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Comm 10, Activity 2, Yu, page 1 of 2

1. One of the factors is technological advancement. Through the years, people have started to patronize
technology and the benefits, service, and convenience it contributes. Thus having a huge impact on
the evolution of media. Because from print, producers came up with ideas wherein media can be
shared through auditory perception, which brought us radios which have further evolved to
televisions, where advertisements that could only be seen through print, are now designed with
computer graphics and computer generated imagery. Another factor is the producers’ appreciation
for innovation. People love to create better versions of things, constantly inventing and tinkering.
Technological innovation has played a huge role in media advancement as producers have come up
with ways wherein the consumers could enjoy media in various ways. Creating different forms of
media to fit the preference and standard of different groups of people.
2. By definition, video digitizing is the process of capturing, converting, and storing images with the
use of computers. This is with the help of computer graphics. Because of technological
advancement, digitization has created great opportunities for producers to relay information as it
has changed the way information can be shared and how it influences the audience. Digitization of
videos benefits the producers because this gives them the opportunity to release more prime content
and at the same time, save a large amount of time and consume less amount of resources as the
videos can be stored safely in computers or even in flash drives and can be edited or created with
the use of any form of up to date gadgets. Also, with digitization, consumers can conveniently
follow information with the use of different forms of media such as social media outlets, television,
and other forms of gadgets. A huge number of information consumers rely on the dissemination of
information through posts, tweets, or anything that can be found on the internet, wherein most of
these are possible through the digitization of videos.
3. Media accessibility has changed the lifestyles of a lot of people. These may be positive and negative
effects. Some positive changes are how people are able to receive and share information with the
use of different media outlets, updating a wide audience with only just one click. This makes
information dissemination very convenient. Also, media contributes various forms of
entertainment, from simple cat videos on YouTube to updating one’s status on Facebook. Media
accessibility has helped consumers reach out to a huge number of people, but it has also distanced
lot of people to their real lives. Based on Karen Barad’s neomaterialist theory, “media addiction is
refigured as an unavoidable human-technology bond that politics of life cannot escape.” This theory
explains how people have been so obsessed with media that it has alienated them from their actual
lives. One example is Larry Carlat, who used to be a married editor of a famous men's magazine.
Then he became obsessed with Twitter, lost his job, and got divorced. This was all due to posting
20 to 30 times a day, seven days a week. This only shows that even though media accessibility has
Comm 10, Activity 2, Yu, page 2 of 2

brought a lot of positive impacts on consumers, with too much use, may also lead to addiction and
could change lives instantly.


[Author removed at request of original publisher]. “1.3 The Evolution of Media.”

Understanding Media and Culture, University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing
Edition, 2016. This Edition Adapted from a Work Originally Produced in 2010 by a
Publisher Who Has Requested That It Not Receive Attribution., 22 Mar. 2016,

“Write Short Note on: Digitization of Video.” Ques10,


Zekany, Eva. “The Hauntology of Media Addiction.” FORUM,

Carlat, Larry. “Confessions of a Tweeter.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 11
Nov. 2011,

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