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Unit 12











10 c

11 d

12 a

13 c

14 c

15 d


a. cast

b. hold

c. Ballot

D. Constituency

E. Manifesto

F. Nominated

G. Undecided

H. Stand

I. Campaign

J. Majority


A. Mayor

B. Bill

C. Administration
D. Poll

E. Power

F. Council

G. Reign

H. Authorities

I. Motion

J. Cabinet


A. Licensed

B. Restricted

C. Compulsory

D. Barred

E. Abolished

F. Binding

G. Required

H. Permitted

I. Voluntary

J. Illegal


a. C, b. A, c. D, d. D, e. A, f. B, g. D, h. B, i. C, j. A


a. 5, b. 3, c. 8, d. 1,e. 9, f. 2, g. 7, h. 4, i. 6, j. 10


a. Diplomatic, b. Respectable, c. Courteous, d. Reactionary, e. Oppressed, f. Conventional, g.

Rebellios, h. Privileged, i. Formal, j. Progressive


a. President, b. Minister, c. Ringleader, d. Ambassador, e. Patriot, f. Delegate, g. Traitor, h.

Sovereign, i. Terrorist, j. Chairperson

Unit 13

a) he would never

b) did I remember

c) when
d) was I

e) was l aware

f) passed

g) So high were the waves

h) Pete has arrived

i) than

j) Should you leave

a) Hardly /Scarcely

b) Under no circumstances

c) Little did

d) Neverhad/Rarely had

e) Were you

f) do

g)Never had/have

h)Not only did

i) Under no circumstances

j) No sooner had

a) Not until the office phoned me did I find out about the meeting.

b) Only later were all the facts made public.

c) Had I realised what would happen, I wouldn't have accepted the job.

d) Such was the response to our appeal that we had to take on more staff.

e) Not only did Harry break his leg, but he also injured his shoulder.

f) Little did the police suspect that the judge was the murderer.

g) Should you sce Helen, could you ask her to call me?

h) In no way can the bus driver be blamed for the accident.

i) So heavy was the snowfall chat all the trains had to be cancelled.

j) Were the government to raise interest rates they would lose the election.

a) inappropriate - too formal in everyday conversation

d) inappropriate-too formal when talking to a child

e) inappropriate- too formal when talking to a friend about this topic

h) inappropriate-too formal for everyday speech

5 Suggested answers

a) had the plane taken off, when

b) does she know

c) had the train left

d) we turned

e) did I know

f) the temperature fall

g) had he begun

h) I to be disturbed

i) pupil at this/a student from

j) does the company

a) If Smith were to resign, I might stand a chance of getting his job.

b) The demand for tickets was so great that people queued night and day.

c) Under no circumstances is the money to be paid.

d) Not until three days had passed did we arrive at the first oasis/It was not until three days later that
we arrived at the first oasis.

e) Soon after the ship left port, a violent storm developed.

f) If they had carried a compass they would have discovered land sooner.

g) Brenda had no idea what she was letting herself in for.

h) Only when I stopped did I realise that something was wrong.

i) At no time did the accused express regret for what he had done.

j) The runners were too exhausted to finish the race.

a) No sooner had I got into the bath than someone knocked on the door.

b) Such was the uncertainty that the financial markets remained closed.

c) Seldom is there so much rain in March.

d) Only when your identity has been checked will you be allowed in.

e) Hardly had the play started when there was a power failure.

f) Rarely has the Prime Minister made so inept a speech.

g) Scarcely had we arrived home when the police called.

h) On no account are press photographers allowed to take photographs backstage.

i) Never before has so much money been spent to so little purpose!

j) Barely had the trial proceedings begun when the judge was taken ill.

8 Suggested answers

a) you need

b) the plane to have crashed

c) I studied

d) you be in

e) she seen a doctor

f) you to ask me to marry

g) you feel hungry

h) we to offer her the

i) the government taken

j) he have got

Words and phrases p. 245-250

Words and Phrases 4

a) dismissed

b) rudimentary

c) investigated

d) commensurate

e) scrutinised

f) abandoned

g) inopportune

h) discrepancy

i) lucrative

j) beneficial

a) A fair-haired girl answered the door.

b) Their lifestyle is extremely modern.

c) You knew the risks at the outset of this project.

d) Jack is short-tempered.
e) l am not sure what your viewpoint onthis problem is.

f) This restaurant is self-service.

g) Our neighbours are certainly troublesome.

h) The people upstairs have a five-year-old child.

i) I stood on the back doorstep.

j) The sight of the waterfall was breathtaking.

a) choice

b) trace

c) use

d) wonder

e) point

f) concern

g) means

h) knowing

i) matter

j) likelihood

a) B





f) A





a) sense

b) time

c) effort
d) inquiries

e) offer

f) point

g) difference

h) provision

i) way

j) impression

a) 2



d) 4


f) 10



i) 1

j) 7

Words and Phrases 5

1 Suggested answers

a) sheer b) well over c) minor d) good c) considerable j) widespread f) slight g) substantial h) mere i) bare

1) row 2) talks 3) swoop 4) puzzle 5) go-ahead 6) coup 7) ban 8) jobless 9) probe 10) Tories 11) pits 12)
hits out 13) held 14) death toll 15) ousted 16) riddle 17) re-wed 18) blaze 19 ) PM 20) stays 21) scare 22)
axe 23) split 24) arms 25) official

3 Suggested answers.

(The precise meaning will depend on the details of the story)

a) Two people have been arrested for illegal possession of armaments in a police raid.

b) Members of the Conservative Party are supporting cuts in the number of coalmines.

c) Discussions about peace are moving towards adispute.

d) There has been a mysterious public alarm over dangers from radioactivity.

e) Approval has been given for an investigation into the educational svstem.

f) There is confusing news about the plan of Princess X to marry again.

g) The Prime Minister has criticised other people over disagreements involving unemployment.

h) The number of people killed in the fire at a disco has risen.

i) The president has been removed by force in a revolution.

j) The prohibition of smoking will remain according to the legal authorities.

a) A b)C c)D d)A e)C f)D g)D h) B i) B j)C

a) ry b) like c) able d) less c) ship f) ation g) ations h) ment i) liness j) able

a) at once

b) once in a while

c) for this once

d) once or twice

e) at once

f) Once upon a time

g) Once

h) once

i) once more

j) Once and for all

a) All at once there was a knock at the door.

b) I could see at a glance that Sam was ill.

c) The captain is at sea in the middle of the Atlantic.

d) Harry is very good at tennis.

e) At first I thought this book was rather dull.

f) A new carpet will cost at least £500.

g) At any rate, whatever happens the government will have to resign.

h) Paul shot at the duck, but missed it.

i) Brenda ran up the stairs three at a time.

j) Tim won the 100 metres gold medal at the second attempt.

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