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JAMDA xxx (2019) 1e8

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Original Study

Physical Exercise Improves Function in Acutely Hospitalized Older

Patients: Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Clinical Trial
Mikel L. Sáez de Asteasu Msc a, b, c, Nicolás Martínez-Velilla PhD, MD a, b, c, d,
Fabricio Zambom-Ferraresi PhD b, c, Álvaro Casas-Herrero PhD, MD b, c, d,
Alejandro Lucía PhD MD c, e, f, Arkaitz Galbete PhD b, Mikel Izquierdo PhD a, b, c, *
Department of Health Sciences, Public University of Navarra, Pamplona, Navarra, Spain
Navarrabiomed, IdiSNA, Navarra Institute for Health Research, Pamplona, Navarra, Spain
CIBER of Frailty and Healthy Aging (CIBERFES), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain
Geriatric Department, Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra (CHN), Pamplona, Navarra, Spain
Faculty of Sport Sciences, Universidad Europea de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Research Institute of the Hospital 12 de Octubre (‘iþ12ʼ), Madrid, Spain

a b s t r a c t

Keywords: Objectives: To evaluate the effects of an exercise intervention on physical function, maximal muscle
Functional decline strength, and muscle power in very old hospitalized patients.
hospitalization Design: In a randomized controlled trial, 130 hospitalized patients were allocated to an exercise inter-
vention (n ¼ 65) or a control group (n ¼ 65). The intervention consisted of a multicomponent exercise
training program performed during 5-7 consecutive days (2 sessions/d). The usual care group received
habitual hospital care, which included physical rehabilitation when needed.
Setting and participants: Acute care for elderly unit. Older adults age >75 years.
Measures: Physical function, assessed with the Short Physical Performance Battery test and the Gait
Velocity Test (GVT), were the primary endpoints. The GVT was also administered under dual-task con-
ditions (ie, verbal and arithmetic GVT). The functional tasks were recorded using an inertial sensor unit
to determine the movement pattern. The secondary endpoints were maximal muscle strength and
muscle power output.
Results: The exercise intervention program provided significant benefits over usual care. At discharge
(primary time point), the exercise group showed a mean increase of 1.7 points in the Short Physical
Performance Battery scale (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.98, 2.42) and 0.14 m$s-1 in the GVT (95% CI
0.086, 0.194) over the usual care group. The intervention also improved the verbal (0.151; 95% CI 0.119,
0.184 vs 0.001; 95% CI e0.025, 0.033 in the control group) and arithmetic GVT (0.115; 95% CI 0.077,
0.153 vs 0.004; 95% CI e0.044, 0.035). Significant benefits were also observed in the intervention group
in movement pattern, as well as in muscle strength and muscle power.
Conclusions and implications: An individualized multicomponent exercise training program improves
physical function, maximal muscle strength, and muscle power in acutely hospitalized older patients.
These findings support the importance of physical exercise for avoiding the loss of physical functional
capacity that frequently occurs during hospitalization in older adults.
Ó 2019 AMDA e The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine.

The loss of physical functional capacity that commonly occurs in those that are frail, frequently have low levels of functional reserves,
older patients during acute hospitalization is not only caused by the which increases their vulnerability to the adverse consequences of
disease condition that causes hospitalization.1 Older adults, especially acute hospitalization and frequently leads to an incomplete recovery
of the preadmission physical function,2 new disability,3 or even
continued functional decline.4
The authors declare no conflicts of interest. Healthcare systems are still poorly adapted to older patients with
ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT02300896 frailty, disability, multimorbidity, and polypharmacy,5,6 with low in-
* Address correspondence to Mikel Izquierdo, PhD, Department of Health Sci-
hospital mobility being directly associated with functional deteriora-
ences, Public University of Navarra, Av De Barañain s/n 31008 Pamplona Navarra,
Spain. tion at discharge and, even more so, at follow-up.7,8 In this context,
E-mail address: mikel.izquierdo@gmail.com (M. Izquierdo). exercise and early rehabilitation play an essential role to prevent

