The Concept of Security and Trust in Electronic Pa

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The concept of security and trust in electronic payments

Article  in  Computers & Security · February 2005

DOI: 10.1016/j.cose.2004.11.001 · Source: DBLP


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2 authors:

Theodosios Tsiakis George Stephanides

Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki University of Macedonia


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Computers & Security (2005) 24, 10e15

The concept of security and trust in

electronic payments
Theodosios Tsiakis*, George Sthephanides1

University of Macedonia, Department of Applied Informatics, 156 Egnatia Str.,

54006 Thessaloniki, Greece

Received 17 November 2004; revised 23 November 2004; accepted 23 November 2004

Available online 28 January 2005

KEYWORDS Abstract The use of electronic communication channels to conduct businesses

Security; without the need for physical conduct or presence has already been established and
Trust; accepted warmly. But the issue of paying electronically still remains risky and
Electronic payments; muddy. This article implicates the security and trust issues that are essential for
Cryptography; every electronic payment mechanism in order to be accepted and established as
PKI a common medium of financial transactions.
ª 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

The need for security in electronic The majority of trust theories are built upon the
environment basis that there is a history of exchanges between
partners (experiences), but the fluid and dispersed
The growth of the Internet as a medium of trans- nature of e-commerce market makes the issue of
action has made possible an economic transforma- trust hard due to the frailness to scale the re-
tion in which commerce is becoming electronic. liability of participants.
The critical factor of success for every commercial Strong and long-lasting business relationships
entity to implement and operate an e-business have always been depended on trust. The transition
mechanism is money flow, material flow and in- to digital economy, forces enterprises not only to
formation flow in commerce process. develop customer intimity but also to ensure that
security requirements are part of the customer
relationship strategy.
Transactions in electronic commerce can occur
without any prior human contact or established
interpersonal relationships. This lack of interper-
* Corresponding author. Tel.: C306944757140/C302310 sonal trust creates a circumstance for a security
891873; fax: C302310891877.
E-mail addresses: (T. Tsiakis),
threat. Generally, security is a set of procedures, (G. Sthephanides). mechanisms and computer programs to authenti-
Tel.: C302310891872. cate the source of information and guarantee the

0167-4048/$ - see front matter ª 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Concept of security and trust in electronic payments 11

integrity and privacy of the information (data) to Identification e uniquely identification of a per-
abstain this circumstance to lead to a hardship son or entity.
(economic) of data or network resources. Authentication e providence of identity.
Three basic building blocks of security mecha- Access Control e control on the actions of
nisms are used: a person or entity, based upon its identity.
Confidentiality e prevention of unauthorized
- Encryption: provides confidentiality, authenti- parties to capture, interpret or understanding
cation and integrity. data.
- Digital signatures: provide authentication, in- Integrity e assureness that data have not been
tegrity protection and non-repudiation. altered or manipulated by unauthorized parties.
- Checksums/hash algorithms: provide integrity Non-repudiation e prevention of denying the
and can authentication. action of participating into a transaction by a per-
son or entity.
The focus of every processing e-commerce trans- Availability e continuously and uninterrupted
action is to minimize the transaction risk. In provision of services.
parallel, a trust framework in e-commerce must This list by no means can be considered as
address scalability and cost. A business process is comprehensive and can be extended to include
understood as a set of logically related tasks other security requirements more specific to envi-
performed to achieve a well defined business out- ronment are being set for.
come (Gunasekaran et al., 2002). Electronic com- Security with regard to electronic payment can
merce (e-commerce) is a subset of electronic be categorized into three areas.
business (e-business). A well accepted definition
of e-commerce is that it "is the sharing of business 1. Systems security e technical infrastructure and
information, maintaining business relationships and implementation.
conducting business transactions by the means of 2. Transaction security e secure payment accord-
telecommunication networks" (Pernul et al., 1999). ing to specific and well defined rules.
E-business concepts fall in many categories 3. Legal Security e a legal frame for electronic
such as: payment.

