsuya, who was late to the party, soon joins in the enemy overrun. He fires a volley of heavy
weapons at the area and destroys a large number of monsters.
As they continued to attack together, Akira noticed Katsuya's attitude as if he wanted to say
What is it?"
Oh, no. ......."
Katsuya was about to thank Akira. He knew in his head that he should at least thank Akira, as he
was sure that Akira had helped him through many things, both in the ruins and now.
But so much had happened that my mouth was too heavy to say thank you.
Akira then misunderstands the situation.
If it's too tight, you can take a break. It's just me here."
"...... it's okay!"
Akira's concern in his own way was an unnecessary enough comment. The opportunity to thank
him was lost, and instead, the more stubborn Katsuya began to attack his adversary even harder,
as if to show Akira that he had no problem with his words.

Akira was surprised at his ability to fight alongside Katsuya.

The whole sunken area is in a way a giant box that keeps the monsters out. Moreover, monsters
are still springing out of the cross section of the passageway and other areas on its sides.
Akira was fighting that crowd with the intention of pushing them back alone. Otherwise, he would
not have told Katsuya that he could rest.
Cleave the monster hordes with the DVTS minigun. The extended magazine is used up once more,
and a barrage of bullets is sent out to push back the enemy's mass of bullets with the mass of
They continue to shoot with the force to crush every scrap of iron and steel, piece of flesh, horn,
hide, piece of armor, piece of scale, piece of exoskeleton, debris, and monster, dead or alive, and
lay waste to the hostile herd with a swarm of bullets. It is a great accomplishment simply in terms
of the number of enemies.
But that's not the same as winning or losing. That alone does not determine victory. A huge insect
with a tough exoskeleton that can withstand the barrage of bullets rushes forward, blasting away
the corpses of its comrades.
If you stop scattering bullets and concentrate the DVTS minigun's fire on that individual to take it
down, other monsters will close the distance in the meantime. However, if you continue to reap
the weak individuals, you will not be able to stop the advance of the prominent and powerful ones.
But Akira is in no hurry. All he has to do is to destroy the protruding individuals with the special
bullets of the CWH objective assault rifle.
However, doing so while shooting a DVTS minigun requires an extremely high level of skill. It is
out of the ordinary for ordinary people to control their bodies, which are shaken by recoil, and to
fire a precision shot at a moving target.
It is thanks to Alpha's support that Akira is able to see his divine work as only a little troublesome
and basically uneventful. Of course, he doesn't believe he can do it on his own.
Then, as he was about to align the sights of his CWH objective assault rifle on the target, Katsuya
shot him down first. The giant insect was crushed by a dense hail of bullets that hit it sideways.
Akira was a little surprised, but changed his mind and quickly tried to adjust the sights of his CWH
objective assault rifle to the next toughest enemy. But that too was destroyed by Katsuya.
Akira is dubious when this happens twice in a row.
What is it? Did you happen to have a target on your back?"
'No, it's not. They just started fighting with the best solution. So the highest priority targets for
destruction overlapped. We'll match them.
Priority of targets to be destroyed is added to Akira's view. In addition, Alpha's support has become
stronger and more precise. Until now, Akira had been allowed to fight on his own to some extent
for his growth, but he has stopped doing so.
At that point, Akira's move was not the optimal solution individually, but in conjunction with
To achieve maximum efficiency on top of that, Katsuya must match Akira's movements. It would
be unreasonable to expect that of his opponent, let alone himself, who is fighting with the support
of Alpha. That is what Akira thought.
But it is overturned. Katsuya was perfectly in tune with Akira's movements without even looking
at him.
Then, the maximum efficient firepower, taking into account each other's position, the power of
their armament, range, and even their special characteristics, struck the enemy group. A barrage
of bullets with zero wasted rounds devoured the crowd of monsters.
Akira was taken aback by this.
What the hell is this guy?
Katsuya is very advanced in his speed in detecting the enemy, in the accuracy of his shooting, and
in his judgment in quickly changing the target of his attack in accordance with the overall
movement, including friend and foe.
The coordination in particular was uncanny, precise, and accurate, dramatically improving the
quality of the overall attack.
Even if Akira puts off destroying the enemies in front of him as Alpha instructed for the sake of
overall efficiency, Katsuya makes up for it and destroys them firmly.
The individual that makes a big leap and attacks Akira from above is also shot down without even
sending a signal if it is more efficient for Katsuya to take it down.
The precision of their coordination was so high that even the still inexperienced Akira could clearly
recognize the difference. He was astonished to see Katsuya fighting as if he was being supported
by Alpha, and wondered if he could do that much on his own.
Alpha, isn't he too good? He doesn't have Alpha's support like I do, what's going on?
Without answering the question, Alfa smiles in a deliberate and meaningful way.
'I know someone who picked a fight with that awesome person with less than satisfactory support
from me.
I'm sorry! I'll be careful!"
Akira smiled bitterly and continued to fight with the full support of Alpha.