1525-8610/Ó 2019 AMDA e The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine.
2 M.L. Sáez de Asteasu et al. / JAMDA xxx (2019) 1e8

functional and cognitive impairment during hospitalization in older team. Exclusion criteria included expected length of stay <6 days,
patients.9,10 Yet, only a few randomized controlled trials (RCTs) have very severe cognitive decline (ie, Global Deterioration Scale
examined the potential benefits of exercise training for acutely hos- score ¼ 7), terminal illness, uncontrolled arrhythmias, acute pul-
pitalized older patients, and the effects of in-hospital exercise inter- monary embolism and myocardial infarction, or extremity bone
vention on physical function are uncertain.11,12 fracture in the past 3 months.
Gait is the central component of a patient’s functional ability to After the baseline assessment was performed, participants were
perform basic activities of daily living (ADLs).12 Yet, assessment of randomly assigned following a 1:1 ratio, without restrictions. The
functional performance during ADLs (eg, the ability to rise from a randomization sequence was generated using www.randomizer.org.
chair) is currently limited to performance time measurements, The assessment staff were blinded to the main study design and
potentially missing important information about the test subtasks. In group allocation. Participants were explicitly informed and
this regard, modern body-fixed sensors based on accelerometers and reminded not to discuss their randomization assignment with the
gyroscopes allow the objective assessment of physical function in assessment staff.
clinical practice.13e15
The main aim of the present study was to analyze the effects of a Intervention
multicomponent exercise training intervention on lower-limb
mobility function during ADLs in older adults during stay in an The usual care group received habitual hospital care, which
acute care for elderly (ACE) unit. We hypothesized that the afore- included physical rehabilitation when needed. The exercise
mentioned intervention would improve patient’s lower-limb mobility training was programmed in 2 daily sessions (morning and eve-
function, as well as maximal muscle strength and muscle power ning) of 20 minutes duration during 5e7 consecutive days
output of lower limbs. (including weekends) supervised by an experienced fitness
specialist. Adherence to the exercise intervention program was
Methods documented in a daily register. A session was considered
completed when 90% of the programmed exercises were suc-
Design cessfully performed.
Each session was performed in a room equipped ad hoc in the
The study is a secondary analysis of a RCT (NCT02300896) per- geriatric acute care unit. Exercises were adapted from the multi-
formed according to the SPIRIT 2013 and the CONSORT statement for component physical exercise program “Vivifrail” to prevent weak-
transparent reporting.16,17 Differing with the previous analysis,18,19 in ness and falls.20 Different physical functional capacity levels were
this study other physical function tasks [ie, Gait Velocity Test (GVT) determined based on the scores obtained from the Short Physical
including dual-tasks], and muscle performance endpoints such as Performance Battery (SPPB) test and customized multicomponent
lower limbs maximal muscle strength and muscle power output were physical exercise program was prescribed for each patient (A, B, C1,
included. In addition, movement pattern during ADLs was analyzed C2, and D). The morning sessions included individualized super-
using an inertial sensor unit at admission and discharge. It was con- vised progressive resistance, balance, and walking-training exer-
ducted in the ACE unit of the Department of Geriatrics in a tertiary cises. The resistance exercises were tailored to the individual’s
