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“Mulan’s Legend and Legacy

inChina and the United
States “

Quito – Ecuador 2022

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Table Nº1

1.1. Title of the Project

Mulan’s Legend and Legacy in China and the United States

1.2. Level & Class

A1.2 “A”

1.3. Execution period

10 weeks

Edited by: Group Nº3

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Table of Contents

General Aim ....................................................................................................... 5

Theoretical Framework ....................................................................................... 5
Role in dramatization .......................................................................................... 8
Schedule of activities ......................................................................................... 9
Human Resouce............................................................................................... 10
Resources ........................................................................................................ 10
Bibliography...................................................................................................... 11
Annexes ........................................................................................................... 11
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Mulan’s Legend and Legacy in China and the United States

1. General Aim

To elaborate a video showing a dramatization of the "Legend of Mulan", by using

or applying bibliographic sources, technological tools and knowledge provided in
level two of English, to facilitate the comprehension of the English language in
written and oral form.

2. Theoretical Framework

Around 400 AD, a poem began circulating imperial China. It told of a young girl
(most likely in her early teens) who made the momentous decision to take her
father’s place in battle. Although modern historians now believe this poem to be
fictitious, early historians (most notably, Zhu Guozhen) insisted that the Ballad of
Mulan was an autobiography. Regardless of the authenticity of the original tale,
this amazing story went on to inspire one of the greatest legends ever told.

Illustration 1: This copy of The Ballad of Mulan was written by Song dynasty calligrapher Mi Fu
in 1094 AD (Public domain).

For over a hundred years, the Ballad of Mulan was passed down via oral tradition,
until it was finally written down during the Tang dynasty. Around this same time,
several authors (Wei Yuanfu, Bai Juyi, Du Mu, and Li Rong) also wrote accounts
verifying Mulan’s story.The early narratives about Mulan were are all very short.
They provide enough information to verify that Mulan took her father’s place in
battle, served for twelve or thirteen years without her femininity ever being
discovered, and was rewarded by the emperor for her accomplishments. Due to
the brevity of these accounts, later authors became fascinated with Mulan’s story
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and began embellishing it. After all, Mulan’s story has such a fantastic premise
that it begs to be told in a more elaborate form.

Illustration 2: Mulan bids farewell to her family while two soldiers wait impatiently. An Illustration
in a late woodblock reprinting of a collection of Xu Wei’s plays (Public domain).

Around 1500 AD, Xu Wei wrote the play Mulan Joins the Army. Although this play
was short (the unannotated manuscript is twelve pages), Xu Wei inserted
reimagined the story in a way that would capture the imaginations of the common
people. Xu Wei took a lot of liberties with this play and wasn’t overly concerned
with historical accuracy. For example, the play included Mulan with bound feet
which is the ancient equivalent of having a woman soldier wearing sexy armor.
One version of the manuscript even explicitly instructs the actress playing Mulan
to change clothes in full view of the audience. The play primarily focuses on
Mulan’s life as a woman. After she spends a long time preparing to go to war, the
narrator blitzes through a decade of military service to show the audience Mulan
resuming her life as a woman. (Plot summary of Mulan Joins the Army) Although
no records exist of Xu Wei’s play ever being performed, the printed manuscript
circulated widely throughout China. Thus, in its written form, this play inspired a
renewed interest in the legend. After the Ming dynasty fell, the Chinese people
found themselves under barbarian rule. The Manchu (who founded the Qing
dynasty) oppressed the Chinese people and forced them to adapt to the Manchu
way of life under penalty of death. During this time, the Chinese people took
solace in Mulan’s story, as they desired for such a hero to rise up amongst them.
(More information: The Legend of Mulan During the Qing Dynasty).
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Illustration 3:Mulan receives instruction in martial arts from her grandfather as her grandmother
looks on. Included in a late woodblock reprinting of The Complete Account of Extraordinary
Mulan (Public domain).

The Complete Account of Extraordinary Mulan was a very different novel, in that
it encouraged its readers to withdraw from society and rise above evil by living
virtuous lives. The author, who seems to be a pacifist, uses the novel to glorify
monasticism. The novel begins by focusing on Mulan’s grandfather, an ambitious
young scholar. As he pursues enlightenment, however, he learns the virtue of
inaction. After his granddaughter Mulan is born, he teaches her the art of magic
but warns that responsible use of magic is so difficult that he has never found an
occasion where the use of magic would be proper. Although Mulan eventually
learns how to use her power for good, evil still triumphs in the end. In 1850, author
Zhang Shaoxian conducted a thorough investigation of the legend. He reviewed
numerous retellings and united them into a coherent story. The resulting novel,
Fierce and Filial, tells of how Mulan’s brilliance and military prowess stem from
he virtue. The most unique feature of this novel is the narrator’s analysis of
Mulan’s inner struggle during her military service. Mulan is repeatedly
traumatized by the cruelty of warfare, but refuses to suppress her tender side and
become a hardened warrior. In the end, she manages to befriend the enemy
princess, and the two women swear to help one another bring the war to an end.
In 1903, the play Mulan Joins the Army turned Mulan’s story into a raucous
comedy about how Mulan took her father’s place when her adopted brother
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Mushu refused his filial duty. Although the play was hardly successful, it helped
pave the way for a new era in the legend’s development.

Illustration 4:©1939 China United Productions.

3. Role in dramatization
Table Nº2
№ Participants Role in dramatization
1 Dennis Miguel Pillajo Yao chien-po
2 Isaid Fernando Pillo Fa Zhou
3 Cristian Marcelo Timbilla Mushu
4 Erick Anderson Sarchi Chi fu
5 Dayana Elizabeth Captain shang
Anangono Espinoza
6 Lizbeth Adriana Mulan
Pucachaqui Albuja
7 Edith del Carmen Jimenez The emperador

Edited by: Group Nº3

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4. Schedule of activities

Illustration 5: Own source

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5. Human Resouce
Table Nº3

№ Participants Role in the project Career & Level

1 Dennis Miguel Pillajo Theoretical Framework Fifth level Mecánica
Mancero Industrial
2 Isaid Fernando Pillo Chronogram Second level
Mecánica Automotriz
3 Cristian Marcelo Timbilla Human resources Fifth level Electricidad
4 Erick Anderson Sarchi Theoretical Framework Fifth level Mecánica
González Industrial
5 Dayana Elizabeth General aim Fourth level
Contabilidad general
Anangono Espinoza
6 Lizbeth Adriana Resources Fourth level
Contabilidad general
Pucachaqui Albuja
7 Edith del Carmen Jimenez Chronogram Fourth level
Quenguan Contabilidad general

Edited by: Group Nº3

6. Resources

 Computer
 Cell pone
 Internet
 Word
 Proyect
 Meet
 WhatsApp
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7. Bibliography

Dong, L. (4 de Septiembre de 2020). BBC. Obtenido de
Tales, S. F. (2 de Noviembre de 2018). YouTube . Obtenido de

8. Annexes

Link video:
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Elaborated by: Supervised by: Approved by:

 Dennis Miguel Pillajo Lic. Elvia Allaica M.Sc. Jorge Díaz

Mancero. Chafla ENGLISH
 Isaid Fernando Pillo FOREIGN DEPARTMENT
 Cristian Marcelo ENGLISH CENTRE
Timbilla Tolagasi PROFESSOR

 Erick Anderson
Sarchi González
 Dayana Elizabeth
Anangono Espinoza
 Lizbeth Adriana
Pucachaqui Albuja
 Edith del Carmen
Jimenez Quenguan


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