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Research Design and Methodology

This chapter presented the methods and procedures to be use in the

study. It consists: research method, research environment, the research
subject, research instrument, secondary data collection method, sampling
procedure and the statistical instrument of data.

Research Method

A descriptive-correlational method of quantitative will be used in this

study. This method would asses the current state of the team of selected
Automotive Companies in Cagayan de Oro City in terms of leadership
behavior, teams profile and team’s productivity; and the relationship that
might exist between these above mentioned variables.

Research Environment

The research area is within the area of Cagayan de Oro City, the city of
“Golden Friendship”. Cagayan de Oro City is a chartered city where
governance is independent and separate from the province it also serves as
the regional center and business hub of Northern Mindanao (Region X), it is
being govern by Mayor Oscar S. Moreno and it is politically subdivided into 80
Baranggays. Cagayan de Oro city placed 5th in the Cities and Municipalities
Competitive Index for 2018. In 2015 census, gaining the rank of being the 10 th
most populous city in the country. In infrastructure category, the city has
maintained its 5th ranking, while jumping up two ranks in economic dynamism,
from 15th last year to 13th this year. The Visayan dialect used in Cagayan de
Oro is simillar to the Cebuano dialect, which is considered the main Visayan
language of the country. However, CDO’s Visayan dialect differs with
Cebuano in the use of some words. The City’s economy is largely based on
industry, commerce, trade, service and tourism. Considered one of the fastest
growing cities in the country. It has modernized technology and famous
companies that enables them to be more productive city and automobiles are
one of the common innovations that help the city to prosper. Some famous
businesses known which helps effectuating income in the city are the
Concentrix, Nestle, Asia Brewery etc.

Figure 3. Map of the Research Environment

Research Subject

The research subject of this are the Leaders in each team in Automobile
companies within Cagayan de Oro City.
Sampling Procedure

This study will use Purposive Sampling Method (also known as

judgement, selective or subjective sampling). among the sales team of the
predetermined Automotive companies in Cagayan de Oro City the
researchers will give the questionnaires to the team members in each leader
in order to provide unbiased information as to rate their leaders behavior.

According to Gay and Diehl (1992), generally the number of respondents

acceptable for a study depends on the type research involved- descriptive,
correlational or experimental. For descriptive research the sample should be
10% of the population. But if the population is small then 20 % may be
required. In correlational research at least 30 subjects are required to
establish a relationship.

Data Collection Method

A letter of request for approval will be send first to the company. When the
company agreed to participate on the study, the survey questionnaires will be
distribute to the team respondents who are the employees of the selected
companies within Cagayan de Oro City. Gathered data will then summarized
and analyzed by the researchers after the respondents answer the survey
questionnaires that the researchers will retrieve.

Research Instrument

This study will use modified survey questionnaires in gathering data which
serve as the primary source of the study.

The questionnaire will be distributed to the team members of each team.

The questionnaires will composed of two parts: first part deals with the
Respondents profile and the second part is for the Path-Goal Leadership
Behavior and to evaluate the productivity of the team which can be
determined in sales quantity.

Statistical Treatment of data

The use of the choices in the questionnaires (never, hardly ever, seldom,
occasionally, often, usually, always) is based on Path-Goal Leadership
Questionnaire to support the Statistical tools to generate accurate information
about the study.

The Path-Goal leadership questionnaire contains 20 questions about

different styles of path goal leadership. It is designed to help you assess what
leadership style is used in a team. In scoring,

1. Reverse the score for items 7, 11, 16 and 18.

2. Directive style: sum of scores on items 1, 5, 9, 14, and 18.
3. Supportive style: sum of scores on items 2, 8, 11, 15, and 20.
4. Participative style: sum of scores on items 3, 4, 7, 12, and 17.
5. Achievement-oriented style: sum of scores on items 6, 10, 13, 16, 19.
In score interpretation,
 Directive style: a common score is 23, scores above 28 are considered
high, and scores below 18 are considered low
 Supportive style: a common score is 28, scores above 33 are considered
high, and scores below 23 are considered low.
 Participative style: a common score is 21, scores above 26 are
considered high, and scores below 16 are considered low.
 Achievement-oriented style: a common score is 19, scores above 24 are
considered high, and scores below 14 are considered low.
The scores received on the path-goal questionnaire provide information about
which style of leadership most and less use often.


Direction: indicate how often each statement is true of your leader’s behavior.

Key: 1 = Never
2 = Hardly ever
3 = Seldom
4 = Occasionally
5 = Often
6 = Usually
7 = Always

1. The leader let subordinates know what is expected of them.

2. The leader maintains a friendly working relationship with his/her
subordinates. 1234567
3. The leader consults with subordinates when facing a problem.
4. The leader listens receptively to subordinates’ ideas and suggestions.
5. The leader informs subordinates about what needs to be done and how it
needs to be done. 1234567

6. The leader let subordinates know what he/she expect from them to perform
at their highest level. 1234567

7. The leader act without consulting his/her subordinates.

8. The leader do little things to make it pleasant to be a member of the group.
9. The leader ask subordinates to follow standards rules and regulations.
10. The leader set goals for subordinates’ performance that are quiet
challenging. 1234567

11. The leader say things that hurt subordinates’ personal feelings.
12. The leader ask for suggestions from subordinates concerning how to carry
out assignments. 1234567

13. The leader encourage continual improvement in subordinates’

performance. 1234567

14. The leader explain the level of performance that is expected of

subordinates. 1234567

15. The leader help subordinates overcome problems that stop them from
carrying out their task. 1234567

16. The leader show that he/she doubts about subordinates’ ability to meet
most objectives. 1234567

17. The leader ask subordinates for suggestions on what assignments

shouldbe made. 1234567

18. The leader give vague explanations of what is expected of subordinates

on the job 1234567

19. The leader consistently set challenging goals for subordinates to attain.

20. The leader behaves in a manner that is thoughtful of subordinates’

personal needs. 1234567

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