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Yumi’s Home

It was Christmas of 2012, when Yumi and her family went on a vacation in their beach

house. Yumi is a seven-year-old girl with long brown curly hair and big round black eyes. She

has an older brother named John, he is a twelve-year-old boy with a beautiful wavy brown hair

and black eyes just like his little sister. They are really close to each other, and John as the older

brother always looks out for Yumi. “Yumi! It’s getting dark now, don’t go near the beach.” John

shouted as he watches over his sister. “I’m ok John don’t worry.” Yumi shouted back with joy

and excitement. Time passed by and Christmas is just around the corner, so their mom called for

them “John! Yumi! come inside now”. Yumi ran excitedly towards the beach house while

shouting “Coming mom!”. John just walked behind Yumi and told her to slow down while

giggling with her cuteness. They spend the whole night talking, laughing, and opening gifts. A

week later, they packed all their things and got ready to leave their beach house. After their dad

put everything inside the car, he goes to them and said, “Ok now everything is set, let’s go back

home.” “But dad, I’m still playing. Can we stay just a little while?” Yumi said with a puppy eye.

But that didn’t work for her dad, so she got up and went inside the car. They are minutes away

till they reach home, but an unexpected thing happened. Their car got hit by an incoming truck.

Miraculously Yumi survived the accident, but unfortunately her parents and brother didn’t make


After she got treated at the hospital, she is transferred at an orphanage. During Yumi’s

first few days in the orphanage, she is just quiet and always inside her room. One day, while

sitting on her bed crying, she saw something shining in the corner of her eyes. “What is that?”

Yumi asked herself curious on what it is. As she walked close to the shiny thing “Oh! It’s a little

door.” She gasps as she saw it. Upon inspecting the little door, it suddenly opened revealing a

little person. “Ah!” Yumi screamed at the top of her lungs. She fell on the floor and quickly

backed up. The little person panicked and used her power to stop Yumi from screaming. After

she stopped screaming and calmed down, the little person introduced herself to Yumi “Hey,

don’t be scared. My name is Lily and I’m a fairy”. “You’re a fairy?” Yumi asked in fascination.

Lily is a magical fairy with little blue wings and green straight hair who lives in the little door on

Yumi’s wall. “So, you have magic powers? You can grant wishes?” she asked immediately.

“Yes, I have magical powers and I grant wishes, but I can only grant two wishes” Lily replied.

“Umm, let me think about that” Yumi said unsure about what to wish. Lily goes back inside the

door and told Yumi something “When you need my help, and you want to wish something just

knock on my door.”. “Ok, bye see you.” Yumi and Lily waved each other goodbye. Yumi went

back to her bed and looked through the window and reminisce the happy memories she had with

her family.

Six months have passed, Yumi and Lily bond and played a lot. While they are playing, a

staff of the orphanage knocked on Yumi’s door “Yumi, can I come in?” the staff asked. “Lily, go

hide she might see you” Yumi whispered just enough for Lily to hear. As Lily hide, Yumi

replied to the staff “Yes, you can come in”. The staff sat beside her and gave her an exciting

news “Yumi, it’s been seven months since you came here in the orphanage. I think it’s time for

you to be adopted.”. “Really! I’ll have a new family?” Yumi replied while jumping out of

happiness and excitement. “Yes!” the staff answered with a smile. The staff stand up and before

she goes out, she told Yumi “Tomorrow you will meet them, so get ready and rest, ok?”.

While Yumi and the staff were talking, Lily was listening to their conversation. She felt sad

hearing the news that Yumi is leaving the orphanage. Yumi called Lily and told her the good

news. “Yumi, when you leave this place, can I come with you?” Lily asked with a sad and

hopeful tone. “Of course, you can come with me, besides you are my best friend.” Yumi said and

it caused Lily to jump and celebrate.

Morning came, Yumi got herself ready to finally meet the people who will adopt her. The

staff knocked at her door which Yumi immediately opened. “They are here. Are you excited?”

the staff said to her. “Yes! I’m so excited.” Yumi replied with so much joy. “Ok now, let’s go”

the staff said offering her hand to Yumi, which she gladly took. “Good morning Mr. and Mrs.

Jackman, this is Yumi the kid you are going to adopt” the staff introduced her to the couple. The

man talked and introduced himself to Yumi “Hi Yumi, I’m Mr. James Jackman and this is my

wife Mrs. Lindsi Jackman. But, from now on you can call us mommy and daddy.” Yumi just

smiled and looked at them. “Hi mommy and daddy.” Yumi said while waving. The staff left the

room leaving the couple and Yumi. Mr. and Mrs. Jackman asked Yumi questions about herself,

hobbies, favorite food, etc. After talking to each other, the staff came in and told the couple to go

to the office to sign the adoption papers so that they can now take Yumi home with them. The

couple stood up and went to the office while Yumi excitedly ran to her room to pack her things.

Lily got startled because Yumi slammed the door open due to excitement. “Yumi, what

happened to you?” Lily asked breathing heavily after getting startled. “We’re going to our new

home now!” Yumi said. After she finished packing, Yumi carefully put Lily in her little bag so

that no one will see once the leave the orphanage. The staff once again went to her room and told

her to go out now because the couple is waiting outside for her. She then immediately goes out to

finally go to her forever home.

