(Q&A) 2022 SAP IBP Best Practices For IBP 2205 - Real-Time Integration

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Live Webcast
SAP Best Practices for SAP IBP 2205:
Real-Time Integration – April 28, 2022
Live Q&A Report

Contact the SAP IBP Customer Engagement Team for additional

questions: engage-ibp@sap.com

Contact the SAP IBP Customer Engagement Team for additional

questions: engage-ibp@sap.com
Questions Asked
1 What are the advantages/disadvantages to not using SAP middleware products such as BTP?
2 Is Real time integration for SAP7F planning area only? .................................................................... 4
3 Will the best practices be modified by SAP every quarter release? ................................................ 4
4 Is there any information in this Webinar for time-series planning or is it only based on order-
based planning? .............................................................................................................................................. 4
5 Can we use /IBP/ECC_LOCMAT maintenance with RTI? ................................................................. 4
6 How long this SDI will be supported? When are recommending customer to start the
migration from SDI to RTI? ........................................................................................................................... 4
7 I heard in future if IBP systems are beyond 6TB, we could use HANA elasticity, however is that
for temp growths beyond 6TB? or for permanent? Is RTI required mandatory for HANA elasticity?
8 Is there an official migration path from SAP7 to SAP7F? ................................................................. 4
9 Real time integration is with CPI-DS or SDI? ...................................................................................... 4
10 Is real time integration for both outbound and inbound? ................................................................. 5
11 Can SAP7F also be used without RTI by fetching the data e.g., from csv Files? ........................... 5
12 Is there a list of what changes to the RTI BADI's would be made in each future release? .......... 5
13 Is it mandatory S/4HANA? Can be implemented with ECC 6.0? .................................................... 5
14 Is there any mandatory cross dependency between the scenarios highlighted in BP explorer?
The building blocks? ...................................................................................................................................... 5
15 BADi CIF_MATERIAL_MAP_IBP is used to transfer parameters • Forecast Consumption Profile
ID and • Product Allocation Profile, but where are maintained them on ECC side if /IBP/ECC-
LOCMAT is not used ? .................................................................................................................................... 5
16 Can real time integration to IBP possible from non SAP ERP system too? ................................... 5
17 Is there an automatic migration from SAP7 to SAP7F? If not, can I do a merge?......................... 5
18 Why is the prestaging to the flexible MDT w/ a subsequent synchronization step
advantageous to a direct load? .................................................................................................................... 6
19 Is S41909 compatible for RTI? .............................................................................................................. 6
20 Is it planned for later releases to support the migration from SAP7 to SAP7F? ........................... 6
21 How is generated Planning object for customer? ............................................................................... 6
22 Will control tower be enabled for Order based Planning, what options are there currently to
use similar features that are available in control tower for order-based planning ............................. 6
23 Will the Webcast also cover BTP and Cloud Connector setup? ....................................................... 6
24 Is it possible to have multiple SAP ERP systems in inbound setting for integration profile? .... 6
25 Is there any plan to bring possibility of business meaning for Custom attributes? ..................... 6
26 Transport resource setup where is done? The option that we had PA - SAP7 is not in SAP7F ... 7
27 Could you please let us know process to delete MD in OBP with Flexible Master data? ............. 7
28 Could you provide the SAP note to setup RTI with S4 HANA 1909? ............................................... 7
29 Why the Supply Chain Network is not available on SAP7F? What could be a work around? ....... 7
30 There are custom attributes in location and product, location product level. How can we see
those attributes on screen? .......................................................................................................................... 7
31 This integration is between IBP and S4. Is there an option to do this integration between IBP
and S4-PPDS and then to let standard CIF handle the integration between S4-PPDS and S4 (live
cache to S4 PLAF table as an example)? .................................................................................................... 7
32 Like in APO world, do we need to follow sequence during integration like send plant, then
material & dependent objects like PDS, info records etc.? Or we can send all in one go? ................ 8
33 The CIF integration setup does get reused for IBP? .......................................................................... 8
34 What pre-requisite license a customer need to purchase for using RTI? i.e. cloud connector or
BTP? ................................................................................................................................................................. 8
35 How to schedule on daily basis to load data from RTI to IBP? ......................................................... 8
36 Could you provide the details on process to Delete flexible Master data using RTI? .................. 8
37 Is synchronization needed to run each time after CIF transfer? ..................................................... 8
38 Is supported the integration of different sales orders type (customer custom) by RTI? ............ 8
39 If customer has OBP license and S/4 system what other license is required? ............................. 8
40 Integration seems similar to what used for APO (CIF), does it have all same features / basis as
used to be there in APO for filter enhancements ...................................................................................... 9
41 How is the stock loading done as part of the inbound integration through RTI? ......................... 9
42 Is it possible to link an integration model to an user exit so to call it at a specific step of the
sales order procedure? .................................................................................................................................. 9
43 So, Constrained Forecasts cannot be included in the Outbound integration? .............................. 9
44 We have noticed in IBP 2202 that sometimes we need to run initial transfer (after activating
integration model in CFM2) to reflect master data in IBP. Is it expected or any settings issue
maybe? ............................................................................................................................................................. 9
45 Can you create these orders in excel add in? ...................................................................................... 9
46 Why is this called real time integration, when u have to manually schedule jobs to send data
