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Szó, kifejezés Szófaj Fordítás Példamondat

active adj aktív, tevékeny He plays tennis a lot, so he’s very active.
alleyway n köz, sikátor The shop is in a tiny alleyway.
amazingly adv elképesztően This car is amazingly fast!
archaeology n régészet He’s interested in history and archaeology.
area n negyed She lives in a poor area of the city.
background n háttér, származás She comes from a rich background.
barrel n hordó The wine is kept in wooden barrels.
Basque adj baszk He comes from the Basque region of Spain.
beat v legyőz Arsenal beat Chelsea 3-0.
bilingual adj kétnyelvű He’s bilingual - he speaks English and German.
block n háztömb They live in a new block of flats.
brief v eligazítást ad Carla has briefed me about the meeting.
bright adj okos, gyors felfogású Bright children learn quickly.
cancel v lemond, nem rendez She cancelled her party because she was ill.
cancellation n lemondás The restaurant is fully booked, but they may get
a cancellation.
carelessly adv gondatlanul I carelessly left my bag in the shop.
cherish v becsben tart Thank you for your present – I will cherish it.
childhood n gyermekkor He spent his childhood in Canada.
client n ügyfél Bank managers give advice to their clients.
close adj szoros kapcsolatban I’m very close to my brother.
van, érzelmileg közel
close-knit adj szorosan összetartó This is a very close-knit community.
communal adj közös The students share a communal kitchen.
community n közösség The park is used by the whole community.
cosmopolitan adj kozmopolita New York is a cosmopolitan city, with people
from all over the world.
cracked adj repedt The cups were all old and cracked.
culture n kultúra Chinese culture is very interesting.
daylight n (nappali) világosság It’s easier to drive in daylight.
demolition n lebontás The building is unsafe and due for demolition.
destroy v megsemmisít, lerombol The building was destroyed by fire.
dressmaker n varrónő She works as a dressmaker in a clothes factory.
earthquake n földrengés An earthquake makes the ground shake.
elderly adj idős She looks after her elderly grandmother.
end up (doing) v végül (oda jut, hogy) She studied English, and ended up becoming a
megtesz valamit teacher.
Equator n Egyenlítő It is very hot on the Equator.
extended family n kiterjedt, tágabb család He’s got a large extended family, with 26
extinct adj kihalt There are not many tigers left – they are almost
fee n tiszteletdíj Lawyers often charge very high fees.
filling n tömés I had a filling at the dentist’s this morning.
for good örökre Have you left England for good, or will you return
one day?
forbid v megtilt Smoking isn’t allowed – it’s forbidden.
frail adj gyenge, törékeny Her grandfather is old and frail now.
frugally adv mértékletesen, We saved money by eating frugally.
global warming n globális felmelegedés Pollution from cars causes global warming.
(not) go far v nagyon soká elég £20 won’t go far in London – it won’t even buy a
go live v működni kezd The new computer system went live yesterday.
go on about v hosszasan, sokat He’s always going on about football!
beszél valamiről
headquarters n székhely The company’s headquarters is in Paris.
heritage n örökség Egypt has a very rich heritage.
hold v tart(ja a vonalat) Please hold, and I'll put you through to Mr
Blake’s office.
hopefully adv remélhetőleg Hopefully, I’ll pass my exams!
hospitality n vendégszeretet Thank you for your kind hospitality.
iceberg n jéghegy You can see icebergs near the North Pole.
immediate family n közvetlen családtagok I only invited my immediate family, not all my
aunts and uncles.
kit n öltözet, szerelés Manchester United wear a red and white kit.
life expectancy n várható élettartam Life expectancy is high in most European
loads n egy csomó, nagyon sok John will pay – he’s got loads of money!
mainly adv főleg He’s travelled a lot, mainly in Europe.
make v belefér az idejébe I’m sorry, I can’t make Tuesday. I’m busy.
means n eszköz The plane is a fast means of transport.
motto n jelmondat My motto is ‘Never give up!’
muffin n muffin She makes delicious chocolate muffins.
municipal adj önkormányzati The town has some lovely municipal buildings.
neutral adj pártatlan The referee should be neutral.
nonsense n képtelenség That’s not true - it’s nonsense!
noticeable adj szemmel látható It was noticeable that she was tired.
on the clock n a kilométerórában My old car’s got 150,000 miles on the clock.
operator n telefonközpontos An operator answered the phone and asked who
I wanted to speak to.
opportunity n alkalom, lehetőség I would love the opportunity to travel.
originally adv eredetileg Originally, she’s from Slovakia.
performance n előadás We saw a performance of Hamlet last night.
pin number n PIN kód Never tell anyone your pin number.
policy n politika, stratégia What is the government’s policy on education?
preschool n (iskolai előkészítő) Children go to preschool at 2 or 3 years old.
prestigious adj rangos The film won several prestigious awards.
presumably adv feltehetően He’s from France, so presumably he speaks
profile n rövid életrajz I read a profile of the singer Beyoncé.
propaganda n politikai propaganda The story wasn’t true – it was just propaganda.
valamilyen cél
provide v biztosít, ad The school provides pens and paper.
pyjamas n pizsama He put on his pyjamas and climbed into bed.
raise v felnevel It’s hard work raising children.
reach v elér The temperature reached 42 degrees.
regret n bánat, sajnálat Her biggest regret is not going to university.
research n kutatás They are doing research into the causes of
rubbish n vacak, szemét That film was awful – it was rubbish!
settle down v letelepszik, közös They decided to get married and settle down.
otthont teremt
shortly adv nemsokára I won’t be long – I’ll see you shortly.
similarity n hasonlóság I can see some similarities between you and
your brother.
slum n nyomorúságos Most of the houses are slums, with no electricity
állapotban levő or running water.
storey n emelet The building has got six storeys.
stressed adj feszült Most students get stressed at exam time.
structure n szerkezet The structure of society is changing.
stuck adj ott ragad valahol We were stuck at the airport for two days!
suburb n külváros I live in a suburb of Leeds, not in the city centre.
survey n felmérés We did a survey on students’ eating habits.
take away v elvisz Two coffees to take away, please.
(to take away) (elvitelre)
take home v hazavisz, nettóban She takes home about £500 a month.
tricky adj nehéz, furfangos I can’t do this puzzle – it’s quite tricky.
ultimately adv végül I’m studying law, and ultimately I want to be a
urgent adj sürgős I need to see you now! It’s urgent!
vote v szavaz Who did you vote for in the election?
vote n szavazati jog Everyone over 18 has the vote.
well-balanced adj kiegyensúlyozott She seems happy and well-balanced.
widely adv széles körben His books are widely read.


Szó, kifejezés Szófaj Fordítás Példamondat

accomplish v véghezvisz She finally accomplished her plan.
actually adv valójában No, actually he’s not Spanish, he’s Portuguese.
amazing adj bámulatos, elképesztően The hotel was great, and the food was amazing!

ambassador n nagykövet He works as the German ambassador in London.
annual adj éves He has an annual salary of £35,000.
attend v részt vesz How many people will attend the wedding?
bake v süt Let's bake a cake for Dad's birthday.
banking n bankszakma He works in banking.
barbecue v roston süt (húst) a We barbecued some steak in the garden.
bargain n alkalmi vétel I got some real bargains in the sales.
be in touch (with) v tartja a kapcsolatot I’ll be in touch with you next week.
be situated v van, elhelyezkedik The office is situated on March Road.
boarding school n bentlakásos iskola He was sent away to a boarding school.
boil v forral Shall I boil some water to make coffee?
boss n főnök I’ll ask my boss if I can have a day off.
broadcaster n tévés, rádiós She wants to be a television broadcaster.
budget n költségvetés Our budget for this project is £3000.
butler n komornyik A butler organizes all the staff in a big house.
buzz n nyüzsgés There’s a buzz in the school at the end of term.
cash flow n fizetőképesség The business is having problems with cash flow.
cashier n pénztáros He handed his money to the cashier.
casserole dish n tűzálló edény Cook the meat in a casserole dish in the oven.
catch up on v behozza a lemaradását, It’s good to catch up on your news.
képbe kerül
challenging adj kihívást jelentő Skiing is a challenging sport.
charity n jótékonyság(i egyesület) The charity ‘Shelter’ helps people who have
nowhere to live.
charming adj elbűvölő What a polite and charming man!
cheque n csekk I’ve sent you a cheque for the full amount.
chop v felaprít First, chop the onions.
concentrate v koncentrál, összpontosít When I’m tired I can’t concentrate on anything.
concerned adj aggódik She was concerned about my health.
conservative adj konzervatív She doesn’t like change – she’s very
convenient adj kényelmes, megfelelő There’s a shop on the corner, which is very
cope (with) v Megbirkózik (vmivel) I don’t know how she copes with all her work.
day off n szabadnap I have two days off a week.

decent adj tisztességes, rendes He’s got a decent job in a bank.

