Key Word Formation Test 6

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Patrician and charming, he controls his empire with quiet (PATERNAL) from his office in
St Remy, his native town
paternalism: chủ nghĩa gia trưởng
Some spring flowering bulbs prefer to start the (LONG) stage of leaf development
before their cold period
elongation: sự dài thêm ra
And then she mistily realized what she should have known at once that she had
reached the cliff's edfe (HINDRANCE)
unhindered: không bị cản trở
(ABDOMEN) pain or pain in the belly is the reason for around 5% of all emergency
department visits
abdominal: thuộc bụng
There is a craze for (CANCER) foods in our country these days
anticarcinogenic: chống chất sinh ung thư
Cats are supposed to have nine (LIVE)
The sun and moon are often (PERSON) in poetry
personified: nhân hóa
It's Frank's (OBSTINATE) that drives his parents crazy
obstinacy: sự bướng bỉnh
Mary has no practical experience in treating sick animals. She only has (BOOK)
knowledge of the subjects
bookish: ham đọc sách, có tính chất sách vở
He looks shabby and his (SOBER) usually leaves much to be desired
sobriety: sự chính chắn
A lot of (BITE) goes on in our office
backbiting: sự nói xấu sau lưng
As we entered the farm yard, we were met with a (CACOPHONOUS)
cacophony: âm thanh hỗn tạp chói tai
The championship was a (WALK) for The Rainbow. They won it easily
cakewalk: điều dễ đạt được
Surrounded by this (CHANGE) landscape, one can imagine the world as it was many
thousands of years ago
changeless: không thay đổi
They are losing 200$ on this deal, but that is (FEED) for company with yearly profits of
25m $
chickenfeed: số tiền nhỏ
She is not allowed to do anything without her father's (SAY)
say-so: sự được phép làm gì
I am such a (BRAIN). I'm always leaving my umbrealla behind
scatterbrain: hay quên
Our competitive company confirmed that they were not involved in any (ACT) activities
actionable: có thể kiện
The price of the house includes many existing (FIX) fixtures and fittings
fixtures: đồ đạc cố định
In my opinion, this book is just (INTELLECT) rubbish
pseudo-intellectual: giả vờ có trí tuệ
The slight (FORM) in his left hand was corrected by surgery
deformity: sự biến dạng
Various (PRACTICE) by police officers were brought to light by the enquiry
malpractices: hành động sai trái
Tourist forget their (CONCEIVE) ideas as soon as they visit our country
pre-conceived: tiên định/ định trước
He recommenđe the government extend the district to several medium-sized towns and
suburbs, but not these major (URBAN) which will be utilised for nature conservation
conurbations: liên thị
In some countries, women can sue their husband for having (MARRY) affairs and opt
for one-side divorce
extramarital: ngoài hôn nhân
New full-time students from lower income households will be able to apply for a(n)
(PAY) maintenance grant offered by the government but have to work in public sectors
after they graduate
non-repayable: không thể hoàn trả
Six-core processor is one of the most (CUT) technologies yet invented to revolutionise
the way computers work
cutting-edge: advanced
There emerge the (CRASH) intent on spoiling the party
gatecrashers: khách không mời mà đến
The students who have finished the coureses held before the main teaching semesters
can now sign up for (SESSION) language courses
The board of directors pour scorn on the (SEE) 's dereliction of duties
overseer: đốc công
It is (ADVISE) to be too inflexible in your travel plans
inadvisable: không khôn ngoan
The bank's (CEASE) demands for repayment nearly gave Mr.Wilks a nervous
incessant: không ngừng/ liên miên
The excuse he gave for being late, which involved a story about being held up by bank
robbers, sounded highly (PLAUSIBILITY)
implausible: không thật/ không có sức thuyết phục
Stoppard's latest play is a masterpiece of wit, full of bitting satire and (REVERE) humour
irreverent: thiếu tôn kính
Please ensure that your child's clothes are clearly marked in (DELETE)
indelible: không thể xóa được
A travelling (SELL) is someone who travels to different places trying to persuade people
to buy their company's products
salesman: người bán hàng
The memory was buried deep within my (CONSCIOUS)
subconscious: tiềm thức
The climate cools gradually, almost (PERCEPTION)
imperceptibly: không trông thấy rõ
