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1. Name of Case Study/Research

- Case Study of Burger King: Achieving Competitive Advantage through Quality

2. Link/Source of the Case Study or Research


3. Type of MIS used in the Study or Research

• Transaction Processing System
- Burger King every day sells a huge amount of hamburgers. Burger King
should order raw materials from its supplier each time Burger King places an
order with its supplier a transaction happens. Transaction Processing System
records the relevant information such as the supplier’s name, address, the
quality of the items purchased, and finally the invoice amount.
• Decision Support System
- Decision Support System is used to model data and make a quality decision.
Decision Support Systems are usually computer applications with a human
component. They can shift through large amounts of data and pick between
the many choices and supports non-routine decision.
• Management Information System
- Management Information System is used to produce periodic reports such as
a daily list of employees and the hours they work, or a monthly report of
expenses. Burger King uses MIS to provide profitability and information to
help managers and staff to plan its future direction.

4. Description of the Study or Research (150-300 words)

- Burger King is a fast food hamburger restaurant chain and in its major
products cheeseburgers, hamburgers, Salads, Fries, Onion rings, Hash
browns, Cookies, Juice, Coffee, Pies, and shakes are included.

• What problem it was trying to solve?

- The first problem is that Burger King is facing high competition from
McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, and others that are operating in
the fast food industry. The second problem issue is that the company’s
innovative products provide sales for the short term but not the long term. The
discount offers also cannot work for it. The company has, however, achieved
growth in premium drinks by 14% and the packed foods division has also
grown by 5% but the profits have declined by 12%. The third problem is the
fair price of the company, the company has received many bids, but it has to
decide which bid to accept and which to reject based on the fair price of the
company. It is necessary to get the fair price of the company first, and then
decide which arrangement to accept to sell the business. The fourth problem
is to decide which option to select, whether to issue IPO or to sell Burger King
to a private equity firm or a corporation.

Why the problem needed to be solved?

- Company is facing a decline in its sales and the only solution to increase the
demand for its product is to offer innovative products, not discounted
products. The strategy can be to follow the competitors as they must see
which of the product is successful in the market then the company must copy
that product. The other option is to go for a survey and then choose the
product innovation according to the customer demand. The company’s gross
profit is declining due to the offer of the $0.99 deal which cannot generate
sufficient profits for the company. The company must not focus on discounts
but to focus on innovative products that can be sold at a premium price. The
other solution is to merge with a large company that is operating in the same
industry and that has the resources and efficiency to run the operations of
Burger King successfully.

1. Name of Case Study/Research

- Case Study of KFC: Establishment of a Successful Global Business Model.

2. Link/Source of the Case Study or Research


3. Type of MIS used in the Study or Research

• Transaction Processing System
- Customer order is received by the system point of sale (order station) which
will be recorded by the data collector machine station as a collective of some
order station.
Then the customer orders will be processed directly by the kitchen with a har
dcopy document as a work order transaction.
All transaction data is stored in the file server while routing the necessary driv
ers as the
supervisor of operational activities will be monitored directly by Headquater t
hrough the WAN network.

• Management Information System

- Management Information System used by KFC is the term given to the
discipline focused on the integration of computer systems with the aims and
objectives of an organization. Each KFC outlet uses MIS in accounting, and
knowledge production, and very useful in formulating HR policies that helps
them to rate their employees.

4. Description of the Study or Research (150-300 words)

- The findings revealed that KFC was perceived as a restaurant serving only
chicken. Indian families wanted more variety, and the impression that KFC
served only one item failed to enhance its appeal. Moreover, KFC was also
believed to be expensive. KFC’s failure was also attributed to certain
drawbacks in the message it sent out to consumers about its positioning. It
wanted to position itself as a family restaurant and not as a teenage
hangout. According to analysts, the ‘family restaurant’ positioning did not
come out clearly in its communications. Almost all consumers saw it as a fast
food joint specializing in a chicken recipe.

• What problem it was trying to solve ?

- is KFC sells up to 850 million chickens a year. It does this in collaboration with
other companies that slaughter and rear the chickens for them. However, KFC
in collaboration with these companies has been accused of killing the
chickens inhumanely and subjecting them to torture. They have been accused
of standing by as chickens are crammed into cages resulting in broken bones
before they’re slaughtered. Animal rights organizations have condemned
these acts and this poses a problem for KFC if they intend to keep any
customers. KFC has also faced problems with the health experts who claim
that the oils used to make the chicken consist of Tran’s fats which result in
complicated health issues such as obesity. Nutritionists and other health
organizations have threatened to sue KFC if they do not change the kind of fat
that they use to make their chicken products. Furthermore, the company has
faced protests in India where angry farmers are against the company bringing
in ‘junk food’ to a nation that greatly suffers from malnutrition. The farmers
fear that the number of growing fast food chain restaurants could deplete the
country of their livestock and lead to deterioration of agricultural activities.

• Why the problem needed to be solved?

- Consumers’ desire to have a healthier diet at KFC and the humane treatment
of chickens is one of the challenges that KFC is facing today. These issues are
closely related to the sales of the company and should therefore be addressed
immediately if the company wants to maintain its customer base. A new
marketing plan has to be designed in order to improve the overall image of
KFC and attract more customers. The marketing strategy has to address the
issue of torturing chickens and thus create solid revenue for the company.

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