public hospital (Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra, Spain). This physical functional capacity using variable resistance training ma-
department has 35 beds allocated and its staff is composed of 8 ger- chines (Matrix, Johnson Health Tech, Ibérica, SL, Torrejón de Ardoz,
iatricians (distributed in the ACE unit, orthogeriatrics, and outpatient Spain and Exercycle SL, BHGroup, Vitoria, Spain) aiming at 2e3 sets
consultations). Admissions in the ACE unit derive mainly from the of 8e10 repetitions with a load equivalent to 30%e60% of the esti-
Accident and Emergency Department, with heart failure and pulmo- mated 1-repetition maximum (1RM).18,19 Participants performed 3
nary and infectious diseases being the main causes of admissions. exercises involving mainly lower-limb muscles (squats rising from a
When the disability generated by the pathology that caused admission chair, leg press, and bilateral knee extension) and one involving the
in the ACE unit requires long-term care, patients are usually referred upper-body musculature (seated bench “chest” press). They were
to another, medium-stay hospital. instructed to perform the exercises at a high speed to optimize
Acutely hospitalized patients who met inclusion criteria were muscle power output, and care was taken to ensure proper exercise
randomly assigned to the intervention or control (usual care) group execution. Balance and gait retraining exercises gradually pro-
within the first 48 hours of admission. Usual care is offered to the gressed in difficulty and included the following: side-by-side, semi-
patient by the geriatricians of our department and consists of standard tandem, and tandem foot standing (at first 10 seconds and progress
physiotherapy focused on walking exercises for restoring the func- to 30), line walking, stepping practice, walking with small obstacles,
tionality conditioned by potentially reversible pathologies. A formal proprioceptive exercises on unstable surfaces (foam pads sequence),
exercise prescription was not provided at study entry, and patients altering the base of support, and weight transfer from one leg to the
were instructed to continue with the current activity practices other. These exercises were performed 3 times the first day, and the
through the duration of the study. The study followed the principles of goal was to increase until 8 times per session during the hospital-
the Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the institutional ization increasing the difficulty (eg, changing the arms position,
Clinical Research Ethics Committee (Pyto 23/2014). All patients or closing eyes). The evening session consisted of functional un-
their legal representatives provided written consent. supervised exercises using light-loads (ie, 0.5e1 kg anklets and
hand-grip ball), such as knee extension/flexion, hip abduction, and
Participants and Randomization daily walking in the corridor of the acute care unit with a duration
based on the clinical physical exercise guide “Vivifrail.”20 Consid-
The participants were acute hospitalized older medical patients ering the unsupervised progressive resistance training, 2e3 sets of
recruited within the first 48 hours of admission to the ACE by the 10 repetitions were performed with a load that patients could
geriatricians. Later, a trained research assistant conducted a perform the exercise without interruptions at least 30 times but
screening interview to determine whether potentially eligible pa- with a certain degree of effort to complete the activity. Patients
tients met the following inclusion criteria: age 75 years, Barthel were also advised to walk, with help if necessary at usual walking
Index score 60 points, being able to ambulate (with/without pace, increasing progressively the duration of walks during the
assistance), and to communicate and collaborate with the research hospitalization.
M.L. Sáez de Asteasu et al. / JAMDA xxx (2019) 1e8 3

