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 (pronoun)  

Noun phrase    Noun               
 Jana goes to school every day.        
She eats an apple goes to school every day.
              
 Sayed and Mahmoud are friends. They are Teachers of English. They work in a
language school. They prepare their booklets themselves.
        They / their / themselves    
:        
Possessive  Personal 
Emphatic and Reflexive    Interrogative 
Indefinite and Quantitative  
Demonstrative   Distributive 
Relative 
        

             
I     I am Ali. I am five years old.
He        Ali is a boy. He is my brother.
She        Alaa is a girl. She is my sister.
It        The parrot is a bird. It can fly.
You       You are happy. You smile.
We     We are playing. We like football.

They      Ali and Ahmed are friends. They are playing football.
 The cats are white. They are nice.

Subject p. Object p.          
I me  I obeyed my father. He gave me a present
He him  Ali helped Ahmed. He gave him a pen.
She her  I gave Alaa a present. I gave her a pen.
It it  I play tennis every week. I play it at the club.
You you  You helped me. I will help you.
We us  We got high marks. The teacher thanked us.
They them  They got high marks. The teacher thanked them.

Underline the correct answer:
1) Do you know that man? Do you know (it – him – her – us).
2) My friend and I have money. (They – We – He – You) can go shopping.
3) Ahmed and Eyad are late. (He – I – We – They) should hurry.
4) She gave (me – her – him – us) a birthday gift. I really like it.
5) Elephants are very big, so (it – He – we – they) eat a lot of food.
6) My brother is studying because (she – it – he – I) has a test tomorrow.
7) Do you feel okay? Can I help (you – us – them – him)?
8) My new friends are very friendly. I really like (us – me – them – you).
9) I need to find my book. Where did you put (him – it – her – us)?
10) Spiders have eight legs, and (we – they – you – I) also have many eyes.
11) I’m busy right now. Could you please call (her – us – me – you) after an hour?
12) He gave me the box, but (I – he – we – she) lost it.
13) We gave him the money, and he gave (us – you – them – him) the candy.
14) I never eat unhealthy food because (it – he – I – she) isn’t healthy.
15) Who is she? Do you know (him – her – it – us) name?
16) My sister isn’t here. (He – I – We – She) is at work.
17) Dinosaurs were very large, but (it – they – we – you) all died millions of years ago.
18) Could you please help (her – him – it – me)? I have a problem.
19) Dad watched the children carefully as (they – we – he – I) crossed the road.
20) (Me – I – Us – Them) help mum at home.
Read and correct the underlined word(s)
1) They have taken the money. Please run after us. [................................. ]
2) What is wrong with she? [ ................................ ]
3) Ali would like to invite I to the party too. [................................. ]
4) I can't find she anywhere. [................................. ]
5) There is a message for he on the pad. [................................. ]
6) Now you're here, please go with we. [................................. ]
7) Me enjoyed listening to music. [................................. ]
8) Please, give we the keys. [ ................................ ]

Subject p. possessive Adj.              

I  my  I have a new car. My car is new

He his  Here's Eyad's mobile. Please give him his mobile.
She her  Aya bought a new dress. Her dress is beautiful.
It its    The cat is hungry. Where is its food?
You your  You have a house. Your house is big.
We our  We have a new car. Our new car is expensive.
They their  They have old bikes. Their bikes are old.

Subject p. possessive p.            am / is / are     
I  mine  I have a white car. The white car is mine.
He his  I took Ahmed's camera. This nice camera is his.
She hers  She has a new dress. The new dress is hers.
It its  Here's the cat's food. The food is its.
You yours  You have my mobile. It isn't yours.
We ours  We have a ball. The ball is ours.
They theirs  They have an old house. The old house is theirs.

Underline the correct answer:

1) Is this your pencil? Yes, it's (me – mine – my – I) pencil.
2) They have two umbrellas. They are (their – theirs – our – her) umbrellas.
3) Ziad has a green pencil. It's (hers – his – mine – me).
4) This book belongs to me. It's (his – hers – mine – my).
5) Reem has a ball. It's (his – her – my – our) ball.
6) Your bag is red but (my – me – mine – your) is black.
7) Sayed owns a bike. It's (his – my – her – our) bike.
8) I have blue jeans. They're (my – me – mine – his).
9) This is our house. It's (theirs – ours – us – our).
10) They have a big house. It's (us – ours – theirs – their).
11) This is our house. It's (yours – ours – mine – our).

Read and correct the underlined word(s)
1) I know yours family very well. [........................ ]
2) Give him hers address. [........................ ]
3) The children drink theirs milk. [........................ ]
4) The man said it was him car. [........................ ]
5) We always prepare ours homework. [........................ ]
6) These pieces of cake are us. [........................ ]
7) Do you have yours book? [........................ ]
8) He’s very intelligent. He name’s Ronaldo. [........................ ]
9) Ali took me camera. [........................ ]
10) This pen is your. [........................ ]

Subject p. Reflexive p. self / selves+         
I  myself  I design my worksheets by myself.
He himself  Mohamed broke the TV by himself.
She herself  She made the cake herself.
It itself  The cat fell and hurt itself.
You  yourself  Stop blaming yourself.
You  yourselves  You must do the homework by yourselves.
We ourselves  We donated the money ourselves.
They themselves  They put out the fire themselves.

     

 I myself hurt my leg while I was playing.
 She introduced herself to the class.
 I cut myself with a knife
 They call themselves a band.
   by                   
 She herself baked the cake.=She baked the cake (by) herself.
 I dusted the room by myself.
 He himself did the job.
.             
 He never talks about himself.
 She laughed at herself when she fell down.
by                
 I myself cooked lunch.
 I cooked lunch by myself.
 I bought it myself.

     you    yourselves  
You all …… / All of you …….. / You and ……….. / ………. and you
 You and Ali did the homework by yourselves.
 All of you should paint the pictures by yourselves.
    we    ourselves  
I and ……  …. /   … and me
 I and Ali painted our rooms white by ourselves.
 Ahmed and me ironed our shirts by ourselves.
 yourself / yourselves        
 Do your homework by yourself.
 Don't feed yourself. You are still young.

