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Republic of the Philippines



Bachelor of Science in Information System




Capstone Adviser:
Glenn Gumba
School of Technology and Computer Studies

Date of Submission
30 June 2020
Permission is given for the Following people to have access to this thesis:

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Available only after consultation with author/thesis adviser YES
Available only to those bound by confidentiality agreement YES

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This capstone project titled Online Beauty and Wellness Service and Booking System
(OBWSBS)), prepared and submitted by Lucenicio, Aireen S., Maurillo, Novelyn M., Merino,
Jhanna Mariel A., Rosales, Jenrose B., Tagaloy, Janice Belen A., is hereby accepted by the School
of Technology and Computer Studies, Biliran Province State University, in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Information Systems.

Members of the Capstone Project Committee:

Airenn S. Lucenicio _____________________

Jhanna Mariel A. Merino _____________________
Jenrose B. Rosales _____________________
Janice Belen A. Tagaloy _____________________





School of Technology and Computer Studies


As we can see nowadays, barbershops, beauty salons, therapy and massage shops are located
in all communities, people went there for aesthetic and health care. Online shopping is the
trend for today, but only for products just like Lazada and Shopee. People cannot look for an
application that they will book for beauty and wellness purposes such as nail and hair services
and massage services depending on location and price of service provider. They have to suffer
the hassles in transportation and in long queues in salons. On the service providers’ side, they
are just receiving meager salaries from regular income in salons and they can only acquire a few
clients by waiting for calls just in their community or by referrals.

The features and benefits of Beauty and Wellness Services and Booking System will help
solve the problems being faced by clients just to acquire the services they want and the
problem of beauty and wellness service providers in acquiring clients.

The design and development of the proposed system will be using the latest technologies for a
web-based application. The proposed system will also apply a responsive design for improving
user experience in mobile devices.

The proposed system will be using the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC). The
process is defined by Innovative Architects in their website as a multistep, iterative process,
structured and methodical way that is used to model or provide a framework for technical and
non-technical activities to deliver a quality system which meets or exceeds a business
expectations or manages decision-making progression.

Agile software development practices approach will be adopted all throughout the
development of the proposed system. According to Techopedia, agile software development is
a lightweight software engineering framework that promotes iterative development
throughout the life-cycle of the project, close collaboration between the development team
and business side, constant communication, and tightly-knit teams.


We would first like to thank God without whom nothing is possible.

It would not have been possible also to write this capstone manuscript without the help and
support of the kind people around our group, to only some of whom it is possible to give
particular mention here.

We would like to thank our families for their personal support and great patience at all times.
Our parents, brothers and sisters have given their unequivocal support throughout, as always,
for which our mere expression of thanks likewise does not suffice.

This capstone project would not have been possible without the help, support and patience of
our adviser, Gleen Gumba. His good advice, support and friendship has been invaluable on both
an academic and a personal level, for which we are extremely grateful.
Table of Contents
Statement of the Problem ………………………………………………………………… 1
Background and Objectives of the Project ………………………………………… 2
Significant and Scope of the Project ………………………………………………….. 3
Documentation of Existence and Seriousness of the Problem….………… 4
Review of existing alternatives ………………………………………………………….. 5
Current Solutions to resolve issues with Existing System …………………… 6
Custom Software Development …………………………………………………………. 7
Theoretical Framework ……………………………………………………………………… 8
Project plan ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 9



Plan for User Testing and Project Assessment

Chapter I
The problem domain

Statement of the Problem

Barbershops, beauty salons, massage shops are located in all communities, people
went there for aesthetic and health care, that is a hassle for them in transportation, it takes
time in finding a salon, barbershop, and massage shop. Some can’t go there because of busy life
and problems, especially those persons that are confined to their work, disability and laziness.
Moreover some clients are suffering waiting in a long queue just to avail services when they get
On the service providers’ side, without using any automated system, they have difficulty
finding clients. They will just depend on their frequent clients in their community which are
probably few and income they’re getting will not suffice for their daily financial needs.