deputy n helyettes My deputy will take over while I am away.
documentary n dokumentumfilm I watched a documentary about Hungary.
drill n fúró I’ll make a hole in the wall with my electric drill.
dutiful adj kötelességtudó She was a dutiful daughter who looked after her
duty n kötelesség It is your duty to tell the police about this.
earn a living v előteremti a megélhetés- Most people have to work to earn a living.
hez szükséges pénzt
earner n (pénz) kereső Doctors earn a lot – they are high earners.
eccentric adj hóbortos She’s a lovely old lady, but a bit eccentric.
employee n alkalmazott The business has 300 employees.
engagement n elfoglaltság I won’t be able to come to the party – I have
another engagement.
enormous adj hatalmas This jacket is far too big – it’s enormous!
expand v terjeszkedik The hospital is too small and must expand.
expedition n expedíció We’re going on an expedition up the Amazon.
extensively adv széleskörűen She has read extensively.
extravagantly adv pazarlóan The room was extravagantly decorated.
ferry n komp We got the ferry from England to France.
fly by v elrepül (idő) The weeks soon flew by.
food processor n turmixgép I made the soup in a food processor.
fry v (zsírban) süt Fry the chicken in vegetable oil.
get away from it all v elszabadul mindentől I need a holiday to get away from it all!
golf n golf Do you play golf?
goods pl n áru The shop sells shoes and leather goods.
handyman n ezermester, mindenes A handyman does small jobs around the house.
hardly ever adj szinte soha He’s so lazy – he hardly ever does any work!
hardware n hardver Our computer hardware is quite old now.
hard-working adj szorgalmas You have to be hard-working to do well in
head of state n államfő Heads of state from France and Germany will
meet to discuss the problems.
heir n örökös She is heir to her father’s fortune.
helmet n védősisak, bukósisak Motorcyclists have to wear a helmet in Britain.
herb n fűszernövény She grows herbs in her garden.
honey n édesem, szívem I love you, honey.
host v otthont ad, helyszínéül Which country will host the next Olympics?
housekeeper n házvezető He has a housekeeper to run his house.
huge adj hatalmas They live in a huge house with ten bedrooms.
human resources n emberi erőforrások You need to get on well with people to work in
human resources.
hunting n vadászat A lot of people are against whale hunting.
(be) in charge felelős valamiért, vezeti Who’s in charge of this department?
in response to válaszolva I am writing in response to your advertisement.
included adj benne van, tartalmazza Is food included in the price of the holiday?
inconvenience adj kényelmetlenség I apologize for the inconvenience.
industry n ipar She works in the travel industry.
invoice n számla Please send me an invoice for the work.
involve v részt vesz Two men were involved in the robbery.
keep fit v jó erőnlétben tartja magát He goes jogging to keep fit.
lamb v bárányt ellet Farmers start lambing in the spring.
land v leszáll Our plane lands at Heathrow at two o’clock.
laptop n laptop You can use your laptop on the train.
lavish adj pazar He gave her many lavish presents.
lifeguard n úszómester The lifeguard dived into the sea to save her.
lifetime n valakinek az élete / ideje These changes won’t happen in my lifetime.
lively adj élénk, nyüzsgő It’s quite a lively town – there’s lots to do.
look forward to v előre örül, örömmel vár I’m looking forward to my holiday next month.
luxury n luxus, fényűzés She lives a life of luxury, with beautiful clothes
and expensive food.
madly adv őrülten I was madly jealous of her new shoes.
maid n szobalány Maids make the beds and tidy the rooms.
managing director n ügyvezető igazgató The managing director is head of the company.
manufacture v gyárt The company manufactures toys.
meditate v meditál, elmélkedik I do yoga and I meditate to relax.
memo n emlékeztető feljegyzés He sent me a memo about the meeting.
mild adj enyhe You don’t need a coat – it’s quite mild today.
minced meat n darált hús I make spaghetti bolognese with minced meat.
mix v összekever Mix the sugar and butter together.
modernize v korszerűsít The old theatre was modernized last year.
monarch n uralkodó Who was the British monarch before Elizabeth
negotiate v tárgyal, egyezkedik They are trying to negotiate a pay increase.
occupy v elfoglal He was occupied with work all afternoon.
organic adj bio - Organic food is grown without chemicals.
passionately adv szenvedélyesen She believes passionately that killing animals is
payment n fizetség, fizetés Payment is now due.
peel v meghámoz Peel and chop the apples.
personnel n alkalmazottak, személyzet We need to recruit some new sales personnel.
plant v ültet I’m going to plant a rose in the garden.
politician n politikus Politicians must find an answer to the problem of
global warming.
porter n hordár The porter carried our bags for us.
portray v ábrázol Golf is often portrayed as a sport for the rich.
praise v megdicsér My boss praised me for my good work.
product n termék They sell their products all over Europe.
promote v népszerűsít, támogat The government tries to promote healthy living.
qualification n képzettség, végzettség You need qualifications to be a teacher.
racket n ütő (pl. teniszben) Can I borrow your tennis racket?
rarely adv ritkán I usually work late and rarely get home early.
reception n fogadás There will be a formal reception to welcome all
the guests.
reckon v gondol Do you reckon he’s telling the truth?
recruit v toboroz, munkaerőt keres We need to recruit a new IT manager.
redecorate v lakás felújítást végez We’re going to redecorate the whole house.
responsibility n felelősség It’s a big responsibility looking after children.
ridiculous adj nevetséges No, of course not! That’s a ridiculous idea!
riverside n folyópart Their house is on the riverside.
roast v süt (sütőben) I roasted a chicken for lunch.
royal adj királyi The royal gardens are open to the public.
sales pl n értékesítés Our sales have increased this year.
screwdriver n csavarhúzó I need a screwdriver to put this desk together.
serve an ace v ászt szervál She served an ace to win the tennis match.
service v szervizel They make and service washing machines.
shift n műszak Factory workers often work eight-hour shifts.
shooting n lövészet Do you think shooting is a cruel sport?
sketch v vázlatot készít John sketched a lovely picture of our dog.
slave n rabszolga No, I won’t do that for you – I’m not your slave!
sleeping bag n hálózsák He's bought a sleeping bag for his camping
small talk n csevegés, társalgás I hate making small talk with people I don’t know.
smart adj elegáns She was wearing a smart black suit.
soap n szappanopera Do you think there are too many soaps on TV?
socializer n társasági ember She loves parties – she’s a real socializer.
squeeze v présel You squeeze oranges to make orange juice.
state n állapot Look at the state of the floor – it’s really dirty!
stiff adj erős He poured himself a stiff whisky.
support n támogatás He gives help and support to all his staff.
surfboard n szörfdeszka A big wave knocked him off his surfboard
sweat v izzad He was sweating because he was so hot.
sweetheart n kedves, szeretetre méltó, She’s a lovely girl – a real sweetheart.
nagylelkű ember
tackle v megbirkózik The government must tackle this problem.
tantrum n dühkitörés He went into a tantrum and started shouting at
tax n adó Everyone pays tax on money they earn.
tell off v megszid His boss told him off for being late.
term-time n szorgalmi időszak She studies hard during term-time.
throne n trón Queen Elizabeth came to the throne in 1953.
torch n elemlámpa It's dark outside – take a torch with you.
trade n kereskedelem This agreement will encourage trade between
the two countries.
training n képzés It takes five years of training to be a doctor.
understanding n tudás, mély ismeret She has a good understanding of Chinese
valet n inas His valet helps him to get dressed.
VIP (=very n nagyon fontos This room is only for VIPs.
important person) személyiség
wealthy adj gazdag Bill Gates is a very wealthy man.
weed v kigazol Let's weed the garden, it looks a real mess.
weigh v lemér Weigh the ingredients carefully.
well-intentioned adj jó szándékú She is very well-intentioned, and never intends to
upset people.
workforce n dolgozói létszám The company wants to increase its workforce.
zoom n zoom (közelebb hozza a Use the zoom on your camera to bring things
képet) closer.


Szó, kifejezés Szófaj Fordítás Példamondat

according to prep (vmi) szerint It’s going to be hot tomorrow, according to the
weather forecast.
adore v imád I adore Italian food – it’s delicious!
alliance n szövetség The two countries formed an alliance, and
promised to fight for each other.
apothecary n gyógyszerész She went to the apothecary for some medicine.
art dealer n műkereskedő Art dealers buy and sell works of art.
asylum n elmegyógyintézet They thought he was mad, so they put him in an
balcony n erkély The house has a balcony overlooking the
ban v megtilt Smoking is banned here.
banish v száműz John was banished from the kitchen.
bear v elvisel The pain was so bad I couldn’t bear it.
beg v könyörög She begged him for help.
beloved adj szeretett She cried when her beloved dog died.
blind adj vak He is blind in one eye.
bury v eltemet My grandparents are buried in the village
bury v elás There is treasure buried here.
cemetery n temető This is the cemetery where Mozart is buried.
clumsy adj ügyetlen Tom is always breaking things – he’s so clumsy.
collection n gyűjtemény She’s got a large collection of books.
colourful adj színes I like wearing colourful clothes, not dark ones.
comfort v vigasztal I put my arm around her to comfort her.
commit v elkövet We will find out who committed this crime.
cool adj távolságtartó, hűvös I don’t know why Tom is being so cool with me.
couple n pár Mike and Lisa are a lovely couple.
dagger n tőr He attacked me with a dagger.
dawn n hajnal We got up at dawn.
declare v kijelent She declared that she was leaving England for
decline v elhárít, visszautasít I asked her to come with us, but she declined.
depression n depresszió Many people suffer from depression after an
despite prep ellenére We enjoyed the day, despite the rain.
dismiss v elbocsát She was dismissed from her job because she
was always late.
donate v adományoz They donate a lot of money to charity.
dynasty n dinasztia The Tudor dynasty lasted several centuries.
electric adj izgalmas, magával The atmosphere at the concert was electric!
embrace n ölelés She greeted me with a warm embrace.
enemy n ellenség We will fight against our enemies!
entire adj teljes, egész She spent her entire life in this house.
eternal adj örök Religion offers the promise of eternal life.
exile v száműz The king was exiled to Europe.
explode v felrobban A bomb exploded in the city centre.
fair adj szépséges He rescued the fair princess.
fair enough adj jogos, elfogadható He didn’t want to come, which was fair enough.
fall in love v egymásba szeret We fell in love as soon as we met.
fancy v kedvel, tetszik neki Bob’s looking at you – I think he fancies you.
farewell n búcsú He left without a goodbye or farewell.
fellow adj társ She chatted to her fellow travellers.
feud n viszály The feud between the families continued for
many years.
fiercely adv vadul ‘Go away!’ he said fiercely.
flu n influenza I haven’t got the flu – it’s just a bad cold.
friar n szerzetes He became a friar in a religious community.
funny adj furcsa The machine was making a funny noise.
genius n zseni, géniusz Mozart was a musical genius.
glad adj boldog I’m glad no one was hurt.
go out with v együtt jár (vkivel) Who is Bess going out with at the moment?
go weak at the elgyengülnek / She went weak at the knees when she saw him.
knees megremegnek a térdei
grief n fájdalom, bánat She wept with grief when her husband died.
hateful adj gyűlöletes The idea of fighting was hateful to him.
hatred n gyűlölet I was filled with hatred for that awful man!
head over heels tetőtől talpig She fell head over heels into the water.
heavily adv erősen It was raining heavily.
(rain heavily) (zuhog)
hold hands v egymás kezét fogják They were walking along, holding hands.
horrible adj szörnyű What’s that horrible smell?
(be) horrified adj elborzad I was horrified when I saw the mess.
identify v azonosít She couldn’t identify the thieves.
incredibly adv hihetetlenül The film was incredibly funny!
insane adj őrült I felt as if I was going insane.
instantly adv azonnal He was killed instantly in the explosion.
jealous adj féltékeny She was jealous because I had more money
than her.
lifeless adj élettelen She looked pale and lifeless.
liquor n (égetett) szeszesital Children under 18 cannot buy intoxicating
madness n őrültség It would be madness to pay so much money!
move v költözik My family moved to London when I was two.
nature n természet, jelleg He had problems of a medical nature.
nightmare n rémálom I had a terrible nightmare last night.
nobleman n nemes(ember) She wanted to marry a rich nobleman.
on the mend gyógyulófélben I’ve been ill, but I’m on the mend now.
(be) overwhelmed adj teljesen magával She was overwhelmed with joy.
part v elválik, elbúcsúzik We parted at midnight, and both went home.
pay attention odafigyel This is important, so pay attention.
peace n béke After 20 years of war, everyone is ready for
piece n darab This is the most expensive piece in the
pleasurable adj élvezetes It was a very pleasurable trip.
poison n méreg We killed the rats with poison.
porcelain n porcelán Most plates are made of porcelain.
precious adj értékes She keeps her precious jewels locked away.
pretend v úgy tesz mintha, tettet I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep.
priceless adj felbecsülhetetlen értékű This painting is priceless – it’s worth so much
you can’t put a price on it.
psychiatrist n pszichiáter The psychiatrist helped me to understand my
psychology n pszichológia She’s studying psychology at university.
publish v kiad This book is published by Oxford University
pulse n pulzus, érverés I felt her pulse, to check she was alive.
quarrel v veszekszik They are always quarrelling about money.
race v fut, rohan She raced downstairs to open the letter.
rancour n gyűlölet, rosszakarat He spoke calmly, without anger or rancour.
razor blade n borotvapenge He cut himself on a razor blade while he was
reciprocate adj viszonoz I hated him, and the feeling was reciprocated.
recognize v felismer I didn’t recognize you with that hat on.
regrettable adj sajnálatos It is regrettable that we have to close the school.
reject v visszautasít She rejected his offer because it wasn’t good
rescue v megment, kiment Firemen rescued her from the burning house.
self-portrait n önarckép A self-portrait is a painting of yourself.
sense of humour n humorérzék Tom’s always laughing – he’s got a great sense
of humour.
several adj számos He’s applied for several jobs.
shame n kár (hogy) It’s a shame you can’t come to the party.
shiny adj fényes He was wearing shiny black shoes.
sister-in-law n sógornő Liz is my sister-in-law – she’s married to my
slip v megcsúszik I slipped on the wet floor.
slow motion n lassított felvétel We watched the goal again in slow motion.
smash v darabokra törik I dropped my glass and it smashed.
soul n lélek Some people believe their soul continues to live
after they have died.
stab v (le)szúr, döf A man attacked her and stabbed her with a knife.
stuff n dolog There was lots of nice stuff in the shop.
stunned adj döbbent He looked stunned when I told him he’d won.
suicide n öngyilkosság He committed suicide by hanging himself.
swear v megesküszik It’s true, I swear to you!
tension n feszültség The argument caused tension between us.
testify v tanúvallomást tesz I had to testify in court.
thank goodness Istennek hála! Thank goodness you’re safe!
tight adj szűk This jacket is too tight for me.
tomb n sír He was buried in a large tomb.
tragedy n tragédia His death was a terrible tragedy.
tragic adj tragikus This was a terrible tragic accident.
treasure n kincs There is treasure buried here.
tummy n gyomor I had eaten too much and my tummy was
unfortunate adj sajnálatos It was an unfortunate accident.
unfortunately adv sajnos Unfortunately, our flight was delayed.
uninvited adj hívatlan There were a lot of uninvited guests.
unite v egyesít The leaders hope to unite their two countries.
unrecognized adj fel nem ismert, This is a new disease which was unrecognized
azonosítatlan until last year.
upside down adj fejjel lefele Turn the picture round – it’s upside down!
valuable adj értékes It’s made of gold, so it’s quite valuable.
vase n váza She put the flowers in a vase.
vial n ampulla, fiola We heated the chemicals in a small vial.
vineyard n szőlőskert Grapes are grown in a vineyard.
voluntarily adv önkéntelenül She offered money voluntarily, before I asked.
warring adj háborúskodó They hope to bring the warring countries
wed v összeházasodik, The couple plan to wed next year.
weep v zokog He wept when his father died.
windowsill n ablakpárkány There was a photograph on the windowsill.
woe n bánat, szomorúság She told me all her problems and woes.
wretched adj szerencsétlen Where’s that wretched boy gone?
yoga n jóga Yoga is very relaxing.


