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*X86742* Reg. No.

Question Paper Code : X86742

M.C.A. (2 Years) Degree Examinations, April/May 2021
Second Semester
MC5017 – E-LEarning
(Regulations 2017)

Time : Three Hours Maximum : 100 Marks

Answer All questions

Part – A (10×2=20 Marks)

1. What is E-Learning ?

2. Define blended learning.

3. List the steps to organize and structure the course content.

4. Define learning objective.

5. What is a story board ?

6. List the types of authoring tools.

7. Differentiate proprietary and opensource LMS.

8. Compare and contrast LMS and LCMS.

9. Mention different communication tools used for E-learning.

10. Outline the different delivery formats used in E-learning.

PART – B (5×13=65 Marks)

11. a) Discuss in detail synchronous and asynchronous modes of learning with suitable
b) Elaborate in detail about the workflow to produce and deliver E-learning
X86742 *X86742*

12. a) Mention the design models of E-learning and explain any two model in
b) Explain in detail with suitable examples the strategies to be applied for
evaluation of the course.

13. a) With suitable examples explain how to create story boards for the course.
b) Is there any method to follow in developing practice and assessments test for
the course ? Discuss in detail.

14. a) Discuss in detail about any one of the open source LMS available and the
services provided by it.
b) Explain in detail the functional areas of LMS.

15. a) Explain in detail the components of instructor-led course.

b) Explain the significance of using different communication tools in

PART – C (1×15=15 Marks)

16. a) Discuss in detail with necessary examples the role of multimedia in

b) Explain the role of E-learning in building thinking skills of the learner.


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