Yumi’s first few days with her new parents and home made her remember her own

family. She felt loved and cared for within that first few days. But as time goes by, the couple

changed, and they started to treat Yumi differently. While Yumi is in her room playing with Lily,

a deep stern voice echoed from the living room to her room calling her name “Yumi”, at that

moment she knew that it was her adoptive father Mr. Jackman. She immediately went to Mr.

Jackman as she doesn’t want him to get angry at her. While Yumi walked towards the living

room, Lily sneaked out and follow her. Lily was shocked at what she saw. Yumi was with her

adoptive parents with an old man beside her holding and caressing her hand. “You can just bring

her back tomorrow with the payment” Mr. Jackman said to the old man. With that being said,

Yumi started to beg her parents to not let the old man take her “Mommy, Daddy, please don’t let

him take me.” Yumi begged while crying. “Don’t worry sweetheart you will come back

tomorrow, ok? Just do everything that he says.” Mrs. Jackman said and comforted her. After that,

Yumi can’t do anything but to obey and trust what her parents say, she just goes with the old

man without knowing what is about to happen to her. Lily can’t do anything at this point “Oh

my, what is going on? I hope she’s ok.” She told herself worried for Yumi. Lily can’t sleep the

whole night and has been worried sick for Yumi, so she just waited till morning.

Yumi returned home with the same old man last night. But something is different about

her, she is so pale, quiet, and looked traumatized. As they enter the house, Yumi walked directly

to her room without saying a thing. “Here is the payment I promised. By the way she was a very

good girl last night.” the old man said. “Until next time Mr. Jackman” with that, the old man left

the house. In Yumi’s room, Lily was so excited to finally see her again. As the door open, a pale

and almost lifeless Yumi showed at the door. This got Lily really worried and asked Yumi a lot

of questions “Yumi what happened to you? Are you alright?”. But despite the questions, Yumi

stayed quiet. The same thing happened again like with the old man, but now with a different one.

This goes on for a month and Lily can not do anything since Yumi isn’t talking to her nor tell her

what is happening. Yumi once again came home with a guy and as usual she goes straight to her

room. This time Yumi bursts into tears and Lily took this chance to talk to her. Finally, she told

Lily everything that have happened to her. Upon hearing this story from Yumi, it broke her heart

into pieces. “You should have told me that earlier” Lily said while comforting the crying Yumi.

When Yumi calmed down, she made up her mind and told Lily that she wants to use her

wishes. Lily gladly agrees and gets ready to grant her wish. With closed eyes she stated, “I wish

Mr. and Mrs. Jackman got arrested for what they are doing with children, and I wish I was

adopted by a family that will treat me like their own and love me unconditionally just like how

my real family treats me.”. When she opened her eyes, she was back at the orphanage. Yumi felt

relieved and happy that she is not going to experience the things that happened to her in the

hands of Mr. and Mrs. Jackman. She is now an orphan again seeking for a loving home. While

she is eating with the rest of the orphans with the television on, the news suddenly came up “A

couple got arrested for child trafficking and they are now in custody of the police.” Yumi felt

happy upon hearing this news.


A month after she came back, Yumi is up for adoption again. The moment that she made

her wish Lily disappeared and that is why Yumi is all by herself now. Yumi is not sad but instead

she is really thankful for what Lily has done for her. While reminiscing her memories with Lily,

a staff knocked on her door. “Yumi, there is a family who wants to meet and adopt you” the staff

said, she walked towards the door and opened it with a smile on her face. The staff offered her

hand to Yumi which she gladly accepts and walked together towards the meeting area. By the

time they reached the meeting area Yumi got shocked on what she saw. “John? Is that you?” she

asked stuttering and still shocked seeing her older brother alive. It turns out that John also

survived the accident and got separated. “Yumi!” John said as he ran towards her little sister and

hug her tightly. “John, do you know her?” asked the couple that adopted John curious on why he

hugged Yumi. “Mom, Dad, she is my little sister that I was talking about.” John explained to his

adoptive parents. “Oh, what a coincidence we were just about to adopt Yumi, because we always

wanted a girl and a boy.” the couple told John. He ran to her adoptive parents and hugged them

tightly while thanking them. “Yumi come here, you are part of the family now” the couple said

while inviting her to join the hug. They broke the hug and told Yumi to pack her stuff because

she is going home with them. John goes and helps his sister to pack her things. After they

finished packing everything, John heads out first to put her things inside their car. Before Yumi

leaves the room, she spotted the little door where Lily used to live in. She went near it and

knocked saying her goodbyes to her good friend. “Hi Lily, it’s been a longtime since I last saw

you. I just wanted to let you know how thankful I am for you coming into my life. I miss you so

much and I hope you are doing well. I hope to see you again Lily. Thank you for everything.”

She stood up and left the orphanage with her brother and new parents. As the car drove away,

back in Yumi’s window in the orphanage, Lily watched Yumi happily knowing that she will be

in good hands now with her family. She finally went back to her world not worrying about her

friend. Yumi got what she wanted, she has a loving and caring family that treats her well. It is

more special because she is now with her older brother John whom she thought died on the

accident. Despite the challenges that Yumi had to face just to find a home, she stayed strong with

the help of Lily. Now, she lives a happy and normal life, and we can say that Yumi finally found

her forever home.


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