Background and Objectives of the Project

According to Business Queensland website, a wide range of services online can provide
opportunities to reach more customers, which can help grow one’s income and succeed in a
competitive marketplace. Providing services online is an effective way to further engage with

Examples of online services are booking systems, training courses, order tracking, feedback
forms, membership management and online shopping.

Online transactions have increased especially during the pandemic crises brought by the spread
of COVID-19 virus. Online shopping through Lazada, Shopee, and other online shopping sites
has boomed. Online schools acquired more students. Offline schools have shifted temporarily
to online schooling while the country is suffering the pandemic.
People now are thinking of ways to be comfortable and safe during this time of pandemic, so
they resort to online transactions. For online services, the proponents observed that there is no
online system offering services for beauty care and wellness wherein service providers such as,
manicurists, hairdressers, makeup artists, massage therapists, etc. can create an account and
offer services with his/her preferred price and clients can search for service providers with their
preferred location and prices.

Currently beauty and wellness service providers and clients are just doing manual transactions
by phone calls and by personal booking that will cost either the clients or the service providers’
time and money for transportation and long queues.

The proposed system Beauty and Wellness Services and Booking System will offer beneficial
gains for service providers and comfort for clients. Both client and service provider will be safer
from getting the virus and cannot spread the virus because they can maintain social/physical
distance with other people. They can avoid the crowded areas in salons and public places.

Objectives of the Project

1. To eradicate transportation hassle for customers/clients

2. Clients can book the type of beauty and wellness services in the comforts of their home
3. Clients can search by service providers, type of beauty and wellness services, prices and
location and by reviews
4. Service providers can earn money by just using the application even not reporting to
work in a salon
5. Alerts and reminders for booking schedules for both service providers and clients
6. This application is useful for those customers with disabilities.
7. Connecting service providers and clients through the messaging functionalities in the
This project aims to design and develop a useful services and booking system that will offer
service providers account and clients account. Both will interact using the system through the
following main parts of the system:

1. A service provider accounts web pages that will offer functionalities of defining the kind
of beauty and wellness services and their prices per service provider.
2. A client accounts web pages that will let the users search for service providers by
location, type of services and prices and book for the service and service provider.
3. An administrative account web page for managing all types of user accounts, services
and the booking record.

Significant and Scope of the Project

Upon the occurrence of pandemic, the need for online transactions has risen. Even
before the pandemic happened, online transactions are so popular for online users.
Although the majority of people are staying/working at home, they have to still satisfy
their aesthetic and wellness needs that can be given by the following services: nail and hair
services, makeup services and therapeutic massage services.
The proposed system will prioritize the design responsiveness of the web pages for most
of the users now relying on the use of mobile devices. Functionalities for all the accounts will be
next after the enhanced and responsive design development.
The one that will benefit the most out of the system are the service providers, they will
generate income through the system. If their services are good, they don’t need to work in a
salon, they will just provide home service to their clients and depending on the client’s
requests. Of course, the clients will benefit too. First, they can avoid the long queue in the
salon. Second, they can save time and money for transportation. Third, they can choose their
favorite beauty and wellness service providers and have the service in the comforts of their
Given the complexity and size of the proposed system, the project will be limited to the
design and development of the service providers’ module, clients’ module, administrative
module and messaging module.

Documentation of Existence and Seriousness of the Problem

We conducted an evaluation using qualitative and quantitative methods to know the problem
of existing circumstances so that those problems can be solved by the proposed system. Table 1
illustrates an example of our evaluation survey in descriptive statistics format. It has a 5 point
likert scale which is agree, disagree, strongly agree, strongly disagree, do not know.