Underline the correct answer:

1) Ali wasn’t careful and he cut (myself – himself – itself – ourselves) with a knife.
2) Did you enjoy (yourself – herself – himself – itself) at the party last night?
3) Cats can get clean by licking (ourselves – themselves – yourself – yourselves).
4) Rana burned (himself – herself – yourself – yourselves) while she was cooking.
5) Can you teach (yourself – himself – herself – itself) to play the piano?
6) I introduced (myself – itself – herself – themselves) to my new classmates
7) Farid always asks (himself – herself – itself – yourself) why English is so crazy.
8) Sonia cleans her room by (himself – itself – herself – yourself). She never asks for help.

9) I made this table by (myself – yourself – itself – himself).

10) We enjoyed (themselves – yourselves – yourself – ourselves) at the seaside.
11) I made this table by (myself – yourself – itself – herself).
Read and correct the underlined word(s)
1) I yourself will fax the report. [........................ ]
2) She lives in that big, old house by himself. [........................ ]
3) We painted our house by themselves. [........................ ]
4) When he looks in his mirror, he sees herself. [........................ ]
5) The machine will turn off by himself. [........................ ]
6) You can do it myself. [........................ ]
7) He enjoyed myself. [........................ ]
8) The boy cut herself. [........................ ]
9) They found myself in a difficult situation. [........................ ]
10) We were very proud of themselves. [........................ ]

Form He / She / It /     s / es /ies
 I / You / We / They/   
‫ ﻳﺴﺘﺨﺪﻡ ﻟﻠﺘﻌﺒﲑ ﻋﻦ ﻋﺎﺩﺓ ﺃﻭ ﺣﻘﻴﻘﺔ‬- ١
Usage  The sun rises in the east.
  Eyad usually visits his uncle on holidays.
 They start school in September.
Key Words usually  always  often 
  sometimes  every…  occasionally   
He / She / It /   doesn't  
Negative I / You / We / They/  don't   
  We don’t go to school on Fridays.
 He doesn’t like bananas.
Do / Does + Subject + infinitive…?
 Do they speak English well?
 Yes, they do.  No, they don’t.
Question  Does Eyad play tennis on Sundays?
  Yes, he does.  No, he doesn’t.
Wh word + do / does + Subject + infinitive…?
 When do you have English?
 I have English every day.

.‫ ﻫﻰ ﻇﺮﻭﻑ ﺗﺪﻝ ﻋﻠﻰ ﻣﺪﻯ ﺗﻜﺮﺍﺭ ﻓﻌﻞ ﻣﻦ ﺍﻷﻓﻌﺎﻝ ﻭﺩﺍﺋﻤﺎ ﺗﺴﺘﺨﺪﻡ ﻛﻜﻠﻤﺎﺕ ﺩﺍﻟﺔ ﰱ ﺯﻣﻦ ﺍﳌﻀﺎﺭﻉ ﺍﻟﺒﺴﻴﻂ‬
always 
I always have breakfast early.
‫ﺩﺍﺋﻤﺎ‬ 
He always gets up late on holidays.
usually 
Ali usually walks to school.
‫ﻋﺎﺩﺓ‬ 
My sister usually takes a nap.
often 
Samy often listens to music.
‫ﻏﺎﻟﺒﺎ‬ 
I often visit my uncle on Fridays.
sometimes 
My family sometime goes out.
‫ﺃﺣﻴﺎﻧﺎ‬ 
Sam sometimes drives a sports car.
occasionally 
Grandma occasionally gets suntan.

‫ﻧﺎﺩﺭﺍ‬ 
Men occasionally put on makeup.
never 
Students never go to school late.
‫ﺃﺑﺪﺍ‬ 0 
Students are never late for school.
am / is / are          
 They always travel to Aswan in winter.

 He is often quiet with his friends.

          How often = How many times ?  
.‫ ﻟﻼﺟﺎﺑﻪ ﺍﺳﺘﺨﺪﻡ ﻫﺬﻩ ﺍﻟﻈﺮﻭﻑ ﺍﻟﺰﻣﻨﻴﺔ‬
 once / twice / three times. (any number + times) a day / a week..
:‫ ﻛﻤﺎ ﳝﻜﻦ ﺍﻹﺟﺎﺑﺔ ﺑﺎﺳﺘﺨﺪﻡ ﻫﺬﻩ ﻇﺮﻭﻑ ﺍﻟﺘﻜﺮﺍﺭ ﻟﻺﺟﺎﺑﺔ‬
 "never / always / sometimes…… "
   s         es  
S with most verbs. es with[ss / s / sh / ch / x / o]
 ‫ﺍﻟﻔﻌﻞ‬ verb With s  ‫ﺍﻟﻔﻌﻞ‬ verb With es

 wear wears  cross crosses

 listen listens  wash washes
 drive drives  watch watches
 take takes  fix fixes
 put puts  do does
 sign signs  go goes
 have has    y      ies  
 cook cooks    study studies
 swim swims  cry cries

Underline the correct word(s) in brackets:

1) A teacher (works - work - working – are working ) at school.
2) I ( eats - eat - eating – ate) my dinner every night
3) Children often (chases - are chasing - chase – chased ) cats and dogs.
4) The sun always (is rising - will rise - rises - rise ) in the east.
5) He (clean - cleans – cleaning- cleaned ) his teeth twice a day.
6) You ( do - doesn’t - don’t –aren't ) wear jeans.
7) They don’t ( went - go - goes - going ) camping in Summer.
8) He ( isn't - don’t - doesn’t - aren’t ) go to school on Fridays.
9) Students ( doesn’t - haven’t - don’t – aren't ) have to go to school on holidays.
10) Sayed doesn’t ( plays - play – playing – played ) football in the street.
11) She ( don’t - doesn’t - isn’t – aren't ) feed her brother’s pet.
12) We ( don’t - doesn’t - hasn’t – aren't ) go to the cinema at school days.
13) Leila ( hasn't - don't - isn't - doesn't ) speak French.
14) Does Salma ( saw - sees - see - seeing) a lot of snakes?
15) I and Ramy (has - having – have – is having ) breakfast with my family.

