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Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2016) 1e9

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Synthesis, characterization and performance of silica impregnated

calcium oxide as heterogeneous catalyst in biodiesel production
Nurul Saadiah Lani, Norzita Ngadi*, Noor Yahida Yahya, Roshanida Abd Rahman
Department of Chemical and Energy Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310, Skudai, Johor, Malaysia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Currently, biodiesel is produced by performing a transesterification reaction with homogeneous base
Received 10 January 2016 catalysts such as potassium hydroxide (KOH) or sodium hydroxide (NaOH) dissolved in methanol. This
Received in revised form production process can provide high fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) yields under mild conditions.
7 June 2016
However, the homogeneous catalytic process suffers some drawbacks of an inevitable production of
Accepted 10 June 2016
wastewater from washing process of catalyst residues and unreusability of the catalysts. Thus, in this
Available online xxx
study, it is proposed to synthesize and characterize a renewable low cost heterogeneous hybrid catalyst
through utilization of waste material; rice husk and egg shell for transesterification reaction. The hybrid
Calcium oxide
catalyst was synthesized via wet impregnation method and then characterized using fourier transform
Silica infrared spectroscopy, x-ray diffraction, surface area and pore size distribution and scanning electron
Rice husk microscopy. The composition of FAME was determined by gas chromatography analysis and the prop-
Egg shell erties of biodiesel such as density, viscosity, acid value and calorific value were also analyzed. The result
Biodiesel show that the calcium oxide (CaO) supported with silica is more effective for the production of biodiesel
Transesterification reaction compared to CaO individually. Furthermore, the synthesized catalyst was able to be efficiently recyclable
and repeatedly used up to 6 times. The fuel properties of biodiesel produced in this study were found to
meet the specification of ASTM standards. Therefore, it can be concluded that the hybrid catalyst derived
from waste materials can be an excellent catalyst in biodiesel production. In addition, developing new
catalysts from rice husk and egg shell will not only solve the issue of disposal of these wastes but will
also simplify the purification process, whereby the catalysts can be separated from the product more
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction transesterification reaction with homogeneous base catalysts such

as KOH or NaOH dissolved in methanol. However, the major
Alternative fuels for diesel engines have gain importance disadvantage of homogeneous catalysts is that they cannot be
because of diminishing petroleum reserves and the environmental reused or regenerated, because the catalyst is consumed in the
consequences of exhaust gases from petroleum fueled engines (Xie reaction (Farooq et al., 2013). Moreover the separation of catalyst
et al., 2007). In this respect, biodiesel is an emerging alternative to from products is difficult and requires more equipment which re-
diesel fuel derived from renewable and locally available resources sults in higher production costs (Freedman et al., 1984).
which is cleaner, biodegradable, nontoxic and environmentally Based on these drawbacks, the use of heterogeneous catalysts
friendly. It is mainly produced via transesterification of vegetable could be an attractive solution. Heterogeneous catalysts can be
oil, which is a renewable and sustainable source (Kansedo et al., separated more easily from reaction products and undesired
2009). In the transesterification reaction, a triglyceride reacts saponification reactions can be avoided (Martino-Di et al., 2008).
with an alcohol in the presence of a catalyst, producing a mixture of Biodiesel synthesis using solid catalysts could also lead to cheaper
fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) and glycerol (Schuchardta et al., production costs because of reuse of the catalyst and the possibility
1998). Currently, biodiesel is produced by performing a for carrying out both transesterification and esterification simul-
taneously (Dora et al., 2005). A large variety of different heteroge-
neous catalysts have been investigated including supported
* Corresponding author. catalysts (Umdu et al., 2009), alkali earth oxides (Ilgen and Nilgun,
E-mail address: (N. Ngadi). 2009) and hydrotalcites catalyst (Liu et al., 2008). Among them, CaO
0959-6526/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Lani, N.S., et al., Synthesis, characterization and performance of silica impregnated calcium oxide as
heterogeneous catalyst in biodiesel production, Journal of Cleaner Production (2016),
2 N.S. Lani et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2016) 1e9