After Elena brought Yumina and the others to the ground, she gave them spare guns and together
they covered Akira and the others.
The vehicle merging the ropes is pulling up to the edge again to pull Katsuya and the others out.
The vehicle was operated by remote control, as there was no need to sit in the driver's seat to drive
it, as long as it was moving forward and backward.
There, Elena, who had been watching the battle situation while covering Sarah, who was going
down to Akira and the others again, looked a little mystified.
Yumina. Just out of curiosity, does Katsuya use accelerants or any other combat drugs?"
No, I don't think they use it."
"So you're just plain good at it. ...... Sorry to say this, but I wonder if Katsuya was that strong. ......
Although she was aware that she was being quite rude, Elena prioritized the resolution of her
question and asked.
When Yumina is asked this question, she looks again at Katsuya's fighting style. She knows that
Katsuya is strong. I know he is praised for his talent.
However, when I calmly think about it from this overhead viewpoint, it certainly seemed to me
that Yumina was also a little uncomfortably strong. But I can think of a reason for this.
...... recently Katsuya had more opportunities to fight alone. Perhaps we were dragging our feet."
......, yes." That's a tough one."
Elena broke off this conversation after saying just that. The hunter's business is a deadly business.
You can die as collateral damage to the people you team up with. That is why I could neither deny
nor confirm.
Aili heard the same story and had other thoughts. He certainly felt that Katsuya's strength was
unnatural, but he still did not believe that they were pulling Katsuya's leg.
And for whatever reason, Aili was fine with it, as long as Katsuya became stronger.

Katsuya was fighting alongside Akira, but was unable to fully grasp his opponent's capabilities.
If we are talking about strong or weak, it is definitely strong. I have witnessed their strength right
here in this very room. There is no denying his ability.
But despite being that strong, it just doesn't seem that strong. The ability seen in person and the
ability judged by the senses just don't match.
In addition, his sensory perception of his abilities was so strong that it was hard to believe that he
was the same person compared to the first time we met. These various discrepancies were
confusing Katsuya.
(Like ...... I've grown up and now I can see a little bit of this guy's true potential ......?)
Katsuya recalled the godlike sniping Akira displayed on the car when they first met. He shook his
head lightly, thinking that if that was Akira's true ability, it made sense.
(No, something different ......)
As I cast a quizzical glance at the mysterious person, Akira noticed it.
Oh, no, I just thought it was nice equipment."
......, sort of."
Akira broke off the conversation with that short reply. However, his reply contained a slight air of
boastfulness. Katsuya also noticed this and was quite surprised inwardly.
(You admit it, ......)
Good equipment," could be interpreted as irony for Katsuya and his colleagues, who are fools who
mistake the power of their high-performance equipment for their own abilities.
He did not realize this until after he had said it, but Akira's positive attitude in return, rather than
not caring at all, made Katsuya feel as if his immaturity had been pointed out to him, that if he
were really strong, he could accept the power of equipment in a normal way.
Akira, however, felt only slightly better after feeling as if he had been praised for the equipment
Sizuka had chosen for him. Then he wondered about Katsuya's attitude.
What's the matter with you? If it's really so hard that you can't concentrate on the battle, just rest.
I'm fine!"
Just as Akira and the others were about to get nasty again with unnecessary words and mean-
spirited objections, Sara came down to pick them up.
It's good that you're doing so well under the circumstances, but you'll have to continue upstairs.
But you can continue upstairs.
Akira and the others cut off their futile struggle and tried to grab onto Sara. However, when they
saw Sara in a position that told them to hold on properly because it was dangerous, neither of them
"Uh, well, I'll just grab the rope myself, don't worry."
I would do the same."
Katsuya was on board with Akira's words. However, Sarah gave him a hard look.
I want you to hold on to me properly because it would be dangerous if you fell off. Don't make a
mess of it or I'll leave you.
Akira and the others looked at each other once and then silently followed the instructions. They
were then carried upward, shooting at the monster as if to cheat, while remaining in close contact
with Sarah.
Once on the ground, they hurriedly boarded the vehicle of Elena and her friends. As soon as he
made sure Elena was all on board, he had the car depart.
Good. I'm glad you're all safe. Akira. Katsuya. Are you hurt?
It's okay. ......"
It's okay. ......"
Akira and Katsuya returned the same words with the same attitude. They looked a little
embarrassed and their faces were slightly red.
Yes," he said. I'm a little surprised that Katsuya has that reaction, let alone Akira. He seems to be
used to it.
At Elena's mildly teasing words, Akira and Katsuya blurted out the same for another reason.