Szó, kifejezés Szófaj Fordítás Példamondat

access n hozzáférhetőség Students have access to the whole library.
accessory n kiegészítő She has different accessories to go with different
adjust v alkalmazkodik She soon adjusted to university life.
apparently adv úgy tűnik, hogy, Apparently, they’re going to close the swimming
nyílvánvalóan pool.
appreciate v értékel Thanks for your help – I really appreciate it.
bargain n alkalmi vétel These shoes are only £10 – a bargain!
battered adj ütött-kopott He was carrying a battered old suitcase.
be considered v valamilyennek tartják It is considered impolite to ask for more.
be/get stuck v elakad I’m stuck. Can you help me?
benefit n pénzbeli juttatás You can claim benefit if you are too ill to work.
borrow v kölcsönvesz Can I borrow your pen for a moment?
bottle bank n üveggyűjtő konténer Take the old bottles to the bottle bank.
bring up v felnevel I want to ~ my family in the country.
bring up v felhoz, felvet You should bring this up at the next meeting.
chore n házimunka Cooking and cleaning are chores.
claim v igényel She stepped forward to claim her prize.
code n kód What’s the international code for Germany?
confront v szembesít They confronted him with all the evidence.
council house n önkormányzati The government owns council houses, and rents
tulajdonú ház them to people.
cuddly adj ölelnivaló The kitten was soft and cuddly.
cut off v elvág, elzár They feel cut off living so far away.
cut off v szétkapcsol, megszakít The operator cut us off.
deal with v foglalkozik valamivel I don’t know how to deal with this problem.
decorate v kifest We need to decorate the kitchen.
demand n követelés I support nurses’ demands for higher pay.
dig v ás He dug a hole in the sand.
dilemma n dilemma, választási We face a difficult dilemma, and must make a
helyzet decision.
disagreeable adj kellemetlen There was a disagreeable smell in the kitchen.
discipline n fegyelem Good discipline is important in schools.
disqualify v kizár She’s been disqualified from the competition.
domestic adj házi This equipment is not for domestic use.
drink-driving n ittas vezetés A lot of accidents are caused by drink-driving.
dump v lerak, megszabadul They shouldn’t dump chemicals in the river.
electronic adj elektronikus You can buy some books in electronic form.
embarrassing adj kínos It was embarrassing when I fell over.
enter v belép We entered the building.
equipment n felszerelés You need expensive equipment for some sports.
era n kor(szak) She lived during the Victorian era.
fair adj igazságos He’s got more than me – it’s not fair!
fairground ride n vidámparki /vásári játék I hate going on fairground rides where you get
turned upside down.
fiancée n vőlegény Sara is his fiancée – he’s going to marry her next
fine n bírság There is a £30 fine for dropping litter.
footpath n ösvény The footpath goes through this field.
freeze v lefagy The screen freezes when I try to use the Internet.
fuss n hűhó He made a terrible fuss when I told him he
couldn’t come with us.
gadget n szerkentyű You can get a clever gadget for opening tins.
gain v megszerez We couldn’t gain entry to the building.
get through v átvészel, végig csinál She helped me get through the experience.
get through v telefonon elér I couldn’t get through to Max last night.
gift-wrap v díszesen, szépen Could you gift-wrap these flowers, please?
give (sb) a lift n elvisz valakit az Shall I give you a lift to the station?
give in v behódol, enged The government will not give in to terrorists.
give up v abbahagy He had to give up running when he hurt his
go with the flow úszik az árral, azt I don’t mind what we do – I’ll go with the flow.
csinálja, amit a többiek
great-grandmother n dédnagymama Your great-grandmother is the mother of your
greet v üdvözöl He greeted me with a cheerful ‘Hello’.
have an open v nyitott, még nem I haven’t decided – I have an open mind.
mind határozott
hi-tech adj csúcstechnológiájú Our new washing machine is very hi-tech.
idiomatic v idiomatikus, köznyelvi An idiomatic meaning of ‘take off’ is ‘to become
in spite of prep ellenére We swam in the sea in spite of the cold.
increase v növel, emel I asked my boss to increase my salary.
iron v vasal My shirt is clean, but it needs to be ironed.
keep quiet v hallgat valamiről He asked me to keep quiet about his plans.
make v keres (pénzt) We made £200 by selling some old clothes.
match n mérkőzés Did you see the Chelsea match last night?
medical adj orvosi, orvostudományi She’s studying for a medical degree.
menace n fenyegetés, veszély Bad drivers are a menace on the roads!
military service n katonai szolgálat He had to do a year’s military service in the
missionary n hittérítő Mother Teresa was a missionary.
morals pl n erkölcsi normák This behaviour was not acceptable to the morals
of that time.
naïve adj naiv, ártatlan She’s very naïve and will trust anyone.
optimist n derűlátó He’s an optimist – he’s always cheerful.
out of work munkanélküli There are no jobs, so a lot of people are out of
parking ticket n parkolójegy You can’t park there – you’ll get a parking ticket.
permissible adj megengedhető It is not permissible to use mobile phones during
pessimist n borúlátó Don’t be such a pessimist – it will be fine!
pick up v javul Sales have picked up this year.
pick up v felszed, talál I picked up some interesting information.
point of view n vélemény, nézőpont Everyone has a different point of view on this
pump n kút, szivattyú All the pumps at the petrol station were busy.
punk n punk (zene) Punk is a type of loud rock music.
push up v felnyom (árat) The war will push up the price of oil.
put up with v eltűr He has to put up with a lot of pain.
qualify v képesítést szerez He has just qualified as a lawyer.
react v reagál How did Sara react when you told her the news?
ready adj kész Dinner’s not ready yet.
(have no) regard n (nincs) tekintet(tel) He has no regard for other people’s feelings!
remove v eltávolít Cut the fruit in half and remove the stone.
retell v újra elmond He retold the joke to all his friends.
role n szerep What is your role in the organization?
row n veszekedés They’re always having rows about money.
scary adj félelmetes It was scary being in that house alone.
schooling n iskoláztatás She finished her schooling at 16.
servant n szolga They’re very rich – they’ve got servants to do
everything for them!
set an example v példát mutat You should set a good example for the children.
set up v felállít, alapít They set up a charity to help children in need.
share v megosztozik We shared the food between us.
space station n űrállomás The astronauts spent a week in the space
spread v terjed Word spread very quickly about the party.
stepfather n mostohaapa My mother has remarried, so I have a stepfather.
strict adj szigorú My parents were very strict – I wasn’t allowed out
after dark.
strip v megfoszt He was stripped of his prize because he had
suit v illik valakihez I don’t think this dress suits me.
take after v hasonlít I take after my father.
take up v elkezd foglalkozni She took up dancing, and found she really
valamivel enjoyed it.
tear n könnycsepp A few tears rolled down her cheeks.
thrift n takarékosság She believes in thrift, so she never wastes
token n zseton You need a token for the machine.
tonic n tonik, gyógyhatású ital / Drink this tonic – it will help you feel better.
transform v átalakít They transformed the old school into a house.
transport v szállít The goods are transported by sea.
treat n élvezet, ajándék We’re going out for a meal as a special treat.
valuable adj értékes Some of the paintings are quite valuable.
Victorian adj Viktória királynő Life was very different in Victorian times.
korabeli, viktoriánus
wardrobe n ruhásszekrény I hung my coat in the wardrobe.
wireless adj vezeték nélküli We’ve got a wireless mouse for the computer.
woodwork n famunka In woodwork classes, you learn how to make
things out of wood.