has been received much interest due to its long catalyst life, high 2. Materials and method
activity and requires only moderate reaction conditions (Math
et al., 2010). 2.1. Materials
Incorporating CaO on high surface area materials such as
alumina (Umdu et al., 2009), zeolite (Wu et al., 2013) and silica The virgin cooking palm oil was purchased from local market
(Chen et al., 2015a,b; Samart et al., 2010) was found be able to while waste cooking oil was obtained from a local restaurant in
accelerate the catalytic activity of CaO and thus improved the Arked Meranti, UTM. This oil was used for the transesterification
biodiesel yield. Among these catalyst supports, mesoporous silica reaction without further treatment and purification. For catalyst
has attracted much attention due to its many excellent properties production, chicken eggshell was collected from local restaurants
such as good thermal stability, high surface area and unique large and raw rice husk was purchased from Qhadijah Natural Farm,
pore structure characteristic, which reduce mass transfer limita- which was located at Parit Buntar, Perak. Other chemicals used in
tions and allow high concentration of active sites per mass of ma- this study were hydrochloric acid and methanol, are reagent grade
terial (Melero et al., 2012). obtained commercially from MD Interactive Sdn Bhd.
Albuquerque et al. (2008) reported the use of CaO loaded mes-
oporous silica as base catalysts for biodiesel production. The ob- 2.2. Catalyst preparation
tained catalyst has proven to be thermally more resistant and the
interaction between CaO and silica is strong enough to prevent the The waste egg shells were cleaned to remove sand and flesh
lixiviation of the active phase in methanol. In another study con- adhering to the shells by rinsing with distilled water several times.
ducted by Samart et al. (2010), silica was obtained from pluronic Then, the shells were dried in an oven at 60  C for 24 h. After being
P123 polymer and was then impregnated with calcium acetate dried, the shells were crushed and ground to fine powder. The dried
solution to produce CaO-silica catalyst. The fuel properties of the crushed shells were then calcined in a furnace at 900  C for 6 h in
biodiesel obtained using the synthesized catalyst was found to order to obtain CaO catalyst.
meet all biodiesel standards. Studies by Umdu (2008) have For silica preparation, dry raw rice husks were sieved to elimi-
demonstrated modified single step sol-gel method by using tet- nate residual rice and clay particles and then washed with distilled
raethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) as precursor silica support oxides. It is water. After through washing, rice husks were filtered and dried in
reported that high dispersion of active phases was achieved for CaO an oven at 60  C overnight. The cleaned rice husks were converted
based catalysts even with the high CaO loading of 80 wt%. Another into rice husk ash by heatetreating at 700  C for 6 h, whereby the
studies regarding the silica from TEOS was conducted by Mohadesi ash was brownish in color. Subsequently, the ash was boiled in
et al. (2014), whereby the catalyst loading of 70% (CaO based on 100 mL of 3 N of hydrochloric acid (HCl) from concentrated HCl for
SiO2), calcination temperature of 60  C and acid to water ratio of 0.5 1 h to get impurity free ash. The ash was then filtered, washed and
were optimal values, and the purity and conversion of produced dried in an oven. Finally, the ash was calcined at 700  C for 6 h.
biodiesel were 98.5 and 85.6%. Witoon et al. (2014) meanwhile The hybrid catalyst of CaO and silica was prepared using wet
prepared CaO supported on silica catalyst using sodium silicate and impregnation method. A sample of approximately 5 g of CaO was
calcium nitrate tetrahydrate as a silica and CaO source, respectively. added to 100 mL water to prepare aqueous solution. Then, this
The incorporation of silica in the structure of catalyst was found to solution was added to an amount of silica and mixed vigorously
be enhanced diffusion of reactants to the active sites and thus under total reflux for 4 h at 80  C. Subsequently, the mixture was
leading to a significant enhancement in FAME percentage. Recently, filtered and dried in an oven. The dried mass was then calcined in a
Chen et al. (2015a,b) have utilized silica supported CaO catalyst furnace at temperature of 800  C for 3 h. The calcined mass ob-
derived from Na2SiO3 as raw material in biodiesel. In their study, tained was referred as hybrid catalyst.
the CaOeSiO2 catalysts were prepared through the biomimetic
silification approach under ambient conditions by dispersing the 2.3. Catalyst characterization
powder egg shells into NaSiO3 aqueous solution. The obtained
catalyst had a better reusability as the amount of Si compound The FTIR spectra of catalysts were obtained by using Spectrum
increased. Unfortunately, absence of silica compound in the One-Perkin Elmer with software spectrum v5.02. The x-ray dif-
CaOeSiO2 catalyst had a higher yield of biodiesel. It means that the fractions (XRD) patterns of catalyst powders were recorded on a
incorporation of silica, which is obtained from sodium silicate in Bruker D8 Advance diffractometer using Ni-filter Cu Ka radiation,
this study doesn't give better catalytic activity compared by using with a wavelength of 0.1541 nm at 40 kV and 40 mA. Powder
CaO individually. samples were scanned in 2q range varying from 10 to 90 . The
However, there has been no work done on the utilization of surface are, total pore volume and pore size distribution of the
silica supported-CaO catalyst from rice husk for biodiesel synthesis. catalyst were determined with AUTOSORB-1C, Chem-
Rice husk, a waste product of the processing of grain, is normally isorptionePhysisorption analyzer. Surface area was calculated by
been used in power generation through combustion and its burning using BET equation from the adsorption branch of the isotherm in a
generates another residue, the rice husk ash. The presence of high relative pressure range from 0 to 1. The total pore volume of the
amount of SiO2 prompts its potential applicability as a low-cost catalyst was examined by N2 physisorption method while the pore
catalyst support. size distribution was determined form absorption branch by the
Therefore, in this study, it is aimed to synthesize and charac- Non-Local-Density-Functional-Theory (NLDFT) method. The sur-
terize a new low cost, highly efficient supported base catalyst face morphology of the catalysts were investigated by using a JEOL
through utilization of the two waste materials, which is rice husk JSMe6390LV scanning electron microscope, with the accelerating
ash and egg shell for transesterification of palm oil to yield fuel voltage of 50 kV. All specimens were coated with gold and then
grade biodiesel. As can be highlighted, this study is focusing on the observed.
utilization of waste materials for synthesizing of valuable hybrid
catalyst using a simple and green approach. The findings of this 2.4. Transesterification process
study offers a more economic solution for biodiesel production and
in the same time could reduce waste disposal problems. The transesterification was carried out in a batch reactor. A
40 mL of oil was stirred in a 500 mL round-bottom flask equipped

