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Finish the following dialogue:‬‬ ‫)‪(6 Marks‬‬

‫‪٣ -‬طٌ‪ًٛ ٕٞ‬ج جُٓإجٍ ٖٓ ٓكحوغس ضكط‪ ١ٞ‬ػِ‪ْ ٢‬طس كٍجؿحش ‪ُ٣‬طِد ٖٓ جُطحُد ئًٔحٍ ضِي جُلٍجؿحش ذاؾحذحش ض٘حْد جُٔكحوغس‪.‬‬
‫‪ -‬غ‪٬‬غس كٍجؿحش ضطِد ٓػ‪ٍ٤‬جش (جكططحق‪٤‬حش قى‪٣‬ع – أْثِس) ‪٩‬ؾحذط‪.ْٜ‬‬
‫‪ -‬غ‪٬‬غس كٍجؿحش أنٍ‪ ١‬ضططِد ٌو‪ٝ‬وج ً ‪٩‬ؾحذط‪.ْٜ‬‬
‫ً‪٤‬ل‪٤‬س جُطؼحَٓ ٓغ ْإجٍ جُٔكحوغس‪:‬‬
‫‪ .1‬جهٍأ ػ٘‪ٞ‬جٕ جُٔكحوغس ؾ‪٤‬ىج ً قط‪ ٠‬ضطؼٍف ٓ٘‪ ٚ‬ػِ‪ ٢‬جُلٌٍز جُؼحٓس جُط‪ ٢‬ضى‪ ٌٝ‬ق‪ُٜٞ‬ح جُٔكحوغس‪.‬‬
‫‪ .2‬جهٍأ جُٔكحوغس ًحِٓس ٍُِٔز ج‪ٝ ٢ُٝ٧‬ضأًى ٖٓ ضكى‪٣‬ى ٓح ‪:٢ِ٣‬‬
‫(و) َٖٓ جُٔكحوغس‪.‬‬ ‫(أ) جُلٌٍز جُؼحٓس ُِٔكحوغس (جُٔ‪ٞ‬هق جًُ‪٣ ١‬ى‪ ٌٝ‬ك‪ ٢‬جُٔكحوغس)‪( .‬خ) جُٔطكىغ‪( .ٖ٤‬ؼ) ٌٓحٕ جُٔكحوغس‪.‬‬
‫‪ .3‬جهٍأ جُٔكحوغس ًحِٓس ٍُِٔز جُػحٗ‪٤‬س ‪ٝ‬ضأًى ٖٓ ٓؼٍكس ضلح‪ َ٤ٚ‬جُٔ‪ٞٞٞ‬ع جًُ‪ ١‬ضى‪ ٌٝ‬ق‪.ُٚٞ‬‬
‫‪ .4‬قح‪ ٍٝ‬إٔ ضط‪ٞ‬هغ ج‪٩‬ؾحذحش جُٔكطِٔس أ‪( ١‬قح‪ ٍٝ‬إٔ ضٔ‪ ٨‬جُلٍجؿحش ٖل‪٤ٜ‬ح ً ك‪ ٢‬جُرىج‪٣‬س)‪.‬‬
