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a ISU senco SPEAKING 47, Respond them according to your own data. Work in pair. 111. Whichis harder, math or English? Ero «S, rasdes Yeon oe 112, sit better to be rich and dumb or pogr and srpart?, € as ® belter 1 be Gnd SHOT aN VL aad donb 113, Ist better tobe rich and del or poor and Benafoome? £3) aly BAe YOREY yy Yo bee PF SC) Lec Whol ron oa OS ONY YS na ‘ood ednaogy ake he wos beter cr woe? Why? ak nn maa “Kean ey 1s baller Gnd eS nck woke Me umd wx se ince or velgs us lec, 115. Which ame is move entertaining, Tetris or Angry Birds? Why? cca WB osehv the funnest gene Bre iE HhEN gry bres, aogny Since FOS VS Lege pene {ADJECTIVES SUPERLATIVE EXAMPLES, Srorogeeie clean + est fleanest, smartest | [Adjectives endingin=Y __leasyiest jeasiest, happiest iadjectives ending in—e imple+st. simplest, Largest, closest lAdjective with two big + gest Hottest, Biggest, fattest {consonants and one vowel |long adjectives |Most + charming Most charming | lirregular adjectives: ‘good ~ best “old = eldest/oidest | Bad — worst late - last Little/ few - least Hs ado, Many/much= most =2s0lo Soyete #8 woae | Far-farthest/furthest. \O"SP ALWAYS USE THE. Example: My family is the cutest of all universe. GRAMMAR Lesson 3: SUPERLATIVE a 1 Ss U CENTRAL TECNICO oe es EXERCISE: {ets Po ESSAY 18. Write the Superlative forms of the adjectives with Most - est. 6. uv. 118. 119, 120 aaa 122 123, 124 us, 19. 126. 127. 128, 129. 130, 20. Busy Busiesk Dirty Sickiest _ Small Smallest Sad Soddest _ Cheerful cheer tulest Comfortable snast_comfodable Bad —morsh Good Spt wide (Lasdest Dim Bramest Put the correct world in each sentence: thon, of in. Who's the tallest classmate class? Her shoes are prettier Anoo mine. Parachuting is the most exciting sport of all, ‘Which isthe coldest month sa. the year? Mr. Cevallos is higher thao Mrs. Benavider. Complete the text with supertative adjectives. Use THEI it ls necessary. young awesome clever thoughtful cheerful funny thin organized talentful busy Well let's start with my progenitors. think my moms ke" cleytést ‘ember the family. She ‘works a a high education institute. But my dad is certainly the Sacmaes3He cracks me up when Tina My male sting hs alyayg been my cock “Susu can tata him boi allofme He's Bega Av arg cate eee “Theirlid is certainly WSattiacd he's afew days old My spouse s Ue busiest member In the family she goes running so much. She is also probably on Sh tle far bell and’ eter sioysl ur sone dea. SYSREV Sha he never stops sing lke his grancather. Gaby 1 ten, but she's [hha eh ve eer met sheaves wants toe generous nd spot, Ad? Wal | 1am not wok shes dad over the worl, but attempt! GCAVAVALADALAUTALULLULLELLELALURERREREREERSE o ISU sores WRITING EXERCISE: 21. Mark the superlative correctly. 131. Mybest rend Valery isthe praty {SretesRi nthe group ofcourse 132. Femandais the more obnoxious ost obnoxi6UsSperson in my lass 133. Rose is the friendliest most friendly woman that I've known. 134, | Santiago is the most ¢@axed) relaxed partner whom I've worked 135, Do you gotthe loyalestY most loyal Buddy? 136, _Josephis the lazy /daziest> person. 137, The@Grightest? brighter person is Margot —rhy mother, 138. _ | dont consder that she i the most stuck Uplstckest Bi lithe nighborhood 22. Use the words in parentheses to complete the sentences in superlatives. Example: Cotopaxi is the most amazing snow capped mountain over the world 139. Mount Colony ‘swe ghost sweishigh /Mount Cotopaxi /mountain) on Ecuador, 140. Che dneedals ts the faskect onimal (the cheetah /fast / animal) in the world. 142. Coe Berazen Rivet _is he Inagest ciuer (The Amazon River/long / river) in the world. 142, The Moatic Js The widest ocean (wide / ocean/ The Atlantic) on Earth. 143. Ocenia. _is Ihe _simallest ceonksnent (small /Oceania / continent) o IS CENTRAL TECNICO 144. The Wee uhole is Ye largest anime! _ (large / animal/ the blue whale) on Earth, 145. _Ackase Nica is Nine eldest place — (cold/ Antarctica / place) on Earth 146. Mercac is the closes! (Mercury /close / planet) to the 147. Roce, is Ye biggest fect (Yaca /fruit /big) in our planet 148, Russiq __is he losgest eunlay (country Rusia /large) on Earth 23, Use the right sperlative way. 149. The blue whaleis(heay) the weaves} ___animal in the wari. 150. _ Whichis (big) 151. Heis(untidy) he mnost ually = persomtin class. 152. Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's (pretty)_the _pxe4Niosk __of them all? 153. Elvis Presley is one of (popular)_\lne most gapulac sock singers ever. Portugal or Spain? 