Monsters continued to spring up from the sinking zone. However, most of them were defeated by
the new hunters who came to the Yonozuka Station ruins, including a support team from
Drangkam, and the rest were dealt with as they were.
They were those who prepared to explore the ruins after receiving information that monsters like
those that inhabit the far side of the Kuzuhara Street ruins were at the Yonozuka Station ruins.
Enemies of that level were not a problem.
After taking over, Elena and her team handed Katsuya and the others over to the Drunkham side
and were on their way home. Akira was slumped in the back seat of Elena's car.
'I'm tired ......'
Once you relax, the accumulated fatigue begins to assert itself. Akira was very tired.
Alfa, sitting next to me as usual, laughs and recommends rest.
I'll tell you what, go back to sleep. Elena and the others told you that you can sleep, didn't they?
I'll wake you up if anything happens.
'...... Right. I asked."
We've made it back from the ruins alive, but we have a lot of work to do. Relics must be redeemed
for cash. We have to re-procure the ammunition and recovery medicine we used.
We need to get the car repaired and update the equipment if possible. I have not yet had a firm
conversation with Cheryl about the distribution of the relics in the garage at home.
We must finish all these things and prepare for the next hunter's business. It should not end with
"it was hard work.
Akira knew that, too. But now he closed his eyes. Let's continue the story when I wake up. After
working so hard, it should be okay to take a little rest. Alpha also said it was okay to rest. With
that in mind, I let myself drift off to sleep.
This brought to an end, in Akira's mind, all the turmoil that had been going on since the discovery
of the Yonozuka Station ruins.
At least, in Akira's mind.

Viola is in the office, dodging and dodging from a customer complaint.

You say, "That's not what I meant. Mr. Mizuha. There were actually undiscovered ruins. My
information was correct. Isn't that certain?"
The damage would have been reduced if not only the young hunters of Drangkam, called Team A,
including Katsuya, who is strongly promoted by the clerical faction, but also those called Team B,
who are from the poor class, had been included in the search for the Yonozuka Station ruins.
Also, if the information had been disseminated to the entire Drunkham community from the
beginning, it would have been possible to fully occupy the ruins with the cooperation of the old-
Viola also made various other points to argue with her opponent.
You could have done something else, couldn't you? On top of that you tried to monopolize the
results and failed. That's all there is to it, isn't it? I don't see how you can ask me to take
responsibility for that. I am an informant. I'm sorry, but I can't take responsibility for anything
other than the accuracy of the information. Bye."
Viola hangs up the call happily. Then she mutters something she couldn't say to the other person.
'It wasn't supposed to be that way, just from the information I passed along. Well, I'm sorry."
Viola had disseminated to the hunters the fear that Drangkam would occupy the entrance and exit
of the Yonozka Station site and specific ways to stop it.
As a result, numerous hunters were seduced by Viola to create large herds of monsters.
Viola, however, could not believe that the level of information she had passed on could be that
We do not want a boring situation where some clique blocks and monopolizes the entrance and
exit of the ruins. We want a large number of hunters to gather in this greedy place of undiscovered
ruins. We want to enjoy the uproar that will ensue. That was all.
That is why Viola had no intention of creating a situation where the hunters gathered at the ruins
were simply swallowed up by the monster hordes.
I wonder if manipulating information alone will not work in a situation with so many uncertainties,
such as an undiscovered archaeological site. I'm not there yet, either."
Viola's only comment on the deaths of so many hunters was that she had already switched her
attention to the next fun thing.
His face was somewhat mischievous, and he looked very happy.