‫‪٣ .5‬ؿد إٔ ضؼٍف جُٔطِ‪ٞ‬خ ك‪ ًَ ٢‬كٍجؽ‪ ,‬كوى ‪ ٌٕٞ٣‬جُٔطِ‪ٞ‬خ‪ :‬ؾِٔس نرٍ‪٣‬س ‪ْ /‬إجٍ ػحو‪ْ / ٟ‬إجٍ ًٓ‪ ,َ٣‬كحٗطر‪ُ ٚ‬ؼ‪ٓ٬‬حش جُطٍه‪.ْ٤‬‬
‫‪ُ٣ .7‬ل‪ َٟ‬إٔ ضٌ‪ ٕٞ‬ج‪٩‬ؾحذحش جُط‪ ٢‬ضٌطر‪ٜ‬ح ك‪ ٢‬جُلٍجؽ ٓهط‪ٍٛ‬ز‪.‬‬ ‫‪ .6‬ضه‪ َ٤‬أٗي أٗص جُٔطكىظ ُط‪ٚ ٖٟٔ‬كس ج‪٩‬ؾحذس‪.‬‬
‫‪٫ .8‬ذى ‪ٝ‬إٔ ضطلن ج‪٩‬ؾحذس ٓغ ْ‪٤‬حم جُٔ‪ٞٞٞ‬ع جًُ‪ ١‬ضط٘ح‪ ُٚٝ‬جُٔكحوغس (‪٣‬ؿد إٔ ضٓحػى ج‪٩‬ؾحذس ػِ‪ ٢‬ضَِٓٓ جُكى‪٣‬ع ‪ ٫ٝ‬ضُؼطِ‪)ٚ‬‬
‫‪٣ .9‬ؿد جْطهىجّ َٖٓ ‪ٚ‬ك‪٤‬ف ك‪ ٢‬ج‪٩‬ؾحذس ‪ٟٓ( ...‬حٌع – ٓح‪ٓٓ – ٢ٞ‬طورَ)‪.‬‬
‫‪٣ .10‬ؿد إٔ ضٌ‪ِٔٓ ٕٞ‬ح ً ذطٍم ضٌ‪ ٖ٣ٞ‬ج‪ْ٧‬ثِس جُؼحو‪٣‬س ‪ٝ‬ج‪ْ٧‬ثِس جُ ًُٔ‪ِ٣‬س ‪٤ًٝ‬ل‪٤‬س ج‪٩‬ؾحذس ػِ‪ٜٔ٤‬ح‪.‬‬
‫‪٘ٛ‬حى أٌذؼس أٗ‪ٞ‬جع ٌت‪٤ٓ٤‬س ُِٓإجٍ‪:‬‬
‫‪:‬جُٓإجٍ جًُ‪٣ ١‬رىأ ذلؼَ ٓٓحػى ‪1. Yes/No Questions‬‬ ‫* ْإجٍ ذٔؼ٘‪ُٓ٣ / .)َٛ( ٢‬طهىّ ‪ًٛ‬ج جُٓإجٍ ػ٘ىٓح ضرىأ ج‪٩‬ؾحذس ذٔح ‪:٢ِ٣‬‬
‫‪Yes‬‬ ‫ٗؼْ‬ ‫‪Well‬‬ ‫قٓ٘ح‬ ‫‪Sure / I'm sure‬‬ ‫ذحُطأً‪٤‬ى‬
‫‪No‬‬ ‫‪٫‬‬ ‫‪Of course‬‬ ‫ذحُطرغ‬ ‫‪Certainly / Definitely‬‬ ‫ذحُطأً‪٤‬ى‬