- Business to Business (B2B)

- Business to Consumer (B2C)
- Consumer to Business (C2B) Identification of trust
- Consumer to Consumer (C2C)
- People to People (P2P) The phase of electronic payment (e-payment) is
- Government to Citizen (G2C) confidential when all phases of the process are
- Citizen to Government (C2G) capable to satisfy the needs of participants and
- Exchange to Exchange (E2E) their security expectations. A fundamental pre-
- Intra-business (Organization Unit to Organiza- requisite must be that all participants ought to
tion Unit) have absolute trust in the system that they partic-
ipate. The contraction of trust in an electronic
To all these categories, it is characteristic that payment system must take into consideration:
there are no face to face operations and all e- data, identities and role behaviour. The adoption
business transactions are performed electronically of e-commerce must consider trust and risk as
with the use of communication networks. important determinants of adoption behaviour.
An electronic-commerce transaction can be Trust has been defined as ‘‘the willingness of
categorized as a three-step process: a party to be vulnerable to the actions of another
party based on the expectation that the other will
- Search and negotiation perform a particular action important to the trustor,
- Trust path irrespective of the ability to monitor or control that
- Commitment and post-monitoring other party’’ (Mayer et al., 1995). Trust requires
a party to make a rational decision based on
The first step can identify all the security knowledge of possible rewards for trusting and not
requirements that can be applicable to the envi- trusting. Trust enables higher gains while distrust
ronment we need to establish the concepts of trust avoids potential loss (Jean Camp, 2003). ‘‘Generally,
and security. The requirements can de considered an entity can be said to ‘‘trust’’ a second entity
as follows (Spinellis et al. 1999). when it (the first entity) makes the assumption that
12 T. Tsiakis, G. Sthephanides

the second entity will behave exactly as the first The electronic transaction process takes place
entity expects’’ (X.509 ITU, 2000). via the Internet between three participants.
The purpose of modelling trust is to establish
a secure way to describe the decision of commerce 1. Client e every user of the Internet (client) can
process. A trusted environment is characterized by: be considered as a potential customer. It is
therefore imperative to establish mechanisms,
- the fact that all entities are uniquely identifi- to certificate trust and security.
able, 2. Merchant e the typical merchant is the entity
- that there is a minimum number of a priori that needs to sell his goods (products or
trusted entities, and services) to the clients. In order to achieve
- that these entities have unquestionable trust this it has to secure transaction processes so
to other participating entities. that all participants are willing to act in
a transaction.
To design for trust, it is necessary to determine 3. Bank e the action of bank is familiar of every
if, and under what conditions trust mechanisms financial organization to validate and authorize
are brittle. Security architecture presumes that transactions.
a trust model defines the trusted relationships
between all involved components. Trust services In a commercial context, a payment process
are operated by sovereign organizations that are involves a payer, a merchant and a bank. In
designed to protect consumers. Merchants con- general, the entities transacting in a payment
cede to the organization’s trust standards (these system are appointed by the specific commercial
standards cover areas such as privacy of personal relationship which by it self may depend on series
information, return policies and security policies of conditions (Asokan et al. 1997).
etc.) in order to bind to legal obligations. The electronic Payment Systems Observatory
Trust and trustworthiness are fundamental for (ePSO) defines that ‘‘electronic payment’’ or ‘‘e-
every security solution. The needs for these trust payment’’ is the transfer of an electronic means of
aspects and the means that are used to implement payment from the payer to the payee through the
it, affect the security mechanism of any commer- use of an electronic payment instrument.
cial system. But we must distinct trust form Forms of payment can be categorized as sub-
trustworthiness. Trust is an act of a trustor, in stantial (metal coinsepaper cheques) or electronic
which an entity places trust in some object (trust (credit cards), depending on the payment and the
emanates from the entity). In contrast, trustwor- transaction medium.
thiness is a characteristic of someone or something The first distinctive feature of e-payment sys-
that is the object of trust. tems is the money model.
Trust is the enabling of confidence that some-
thing will or will not occur in a predictable or - Token e when the medium of exchange
promised manner. The enabling of confidence is represents a value.
supported by identification, authentication, ac- - Notational e when a value is stored and
countability, authorization, and availability (Andert exchanged by authorization.
et al., 2002).
There are three payment protocol models:

Electronic payment (e-payment) phase - Cash, tokens that can be authenticated in-
dependently by the issuer;
Electronic payments have been reported to be the - Cheque, payment instruments whose validity
ultimate test of security and trust in e-business require reference (also called Credit/Debit
environment. The notion of payment is an inborn instrument) to the issuer;
part in any commercial transaction. The electronic - Cards, payment through existing credit card
payment (e-payment) systems do two things in mechanism.
particular: (a) emulate existing payment frame-
works from the real world or (b) schematize new A distinctive feature is the time when the
ways to execute payment transactions. Adoption monetary value is actually taken from the payer
of payment mechanisms and electronic money as attributes e-payments into:
other forms of payment depends upon trust in the
security and reliability of the system and control of - Pre-paid systems e customer’s account debited
the particular transaction. before payment;
Concept of security and trust in electronic payments 13

- Pay-now systems e customer’s account debited currently working electronic payment system
at the time of payment; meets all these properties together.
- Post-pay systems e merchant’s account
credited before customer’s account is debited.
Cryptography and PKI
Last distinctive feature, but not final, can be
considered the payment amount. A logical question arises concerning which is the
mechanism that could establish and efficiently
- Micropayments, when amount is less than 1V. implement both security and trust on Internet
- Small payments, amounts between 1V and environment, knowing that Internet is referred as
15V. ‘‘the network of networks’’; a set of intercon-
- Macropayments, when the amount is bigger nected networks, which is open, independent,
than 15V. heterogeneous and universal. It is an environment
that is driven by demand, not supply.
Knowing the concept of what e-payment is, we Cryptography represents the only way in which
can identify an ideal set of requirements and business can work comparable to traditional paper
properties that a payment system must have in based mechanisms. Cryptographic methods ought
order to be considered as trusted and secure. to be trustworthy in order to generate confidence
in the use of information and communication
systems. Cryptographic methods mainly should be
developed in response to the needs and demands
Security evaluation approach: proper- of businesses. The development of cryptographic
ties and requirements methods should be determined by the market in an
open and competitive environment. The premise
Requirements approach enables that solutions are in accordance
to technology, the demands of market and needs
1. Integrity: sureness that information has not of information and communications systems. The
been altered since the data were signed. development of standards and protocols related to
2. Authentication: persons participating in cryptographic methods should also be market
a transaction are the one they claim to be. driven.
3. Fraud prevention and tolerance: prevention of Cryptography is represented in two forms. The
parties from fraud and from financial losses in first is called symmetric or secret key cryptogra-
the case the system crashes or the network fails. phy, uses one common key for both encryption and
4. Privacy: information must not be revealed to decryption and a second named public key cryp-
unauthorized people. tography or asymmetric, uses two different keys (a
private and public) to transform plaintext into
Properties ciphertext.
In symmetric schemes the sender and recipient
1. Divisibility: possibility of multiple denomina- of data, share a single encryption key, and the
tions (if it is a token-based system). shared keys must not be revealed or exposed to
2. Transferability: spending of token without the unauthorized parties. In asymmetric schemes e
need to contact the issuer. two keys are used; a ‘‘public’’ and a ‘‘private’’
3. Double-spending prevention: prevention of key. Public keys can be freely distributed but
copied coins to spend repeatedly. recipients still require a way to know that a key
4. Payment confidentiality: payment details in- can be trusted. To certify each public key, central
cluding payer, payee, account numbers, Certification Authority (CA) is created. All cryp-
amounts, date and time must not become tography schemes are based on the concept that
known to electronic observers able to monitor only the users of the encrypted information should
network traffic. have the keys needed to decrypt it into something
5. Payment anonymity: the payee will know only understandable.
pseudonym of the payer. Public Key Cryptography (Sanderson and Forcht,
6. Payer untraceability: payment system cannot 1996) is based on the principle that the two keys
trace payer payments. should be different, but related to each other. In
a sense, they need to be inverses of one another.
We must mention that these properties are prop- This form of cryptography relies heavily upon the
erties of an ideal electronic payment system. No assumption that it is computationally infeasible to
14 T. Tsiakis, G. Sthephanides