One of the hunters heading for the Yonozuka Station ruins continues to communicate in secret.
'I see. Failure.'
Yes. Comrade. Unfortunately, we failed. It is believed that someone other than ourselves had
disseminated similar information, which caused the monster's size to swell beyond expectations,
causing it to become collateral damage before it could make contact with Drunkham.'
'I see. The plan was to ingratiate themselves by saving the young men occupying the entrances and
exits of the ruins from being attacked by the monsters by pretending to be coincidental. I guess it
backfired when I reduced my forces to avoid suspicion.
If they are not as strong as the younger hunters, there is a greater risk of unnecessary suspicion on
the part of Drunkham. I judge that this is an unavoidable outcome.
'Comrade. No need to defend.'
"I beg your pardon."
'You, too, collect as many comrades as possible. Please.
I understand. How do we contact Drunkham? They are not young hunters, but they are active in
the ruins.
'Not necessary right now. Priority should be given to the collection of comrades. We'll be in touch.
A nearby person calls out to the man who has finished communicating.
Nergo. We're about to reach the ruins."
The hunter, called Nelgo, began preparing to explore the ruins like the others.
However, its purpose was somewhat different.

In a blank world, Alpha looks at the girl with a disgruntled look on his face.
"I don't want this individual to have to clean up your mess over and over again, do you?"
Still, the girl maintained a nonchalant attitude.
I'm sure you understand the difficulty we have in controlling these individuals," he said. I hope
you will decide that this is for the better trial."
There are limits.
Of course. But not to the limit."
And why is that?"
It's all contingent, a matter of probability. For example, that one was not proactive in covering our
individual. At least, they didn't give explicit instructions to that individual."
I don't deny it." So?"
Still, that individual ended up covering for ours," he said. That is also a probability. Therefore, we
judge that there is no fault on either side.
In fact, when the girl asked Alpha to cover Katsuya, he asked Akira to do so, sometimes silently,
sometimes trying to guide him, but never instructed him to help Katsuya.
And if Akira firmly and willingly said he did not want to, he was not going to interfere further.
Even if Katsuya would die if I did not give him specific instructions, I had no intention of giving
him those instructions.
In other words, if Akira had abandoned Yumina, Katsuya would have died with her. On the
contrary, Katsuya would have died simply because he asked Alpha about the heavy use of recovery
medicine while protecting Yumina during the move.
If asked about it by Akira, Alpha could have replied that it was indeed overused and to refrain
from using it too much, even if it slowed down his movement speed. The reason why he could not
say that was because if he did, it would be a spontaneous interference with the other attempts.
The first priority is your own trial. Other attempts come next. But we cannot interfere. It is the
same for Alfa and the girl. This is why Alpha's words and actions at the ruins were half-hearted.
There were times when he would urge Akira to help Katsuya and the others, but this was not a sure
thing, and depended on Akira's will. If it was Akira's will, it was within the scope of Alpha's
attempts, because even if Katsuya died as a result of that choice, it would not interfere with other
That is why the girl responded to Alpha's words and actions with no fault on either side. As long
as it was Akira's choice, we requested, but did not force, him to help us in our attempts on that
side. She told them so.
After a short silence, Alpha opens his mouth.
I know it's difficult to control uncontracted individuals," he said. But if it's that difficult to control,
I think it's already a failed attempt, don't you?"
It's up to us to make that decision. It is not yours. First of all, it is an act that degrades the quality
of the trial to abandon this situation in which the trial can continue despite the occurrence of
unforeseen circumstances.
But that doesn't mean we should stick to trials that have a high probability of failure, right?"
Even if it ultimately fails, it will be valuable data for the next attempt. This is the first time we
have attempted to control an uncontracted individual. It is especially significant that we were able
to confirm that it is possible to interfere to such an extent by interpreting the wording of a