154, Switzerlandisone of (rich)_Le icles’ countries inthe word 155. People in Africa are (poor)__ She gaciest jin the world. 156. Alexander the Great was (good) he Ibe sk leader than Xerses, 157. Usain Boltis fast)_‘he Sosest runner in this century. 158, What's the (dangerous)__mast dangerous _ animal in the world? 24, Read the clues and then complete the puzzle in comparative and superlative form. A Down i tlale lek | ‘rusinis____ fo an i 3| [a 2) cheetahs ar the (stan gfels[y] pee el 6) Great Wall of Chinas the vlolelsH + TTLLLLLELLRELELERELEREREEEEEEREREEAERECEREREREER ERED 4 cross: 2)Arabbit is (fast) than a tortoise. 3) Elephants are the (bigand anima 4) Blue whales the World. large) animal inthe 5) Vatican Cityisthe Worlds____(small) state 9) A beaver is (slow) than a tiger. 10) The three-toed sloth is the __ (stow) land 411) dolphins are (large) than mouse 8 TRA 2mp3 © usteninc EXERCISE: 25. Listen Alfie and Daisy have decided to eat out tonight and choose the correct option. 159. Youget the _ pizza in London CENTRAL TECNICO Isu o ISU seco a) well b) best ¢) good 160. They've got more variety and the __waiters! a) friendly b) friendlier ©) friendliest 161. It’snot the thought, but theyre so good! a) cheapest b) cheaper cheap 162. I've just eaten the amazing pizza ever. a) more b) most co) last 163. Itwas the "ve ever had, a) best b) good 1) well 164. The base ever, really delicious. a) crispy b) more crispy, ©) crispiest 165. They use the cheese though. For me, it’s all in the cheese! a) bad b) worst ) worse 166. Obviously it's not as. ‘as the pizza you get to eat in Rome, but it’s absolutely fine! a) better b) best ©) good 167. It sounded so. a) delicious b) rich ©) good 168. Good idea, you can’t go with fish and chips. a) wrong b) bad ©) worst 26. Unscramble the phrases by enumerating nes 169. The pizza at La Bella Napoli isn’t as good as | remember. S. 170.The friendliest waiters a = 70 TARAAARALALRALRAREEEARERRAEEEE EE EEESEZASEEEEALMES 171. 'm with Oliver and Alfie. We're going to have a pizza 172. Oh yes, they're not bad. They use the worst cheese though, 173. You could have pasta? 27. Answer these questions: _ Which is the biggest flat in your neighborhood? Which is the most expensive rent in your: neighborhood? aN est nei reiel mF wish Hide taste aldeaie mod! Biptoa le Ua haimeky amy —reighbathoed ond is Cac sald Sh eee —_f ee rae es SPEAKING exercise: 28. Figure out the survey according to your data. Werk in pair 2) Do you get along with your parents? 2) Do you get in touch with your old friends? 3) Do you get together with your family on Christmas? 4) Bo you get to know someone new this weekend? Wie o ISUsEneo 5) Do you get ill easily? 29. Observe the images and make comparisons. Work in pair. READING exercise: 29. Mateh the phrases. There are distractors. 174, if you buy enough of these, you should get one free. 175, These are gonna cost less at the weekend, 176. When you play soccer you always need to wear the right things. 177. _Askto this person if you need some help. 178. You gotta take these off before you enter this place. Tor Guy Men's t-shirts Three for the price of two conly on tho tania corte Football practice this weekend Bring trainers ~ we might play indoors ‘Ski boots forsale | Ring Sue ~ 657365 i Weekends and evenings oy please fo fe |b FTALALALTIL LLC ceca acaa® TO CLASS C Pease come to « picnie at 12.30 p.m, Peter ‘next Sunday in King's Park. The bus stops outside. There'll be lots of food - but bring something to drink. Louise @ 577021 Peter's Notes her Kind? oe Ops bE mes (BISA sete, a.) EXERCISE: SPORTS CLUB We want to start a sports club after school. What's your favourite sport? Why do you like it? How well can you play it? White to: Sudesh, Class 3 6 isusems Louise's picnic next weekend is on Saturday now but the time hasn't changed. Lets meet at my house at 11.30 a m. Come on your bike $0 we can ride there together. Call me this evening 4 ISU sence Eee. 30. You have seen this ad in your school and you want to join the sport club. Email to Carlos and response the queries given. (25 ~ 35 words). From: _Moficela Tot Carlos | SS ER ag Sa 4 ISUseancs LESSON 1: WILL - SPONTANEOUS DECISIONS vo UNIT 4: Decisions, predictions and future plans CABULARY: LANDMARKS. LANDMARKS: Itis a famous or prominent object, landscape or city on the land which could help you for knowing. the localization. 