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Total Quality Management

Ans 1
Mistake proofing of a product design and its manufacturing process is a key element of
design for manufacturability and improving product quality. A product which is very difficult
in assemble is more likely to be assemble incorrectly. The Japanese concept of POKA -
YOKE means mistake proofing is oriented towards finding and correcting problems. Poka
yoke comprises various simple tools of mistake prevention. For example if we set a morning
alarm to wake up on time this prevents the error of waking up late. Arranging a checklist
before shipment of any product can avoid the error of wrong material to be shipped for
delivery. Same as personal lives, there are big numbers of simple mistakes prevention
techniques followed in an organizations which put off damage and enhance quality. The
benefit of mistake proofing is not only help with production of the product but also contribute
the correct user operation, techniques, maintenance and servicing of the product etc.
Concept and application:-
There are few mistake proofing methods or we can say principles by suing them we can
prevent the mistake. These are as follows.
a) Elimination :- this process eliminates all the possible errors by the redesigning the
product or process so that the task or part is no longer necessary.
Example :- The simplification in the product can reduce the defects or error in the

b) Replacement :- To improve reliability, simply substitute of unstable process with more

reliable process.
Example:- Automation process of approvals from the respective authorities can be a
replacement of manual approvals. This can be reduce the percentage of error and loss
of paper during the movement of paper from one approver authority to another.
c) Prevention :- The engineer who designs for the product or process should use a
process where mistake is impossible at all.
Example:- The payment gateway is designed by the designer where the chances of the
mistakes are very less. Mistakes can be done only by the user by providing wrong
information to wrong person like confidential massage (OTP) shared with
unauthorized person.
d) Facilitation :- Utilizing the specific methods of working and process in making of
product will make the assembly process easier to perform.
Example :- Visual control that include colour coding, labeling and marking of parts, a
staging bin that provides a visual control that all parts were assembled;locating
features on parts.
e) Detection: before moving in the next steps error should be detected so that the
designer can rectify the same before moving for further process. This process can
easily and quickly correct the problems.
Example :- The problems in the sensor doors of the lift can be identify at the time of
assemble only. If it is not working then designer will not proceed for the next step.
f) Mitigation:- This method includes the principle of attempting to decrease the effort of
mistakes. If there is principle in the system for mistake that one cannot attempt more
then 3 time then there is chances of reduction in the mistakes.
For example:- If user forgets his ser id of password at the time of using the net
banking service the system will allow three attempt only. Post the number of attempt
which is set by system is over then user have to connect with the branch to reactivate
the same. This system of mistake control also helps in reducing the fraud cases as
The main idea or building blocks of Poka Yoke is also called the objectives of Poka Yoke.
Below are the few objectives of Poka Yoke
a) The system of Poka Yoke is useful to remove all unintended system as well as human
b) By using Poka Yoke, an organization can build quality as an in-built nature into the
production process. This process enhancing quality at limited cost and effort.
c) To remove errors and lessening defects to zero is only possible only through
combined and mixed efforts from all the concerned employee in the process. If all the
concern employee gives their 100% efforts to complete the process there will be
quality development in the process as well as in the product.
d) This process is also ignores the excuse and putting positive efforts in the quality
improvement. There is no excuse at the time of following the process which is set by
the designer team for manufacturing of any kind of service process.
e) To concern worker is extremally relevant in improvement quality.
Poka Yoke techniques can be applied at various levels of process. Certain methods of this
techniques prevents the error on the first step itself while some of the techniques have the
sense to alert the user post the activity is done. Below are the three levels of techniques which
can be applied as per the needs of the organization.
1) Preventing the mistakes from being committed :- This is the first stage of Poka Yoke
technique where it identifies the human mistakes and expected errors from them. By
using this stage human can give their full effort and can reduce the mistakes. For
example if the engineer designs a fan where only 2.8 capacitor can only support the
function of the fan then workers will not put any other capacity of product and this
process can do 100% control over the error.
2) Detecting mistakes incurred unintentionally:- By using this technique an organization
expects the to detect the error or mistake to become a big problem that can be a costly
to the company. For example, car seat belt indicator indicates the driver if he forget to
fasten seat belt. This informs the customer about the incidence of the error that is
forgetting tom put on seat belt.
3) Mitigating the risk:- At this stage, the Poka Yeke technique alarms a threat at the time
of finding any mistake or problem that happened previously. For example if an
organization puts fire alarm in the office and a person puts a lighter by mistake in the
office then fire alarm will start with the indication of fire.
There are lots of Poka Yoke system or devices are used to find out the errors and stop the
failures on the spot. These systems are Physical contact devise and energy sensing device.

By using the Poka Yoke system an organization can prevent the failure or error of their
production or service process on the real time it self. This can help to the organization in the
cost reduction or can avoid the intentional expenses which can happen post the error is done.
Better to spend on extra cost because of mistakes an organization should use the Poka Yoke
system before start any process or service.

