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COVID-19 Explained
Directions: Read the following informational passage. Annotate key words and sentences you
read with symbols, such as a question mark for something you'd like to know more about or a
star for an important detail or fact.

In 2019, a new virus named COVID-19 began spreading around the world. COVID-19 is
short for Coronavirus disease 2019. Some people just call it the coronavirus. In Latin,
"corona" means crown. Under a microscope, this virus looks like it is wearing a spiky

A virus is a tiny type of germ. A virus needs to live inside another creature, like a human
or animal, in order to survive. The virus gets inside our cells and begins to copy itself.
These copies infect other cells in the body and can make people sick.

COVID-19 is a virus that can spread quickly and easily. Infected people can release the
virus in droplets when they cough, sneeze, or talk. The droplets can land on nearby
people, letting the virus into their bodies. We call COVID-19 a pandemic because it is a
disease that is very widespread.

People who get sick with COVID-19 have different symptoms. Some people might get
very sick while others may only have a mild cough or fever. Sometimes, people have no
symptoms and don’t even know they have the virus. This is called being asymptomatic.
Doctors, scientists, and community leaders are working on ways to keep us safe and
stop the spread of COVID-19. They might find a vaccine, a cure, or ways to stop people
from sharing germs.

In order to protect people around us and help stop the spread of COVID-19, many
places in our communities have changed. For example, most businesses, like grocery
stores or restaurants, require that people wear masks, and they may limit the number
of people allowed inside at once. Wearing a mask, washing your hands for at least 20
seconds, and giving people plenty of space are some of the ways to help stop the
spread of COVID-19. When the virus can't spread, fewer people get sick. That allows
doctors to pay plenty of attention to the people who do get sick from COVID-19.

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COVID-19 Explained
Answer the following questions, using the annotated parts of the text as your evidence.

1. What is the main idea of this text?

2. Write a definition of the word symptom in your own words. Use information from
the passage.

3. Choose one of the lines you marked in the text and explain why it is important.

4. Describe two ways that you are staying safe and healthy.

5. Write a question or an “I wonder…” statement about the text.

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