‫?ذحه‪ ٢‬جُؿِٔس ‪ +‬جُلؼَ ج‪ْ٧‬حْ‪ + ٢‬كحػَ ‪ +‬كؼَ ٓٓحػى‬ ‫* ً‪٤‬ق ‪٣‬طٌ‪ ٕٞ‬جُٓإجٍ جًُ‪٣ ١‬رىأ ذلؼَ ٓٓحػى‪:‬‬

‫)?‪Question …………………………..…… (1)? (Do you know a good place for shopping‬‬
‫‪Answer Yes, I know a good place for shopping.‬‬
‫‪:‬جُٓإجٍ جًُ‪٣ ١‬رىأ ذأوجز جْطل‪ٜ‬حّ ‪2. Wh–Questions‬‬
‫* ‪ٓ٣‬طلٍٓ ‪ًٛ‬ج جُٓإجٍ ػٖ ٓؼِ‪ٓٞ‬س ‪٣ٝ‬رىأ ذ٘لّ ٓؼ٘‪( ٢‬أوجز ج‪ْ٫‬طل‪ٜ‬حّ) جُط‪ ٢‬ضأض‪ ٢‬ك‪ ٢‬أ‪.ُٚٝ‬‬
‫* ‪ُٓ٣‬طهىّ ‪ًٛ‬ج جُٓإجٍ ػ٘ىٓح ضرىأ ج‪٩‬ؾحذس ذؿِٔس نرٍ‪٣‬س ًحِٓس أ‪ ٝ‬ػرحٌز ‪ٝ‬جـوز أ‪ًِٔ ٝ‬س ‪ٝ‬جقىز‪.‬‬
‫?بالً الجملة ‪ +‬الفعل األساسً ‪ +‬فاعل ‪ +‬فعل مساعد ‪ +‬أداة استفهام‬ ‫* ً‪٤‬ق ‪٣‬طٌ‪ ٕٞ‬جُٓإجٍ جًُ‪٣ ١‬رىأ ذأوجز جْطل‪ٜ‬حّ‪:‬‬

‫?‪Question How many books did you buy‬‬

‫‪Answer I bought three books.‬‬

‫* ٗو‪ ّٞ‬ذكًف جُؼرحٌز جُ‪ٞ‬جقىز أ‪ ٝ‬جٌُِٔس جُ‪ٞ‬جقىز‪.‬‬ ‫*‪ .‬ػ٘ىٓح ضٌ‪ ٕٞ‬ج‪٩‬ؾحذس ػرحٌز ‪ٝ‬جقىز أ‪ًِٔ ٝ‬س ‪ٝ‬جقىز‪:‬‬
‫* ٗٓطهٍؼ جُلغٍ جُٔٓحػى ٖٓ ي‪٘٘ٛ‬ح قٓد ٓٓحٌ جُٔكحوغس‪ ٕ٧ :‬ج‪٩‬ؾحذس ُ‪ٓ٤‬ص ؾِٔس ًحِٓس ‪ ّ٤ُٝ‬ذ‪ٜ‬ح كؼَ ُ٘ٓطهٍؼ ٓ٘‪ ٚ‬جُلؼَ جُٔٓحػى‪.‬‬
‫* ُ‪٘ٛ ٞ‬حى ٓكحوغس ذ‪ٖ ٖ٤‬ه‪ ٖ٤ٛ‬ػٖ أؾحَز جُ‪٤ٛ‬ق جُوحوٓس ‪ٝ‬جٌُٔحٕ جًُ‪ْٞ ١‬ف ‪ًٛ٣‬د ئُ‪ٜٔ٘ٓ ًَ ٚ٤‬ح ‪ٝٝ‬ؾىش جُؿُء جُطحُ‪ ٢‬ذحُٔكحوغس‪:‬‬
‫?‪A: …………………………………………………………………..…………………………………….‬‬
‫‪B: In Alex.‬‬

‫‪English Grammar Practice‬‬
‫* ٖٓ ن‪ ٍ٬‬ك‪ٜٔ‬ي ُِٓ‪٤‬حم ضٓطط‪٤‬غ ضك‪ َ٣ٞ‬جُؼرحٌز جُو‪ٍ٤ٛ‬ز (‪ )in Alex‬ئُ‪ ٢‬ؾِٔس ًحِٓس ًٔح ‪:٢ِ٣‬‬
‫‪* I will spend the next summer holiday in Alex.‬‬
‫* ذؼى‪ٛ‬ح ْطٓطط‪٤‬غ إٔ ضٌ‪ْ ٕٞ‬إجٍ ‪ٚ‬ك‪٤‬ف ‪ًٝ‬حَٓ ًٔح ‪:٢ِ٣‬‬
‫?‪* Where will you spend the next summer holiday‬‬
‫‪:‬جُٓإجٍ جًُٔ‪3. Tag Question َ٣‬‬
‫* ٌَٖ ئؾحذس جُٓإجٍ جًُٔ‪ُٓ٣ :َ٣‬طهىّ ‪ًٛ‬ج جُ٘‪ٞ‬ع ٖٓ جُٓإجٍ ػ٘ىٓح ضرىأ ج‪٩‬ؾحذس ذٔح ‪: ٢ِ٣‬‬ ‫* ٓؼ٘‪ ٢‬جُٓإجٍ جًُٔ‪( :َ٣‬أُ‪ًًُ ّ٤‬ي؟)‪.‬‬