Although he read again and again, he could not understand these (INTRICATE) of this
economic policies
intricacies: tính rắc rối
(TYPO) traces its origins to the first punches and dies used to make seals and currency
in ancient times
typography: thuật in may
Smoke and CS grenades can be used to flush out men in cellars and sewers, while
phosphorous grenades can be used to create smoke or as an (PERSON) weapon
antipersonnel: sát thương
There is no significant (CONTINUE) between modern and primitive societies
discontinuity: tính gián đoạn
They rely on the land for their (LIVE)
livelihood: kế sinh nhai
(SURGE) operations have been mounted by the US military to adress what iss likely to
be dominant form of warfare over the next decade
counter-insurgency: biện pháp phòng chống đột kích
After questioning by the critics, now there is a(n) (WATER) argument inasmuch as it
was not strongly worded initially
watered-down: less effective
He is in a(n) (NORM) position since M has never assigned a male as receptionist
before, though that does no harm to their management
anomalous: bất thường/dị thường
If you treat your colleagues like dog bodies, you are going to get your (COME)
comeuppance: hình phạt thích đáng
It is common knowledge that oil and water are (MIX)
immiscible: không thể trộn lẫn được
They promised the shareholders a(n) (BREAK) performance in the second quarter
regardless of curent dire finacial situations
break-even: hòa vốn
There is no comparison between these two bands. They are clearly of (MEASURE)
incommensurable: không thể so với nhau
To contrast and relate the two styles of Picasso, you should have his early drawings
(POSE) with his later works in the exhibition
juxtaposed: đặt cạnh nhau
When i was younger, i thought my parent's philsophy of children-raising was so
outmoded that it was (DELUGE), however, i changed my mind
antedeluvian: cổ lỗ sĩ
You may not remeber all the facts but you should remeber the (EPOCH) events that
pun an end to the 1000-year feudalism
epoch-making: mở ra kỉ nguyên mới
The actor's performance is horridly (KEY) - his screaming antics would be more
appropriate for a cartoon villain
off-key: lạc điệu
There were no historical records of Homer, and no trustworthy biography of the man
exists beyond a few (REFER) hints embedded in the texts he wrote
self-referential: liên quan đến bản thân
For anyone travelling alone, or someone who is naturally gregarious, the cheery
(COMPANY) of the other guests might have been fun
companionability: tính dễ kết bạn
Some European overseas empires, most notably the British, made a pretty firm
distinction between the core modern state and the colonies, dominions, and
(PROTECT) that made up the empire
protectorate: xứ bảo hộ
Fresh tomatoes are (SEPTIC) processed and packaged for year-round remanufacture
into various food products.
aseptically: (một cách) vô khuẩn
The agenda for the meeting is still not (FINAL)
finalised: hoàn thành/ kết thúc
Management decided the office was (MAN) and sacked three junior typists
overmanned: thừa người
He made a (FOOL) attempt to climb the tree
foolhardy: liều lĩnh
Store cards are offered at the till and people can obtain (FIST) of credit cards with
relative ease
fistfuls: nắm
Please place your cigarette ends in the (RECEIVE) provided
receptacles: cái đựng
Heavy rain and excessive have the soil (POVERTY)
impoverished: bị làm kiệt màu
There is a strong smell of (INFECT) in the hospital
disinfectant: chất khử khuẩn
We won't be able to buy anything if we don't have any (CONVERT) currency on us
convertible: có thể chuyển đổi
I hope i (LAST) his previous secretary - she only worked here for a week
outlast: tồn tại lâu hơn
Don't you think violent films (SENSE) people to violence in real life
desensitize: làm bớt nhạy
Until recently, it was thought that extreme heat and cold presented (MOUNT) problems
to living organism
insurmountable: không thể vượt qua được
Without color dyes people would find a lot of processed food (APPETITE)
unappetizing: kém ngon lành
During that time, I always felt that i was in competition with myself and that led to a lot of
(ILLUSION), a lot of problems
disillusionment: sự vỡ mộng
This view is (RECONCILE) with common sense
irreconcilable: không thể hòa giải được
You shouldn't make friend with him, he's a (SKIN)
skinhead: thích bạo hành

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