from IBP to S4................................................................................................................................................. 9
47 So basically, no real time integration from IBP back to ECC similar to APO. You have to run a
job every time to transfer any planned orders created in IBP back to ECC?........................................ 9
48 If we have to run Real Time Integration Outbound job in IBP, the integration is not truly real-
time it is only updated when the job is run. Why call it real-time when it’s more like a periodic
update? .......................................................................................................................................................... 10
49 Do you have to manually schedule these jobs for integration between IBP to S4 for integration
of orders created in IBP to show up in s4 ................................................................................................. 10
50 What are the steps to purge transactional data on IBP side with RTI? ........................................ 10
51 Can IBP to S4 job for integration of orders, be automatically scheduled periodically? What’s
the best practice?......................................................................................................................................... 10
52 Is it still possible to debug CIF Queues (like with APO)? ................................................................ 10
53 RTI is used only to order base? Or can be used for time series? Will it replace CPI-DS AND SDI
or can work together? .................................................................................................................................. 10
54 I have APO installed with CFI, which is the advantage to implement IBP with RTI? ................... 10
55 If S/4 HANA is on cloud and not on premise, does it still need cloud connector and BTP
connectivity services? ................................................................................................................................. 10
56 Will this integrate with SAP ECC? ....................................................................................................... 11
57 When is it planned to support RTI with S/4 HANA cloud? ............................................................. 11
58 CI-DS Agent, SDI and RTI can all exist next to each other in one and the same ECC or S?4
System, correct? .......................................................................................................................................... 11
59 If we add for example a new planning object what are the steps to do to have a consistent
data? ............................................................................................................................................................... 11
60 Is CPI-DS the same as CI-DS? .............................................................................................................. 11
61 How does live cache in PPDS integrate with IBP and RTI? ............................................................. 11
62 We have OBP specific jobs for SDI and RTI. How we can find them because in the job is not
specified RTI or SDI? ................................................................................................................................... 11
63 How do we change the port 33XX to 48XX in the cloud connector to activate SNC in the RFC
from the ERP? ............................................................................................................................................... 11
64 Can we have the supported jobs that can be used by RTI - SAP7F? .............................................. 12
65 What is the tcode for Create Integration Model? ............................................................................. 12
66 Can we integrate one ERP data to single IBP system but for 2 different Planning area? How
will it affect inbound and outbound? ........................................................................................................ 12
67 Is RTI used only for Order based planning What happens for Timeseries based planning? ...... 12
68 In case of RTI do we need the integration model staging tables /ibp/*Ext or will they be
obsolete? ....................................................................................................................................................... 12
69 SAP invented CIF for APO, with PP/DS into S/4 the CIF was simplified. Now with RTI CIF logic
is back on new communication platform for cloud. Could we expect the same logic and challenges
with delta reports and other principles to make stable communication and data replication? ...... 12
70 In continuation with for RTI do we need the integration model staging tables /ibp/*ext - they
will be marked obsolete. However, in case of timeseries, we will still need these staging tables as
we will continue using CPIDS, right? ......................................................................................................... 12
71 Can we know this? We will show during the webinar how to maintain loc-mat information with
RTI? ................................................................................................................................................................. 12
72 Do we still need the IBP Add on for ECC to work with RTI? ............................................................ 13
73 Can one S4 system be connected to multiple IBP planning areas using RTI? If yes, then what
is setting required at S4 and IBP? ............................................................................................................. 13
74 Do we need BTP license for set up of RTI through cloud connector? if yes, is it provided along
with IBP/RTI license? .................................................................................................................................. 13
75 Outbound is not RTI. Is it correct? ...................................................................................................... 13
76 When we integrate UoM and Currencies to IBP using RTI, is there any way we can check in IBP
what all currencies and UoM integrated in IBP? ..................................................................................... 13
77 In S/4 HANA we don’t maintain any Distribution definitions if we use to transfer via CIF using
RTI. How system will be in sync? Do we need to activate the Model so that Material is always
active? If I change the Transaction data how it will be in sync between S/4 HANA and IBP? ........ 13
78 Are any versions of this guide already available? ............................................................................. 14
79 Just as a summary, does it still hold that you absolutely need Smart Data Integration to
integrate order data to SAP IBP? Or can we also use other methods such as CPI-DS; or Fiori; RTI?
80 Is it possible that an IBP client has access to SAP BTP-CPI, without having access to/license
for CPI-DS? .................................................................................................................................................... 14
81 If S4 HANA is on cloud, do we still need to cloud connector? ........................................................ 14
1 What are the advantages/disadvantages to not using
SAP middleware products such as BTP?
(Context: My organization is already heavily invested in Dell Boomi as our
primary iPaaS (understand is SAP Certified) - we run SAP ECC 6.0 across 2 x
regions globally and long term are on a migration path to SAP S4/HANA
single instance for all regions)
With RTI, we do use and need BTP platform. BTP is then using
cloud connector on top.

