Energy Balance

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Energy Balance

BT2061: Biochemical Thermodynamics

M. Hamsa Priya

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Energy Balance

First Law of Thermodynamics

Energy is a conserved quantity – It can neither be created nor

destroyed, only gets transformed from one form to another.

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Energy Balance

First Law of Thermodynamics

Energy is a conserved quantity – It can neither be created nor

destroyed, only gets transformed from one form to another.
Total energy of a system

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Energy Balance

First Law of Thermodynamics

Energy is a conserved quantity – It can neither be created nor

destroyed, only gets transformed from one form to another.
Total energy of a system is the sum of internal energy, kinetic energy
and potential energy of the system
E = U + Mv 2 + Mψ ,
where, 21 v 2 is the kinetic energy per unit mass and ψ is the potential
energy per unit mass. If gravity is the only force field, ψ = gh

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Energy Balance

Energy Balance Equation – Mathematical Form of First


Recollect General Balance Equation

   
Rate of change Rate at which θ
 of θ in the system  =  flows in/out of 
i.e., Accumulation the system
 
Rate at which θ
+  is generated/consumed 
within the system

dθ X
= θ̇k + rθ

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Energy Balance

Energy Balance Equation – Mathematical Form of First


dE d 1
= U + Mv2 + Mψ
dt dt 2
Energy flow accompanying mass flows:
X 1
Ṁk Û + v2 + ψ ,
2 k

where, Ûk – specific internal energy i.e., internal energy per unit mass
of kth stream

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Energy Balance

Energy Balance Equation – Mathematical Form of First

Other energy transfer modes:

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Energy Balance

Energy Balance Equation – Mathematical Form of First

Other energy transfer modes:
Heat Transfer: Rate of flow of heat into the system = Q̇
Sign Convention: Heat into the system – Positive; Heat liberated by
the system – Negative

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Energy Balance

Energy Balance Equation – Mathematical Form of First

Other energy transfer modes:
Heat Transfer: Rate of flow of heat into the system = Q̇
Sign Convention: Heat into the system – Positive; Heat liberated by
the system – Negative
Work: There are two forms of work
Shaft work, Ẇs – No deformation of system boundary
Pressure volume work – Due to movement of system boundary
Ẇ ≡ −P
Sign Convention: Work done onto the system – positive; work done by
the system – Negative
Work of a flowing fluid against pressure
Ṁk (PV̂k )

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Energy Balance

Energy Balance Equation – Mathematical Form of First


Workdone by the surrounding fluid in pushing fluid element of mass

∆M1 into the system = P1 V̂1 ∆M1
Workdone on the surrounding fluid by the movement of fluid element
of mass ∆M2 out of the system = - P2 V̂2 ∆M2
Net work done on the system = P1 V̂1 ∆M1 − P2 V̂2 ∆M2
Net rate at which work is done on the system due
Xto pressure forces
acting on fluids moving in/out of the system = Ṁk (PV̂)k

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Energy Balance

Energy Balance Equation – Mathematical Form of First

Energy Balance Equation:
d 1 2 1 2
U + Mv + Mψ = Ṁk Û + v + ψ +
dt 2 2 k
dV X
Q̇ + Ẇs − P + Ṁk (PV̂)k

Usually kinetic and potential energy terms are small compared to the
internal energy, unless the fluid velocity is near the velocity of sound,
the change in height is very large
Let’s introduce the term Enthalpy (H):
H ≡ U + PV
Ĥ ≡ U + PV̂
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Energy Balance

Energy Balance Equation – Mathematical Form of First


Energy Balance Equation:

dU X dV
= Ṁk Ĥk + Q̇ + Ẇs − P
dt dt

Energy Balance Equation (Molar basis):

dU d X dV
= (NU) = Ṅk Hk + Q̇ + Ẇs − P
dt dt dt

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Energy Balance


Write the Energy Balance Equation for the following cases

Closed system
Closed system with rigid system wall
Adiabatic system
Open system under steady state condition

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Energy Balance


A mass M of gas is to be compressed from a temperature T1 and a

pressure P1 to T2 and P2 .
In one step process in a frictionless piston and cylinder assembly
In a continuous steady state process in which the mass M of gas is a
part of the feed stream to the compressor
Compute Q + W for each process

