Key Word Formation Test 1

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1. nature
-good-natured (a): pleasant, enjoyable, kind, friendly,...
Ex: He expressed a good-natured face after the massage
2. centre
concentric (a): đồng tâm
Ex:2 concentric circles have no intersection but they have the same centre
3. sake
namesake (a): người/vật cùng tên/họ
Ex: Linda and I aren't related although she's my namesake
4. wedding
newlywed (a): người mới cưới
Ex: the resort has a special discount for newlyweds
5. meter
parameterization (n): tham số hóa
Ex: The distribution of non-ideal fish community can be calculated by the
parameterization of suitable variables
6. misname  
[VN] [usually passive] (written) to give sb/sth a name that is wrong or not appropriate: The Sea
View Cafe, facing a building site, seemed to have been misnamed.

7. carcinogenic (a): chống ung thư

Ex: there is craze for anti-carcinogenic food in the country
8. find
dumbfounded (a): chết lặng, điếng người
Ex: she was dumbfounded when i told her what had happened. She could hardly say a
9. incessant/ceaseless: adjective
(usually disapproving) never stopping: incessant noise / rain / chatter ◆ incessant meetings
incessantly adverb: to talk incessantly
10. compulsive: adjective
(of behaviour) that is difficult to stop or control: compulsive eating / spending / gambling
(of people) not being able to control their behaviour: a compulsive drinker / gambler / liar

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