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Adarsh Gahlaut, Asst. Prof., SIMT Kashipur November 3, 2020

3. Social/Cultural (Neo-Freudian) Theories

 Several of Freud’s colleagues disagreed from his view of


 These Neo-Freudians believed that social and cultural variables,

are fundamental to the formation and development of an
individual’s personality.

Adarsh Gahlaut, Asst. Prof., SIMT Kashipur November 3, 2020

 Carl Jung’s Theory

 He believed that an individual’s culture created an accumulation of

shared memories from the past such as caring mother, heroes and old
wise men.
 He called these shared memories “Archetypes”.
 Based on this he identified four types of personality such as –
1. Sensing-Thinking Personality
2. Sensing-Feeling Personality
3. Intuiting-Thinking Personality
4. Intuiting-Feeling Personality

Adarsh Gahlaut, Asst. Prof., SIMT Kashipur November 3, 2020

 Two dimensions to understand personality
 Sensation and intuitions
 Thinking and feeling
 Sensation
 Consumer is particular about accuracy and objectivity in collecting and
processing data regarding a product or service
 Intuition
 Consumer seeks an overview of all the information and trusts his instincts
 Thinking
 Consumer emphasizes or focuses on taking a logical decision that is
rational and acceptable at all times
 Feeling
 Consumer takes the decision subjectively

Adarsh Gahlaut, Asst. Prof., SIMT Kashipur November 3, 2020

1. Sensing-Thinking Personality :
Individuals with this personality type make rational, objective decisions.
They are logical and empirical in their approach, are inclined to be highly
involved, extensive problem solving orientation, are price-sensitive and
avoid any risks.

2. Sensing-Feeling Personality :
They are moved by personal values rather than logic and believe in
personal experience. They follow a “subjective” orientation in making
decisions, are inclined to consider others when making a decision and
share risks. They are status-conscious and have short-term perspective in

Adarsh Gahlaut, Asst. Prof., SIMT Kashipur November 3, 2020

3. Intuiting-Thinking Personality :
Such Individuals take a broad view of their own situation and the world.
Though they heavily rely on imagination and consider a wider range of
options, yet use logic in making decisions. Such individuals are not averse
to taking risks while making decisions and their perspective in long-term.

4. Intuiting-Feeling Personality :
Their view of personal situations or world is broad. They use imagination
in considering a wide range of options in making a decision, are quite
likely to consider others’ views and show least sensitivity towards prices.
They are also inclined to seek novelty, take risks and their time horizon is
indefinite in making decisions.

Adarsh Gahlaut, Asst. Prof., SIMT Kashipur November 3, 2020

 View of Karen Horney

 Karen Horney was particularly concerned with individual’s efforts to

reduce tensions, such as anxiety.
 She proposed that individuals can be classified into three personality
groups -
 Those who move toward people ( Compliant )
 Those who move against people ( Aggressive )
 Those who move away from the others ( Detached )

Adarsh Gahlaut, Asst. Prof., SIMT Kashipur November 3, 2020


CAD Factors Related Traits Marketer’s Strategy

Need for love, affection, Marketer needs to inform him about his
Compliant approval, appreciated product and its uses and relate it to his
social affiliations.

Need for power, admiration, Marketer has to appeal to him i.e. he

strength, desire to excel should project that unique or innovative
Aggressive feature of the product that establishes its

Suspicious of people, Marketers has to try and win the

introvert, desire confidence, through ads that show facts
Detached independence, self- and statistics to prove the product’s
sufficiency, freedom from credibility

Adarsh Gahlaut, Asst. Prof., SIMT Kashipur November 3, 2020

 Alfred Adler and Harry Stack Sullivan Views

 Alfred Adler viewed human beings as striving to attain various

rational goals, which he referred as style of life.
 He also stressed that children develop the feelings of inferiority and
as adults their foremost goal is to win over these feelings i.e. by
striving for superiority.
 Harry Stack Sullivan stressed that human beings continuously
attempt to establish significant and rewarding relationships with
others that serves as the fundamental factor in shaping up an
individual’s personality.

Adarsh Gahlaut, Asst. Prof., SIMT Kashipur November 3, 2020

4. Trait Theory

 A quantitative approach to the personality theory

 Personality of a person depends on his or her inherent ‘TRAITS’
 A Trait is ‘any distinguishing, relatively enduring way in which one
individual differs from another’
 A customer’s decision could be dominated by any of the following
personality traits
 Innovation
 Influence
 Materialism
 Consumer ethnocentrism
 Need for uniqueness
 Need for cognition
 Dogmatism

Adarsh Gahlaut, Asst. Prof., SIMT Kashipur November 3, 2020

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