16) My mum and dad (doesn't - don't – isn't – aren't ) catch the bus to work.
17) ( You – We -They - She) gets up early.
18) He ( is getting - get - got - gets) up early every morning.
19) ( Do - Does - Has – Did ) Vicki water the flowers every day?
20) ( Are - Do - Does - Have ) Rick and Brad live in the same neighborhood?
21) Does Omar ( walks - is walking – walk - walked ) to school ?
22) Do ( you - she – he – it ) often do the washing up?
23) How often ( do – does – are – have ) you eat sweets?
24) What ( do – did – does - is ) you have for lunch every day?
25) Why ( do - does - has - are) they like Arabic?
26) Does Fares study English at school?  Yes , he ( are - do - does - is ).
27) Mohamed always ( laugh - laughs – is laughing - laughing ) at jokes.
28) Students in Egypt never ( started - starts - start - starting) school in May.
29) He (walk – walks – walked - walking) to school every day.
30) I sometimes (feed – feeds – feeding – fed ) the pet cat.
31) Mai never (go – went – goes - going) to school late.
32) Ziad usually (drink - drank - drinks - drinking) a cup of tea daily.
33) They often (sleeps – sleep – sleeping - slept) early.
Read and correct the underlined word(s)

1) Badr have English every day. [.............................. ]

2) We always goes to school at nine o’clock. [.............................. ]
3) My friend sometimes listen to pop music. [.............................. ]
4) We lives near the school. [.............................. ]
5) My sister always play volleyball. [.............................. ]
6) They usually remembers their books. [.............................. ]
7) We often playing computer games. [.............................. ]
8) My brother never study German. [.............................. ]
9) They always drinks water. [.............................. ]
10) She doesn't does her homework. [.............................. ]
11) My mother always woke me up early. [.............................. ]
12) He doesn't plays tennis. [.............................. ]
13) We goes to the beach once a year. [.............................. ]

14) We has music two times a week. [.............................. ]
15) Eyad have Math five times a week. [.............................. ]
16) Do he like English and maths? [.............................. ]
17) I has nine lessons every day. [.............................. ]
18) We go never to school on Fridays. [.............................. ]
19) Mohamed fly to Aswan in spring. [.............................. ]
20) Do Baher likes to play hide and seek with his classmates? [.............................. ]
21) Hosny often watch videos in the evenings. [.............................. ]
22) The child climbs always on the monkey bars in the park. [.............................. ]
23) Ahmed doesn't washes his hair every week. [.............................. ]
24) Mona have a break at 11 o’clock. [.............................. ]
25) Soha don't walk in the park on Wednesday. [.............................. ]
26) When do Dalia attend orchestra practice? [.............................. ]
27) Adham copy the exercises in the English class. [.............................. ]
28) Sarah do activities in the gym every month. [.............................. ]
29) We doesn’t do P.E in the classroom. [.............................. ]
30) My friends don’t likes art. [.............................. ]
31) My mother teach in a primary school. [.............................. ]

    

   He / She / it    s – es – ies   
   ( I / you / We / They )      ( s – es – ies )  

Rewrite the following sentences using word(s) in brackets

1) She has lunch at three o'clock. ( They )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
2) A baker bakes a cake. ( Bakers )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
3) We walk to school every day. ( She )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
4) They play computer games. ( He )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
5) Billy and Fred walk to school. ( Only Fred )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
6) My mum catches the bus to work. (I)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
7) They always water the flowers in the morning. ( He )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................

8) Sayed goes to school by bus. ( They )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
9) There are ten pens in the pencil case. ( a pen )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
10) Jana doesn't want any water. ( wants )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
11) Mai goes to school on foot. ( Mai and Dalia )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................

           

  I / You / We / They           
  He / She / It    s / es / ies        
            
12) I wrote my homework yesterday. ( every day )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
13) We went to Aswan last winter. ( every )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
14) She listened to music yesterday. ( everyday )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
15) They are playing tennis at the moment. ( always )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
16) They are sleeping now. ( sometimes )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................

  I / You / We / They      don’t      
  He / She / It    doesn't  s – es – ies   
play plays go goes have has do does

don't play doesn't play don't go doesn't go don't have doesn't have don't do doesn't do
17) I go to school by bus. ( don't )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
18) He goes to school on foot. ( doesn't )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
19) I have dinner at nine o'clock. ( not )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
20) Jana has a new computer. ( not )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
21) Eyad visits the zoo every week. ( doesn't )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
22) Jana likes Maths and Science. ( doesn't )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
23) We take the bus to go to school. ( don't )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
24) I have lunch in a good restaurant. ( don't )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................

25) They swim in a small canal. ( don't )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
26) I watch television every day. ( don’t )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
27) He stays at home on Saturdays night. ( doesn’t )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
28) We get up at seven o’clock. ( not )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
29) Tamer has breakfast early in the morning. ( not )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
( ? )        Do  Yes, / No,     
      Does    s/ es / ies  Yes, / No     
30) Yes, she does the house work every day. ( Does )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
31) Yes, they play football in the club. ( Do )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
32) Yes, Samy goes to the cinema at the weekends. ( Does )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
33) No, I don't like reading science books. ( Do )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
34) Yes, he rides a horse. (Does)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
35) Does Mohamed live in a big house? (Yes)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
36) Do you have lots of friends? ( Yes, )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
37) Do grandpa and grandma live in a big house? ( No, )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
38) Does George ride a scooter? ( Yes, )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
39) Does your friend go to school on Sundays? ( No, )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
‫ﻋﻤﻞ ﺍﻟﺴﺆﺍﻝ ﺑﺄﺩﺍﺓ ﺃﺳﺘﻔﻬﺎﻡ ﻳﺘﻢ ﻛﺎﻷﺗﻰ‬

You We they  

do I
Wh_ word - ?
 