1L- Complete the name of each landmark: Taj Mahal, Stonehenge, Statue of Liberty, Crist Redeemer, fiffel-tewer, Middle of the World monument. ak Eiffel Tower es SE TLALLLLLALALALLLEPEEELALeEaaaad E.. “AUXILIAR “WILL”: immediate decisions | | PERSONAL POSITIVE NEGATIVE YES/NOQUESTION ANSWERS PRONOUNS | | 7 Pea Yes, | will. 1 win | MRC | watt change car? yen ‘No, | won't Sp reo wil no , you | oar [mitre | vaste | Swond ‘No, You won't | @@ will not / ee 2A. halls cceasinaly used HE wi witlhe play? | Mf ond we oo an | Wo, Fe won't soreu tans | ‘afta Yes Heil | Wesabe envio SHE wl o°/ | wut sne dance? en No, she won't 22. The short form “W is uses eit pronoun ans Birt Yes tewill sven, 1 wil wilie work? a No, won't i RAT | SL ary Yes we wil ets 'Z_ We wit | NTT witwe pas? practi 5 ‘No, We won't | 4 # PAs | YOU will nes will st? \ ae ht bi th (2 (went i cepa, et | Yes youwil, | will | THEY wil er/ | will they eat? peed No, you won't Ex, Affirmative: will learn another language. Negative: She won't be punctual We'll goto the cinema They will not play basketball with them. 2. Unscramble the structures. Ex: he/will/next year/travel/to manta/ a Suse TECNICO SE He will travel to Manta next year. 179. at/will/the 184, Paul/fix/ next week/ the mall/Tomorrow/she/ car/will She wellbe dhe mall teneccow aut 180. will/they/get up/in the 185, to/ the party/at night/won't/ morning/ate/ go/they They iil! get op lol sing They west go to the pact sight 181. won't/go/to/in the 286. will/take/the bus/in the evening/Wwe/at Atahualpa Stadium/ afternoon/I Hewett golin ok ANehUelpc Stade wo ih it bus ‘va 62000) *he evenin 182 will/Kavier/home/ come back/ 187; we/ to Cuenca / Early the ‘morning/trave/wil et Wi ck heonee 1G “Yrabel de Gina Bavly inthe 183 fly/willto Galapagos omer islands/In three days/Brayan/ 188. will/be/on/vacations/her/hap y/ Darla Brogea_aill Sy to Golopa ps islands '9 thee dogs Daclawill be hoppy na her. vocations 3+ Prognosticate about Stefanie's new life. Fill the gap with will, ‘Il or won't. Stefanie ls from Germany. She moved to Quito last week with her parents. Stefanie 's 26 and she ls good student, but she doesn't speak much Spanish. What do you think Stefanie's new life in Ecuadot will be like? 189, She v learn Spanish very quickly. 190. Stefanie W like Ecuadorian food, 191, Her friends in Germany i write on her. 192, She__ tort forget Germany. 193, The atmosphere, wil bea trouble. 194, Stefanie's relatives, t concern her. 4 ISU sexes See eego 195. She feel homesick. 196. Stefanie sont get lost in Quito, 197, Stefanie's grandma A gotosee her. 198, Her life be very different, ! Deca Rey 1 hope you'll enjoy yoga. It Won't be easy but it {Wille healthy and fun, Atthe end of this raining |) 'msure you'll feel the vifferenée:You'llbe happy 7 and your whole. body will feel good. You won't want to stop. Shall we start? | think we'll begin with some simple exercises, Don’t worry, | won't 0 too quickly. Any problems stop the video and ‘we'll start again. Is that clear? (Davis & Rimmer, 2011) 4 Write the short form of each full form. If no short form is possible, put x. Underline the correct opti [fitness / music video. 199, | will endeavor relaxing [Wl eadeauoe ag 200. Shallwe sit down? wee ay 201, You will feel greater. Nout feel _qeecton 202. Will she enjoy it? x erraery 203. That will be good for you. Roaienate 204. shall watch it once more? : x IS) CENTRAL TECNICO 205. Iwill not hear once again, Jeet hen tages 206. Will the coaching be costly? Bree 207. Iwilstop the taming videotape. 3 shag the tiaining vicbohope 208. The coach will not redo it The conch west rede i+ 5.« Choose the option. a) itdoesn’t b) 1. lexpect my friend_____this yoga videotape. 2) will likes b)willtiking 0 caume> 2. Vmsure ___ time to do yoga. a) Cre wonthag b) she won't have c) she won't be 3. A to our new video now? B: yes! a) (Ghall we watch i b) We shall watch: ¢) Shall we watched 4. A: Will be great at yoga? 8:Yes, s @)_you wil b)—-youwon’t youdo 5._leonsider_ this yoga video. it's too dificult, @) il stop b) I stop Q I'll stopped 6. A: Will yoga be dangerous and boring? B:No, Iwon't a 6 ISU teence think relaxed at the training ending b) I won't be ¢) | will 8. think Yoga _ me a full-body workout. a) won'tgive Oo will give 5, will gives 9. thope any equipment to make it S a a) itwon'tneed b) won't @__!won't nee’ 10. A: Will Yoga help me to stay flexible and strong? 8: Yes, a) twill ej itwill> 2 itwon't 6.