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Fill in the blank

01.Holi is the (1) (much/most) popular festival (2) (on/in) my country. It is usually
(3) (at/in) March. (4) (During/While) the festival, we say goodbye (5) (with/to)
cold winter and (6) (dear/hello) to warm spring. We (7) (celebrating/celebrate)
the festival everywhere for two days. (8) (In/On) the first day, people gather
(9) (round/around) a big fire (10) (at/in) night and (11) (sang/sing) and dance.
The (12) (basic/main) event (13) (began/begins) the next day. Children and
adults (14) (chasing/chase) each other with gulal. (15) (When/What) is gulal? It
is blue, yellow, green and pink powder. It’s a lot of fun to run (16)
(circles/around) and (17) (thrown/throw) colorful powder at everyone. We also
(18) (joined/join) street parades!
02.(1) (Have/Has) you heard of the White Nights'? Every (2) (summer/summers),
this (3) (amaze/amazing) thing happens (4) (on/in) my hometown. The night
sky (5) (do/does) not get (6) (complete/completely) dark. (7) (While/During)
that time, we hold the White Nights Festival. It usually starts (8) (at/in) May
and (9) (lasting/lasts) for (10) (of/about) a month. (11) (On/During) the festival,
there is a ballet or an opera almost every (12) (nights/night).
The (13) (less/most) popular event is the Scarlet Sails (14)
(celebrated/celebration). A boat with red (15) (sails/sail) slowly (16)
(appear/appears) on the river. Soon, fireworks (17) (begins/begin) and a water
show (18) (following/follows). You can also hear (19) (music/musicians) playing
beautiful (20) (live/living) music.
03.Winter is my favorite season because of the Kiruna Snow Festival. The festival
starts in the last week of January and goes on for five or six days. The largest
event is the snow design competition. The artists shape huge piles of snow
into animals, buildings, and other beautiful artworks. People watch the artists
shaping their works from beginning to end. My favorite activity is the dog
sled ride. It is amazing to fly through a world of snow on a dog sled.
04.Although there are many books and movies about Mars, no one has been
there yet. These days, scientists are looking at Mars as a new home. In fact,
NASA and some companies are trying to send people there right now.
The big question is, “Can people live on Mars?” Many scientists beleive so for
several reasons. First, they think that there is water on Mars. This is great
because water is necessary for all life. Second, Mars has hard land to build
houses and buildings on. Third, the length of day and night on Mars is similar
to that on Earth, Mars also has four seasons. So, people can lead similar lives.
Lastly, Mars is not very far. It is the second closest planet to Earth.
Mars, however, has some differences from Earth. First, Mars is about half the
size of Earth. It is the second smallest planet in the solar system. Second, a
year on Mars is about twice as long as a year on Earth. Third, Mars is much
colder than Earth. On average, it is about -60°C on Mars. This is because Mars
is farther away from the Sun than Earth.
Although no one can answer the big question right now, it is exciting to
imagine this new world. Who knows? You could be the first Korean on Mars!

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