Instruction: For each statement, please check whether you strongly agree, agree, strongly disagree, disagree, do not know.
Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Do not
Agree Disagree
1. Since the country is experiencing pandemic, the
application helps customers and estheticians to be
connected and do beauty and wellness, especially do
services at home.
2. I believe that this project will remove the hassle of
transportation of clients.
3. I do searching online for beauty and wellness
4. I am always aware of the prices for beauty and
wellness services.
5. I believe that health and wellness needs of myself
must be met.
6. I always go to beauty and wellness shops/stores.
7. Transportation fee to go to a beauty and wellness
shop is quite expensive.
8. I am experiencing falling in line in a queue in beauty
and wellness shop.
10. I have my favorite beauty and wellness service
provider in our community.
11. I can easily book for a beauty and wellness service
provider in our community, manually, by word of
12. I am always using my mobile phone and I have
always loaded for the mobile data.
13. I am familiar with the shopping applications.
14. I prefer to do online booking than manual booking.
15. I always read reviews of products and services

Please feel free to write any recommendation. Thank

Review of existing alternatives

Current Solutions to resolve issues with Existing System

The proponents searched on the World Wide Web existing systems that can address the
problems of manual booking for beauty and wellness services. We just find specific business
websites offering such services. The websites offer booking and services but with their own
employees. There is no website or system yet offering the bridging between the service
providers and the clients.
One solution being widely used is Facebook posting and messaging. Either the beauty and
wellness service provider or the client will post. The service provider will post their services
available while the client will post that he/she needs a certain or specific service/s and they will
communicate via Facebook messenger. Clients can search too in Facebook for service providers
and services but not most of the time searching becomes successful because Facebook has a
wide coverage of everything. Searching is difficult in Facebook posts, and there is no specific
feature for the beauty and wellness services the client is looking for.

Custom Software Development

Custom software development is the process of designing, creating, deploying and maintaining software
for a specific set of users, functions or organizations. In contrast to commercial off-the-shelf software
(COTS), custom software development aims at a narrowly defined set of requirements. COTS targets a
broad set of requirements, allowing it to be packaged and commercially marketed and distributed.
Microsoft Office and, for example, are packaged commercial software products
and services. They meet the generalized needs of office productivity and website creation.
Custom software, and its development, is also referred to as bespoke software. The term has
its origins in old English and the tailoring trade.
Custom software development is usually performed by in-house development teams or
outsourced to a third-party. The same processes and methodologies apply to custom software
development as other types of software development. A custom project would move through
the familiar steps of requirements gathering, code construction, testing and deployment and
apply the same methodologies, like Agile, DevOps or Rapid Application Development, as any
other software project.
Efforts associated with custom software development include application customization,
application modernization and application management. Application customization refers to
modifying COTS applications to support individual requirements. Application modernization
plays a critical role in maintaining the viability of a business’s custom software to meet evolving
user and market demands. Application management makes software effective by supporting
tasks like installation, updating, performance and availability optimization, and service desk
functions. (IBM)
Thus, this proposed project will be different because it will address all the issues encountered
from the existing systems and will be custom-built based on the requirements of the different
users or stakeholders that will be utilizing the system.
Approach to be taken in this subject

Theoretical Framework
In developing the project, concepts and theories were put into consideration.
These were of great help for the proponent to systematically analyze the possible
scope of the system and hereby create its content in an organized manner.
Concepts and theories were enumerated to clearly determine the scope of the
proposed project.
1. Software Development Life Cycle(SDLC)
A software development life cycle is essentially a series of steps, or phases,
that provide a model for the development and life cycle management of an
application or piece of software. The methodology within the SDLC process can
vary across industries and organizations, but standards such as ISO/IEC 12207
represent processes that establish a lifecycle for software, and provide a mode for
the development, acquisition and configuration of software systems. It is a
conceptual model used in project management that describes the stages involved
in an information system development project, from an initial feasibility study
through maintenance of the completed application.
In general, an SDLC methodology follows the following steps:

1. The existing system is evaluated. Deficiencies are identified. This can be

done by interviewing users of the system and consulting with support
2. The new system requirements are defined. In particular, the deficiencies
in the existing system must be addressed with specific proposals for
3. The proposed system is designed. Plans are laid out concerning the
physical construction, hardware, operating systems, programming,
communications, and security issues.
4. The new system is developed. The new components and programs must
be obtained and installed. Users of the system must be trained in its use,
and all aspects of performance must be tested. If necessary,
adjustments must be made at this stage.
5. The system is put into use. This can be done in various ways. The new
system can be phased in, according to application or location, and the
old system gradually replaced. In some cases, it may be more cost-
effective to shut down the old system and implement the new system all
at once.
6. Once the new system is up and running for a while, it should be
exhaustively evaluated. Maintenance must be kept up rigorously at all
times. Users of the system should be kept up-to-date concerning the
latest modifications and procedures.
There are various Software development models or methodologies. They are as
1. Waterfall model
2. V model
3. Incremental model
4. RAD model
5. Agile model
6. Iterative model
7. Spiral model
The project will be using the Agile model.

2. Agile Model
Agile methodology is an alternative to traditional project management,
typically used in software development. It helps teams respond to
unpredictability through incremental, iterative work cadences, known as sprints.
Agile methodologies are an alternative to waterfall, or traditional sequential

3. Web Site
Virtual location on the World Wide Web has company related web pages
and files which can be accessed through a browser. Every Web site has its own
unique and distinctive web address which can be accessed through connecting to
the internet. The opening page of a Web site is generally called a homepage. The
homepage contains hyperlinks which brings the users to other pages that can be
on the same site or on other sites. A particular web server may support multiple
Web sites. On the other hand, a particular Web site may be found on multiple
web servers.

4. Software Programming Tools

Software developers use software development tools which is an
application that is used to create, debug, maintain, or support other programs
and applications. It usually refers to simple programs that can be joined together
to complete a task.
To design the proposed Web site, some programming tools are used by the
proponents. These tools are:

4.1 HTML
Hypertext Markup Language, simply called HTML, is the set of codes
inserted in a file for the display of the browser pages found on the World Wide
Web. The codes tell
the Web browser how to display the words and images on a Web page. Every
code is referred to as an element or a tag. Some of the elements or tags come in
pairs which indicate the beginning and the ending of a particular.

4.2 CSS
Web developers use Cascading Style Sheets or simply called CSS for
designing the layout of Web pages. The developers use it to characterize text
styles, background colours, table sizes, and other features of Web pages.
CSS helps the Web developers to make a uniform look on a number of
pages of a Web site. Unlike in using the HTML, commonly used styles have to be
defined only once in a CSS document. Through referencing the CSS file, the style
defined in a CSS document can be used by a number of different pages. In
addition to that, CSS makes it simple to change styles on numerous pages at once.

4.3 PHP
The Hypertext Preprocessor or PHP allows web developers to make a
dynamic content that works together with databases. PHP applications are usually
found on Linux servers. It can also be found in combination with MySQL
databases. PHP provides servers with functionality like that provided to the
Windows area by Active Server Pages technology.
PHP is an open source, server-side, and embeds HTML scripting language
used to make or develop dynamic Web pages.
PHP script is enclosed within special PHP tags which allow the users to jump
between HTML and PHP. And also, the client cannot view the PHP code by the
developer because PHP is executed on the server.

4.4 JavaScript
JavaScript is a scripting language by Netscape that enables Web developers
to design interactive sites. It was developed independently though it has some
similarities to some of the features of the Java language. JavaScript can interact
with HTML source code which enables Web developers to broaden their sites by
having dynamic content. JavaScript is an open language for anyone to use even
without a license.
4.5 jQuery
jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It makes things
like HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and
Ajax much simpler with an easy-to-use API that works across a multitude of

4.6 Microsoft WebMatrix

Microsoft WebMatrix is a free, cloud-connected web development
application for Windows. WebMatrix enables developers to build websites using
built-in templates or popular open-source applications, with full support for
ASP.NET, PHP, Node.js and HTML 5. Microsoft developed WebMatrix for the
purpose of providing web developers with coding, customization, and publishing
capabilities all in one place.

4.7 Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop is a leading and widely used paint program created by
Adobe Systems, Inc. For many years, Photoshop has been a model to other paint
programs. With the use of Photoshop, users can create original artwork, design
graphics for a Web page, and create a photo collage and so on.