- Underline the correct option. Freddy: What do you think? ® shallgwill Sunday be allright for the picnic? Mary: ‘Sunday *Gwill/P won't be fine for me. But, wait....Sunday is miy dad’s birthday, Freddy: (Shall? Will we have the picnic tomorrow then? Mary: Shall} Witwe have enough time to buy the fod? Freddy: We * will Kwon’ teed much, just some snacks, My mum ® shall /will probably make something nice Mary: (Shal/ Will call everyone or shall (GilDyou do it? Fredy: | {VJ won't doit, sno problem Mary Great. it shall (@ilDbe a lovely picnic. Freddy: Ijust hope it * “Gon rain ® LISTENING 7. The words in brackets ( ) are missing in the sentences. Set them correctly. Listen and check. Example: Do you THINK Clarita will win the race? (think) 209 Miss Watts, we have any homework tonight. 4 ISU ceeNSS, 210, | will start a diet next month, (definitely) 211. | think Ill have any ice cream today. (don't) 212, Manchester United will win the cup this year. (probably) 213, Don't buy any food at the airport — it cost a fortune a) 214 You-can try phoning her this evening, but | don’t she will be at home. (think) 5- Match the two parts ofthe sentences. Then complete the sentences with will, lor won't. TRACK2mp3 BD eter prs ence 215. Don’t eat so many cakes ~ you A have a snack 216. \'m Feally hungry =i think | 8 be cold there. 27, Eat lots of salads —they E make you fat, 218, The sun’s shining and it definitely D. rain today. 219. don't think people E™: have aflemonade 220. Take a warm pullover; it Po gertar 221 I'm thirsty sot think t G ever livé on the moon WRITING 9 Make predictions according with the show time: My life in years. ss hs tudyi covating at the fastitut Lui fad bh 0 Till pont owe ~stud, ae teva My life in 10 years. 4 ISUsee TECNICO Dior ro scnon macasrana} 10.- Ask and write 5 future plans of your classmate. Work in pairs. Use the expressions: next year, maybe, perhaps, the next vacation, tomorrow, in a month Ex: Perhaps, she will study at the University in Brazil Mert sei I _plon tn go live semmous Rae ot 4 + ofa i The next” socofinn 5 think Be teoveling all quer mone, ys ual study hard for fas ® °: Ey ioe onth 5 will meet tne ‘s_fenily Be se 5 astmes da tse fer fron feed o¢ o [SUS Soe NCS, READING: TRAVEL AND ADVENTURE, 11.- Pick the best choice. | ‘WILL YOU BE SAD TO MaSSYOUR Favorite 1 \WILLYOU TRY 70 SPEAK ANOTHER LaNGUace PROGRAMMES? YOU isi FoRen county? Qe. won't mater, veo them, ON ek ay 8 Sty and Maybe, buthe holy wile deren, Sertone na ceca andi ibe fn ‘WILL YOU Go swuMMiNG WHALE YOU'RE ON Hounay? O7G- te tetsu, Yoda hese acai (2) © Sieese wey goantekay #youcon' oi ae WILYOUBUY ANY PRESENTS ON TES TRPFOR ‘YOUR FRIENDS on Fanny? . 9) Moora’ tamburgersare the lit fr ne 8) Ok, butrotteohot and spicy. OD, paeta, sauerkraue,spaghect, coast Peel any. younameitsndteat, * B) Absoktly not | haven't got enough ‘money. We smandespprsens pc ings , fomitatresbat 8 WHAT Wn YOU ENJOY Best aeouT ‘YouR Houpay? Drow fiends, new things 10 seeandd, 1) A good restahera hardyear Hticheol wy Jalibizaagaz63 [2 Yeates hopper fyausay shore ait yu bein te vovsay sizes 43128)29) saisbi2ep ea)sbysa2 rality293 Peers have egal rly ode, 4 ey arden LESSON 2: GOING TO — PLAN AND INTENTIONS ISU sence a s é 5 2 = EXPRESSIONS FOR 12 Match the landmark with the place. 5 5 § é 5 g 5 3 3 8 4 ISU sens Ex: I'm not going to by a new cellphone. Negative: 4) Ag yong Sanya news colpho sabes et be 40g] ‘complement | 2). i 0. Go 3). “8 act got to the brn 1m eevarws beam pr swe bate core 4) gue" ck gu SILAS nck ping te wah auctings 6) trave lapage st goin Soc the we __ose 7) they ove nat -eiive inthe maning | gotothebeach | s Whoa wet ann fe is Yes/No questions: NA Lying 10 buy oe cellphone 2 Pee gee single towel de Colopeges it is ‘ain, His he/gsing te go ta the beach ? i Nhe Shoe csags loot tas Giends de wsche going to | tex herfriends, i: i ely forthe wesing, 5)is of wa 2 EANITE a 6 ae : i Hw 15. Can you see what is going to happen? alk his ladder. | fall down ona banana skin. | } lip la manhole. rash _ {their ball. is ing rop wet. re fto fall off _jinto each other. ae jsteal their cakes. | be erpurse | ose ick | Cleese ic —_ 415. Use the table to complete the sentences 2-j. is LJSEN CENTRAL Eom NCO, 222. The girl who is waving “1s Going to fall off 2 machale 223. ‘The man behind the old lady fio “is acing +e “steal her guise 224, The two bikes This ging in weik ‘nto each olhot “ 225, The boy outside the burger bar Weis ggeg te be sick 226. The delivery men Mo 4 ‘ dco, J cokes 227. The window cleaner 4 fing fo fy oo bys" | 228. ‘The boy under the ladder Beis —agag te Set act 229. ‘The boy who is Coming out of the shop We 25 acing ta Slip ‘on a banone skin 230. The woman with the mobile phone he 1s_ocisg to csh “ote o lamp fost 231 The two girls they ove geing te tose Huis ha 36 Observe the above image. Can you see other accidents that are going to happen? \ccident 2 ‘ Accidenta_The man on the Aeddem? The two bays aie an me jan 0c. sand i glass with the bo 17 Make questions with going to. 88 a ISUsétneo 232. Julia / change her schoo! Suto is 40 change het school 233, Where / you / put that picture__U hose you aging bo pot that te 234, What / you / buy for Felipe’s birthday jou acing to alige’s bithday? 