2 Is Real time integration for SAP7F planning area only?

Yes, this will be explained later in the webinar.

3 Will the best practices be modified by SAP every quarter release?

Yes, we update our Best Practices content with every IBP release.

4 Is there any information in this Webinar for time-series planning or is it only

based on order-based planning?
This webinar is only focusing on order-based planning.

5 Can we use /IBP/ECC_LOCMAT maintenance with RTI?

No, usage of this transaction is not required for RTI. We will show during the webinar
how to maintain loc-mat information with RTI.

6 How long this SDI will be supported? When are recommending customer to
start the migration from SDI to RTI?
1) Go Live in April 2023: My personal recommendation is to start with RTI directly,
because several further developments will only be done with RTI integration such as
shelf live planning (as first step of characteristic based planning). Unless you have
some strong requirements where we do not yet have parity with SDI, which would be
a case-by-case decision. If you would want to go life in the ext. couple of months, you
might stick with SDI 2) At the moment, there is no sunset date fixed for SDI yet.

7 I heard in future if IBP systems are beyond 6TB, we could use HANA elasticity,
however is that for temp growths beyond 6TB? or for permanent? Is RTI
required mandatory for HANA elasticity?
This webinar concentrates on best practice for RTI. Unfortunately, we do not have
the specialists in this Q&A to answer this question. Please contact your SAP contact
for this question.

8 Is there an official migration path from SAP7 to SAP7F?

There is no tool support to migrate from SAP7 to SAP7F.

9 Real time integration is with CPI-DS or SDI?

Neither CPI-DS nor SDI, it is basically based on CIF.
10 Is real time integration for both outbound and inbound?
The integration works real time for the inbound direction (from S4 to IBP), outbound
is not yet real-time.

11 Can SAP7F also be used without RTI by fetching the data e.g., from csv Files?
Not yet, however this is planned on the roadmap.

12 Is there a list of what changes to the RTI BADI's would be made in each future
The online help provides the BADIs you can use with RTI, but to my knowledge there
is no direct comparison between the SDI and the RTI BADIs (we are currently
discussing to provide that info in some way for an easier transition, but no promises
on a date) The fixed Custom attributes that we currently have with SDI will NOT be
supported in SAP7F. But with the next release 2205 we will provide an extensibility
concept that you can enhance your master data types with additional attributes by
RTI. Those extended fields will then be available in the planning run profile (currently
planned for 2208). And next step are additional fields attached to order data, please
check the roadmap explorer for the dates as I don’t have them in my head right now.