Please cite this article in press as: Lani, N.S., et al., Synthesis, characterization and performance of silica impregnated calcium oxide as
heterogeneous catalyst in biodiesel production, Journal of Cleaner Production (2016),
N.S. Lani et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2016) 1e9 3

with a reflux condenser. A mixture of methanol and catalyst at a For silica spectra, the broadband located in the range of 2800
designated amount was added to the oil and the transesterification and 3750 cm1 is related to the stretching vibration of the OeH
was conducted for the required reaction times. Upon the reaction bond from the silanol groups (SieOH). The band at 3429 and
completion, phase separation was carried out in a separatory funnel 1652 cm1 can be attributed to the presence of OeH stretching and
at room temperature. The influence of silica content on the bio- bending mode of adsorbed water molecules bound to the silica
diesel yield was investigated by varying the silica content from 3 to surface, respectively (Hindryawati and Maniam, 2015). The pre-
10 wt%, whereby the catalyst dosage, methanol to oil molar ratio, dominant absorbance peak of silica was indicated by the strong
reaction time and temperature was fixed at 3 wt%, 15:1, 2 h and band at 1053 cm1, which could be assigned to asymmetric
60  C, respectively. The yield of biodiesel is determined according stretching of siloxane bond (SieOeSi). Additionally, the peak at
to Eq. (1) 796 cm1 was associated to the SieOeSi symmetric stretching
while the bending mode of bulk SieOeSi lies at 482 cm1 proving
Weight of biodiesel the successful production of silica from rice husk (Singh and Patel,
Yield of biodiesel ð%Þ ¼  100 (1)
Weight of oil 2014).
On the other hand, the spectra of the hybrid catalysts showed
some identical functional groups as CaO catalyst, which revealed
similar pattern at 3,651, 846 and 531 cm1 were assigned to the
2.5. Properties of biodiesel
stretching vibration of OeH groups, CeO and CaeO bonds,
respectively. The absorption band at 1427 cm1 that was the
The composition of fatty acid methyl ester produced under the
asymmetric stretch of CO2 3 groups could be found. Another ab-
optimal reaction conditions was determined by gas chromatograph
sorption band that was ascribed to the out-of-plane band vibration
(GC-2010, Shimadzu) equipped with capillary column and a flame 1
mode of CO23 groups was also found at 879 cm . However, as can
ionization detector. Methylheptadecanoate was used as internal
be seen, the characteristic peaks of silica are totally absent. This was
standard quantification. The biodiesel sample was first diluted in
suggested all the SiO2 was reacted with CaO to form a new phase
cyclohexane and then, the analysis of a sample was carried out by
CaSiO3 and Ca2SiO4 compound. Meanwhile, the appearance of
injecting 1 mL of the sample solution into the GC. A digital density
strong band at 995 cm1 indicates the presence of SieOeCa bond
hydrometer (ZEAL Made in England) with the measuring accuracy
(Chen et al., 2015a,b).
of ±5.0  106 g/cm3 was used to measure the density of biodiesel.
Meanwhile, the viscosity of the biodiesel was measured using a
3.1.2. X-ray diffraction
Cole-Parmer rotational viscometer with a stainless steel spindles
The findings in the FTIR spectra are also supported by XRD for
and viscosity measurement ranging from 20 to 2  106 mPa s. This
the catalysts which are presented in Fig. 2. The typical diffraction
test was conducted under variation of temperature from 30 to
peaks associated to calcined waste egg shell corresponding to
