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Comm 10, Activity 3, Yu, page 1 of 3

1. A convergent media is different forms of media, such as print, broadcast, and the internet,
combined to produce a new medium of media outlet. This gives its audience different alternatives
for different aspects, may it be for entertainment, education, or business purposes. This
circumstance is due to the constantly evolving technological advancements. Traditional media is
limited to forms of media before digitalization, which are radios, newspapers, and letters. It is
different from convergent media in a way that convergent media, is enhanced traditional media. It
created a more accessible and convenient outlet for a wider audience. Since convergent media
incorporates digital technologies such as the internet, it can be categorized as new media. Vlogs,
social media, online news, and digital games fall under the concept of convergent media, which
means that it also falls under the category of new media.
2. With the rise of convergent media comes various types of social media outlets. Each is used for
different agendas with different objectives. One widely known social networking service is the
app, Twitter, where mass communication is always present. Users of this application are able to
voice out opinions, give feedback, and react to certain posts. Twitter has given a platform to many
people where they may be able to share anonymously, or publicly, their own train of thought. This
gives them the sense of entitlement, dominance over their own feed. This aids in making them
feel as though they are heard giving them a sense of empowerment. This relates to David and
Goliath in a sense that although Twitter promotes empowerment, it also promotes online bullying.
Which means that not everything we see on the internet can be branded as a fact unless proven,
that we shouldn’t believe what is posted anywhere, even the users with huge followings, as not
everything posted on the internet is based on actual facts.
3. For every change, every improvement, the sole cause is technology. Based on the different
changes brought by technological advancement, communication which was once through the use
of verbal language, has evolved to written or print text. Because of the need to adapt, and to
preserve cultures and writings from decades ago, there came a switch from orality to literacy.
Media which was once displayed and could only be seen on paper, have now evolved to graphics,
video editing, and CGI. Also, different forms of new media have also emerged through time
because of constant adaptation to change. Based on these developments from orality to literacy
and traditional media and convergent media, we can hope for a future of media production as
more environmental friendly. Since there is more use of computerized media, the need for paper
will lessen. While for mass communication, it is good to hope to normalize teaching sign
language so that the impaired may not feel as though they are falling behind the changes and
Comm 10, Activity 3, Yu, page 2 of 3


Posted by: Kate Torgovnick May September 30, and Kate Torgovnick May. “David, Goliath and the
Appeal of the Underdog: A Q&A with Malcolm Gladwell on This Often-Misunderstood
Story.” TED Blog,

“What Is Traditional Media.” IGI Global,


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