Ans 2:-
Quality function deployment offers a strategic method of understanding the customer’s
choice, translating the choices into the product’s features and designs the product accordingly.
For example customer’s requirement is a LED TV then the quality function deployment will
translate the same in the manner ie “a smart LED TV with ultra sound and 4K resolution that
can be available in the market with all the sizes.” This is a method of transform user demand
into design quality, to deploy the function forming quality, to deploy the method of achieving
the designed quality into subsystems and component parts and ultimately to specific elements
of the manufacturing process. Let us consider an example for better clarity on quality
function deployment. If a customer but a mobile and does a regular complaints on the quality
like mobile is getting hang and the same is getting very heat at the time of charging the
mobile. Now customer need improved quality mobile with a good battery back up and
storage capacity to avoid the hanging problem of the mobile. In such kind of scenario the
quality function deployment team advices the mobile company to follow the some steps.
They are as follows.
1) Recognize the customers for an example mobile owner.
2) Find out the requirement of the customer like they need a smart mobile phone with a
strong battery power.
3) Importance of requirement is like good looking, strong battery support with minimum
of 36 hours guarantee of performance with a better storage.
4) Interpret:- take account of the customer expectations into design specifications and
manufacture enhanced quality bumper. Utilize quality material and install the required
designing alterations to manufacture enhanced and stronger bumpers.
Concept and application
There are two factors in quality function deployment.
1) Quality deployment
2) Function deployment
Quality Deployment:- Quality deployment deploys the quality in the product as per the
requirements and needs of the customers. This ensures that the customer’s requirement are
Function deployment :- It relates with all the function which an organization follow to
complete one task or a manufacturing company follow to complete the product as per the
needs of the customers. The function process helps the employee or team to complete the task
without making any mistake.
Quality function deployment is an approach or system to make sure quality in design when
the design is in the designing phase only. One can consider quality function deployment as
procedure wherein customer voice is respected or honored and recognized to carry all
through the process of production. The quality function deployment start with the planning of
a product and goes on with the product design manufacturing process and ends up with the
quality management, testing, maintenance and training. Maxx who produces various
consumer product in the huge competition market should follow the process of quality
function deployment to understand and fulfilment of the customers need and requirement. To
make sure the deployment process goes as smoothly as possible it is best to have a
deployment plan that an organization follow every time. A deployment plan should include
the process and rules for when it should be deploy from local environments to development
sites as well as the new schedules for the changes can go into a live environment. By having a
set plan an organization can reduce the risk of conflicts between different set of changes and
make sure the deployment process is as smooth and easy as possible. Below is the process of
quality function deployment.
1) Product planning.
2) Product designing, development and specification.
3) Process Planning.
4) Production process controlling
Product Planning:- Product planning means developing product’s quality and design
according to customer’s needs and requirements. Basically this stage starts with the
customer’s need and requirement and performing market study on competitors, marketing
data, measurements, products feature, quality standard as per domestics and international
market. Getting the data on this stage can assure the achievement the final aim and goal of the
customer’s needs.
Product designing, development and specification:- Once the product’s identified for the
development, in this stage product features are defined and sample is developed. This stage is
led and administered by the designing and engineers team. The prime need of this stage is to
translate the customer’s needs and requirement in to the product’s specification. The main
aim is met the needs of the customer’s need and requirement by producing the product with
their special features.
Process planning:- In this stage the real products and their parts are developed as per the
instruction by the engineers and process planning team. This stage will be handled by the
production and engineers team to get the final finished product on the time with the desired
service and quality. The main aim of this stage is to built the flowchart and regulate the
production process and the product.
Production process controlling:- In this stage the production process is directed and
controlled to make sure that the products are being manufactured as per the desired
specification and quality. In this stage, in the beginning only all the key functioned areas are
clearly explained for the controlling and monitoring the process, production scheduling and
risk assessment. Even in this stage, the testing process of the products is also conducted.
By using the above process an organization identifies the implicit as well as explicit customer
requirements and concentrates on the value adding prospects of the customers. This process
supports the voice of customers in terms of their requirements and needs and not to the
organization’s preferences and desire. Every product development activities is based on
customer’s requirement. By this process, competitors’ products and services analyzed and
compared with the own products. Even the cost can be in the controlled manner with the
quality functioned deployment.
Ans 3.a
Sampling procedure is a very useful measure which is adopted by the organizations to fulfil
the requirements of consumer satisfaction. In today’s competitive global market every
businesses whether it is small or big are developing their strategies to deliver best goods &
services to their customers. Sampling procedure helps an organization to select or choose a
random sample from a given lot of the product. The organization get help in deciding
acceptance or rejection of the entire product lot by testing results of the sample. Acceptance
of sampling or rejecting of a sample does not means that you need to improve the quality of
your product as it is a simple process of marketing of your product. Once the products are in
the market and you received the feedback of the customer then only you need to improve you
product quality as per feedback from customers.
For example of acceptance sampling, A Tea trader receives a batch of tea leaves containing
50 bags. To determine the tea quality, the trader selects 4-5 bags to check the taste of the tea.
If the chosen bags of the tea leave taste well, then the trader will accept the entire lot.
Concept and application:-
Selection of sample is a process of acceptance of a lot of sample or rejection of the samples.
Steps to implement in sampling procedure:-
1. First step is to define and group the population using various methods, such as simple
random sampling or quota sampling for consumer behaviour etc.
2. Specify the sample unit, its size etc.
3. Third step is to obtain a sample frame. Evaluate the chosen sample on predefined
4. If the sample fulfils the requirements of predefined criteria, accept the whole lot of
product (Bearing Cap) otherwise reject it.
5. Record the results of the acceptance / Rejection for future use.
Acceptance of sampling is the popular method because it is very economical in terms of time
and money. It puts the responsibility of sampling on a specific individual or group of