- does he she it
40) Noha plays cricket every Saturday. ( When)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
41) She swims in the swimming pool. ( Where)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
42) They sometimes go to the cinema. ( How often)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................

43) He travels to Cairo by train. ( How )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
44) Samah washes the dishes. ( What )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
45) I study English because I like it. ( Why )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
46) I come from Egypt. ( Where )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
47) They go to school at seven o'clock. ( When )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................

am - is - are       

     
 She is in the habit of playing cards every evening. ( usually )
 She usually plays cards every evening.
 She is intelligent at all times. (always )
 She is always intelligent.
 She goes to her work in time regularly. (always)
 She always goes to her work in time.

48) They played tennis yesterday. ( every week )

 .............................................................................................................................................................................
49) They are carrying their bags now. ( usually )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
50) Ahmed is reading some nice short stories. ( often )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
51) We are doing homework at the moment. ( always )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
52) Reem always arrives home early. (never)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
53) They are studying English now. (every day)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
54) They went to the park yesterday. (every week)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
55) We went out for a walk yesterday. (every weekend)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
56) She is in the habit of watching TV every evening. ( usually )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
57) It is my habit to sleep very early. (usually)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
58) Our train arrives on time regularly. ( always )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
59) She is clever at all times. (always )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................

I am
  He / She / It is + (bare infinitive + ing)
 You / We / They are
      
 The sun is shining now.
 They are still studying English.
          (٢
 I am reading a nice story.
Usage       
 I am flying to London tomorrow.
     Look / Listen / Watch)       (٤
 Look! The children are playing.
 Listen! The bird is singing.
 Watch! The boys are climbing a tree.
Look!  at present   
Key Words Listen!  at this moment   
  Watch!  tonight 
now  still  
I am not
 He / She / It is not + (bare infinitive + ing)
Negative  You / We / They are not
  Ali isn't playing football now.
 They aren't going to London next week.
 I'm not studying English at the moment.
Am / Is / Are + Subject + verb + ing…?
 Are you taking people's orders?
 Yes, I'm.  No, I'm not.
 Is he putting books on the shelves?
Question  Yes, he is.  No, he isn’t.
 Whword + is / are + subject + verb + ing…?
 When are you travelling to London?
 I'm travelling to London next week.
 What is she vacuuming?
 She is vacuuming the carpets.
   Are you    we are  I'm   
 Are you playing tennis now?

- Yes, We're. "playing tennis now." - Yes, I'm. "playing tennis now."
                
like / hate / want / need / wish / prefer / trust / forgive / see / love…etc
- I'm liking English. () - I like English. ()
               
think / believe / mean / mind / seem / agree / refuse / matter… etc
- He is agreeing with you. () - He agrees with you. ()

am / is / are   ing      
help helping  throw throwing 
sing singing  spend spending   
 ing    e      2
bake baking  give giving 
take taking  have  having 
             3
run running  begin beginning 
stop stopping  travel travelling 
                  
open opening   visit visiting  
  ed       ing   e       
dye dyeing   agree agreeing 
   ing   ee   
see seeing   free freeing  
ing   y    ie   
die dying   lie lying  

Underline the correct word(s) in brackets:

1) They are ( works - work - working – worked ) at school now .
2) Look! Some people ( sat - sit - sitting - are sitting ) in the park.
3) Listen! The pupils are ( made - making - makes – make ) noise.
4) They are ( will read - read - reading - reads ) about animals.
5) Mona ( is taking - take – took – are taking ) a shower at present.
6) Is she ( watch - watching – watches - watched ) TV?
7) Yes, She ( am - is – are - does ) watching a film about animals.
8) Are you ( picks - pick - picking - picked ) flowers from the garden?
9) ( Is - Are - Am – Does) Aya hiding under the table?
10) ( Is - Does - Can – Are ) he running now?
11) What ( are - is - does – has ) she cooking now?
12) Brad isn’t ( playing - plays – play – played ) computer games.
13) Ban and Lynda aren’t ( ride - rides – riding - rode ) their bikes.
14) They ( are walking - walk – walked – walks ) now.
15) Now, Danny ( takes - are taking - isn’t taking - take ) a photo.