13 Is it mandatory S/4HANA? Can be implemented with ECC 6.0?

RTI works with ECC as well starting SP 4 (if I have that correctly memorized), but
you need to implement a couple of OSS notes. Please check OSS note 3106619 -
SAP IBP Real-time integration for preconditions. The IBP Add-on for ECC or S/4 is
NOT a precondition.

14 Is there any mandatory cross dependency between the scenarios highlighted

in BP explorer? The building blocks?
You can find in the test scripts a chapters "Successors" and "Predecessors". There
you can see which scenarios are mandatory to be executed before.

15 BADi CIF_MATERIAL_MAP_IBP is used to transfer parameters • Forecast

Consumption Profile ID and • Product Allocation Profile, but where are
maintained them on ECC side if /IBP/ECC-LOCMAT is not used ?
We will show this later in the webinar. Some of the loc-mat data you were used to
maintain on the S4 side, now have to be maintained on the IBP side.

16 Can real time integration to IBP possible from non SAP ERP system too?
With the current release, you will not be able to connect to non-SAP ERP systems.
But it is a roadmap item that SAP will develop an API to integrate to other systems as
well to the flexible planning area.

17 Is there an automatic migration from SAP7 to SAP7F? If not, can I do a merge?

There is currently no migration tool from SAP7 to SAP7F.
18 Why is the prestaging to the flexible MDT w/ a subsequent synchronization
step advantageous to a direct load?
Sorry, I don’t understand your question. Can you rephrase it please? When data are
loaded via RTI or maintained in Excel or manage master data app, they are
automatically synchronized via a central API, you just need to synchronize them via
job if you load MD via CI-DS.

19 Is S41909 compatible for RTI?

With S4 2020, RTI will be supported. There are many other ECC and S/4 releases
that allow to connect to IBP OBP using RTI. See OSS Note 3106619.

20 Is it planned for later releases to support the migration from SAP7 to SAP7F?
To my knowledge there are no plans yet.

21 How is generated Planning object for customer?

Check online help
n-US If you add the CUSTID to the planning levels, the tightly coupling does not work
anymore. Therefore, there exists a job template to update planning combinations
based on sales orders loaded. Alternatively, if you create a custom master data type
for the demand planning level that fits all root attributes, you can again use the tight

22 Will control tower be enabled for Order based Planning, what options are there
currently to use similar features that are available in control tower for order-
based planning
With SAP7F being a planning area, you can use this a base or your charts and
analytics, and with that using control tower features.

23 Will the Webcast also cover BTP and Cloud Connector setup?
Yes, please stay tuned.

24 Is it possible to have multiple SAP ERP systems in inbound setting for

integration profile?
Yes, you can have more than one SAP ERP in both inbound and outbound. But you
MUST make sure that you have disjunct data, e.g., different plants. For that purpose,
you maintain distribution function in the RTI integration profile.

25 Is there any plan to bring possibility of business meaning for Custom

With 2205 it is planned that we will have enhancement concept for master data. With
that you can enhance the interface in the RTI integration profile and load additional
data via RTI. I am not aware that you would map them in the business meaning app,
but I might be wrong.

26 Transport resource setup where is done? The option that we had PA - SAP7 is
not in SAP7F
You can load e.g., via CSV file. There is an example in our best practices content for
it. The data load goes into MDT type RESOURCE. You can also check online help:

27 Could you please let us know process to delete MD in OBP with Flexible
Master data?
When you have a material that gets a deletion flag, that deletion flag is send over to
IBP. Ad if no depending data exist anymore, the material will be deleted. Job purge
non-conforming data should delete the MD from the MD types, if I recall it right. But
the online help describes the housekeeping in a separate chapter, please check there
for further details, as this cannot be described in a simple Q&A.