100  C. Determination of calorific value was done by using Parr
highly crystalline calcium oxide were observed at 2q of 18.1, 32.3 ,
6200 bomb calorimeter. The acid value was determined by the acid
37.5 , 54.0 , 64.3 , 67.5 , 79.8 and 88.6 (Chen et al., 2015a,b).
base titration technique, whereby a mixture of biodiesel sample
Meanwhile, the existence of low intensity peaks at 34.2 and 50.9
(5 g), ethanol (25 mL) and phenolphthalein (5 drops) were titrated
indicates the presence of minor amount of calcium carbonate as
with 0.1 N potassium hydroxide solution until the appearances of
well as calcium hydroxide at 2q of 47.3 (Hui et al., 2010).
pink color. Then, the acid value was calculated according to Eq. (2)
In Fig. 2b, it can be seen that the silica sample exhibited only one
56:1  N  V strong broad peak at 2q of 23 , coincident with values reported by
Acid value ¼ (2) Liu et al. (2012). The result indicates that the formed silica was
amorphous and the absence of any ordered crystalline structure
can be assigned to highly disordered structure of silica.
where, V ¼ volume of KOH solution used in mL Hybrid catalyst exhibited the peaks associated with the calcium
N ¼ normality of KOH oxide are observed at 2q of 18.1, 32 , 37, 54.4 and 64.3 , whereby
M ¼ mass of biodiesel sample in g dosage their intensity was found to be lower than CaO catalyst. It also
showed weak XRD peaks at 51 assigned to the calcium carbonate.
3. Results and discussion An additional Ca2SiO4 and CaSiO3 phase were appeared clearly in
the diffraction patterns at 2Ɵ of 34.2 and 51.5 , respectively (Chen
3.1. Catalyst characterization et al., 2015a,b).

3.1.1. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy 3.1.3. N2 adsorption-desorption

The FTIR spectra of CaO, silica and hybrid catalyst samples in the The surface area, total pore volume and pore diameter of CaO,
region of 500e4000 cm1 are presented in Fig. 1. The spectra of CaO silica and hybrid catalyst were measured and summarized in
sample displays band at 1478, 1082 and 873 cm1 are corre- Table 1. The BET surface area of CaO catalyst derived from waste egg
sponding to the stretching vibration of the CO2 3 group, which is shell was found to be 6.83 m2/g. Upon impregnation with silica,
due to the chemisorption of gaseous CO2 from atmosphere over the which has high surface area of 132.83 m2/g, there was an increment
surface of the catalyst. An intense absorption peak of OeH bending of the surface area to 12.29 m2/g. The increasing surface area of the
vibration at about 3639 cm1 was assigned to the absorption of catalyst might be due to the strong interaction of the CaO with silica
water molecule from atmosphere that attached to the Ca atom support, which reduced the surface diffusion of Ca, inhibited sin-
(Chen et al., 2015a,b). Additionally, the characteristic band at tering and stabilized the surface of CaO (Omar and Amin, 2011).
854 cm1 in CaO catalyst confirms the presence of CeO bond Thus, it can be expected that the hybrid catalyst would leads to
(Suryaputra et al., 2013). The stretching vibration mode of CaeO improve the activity of catalyst in transesterification process by
bond was appeared as a strong peak at 528 cm1, which provided increasing the accessibility of the active sites and provide enough
great evidence for the formation of Ca oxides during the calcination attachment area as reported by Istadi et al. (2015).
procedure of waste egg shell at the temperature of 900  C in the The total pore volume and average pore diameter of CaO and
muffle furnace. silica were 0.0319 cm3/g, 7.86 nm, 0.3644 cm3/g and 15.89 nm,