Szó, kifejezés Szófaj Fordítás Példamondat

addiction n szenvedély He’s an expert in video game addiction.
advance n (előre)haladás This is a major scientific advance.
alien n földönkívüli They believe they saw an alien spaceship.
amateur adj amatőr, műkedvelő He’s an amateur artist – he just paints for fun.
astronaut n űrhajós The astronauts spent three weeks in space.
attitude n hozzáállás She has a positive attitude towards life.
(have) awareness n tudatában van, ismeri We now have more awareness of the importance
of exercise.
beyond my a legvadabb álmaimat is Starring in a Hollywood film was beyond my
wildest dreams túlszárnyalja wildest dreams.
blackness n sötétség, feketeség They looked out into the blackness outside.
breakthrough n áttörés This was a major breakthrough in medicine.
cause for concern ok az aggodalomra His behaviour is a cause for concern.
cell n sejt Your body is made up of cells.
centenarian n százéves Someone who lives to 100 is a centenarian.
confidently adv magabiztosan, önhitten She smiled confidently.
confirmation n megerősítés, We will send confirmation of your booking.
consciousness n eszmélet She lost consciousness when she hit her head.
controversial adj vitatott Abortion is a very controversial issue.
cookery n főzés, All children are taught cookery at school.
current adj jelenlegi What is your current address?
curvature n görbület He suffers from curvature of the spine.
cyber-space virtuális tér / világ The pictures travel through cyber-space.
damage n kár The wind caused damage to some buildings.
diseased adj beteg Doctors replaced his diseased heart.
disorder n rendellenesség Some teenage girls suffer from eating disorders.
distribute v szétoszt They distribute food to homeless people.
drought n aszály Many trees died during the drought.
emotion n érzelem He never cries or shows his emotions.
energy n energia Wind power is a natural form of energy.
evacuate v kilakoltat Some people were evacuated from their homes
during the floods.
evidence n bizonyíték The police have evidence that she is guilty.
That’s all the evidence I need.
existence n létezés Do you believe in the existence of ghosts?
expand v terjeszkedik The company will expand into Asia next year.
expect a baby v gyermeket vár She’s expecting a baby in May.
expense n költség We booked the holiday without thinking about the
extend v meghosszabbít We loved the hotel, so decided to extend our
fiction n kitaláció, nem valóság, Do you like reading facts or fiction?
fingers crossed drukkolok, hogy I’ve got my driving test tomorrow, so fingers
sikerüljön, reményked- crossed that I’ll pass.
jünk, hogy sikerülni fog
flood n áradás Heavy rain often causes floods.
forecast n előrejelzés The forecast said it’s going to rain.
form v megalakul The rock band formed two years ago.
galaxy n csillagrendszer The Milky Way is a galaxy.
generate v kivált The idea generated a lot of excitement.
generation n nemzedék What will life be like for future generations?
get in v megérkezik, befut The train gets in to York at 14.30.
give birth v életet ad She gave birth to a baby boy.
glow v ragyog A light glowed in the distance.
half-time n félidő The manager changed the team at half-time.
heat wave n kánikula, hőhullám The temperature reached 43 degrees during the
hopeless adj reménytelen I tried playing tennis, but I was hopeless!
human n ember, emberi lény Most pollution is caused by humans.
hurricane n hurrikán The hurricane damaged many buildings.
ice n jég Be careful – there’s ice on the road.
infinite adj végtelen Space is infinite – it doesn’t end.
injection n injekció I had an injection to help with the pain.
injure v megsért, megsebesít He fell and injured his foot.
knowledge n tudás Scientists are always trying to improve their
laboratory n laboratórium The tests are carried out in our laboratories.
limb n végtag Some people lost limbs in the explosion.
major adj fő, jelentős Pollution is a major problem in many cities.
mammal n emlős Dogs and cats are mammals.
mankind n emberiség This problem will affect all mankind.
marvel n csoda The film shows the marvels of nature.
melt v elolvad The chocolate had melted in the sun.
meteorologist n meteorológus Meteorologists study the weather.
minority n kisebbség A small minority become addicted.
mission n küldetés They are planning a mission to Venus.
nuclear energy n atomenergia Some electricity is produced by nuclear energy.
orbit n keringési pálya There are many satellites in orbit around the
organ n szerv Doctors can transplant organs such as the heart
and liver.
(be) out adj kiesik, nem jöhet szóba Sorry, Wednesday’s out for me.
parallel adj párhuzamos A square has two pairs of parallel lines.
permafrost n állandóan fagyott altalaj Permafrost is ground that is always frozen.
photographer n fényképész He wants to be a professional photographer.
pill n tabletta The doctor gave me some pills.
presence n jelenlét We require your presence at the meeting.
pretty adv nagyon, meglehetősen They’re young, but their music is pretty good.
primate n főemlős Monkeys are primates.
prove v bizonyít The evidence proved that he was guilty.
quote v idéz The study quotes reliable research.
rainfall n csapadék (eső) What’s the average rainfall in your country?
rapidly adv gyorsan Paul looked at his watch and left rapidly.
realist n realista I’m a realist, so I know we might not win.
reassure v megnyugtat She reassured me that everything was OK.
reduce v csökkent The government must reduce unemployment.
regenerate v újra képződik If you cut off one of its legs, a new one will
regrow v újra kinő The plant will regrow if you cut it down.
replace v kicserél I need to replace my old computer.
research n kutatás The study quotes reliable research.
resource n forrás The country has natural resources such as oil
and coal.
revulsion n ellenérzés She feels revulsion at the idea of eating meat.
rocket n rakéta They fired the rocket into space.
science fiction n tudományos- She loves reading science fiction.
fantasztikus irodalom
sensational adj szenzációs Some newspapers are full of sensational stories.
sensor n érzékelő The machine has light sensors to detect light.
shorten v rövidít These trousers are too long – I need to shorten
sink into v belesüllyed The wheels sank into the mud.
skydiving n ejtőernyőzés I don’t like flying, so I would hate skydiving!
snowstorm n hóvihar Many roads were blocked by snow during the
spine n gerinc He broke his spine, so he can’t walk now.
status n státus Although he has been there for five years, he still
has the status of an illegal immigrant.
study n tanulmány The study quotes reliable research.
suitable adj alkalmas, megfelelő Those jeans aren’t suitable for an interview.
supply n ellátmány Supplies of food were flown to the area.
take for granted természetesnek vesz Children nowadays take modern technology for
task n feladat Cleaning is a very boring task.
technical adj technikai I need technical advice on my computer.
the norm n norma, természetes Having a home computer is now the norm.
throughout prep mindvégig, (az egész It is very cold throughout the winter.
idő) alatt
thunderstorm n zivatar, vihar There was a thunderstorm with thunder and
heavy rain.
topic n téma We chose the environment as our topic.
training n edzés Professional footballers do training every day.
transplantation n átültetés There are not enough hearts available for
tropical adj trópusi Barbados has a tropical climate.
universe n világegyetem Scientists believe the universe started with a Big
vertebrate n gerinces All vertebrates have a backbone.
vigorous adj erőteljes He gave the door a vigorous push.
virtual adj virtuális He spends hours in a virtual world.
weightlessness n súlytalanság They experienced the feeling of weightlessness
in space.


Szó, kifejezés Szófaj Fordítás Példamondat

appliance n készülék They sell kitchen appliances such as kettles.
associate v társít, összekapcsol I associate wine with France.
astronomy n csillagászat He’s interested in astronomy and the stars.
attractive adj vonzó She’s a very attractive girl.
badly behaved adj rossz magaviseletű I can’t stand badly-behaved children!
basement n alagsor The basement is below the ground floor.
battery n elem I need to put new batteries in my camera.
bomb n bomba The planes dropped bombs on the village.
bother v zavar I quite like the winter – the cold doesn’t bother
brightly coloured adv élénkszínű Everything in the room was brightly coloured.
button n gomb I pressed the button to call the lift.
cashmere n kasmír She bought an expensive cashmere jumper.
casual adj köznapi, lezser She was dressed in casual clothes – jeans and a
cattle n szarvasmarha They have cattle and sheep on the farm.
celebration n ünnepség There were celebrations in the street after the
china n porcelán (edény) They’ve got cups, dishes, and other china.
clearance sale n végkiárusítás It’s a clearance sale, so they want to sell
everything in the shop.
coach n edző Our football coach taught us how to play.
consume v elfogyaszt We consumed all the chocolates between us!
cosmetics pl n kozmetikai cikk You should choose cosmetics that are right for
your skin type.
cosy adj kényelmes, meghitt The sitting room was warm and cosy.
cottage n kisebb (vidéki) ház They live in a lovely cottage in the country.
crumble v porlad The stone wall was old and crumbling.
curiosity n kíváncsiság I opened the box out of curiosity.
curly adj göndör She’s got lovely curly hair.
dome n kupola I could see the golden dome of the mosque.
dominant adj domináns, túlsúlyban He never lets anyone else speak – he’s too
levő dominant.
drive sb crazy v megőrjít Sam is so annoying – he drives me crazy!
emigrate v kivándorol They emigrated to Australia.
equipped adj felszerelt The kitchen is well equipped.
file n dosszié, iratrendező She clipped the papers into a file.
fluently adv folyékonyan She can speak French fluently.
full-time adj teljes-munkaidős I don’t want a full-time job – just two days a
fully adv teljes mértékben We are fully aware of the problems.
garlic n fokhagyma Shall I add garlic to the sauce?
get together v összejön We get together for lunch once a month.
gigabyte n gigabájt It’s got a 60-gigabyte hard disk.
glassware n üvegáru I bought a glass bowl in the glassware
good-looking adj jóképű He’s good-looking, and he’s a nice guy!
gravitate v vonzódik We usually gravitate towards the kitchen.
guarantee n garancia The phone comes with a one-year guarantee.
hand-made adj félkész This bag wasn’t made in a factory – it’s hand-
handy adj alkalmas, könnyen The extra cupboards are handy for storage.
hard disk n merevlemez My computer’s not working – I think it’s a
problem with the hard disk.
hard-working adj szorgalmas He’s very hard-working so I’m sure he’ll be
homecoming n hazatérés We’re looking forward to his homecoming.
housewife n háziasszony, She’s a housewife and doesn’t go out to work.
hut n kunyhó We stayed in a wooden hut in the mountains.
hyperactive adj túlmozgásos Jack’s hyperactive – he just can’t sit still.
immense adj mérhetetlen, óriási This meeting is of immense importance.
in tune with összhangban van He’s not in tune with his emotions.
independent adj független Tom doesn’t need other people – he’s very
ingredient n hozzávaló I bought the ingredients to make a cake.
insecure adj bizonytalan She’s insecure and has no confidence.
irreplaceable adj pótolhatatlan Don’t break that vase – it’s irreplaceable.
kitchenware n konyhafelszerelés I bought a pan in the kitchenware department.
lentils pl n lencse We had meat with lentils.
like chalk and mint ég és föld We’re completely different, like chalk and
cheese cheese.
linen n ágynemű They sell towels and bedlinen.
long-lasting adj hosszantartó They had a long-lasting relationship.
low-fat adj alacsony zsírtartalmú She only eats low-fat yoghurt.
loyalty n hűség, lojalitás She showed great loyalty by continuing to
support her friend.
massage n masszázs I had a neck massage to relax me.
medium height n közepes magasságú He’s not very tall – just medium height.
mud n sár His boots were covered in mud.
night-life n éjszakai élet The night-life is great – lots of bars and clubs.
orchard n gyümölcsös (kert) They’ve got an orchard of apple trees.
painkiller n fájdalomcsillapító I took a painkiller for my headache.
panoramic view adj körkilátás The room has a panoramic view of the lake.
paradise n édenkert The island is perfect – a paradise!
practical adj praktikus This car doesn’t look great, but it’s very practical.
premises pl n helyszín He was asked to leave the premises.
pre-packed adj előrecsomagolt I bought a pre-packed pizza.
prosecute v vádat emel There was no evidence, so the police decided
not to prosecute him.
purchase v vásárol You can purchase tickets online.
rabbit n nyúl The dog chased a rabbit across the field.
relieve v enyhít He gave me a tablet to relieve the pain.
remind v emlékeztet George reminds me of my father.
responsible adj felelősségteljes You have to be very responsible to be a parent.
restore v újjáépít, helyreállít The old theatre is being restored.
safety n biztonság You have to wear a seat belt for safety.
seek v keres We are still seeking the truth.
sell out v mind elfogy belőle The tickets sold out within two days.
sentimental adj érzelmi I keep her letters for sentimental reasons.
shelter n menedék, búvóhely They made a shelter to keep them dry.
simply adv egyszerűen We don’t eat rich food – we eat very simply.
smart adj elegáns Wear smart clothes to an interview.
smartly adv elegánsan He was smartly dressed in a suit and tie.
sociable adj társaságkedvelő Harry loves parties – he’s very sociable.
solid adj szilárd The table is made of solid wood.
staff n személyzet, How many staff do you employ in the company?
stationery n papíráru You’ll find pens in the stationery department.
stone n kő I picked up a stone and threw it into the sea.
subscribe (to) v előfizet Do you subscribe to any magazines?
take-away adj elvihető, elvitelre I don’t often cook - I buy take-away meals.
tempting adj csábító The chocolate cake looked very tempting.
terrace n terasz We sat outside on the terrace.
the ladies n női mosdó She went into the ladies to wash her hands.
think straight v tisztán gondolkodni I was so tired I couldn’t think straight.
tiny adj apró It’s a very small flat – the kitchen is tiny!
toiletries pl n piperecikkek They sell soap and other toiletries.
top floor n felső szint We live on the fourth floor – the top floor.
treasure v nagyra becsül I treasure our friendship.
turmeric n kurkuma Turmeric adds a lovely yellow colour to food.
wavy adj hullámos She’s got dark wavy hair.
wear n viselet, öltözék They’ve got some lovely evening wear.
wedding n esküvő They’re getting married – the wedding is next
well behaved adj jó magaviseletű The children were polite and well behaved.
well dressed adj jól öltözött She’s always smart and well dressed.
whisper v suttog ‘Keep quiet,’ he whispered.
woollens pl n gyapjú ruhanemű You should wash woollens separately.
young at heart adj gondolkodásában és She’s 70, but she’s very young at heart.
fiatalabb a koránál