28 Could you provide the SAP note to setup RTI with S4 HANA 1909?
With S4 2020, RTI will be supported. There are many other ECC and S/4 releases
that allow to connect to IBP OBP using RTI. See OSS Note 3106619.

29 Why the Supply Chain Network is not available on SAP7F? What could be a
work around?
Sorry we do not have specialists on that topic in this webinar. But I remember when I
last checked in 2111 release, the network charts had not been available. Please raise
a customer influence request on this (if it does not yet exist) Sorry I cannot provide a
better reply today. if that is not sufficient, please feel free to contact us offline of this

30 There are custom attributes in location and product, location product level.
How can we see those attributes on screen?
You cannot use the custom Attributes 1 - 10 anymore with SAP7F. But with release
2202 we will provide enhancement concept. I described this in one of the earlier
questions already. Plus, there as a webinar o what’s new in integration 2205 this or
last week, please see there for details on the enhancements.

31 This integration is between IBP and S4. Is there an option to do this

integration between IBP and S4-PPDS and then to let standard CIF handle the
integration between S4-PPDS and S4 (live cache to S4 PLAF table as an
We will use a direct integration between IBP and S/4-PP/DS (or DSC edition PP/DS)
in simulation mode However, when you save data that is still going via S/4 for both
PP/DS changes as well as for IBP changes.
32 Like in APO world, do we need to follow sequence during integration like send
plant, then material & dependent objects like PDS, info records etc.? Or we
can send all in one go?
In Best Practices we currently feature the example of an Integration model where all
master data are included, another approach is to create different IM for different MD.

33 The CIF integration setup does get reused for IBP?

Yes, it is a re-use of the APO stuff.

34 What pre-requisite license a customer need to purchase for using RTI? i.e.
cloud connector or BTP?
BTP subscription is required.

35 How to schedule on daily basis to load data from RTI to IBP?

Change transfer will described later in the webinar and you can also find some
information about it in our documents.

36 Could you provide the details on process to Delete flexible Master data using
That answer was already in the chat and answered, please check the other

37 Is synchronization needed to run each time after CIF transfer?

If you refer to master data synchronization: Definitely NOT!!! That is only needed for
CI-DS loads, not for RTI. RTI and manual changes via Excel or manage master data
app are automatically synchronized via a central API.

38 Is supported the integration of different sales orders type (customer custom)

by RTI?
Not sure what will happen with standard, but I am pretty sure that you should get a
trigger to send them via RTI (line in APO-CIF) for custom attributes. But we do have
BADIs for Sales Orders when you want to manipulate them.

39 If customer has OBP license and S/4 system what other license is required?
You also need BTP subscription, but if you have already BTP account that can be
used. Check here in the Q/A:
40 Integration seems similar to what used for APO (CIF), does it have all same
features / basis as used to be there in APO for filter enhancements
It is indeed reusing a lot of CIF functionality. We have similar BADI's, but they are not

41 How is the stock loading done as part of the inbound integration through RTI?
You can select stock during the configuration of the integration model for
transactional data. You may check out our best practices test script 2S4 to see an

42 Is it possible to link an integration model to an user exit so to call it at a

specific step of the sales order procedure?
You have BADIs available for all kind of order types and master data (not user exist)
However, they are not tight to the integration model itself, but to the objects that are
to be transferred.

43 So, Constrained Forecasts cannot be included in the Outbound integration?

Correct, that would require CI-DS integration (for which the same templates can be
used that we do have for time series-based planning, I think).

44 We have noticed in IBP 2202 that sometimes we need to run initial transfer
(after activating integration model in CFM2) to reflect master data in IBP. Is it
expected or any settings issue maybe?
That depends on the object types you want to transfer. TLanes and PDS have some
specialties, that are described in the online help.

45 Can you create these orders in excel add in?

You can use the so-called interactive planning key figures to create orders from key
figures. See also this chapter in the help:

46 Why is this called real time integration, when u have to manually schedule jobs
to send data from IBP to S4
Real-time integration for the outbound direction (IBP to S4) is planned on the
roadmap, but not yet available.