Please cite this article in press as: Lani, N.S., et al., Synthesis, characterization and performance of silica impregnated calcium oxide as
heterogeneous catalyst in biodiesel production, Journal of Cleaner Production (2016),
4 N.S. Lani et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2016) 1e9

Fig. 1. FTIR spectra of the (a) CaO, (b) silica and (c) CaO impregnated with 3% silica; hybrid catalyst.

respectively, while for Cao impregnated with 3% silica these pa- curves showed a type IV profile and type H3 hysteresis loops,
rameters were 0.0429 cm3/g and 11.76 nm, respectively. In com- except silica, whereby there was no hysteresis loop in the first
parison, the pore diameter of the catalysts are somewhat larger capillary condensation. The first step of capillary condensation, in a
than the reactant molecules, whereby the dimensions of triglyc- relative pressure of 0.5, was attributed to the nitrogen condensa-
eride, methyl oleate and glycerin are approximately 5.8 nm, 2.5 nm tion that took place in the internal mesopores and secondly at a
and 0.6 nm, respectively (Granados et al., 2007). It has been re- higher partial pressure (P/P ¼ 0.8), which was attributed to the
ported that the larger average pore diameter and larger inter- presence of interparticle porosity. Furthermore, it could be
connected pores of catalyst would minimize diffusion limitations of observed that the pore size of the CaO catalyst was in the range of
reactant molecules. Therefore, the reactant molecules can easily 3e10 nm and can be classified as mesopores. Upon introduction of
infiltrate into the interior of the catalyst and most of the active site silica into CaO and following calcination, the catalyst particles
will be utilized during the transesterification reaction (Wu et al., exhibited bimodal pore size distribution that consisted of a primary
2014). pore at 7 nm and secondary pore at 13 nm.
The porosity of the catalyst was examined by N2 physisorption
method while the pore size distribution was determined from ab- 3.2. Effect of silica on the yield of biodiesel
sorption branch by the NLDFT model. Nitrogen adsorp-
tionedesorption isotherms and the corresponding pore size The influence of the amount of silica on the activity of CaO
distribution plots of all catalysts are shown in Fig. 3. All isotherm catalyst was tested at reaction time and temperature of 2 h and

Please cite this article in press as: Lani, N.S., et al., Synthesis, characterization and performance of silica impregnated calcium oxide as
heterogeneous catalyst in biodiesel production, Journal of Cleaner Production (2016),
N.S. Lani et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2016) 1e9 5

From Fig. 5, all images showed the significant agglomeration of

the silica particles with a heterogeneous distribution on the surface
of CaO catalysts. The pores among the agglomerates were found to
be smaller as the silica content is increased. There is apparently
more space between the agglomerates in CaO catalyst with 3 wt% of
silica (Fig. 5a) compared to CaO catalyst with 5, 7 and 10 wt% of
silica (Fig. 5b,c,d). Therefore, the surface of the CaO/3 wt% silica
catalyst can fully contact with oil ester and methanol where they
undergo transesterification reaction to produce biodiesel, resulting
in better catalytic activity.