Szó, kifejezés Szófaj Fordítás Példamondat

(be) accustomed adj hozzá van szokva We’re not accustomed to such hot weather.
agreement n megegyezés We finally reached agreement.
apply for v jelentkezik valamire Are you going to apply for that job?
author n szerző She is the author of several detective stories.
be crazy about v odavan érte It’s obvious that he’s crazy about her.
be fond of v nagyon szeret I’m really fond of my grandmother.
be keen on v odavan érte, lelkesedik She seems quite keen on the idea.
be snapped up v elkapkodják The nice shoes were snapped up quickly in the
best-selling adj legnagyobb He wrote a best-selling cookery book.
can’t bear v nem tudja elviselni I can’t bear this music – it’s just noise!
can’t stand v ki nem állhatja I can’t stand being late – it really annoys me!
chamber n kamra There is a secret chamber behind the wall.
chaos n zűrzavar Everyone was screaming – it was chaos.
common adj gyakori, elterjedt These animals are very common in England –
you see them everywhere.
contact v kapcsolatba lép Please contact me if you have any questions.
continent n földrész Asia is the largest continent in the world.
copy n példány I’ve got a copy of all her books.
countless adj számtalan He’s very popular – he’s got countless friends.
create v teremt They created a terrible mess.
deathly adj halálos There was a deathly silence.
decade n évtized The 1960s was an interesting decade.
demanding adj megerőltető Mountain climbing is physically demanding.
dominate v ural Tom dominated the conversation – no one else
said very much.
doubles pl n páros meccs In tennis, you can play singles or doubles.
downpour n felhőszakadás There was a sudden downpour of rain.
elect v választ They will elect a new President next year.
enthusiastic adj lelkes She’s very enthusiastic about art.
eternity n örökkévalóság He promised to love her for eternity.
euphoria n eufória, boldogság She had a feeling of euphoria when she realized
she had won.
fail v megbukik If you don’t work, you’ll fail your exams.
fan n rajongó, drukker He’s a Manchester United fan.
fancy dress n jelmez Everyone at the party was in fancy dress.
female n nőstény With lions, the females do the hunting.
fine adj jó, rendben ‘Will you meet us there?’ ‘Yes, fine.’
foxhunting n rókavadászat In foxhunting, dogs are used to kill a fox.
gifted adj tehetséges He’s a gifted musician.
goblet n kehely They drank out of silver goblets.

ground n pálya What’s the name of the ground where

Manchester United play?
hallow n szent A hallow is an old word for a holy person.
harmony n harmónia They try to live in harmony with nature.
have a word v szót vált Can I have a word with you later?
heated adj tüzes They had a heated argument.
hero n főhős Johnny Depp plays the hero of the film.
horseriding n lovaglás Horseriding is my favourite sport.
I don’t mind Nem bánom. It’s OK. I don’t mind waiting.
image n kép(más) On the screen was an image of a flower.
infectious adj ragadós, fertőző He has an infectious laugh.
institute n intézet I studied at the London Institute of Design.
introduce v bemutat, bevezet This new product was introduced last month.
invest v befektet She invested her money in the business.
kid v viccel I thought he was kidding, but in fact he was
being serious.
launch v bevezet a piacra They’re launching a new product next week.
leisure n pihenés People now have more time for leisure.
lifestyle n életmód, életstílus She enjoys a glamorous lifestyle.
loathe v gyűlöl I loathe that man – he’s awful!
longhand n kézírás I don’t like writing in longhand – I prefer to work
on a computer.
magic a bűvész- He did some magic tricks for the children.
make your mark v hírnévre tesz szert He wants to make his mark in Hollywood.
male n hím The males are usually bigger than the females.
measles n kanyaró Both the children are ill, they’ve got measles.
media n média, tömegkom- The crime was reported in the media.
munikációs eszközök
medieval adj középkori People lived in castles in medieval times.
mob n csőcselék The angry mob marched down the street.
musical n musical He’s starring in a new musical on Broadway.
myth n mítosz, monda It’s not true that women are worse drivers than
men – it’s a myth.
name v kinevez, megnevez They named John as their leader.
numerous adj számos She was late on numerous occasions.
obsession n rögeszme, He’s got an obsession with money – he thinks
megszállottság about it all the time.
once and for all egyszer és mindenkorra We need to agree once and for all.
orphan n árva She became an orphan at the age of 12, when
her parents died.
(be) passionate adj szenvedélyesen szeret He’s passionate about music – he loves it.
philosopher n filozófus Socrates was a famous philosopher.
phoenix n főnixmadár In stories, the phoenix is a bird that rose up
again from the ashes of a fire.
poverty n szegénység There is a lot of poverty in some African
power n erő These animals have great power and beauty.
powerful adj erős This car’s got a very powerful engine.
producer n producer The producer is the person in charge of making a
TV programme.
psychological adj pszichológiai The clinic helps children with psychological
public school n magániskola In Britain, you pay to go to a public school.
regular adj rendszeres He was a regular visitor to our house.
resign v lemond He resigned from his job.
respond v reagál, válaszol He didn’t respond to her question.
rivalry n versengés, vetélkedés There is a lot of rivalry between the two brothers.
slow down v lelassít You should slow down and relax sometimes.
soccer n foci, labdarúgás In the US football is called soccer.
socialite n előkelőség She’s a wealthy socialite who goes to all the best
sort out v elrendez, megold We must sort out this problem.
stage n színpad She stood up on the stage and started singing.
statistics n pl statisztika There are new statistics on unemployment.
sticking point n egyezséget meggátoló The sticking point was money – we just couldn’t
tényező, vitatott pont agree about that.
strike n sztrájk Postmen went on strike for more money.
superstar n szupersztár He has become a tennis superstar.
sympathy n együttérzés When her mother died, I sent a card to express
my sympathy.
talent n tehetség She’s got a real talent for music.
tattoo n tetoválás He had a tattoo of a bird on his arm.
the big time igazi nagy siker, Many singers dream of reaching the big time.
live life to the full kiélvezi az életet She believes in living life to the full.
totally adv teljesen The two towns are totally different.
track n pálya We ran twice around the running track.
trademark n védjegy All their products carry the company’s trademark.
try one’s luck szerencsét próbál He tried his luck at acting.
twinkly adj csillogó He’s got twinkly eyes.
underwear n alsónemű He was dressed only in his underwear.
video game n videojáték He spends hours playing video games.
violent adj erőszakos This was a very violent crime.
waste ground n megműveletlen föld The supermarket will be built on waste ground
outside the city.
wizard n varázsló I don’t believe in witches and wizards.