Recruited in the main RCT

n = 370

n = 41 drop out.
n = 199 did not have
movement pattern
assessment in functional

Underwent randomization
(n = 130)

Allocated to control (usual care) group Allocated to intervention group

(n = 65) (n = 65)

Discontinued the study: Discontinued the study:

Refused to continue (n = 2) Refused to continue (n = 2)
Clinical worsening (n = 2) Clinical worsening (n = 4)
Transferred to another Transferred to another department
department (n = 1) (n = 1)
Early discharge (n = 3) Early discharge (n = 2)
Died during hospitalization Died during hospitalization
(n = 1) (n = 1)

Discharged from hospital Discharged from hospital

(n = 65) (n = 65 )

Fig. 1. Study flow diagram.

Table 1
Baseline Characteristics of the Patients
Variable Control Group Exercise Group
(n ¼ 65) (n ¼ 65) As soon as the clinician in charge of the patient considered that the
Age, y 86  5 88  4 patient’s hemodynamic situation was acceptable, and the patient
Men/women 33/32 33/32 could collaborate, the following endpoints were assessed and the
BMI, kg/m2 27  6 27  4 intervention was started. Endpoints were also assessed on the day of
Education, %
<12 y 11 21
12 y 89 79 The primary endpoint was change in physical function during
Length of stay, median (IQR) 6 (1) 6 (0) hospitalization (ie, from admission to discharge) as assessed with the
Barthel Index score, points 86  15 86  15 SPPB and the 6-meter GVT (including also the GVT under dual-task
Falls last year, %
conditions). Secondary endpoints were maximal muscle strength
0 34 26
1e2 40 42 and muscle power output during leg press exercise.
>2 20 26
No data available 6 6 SPPB, 6-meter GVT, and dual-task gait
Cognition (MMSE score), points 23  4 22  5 The SPPB includes usual walking speed over 4 meters, a balance
CIRS-G 13  4 12  5
Admission reason (type of disease), %
test, and the Five Times Sit to Stand Test (FTSST), with the sum of the 3
Pulmonary 36 35 individual categorical scores yielding the final SPPB score (range
Cardiovascular 18 18 points: 0, worst to 12, best).21 For the 6-meter GVT, patients were
Infectious 11 15 instructed to walk at their self-selected usual pace on a smooth,
Gastrointestinal 9 11
horizontal walkway. In addition to the habitual GVT, 2 different dual-
Neurologic 5 5
Other 21 16 task gait tests were performed, the arithmetic GVT and verbal GVT, in
which gait velocity was measured while the participants counted
BMI, body mass index; CIRS-G, Cumulative Illness Rating Scale for Geriatrics; GDS,
Geriatric Depression Scale; IQR, interquartile range; MMSE, Mini-Mental State Ex-
backward aloud from 100 down to 1 or named animals aloud,
amination. respectively. The results of the functional tasks were recorded using
Data are presented as mean  SD unless otherwise indicated. an inertial sensor unit (Xsens MTx, Xsens Technologies BV, Enschede,
4 M.L. Sáez de Asteasu et al. / JAMDA xxx (2019) 1e8

Table 2
Results of Study Endpoints by Group

Control Group Exercise Group Between-Group Difference (95% CI) P Value between Groups

Primary Endpoints
SPPB, total score 0.3 (0.2, 0.8) 2.0 (1.5, 2.5) 1.7 (1.0, 2.4) <.001
Balance score 0.2 (e 0.1, 0.5) 0.7 (0.4, 1.0) 0.5 (0.1, 1.0) .012
Gait ability score 0.1 (e 0.1, 0.4) 0.5 (0.3, 0.7) 0.3 (0.0, 0.7) .038
Leg strength score 0.1 (0.2, 0.3) 0.9 (0.6, 1.1) 0.8 (0.4, 1.2) <.001
GVT, m$s1 0.0 (0.0, 0.0) 0.1 (0.1, 0.2) 0.1 (0.1, 0.2) <.001
Verbal GVT, m$s1 0.0 (0.0, 0.0) 0.2 (0.1, 0.2) 0.2 (0.1, 0.2) <.001
Arithmetic GVT, m$s1 0.0 (0.0, 0.0) 0.1 (0.1, 0.2) 0.1 (0.1, 0.2) <.001
Secondary Endpoints
Bilateral leg press 1RM, kg 1.8 (6.8, 3.2) 15.0 (10.9, 19.1) 16.8 (10.4, 23.3) <.001
PW50, watts 1.1 (13.5, 15.8) 31.0 (20.9, 41.1) 29.9 (12.1, 47.7) .002

PW50, leg power at an intensity of 50% of 1RM test.

Data in each group are expressed as change from baseline (admission) to discharge (mean and 95% CI).