3.3. Properties of biodiesel

Biodiesel is composed of fatty acid methyl ester and their

composition was commonly determined by GC analysis. For com-
parison, biodiesel was also synthesized from waste cooking oil
under same conditions as virgin cooking oil. The GC chromato-
grams of both biodiesels are depicted in Fig. 6 and the methyl ester
compositions are summarized in Table 2.
The results revealed that the high conversion from oil to methyl
ester was achieved, which are around 98.65 and 95.75% conversion
from virgin cooking oil and waste cooking oil, respectively. A total of
10 methyl ester compounds were identified in biodiesel from virgin
cooking oil, whereby the main methyl esters were methyl palmi-
toleate (32.14%), methyl stearate (21.62%), methyl oleate (19.84%)
and methyl linoleate (8.30%). Furthermore, the percentage of un-
saturated methyl esters (65.34%) is remarkable compared to that of
saturated methyl esters (34.65%) and the degree of unsaturation
was calculated to be 76.64%. On the other hand, seven types of
methyl esters compounds were found in biodiesel that is produced
from waste cooking oil. The synthesized biodiesel mainly consists
of four fatty acid methyl esters, which are methyl palmitoleate
(14.26%), methyl stearate (14.05%), methyl oleate (36.00%) and
methyl linoleate (24.68%). The amount of unsaturated fractions is
68.11% while that of saturated is 31.89% and the degree of unsatu-
ration was 94.36%. Overall, it can be stated that the oil was suc-
Fig. 2. XRD patterns of the (a) CaO, (b) silica and (c) CaO impregnated with 3% silica; cessfully transesterified to biodiesel using CaO impregnated silica
hybrid catalyst.
The application of low quality of biodiesel due to incomplete
60  C, respectively with molar ratio of methanol to oil at 20:1. Fig. 4 reaction and the existence of contaminants in a diesel engine may
shows the yield of methyl ester using different content of silica. cause a number of issues in existing engine such as precipitation of
From the result, it was found that the CaO supported with silica fuel insolubles and filter plugging. Therefore, highly purified bio-
had a higher yield of methyl ester than CaO individually. This might diesel is necessary to meet ASTM D6751 (the American Society for
be due to the solid state reaction between silica compound and the Testing and Materials) and EN 14214 (European Committee for
surface of CaO in the activation process, whereby the silica could Standardization) standard in order to evaluate the quality of bio-
have inserted in the vacant sites of CaO. Furthermore, it was noted diesel product. Table 3 shows the properties of the biodiesel ob-
that the introduction of silica in the CaO catalyst is able to improve tained from virgin cooking oil and waste cooking oil. In addition,
the surface area due to increasing total pore volume, which in turn the relevant specification of biodiesel ASTM D6751 and EN 14214
providing the opportunity to increase the number of active sites are also listed in Table 3.
that interact with the reactants and consequently facilitates the Viscosity is refers to the internal friction or resistance of oil to
biodiesel formation. However, the further increase in the amount of flow at a given temperature. Viscosity is the most important
silica leads to low yield of methyl ester. The reduction of the property of biodiesel since it can hinder the operation of fuel in-
product might be to the active sites on CaO surface was covered by jection equipment in engine. If the fuel is too viscous, it makes it
excess silica, which corresponds to lower catalytic activity. This difficult to pump and flow through pipelines, injector nozzles and
result is in well agreement with that obtained by SEM analysis as orifices, and therefore leads to the poor atomization during the
shown in Fig. 5. fuel spray due to the formation of larger droplets on injection.
From Table 3, its can be seen that the viscosity of the biodiesel
obtained from virgin cooking oil at 40  C is 3.755 mm2/s, whereas
Table 1
those of biodiesel from waste cooking oil is 2.792 mm2/s. The
The physical properties of CaO, silica and hybrid catalyst.
viscosity of biodiesel from virgin cooking oil is in the range of
Catalyst Surface Total pore Average pore American and European standards while the viscosity of biodiesel
area (m2/g) volume (cm3/g) diameter (nm)
from waste cooking oil is specified the ASTM D6751 but not
CaO 6.83 0.0319 7.86 specified a minimum value of EN14214 biodiesel standard. Vis-
Silica 132.83 0.3644 15.89 cosity data obtained for biodiesel as a function of temperature is
Hybrid catalyst 12.29 0.0429 11.76
presented in Fig. 6.