Szó, kifejezés Szófaj Fordítás Példamondat

approach v közeledik felé I felt nervous as I approached his office.
ascent n emelkedés The plane took off and began its ascent to 6000
balloon n léggömb We hung balloons around the room before the
base n központ The company has its base in New York.
battle n küzdelem, csata She died after a long battle with cancer.
bite v harap She bit into the apple.
blow v fúj He blew on his soup to cool it.
blow up v felfúj Will you help me blow up these balloons?
body language n testbeszéd His body language showed that he was nervous.
bold adj bátor I didn’t feel bold enough to introduce myself.
bunk bed n emeletes ágy The children sleep in bunk beds.
canoe n kenu We travelled up the river in a canoe.
catapult v nagy erővel dob, hajít When she crashed, she was catapulted out of
the car.
clap v tapsol The audience clapped loudly.
cliff n szikla He fell off a high cliff into the sea below.
conquer v legyőz I managed to conquer my fear of heights.
crew n legénység The crew helped the passengers.
cross v átkel We crossed the river by boat.
crossing n átkelőhely This is the easiest crossing over the river.
cure v meggyógyít Doctors can cure some kinds of cancer.
dare v mer Would you dare to jump off here into the sea?
daring adj vakmerő This was a daring attack in broad daylight.
declare v kihirdet He was declared the winner.
defeat v legyőz They defeated their enemy and won the war.
defeat n vereség Arsenal suffered a 3-1 defeat last week.
DIY n „Csináld magad“, He loves doing DIY like putting up shelves.
DNA n DNS The police found traces of his DNA at the crime
(dezoxiribonukleinsav) scene.
empire n birodalom The Roman Empire stretched all across Europe.
face v szembekerül, We faced many problems on our journey.
fearless adj rettenthetetlen, bátor You have to be fearless to do skydiving.
ferry v komp There’s a boat to ferry people across the river.
fighter n harcos They see themselves as freedom fighters.
force v kényszerít You can’t force students to work.
found v alapít My grandfather founded the family business.
freak (out) v kiborul I freaked out when I saw those huge spiders!
gene n gén Your genes determine what colour hair and eyes
you have.
get out of hand v elvadul, elszabadul It started as a joke, but it got out of hand.
go over v nem ért meg valamit, He tried to explain it to me, but it went over my
someone’s nem fog fel head.
have a sweet v nagyon szereti az I love chocolate – I’ve got a really sweet tooth.
tooth édességet
hit a problem v beleütközik The trip started well, but then hit a few problems.
hollow adj üreges There’s a hollow tree in the park.

honestly adv őszintén, igazán It wasn’t me – honestly!

hug v megölel He ran towards me and hugged me.
iceberg n jéghegy Titanic hit an iceberg.
illiterate v analfabéta He’s illiterate – he can’t read or write.
infection n fertőzés Wash the cut, or you might get an infection.
initially adv kezdetben I didn’t enjoy maths initially, but now I love it!
innocent adj ártatlan He was found to be innocent of the crime.
install v fel- / beszerel We decided to install central heating into our
kick v rúg He kicked the football.
kick up a fuss v nagy hűhót csap We kicked up a fuss when they sent us the
wrong tickets.
kneel v letérdel She knelt down before the King.
lack n hiány They were weak from lack of food.
ladder n létra He climbed up the ladder onto the roof.
lick v megnyal The dog licked my hand.
lifeboat n mentőcsónak There weren’t enough lifeboats.
lower v leenged They lowered the lifeboats.
maiden voyage n (hajó) első út(ja) Titanic hit an iceberg on her maiden voyage.
manpower n munkaerő The company needs more skilled manpower.
military adj katonai He decided on a military career.
nail n szög He banged some nails into the wall.
numerous adj számos I can’t come tomorrow, for numerous reasons.
overcome v leküzd He had to overcome many problems.
overweight adj elhízott If you eat too much, you will become overweight.
oxygen n oxigén We need to breathe oxygen to stay alive.
oyster n osztriga We had oysters as a starter.
panic v megrémül, pánikba esik I panicked when I saw the fire.
pass n hágó There is a narrow pass over the mountains.
perish v elpusztul Thousands of men perished during the war.
phobia n fóbia, szorongás I’ve got a phobia of spiders – I’m terrified of
pitch black adj koromfekete It was pitch black outside.
plain n síkság, lapályos rész Lions live on the plains of Africa.
playground n játszótér The children were playing in the playground.
poisonous adj mérgező Don’t eat those mushrooms – they’re poisonous.
pray v imádkozik Everyone prayed that the children would be
found alive.
program n program What computer program do you use for writing
prosperous adj sikeres, jól menő His business did well, and he became
province n tartomány Canada is divided into provinces.
psychotherapist n pszichoterapeuta A psychotherapist helps you to talk about your
pull someone’s v ugrat He’s not being serious – he’s just pulling your
leg leg.
put up v elszállásol Come and stay with us – we can put you up.
raft n tutaj They built a raft out of logs, and used it to sail
down the river.
(be) recognized v elismert He is recognized as a great artist.
reduce v csökkent They have reduced the price to only £10.
regularly adv rendszeresen I talk to him regularly, once a week.
remain v marad Please try to remain calm.
remarkable adj jelentős This was a remarkable achievement.
remote adj távoli They live in a remote village in the mountains.
revolutionary adj forradalmi This is a revolutionary new treatment for the
rule v uralkodik, vezet The President rules the country.
scar n sebhely The cut left a scar on his face.
scratch v megkarmol, vakar The cat scratched my face.
see eye to eye v egy véleményen vannak We always argue – we never see eye to eye.
set off v indul We set off for London the next day.
sickness n hányinger He’s suffering from sickness.
(be) silly adj bolondozik The children were laughing and being silly.
slide v lecsúszik We slid down the bank towards the river.
slip v meg-/elcsúszik Be careful you don’t slip on the ice.
snorkel n búvárpipa We swam in the shallow water with masks and
soldier n katona He wanted to become a soldier and carry a gun.
stack n halom, rakás There was a huge stack of dirty dishes.
stare v bámul Everyone was staring at me.
steerage n fedélköz Many people were trapped in steerage below the
water level.
struggle v küzd We struggled through the deep snow.
suffer v szenved She suffers from terrible headaches.
sumptuous adj fényűző There were two sumptuous ballrooms.
superior adj átlagon felüli, jobb The new sports centre is bigger, and has
superior facilities.
survive v túlél, életben marad You can’t survive for long in very cold water.
swallow v lenyel She chewed the biscuit and swallowed it.
sweaty adj izzadt I was hot and sweaty after running.
symptom n tünet The main symptom of measles is a rash all over
your body.
tear down v lerombol They’re going to tear down the old cinema.
terrified v megrémül I was terrified when I saw all the snakes.
terror n rémület She screamed with terror.
threaten v megfenyeget They threatened to kill the prisoners if the money
was not paid.
trek n gyalogtúra I was tired after the three-day trek through the
tribesman n törzs tagja Some tribesmen on horses showed them the
tune n dallam I like the tune of that song, but not the words.
unbelievable adj hihetetlen I find it unbelievable that someone can behave in
that way!
unsinkable adj elsüllyeszthetetlen They said Titanic was unsinkable.
(don’t) waste v „kár a benzinért“ Don’t waste your breath trying to persuade me –
your breath (ne) pocsékolja az I’ll never change my mind.
whistle v fütyül He whistled while he worked.


Szó, kifejezés Szófaj Fordítás Példamondat

action-packed adj eseménydús We had an action-packed holiday.
addict n függő A lot of criminals are drug addicts.
(for) ages pl n sokáig, hosszú ideig We had to wait for ages!
alone adj egyedül She's lived alone since her husband died.
arrest v letartóztat The police arrested two men for the crime.
balance n egyenleg The balance in my bank account is now £30.
bear with v türelmesen vár, amíg a If you can just bear with me one moment, I’ll find
másik elintéz valamit your file.
blood n vér I cut myself and got blood on my shirt.
bother v veszi a fáradtságot I was angry because he didn’t bother to phone
brainstorm v ötletbörzét tart We all brainstormed some ideas at the beginning
of the meeting.
buddy n haver, jó barát They grew up together – they’ve been buddies
for years.
bully v terrorizál, kínoz The boys laughed at me and bullied me.
bump into v összefut vkivel I bumped into Mark in the library.
burglary n betörés There was burglary in the house next door.
champion n bajnok He is the world champion at cycling.
clean up v feltakarít Who is going to clean up this mess?
clear v átmegy az egyik It usually takes three days for a cheque to clear.
pénzintézetből a
másikba, majd
kifizetik vagy átutalják
az arra jogosultnak
convict v elítél There wasn’t enough evidence to convict her of
the crime.
counsellor n tanácsadó Talking to a counsellor helped me feel better.
curious adj kíváncsi I was curious to know what was in the bag.
determined adj eltökélt We are determined to win this competition.
digit n számjegy Please type in the first two digits of your security
dozen n tucat A dozen eggs, please.
dysfunctional adj működési zavarral küzdő In a dysfunctional family, the members don’t help
and support each other.
economize v takarékoskodik, We need to economize and save money.
beosztóan él
effective adj hatásos Take this medicine – it’s very effective.
eldest adj legidősebb He is the eldest of three brothers.
encounter n találkozás, összetűzés He’s had several encounters with the police.
enter „enter“ – belépés gomb Type your number and then press ‘Enter’.
explode v kitör, kirobban He exploded with anger when he saw the mess.
faceless adj arc nélküli, ismeretlen I didn’t want to talk to a faceless person on the
feel ashamed v szégyelli magát I felt very ashamed when I realized what I had
fraud n csalás Using someone else’s credit card is a common
kind of fraud.
get through to v megértet, elhitet I managed to get through to her that people
valakivel wanted to help.
grin v vigyorog He grinned with pleasure when he saw us.
gym n edzőterem, tornaterem You do exercise in a gym.
hand over v átad He asked to see my passport, so I handed it
head teacher n iskolaigazgató The head teacher is in charge of the school.
heroin n heroin He used to inject himself with heroin.
hit rock bottom padlóra kerül I hit rock bottom when I lost my job and my
homeless adj hajléktalan We need more shelters for homeless people.
idiot n idióta You’ve broken it! You idiot!
imprisonment n börtönbüntetés, He was finally free after three years of
bebörtönzés imprisonment.
(keep) in touch (tartja) a kapcsolatot When he left, he promised he would keep in
touch with me.
jail v bebörtönöz He was jailed for three years.
knock over v felborít Mind you don’t knock your drink over.
letter box n levelesláda A letter came through the letter box.
light v meggyújt It was cold so we lit a fire.
limit n korlátozás, határ What’s the speed limit on this road?
litter bin n szemetes She put her old ticket in the litter bin.
locate v megtalál The police have located the stolen car.
make a scene v jelenetet rendez She was shouting and making a terrible scene.
mind your own a saját dolgával törődik I was just sitting there, minding my own
business business.
need stitches n össze kell varrni / It was a bad cut, and it needed three stitches.
ordinary adj hétköznapi It looks like an ordinary car, but in fact it’s a boat
as well.
outburst n kitörés I was surprised by her outburst of emotion.
(be) over the nagyon örül We were over the moon when we won.
overdraw v túllépi a hitelkeretét I haven’t got any money – my bank account is
£35 overdrawn.
passer-by n járókelő She fell in the street, and a passer-by helped
penniless adj pénztelen I’ve spent all my money – I’m penniless!
phone in v betelefonál People can phone in to the show.
play truant v lóg ( az iskolából) Some children decide to play truant and not go to
prison n börtön She was sent to prison for two years.
protect v megvéd We put criminals in prison to protect society.
punish v megbüntet You have done wrong, so you must be punished.
punishment n büntetés Criminals are put in prison as a punishment.
purpose n cél I couldn’t see the purpose of the meeting.
pursue v űz, folytat I have no time to pursue a hobby.
queue n sor There was a long queue at the ticket office.
receipt n nyugta, blokk If you want to take something back to a shop,
you need the receipt.
register v feltűnik neki, tudatosul At first I didn’t register that she was there.
rehabilitate v rehabilitál (segít újra They try to rehabilitate criminals so they don’t
beilleszkedni) commit more crimes.
release v kienged She was released from prison last month.
(be) relieved adj megkönnyebbül I was relieved when the doctor told me I was all
restorative justice n resztoratív In restorative justice, criminals try to help the
igazságszolgáltatás victims of their crime.
(a bűnös segít
rude adj durva She was very rude and just pushed past me.
scream v felkiált ‘Help!’ she screamed.
scruffy adj elhanyagolt, koszos You can’t wear scruffy clothes to an interview.
shop-lift v bolti lopást követ el He was caught shop-lifting a pair of jeans.
social worker n szociális munkás Social workers help people with social problems.
stop dead v hirtelen megáll He stopped dead when he saw me.
storm off v elviharzik He stormed off in a bad mood.
stuff v belegyömöszöl I stuffed the shopping into my bag.
stunned adj döbbent, kábult I was too stunned to speak.
suspect v gyanít I don’t know, but I suspect he’s in London.
temperature n láz He’s got a high temperature – he must be ill.
theft n lopás He was sent to prison for the theft of a car.
tremble v remeg I was trembling all over with fear.
urban adj városi They live in an urban area.
VAT (=Value n általános forgalmi adó The price includes VAT.
Added Tax)
victim n áldozat He was the victim of a violent attack.
violence n erőszak When a man tried to stop them, they reacted with