Sampling plan specify the parameters of the sampling process for accepting or rejecting the
product. There are various types of plan. They are as follows.

1) Single sampling plan

2) Double sampling plan
3) Multiple sampling plan

Single Sampling plan :- In this sampling plan or method you defines the maximum number of
defects. An inspector collects a random sample from the lot for inspection. He will inspect the
sample for the required design and quality of the product. If the number of defects are equal
and less than the numbers are set in parameters then lot can be selected or accepted and if the
numbers of defects are more than expectation then lot will be rejected.

Double sampling plan:- If the single sampling failed and could not give a satisfactory result
then you have to do a second round of sampling of a lot. An inspector will again collect a
sample from the lot for inspection. He will inspect the sample for the required design and
quality again. If the numbers are defects are equal to the expectation then sample will be
accepted or vice versa.

Multiple sampling plan :- This plan or methos are same with double sampling plan. In this
method the inspection of sampling will be more then two time. In this plan smaller samples
are used subsequently till the decision of the acceptance or rejection is made.


By using the above mentioned sampling steps, Roma Pvt Ltd can avoid the risk and mistake
of good lot rejected. If they rejects the lot randomly then business can be suffer. To avoid
such kind of mistakes Sampling process is must. Also sampling process can save cost and
prevent an organisation by having a bad lot in the company. Once the lot accepted they can
not return the same. So sampling is very useful for the organisation.

Ans 3.b
Introduction :-
The operating characteristic curve shows discriminatory power of an accepting sampling
plan. The OC curve plots the probabilities of accepting a lot versus the little defective. OC
curve describes how well an acceptance plan distinguishes between good and bad lots. A
curve is related to specific plan which is combination of a sample size and acceptance level.
An organization compares OC curves to choose appropriate sampling plan.
Concept and application:-
There are four types of parameters of an OC curve. They are as follows.
1) Producer’s risk
2) Consumer’s risk
3) Acceptable quality level
4) Lot tolerance percentage defective
Producer’s risk:- Producer’s risk refers to the probabilities that the sampling plan would
reject a good lot which is not defected forces the producers to replace the rejected lot. It is
called type I error.
Consumer’s Risk :- Consumer’s risk refers to the probabilities that the consumer would
accept a bad lot which contains a large number of defects. Once the consumer accept a bad
lot it is very hard for them to return the bad lot and get the replacement of the same. It is also
called type II error.
Acceptable quality level:- This level refert to the maximum percentage of defects that
consumers are willing to accept. Acceptable quality level is considered satisfactory quality
level and is also called acceptance quality limit.
Lot tolerance percentage defective:- this refers to the percentage of defects that is higher
than acceptable quality level and is therefore not accepted by the consumers. Lot tolerance
percentage defective has very low probabilities of acceptance. This is also known as limited
quality level. The limited quality level is expressed as a proportion of defects while the lot
tolerance percentage defective is expressed as a percentage.
The OC curve refers to a graph of characteristics of sampling plan considered during the
project management. It shows the percentage of lots or batches that are expected to be
considered under the specified sampling plan and for the specified process quality. The main
objective of OC curve is to help in the selection of sampling plan which are effecting in the
reducing the risk and also helps in the reducing the operative cost of inspections. There are
three types of OC curve. They are as follows.
1) Type A curve :- this type of curve gives the probability of acceptance of an
individual ;lot coming from the fixed production. In other word, this curve gives the
probability of acceptance of defective portion of product of a fixed lot. For example,
a plastic polyethnic bag manufacturing company manufactures 100 kg of material in
an hour with the 1% of fix wastage.
2) Type B curve:- Type B curve gives the probability of acceptance of lots coming from
a continuous process.
3) Type C Curve :- This gives the long run percentage of a product accepted during the
sampling phase only.
An operating characteristic curve and chart controls the tradeoff between sample size and the
process shift that is detected. This process can save the consumers and producers both from
the defective product. It is very useful for the organization as it helps in to reduce the cost of
wastage. In short a manufacturing organization who is into the product manufacturing OC
curve will be helpful at the time of acceptance to avoid bad lot of sampling.

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