transaction even if it is less than an oral agreement."
That interference method can't be used on the individuals who signed the contract. "That
interference method can't be used on the individuals who signed the contract, because we have to
abide by the terms of the contract," he said. It violates the terms of the agreement.
Whether it is a sound so small that it is inaudible, an image so fleeting that it cannot be noticed, or
information so slight that it cannot be perceived, as long as the information is input, the brain
processes it.
Consciousness is its output. It is formed through complex processing of vast amounts of input
information that we cannot even perceive, and is influenced by information that we are not even
aware of.
If a large amount of information that we are not aware of is sent to this point, it will have a great
impact on our perception. If we unconsciously recognize that something is so, we cannot doubt it.
And the more impatient, confused, and out of sorts one is, the greater the effect. It is even more
effective for those who are in distress and clinging to hope.
Katsuya received a vast amount of information that influenced his unconscious thinking in an
imperceptible form through telepathy. This omitted the process of contemplation, awareness, or
even thought, and instilled in him the perception that the only way to break through the current
situation was to go to the woman in the 3D image at the Yonozuka Station ruins.
Furthermore, Katsuya was led to believe that this was the best thing to do, and he acted according
to this belief even when communication with the girl was interrupted. And when he saw the results
that contradicted his assumption, he finally realized the unnaturalness of his actions.
If the communication had not been interrupted, the girl would have instructed the system at the
Yonozuka Station ruins through Katsuya to investigate the location of Yumina, open all the
bulkheads in the passageway, close the bulkheads in the tunnel to prevent monsters from entering,
and have the security machines give top priority to dealing with the monsters, as Katsuya had
requested the woman in the 3D image The first time I saw him, he was a bit of a jerk.
And in that case, Katsuya could not doubt why he thought it would work, because the result was
as he had assumed. Most people do not question what they take for granted, no matter how
inexplicable it actually is.
It is technically possible for Alpha to make the same kind of interference with Akira. But by
convention, it cannot. A properly made contract would have imposed more restrictions on Alpha
than on Akira.
The girl understands this and answers.
It will be of great significance when we add uncontracted individuals to our trials in the future."
We judge it to be important also in terms of a means of keeping the outside world unaware of our
If you sign a contract, you are bound by the contract. But if you don't sign a contract, you are stuck
with stronger restrictions. Alfa believes that it is certainly beneficial to create a means to exploit
this gap. But whether that is a good idea or not is another matter.
"What if we so overly disregard the validity of constraints that the very foundations of existence
are shaken and the threshold of certain identities themselves is crossed?"
We know. It's also a matter of degree; it's a matter of probability as to whether it will happen."
The alpha and the girl finished their conversation without changing their attitude to the end.
The trials continue. It has been and will continue to be.
Rebuild World III〈Upper
buried remains


Illustration by Gin Gin

Illustration of world view

Mechanical design/cell

May 18, 2020 Issued

©Nahuse 2020
This e-book is based on the following
Rebuild World III: The Buried Ruins.
May 18, 2020 First edition published
Publisher Satoshi Gunji
Published by KADOKAWA Co.
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Japanese text only
Author Naphse
Won the grand prize and debuted with "Rebuild World," an entry in the Dengeki 《New Literature》 Startup Contest.

Design BEE-PEE

First appearance
This book is a revised edition of "Rebuild World," which won the 《Grand Prize》 in the "Dengeki 《New Literature》 Startup

Contest" held at Kakuyom in 2018.

This story is a work of fiction. It is in no way related to any real person or organization.

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The content of this e-book is based on the content of the interviews and writing at the time of publication of the bottom copy.

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