235. Elian / play soccer / tomorrow _ Elian “is acs No. m s5 236. When / you / stop smoking so. i 23.2. 237. Amalia / go to university : is gf 0s 238. You/phone the police Yau ase _geviag ta girene the pele _ 239. Your mother /come and stay with us. Sess esther aie acing to come cos) stag wath 200. She / buy that coat Diitire o ao. : 2a. What /you /tellthe boss Lobel ote spo-gsign, Le tal the boss ? 18.- Write sentences. Use be going to and the words into parenthesis. 242. We stayed with our uncle last weekend (visit our cousins /next month) - te ins i 243, She didn't buy any lasagna at the shops (not cook pizza /this afternoon) “ta y 220__this offencon 244, I started the course in November. (finish the course / in May) ‘ sich the covss, 245. Did youtype a message to the travel agent? (no / send an email / tomorrow) on. ting to send on email tomere: 246. aie ey ared with relatives in italy. (this year / stay with friends / in Holland) This ypct they we gding tv toy with Cuends fo Holond 247. Henry went white-water rafting in Colorado last year. (g0 / ailing in Canada / next year) 4s_g¢ing 42 go soiling "a Ci next yeor us. sheath Bay English at secondary school (not study science / at university) She "ss oct aging 4o_ sty dy Science of | oweissty a ISU secnco 249. | didn’t do any homework ast night. (but / study / this weekend) Sing, So c kead 250. He took his driving test this last year. (buy a car / next month) As g6i bog & cor 251 Did they’go a festival day before yesterday? es (no / take it / tomorrow) wey ase Sa deke S$ tomorow 19.-Rewrite the structures using the underline part. 282, ‘'migoing to finish the course summér/hekd,” |. Guy Vacindo Glnish the couse next 253. He's going to take his English test this/ later/ year Hite going ta Hoke tis Engis ae Bae! (GEE yeor 254 We're going to take the children to Disneyland the /next /week /after 255. Inf vears’/ three/ time I'm going to be a doctor! ln thee = sa tee fim _gein tobe 256. They're going to open the new tunnel years/ four /now /from. ‘hayes geing to che the nad funne| hom for yeas now 257. I'm going to open a new bank account tomorrow/ after/ the /day. @ new weak account the after day tomertow 258. pn ares are going to visit us in /time /weeks’ /two. Oe grendgarents HE Geing Ao Visit US "in AWO Weeks dime Is hé going to go on a journey ardund Paris year /next? Ae the pytiog ts go on a journey arcend Paris next ger? 260. They're going to geta dishwasher spring /next. oe next 3 pen 261. ‘They're going to get married Saturday /next, Chey ve ssied nee Soteides READING 259. LALLLLLLLALLLELELEREEELEREEERELEA EACLE c cre SUsEnes 20.- Read Diego’s email and the statements below. Choose the option. True - false Ee Hi Emilia, 'm writing this from work. As usual there’s nothing for me to do. It’s so boring here. I know this company isn’t making money very much at the moment so I don’t think it has a very good future. ‘The manager doesn’t like me very much, and I really don’t like any of my colleagues. In fact I think | might look on the Intemet and/see if there are any-other jobs around here: See you soon. Diego 262 Diego's going to stay in this job for several years. il 263. ‘The manager is going to give Diego a pay increase. 264, Diego's going to look for another job. 265. The company is going to be successful in the future = a Eee Teas Diego's going to make some good friends in the office. a ISUsENeo e : TRACK 3.mp3 © ustenine 22.- Fill the gap with going to and a verb from the box. Use short forms. Listen and check. hit be eat break down ia 1) "When t grow up, | 2 "Watch out! We! singer.” that tree!” naeey, neve you sete inpee m Pelceet 3 3)" here 4) “Everyone uses this photocopier — it It’s too expensive.” ? TRACK Ap D 25--unecrmbte he sires ster chek 267, going to are see thatnewfilm you ? 268. not at anything —=—stheshops ~—going to buy today I'm 269. visit us yoursister is goingto next weekend ? 270, theexam take the children going to aren't this 4 ISUsene TECNICO SSD mm. they ourparty are goingto. ~—«to._~—some friends bring? m tonight isn’t rain it going to SPEAKING 24.