16) Eyad is ( buy - buying - bought - buys ) postcards at the moment.
17) Noha and Mary ( isn’t - aren’t - don’t ) cooking at the moment.
18) Look! The dog ( is chasing - chases - chased - chase) the cat.
19) I’m ( play - plays – playing - played ) tennis with the ladies this afternoon.
20) He is learning English ( then - yesterday - everyday - now ).
21) Look! They (play – are playing – playing - played) in the garden.
22) Look! Fatma (talked - talks - is talking - talk) to her teacher.
23) I am (reading – reads – read – is reading) at the moment.
24) She (have - has - is having - had) her lunch at the moment.
25) Sally (does – is doing – did - doing) her homework now.
26) Farmers are (water - waters – watering - watered) the crops now.
27) We are (go - going – goes - went) to the club tonight.
28) Fady (goes - is going – going - went) to the cinema tonight.
29) Sally is (buy – buying – bought - buys) some new shoes.
30) She's still (eats – ate – eating - eat) her lunch.
31) Mona (is taking - take – took - takes) a shower at present.
32) Listen! Someone (call - calls - is calling - called) for her.
33) Listen! Maram (speaking - speaks - is speaking - spoke).
34) Watch out! A snake (is sliding - sides – slide - sliding) behind you.
35) She (doesn’t - isn’t - didn’t – doesn't) writing now.
36) I (am not - don’t - didn’t – wasn't) drinking at this moment.
37) They (don’t - aren’t – isn't - won’t) swimming at the present time.
38) Ahmed and Ali (don’t – isn't - aren’t – didn't) studying their lessons.
39) Aya (isn’t - don’t - aren’t – weren't) watching TV now.
40) I (wasn't - haven’t - don’t - am not) playing the guitar at the moment.
41) She (isn’t eating - eating – eat - ate) at the moment.
42) My mother (cooking - isn’t cooking – cook - cooked) now.
43) Why (aren’t you doing - you aren’t doing - you do – do you) your homework now?
44) (Are - Is – Does - Was) Hend having her lunch now?
45) (Do - Are – Can - Was) you making a kite? Yes, I'm.
46) Is she (watch - watching – watches - watched) TV?
47) Yes, She (am - is – are - does) watching a film about animals.
48) Are you (pick - picking – picked - picks) flowers from the garden?

49) What is he (wear - wearing – worn - wears)?
50) Who (making - is making – made - makes) a lot of noise now?
51) What (you are doing - are you doing - you do – do you do) now?
52) What (is - does – has - was) she cooking now?
53) Where (do - are – have - were) they going at present?
54) Maha and Samy ( is watching - are watching - watched – watch ) TV now.
Read and correct the underlined word(s)
1) I drink tea at the moment. [.............................. ]
2) What are you do now? [.............................. ]
3) She isn't to travel today. [.............................. ]
4) My mum makes lunch now. [.............................. ]
5) They running fast. [.............................. ]
6) You write an email at the moment. [.............................. ]
7) Jack are smiling because he’s very happy. [.............................. ]
8) What book do you reading at the moment? [.............................. ]
9) He isn’t to study today. [.............................. ]
10) Is he write a book? [.............................. ]
11) She reads an interesting book at the moment. [.............................. ]
12) You are look for a job. [.............................. ]
13) They is taking holidays in July. [.............................. ]
14) He came with me now. [.............................. ]
15) Is Jane sit on a bench? [.............................. ]
16) Where is Jane and Mary fighting? [.............................. ]


.‫ﺤﺪﺩ ﻭﺍﻧﺘﻬﺖ‬‫( ﺃﺣﺪﺍﺙ ﻣﺎﺿﻴﺔ ﺃﻛﺘﻤﻠﺖ ﰱ ﻭﻗﺖ ﻣ‬١
Usage  Ali visited me yesterday.
 .‫ﺤﺪﺩﺓ‬‫ﺎﻳﺔ ﺍﳉﻤﻠﺔ ﻭﻗﺒﻠﻬﺎ ﻣﺪﺓ ﻏﲑ ﻣ‬ ‫( ﺗﺄﺗﻰ ﰱ‬ago) (٢
 I didn't see Ahmed two years ago.
   
Key Words yesterday ago in the past
  last  once   in +    
didn't + bare infinitive
  Ali didn't study English yesterday.
 They didn’t go to America last week.
Did + subject + bare infinitive…?
 Did you see any bears?
 No, I didn’t.  yes, I did.
 Did he see kangaroos?
Question  No, he didn’t.  yes,he did.
 Wh word + did + subject + bare infinitive…?
 When did you go to the mountains?
 I went there two years ago.
 What did they see there ?
 They saw an eagle.

Subject Affirmative Negative Question

I / He / She / It    was  wasn't  Was He / She / It   …?

You / We / They    Were  weren't  Were You / We /They  ….?

 Were you at the theatre 2 days ago?
 Mary is very happy but yesterday she wasn't happy.
 What was the weather like last week?

: ‫ ﻳﻮﺟﺪ ﰱ ﺍﻟﻠﻐﺔ ﺍﻷﳒﻠﻴﺰﻳﺔ ﻧﻮﻋﺎﻥ ﻣﻦ ﺍﻷﻓﻌﺎﻝ‬

        (d / ed / ied)     
      ed       
verbs With ed
look  looked listen  listened
help  helped clean  cleaned
 e       d   (٢
verbs With d
bake  baked dance  danced
use  used close  closed

‫( ﺑﺸﺮﻁ ﺃﻥ ﻳﻜﻮﻥ ﻗﺒﻠﻬﺎ ﺣﺮﻑ ﺳﺎﻛﻦ‬-y ) ‫ ﻟﻸﻓﻌﺎﻝ ﺍﻟﱴ ﺗﻨﺘﻬﻰ ﲝﺮﻑ ﺍﻟــ‬-ied ‫( ﻳﺘﻢ ﺃﺿﺎﻓﺔ‬٣
verbs With ied
study   studied tidy 
cry    cried carry carried
Vowel‫( ﺍﻟﱴ ﻳﻜﻮﻥ ﻗﺒﻠﻬﺎ ﺣﺮﻑ ﻣﺘﺤﺮﻙ‬-y ) ‫ﻟﻼﻓﻌﺎﻝ ﺍﻟﱴ ﺗﻨﺘﻬﻰ ﲝﺮﻑ ﺍﻟــ‬-ed ‫( ﻳﺘﻢ ﺃﺿﺎﻓﺔ‬٤
a/e/i/o/u verbs With ed
play  played stay   stayed
Enjoy  enjoyed obey  obeyed
Vowel ‫ ﻣﻊ ﻣﻀﺎﻋﻔﺔ ﺍﳊﺮﻑ ﺍﻷﺧﲑ ﻟﻠﻔﻌﻞ ﺍﻟﱴ ﻳﻨﺘﻬﻰ ﲝﺮﻑ ﺳﺎﻛﻦ ﻭ ﻗﺒﻠﻪ ﺣﺮﻑ ﻣﺘﺤﺮﻙ‬-ed ‫( ﻳﺘﻢ ﺃﺿﺎﻓﺔ‬٥
a/e/i/o/u verbs With ed
stop  stopped clap  clapped
travel  travelled drop  dropped