‫‪Yes‬‬ ‫ٗؼْ‬ ‫‪Well‬‬ ‫قٓ٘ح‬ ‫‪Sure / I'm sure‬‬ ‫ذحُطأً‪٤‬ى‬

‫‪No‬‬ ‫‪٫‬‬ ‫‪Of course‬‬ ‫ذحُطرغ‬ ‫‪Certainly / Definitely‬‬ ‫ذحٍضأً‪٤‬ى‬

‫?‪ ٍ٤ٔٞ‬كحػَ ‪ +‬كؼَ ٓٓحػى‬ ‫* ً‪٤‬ق ‪٣‬طٌ‪ ٕٞ‬جُٓإجٍ جًُٔ‪:َ٣‬‬

‫* ‪ُٓ٣‬طهىّ ‪ًٛ‬ج جُ٘‪ٞ‬ع ٖٓ ج‪ْ٧‬ثِس ئيج ًحٕ جُٔطكىظ ك‪ ٢‬جُٔكحوغس ‪٣ٍ٣‬ى إٔ ‪٣‬طأًى ٖٓ ٓؼِ‪ٓٞ‬س ٖٓ ٓطكىظ آنٍ ‪.‬‬
‫* ‪ ٌٕٞ٣‬جُٓإجٍ جُ ًُٔ‪ٓ َ٣‬ػرطح ً ئيج ًحٗص جُؿِٔس جٍُت‪٤ٓ٤‬س ٓ٘ل‪٤‬س ‪٘ٓٝ‬ل‪٤‬ح ً ئٕ ًحٗص ُٓػرطس ‪.‬‬
‫* ‪ُٗ٣‬طٍ‪ ٠‬إٔ ضٌ‪٤ٚ ٕٞ‬ـس جُٓإجٍ جًُٔ‪ َ٣‬جُٔ٘ل‪ُٓ ٢‬هط‪ٍٛ‬ز‪ً :‬إٔ ٗٓأٍ ذـــ (‪ ّ٤ُٝ )haven't‬ذـــ (‪.)have not‬‬
‫?)‪Question You bought a new dress, ……………………………. (1‬‬ ‫)?‪(didn’t you‬‬
‫‪Answer Yes, I did.‬‬
‫‪:‬ج‪ْ٧‬ثِس جُـ‪ٓ ٍ٤‬رحٍٖز ‪4. Indirect Questions‬‬
‫* ٗ‪ٟ‬طٍ جُ‪ ٠‬جْطهىجّ ج‪ْ٧‬ثِس ؿ‪ ٍ٤‬جُٔرحٍٖز جيج ًحٕ جُلٍجؽ جٍُٔجو جًٔحُ‪٘٣ ٚ‬ط‪ ٢ٜ‬ذ٘وطس (‪٣ٝ )full stop‬كطحؼ جُلٍجؽ ئُ‪ْ ٢‬إجٍ‪.‬‬
‫* ‪٘ٛ‬حى ٗ‪ٞ‬ػحٕ ٖٓ ج‪ْ٧‬ثِس جُـ‪ٓ ٍ٤‬رحٍٖز‪:‬‬ ‫* وجنَ جُٓإجٍ جُـ‪ٓ ٍ٤‬رحٍٖ ‪ٟٗ ٫‬طٍ ئُ‪ ٢‬ضوى‪ ْ٣‬جُلؼَ جُٔٓحػى ػِ‪ ٢‬جُلحػَ‪.‬‬
‫‪ .1‬أْثِس ؿ‪ٓ ٍ٤‬رحٍٖز ض‪ٜ‬ىف ئُ‪ ٢‬جُك‪ ٍٞٛ‬ػِ‪ٓ ٢‬ؼِ‪ٓٞ‬حش‪:‬‬
‫?جملة خبرٌة ‪ +‬أداة استفهام ‪ +‬سؤال افتتاحً‬
‫‪.‬جملة خبرٌة ‪ +‬أداة استفهام ‪ +‬جملة خبرٌة افتتاحٌة‬
‫?‪* Could you tell me where the manager is‬‬
‫‪* I want to know what you are going to do after school today.‬‬
‫‪ .2‬أْثِس ض‪ٜ‬ىف ئُ‪ ٢‬جُك‪ ٍٞٛ‬ػِ‪ ٢‬ئؾحذس ذ٘ؼْ أ‪:٫ ٝ‬‬
‫?‪ + (or not) …..‬جملة خبرٌة ‪ + if (whether) +‬سؤال افتتاحً‬
‫‪ + (or not).‬جملة خبرٌة ‪ + if (whether) +‬جملة افتتاحٌة خبرٌة‬
‫?)‪* Do you know if (whether) she will participate in the contest (or not‬‬
‫‪* I'd like to know whether you have passed your driving test or not.‬‬
‫* ئيج ًحٗص ج‪٩‬ؾحذس ذؼى (‪ٓ )No‬ػرطس كاٗ٘ح ٗو‪ ّٞ‬ذؼٌّ ٓؼ٘‪ ٢‬جُٓإجٍ (أ‪ٗ ١‬ؼٌّ أقى أؾُجء جُؿِٔس)‪.‬‬