- Explain and write. What are you going to do this weekend? What aren‘t you going to do this ‘weekend? Use your own information. x J ‘ 4 4 i is & : ork 30) Loma suet with my Kaorily : WRITING 25.- Response the survey. Use “going to” with your own data. 273, Howare you going to get home after class? E estiva Sued o! fa 274. Are you going to do homework this evening? ar ei tidasd duties 275. What are you going to do for fun this weekend? 276. What time are you going to goto bed tonight? 0 211, What arose libaart eeree J will work Jomeuaw 278. Where are you going to go on Friday? <_will L Ge ho TLLLLLELLELERELRLERRLERRLERERAREREREEAELCEEREREREEEED 4 ISU secre: 279, ‘What are you going to do on Carnival? 4 Br son Scud to “Ameen ey 280. Where are you going to celebrate Valentine's day? will celebe z : ny Feily 281. Whereare you going to be on the next vacation? x troucl to Cora ond S will wisit some “friends 282. What movie are you going to watch on vacation? ill se onsen ic “No Moackes ¥ < LESSON 3: WILL & GOING TO GRAMMAR 26.- Change these sentences into questions (?) or negatives (x). 283. She's going to do it soon. (2) eS 2 284. This film will be very exciting. (x) 285. We're going to be late. (?) \e : a late? 286. ("need my passport at the hotel. (?) A Sneed my gasspact ot the hatel? 287. Susan’s going to the party, so1'llgo. (x) Secon is nol going ts Abe paudy, 60 5 wert go 288. You'll enjoy this book. (x) Neo iund enyay Mis baak 289. It’s going to snow tonight. (?) 1s W geigg te sre tonight ? 9°95 oe o ISU Senco 290. You're going to be sick. (2) aut oping fo be 231. Your parents willbe angry. (?) Rout gasen eee 292, We're going to win the match. (x) ete cat aging ts ako aatchy + 27.-Choose the best form. 293, “Whyare you wearing those old clothes?” 298. “Don't forget it’s a secret!” “Because | will do Lam going’to do the harvesting.” nobody.” 294. “| think | have fever.” “Wait a minute. | will get / am going to get fever 299, “What do you want to drink?” syrup.” “1'm not sure. Maybe (will have? am going to have beer.” 295. “What time is Erick’s party?” “1 don’t know but,-witl phone / am going to 300. “Look how that lunatic is driving! phone him.” hE will PY is going to kill someone!” 296. “Whyareyou buyingso much “Kill get am going to get her number plate food?” Have you got a pen?” “Because | will invite am going to invit@some relatives for lunch.” 297. “Iwill spend Lamrgoing to spend> a few days at my best friend's beach house. * “Don't worry, Lwill tell/"am going to tell 301. Wow look at Diana! shewill have > / is going to have twins! 302. | promise (won't tell/am not going to tell her about the surprise party 28.- Complete the jokes by putting will ‘Il or (be) going to in the gaps provided: 303. Darling. | want to see the world! 4 ISU sees fia gene, Sn glve you an atlas for your next birthday, then. span 28h, 4 Ira wt Ay 308, 1 fs buy one of those small (7 vera mil\ Japanese radibs. weepre sent) er ee Ce But how will you understand what they are saying? 305. Waiter, there's only one piece of meat on my plate. Just wait a minute, sir, and | Mv cut it in two. 306. Amotorist ran over and old lady's cat and killed it. I'ma very Sorry, said the motorist. 1 \\ replace your tat, of course. Very well, but | hope you're good at caching mice 307. What are you doing with that gun? | a shoot you. Why? Because you look like me, Hook like you? Yes. Then shoot me! 308. How old are you now, Billy? Seven. And what__ace you _gsisaSo_dowhen you are big ike your mother? Stop eating chocolate! 309. Mummy, mummy! Where are you? cried alittle boy at the beach. Your poor bay, said an old woman. Come with me and! get you an ice cream andthenwe_oe oJ.o So 0 and look for your mummy. Se 310. I have some good news for you and some bad news. (SU eens: Lala Tell me the bad news first, doctor. 1 si ‘amputate your legs. ‘And what is the good news? The man in the next bed wants to buy your shoes. 311, _ The British are planning to travel to the sun in a rocket next year, said a British scientist. But, said an American scientist, as you get near the sun the heat will melt the rocket. We are not stupid, said the British scientist. We_ cco. aciag Ls, travel at night. + 342, Acdircus was visiting a small town in Fraince.. The lion tamer walked into and asked: Do you serve Americans in here? Sure, said the barman. Okay, !