The Netherlands) attached over the lumbar spine (L3) to record the comparisons were 2-sided, with a significance level of 0.05. MATLAB and
acceleration data. The sampling rate of these recorded data was Statistics Toolbox Release 2013b (Mathworks, Inc, Natick, MA) software
100 Hz. was used for the data analysis and IBM-SPSS v 20 software (SPSS Inc,
Chicago, IL) for the statistical analysis.
Movement pattern in functional tasks
The measured gait parameters, which have been related to gait Results
disorders22e24 in frail older adults,25,26 were as follows: stride regu-
larity, gait symmetry, and gait variability. The measurements were The study flow diagram is shown in Figure 1. In total, 370 hospi-
obtained for 3 directions: anterior-posterior, medio-lateral, and ver- talized older adults were recruited in the RCT.18,19 Baseline de-
tical. The validity of an evaluation index of the anterior-posterior, mographic and clinical characteristics of the participants included in
medio-lateral, and vertical directions of trunk acceleration this secondary analysis (N ¼ 130) are presented in Table 1. The median
compared with traditional force platforms during walking has been length of hospital stay was 6 days in both intervention and control
previously investigated.27 groups. The number of completed morning and evening sessions per
Chair stand ability from a seated position was analyzed based on patient in the intervention group averaged 5  1 and 4  1, respec-
the methodological process described in previous studies.28,29 The tively. Mean adherence to the intervention was 98  5% for the
FTSST was divided into 3 different phases to assess the movement- morning sessions (ie, 286 completed sessions of 292 total possible
related parameters of each sit-stand-sit cycle: impulse, sit-to-stand, sessions) and 83  32% for the evening sessions (197 of 237). There
and stand-to-sit. Once these 3 different phases were identified, we were no adverse events related to the intervention, and no patient had
analyzed the peak of power value of the sit-to-stand phase. to interrupt the exercise training or had their hospital stay modified
because of the study protocol.
Maximal dynamic muscle strength and muscle power output of the The primary analyses showed that the exercise intervention pro-
lower limbs gram provided a significant benefit over usual care. At discharge (ie, at
Maximal dynamic strength was measured based on the results of a the primary time point), the exercise group showed a mean increase of
1RM reached in bilateral leg press exercise (Exercycle SL, BHGroup) as 1.7 points in the SPPB scale (95% CI 0.98, 2.42) over the usual care
follows. After 1RM values were determined, the participants per- group (Table 2 and Figure 2). We also found significant differences
formed 10 repetitions at the maximal possible velocity at intensities of between groups in change from admission to discharge in the SPPB
50% of 1RM to determine the maximum power in the propulsive scale expressed as separate subtask scores (all P < .05, Table 2). Pa-
phase. The power output was recorded by connecting a velocity tients in the intervention group showed improvements at discharge
transducer to the weight plates (T-Force System, Ergotech, Murcia, compared with baseline in physical function as measured by the GVT
Spain). (including both dual-task conditions, verbal GVT and arithmetic GVT),
whereas no such trend was found in the control group (Table 2 and
Statistical Analyses Figure 2). Significant differences between groups were also observed
in all the secondary outcomes related to maximal muscle strength and
All analyses were performed by “intention-to-treat” approach. power output (all P < .01, Table 2 and Figure 2).
Between-group comparisons of continuous variables were conducted Regarding the physical function tasks analyzed by the inertial
using linear mixed models. Time was treated as a categorical variable. sensor unit, significant differences between groups were found for the
The models included group, time, and group by time interaction as fixed time to complete the FTSST as well as for the peak of power during the
effects and participants as random effect. For each group, data are sit-to-stand phase (all P < .05, Table 3). Significant differences be-
expressed as change from baseline (admission) to discharge, determined tween groups in the walking pattern after the intervention are pre-
by the time coefficients [95% confidence interval (CI)] of the model. The sented in Table 3. Patients in the intervention group improved gait
primary conclusions about effectiveness of exercise intervention were performance in terms of gait regularity and symmetry in the GVT and
based on between-group comparisons of change in physical function dual-task at discharge compared with admission values, whereas such
from baseline (beginning of the intervention) to hospital discharge, as improvements were not observed in the control group.
assessed with the SPPB and the GVT (including both dual-task condi-
tions) and determined by the time by group interaction coefficients of Discussion
the model. Comparisons between groups of secondary endpoints were
also performed using the same statistical method. Normality of data was The main findings of the present study were the enhancements
checked graphically and through the Kolmogorov Smirnov test. All achieved in the physical function endpoints (ie, SPPB, GVT, and
M.L. Sáez de Asteasu et al. / JAMDA xxx (2019) 1e8 5

# #

10 0,6

Change in SPPB (points)

Change in GVT (m/s)

4 0,2


-2 -0,2

Control group Intervention group Control group Intervention group
-8 -0,6

# #
0,6 0,6

0,4 0,4
Change in vGVT (m/s)

Change in aGVT (m/s)

0,2 0,2

0,0 0,0

-0,2 -0,2

-0,4 -0,4

Control group Intervention group Control group Intervention group

-0,6 -0,6
# *
80 200
Change in maximal muscle strength (kg)

Change in muscle power output (was)