Please cite this article in press as: Lani, N.S., et al., Synthesis, characterization and performance of silica impregnated calcium oxide as
heterogeneous catalyst in biodiesel production, Journal of Cleaner Production (2016),
6 N.S. Lani et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2016) 1e9

Fig. 3. N2 adsorptionedesorption isotherm and pore size distribution of the (a) CaO, (b) silica and (c) CaO impregnated with 3% silica; hybrid catalyst.

As shown in Fig. 7, the viscosity of biodiesel from both virgin and viscosity of biodiesel fuels decreases with increase in degree of
waste cooking oil decreased non-linearly with temperature. It also unsaturation.
indicates that the biodiesel from virgin cooking oil can be heated up Density is another important parameter to measure when
to 67  C so that the viscosity is in the range of 1.9 and 6 mm2/s, assessing fuel quality because of its influence on the atomization
while 53  C for biodiesel from waste cooking oil. Corresponding to and combustion process in engine. The ASTM standard for density
the viscosity limit given by the EN14214 European standard for of biodiesel is 860e894 kg/m3, while the European standard is in
biodiesel fuel, heating biodiesel from virgin and waste cooking oil is the range of 860 and 900 kg/m3. Higher density of fuel will leads to
allowed up to 41 and 30  C, respectively. In addition, biodiesel from lower volatility and poor atomization during fuel injection and
waste cooking oils were observed to have lower viscosity value therefore cause incomplete combustion and carbon deposits in
than biodiesel from virgin cooking oil. It could be due to the high combustion chamber. It was observed that the density of biodiesel
degree of unsaturation of biodiesel from waste cooking oil as the from virgin cooking oil and waste cooking oil was measured to be
870 and 880 kg/m3, respectively, which was in the range recom-
mended by both standards. By comparing the density of both bio-
diesel, it is noticed that the density for biodiesel from waste
cooking oil was higher than that from virgin cooking oil. This is
because the density of biodiesel fuel increases with increase in
degree of unsaturation.
Acid value reflects the percentage of free fatty acid (FFA) in the
fuel, whereby it is defined as the amount of potassium hydroxide
needed to neutralize the free acids in biodiesel sample. Acid value
of biodiesel should be less than 0.5 mg KOH/g sample in order to
handle the fuel properly and safe. If the acid value is too high, the
fuel could cause degradation of rubber parts in engines and
therefore resulting in filter clogging. The test result for the acid
Fig. 4. Effect of silica content on biodiesel yield.

Please cite this article in press as: Lani, N.S., et al., Synthesis, characterization and performance of silica impregnated calcium oxide as
heterogeneous catalyst in biodiesel production, Journal of Cleaner Production (2016),
N.S. Lani et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2016) 1e9 7

Fig. 5. Surface morphology of (a) CaO/3 wt% silica, (b) CaO/5 wt% silica, (c) CaO/7 wt% silica and (d) CaO/10 wt% silica.

virgin cooking oil is 39.63 MJ/kg, whereas that for biodiesel from
waste cooking oil is 38.18 MJ/kg. Furthermore, the calorific value of
both biodiesel presented approximately 12% lower energy content
compared to diesel, whose energy content is around 43.33 MJ/kg.
As pointed by Demirbas (1997), the calorific value of fuel increases
with increasing carbon number in fuel molecules. Therefore, it can
be noticed that the calorific value for biodiesel from virgin cooking
oil was higher than that from waste cooking oil due to the high
amount of carbon atom present in biodiesel synthesized from vir-
gin cooking oil.