4.8 Web Server

A Web server is a program that serves the files that form Web pages
through the use of the server model and the World Wide Web's Hypertext
Transfer Protocol. Each and every computer on the Internet that has a Web site
must have a Web server program. The two leading and most widely used Web
servers are Apache which is the most widely-installed Web server and Microsoft's
Internet Information Server (IIS).

4.9 Database Management System

A Database Management System (DBMS) is a set of computer programs
that manages the creation, maintenance, and the use of a database.
A DBMS is a program that allows one or more computer users to create and
access data in a database. The DBMS controls requests from the users and other
programs. The DBMS ensures the integrity and security of the data when handling
requests from the users. There are different kinds of DBMS, to wit, the Relational
Database Management System (RDBMS) which is the usual DBMS used,
Structured Query Language (SQL) which is a standard user and program interface,
and the Object-Oriented Database Management System (ODBMS) which is a
newer kind of DBMS.

5.0 PHP Laravel Framework

Laravel is an open-source PHP framework, which is robust and easy to

understand. It follows a model-view-controller design pattern. Laravel reuses the
existing components of different frameworks which helps in creating a web
application. The web application thus designed is more structured and pragmatic.
Laravel offers a rich set of functionalities which incorporates the basic features of
PHP frameworks like CodeIgniter, Yii and other programming languages like Ruby
on Rails. Laravel has a very rich set of features which will boost the speed of web

Rationale for the Framework

The project will be dealing mostly with the records that are collected within the
three accounts: client, admin and service provider. These data will be managed
by RDBMS to be able to provide searching and/or manipulating records.
Agile methodology was selected because of the repetitive iterations to all
the process/phases of system development for the purpose of perfecting or
polishing the project.

Technologies planned to be considered or used

Web files will be uploaded to the web server setup in Amazon Web Server.

Website design will be tested to different web browsers to ensure that upon
release of the project, design will display correctly to all types of web browser.

Components of the design of every page were made through the use of
Adobe Photoshop. JQuery and JavaScript, client-side codes, were used for the
validations of submission of forms. PHP, MySQL and Apache for server-side codes.
The interface will then be converted into a template using HTML5 and
Bootstrap and JavaScript for client-side functions.
Project plan


The proposed system will serve as a bridge between the client and the
service provider (manicurist/nail artist, masseur, and hairdresser and makeup
artist). A web-based system with responsive design will be provided for them.
Modules will be subdivided to the following users: website administrator, service
provider and client. The proposed system will have a messaging page to be able
to have connection between service provider and client. Access of the system will
be free for both provider and client. No downloading or installing will be done,
users will just access the URL address in a web browser.
The website administrator module will be used to monitor user accounts.
Through this module user accounts can be edited, updated, deleted or blocked.
All the messages between clients and service providers can be managed also in
this module. Administrators will have the knowledge whom to block in monitoring
the messages. Approval of user registration will be handled also in this module.
Transactions/bookings management will be monitored also by the administrators.
Service provider reviews will be reviewed/filtered/managed/approved by
administrators prior to public posting

The service provider module will be used by the manicurists/nail artists,

hairdressers, masseurs and makeup artists. They will be provided a page wherein
they can view all the bookings, history and current bookings. Messaging features
will be also provided for this module. Service providers can manage their
messages. They can view, send and delete messages. Prices of their services can
be managed also by the service providers. They can edit/update the prices. A
summary/report of clients or bookings will be provided also in this module.
The client module will provide the booking feature, wherein the clients can
search for the service/s and service provider they want. They can also view the
prices per services being offered by the service provider. They can also search by
price. They can message the service provider. In this module, messages can be
managed too. Clients can only see their own messages (received and sent). Clients
can post reviews for specific service providers but will be
filtered/checked/approved in the administrator part of the system.
All modules will have the feature of account management. In this feature,
users can edit their names and password.