47 So basically, no real time integration from IBP back to ECC similar to APO.
You have to run a job every time to transfer any planned orders created in IBP
back to ECC?
Yes, correct. Real-time integration for outbound is currently planned but not yet
48 If we have to run Real Time Integration Outbound job in IBP, the integration is
not truly real-time it is only updated when the job is run. Why call it real-time
when it’s more like a periodic update?
Outbound direction from IBP to S4 is not yet real-time, only inbound from S4 to IBP.
This is planned on the roadmap.

49 Do you have to manually schedule these jobs for integration between IBP to
S4 for integration of orders created in IBP to show up in s4
If I understand you correct, you are asking for the outbound integration jobs? Yes
they have to be scheduled.

50 What are the steps to purge transactional data on IBP side with RTI?
If you have not yet integrated anything with RTI, you can just use the same purge
jobs than for time series-based planning areas. once you have loaded data via RTI,
depending on the reason, other steps apply. For that purpose, we have created a
document for which you find the link in OSS note 3110007 - IBP Real-time
Integration: Information/Restrictions

51 Can IBP to S4 job for integration of orders, be automatically scheduled

periodically? What’s the best practice?
Technically possible. You need to check out depending on your data volume how
often you schedule it. But real time outbound is a roadmap item.

52 Is it still possible to debug CIF Queues (like with APO)?

On the IBP side you have no ways to debug since this is offered in the cloud, but on
ERP side you can debug as you are used with APO. We are working on better queue
monitoring that provides more insights on the reasons for failures.

53 RTI is used only to order base? Or can be used for time series? Will it replace
CPI-DS AND SDI or can work together?
RTI is indeed only integrating order data. For time series based key figures you can
use CI-DS as you might be used from pure time-series based planning areas.

54 I have APO installed with CFI, which is the advantage to implement IBP with
RTI is similar then CIF. "Advantage" is the wrong wording. If you work with APO, you
need VIF. if you work with IBP, you need RTI. Both can exist at the same time.

55 If S/4 HANA is on cloud and not on premise, does it still need cloud connector
and BTP connectivity services?
RTI is not supported with S/4 Cloud yet.
56 Will this integrate with SAP ECC?
Yes. Please check OSS note 3106619 - SAP IBP Real-time integration - Notes for
installation for prerequisites.

57 When is it planned to support RTI with S/4 HANA cloud?

There is no official roadmap item yet

58 CI-DS Agent, SDI and RTI can all exist next to each other in one and the same
ECC or S?4 System, correct?
Technically yes. RTI does not require any agent, nor the IBP Add-on. Very likely you
will use CI-DS for certain enhancements or data that are not orders. SDI should not
run in parallel unless you separate very carefully the source systems. And you
anyhow need different planning areas (SDI = SAP7, RTI = SAP7F).

59 If we add for example a new planning object what are the steps to do to have a
consistent data?
Check online help please, cannot be answered in a simple chat:
n-US and housekeeping:

60 Is CPI-DS the same as CI-DS?

Yes, official name just changed.

61 How does live cache in PPDS integrate with IBP and RTI?
Please also check out the previous webinars related to the topic of "Synchronized
Planning". There you will find more info around PPDS integration.

62 We have OBP specific jobs for SDI and RTI. How we can find them because in
the job is not specified RTI or SDI?
n-US&q=housekeeping for generating planning objects for RTI.

63 How do we change the port 33XX to 48XX in the cloud connector to activate
SNC in the RFC from the ERP?
This webinar is on best practice, but we do not have all technical specialists in this
chat support to answer all detailed questions, sorry. Please contact your SAP project
contact for that question.
64 Can we have the supported jobs that can be used by RTI - SAP7F?
In general, you can say, that all planning relevant jobs such as Supply run are the
same jobs. All regarding data integrating are different and described in online help.
For housekeeping, there is a special chapter here:

65 What is the tcode for Create Integration Model?

CFM1, same transactions as for APO-CIF.

66 Can we integrate one ERP data to single IBP system but for 2 different
Planning area? How will it affect inbound and outbound?
Yes, you can. you need to have disjunct data, such as different locations. And you
need to maintain two RTI integration profiles and need two IBP logical systems in
ECC, but only one set of communication arrangements/systems. please check
online help:

67 Is RTI used only for Order based planning What happens for Timeseries based
Yes, RTI is only for order-based planning. Time series planning stays as is.