:‫ ﻭﻫﻰ ﺃﻓﻌﺎﻝ ﻟﻴﺲ ﳍﺎ ﻗﺎﻋﺪﺓ ﺛﺎﺑﺘﺔ ﻟﻌﻤﻞ ﺗﺼﺮﻳﻒ ﺍﻟﻔﻌﻞ ﰱ ﺍﳌﺎﺿﻰ ﻟﺬﻟﻚ ﻓﻬﻰ ﲢﻔﻆ ﻛﻤﺎ ﻫﻰ ﻣﺜﻞ‬
go  went / eat  ate / throw  threw ….etc

Underline the correct word between brackets

1) Ali didn't ( studying - study – studies – studied ) English yesterday.
2) We ( are seeing – see – sees - saw ) a lot of fish in the river two days ago.
3) They ( didn’t – aren't – doesn't – don't ) go to America last week.
4) 150 years ago people ( doesn't - don't - didn't – aren't) have washing machines.
5) Tony (wanting - want - wants - wanted ) to play hide-and-seek yesterday.
6) ( Did - Have – Are - Do ) they go to the cinema last Friday?
7) How did people ( cooking - cook - cooked - cooks ) 150 years ago ?
8) Samah ( watches – is watching - watched – watch ) film yesterday.
9) My sister ( clean - cleans – cleaned - cleaning ) her bedroom last night.
10) I ( helping - helps - helped - help ) my mother in the kitchen yesterday.
11) They ( visited - visit – visiting – visits ) their grandfather yesterday.
12) Last Friday, He ( talks – talked – talk – talking ) to his uncle on the phone.
13) She ( picks - pick – picked – is picking ) flowers in the garden yesterday.
14) I ( climb - climbs – climbed - climbing ) the tree yesterday.
15) He didn't ( watch – watching - watches - watched ) the film yesterday.
16) ( Do – Does – Did – Is ) Rashwan play a match yesterday?
17) She ( look – looks – looked - looking ) at the horse yesterday.
18) Did the cows ( living - live – lives – lived ) in the farm?

Read and correct the underlined word(s)
1) Mum washes up after lunch yesterday. [.............................. ]
2) It is raining a lot yesterday. [.............................. ]
3) Ahmed didn't ate a slice of pizza. [.............................. ]
4) They are watching TV last night. [.............................. ]
5) Did Fred caught a cold yesterday? [.............................. ]
6) Omar didn't did the homework. [.............................. ]
7) The ambulance take the injured man to the hospital last night. [.............................. ]
8) What did Fayrouz had two weeks ago? [.............................. ]
9) Dad didn't reads a fairy tale to his children. [.............................. ]
10) Kamal runs to school yesterday morning. [.............................. ]
11) Where did Tamer and Yasser met last week? [.............................. ]
12) We didn’t built our house by ourselves. [.............................. ]
13) Why didn’t Amy brought her project? [.............................. ]
14) What does your mum, cook for dinner yesterday? [.............................. ]

    

           
go / is going  went / play / plays  played        
            

Rewrite the following sentences using word(s) in brackets

1) He buys a skateboard. ( yesterday )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
2) Eyad wakes up at seven o'clock every day. ( last week )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
3) I am visiting the zoo now. ( two days ago )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
4) He goes to the cinema every Friday. ( went )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
5) I always walk to school. ( yesterday)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
6) He sometimes wants to go to the cinema. ( last night )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
7) He usually goes to school by bus. ( Yesterday )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
8) She doesn’t cook dinner. (last night)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
9) He writes his friend a letter. (yesterday)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................

       didn’t        

studied used played had did went

didn't study didn't use didn't play didn't have didn't do didn't go

10) Aml watched a film on TV yesterday. ( didn't )

 .............................................................................................................................................................................
11) Sara had pizza for lunch. ( didn't )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
12) Yes, I played tennis with Rami. ( No, )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
13) He didn't buy a hat last week. ( bought )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
14) They went to the zoo yesterday. ( didn't )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
15) My dad saw an accident yesterday. ( didn't )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
16) She had a trip last week. (not)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
17) They didn't eat pasta and fish. (ate)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
18) Dina went to the cinema. (not)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
19) They travelled to China last summer. (not)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
20) I didn't see the film yesterday. (saw)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
21) I saw a big horse on the farm. (not)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
22) She cooked a delicious lunch. (not)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
23) Rana played tennis yesterday. (not)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
24) The children climbed the tree. (not)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
25) Yes, Hany walked across the fields. (No,)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
26) Yes, He painted a nice picture last week. (No,)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
27) Yes, Sama picked the flower. (No,)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
28) Yes, the climber climbed the mountain. (No,)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
29) Yes, Amr opened the gate. (No,)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
30) Eyad did his homework last night . (not)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................

Yes, / No,                 Did 

I You We They
Did +    ?
 
he she it 

31) No, Yara didn't do the washing up. ( Did )

 .............................................................................................................................................................................
32) Yes, Amgad lived in a big house. ( Did )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
33) No, they didn't have eggs and toast for breakfast. ( Did )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
34) Did the hen eat beans? ( Yes, )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
35) Did the giant live in a castle? ( No, )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
36) Yes, he visited the zoo yesterday. ( Did )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
37) Yes, they watched a film on television. ( Did )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
38) Yes, she bought a CD yesterday. ( Did )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
39) Yes, we had lunch at a restaurant last Friday. ( Did )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
40) No, Soha didn't help her mother. ( Did )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
‫ﻋﻤﻞ ﺍﻟﺴﺆﺍﻝ ﺑﺄﺩﺍﺓ ﺃﺳﺘﻔﻬﺎﻡ ﻳﺘﻢ ﻛﺎﻷﺗﻰ‬

You We they  

Wh_ word did ?
-  
- he she it
41) Shady went to Aswan last year. ( Where )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
42) Sayed watered the flowers this morning. ( What )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
43) John watched TV all the day yesterday. ( When )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
44) He went to Aswan by train. ( How )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
45) She went to the supermarket to buy some sugar. ( Why )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
46) He visited the pyramids yesterday. ( What )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
47) I had fish and rice last night. ( When )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................