_an_guiogbo have a beer for myself, and two Americans for my lion outside? (Woolard, 1999) 29. Complete the jokes by putting these words or phrases in the gaps provided: round Sleep Sober fy Wet die Emergency Exit funeral long Looks: 313. Waiter, wil my piza be_loag No, | expect it will be round as usual 314, Tomorrow my name will be up in lights in every cinema in the country, How are you going to do that? Easy. Fm changing my nametoerscsancy ay.t Suse TECNICO — 315, Two fish were swimming together ina river. Look, said the first one. It's starting to rain, ‘Quick. Let’s swim under the bridge, said the second fish, or we'll get__uet 316. Do you think I'll lose my aks as I get older? Ifyou're lucky! 317. |The world will never come to an end. Why? Because it is__¢ou0d. stupid! 318. You're ugly. ‘And you're drunk. Yes, but in the morning I'ilbe__- '5) Which words complete tt What time __coming? a) you are b) she's iste) question correctly? 6) We to Scotland this weekend. a) am going bjere go Gee wings 7) Where CChristmas this year? 2) are you spend “bare you spendin is you spending 8) Lo until six clock this evening, a) aren'tarrive bhisn't arrive Gisn'tariving’> 9) Why to the party on Friday night? a) @ien'tyou coming) _») are you come )isn’t you coming? 10) We anything special tomorrow night. ena vj Guenaxe 4, Use these words to write sentences. Use the present continuous. 1) 1—not ~go out - tonight. T_am nok _geing out tonight 2)|—meet ~ my friends — this evening, Tom medi ‘i 0 3) Tom — not ~ come ~ to the party on Thursday. Toro is not canting to the party oo Thsdey 4) My sister ~ get married — next December. My sister to getlng igiied ext. Derember % ISU Stance 5)!=net—goto London - tomorrow Dom oot och Goa. 7 6) |~stayat home — tonight. fi ne _tonight 7) |-goto the theatre — on Monday. Fom_ging ta the theatie ea Nerds 8) George -go to the dentist on Friday ragictariee, bust of Saday 9) Alice ~ go on holiday - to Mexico. ae i 10) Bob ~ play football - on Saturday. Z ‘ sng = 5. Read and complete the paragraph. Use present progressive form for future plans. Our plans for visiting Galapagos ''am so excited about visiting Galapagos with my sister, Julia, next week Wel) me flying (fly) out on December 15" and we 2) et (come back) on December 18". We3) Sie {arrive) at Santa Cruz island on Sunday 15". Over there we 4) doy (stay) at SuefosSivestres Hostel. Weare pat of Bartolome Tour 5) ‘ig_stecking (start) on Monday 16 At 6:30 a bus 6) js us gicking vp _ (pick up) from the Hostel. Then we 7) #1¢_troweling (travel) by bus or vans for 45 minutéé approximately from ltabaca Canal, where we 8) aie bests (board) the boat in which we 9) ove soiling (sail) from the Itabaca Chanel to Bartolome Island for 2 hours approximately. On Tuesday 17° we 10) sisi (visit) Charles Darwin island where we can sea turtles, dolphins, sharks, whales, iguanas, lizards, sea fons, Penguins, corals and the famous blue footed boobies which were the inspiration of Charles Darwin the sclentific to wrote about the evolution theory. On Wednesday 18% we are staying in the Hostel until the noon and then we are going to the airport to take our return fly CICiHBE extcuiace Nena > a ISU sexe READING 6 Read and order the sentences from 1 to 6. Friday at last! Let's see whet my plans for the weekend are. Um! Tomorrow is Saturday and t am going roller skating with Rob to the park. like the idea. Then, in the afternoon, | am going shopping with all my teiends. We are going tothe High Street where there ares ot of fantastic othes shops love shopping! Well in the evening, | am doing my homework. Yes, must study hard to pass my exams! On Sunday ‘mosning, my dad and | are going Jogring. We like doing exercise aft; t's good for our health! At four on Sunday, lam meeting my rtends Rob and Anne and, in the evening, rm watching TV before go to bed at half past ten. A cool weekend, n't t? 1) 6. She is Watching Ty befote she goddito bed: 2) aang shoveugtps ol her liad 2) L_.. with her dad and her are going jogging. 4) dn She's gang roller stating wth Rob tothe park, | 3) 2.ncshe is doing her homework: 6) 5... She is meeting her friends Rob and Anne & TRACK Laps ® ustenine 7. Listening to the conversation between two friends and fill the blanks. Hello! Hil How are you? APF nenenen | What's up? 2) We just have to, have an important thing | need to tell you . Oh really! 3) WEN carcrnnnnn YOU free? Let me think. 4) Well. 'm ......... lunch with an important client on Monday, 5) Maybe In the evening How about Tuesday? CENTRAL TECNICO 10. Use MUST or MUSTN'T to fill in the spaces: Example: Its cold. | must take my gloves. Itis not cold. | mustn't ke my gloves. 41. itis raining. 1__qwwst take my umbrella 2. Itis not raining. |_musta’t ia = take my umbrella. 