Szó, kifejezés Szófaj Fordítás Példamondat

amenity n kényelmet biztosító The house does not have basic amenities like a
felszerelés shower.
ancestor n ős, előd 200 years ago my ancestors lived in Scotland.
appear v tűnik (vmilyennek) She appeared to be upset.
arch n boltív The window was in the shape of an arch.
basically adv alapvetően There are no trains today, so basically we’re
stuck here!
brewery n sörfőzde Beer is made in breweries.
bronze adj bronz She came third, so she won the bronze medal.
burger n hamburger I ordered a burger and chips.
calculation n számítás I couldn’t do the calculation in my head.
capacity n űrtartalom This bowl has a capacity of 1 litre.
cathedral n székesegyház There’s a large cathedral in the city centre.
chairman n elnök The chairman welcomed everyone and opened
the meeting.
changing room n öltöző We got changed in the changing room.
coal n szén They burn coal or wood on the fire.
(secret) code n rejtjel They write their messages in a secret code.
come to a halt v megáll The bus came to a halt outside the bank.
commerce n kereskedelem It is a world centre for commerce.
complex adj összetett Making paper is a very complex process.
crystal adj kristály We drank out of the best crystal glasses.
daily adv naponta He travels to London daily.
decoration n díszítés It’s a beautiful old building, with wonderful
decoration inside.
depict v ábrázol The painting depicts two women.
device n eszköz, berendezés This device is for opening bottles.
diagnose v (betegséget) megállapít I was being sick, and the doctor diagnosed food
digital adj digitális We’ve got a new digital TV.
distinctive adj egyedi, The New York skyline is very distinctive.
district n kerület The city is divided into four districts.
efficient adj hatékony, eredményes They offer a quick and efficient service.
embrace n ölelés He greeted her with a warm embrace.
estate agent n ingatlanügynök As estate agent will sell your house for you.
ethnic group n népcsoport There are many ethnic groups in New York.
facilities pl n felszerelés, beren- The new sports centre has wonderful facilities.
dezés, lehetőségek
feat n (hős)tett Reaching the North Pole was an amazing feat.
feature n jellegzetesség They have modernized the house, but kept some
of its original features.
flash v száguld Cars flashed past us on the motorway.
float v lebeg There were lots of small boats floating on the
found v alapít The city was founded in 1614.
gig n koncert I like Madonna – I went to one of her gigs last
glide v siklik The boat glided smoothly across the water.
Gothic adj gótikus Their house is a large Gothic building.
haircut n hajvágás I must go to the hairdresser – I need a haircut!
handcuffs pl n bilincs The police put handcuffs on him and took him
headache n fejfájás I’m going to lie down – I’ve got a headache.
headlight n reflektor It was dark, so I switched the car headlights on.
headline n főcím The headlines read ‘Girl rescued from fire!’
headphones pl n fejhallgató I usually listen to music with headphones
headquarters pl n székhely, központ The company’s headquarters are in Paris.
headstone n sírkő, fejfa His headstone gives the dates of his birth and
high tech adj magas technikai His car is new and very high tech.
home-made adj házi készítésű They sell home-made cakes and biscuits.
influence n befolyás New York has an influence throughout the world.
inner city n belváros The crime rate is high in the inner city.
instantly adv azonnal When I met him, I knew instantly that we were
going to be friends.
laundry n szennyes His mother still cleans for him and does his
(do so’s laundry) (kimossa a szennyesét) laundry.
log onto v bejelentkezik, rámegy For more information, log onto the BBC website.
major adj jelentős, súlyos Having no electricity is a major problem.
make headway n előre halad We’ve done quite a lot – I think we’re making
motorbike n motorkerékpár A lot of people use motorbikes in cities.
motorway n autópálya Driving on a motorway is quicker than driving on
small roads.
mouth (of a river) n torkolat It is located at the mouth of a river.
net n internet, világháló The net is the Internet.
newsagent n újságos I bought a newspaper from the newsagent.
nickname n becenév Its nickname is ‘The Big Apple’.
notice board n hirdetőtábla Information about classes is on the notice board.
online dating n internetes társkereső She met her husband on an online dating
onscreen n képernyőn You can read books and watch films onscreen.
operate v megoperál Doctors operated to save his leg.
original adj eredeti We decided to go back to our original plan.
outdated adj régimódi These ideas seem outdated now.
palace n palota The king lives in a huge palace.
penthouse n tetőtéri lakás He lives in an expensive penthouse apartment.
plumbing n vízvezetékrendszer The plumbing is awful – there’s never any hot
poster n plakát She’s got posters of pop stars on her wall.
print v nyomtat His name was printed on the front of the book.
regeneration n újjászületés, újjáépítés The area is run-down and in need of
remote n távkapcsoló Where’s the TV remote? I want to change
restoration n újjáépítés, felújítás This money will pay for the restoration of the old
retired adj nyugdíjas, visszavonult Tom doesn’t work now – he’s retired.
revolving door n forgóajtó She walked through the revolving door.
satellite n műholdas navigáció If your car’s got satellite navigation, you can find
navigation (GPS) places easily.
sharp adj éles Be careful with that knife – it’s very sharp.
silicon n szilikon Silicon is used to make microchips.
skateboarding n gördeszkázás A lot of young people enjoy skateboarding.
skyline n távlati sziluett The New York skyline is very distinctive.
social networking n közösségi hálózat You can put information about yourself on social
networking websites.
span n fesztávolság The bridge crosses the river in a single span.
statue n szobor There’s a statue of Nelson Mandela in London.
stick v ragaszt I stuck a stamp onto the envelope.
sticky adj ragadós Glue is sticky.
storage n tárolás The sheds are useful for storage – we keep all
our tools there.
suncream n napozókrém Put suncream on before you go out in the sun.
sunglasses pl n napszemüveg The sun was bright, so I put my sunglasses on.
supply v szállít, ellát valamivel They grow fruit and supply it to supermarkets.
surface n felület, felszín Oil floats on the surface of water.
surgeon n sebész A surgeon performs operations in a hospital.
switch v kapcsol We switched to BBC1 to watch the news.
teabag n teafilter I put a teabag in a cup and made some tea.
teacup n teáscsésze We drank out of china teacups.
teatime n teázási idő Hurry up – it’s nearly teatime!
thriving adj virágzó Stamford is a busy, thriving market town.
trace v nyomára akad The police have not managed to trace the
witness yet.
tradition n hagyomány It is a tradition to give presents at Christmas.
traffic jam n közlekedési dugó We were stuck in a traffic jam.
traffic lights pl n közlekedési jelzőlámpa She stopped at the traffic lights.
traffic warden n parkolóőr A traffic warden gave me a parking ticket.
transfer v átszállít He was transferred to a different hospital.
transistor n tranzisztor A transistor is a small electronic device.
treat v kezel We can treat this illness with modern drugs.
triumph n győzelem The players lifted the silver cup in triumph.
tube n cső, henger She rolled the photograph up and put it into a
cardboard tube.
undivided adj osztatlan The large office was left undivided into smaller
unsupported adj meg nem erősített, alá Some parts of the roof were left unsupported.
nem támasztott
waiting room n várószoba Please take a seat in the waiting room.
wallpaper n tapéta There was pink wallpaper on the walls.
wool n gyapjú Is that jumper made of wool?
wrapping paper n csomagolópapír She bought some wrapping paper to wrap up the