‫?‪Question Have you visited Egypt before‬‬

‫‪Answer‬‬ ‫‪No, this is my first visit to Egypt.‬‬
‫* أق‪٤‬حٗح ً ‪٘ٔ٣‬كي ‪ٝ‬ج‪ٞ‬غ ْإجٍ جُٔكحوغس ‪ٛ‬ى‪٣‬س ػ٘ىٓح ‪ٟ٣‬غ جُٔطِ‪ٞ‬خ ك‪ ٢‬جُؿِٔس جُطحُ‪٤‬س ُِلٍجؿحش ‪ٝ‬ؿحُرح ً ‪٣‬طرؼ‪ ٚ‬ذؼ‪ٓ٬‬س ضؼؿد‪....‬‬
‫?‪A: Where have you been‬‬
‫‪B: …………………… (1).‬‬
‫!‪A: Paris‬‬
‫* ٖٓ جُٔإًى إٔ ج‪٩‬ؾحذس جُٔطِ‪ٞ‬ذس ك‪ ٢‬جُلٍجؽ ٌهْ (‪.)Paris( ٢ٛ )1‬‬

‫‪MY FRIEND Series‬‬
1. Finish the following dialogue:
Between a doctor and a patient.
Doctor : ……………………………………………………………………………………… (1)?
Patient : I have a sore throat.
Doctor : ……………………………………………………………………………………… (2)?
Patient : Yes. I also feel some pain in my chest.
Doctor : How long have you felt like that?
Patient : ……………………………………………………………………………………… (3).
Doctor : Why didn’t you come earlier then?
Patient : ……………………………………………………………………………………… (4).
Doctor : This is not an excuse. Health is more important than work. Let me examine you.
Patient : ……………………………………………………………………………………… (5)?
Doctor : No, nothing is serious. But ………………………………………………………… (6).
Patient : How long will I have to do that?
Doctor : For three days, and I’ll write down now recommending that for your boss.
Patient : Thank you, doctor.
2. Finish the following dialogue:
Samy: ………………………………………………………………………………………… (1)?
Ali : Of course, I will if I can. ……………………………………………………………... (2)?
Samy: I want to get a driving licence but ……………………………………………………. (3).
Ali : Don’t worry, I will certainly give you good instruction.
Samy: Thank you. …………………………………………………………………………… (4)?
Ali : The day after tomorrow. Will that be OK?
Samy: Of course, it will. …………………………………………………………………….. (5)?
Ali : Not less than a fortnight.
Samy: ………………………………………………………………………………………… (6).
Ali : You don’t have to do so. We can use my car.
Samy: That’s very kind of you.
3. Finish the following dialogue:
Between Ibrahim and his friend Munir about a football match that has just ended.
Ibrahim: How do you feel about the match?
Munir : ……………………………………………………………………………………….. (1).
Ibrahim: I did, too. And ……………………………………………………………………….. (2)?
Munir : I think our team played positively for most of the match.
Ibrahim: Yes, we deserved to win, ……………………………………………………………. (3)?
Munir : Yes, we did. But …………………………………………………………………….. (4).