I was
Form  He / She / It /   was + (verb + ing)
 You / We / They/  were
          
 He was reading in the library yesterday.
 They were watching the film all night yesterday.
              
 I was reading a nice story while my sister was sleeping.
          
Usage  We were flying our kites at 7 a.m yesterday. 
  while / as / just as       
 While Aya was putting a book on the desk, She saw a cat.
 The phone rang as he was sleeping.
 Just as I was walking to school, I met my friend.
        when     ٥
 When the light went out,I was studying.
from ….to … yesterday     
Key Words all (day - week…etc) + past time      
 
when  as / just as / while      
I was not
 He / She / It was not + (verb + ing)
Negative  You / We / They were not
  Ramy wasn't writing a letter.
 We weren't watching TV at seven o'clock yesterday .
 I wasn't sleeping all the night because of the headache.
Was / Were+ Subject + verb + ing…?
 Were you travelling to london ?
 No, I wasn't.  Yes, I was.
 Was Sayed sleeping when his father came?
Question  No, he wasn’t.  Yes,he was.
 Wh-word + was / were + subject + verb + ing…?
 What were you doing when I phoned you?
 I was taking a bath when you phoned me.
 Where was he walking?
 He was walking in the street.

‫ ﰱ ﺍﻟﺴﺆﺍﻝ ﻭﺍﻟﻌﻜﺲ‬Were you ‫ ﰱ ﺍﻷﺟﺎﺑﺔ ﺇﱃ‬I was we were / ‫ ﻳﺘﻢ ﲢﻮﻳﻞ‬

 Were you studying at 8 o'clock yesterday?

Yes, I was studying at 8 o'clock yesterday.

Yes, we were studying at 8 o'clock yesterday.

Underline the correct word between brackets

1) Sama (work - works - was working - is working) all the day yesterday.
2) What (does Sally do - is Sally doing - does Sally doing - was Sally doing) at five
o'clock yesterday?
3) Dalia (does - doing - was doing - is doing) her homework at six yesterday.
4) What was he (doing - do - does - did) in the morning yesterday?
5) At this time last week I (lays - is laying - was lying - laid) on the beach.
6) What (are you doing - did you do - were you doing - do you do) when the light
went out?
7) Sorry,I wasn't (listening - listen - listens - listened) .Can you say it again please?
8) Samia (painted - paints - is painting - was painting) a picture at 9 yesterday.
9) Nada(work – works – was working – is working) all the day yesterday.
10) I (am watching - watched - was watching - watch) TV all day yesterday.
11) It (rained - was raining - has rained – is raining) all day yesterday.
12) Sally (paints – is painting – was painting - painting) a picture at 9 yesterday.
13) Yesterday afternoon, he (watches - is watching - was watching - watch) TV.
14) Dina (has done - doing - was doing - is doing) her homework at five yesterday.
15) He (trained - training - was training - be training) the whole day yesterday for
the next match.
16) The headmaster (was explaining - explained - will explain – is explaining) the
school rules yesterday at 9 o'clock.
17) Rami (was mending - mends - is mending – will mend) his bike in the street all
the morning yesterday.
18) Between six and half past seven this morning I (had – having - was having -
had had) breakfast.
19) They (don’t - aren’t - weren’t – won't) sleeping all night yesterday.
20) I (am not - wasn’t - isn’t – won't) eating an hour ago.
21) He (isn’t - wasn’t - didn’t doesn't) studying yesterday evening.
22) They weren’t (play - played – playing - plays) last week.
23) What (has Sara doing - is Sara doing - does Sara doing - was Sara doing) at
seven o'clock last night?

24) What was Dina (doing - did – does - do) at five o’clock yesterday?
25) What was he (doing - do - does - did) in the evening yesterday?
26) Why (are – was – were - will) Mona crying all the day yesterday?
27) What (were - are – was - will) you doing yesterday morning?
28) Why (he was - was he - is he – he is) shouting yesterday night?

Rewrite the following sentences using the word (s) in brackets:

1) They were building a flat. ( He )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
2) She was helping her mum. ( not )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
3) They were cooking lunch yesterday afternoon. ( not )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
4) Are you studying your lessons now? (all day yesterday)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
5) I'm singing now. ( the whole day yesterday )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
6) Yes, I was sleeping all day yesterday. (Were)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
7) Ali was still doing some exercises. ( What )
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
8) What were you doing yesterday? (I)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
9) The children were doing their homework when I got home. (not)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
10) He was reading all evening. (not)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
11) The town was changing quickly. (Towns) 
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
12) I was working in the garden all day. (I and my father)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
13) Yesterday at six they were preparing dinner. (She)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................

Read and correct the underlined word(s)

1) I am studying English yesterday. [ ............................... ]
2) You aren't wearing a jumper last night. [ ............................... ]
3) There were a lot of people at the park. They were had picnics. [ ............................... ]
4) While they could studying, the phone rang. [ ............................... ]
5) When light went out, he is watching a football match on TV. [ ............................... ]
6) While they are eating lunch, the telephone rang. [ .............................. ]

 I / We shall   
Form  He / She / It / You / They will   
     
 Next week we will go to Luxor.
         
 I think people will visit the moon.
 Perhaps they will come back.
Usage       
 Schools will start in September.
            