Szó, kifejezés Szófaj Fordítás Példamondat

spare v nélkülöz Can you spare a few pounds for charity?
acquaintance n ismerős Paul is an acquaintance of mine – we work in the
same office.
afford v megengedhet magának I can’t afford to go out tonight – I haven’t got any
(anyagilag) money.
agitated adj izgatott She seemed agitated and couldn’t sit still.
anniversary n évforduló It’s our anniversary today – we’ve been married
for ten years.
anyway adv különben is I don’t want to go for a walk. It’s too cold, and
anyway I don’t feel very well.
apparently adv úgy tűnik, hogy ..., I’ve heard that he lives in New York and
állítólag apparently he’s really rich.
athlete n sportoló, atléta Athletes from all over the world compete in the
available adj kapható, elérhető Tickets are available at the ticket office.
battery n elem My camera needs a new battery.
be reflected (in) v visszatükröződik The moon was reflected in the water of the lake.
become v gyanakodni kezd The police became suspicious because he kept
suspicious changing his story.
bird-brained adj tyúkeszű Who’s that stupid bird-brained boy?
break out of v kitör Three prisoners broke out of the prison
break up v szakít (vkivel) Tom and Carol have broken up – they’re not
going out any more.
bruise n horzsolás, zúzódás I’ve got a bruise on my arm where I bumped into
a door.
burgle v betör We’ve been burgled three times.
candlestick n gyertyatartó She placed a candlestick on the table and lit the
cheers viszlát, szia ‘Bye. See you tomorrow.’ ‘OK. Cheers. Bye.’
chimpanzee n csimpánz Chimpanzees are closely related to humans.
club together v összejön, összefog We clubbed together to buy him a present.
clue n nyom The police searched the room for clues.
come up with v előáll George came up with a few suggestions.
cricket n krikett In cricket, you hit a ball and run between two
crow n varjú A crow is a large black bird.
culprit n bűnös, vádlott This was a serious crime, and the police are
determined to find the culprit.
dehydrate v kiszárad You will dehydrate if you don’t drink enough.
dot n pont Remember to put a dot after www in website
dreadful adj szörnyű Oh, no. That’s dreadful news!
dry adj száraz Do you prefer sweet or dry wine?
dump v szakít vele, ejti She doesn’t want to go out with Matt any more
so she’s going to dump him.
eat out v házon kívül étkezik I don’t fancy cooking tonight – shall we eat out?
eat up v befejezi az evést, Come on, eat up. We need to leave soon.
mindent megeszik
elementary adj alapvető, It’s not difficult: in fact it’s quite elementary.
entry n belépés They managed to gain entry to the empty house.
eyesight n látás I need glasses because my eyesight isn’t very
fall out v összeveszik (vkivel) They used to get on really well, but they’ve fallen
out now.
feather n (madár)toll Birds are covered in feathers.
find out v rájön, kiderít Have you found out where she lives?
flatmate n lakótárs She shares a flat with two flatmates.
gamble v hazárdjátékot játszik I never play cards for money – I don’t like
have around v közelében tud, együtt I like having you around.
van valakivel
hopefully adv remélhetőleg I haven’t got a job yet, but hopefully I’ll find one
hurriedly adv sietve She picked up her bag and left hurriedly.
identical adj teljesen egyforma The two boys look identical – I can’t tell which is
impatiently adv türelmetlenül ‘Hurry up,’ he shouted impatiently.
intruder n behatoló He found an intruder in his house.
investigation n nyomozás The police will continue their investigation until
they discover the truth.
irritably adv ingerülten ‘Not now, I’m busy,’ she said irritably.
jelly n zselé The kids had ice cream and strawberry jelly.
lecture n előadás Some students only have five or six lectures a
liar n hazug ember He’s not telling the truth – he’s a liar!
lightning n villámlás There was a storm, with thunder and lightning.
lightning n villámhárító There is always a lightning conductor on the top
conductor of a tall building.
long jump n távolugrás In long jump, you try to jump as far as you can.
look like v úgy néz ki, mint ‘What’s that?’ ‘I don’t know. It looks like a bird.’
lottery n lottó Are you going to buy a lottery ticket? You might
lump n rög, darab She put another lump of coal on the fire.
make sth up v kitalál Is that true, or did you make it up?
make up (with v kibékül (vkivel) We had a row last night, but we made up
sb) afterwards.
mimic v utánoz Some birds can mimic sounds that they hear.
mineral water n ásványvíz A sparkling mineral water, please.
motive n indíték His motive for the murder was money.
naturally adv természetesen They were very close, so naturally she’s upset
that they’ve broken up.
No kidding! Vicc nélkül. / Nem ‘We won!’ ‘No kidding! That’s brilliant!’
obviously adv nyílvánvalóan It’s raining, so obviously we can’t play tennis.
on tiptoe lábujjhegyen I had to stand on tiptoe to reach the top shelf.
optical illusion n optikai csalódás I thought there was water on the road, but it was
just an optical illusion.
oversleep v elalszik, későn ébred I overslept and was late for work.
parrot n papagáj Parrots are colourful and live in tropical jungles.
personally adv személyesen This car’s quite popular, but personally I don’t
like it.
presumably adv feltehetően She’s got lots of money, so presumably she can
afford it.
promote v előléptet My boss has promised to promote me if I
continue to work hard.
radar n radar Ships use radar to locate other ships.
ransack v átkutat Burglars had ransacked the bedroom, looking for
really adv tényleg ‘She’s an actress.’ ‘Really! How exciting!’
refuse v megtagad, elutasít She said the meal was awful, and she refused to
pay for it.
responsible adj felelős Who is responsible for this mess?
rugby n rögbi In rugby, you hold the ball and run with it.
save up v gyűjt, spórol valamire I’m saving up for a new car.
scandal n botrány The President’s behaviour caused a political
shrink v összemegy My top shrank in the wash, so it’s too small now.
skyscraper n felhőkarcoló The office is on the 22nd floor of a skyscraper.
snowflake n hópihe A few snowflakes started to fall.
sole n talp There was some mud on the sole of my shoe.
solve v megold Some crimes are never solved by the police.
sort out v megold, elrendez Everything’s arranged – we just need to sort out
the transport now.
spike n tüske, pecek Running shoes have spikes on the bottom.
strike v belecsap The tree was struck by lightning.
take up v elkezd vele foglalkozni She’s decided to take up a new hobby.
threshold n küszöb £4000 a year is the tax threshold – if you earn
more that that, you have to pay tax.
tidy up v kitakarít, rendet rak It took us ages to tidy up after the party.
to be honest őszintén szólva It’s very kind of her to buy me wine, but to be
honest I never drink it.
translation n fordítás We have to do a translation into English.
(play) trick n megtréfál, ugrat He loved playing tricks on the other children.
tutor n oktató, tanár The students all have a personal tutor.
undoubtedly adv kétségkívül He is undoubtedly the best swimmer in the world.
unplug v kihúz a konnektorból Don’t forget to unplug the iron when you’ve
finished with it.
Who on earth…? Ki a csuda ...? Who on earth is that?
wobbly adj billegő, roskatag This chair doesn’t feel safe – it’s wobbly.
work out v megoldódik Don’t worry – things will work out OK.
work sth out v rájön, kiszámít It’s a difficult sum – I can’t work out the answer.
zillions pl n rengeteg There were zillions of people at the party!


Szó, kifejezés Szófaj Fordítás Példamondat

abandon v elhagy The car was abandoned by the river.
absurd adj képtelen That is an absurd and stupid suggestion.
accuse v megvádol Rob accused me of stealing the money.
adapt v alkalmazkodik Our business must adapt to the changing
adolescent adj kamasz The magazine is popular with adolescent girls.
agnostic n agnosztikus (Isten An agnostic is someone who does not know if
létezésében God exists.
alienate v elidegenít Some young people feel alienated from society.
angle n szemszög He wanted to tell the story from a different angle.
auction n árverés At an auction, the person who offers the most
money buys the goods.
be descended v (le)származik He is descended from a French nobleman.
be unaware (of) v tudomása van She was reading, and seemed to be unaware of
my presence.
bid n ajánlat He put in a bid of £300.
bulk n a zöme / nagyja We have already done the bulk of the work.
chain v odaláncol He chained the dog to a post.
charge v felszámol (díjat) Do you charge for delivery, or is it free?
clinic n klinika She was treated for depression at a private
come to a n teljesen leáll The road was flooded, so the traffic came to a
standstill standstill.
concept n fogalom The concept of time is difficult to explain.
conditions pl n feltételek The working conditions in the factory are awful.
contradict v ellentmond I gave the answer, but Laura contradicted me
and gave a different answer.
contrary to adj ellenére Her parents were angry because she got married
contrary to their wishes.
creationist n kreacionista, Creationists believe that God created the world
teremtéshívő in six days.
disorder n betegség, She suffers from a stomach disorder.
encourage v bátorít Everyone encouraged me to apply for the job.
equality n egyenlőség They are demanding equality for all citizens.
evolve v kifejlődik Animals and plants evolve over time.
ex- volt, néhai An ex-president is someone who used to be the
existence n lét, létezés The struggle for ~ means only the strongest
expert n szakértő He knows a lot – he’s an expert on cars.
force-feeding n kényszeretetés The police used force-feeding to make the
prisoners eat.
gossip v pletykál They’re always gossiping about other people.
healer n gyógyító Some plants can be used as natural healers for
cuts and bruises.
heresy n eretnekség People who criticized religion were accused of
heretical adj eretnek Ideas that criticized religion were considered
heroine n hősnő The heroine of the film is a young woman called
highs and lows pl n egyszer fenn, egyszer We all have highs and lows in our lives.
hip n csípő Those trousers don’t fit me – my hips are too big.
hunger strike n éhségsztrájk She refused to eat, and went on hunger strike.
hurl v hajít She hurled a brick through the car window.
hysterical adj hisztérikus She became hysterical and wouldn’t calm down.
in the public eye mindenki szeme láttára, Celebrities have to live in the public eye – they
a nyílvánosság előtt are watched all the time.
incapable adj képtelen He is ill and incapable of working.
indifferent adj középszerű I didn’t like the film – I thought it was a bit
individually adv egyénileg You can work individually or in pairs.
influential adj befolyásos Ghandi was a very influential leader.
insoluble adj feloldhatatlan Many of these problems are insoluble – there is
no answer.
irresponsible adj felelőtlen It was irresponsible to leave the children alone.
ketchup n ketchup Would you like ketchup with your chips?
law-breaker n törvényszegő Thieves and murderers are law-breakers.
many happy Boldog születésnapot! It was my birthday, so everyone wished me
returns many happy returns.
mediocre adj közepes, középszerű I don’t think his books are good – I think they’re
meditate v meditál When you meditate, you sit quietly and make
your mind calm.
mesmerize v megigéz, hipnotizál I was mesmerized by the movement of her
method n módszer What is the best method of punishing criminals?
migraine n migrén A migraine is a very bad headache.
militant adj harcos The leader is very militant – he’s prepared to use
any means to achieve what he wants.
motivation n mozgatóerő Making money was his only motivation.
natural selection n természetes The strongest animals survive through natural
kiválasztódás selection.
notion n elképzelés, álláspont They don’t accept the notion that all people are
observe v megfigyel The police observed them secretly through
hidden cameras.
opponent n ellenfél He has a lot of supporters, but also some
originate v ered, származik The pollution originates in the factory.
password n jelszó You can’t open his files unless you have his
persuade v meggyőz I wanted to stay at home, but Tim persuaded me
to go to the cinema with him.
planet n bolygó How many planets are there in our solar system?
presenter n műsorvezető She’s a well-known TV presenter.
process n folyamat Change is sometimes a slow process.
promotion n előléptetés She worked hard and soon got promotion.
protest v tiltakozik People marched through the streets to protest
about the price rises.
put forward (a v előterjeszt He put forward a few theories for discussion.
railings pl n védőkorlát There were iron railings around the building.
rain down v záporozik Stones rained down on us from above.
rational adj ésszerű She put forward a clear and rational argument.
recommend v javasol I recommended that he should stay in bed until
he felt better.
recording studio n zenei felvételt készítő The album was recorded in a recording studio.
remind v emlékeztet Can you remind Matt that we’ve got a meeting
this afternoon?
reputation n hírnév This brilliant film will do a lot for her reputation as
an actress.
reverse v tolat She reversed into a parking space.
rhythm n ritmus Rock music has a strong rhythm.
right n jog Everyone has basic human rights.
right-wing adj jobboldali He’s got very right-wing political opinions.
riot n lázadás A riot broke out in the prison and two guards
were killed.
rotate v forog The big wheel rotated slowly.
sell-out n előadás, melyre minden There are no tickets left – the show’s a sell-out.
jegy elkelt
sensational adj szenzációhajhász, The story was just sensational, with very few
feltűnést keltő facts.
sex symbol n szexszimbólum Fashion models and film stars are often sex
shake v megráz The news shook him badly.
significance n jelentőség This document is of great significance.
simply adv egyszerűen I’m sorry – it’s simply impossible.
slash v felhasít Someone had slashed his car tyres.
species n faj Many species are now in danger of becoming
spill v kiloccsant Be careful you don’t spill your coffee.
struggle n küzdelem Life is a struggle for poor families.
suffragette n szüfrazsett (a nők The suffragettes wanted women to have the right
jogaiért küzdő to vote.
mozgalom tagja)
suffragist n női választójogokért Suffragists believed that everyone should have
küzdő aktivista the right to vote.
tactic n taktika They discussed their tactics before the match.
telescope n távcső You can look at the moon through a telescope.
theory n elmélet There are several theories to explain how the
universe started.
threat n fenyegetés These laws are a threat to our freedom.
undermine v aláás She made fun of him and undermined his
unverifiable adj nem igazolható The figures are unverifiable so we can’t check if
they are correct.

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