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on7 INDIANA RIGHT TO LIFE, INC. 20 NORTH LAFAYETTE BOULEVARD SOUTH BEND, INDIANA 46601 ‘Telephone 219/282-LIFE. (6438) Alfie wih NATIONAL RIGHT TO LIPE, ING March 17, 1977 mathe xx AFFILIATES OF INDIANA Indiana State Departnent of out 10 LIFE Planning Unit ein i ie 14 Welfare--Sooial Services UAL South Meridian, Fourth Floor mw h6225 We are writing in regard to the funding in Title Xx ‘and the 29 agencies included in your allotnent of funds. of 11 the agencies included, ve find onty-one that would involve a form of pregnancy counseling and that is Yanily Planning. nm Comey a te As far as pregnancy counseling, Family Planning offers eee aca various kinds of birth control, ineluting abortion and Secs abortion referrals vhich they consider « form of birth Eee sontrehs en ialadens/sofalieemeetve Teel el eseeee irae = siskoy 0c ining oe prowneneyibo|feralsat snoteuiTE ieee TAIL Seed sun’ form Of Sid end counseling. ‘yma ae We £001 4¢ vould be beneficial te have at least = one agenoy available that vould help ewe situations eee comme Soe ve in ret, at oppose our tn ees eztion eounseling and ve will continue to ver Wn eee Gecsingly toverds that goel. In the seantine, ve eerie nze you to consider the suggestions given above. We vould be happy to discuss this with you further, fanaa offering our help. enn i ae (Bere cnmy ano We lock forvard to hearing from you. Say tae i, Ete is et cms ) Mary Pet Marstall Bat omy Rg PLANNED PARENTHOOD ASSOCIATION OF INDIANAPOLIS, INC. orricens 3S Charen ‘ion Php. Berman Tee Jump ‘irae 8 Sane ecard Secretay “inn Ter BOARD OF DIRECTORS Eater D. Azl M Nm Wate Da Mn Wan Eee Mw dotph A etd Bir Aled Se Nesiat Beror TE Mee, a, ‘dowry Comte ate "aly MD rca of Cake Maring Bir Boy Cadel, RS Eecate Dro ‘Men Guoe Mealnet we, Pa £ ann yh |NDIANAPOLI, INDIANA 48 eee oo Nw Harald Waricy February 24, 197 Nr meet Shin Hon. Oris R. Bowen Office of the Governor State Capitol Indianapolis, Tndtana 46204 Dear Governor Bowen: 0a behalf of the Board of Indianapolis Plonned Parenthood T wish to thank you and your staff assistants for meeting with George Rubia, Rollin Jump and me on February 11. Our Board in its February 23 meeting decided to delay legal Sntervention on the abortion issue and avait the Supreme Court's decision achedaled for thia session vhich will de~ cide the issue of Medicald payments for abortions. Mr. Rubin feels that cases already before our District Federal Court will aullify the Indiana law prohibiting funds for abortions tor the poor. Me. Rollin Junp explained to you our Board's concern for the alarming upswing in teenage pregnancies. He fs solici~ Hing your support to relieve the public school aystem of the restrictive regulations vhich by dixective from the State Superintendent's office virtually prohibit teaching fof methods of contraception. We feel this decision should be Left to local achool. bostds. MEN Title X special funding of approxinately $78,000 wilt be spent under the direction of Indianapolis Plonaed Parent~ Rood to wage 4 canpaign in our nine-county erea against the rising tide of teenage pregnancies. As T said to you, Governor, Dr. Robert Arnold and a omall committee will ack for a necting to explain this progran and to solicit your advice and help. Again, thank you for our hearing. Siness Robelt G. Aisi On behalf of the Board Indianapolis Planned Parenthood Narch 11, 1977 Mir. Robert 6. Risk sNed Parenthood Association of Indianapolis, Inc. 615 North Alabama’Street - Roon 332 Indtanapolts, Indtana 46204 Dear Mr. Risk: T want to thank you for keeping me informed relative to Planned Parenthood Assoctation's activities concerning possible intervention on the abortion issue. I deeply apprectate your efforts to handle this very controversial and enotion-filled fssue in & professional and considered manner. Mr. Rizzo has received the copy of the regulations prohibiting the teaching of the methods of contraception in the public schools. I have asked him to Took into this matter though it will probably be after the close of the Legislative Session before he will be able to devote much tine to its study. ‘Thanks again for keeping we posted on this delicate matter. Kindest personal regards, Otis R. Bowen, H. Governor one:m February 14, 197 Miss Chery? Jones 2103 East Lynn Street Anderson, Indiana 46014 Dear Miss Jones: Thank you for your recent letter expressing your opinion on abortions. First, let met state my position with regard to abortion on demand; I am opposed to it. As a doctor, I have spent ny life trying to save lives. As Governor, however, it 1s my Sworn responsibility to uphold the laws of this state and nation. This means I must enforce the 1973 U.S. Suprem Court decision, because it now is the law of the land. An anendnent to the U.S. Constitution or another decision of ‘the Supreme Court may change the law, but for the present it remains the law. Following the U.S. Supreme Court's 1973 decision, I did insist that any Indiana legislation on the subject of abortion include safeguards. These safeguards are now a part of the Indlana law. They include abortions (1) on an unlinited basis only in the early months of gestation; (2) only by, doctors with unlimited licenses to practice medicine; (3) only in fully-licensed medical facilities; (4) only 1f proper records are kept to provide a factual basis for possible later evaluation, and (3) only {f persons in health care Professions working in medical facilities associated with church groups who object to abortion on demand can opt not to participate in abortion surceries. I_am opposed to government-subsidized abortion programs under any national health insurance plan (and I also oppose national health insurance) and to public funding for pregnancy Wiss Cheryl Jones Page Two Febauary 14, 1977 termination under other federal programs such as Medicaid. I support a states rights amendment to allow states to regulate abortion, but I do not believe that abortion should be prohibited under a11 circumstances. In certain cfreumstances, Such as pregnancy which endangers the life of a mother or a Pregnancy resulting from rape, I belteve pregnancy termination should be permitted. I suggest you write your legislators with your thoughts and once again, thank you for your letter. Kindest personal regards, Otis R. Bowen, H.0. Governor oRB:sr \ RIGHT TO LIFE OF SOUTHERN INDIANA, INC. FED ied wie pias RIGHT TO LIFE 1. “Febasny 11999 22 relia ble Youth a a Degpucme Csgute psskely on abetecn wiv re Ae Aut Pad, 104 ae rnbicg quent a AW) ou fev te bh educate He public on the hur ee of the tnbew oh a (palilzinns, a, the ad toc can cv the, ffese fleme (tes and pe neti Qe aboinery es fle Gat po Loeuld he Aili Tew © ee dnnerent Leies quate ¢ a) aoe al hue thy ty whiny Cu seapert spo hfe, frre Coheyptioe b cteath tit bee pact of be 77 Mhatiew 2 G02 Masha Dfpver elle SATURDAY, JANUARY 2, ra ‘THe EVENING NEWS, JEr# i ALLE, INDI ENDANGERED SPECIES......? WASHINGTON D.C. REPORTED MORE ABORTIONS THAN LIVE RRTHS LAST YEAR.. wh a DOES THIS MEAN OUR CHILDREN Lb > ARE AN ENDANGERED SPECIES? CHOOSE LIFE.....NOT ABORTION * THE FOLLOWING MEMBERS OF YOUR COMMUNITY CHOOSE LIFE x

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