System Architecture. The system server will be using the cloud architecture.
Amazon Web Services Lightsail Instance will be set up for the proposed system. It
will be using the Ubuntu OS 16.04 as the OS. The package is free for one month
AWS lightsail is a cloud computing service that can be used to host web
applications and websites. The technology provides the simplest way to manage
Virtual Private Servers.
Cloud architecture is the organization of components and subcomponents
into a logical, efficient, and effective structure that should allow them to work
together towards a goal, maximizing strength and minimizing weaknesses.
Cloud Architecture refers to the various components in terms of databases,
software capabilities, applications, etc. engineered to leverage the power of cloud
resources to solve business problems. Cloud architecture defines the components
as well as the relationships between them.
The various components of Cloud Architecture are:

● On premise resources
● Cloud resources
● Software components and services
● Middleware
The entire cloud architecture is aimed at providing the users with high bandwidth,
allowing users to have uninterrupted access to data and applications, on-demand
agile network with possibility to move quickly and efficiently between servers or
even between clouds and most importantly network security
System Users. The proposed system will have three (3) actors or user types with
the following access to functionalities or modules: administrator – account
management, overall system management, booking management, messaging
management and report generation; service provider – own account
management, messaging management, service type/price management and
booking management; client - own account management, messaging
management, service type and service price search feature, and booking
System Features. Table 2 shows the list of key features of the system with its
corresponding use cases and grouped based on priority.

Table 2. Key Features with Use Cases Grouped Based on Priority

Priority Feature Use Case

Essential Web Site Access Web Site
Login Page
Signup Page
Site Management Access All User Type Functionalities
Booking View List of Services
View Service Providers
View, Edit, Cancel Booking
Add/Book a service
Messaging View, send, reply to messages
Compose and send message/s
Service Provider Add/Edit/Delete Reviews
User Profile Add/Edit/Delete Service Offered
Add/Edit/Delete Price of Service Offered
Change password
Reviews Unpost Reviews
View Reviews
Search Feature Search by service type
Search by service price
Search by service provider
Expected User Authentication Login/Logout as Client
Login/Logout as Service Provider
Login/Logout as Administrator
Change password
Account Block User Account
Change password
View User Accounts List
Reports View/Sort/Filter/Search Users List
View/Sort/Filter/SearchType of Services List
View/Sort/Filter/Search Booking List
View/Sort/Filter/Search Booking
View/Sort/Filter/Search Booking History
Desired Booking Completed Mark Booking as Completed
Search Feature Search by service type
Search by service price
Search by service provider
User Interface


Plan for User Testing and Project Assessment


Instruction: For each statement, please check whether you strongly agree, agree, strongly disagree,
disagree, do not know.
Strongly Agre Strongl Disagree Do not
e y know
Knowing our Project Application Agree
1. Since pandemic has arrived in our country
this project application helps customers and
estheticians to be connected and do beauty
and wellness, especially do services at home.
2. I believe that this project may less
transportation of a customer.
3. Since the project has pop-up notification
for beauty and health tips it surely helps
customer and beauticians or esthetician to
gain more knowledge.
4. Do you agree that with the use of your
mobile phone you may contact any
estheticians in your choice that may visit at
5. This project application may have selling
and buying purposes for beauty care and
wellness products.
6. You may decide what schedule you want to
the chosen esthetician in booking section.
7. We assure that this project application are
easy to use and can access in your mobile
8. This project application has calendar and
alarm clock for your awareness to the set
10. Once you have choose esthetician you
may contact his/her in private message to
talk about the amount of their beauty and
wellness service at home.
11. Once you installed the application
customers and estheticians may do fill-out
personal information for registration and
security purposes.
12. Once you are registered, the application
you may select in 6 sections whether at your
service, customer, booking services, sale
products, and Beauty Care and Wellness tips.

13.Since this application is made for those

unknown estheticians and not hired in salons
and wellness center, all estheticians personal
information will post on the home wall so
customer may select beauty expert for their
14. Our project application has a game
section not only for beauty and wellness
purposes but also for you to enjoy and have
fun using our application.
15. Is it great to have a Beauty Care and
Wellness mobile application in our

Please feel free to write any

recommendation. Thank you.

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