English Grammar Practice
Ibrahim: I hope he will train hard again to regain his known good level.
Munir : But the final match is near and the coach must try another striker if ……….………. (5).
Ibrahim: You’re right. When will the final match be?
Munir : Next Friday. …………………………………………………………………………. (6)?
Ibrahim: Of course, we will. Let’s arrange it next Thursday.
Munir : That’s OK.
4. Finish the following dialogue:
Between a receptionist and a customer.
Receptionist: Can I help you, sir?
Customer : Yes, …………………………………………………………………………….. (1).
Receptionist: …………………………………………………………………………………... (2)?
Customer : For a week.
Receptionist: Single or double, sir?
Customer : …………………………………………….………………………… (3). I’m alone.
………………………………………………………………………………….. (4)?
Receptionist: The one you will stay in overlooks the Nile.
Customer : Nice. ……………………………………………………………….…………... (5)?
Receptionist: 200 pounds a night.
Customer : Ok, I will book it.
Receptionist: ………………………………………………………………………………...... (6)?
Customer : By credit card.
Receptionist: OK, give me the number of the card, please.
5. Finish the following dialogue:
Between an interviewer and an applicant in a computer company.
Interviewer: Good morning. Please sit down.
Applicant : Thank you.
Interviewer: First of all: …………………………………………………………………….. (1)?
Applicant : I had a degree in IT from Cairo university three years ago.
Interviewer: ………………………………………………………...………………………. (2)?
Applicant : Very Good.
Interviewer: Great! What have you been doing since you left university?
Applicant : I’ve been working in a small computer company in my district.
Interviewer: ………………………………………………………...………………………. (3)?
Applicant : Because I’m quite ambitious and want to work for a company with good reputation. Also,
……………………………………………………………………………...… (4).
Interviewer: We pay our employers well, but ……………………………………………... (5).
Applicant : I’m ready to do any extra work, sir.
Interviewer: That’s good. Your chances will be good. ……………………………………. (6).
Applicant : Ok, sir. I’ll be waiting for you. Thanks.

1. Finish the following dialogue:
1. What’s the matter with you? 2. Do you have other complaints?
3. For a week. 4. I was busy at my work.
5. Is it serious? 6. you will have to take some rest and not go to work.
2. Finish the following dialogue:
1. Could you help me (do me a favour)? 2. What kind of help do you need?
3. I want you to instruct me to drive well first. 4. When will we be able to start?
5. How long will it take? 6. Ok, I will hire a car for these two weeks.

3. Finish the following dialogue:

1. I really enjoyed it. 2. what do you think of our team’s performance?
3. didn’t we? 4. our striker’s level is no longer as good as it used to be.
5. his performance doesn’t improve. 6. Will we watch it together?

4. Finish the following dialogue:

1. I’d like to book a room. 2. For how long?
3. Single, please. 4. What about the view?
5. How much is it per night? 6. How would you like to pay?

5. Finish the following dialogue:

1. What are your qualifications? 2. What grade did you get?
3. Why do you want to leave that company? 4. the salary is not quite good.
5. we sometimes ask for extra work. 6. We will contact you soon to let you know the result.

English Grammar Practice

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