Assignment #7

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Cao, Danna Mae C.

Rizal’s Life and Works

3BAH5A Assignment #7

When a person does good things in our community or nation, such as Jose Rizal did, he

demonstrates that the pen is mightier than the sword and that he did not employ

violence to fend against the Spaniards. Rizal's pen may not have had an immediate

impact, but it had a long-term influence that is still felt by Filipinos today. Other national

heroes and leaders were motivated by him to fight for the people and the country. Jose

Rizal became a national hero in the Philippines because he battled for independence in

a quiet but effective manner.

Jose Rizal is worthy of the title of hero because he never used violence to solve his

issues, he always helped others, and he was courageous beyond measure, and as a

consequence, he led a whole colony to independence. Rather than using force or

hostility, he communicated his love for the Philippines through his books, essays, and

articles. Because he was capable of revolutionizing the way Filipinos thought, Rizal is

regarded as our greatest hero. At the time, he was a very remarkable individual. He was

modest about fighting for improvements through his essays rather than a revolution.

Instead of being confrontational, he used his brains, abilities, and skills in a more

peaceful manner. For the sake of our nation and the Filipino people, he also sacrificed

his love life and his peace of mind. Jose Rizal traveled the globe without forgetting the

Philippines; he broadened his knowledge and skills in literature and medicine without
forgetting his homeland; he died with the future still on his mind; and he never forgot the

Philippines. He got where he wanted to go by remembering where he came from, and

it's a conviction he's carried firm and dear to his heart for the rest of his life. He

enlightens his people about their social standing through his novels Noli Me Tangere

and El Filibusterismo, which are very useful right now since they will remind us of what

happened in our nation previously, as well as enlighten us about the need of not

allowing others to bind us.

In the end, Rizal is without a doubt the first to view himself and his homeland as a

Filipino nation and to defend its independence from the colonizers. Rizal's self-sacrifice

has earned him the title of Philippine hero. He will be remembered as the heart of the

Philippine revolution and national hero, as well as the best national hero of the

Philippines, in the hearts of all Filipinos.

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