determine the decryption key if the encryption key They are collision-free: it is computationally
and algorithm alone are known. infeasible to find two different messages that have
Public Key Cryptography is implemented using the same hash.
trap-door one-way mathematical functions (Mao, They are one-way: given a message hash, it is
2004). These are functions which are easy to computationally infeasible to find any message
calculate in one direction but infeasible to calcu- with the same hash value.
late in the other direction unless certain additional A product of Public Key Cryptography is the
parameters are known. With additional informa- digital signature (equivalent to a hand written
tion, the inverse can be calculated easily. Encryp- signature) that both authenticates and guarantees
tion is the easy direction, decryption is hard. that the message is original and is being sent by
A trap-door function fk has the following prop- the person it was originally supposed to be sent
erties, from. Digital signature involves the reverse process
of the encryption. The data are encrypted with the
YZfk ðXÞ easy to calculate private key of an entity and anyone can decrypt it
using the public key; since a public key can only
XZfk1 ðYÞ easy to calculate if k is known decrypt the data from a corresponding private key,
the identity of the sender is verified. Typical
Intractable problem if k is not known digital signatures attempt to solve the problem
Infeasible means that the problem cannot be of tampering and impersonation.
solved in deterministic polynomial time and since The primary purpose is to discuss PKI (Public Key
the parameters are large and the time that Infrastructure e comprises a complex infrastruc-
indicates the problem to solve will be very large. ture of hardware, software, networks, security
All commonly used Public Key encryption tech- procedures public key encryption techniques, pol-
niques are based on mathematical functions which icies and procedures for distribution and manage-
are easy to compute, and hard to invert ment of certificates, a group solution for key
distribution problems; Benantar, 2001) in a busi-
ness environment and how it addresses the trust
RSA Easy e integer multiplication issues inherent in business models. Unlike other
Hard e factorisation of underling technical mechanisms, cryptography
composite number scopes are to assure specific things not to happen.
DiffieeHellman Easy e exponentiation That means that the functionality of a system
(raising to a power) experimentally proven fails hand and foot.
Hard e discrete logarithms
PKI is a business enabling initiative. It provides
Merkle’s Knapsacks Easy e increasing knapsacks
a means for both trusted digital identity verifica-
Hard e general knapsacks
tion and data encryption in transit. In e-business
we want to establish relationships and identify the
A hash algorithm (also named hash value or parties (Adams and Lloyd, 2002). Certificates
a message digest) is a data transformation derived address the problem to verify the identity of the
from a key-based cryptography (symmetric key or parties exchanging encrypted information over
public key). A hash is a unique representation of internet.
a text but smaller in size as compared to the In the public key technology, an essential pro-
original document. A hash is the conversion of cess for establishing a trust relationship is for the
a piece of data of any length into a non-reversible first entity to import a public key from the second
fixed-length number by applying a one-way math- one and protect its integrity for storage or com-
ematical function. The length of the resulting hash munication to other entities. The entity that
value is large enough to make the chances of imports the public key is known as the relying
finding two pieces of data with the same hash party (intends to rely upon the public key) for
value insignificant. The sender generates a hash of protecting the successional exchange with the key-
the message, encrypts it and sends it within the holder (the entity from whom the key is imported).
message. The recipient next, decrypts both the E-commerce and e-business as a whole involves
message and the hash, producing another hash transmit of digital information between parties in
from the received message, and compares the two a business context that needs to be sure that
hashes. If they are the same, the probability that guarantees are offered for:
the message was transmitted intact is extremely
high. It is scrutable that hash functions have the - the identity of the parties;
following properties. - the information transmitted has not changed;
Concept of security and trust in electronic payments 15

