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Say Something Activity


1. I see the image is the one young lady wearing her life coat. She is hop into the
stream/ocean. In this way, I think she is Super Happy and I discover the
Mountain view!

2. Indeed, Mother Earth is so beautiful. We would prefer not to baffle our MOTHER
NATURE. On the off chance that you envision that our reality is peril no nature,
all structures are robot and something different we can't make due without
nature. Anything we can adjust our health and educations.

3. It would seem that water tainting, contamination, and environmental change.

Furthermore, It looks serene to me and the climate was spotless and pleasant.
It's normal to search for ways we can invert the harm to our planet and keep our
current circumstance clean.

4. Indeed, we share the earth. We share the duty to deal with it. Nature deals with
us, so we deal with nature.

5. She was presumably making some great memories there.

6. I would likely do something very similar in light of the fact that I need to
appreciate nature.

7. God made the nature first before us yet he made it since we are essential for his
arrangements to be made. The explanation for it is for us to feel in the nature that
uncovers to us God's magnificence, brilliance, power, astuteness, presence,
innovativeness, and in particular, his caring consideration. An essential way God
sustains our spirits with his caring presence is through the excellence of nature.

8. Indeed, I have thought about how God made the world since it is so incredible!
He made everything great and wonderful. Since, in such a case that we don't
have a God we would not be here on the planet today. Also, I'm so bless to the
point that GOD made this wonderful nature.

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