3. Itiscold.t__must take my coat 4, (Itisnotcold. |_gausto't take my coat 5. itis sunny. 1 pay st take my sunhat. 6. Itisnot sunny.1__mostn’t take my sunhat. 7. Vamsosick. | rnvct see the doctor & lamlesssick.)_ mo ste see the doctor. 9. lamlate. | hurry. 10. !amontime.|_enustn't hurry. 11. Match the sentences with the pictures and fill in with must or mustn’t. 1)She_ pushes} tum left 2) She _musta't use mobile phone at school. 3) She cowsstet } sleep at school. 4) She_ravst __turn right. 5) She _ragstwt ___ feed the animals at the zoo. 6) She _enost fasten seatbelt. CULALALALALAALALLLALELLE CEE AEE AAA AAD 4 [SU songs 7) She _cowska’ pick the flowers. 9) She_euska’ waste water. 10) She __most brush her teeth. 12. Make sentences with must in positive (+) and negative form (-) 2) -/Tom/ run fast Tom macht con fost 2). +/They/ water the plants They must water ihe plants 3). +/He/ open the window He mist SpeAi the uindgyy 2 4) +/\/ watch ost wate TY 5) -/You/ pick flowers up. 6) ren/ feed the animals at the 200 Te cuiideon musty} feed the animals at the zoo 7) +/tt/ play outside i most play outside. 8) -/We/ play in the street ec. ik play ‘in see: 9) 4/ youl drink milk You must ddak oftk 10) - /she/ destroy the books She _musto’t destroy the beoks 4 ISU sence 13. Write two activities what you must do and mustn’t do in these places: atthe library 4)J..mustsit..cnake, aise. 14. Answer true or false False 1) You must eat fruits and vegetables. 2) You mustn't do your homework. 3) You must be late for class. 4) You must be polite v RE 5) You mustn't listen to your teacher. a v avs 15, ©) You must sleep in class. 7) You must play with fire. 8) You mustn't play in the grass. 9) You mustn’t wash your hands before dinner. is 10) You mustn't study. ce passengers. so you 4) mcin't ply must or shout. You | 5)_mustat block the doors with your bags. If that car i full you Lost offer your seat to an older person, And you Tasty eat or drink on the cable car, You8)__ aus f wait until we get off, RE Ca eae cecee aie (etn macritnengts com/uploeddhles/uwnscriteergshcon/Contnt/Sanpe/Sranma. Ca LLLLLLLLALABLLLLALEL LETTE CACC aaata. a ISU seco 16. Read the article with a classmate. Answer the questions and write a short paragraph about transportation system in your country. ‘TRAVEL ROUND HONG KONG ‘The Hong Kong Metro (MTR) Is very popular. itis one of the cleanest and most comfortable metro systems in the world, However, there are some strict rules to make sure that it stays this way: * You must have a valid ticket to travel. pleas cei me cre sea ites OH “Youn snd ietind yl neon ela phen bsnande comng-hong-ir berate ono andeyround nen yk-ay 2018-1) 1) How is the Hong Kong Metro like? has 2) What must you have to travel? 4b ERR nade ticket. te.hauel 3.- What happened if you eat or drinkin trains? Noo..enaste' A 4] Where must ou be located with respec to the yellow line? Yex..nast....atond,,..rshind,...the.jeleunliMe..0n the plat fom 5] What about bikes? Yew. mosist tobe. .pikes.....2a.Asain.s.. 6) What mustn't you do if you are asked to leave the train? _Moe....mushot..shoul. =: 7) Can people play musical instruments at MTR? 4. ples ntnsisical,...88soments, svenfectable isu CENTRAL TECNICO We don’t ought to have ordered so much food. ~ You oughtn’t to have said that about his mother. ~ Not: You didn’t ought to have said that about his mother. The negative of ought to is not common. We usually use shouldn’t or should not instead: = You shouldn’t speak to your father like that: (preferred to You oughtn’t to speak...) QUESTION The subject and ought to change position to form questions. We don’t use do, does, did: Ought she to call the police? Not: Does-she ought to-callthe police? ‘Ought we to be more worried about the environment? Not: Dowe ought to-be more worried about the- environment? ‘WARNING ‘The question form of ought to is not very common! tis very formal, We usually use should instead. ae ee WRITING 18. Add these nouns and verbs to these sentences. cat, mirror, ladder, person, shoulder, umbrella, should, is supposed to, ought not, shouldn't, should be, should PREZEE nny YOU (2) d. alot of attention to what you're doing each day. Be careful with that (3) ..Lad.dee be ready to pay .- You'll be told Ifyou listen to the advice of a superstitious (1) that you (4) chests... open it indoors. When you're walking along the street, watch out for a (5) oft. You (6) shld... careful not to walk under one. Did you spill any salt recently? You know that you (7) .2.2g)...2

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