- the confidentiality of the information in tran- References

- protection against denial of transaction by one Adams Carlisle, Lloyd Steve. Understanding PKI: concepts,
of the parties (non-repudiation). standards, and deployment considerations. 2nd ed. Addison-
Wesley; 2002.
These four tenets are intellectual statedly in Andert Donna, Wakefield Robin, Weise Joel. Professional
services security practice. Sun BluePrints OnLined
traditional business transactions. Only a mecha- December 2002.
nism as PKI is capable of standardizing the means Asokan N, Janson Phil, Steiner Michael, Waidner Michael.
of electronic payments and offering assureness, Electronic payment systems. This work was partially
reliability and trustworthiness. supported by the Swiss Federal Department for Education
Each approach has advantages; symmetric en- and Science in the context of the ACTS Project AC026,
SEMPER; 1997 !http://www.semper.orgO.
cryption is faster than asymmetric, but distributing Aura Tuomas, Gollmann Dieter. Communications security on the
a symmetric key is more involved than distributing Internet. Software Focus 2001;2(1):104e11.
a public key from an asymmetric scheme. Until Benantar M. The internet public key infrastructure. IBM Systems
now, despite of the improvements both in algo- Journal 2001;40(3).
rithms and in computing equipment, public key Electronic payment systems observatory (ePSO), !http://www.
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computation time and in hardware, memory and commerce and its impact on operations management.
communications bandwidth. Therefore, they are International Journal of Production Economics 2002;75:
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of data such as secret encryption keys for the Jean Camp L. In: Designing for trust. LNAI 2631;2003. p. 15e29.
Mayer R, Davis J, Schooman F. An integrative model of
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2001). 1995;20(3):709e34.
Mao Wenbo. Modern cryptography: theory and practice. Prentice
Hall; 2004.
Conclusion Pernul Günther, W. Röhm Alexander, Herrmann Gaby. Trust for
electronic commerce transactions, third east-European con-
Building up a new payment system or an infra- ference on advances in databases and information systems
(ADBIS’99), Maribor, Slovenia; September 13e16, 1999.
structure of trust for secure transaction is escorted
Sanderson Ethan, A. Karen Forcht. Information security in
with a significant amount of investments. These business environments. Information Management and Com-
investments will compose a worthy return only and puter Security 1996;32e7.
if only the new infrastructure is widely used. Spinellis D, Kokolakis S, Gritzalis S. Security requirements, risks
Meaning that the hazards of security and trust and recommendations for small enterprise and home-office
environments. Information Management and Computer
have been confronted with a high level of success.
Security 1999;121e8.
For public key systems to work properly in the X.509 ITU-T Recommendation X.509. Information technology,
public domain the public key must be freely open systems interconnection e the directory: public-key
accessible and also both senders and receivers and attribute certificate frameworks; 2000.
must have a reliable way of designating that public
Theodosios Tsiakis is a Research Assistant teaching Introduction
keys are the keys of parties with whom they wish
to Computer Science and Cryptography in the University of
to transact. This can be concluded directly if the Macedonia, Department of Applied Informatics. His main research
parties are familiar or a formal mechanism to interests are financial cryptography and trust management.
certify keys is established. This sceptic leads to
two forms of solutions: Web of trust e based on George Stephanides is an Assistant Professor similarly in the
University of Macedonia, Department of Applied Informatics
pre-existing relationships (informal type) between
teaching Object Oriented Programming, Computational Mathe-
parties, and Certificate authorities e creation of matics, Cryptography and Algorithms. His scientific research
relationship (formal method) achieved by means focuses on computational number theory, cryptography and
of PKI. computer programming.

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