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Module 1 – PSW Foundations Assignment

General Directions:

1. The assignment will count for 40% of your final mark in Module 1.

Name: ____________________________________________________________

Date: _____________________________________________________________

©N A C C 2 0 1 5 V 5 SectionIV. Module1. PSWFoundations 1|2

Choose a culture unfamiliar to you.

1. Your assignment must include the following:

a. Country or countries where this culture originates (1 mark)

b. Languages spoken (1 mark)

c. Dietary practices - mains foods in their diet, foods they are known for (3 marks)

d. Health care practices for the elderly, and philosophy on aging – how do they treat their
aging population, long-term care homes or cared for at home (4 marks)

e. Male/female interactions, thoughts on family and raising children – how do they view
family, roles of males/females in the family (4 marks)

f. Religion and religious practices within the culture – main religions seen within the culture (4

g. Practices associated around illness and death – how do they view illness, practices/customs
around death (4 marks)

h. Important customs, holidays or festivals – provide details on a few

customs/holidays/festivals (4 marks)

Bonus question: If your client were a member of this cultural group, what unique challenges
could you have when providing care? (5 marks)

The assignment will be marked out of 40 marks. Be sure to keep the following in mind:

1. Guidelines were met (answer all of the above questions) (30 marks)
2. Organization of materials (information is organized, use subtitles as needed) (2.5 marks)
3. Visual component (must have pictures) (2.5 marks)
4. Neatness and legibility of assignment (neat, minimal spelling errors) (2.5 marks)
5. Presentation (you must present to the class) (2.5 marks)

References: You must use at least 1 scholarly reference (do not use Wikipedia).

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