3.4. Reusability study

The recovery and reuse of catalyst for next reaction is one of the
important factors which elucidate the potential of a catalyst for its
commercial application. Upon the completion of the trans-
esterification reaction, the spent catalyst was recovered by washing
with methanol several times in order to remove the adsorbed
materials. This catalyst was later calcined at 800  C for 3 h to
reactivate it and then reused as the catalyst for the next run. The
result of biodiesel yield as a function of the number of recycling was
shown in Fig. 8.
Fig. 8 shows that the yield of biodiesel reaches to 90% in the first
run and the hybrid catalyst was found to maintain its activity even
after being used through the next three consecutive runs. This
result indicated that the CaO impregnated silica catalyst was rela-
tively stable and exhibited high catalytic, which provide the op-
portunity to apply an appropriate recycle stream in continuous
Fig. 6. GC chromatogram of the synthesized biodiesel from (a) virgin cooking oil and process to minimize costs in industry. However, there was a slight
(b) waste cooking oil. decrease in the biodiesel yield from 90 to 85, 80 and 77.5% when the
catalyst is employed for the fifth, sixth and seventh time. A
remarkable reduction in the catalytic activity can be seen in the
value for virgin cooking oil and waste cooking oil was found to be
eighth and onward runs, whereby the biodiesel yield dropped to
0.21 and 0.29 mg KOH/g sample, respectively.
52.5%. The reduction in the yield of biodiesel from fifth to tenth use
The calorific value is defines as the energy content of biodiesel
of catalyst was possibly due to leaching of Ca compound during the
produced and it is another important property of biodiesel since
reaction. The leaching effect in this catalyst can be attributed to the
the power output of an engine while running under constant
bond breaking and formation of intermediate species such as
conditions and with a constant ratio of fuel consumption depends
Ca(OH)2 and calcium diglyceroxide on the catalyst surface, which
strictly by its calorific value. The calorific value of biodiesel from
prevented the contact between reactants and catalyst active sites

Please cite this article in press as: Lani, N.S., et al., Synthesis, characterization and performance of silica impregnated calcium oxide as
heterogeneous catalyst in biodiesel production, Journal of Cleaner Production (2016),
8 N.S. Lani et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2016) 1e9

Table 2
FAMEs composition of the synthesized biodiesel.

Peak Biodiesel from virgin cooking oil Biodiesel from waste cooking oil

Identified compound Composition (%) Identified compound Composition (%)

1 Methyl laurate (C12:0) 0.79 Methyl palmitate (C16:0) 14.26

2 Methyl myristate (C14:0) 5.58 Methyl stearate (C18:0) 14.05
3 Methyl palmitate (C16:0) 3.61 Methyl oleate (C18:1) 2.15
4 Methyl palmitoleate (C16:1) 32.14 Methyl oleate (C18:1) 33.85
5 Methyl stearate (C18:0) 21.62 Methyl linoleate (C18:2) 24.65
6 Methyl oleate (C18:1) 9.79 Methyl linolenate (C18:3) 4.53
7 Methyl oleate (C18:1) 10.05 Methyl arachidate (C20:0) 2.23
8 Methyl linoleate (C18:2) 8.30
9 Methyl linolenate (C18:3) 4.03
10 Methyl arachidate (C22:0) 2.58

Table 3
Physicochemical properties of the synthesized biodiesel.

Properties Biodiesel (virgin cooking oil) Biodiesel (waste cooking oil) ASTM D6751 EN 14214

Viscosity, 40  C (mm2/s) 3.755 2.792 1.9e6.0 3.5e5.0

Density (kg/m3) 870 880 860e894 860e900
Acid value (mg of KOH/g of oil) 0.21 0.29 Max 0.5 Max 0.5
Calorific value (MJ/kg) 39.63 38.18 e e

4. Conclusion

In this study, the CaO supported with silica catalyst was suc-
cessfully synthesized from waste egg shell and rice husk. The
hybrid catalyst showed high catalytic activities for the trans-
esterification reaction. The biodiesel yield of transesterification
reaction over the CaO supported by silica catalyst reaches to 87.5%
at 2 h, which is higher than the biodiesel yield over CaO individu-
ally. Furthermore, the yield of biodiesel was also affected by
different silica content. As a conclusion, this waste-derived cata-
lysts showed a potential use for biodiesel production. These wastes
could stand for abundant resources of low-cost catalysts which
provides a simple and green method in order to produce biodiesel

Fig. 7. Relationship of temperature and viscosity in biodiesel from virgin and waste Acknowledgement
cooking oil.
The authors would like to extend their sincere gratitude to the
Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia (MOHE) for the financial
by the intermediate species (Buasri et al., 2013). As a final remark, supports received under University Grant (Vote no.
the synthesized catalyst was able to efficiently recyclable and Q.J130000.2546.11H46) and FRGS (Vote no. R.J130000.7844.4F489).
repeatedly used up to 6 times while maintaining the biodiesel yield
at around 80%. References

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Please cite this article in press as: Lani, N.S., et al., Synthesis, characterization and performance of silica impregnated calcium oxide as
heterogeneous catalyst in biodiesel production, Journal of Cleaner Production (2016),

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