-40 -50

-60 Control group Intervention group Control group Intervention group -100

Fig. 2. Box plot showing within group changes from baseline to discharge in the SPPB test, GVT including verbal (vGVT) and arithmetic (aGVT) dual-task conditions, and maximal
dynamic muscle strength and muscle power output during bilateral leg press exercise. #P < .001 *P < .01.

dual-task GVT), maximal strength, and muscle power output in older those patients. First, the poor health status of hospitalized older pa-
adults admitted in an ACE after a median of only 5 days of multi- tients upon admission may improve with the proper management of
component exercise training. In addition, there were improvements in their acute disease. Second, the length of hospital stay was lower than
movement pattern in different physical function tasks in the exercise in other studies that have investigated the functional consequences of
training group compared with the control group after the hospitalization in the elderly.7,31 Finally, the older adults were
intervention. admitted to an acute geriatric ward in which comprehensive and
Acute illness requiring hospitalization is often a sentinel event for multidisciplinary protocols are already established, and physical
many older adults,30,31 and loss of physical functional capacity is one function recovery is the main objective to prevent iatrogenic
of the negative short-term consequences of bed rest during hospital disability.5,32
stay.1 In our study, however, short-term hospitalization did not have a Recent evidence has failed to support the physical function bene-
major impact on physical function in the control group. Several rea- fits of a mobility program consisting on ambulation and a behavioral
sons could explain the maintenance of physical functional capacity in strategy to encourage mobilization in this population.33 In agreement
6 M.L. Sáez de Asteasu et al. / JAMDA xxx (2019) 1e8

Table 3
Movement Pattern in the FTSST and Walking Tests by Group

Control Group Exercise Group Between-Group Differences (95%CI) P Value between Groups

Time, s 2.4 (4.9, 0.2) 6.3 (8.7, 3.9) 4.0 (7.5, 0.5) .029
Repetitions, n 0.0 (0.5, 0.4) 0.3 (0.1, 0.7) 0.3 (0.2, 0.9) .258
Sit-to-stand phase
Peak power, W$kg 0.1 (0.4, 0.2) 0.4 (0.1, 0.7) 0.5 (0.1, 0.9) .021
Stride regularity
AP 0.05 (0.00, 0.10) 0.05 (0.00, 0.10) 0.00 (0.07, 0.07) .986
ML 0.06 (0.01, 0.10) 0.02 (0.03, 0.07) 0.04 (0.11, 0.03) .282
V 0.03 (0.01, 0.07) 0.10 (0.06, 0.14) 0.07 (0.01, 0.1) .029
AP 0.01 (0.08, 0.06) 0.01 (0.06, 0.07) 0.02 (0.07, 0.11) .687
ML 0.04 (0.11, 0.03) 0.01 (0.06, 0.08) 0.05 (0.05, 0.15) .340
V 0.03 (0.03, 1.00) 0.09 (0.15, 0.02) 0.12 (0.21, 0.03) .012
CoV step time 0.03 (0.05, 0.01) 0.05 (0.07, 0.03) 0.02 (0.05, 0.01) .283
Verbal GVT
Stride regularity
AP 0.02 (0.04, 0.07) 0.06 (0.00, 0.11) 0.04 (0.04, 0.12) .281
ML 0.01 (0.05, 0.06) 0.01 (0.05, 0.07) 0.01 (0.08, 0.09) .901
V 0.05 (0.01, 0.11) 0.02 (0.03, 0.07) 0.03 (0.10, 0.03) .392
AP 0.01 (0.08, 0.06) 0.08 (0.14, 0.01) 0.07 (0.16,0.03) .173
ML 0.01 (0.06, 0.08) 0.05 (0.02, 0.11) 0.03 (0.06, 0.13) .508
V 0.01 (0.08, 0.07) 0.00 (0.07, 0.08) 0.01 (0.09, 0.12) .809
CoV step time 0.03 (0.05, 0.00) 0.05 (0.07, 0.02) 0.02 (0.05, 0.02) .320
Arithmetic GVT
Stride regularity
AP 0.03 (0.03, 0.08) 0.08 (0.03,0.14) 0.06 (0.02, 0.13) .143
ML 0.01 (0.06, 0.04) 0.00 (0.05, 0.05) 0.01 (0.06, 0.08) .690
V 0.02 (0.01, 0.06) 0.08 (0.04, 0.11) 0.06 (0.01, 0.11) .031
AP 0.04 (0.03, 0.11) 0.10 (0.16, 0.03) 0.14 (0.24, 0.04) .008
ML 0.03 (0.04, 0.11) 0.03 (0.10, 0.04) 0.07 (0.16, 0.03) .196
V 0.02 (0.05, 0.10) 0.01 (0.08, 0.07) 0.03 (0.14, 0.07) .541
CoV step time 0.01 (0.04, 0.02) 0.03 (0.06, 0.00) 0.02 (0.07, 0.02) .355