 Pupil 1: I have lost my pen.
 Pupil 2: I will give you a pen, I have two.
Key tomorrow  In the future   this 
Words next  shortly   soon 
 I / We shall not   
 He / She / It / You / They will not   
 Ali will not study English this evening.
 I shall not go to London tomorrow.
 Will = 'll  Willnot = Won't
 Shall not = shan't
The Future with "going to" 
 I am
Form  He / She / It is + going to + ‫ﻣﺼﺪر اﻟﻔﻌﻞ‬
 You / We / They are
      –
 They are going to go to London tomorrow
      –
 It's going to rain. It's cloudy.
Key Tomorrow  this  In the future  
Words next  soon 

Underline the correct word between brackets

1) Where (does we meet – will we meet – did we meet) tomorrow?

2) Who (will come –coming –comes) to your party next Monday?
3) What (is – will – has) the weather be like tomorrow?
4) What (he will – he can – will he) do tomorrow morning?
5) What time (do you finish – did you finish – will you finish) school tomorrow?
6) The children (had – will have – are having) a test tomorrow.
7) Will you go out tonight? No, I (will – don't won't).
8) (Is – Does – Will) it be hot tomorrow?
9) (You will – You can – Will you) arrange a tour for us next month?

10) (Will they – They will – They can) play the final match tomorrow?
11) (You will – Will you – You would) give a party tomorrow?
12) (He will – He would – Will he) take a photo?
13) Tomorrow we (go – will go – going) to the zoo.
14) Our team (played – play – will play) the match tomorrow afternoon.
15) Grandma (will visit – visits – visited) us next Friday.
16) Perhaps people (live – will live – lived) on the moon in the future.
17) Next year I (be – am – will be) eleven years old.
18) Omar will (invite – invites – invited) me to dinner next Sunday.
19) Don't worry! I (comes – coming – will come) soon.
20) The film (start – starts – will start) in a few minutes.
21) It’s full of clouds. It (will rain – is going to rain – is raining– rained).
22) Keep quiet! l’m going to (done – do – does – doing) my homework.
23) The sky is very black. It (is – will – would – is going to) rain.
24) Samir (go – going – is going – went) to move to Aswan next week.
25) The sky is cloudy. I think it (rains– is going to rain– is raining– rain).
26) They (are going to watch – watch – are watching) an exciting movie tonight.
27) My lesson (finishes – is finishing – is going to finish – was finishing) at four
o’clock this afternoon.
Rewrite the following sentences using the word (s) in brackets:
1) She intends to travel by plane. (going to)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
2) Amr has decided to join the faculty of medicine. (going to)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
3) Do you intend to come early? (going to)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
4) Ziad has planned to buy a car. (going to)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
5) I intend to change jobs. (going)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
6) Ali has decided to do his homework after breakfast. (going)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
7) She will get her new job next week. (going)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
8) She intends to visit Luxor. (going)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
9) She will get her new job next week (going)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
10) Do you intend to travel anywhere on the midyear holiday? (going)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
11) Ali has decided to do his homework after breakfast. (going)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
12) Do you intend to go to Alex in summer? (going)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................

Form He / She / It /   has  P.P 
 I / You / We / They /  have  P.P 
Just    p.p 
Already   He has just come.
 I have already played the match.
Yet     
 Have you visited Ali yet?
 No, I haven't visited Ali yet.
Ever    p.p  
  Have you ever visited Luxor?
Never   p.p  
 No, I have never visited Luxor.
Since    
 I haven't seen Ali since 2005.
 I haven't seen Ali since I was in London.
For    
 I have lived in Cairo for 8 years.
Since For
two o'clock   an hour / two hours
Saturday/Monday /Friday   a day / three days
March / May / December   a month / four months
1990 / 2000 / 2006   a year / five years / many years
Last ( week/month / year/Sunday)  a second /a minute / five minutes
this ( morning/afternoon/ evening)  a while / a long time / ages
She was young  

Read and correct the underlined word(s)

1) I (don’t see – haven't seen – am not seeing) him for three years.
2) Have you (get – got – getting) a photo album?
3) The child has (fell – fallen – felt) off the bed.
4) Have you ever (be – been – being) to South America?
5) I have (have – has – had) a pen friend since last year.
6) I have never (eat – eaten – ate) Indian food.
7) We have (live – living – lived) in Cairo since 1990.
8) (Has – Have – Are) you ever been to Sharm El Sheikh?
9) We (has – have – are) just watched a nice film on TV.

10) Have you ever (see – saw – seen) a rainbow?
11) Since last Friday, we (haven’t met – didn’t meet – won’t meet).
12) We have (leave – leaving – left) for England since 1999.
13) He hasn’t been to the cinema (for – ago – since) last year.
14) He has been to France (for – since – yet) he was born.
15) I have been awake (since – for – ago) five o'clock in the morning.
16) It's been a few weeks (for – since – just) I met you.
17) I haven’t met my friend (for – since – just) a long time.
18) He hasn’t gone to school (since – ago – just – for) 10 days.
19) I haven't seen Sameh (since – ago – just – for) ages.
20) Samy has been t prep school (for – since – ago – when) three years.

Rewrite the following sentences using the word (s) in brackets:

1) She did her homework a week ago. (since)

 .............................................................................................................................................................................
2) I last played football when I was ten. (since)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
3) Samira has worked as a teacher for 10 years. (since)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
4) I have lived in Cairo since I was ten. (for)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
5) The pupil has already written the letter. (yet)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
6) The train reached the station a short time ago. (just)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
7) They have learnt English for three years. (not)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
8) He hasn’t made spelling mistakes. (I)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
9) My uncle has already watered the garden. (They)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
10) Has Heba seen a cat in the bedroom? (you)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
11) I have made myself a cup of tea. (She)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................
12) Hani has already finished his work. (They)
 .............................................................................................................................................................................


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