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@Aneez Hassan-7411130137
Subject:Science Class:10 Marks:80

I.choose the correct alternative and write the complete answer
along with its letter of alphabet: 3*1=3
1.The material used in the filament of an electric bulb is
A.Sodium B.Copper C.Tungsten D.Aluminium
2.At the time of short-circuit the current in the circuit
A.Reduces substantially B.Doesn’t change
C.Increases heavily D.Vary continuously
3. The symbol of the component Used to regulate current without changing the voltage source
A. B. C. D.

II.Answer the following questions: 2*1=2

1.What is the SI unit of potential difference?Name the device used to measure the potential
2.You are given following current V/S time graphs from two different sources.Name the Type of
current in two cases

III.Answer the following questions: 3*2=6

1.An Electric refrigerator rated 500 W operates 8 hours a day.what is the cost of the energy to
operate it for 30 days at Rs.5 per one kWh?
2.Name and state Rule Used to determine the direction of force experienced by a current
carrying conductor placed in a uniform magnetic field?
3.Draw the circuit Diagram showing the combination of resistors R1,R2 and R3 are Connected
in series including ammeter and voltmeter And Mark the direction of electric current.

IV.Answer the following questions: 3*3=9

1.What is short circuiting?Name the device in the house hold that acts as a safety measure for
it. OR
A:List the properties of magnetic field lines.
B:What is electromagnetic induction?
2.A:State Ohm’s law.Mention the factors on which the Resistance of a conductor depends.
B:What is resistance?
3. Draw the diagram of a simple electric motor and label the following parts

V.Answer the following questions: 2*4=8

1.A:What are the advantages of connecting electrical devices in parallel in an electric circuit
instead of connecting them in series?
B:How are Ammeter and Voltmeter connected in an electric circuit?what are their function?
2.A:State Joule’s law of heating?
B:An electric bulb is connected to a 220V generator.The current is 2A.Find the Power and
Resistance of the bulb.
Observe the given circuit.Calculate the total resistance in the circuit and the total current
flowing in the circuit.

VI.Choose the correct alternatives and write the complete answer
along with its letter of alphabet: 3*1=3
14.What is the pH of pure water?
A.pH 7 B.pH 8 C.pH 6 D.pH 5
15.Fe2O3+2Al —>Al2O3+2Fe.This is an example of a
A.Combination reaction B.Double displacement reaction
C.Decomposition reaction D.Displacement reaction
16.The acid present in the lemon is
A.Tartaric Acid B.Methanoic Acid C.Citric Acid
D.Lactic Acid

VII.Answer the following questions: 3*1=3

17.Write any two uses of plaster of paris.
18.CuO+H2—>Cu+H2O.In this reaction name the reactant
i.That is Oxidised.
ii.That is reduced.
19.Aluminium oxide is called an ‘amphoteric oxide’.Why?

VIII.Answer the following questions: 3*2=6

1.What is Neutralisation reaction?Give an example.
15ml of water and 10ml of sulphuric acid are to be mixed in a beaker.
i.State the method that should be followed?
ii.What is this process called?
2.Draw the diagram To show the arrangement of apparatus used for testing the conductivity of
a salt soul and label ‘Graphite rod’.
3.List any four general properties of ionic compounds.
Give reason:
A:Sodium metal is stored in kerosene.
B:Metals are good conductor of electricity.

IX.Answer the following questions: 3*3=9

23.Write The balanced chemical equations for the following chemical reactions:
i. Al + Hcl ——> AlCl 3 + H2
ii. CH4 + O2 ——> CO2 + H2O
iii. MnO2 + HCl ——> MnCl2 + H2O + Cl2
A:which coloured fumes are obtained when lead nitrate is heated?Namethe fumes.
B:write any two methods to prevent corrosion.
24. Draw the diagram of the arrangement of apparatus to show the reaction of zinc granules
with dilute sulphuric acid and testing the hydrogen gas by burning.Label the following parts:
i.Zinc granules
ii.Delivery tube
25.Define the following terms:
i.Minerals ii.Ores iii.Gangue

X.Answer the following question: 1*4=4

26.A: mention the difference between calcination and roasting.
B:Show the formation of magnesium chloride by the transfer of electrons.

XI.Choose the correct alternative and write the complete answer
along with its letter of alphabet: 2*1=2
27.Atmospheric layer that absorbs ultraviolet radiation coming from the sunlight is made up of
this molecule
A.N2 B.H2 C.O3 D.O2
28.The filtration unit of kidney is
A.Nephrons B.Neurons C.Ureters D.Urethra

XII.Answer the following questions: 3*1=3

29.Iodised Salt must be a part of our diet.why?
30.What is the role of decomposition in an ecosystem?
31.“The Rate of Breathing in aquatic organisms is much faster than that seen in terrestrial

XIII.Answer the following questions: 2*2=4

32.Draw the structure of a neuron and label ‘Dendrite’.
33.“As energy moves progressively through various trophic levels of food chain it is no longer
available to the previous level”.Give reasons.

XIV.Answer the following questions: 3*3=9

34.Name the harmone secreted by
i.Pancreas ii.Pituitary iii.Thyroid
State one function of each of the harmone.
Name the plant harmone which is responsible for
i.Good growth of fruits and seeds in plants.
ii.Which inhibits growth.
iii.Helps in cell elongation and cell growth.
35.How is ozone layer formed?What is the reason for the depletion of this layer?What is the
effect of ozone layer depletion?
36.A:What are the difference between aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
B:“ventricles of the human heart have thick wall”-Give reason.
A:Mention the events that occur during Photosynthesis.
B:How water and food transported in plants?

XV.Answer the following questions: 1*4=4

37.Draw the diagram showing the schematic sectional View of the human heart.Label the
following parts:
ii.Pulmonary veins

XVI.Answer the following questions: 1*5=5

38.A:Describe Double circulation of blood in human beings.Why is it necessary to separate
oxygenated and deoxygenated blood in mammals and birds.
B:“The body temperature of frogs and lizards depend on temperature in the
*Goo Luc *

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