AP, anterior-posterior; CoV, coefficient of variability; ML, medio-lateral; V, vertical.

Data in each group are expressed as change from baseline (admission) to discharge (mean and 95% CI).

with previous studies, however, our results indicate that a more control group. Among these parameters, peak power improvement at
complete exercise training intervention including walking and other discharge in the intervention group is the cornerstone for counter-
training modalities such as resistance (power) and balance training acting the age-related physical function decline.35,43e46 This unique
could represent an optimal treatment strategy to improve physical finding has major implications for clinical practice, first because
functional capacity in acutely hospitalized older adults. Indeed, it skeletal muscle power decreases earlier and faster than muscle
seems that multicomponent exercise training is the most effective strength with advancing age, and second because muscle power
intervention for improving overall physical outcomes in frail older output is a more discriminant predictor of physical functional capacity
adults, including muscle strength and power output, and for pre- in older adults.43,47,48 Functional ability, and the maintenance of au-
venting disability and other adverse events associated with tonomy and independence, is the starting point of healthy aging, a
aging.34e38 On the other hand, although the beneficial effects of ex- term established by the World Health Organization in its first world
ercise training on physical function in the general older population are report on aging and health.49 In agreement with the World Health
well established, the evidence is less definitive regarding cognitive Organization framework, our results indicate that multicomponent
gains, at least in hospitalized older people. In our study, significant exercise training, with special emphasis on muscle power training, is
differences were observed between groups in changes at discharge the intervention of choice for maintaining physical function and
compared with admission in both dual-task gait performance and avoiding a trajectory toward frailty/disability in acutely hospitalized
movement-related parameters. The findings support that multicom- older adults, and exercise prescription should be considered as a front-
ponent exercise training may produce the most positive effects on line treatment to prevent hospital-acquired iatrogenic disability.
cognitive function in older adults.39,40 Our study has some limitations, including mainly the patient’s
Regarding the issue of physical function assessment in hospitalized difficulty for completing all the measurements at both hospital
patients, different screening tools are available to identify older adults admission and discharge. Notably, only 9% of the participants were
at risk for physical function decline during hospitalization and after able to achieve the full-tandem position in both assessments. Other
discharge.41,42 However, there is currently no “gold standard” for possible limitations were the small sample size and that only older
measuring functional trajectory during hospitalization. In this regard, patients with relatively good functional ability at preadmission (ie,
we used an innovative inertial sensor unit to analyze changes in Barthel Index score 60 points) were included in the RCT; thus, the
lower-limb mobility function tasks, including walking and rising from results may not be generalizable to the entire hospitalized older
a chair. Concerning the ability to stand from a seated position, patients population. Also, we did not collect functional data prior to the acute
in the intervention group improved the performance at discharge illness. However, functional ability was indirectly measured 2 weeks
compared with admission, whereas lower values were observed in the prior to admission with the Barthel Index score at baseline. In turn, our
M.L. Sáez de Asteasu et al. / JAMDA xxx (2019) 1e8 7

study has several strengths. An innovative exercise training program 15. Boonstra MC, van der Slikke RM, Keijsers NL, et al. The accuracy of measuring
the kinematics of rising from a chair with accelerometers and gyroscopes.
of a few days (ie, 5  1 and 4  1 morning and evening sessions,
J Biomech 2006;39:354e358.
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