68 In case of RTI do we need the integration model staging tables /ibp/*Ext or

will they be obsolete?
They are obsolete with RTI.

69 SAP invented CIF for APO, with PP/DS into S/4 the CIF was simplified. Now
with RTI CIF logic is back on new communication platform for cloud. Could we
expect the same logic and challenges with delta reports and other principles
to make stable communication and data replication?
We do have functionality for reconciliation available, specific app in IBP.

70 In continuation with for RTI do we need the integration model staging tables
/ibp/*ext - they will be marked obsolete. However, in case of timeseries, we
will still need these staging tables as we will continue using CPIDS, right?
Yes correct, for time series they are still relevant.

71 Can we know this? We will show during the webinar how to maintain loc-mat
information with RTI?
I don’t understand the question, can you please rephrase? Please check our test
script 2S4 for a detailed step-by-step description. There you will find the details.
72 Do we still need the IBP Add on for ECC to work with RTI?
No add-On is needed for RTI. But you still have minimum requirements on you
backend ECC or S/4HANA which you will find in OSS note 3106619 - SAP IBP Real-
time integration - Notes for installation.

73 Can one S4 system be connected to multiple IBP planning areas using RTI? If
yes, then what is setting required at S4 and IBP?
Yes, you can. OSS note 3110007 - IBP Real-time Integration:
Information/Restrictions provides several links. One is describing how to set up the
communication settings with Cloud connector, BTP and ECC or S4/HANA settings,
the other provides a checklist which will be updated in the next couple of days with
the information of which steps need to be duplicated when working with >1 planning
area. E.g., you need one RTI integration profile per planning area and one logical IBP
system (SM59) in ECC, but only one common set of communication arrangements.
But make sure you have disjunct data sets, e.g., by separating the locations or
materials, as otherwise the back integration IBP -> ECC will create problems.

74 Do we need BTP license for set up of RTI through cloud connector? if yes, is it
provided along with IBP/RTI license?
Yes, a BTP license is needed. New IBP contracts already contain BTP Pay-as-you-Go
License - if the customer doesn't own already a BTP license.

75 Outbound is not RTI. Is it correct?

Having outbound IBP --> S/4 as real time integration is roadmap item. For the
moment, you need to schedule a job.

76 When we integrate UoM and Currencies to IBP using RTI, is there any way we
can check in IBP what all currencies and UoM integrated in IBP?
You could use the "Manage Master Data" app to check for the MDT PRODUCTUNIT
to see what was integrated for the UoM. Currencies at the moment can only be seen
in the apps, e.g., you see the value of a sales order in view confirmations app, but not
in MD types. Reason is that they are not integrated to MD types but as the same
tables such as TCURR you have in S/4.

77 In S/4 HANA we don’t maintain any Distribution definitions if we use to

transfer via CIF using RTI. How system will be in sync? Do we need to activate
the Model so that Material is always active? If I change the Transaction data
how it will be in sync between S/4 HANA and IBP?
Yes, the Integration Model needs to be Active. Transactional data are transferred via
BTE (Business Transaction Events). see
https://launchpad.support.sap.com/#/notes/3094882, Quick Guide document
attached for configuring Best Practices content. For 2205 (from next Thu) this
document will be available in Best Practices Explorer
78 Are any versions of this guide already available?
It will be available on SAP Best Practices Explorer from next week Thursday.

79 Just as a summary, does it still hold that you absolutely need Smart Data
Integration to integrate order data to SAP IBP? Or can we also use other
methods such as CPI-DS; or Fiori; RTI?
If you use flexible master data type planning area SAP7F, then use RTI for the
integration. If you use "external" planning area SAP7, it needs SDI for the integration.
They way forward are the flexible master data type planning area (SAP7F) and RTI.
Online help provides a high-level comparison on the two methods:

80 Is it possible that an IBP client has access to SAP BTP-CPI, without having
access to/license for CPI-DS?
The IBP application subscription includes SAP Cloud Integration for data services

81 If S4 HANA is on cloud, do we still need to cloud connector?

RTI is currently only for S4HANA on premise.

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