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Energy Balance

A Brief Introduction to Thermodynamics Properties of


To solve thermodynamic problems, one needs to know

Relationship between T, P and V or V

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Energy Balance

A Brief Introduction to Thermodynamics Properties of


To solve thermodynamic problems, one needs to know

Relationship between T, P and V or V – Volumetric Equation of State

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Energy Balance

A Brief Introduction to Thermodynamics Properties of


To solve thermodynamic problems, one needs to know

Relationship between T, P and V or V – Volumetric Equation of State
Relationship between {T, P, V} and {U, H}

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Energy Balance

A Brief Introduction to Thermodynamics Properties of


To solve thermodynamic problems, one needs to know

Relationship between T, P and V or V – Volumetric Equation of State
Relationship between {T, P, V} and {U, H} – Thermal Equation of

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Energy Balance

Volumetric Equation of State

Simplest volumetric equation of state

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Energy Balance

Volumetric Equation of State

Simplest volumetric equation of state

Ideal gas Equation of State:


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Energy Balance

Volumetric Equation of State

Simplest volumetric equation of state

Ideal gas Equation of State:


What is an ideal gas?

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Energy Balance

Volumetric Equation of State

Simplest volumetric equation of state

Ideal gas Equation of State:


What is an ideal gas?

Each gaseous molecule is only a point mass
No interaction among molecules
Does any gas, you know, obeys these two condition of ideal gas?

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Energy Balance

Volumetric Equation of State

Simplest volumetric equation of state

Ideal gas Equation of State:


What is an ideal gas?

Each gaseous molecule is only a point mass
No interaction among molecules
Does any gas, you know, obeys these two condition of ideal gas?
Why to study about ideal gas?

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Energy Balance

Volumetric Equation of State

Simplest volumetric equation of state

Ideal gas Equation of State:


What is an ideal gas?

Each gaseous molecule is only a point mass
No interaction among molecules
Does any gas, you know, obeys these two condition of ideal gas?
Why to study about ideal gas?
All gas at very low pressure is believed to act like an ideal gas

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Energy Balance

Thermal Equation of State

For an ideal gas

U = U(T)
H = H(T)
For real gases
U = U(T, V)
H = H(T, P)

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Energy Balance

Constant Volume Heat Capacity Cv


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Energy Balance

Constant Volume Heat Capacity Cv

Definition: Amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a

substance by 1◦ C at constant volume.
CV (T, V) =
∂T V

Change in internal energy:

For real gases:
Z T2
∆U = U(T2 , V) − U(T1 , V) = CV (T, V)dT

For an ideal gas:

Z T2
∆U = U(T2 ) − U(T1 ) = C∗V (T)dT

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Energy Balance

Constant Pressure Heat Capacity CP


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Energy Balance

Constant Pressure Heat Capacity CP

Definition: Amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a

substance by 1◦ C at constant pressure.
CP (T, P) =
∂T P

Change in enthalpy:
For real gases:
Z T2
∆H = H(T2 , P) − H(T1 , P) = CP (T, P)dT

For an ideal gas:

Z T2
∆H = H(T2 ) − H(T1 ) = C∗P (T)dT

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Energy Balance

C∗P as the function of temperature

C∗P may be constant or a function of temperature

C∗P (T) = a + bT + cT2 + dT3 + . . .

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Energy Balance

C∗V as the function of temperature

C∗P (T) is obtained from Appendix II

How to obtain C∗V (T)?

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Energy Balance

C∗V as the function of temperature

C∗P (T) is obtained from Appendix II

How to obtain C∗V (T)?

dH dU + PV
C∗P = = = C∗V + R
dT dT

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Energy Balance

C∗V as the function of temperature

C∗P (T) is obtained from Appendix II

How to obtain C∗V (T)?

dH dU + PV
C∗P = = = C∗V + R
dT dT


C∗V (T) = C∗P (T) − R = (a − R) + bT + cT2 + dT3 + . . .

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Energy Balance

Latent Heat Associated with Phase Change

What is latent heat?

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Energy Balance

Latent Heat Associated with Phase Change

What is latent heat?
Latent heat of vaporization
∆vap Ĥ = ĤV − ĤL
∆vap H = HV − HL

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Energy Balance

Latent Heat Associated with Phase Change

What is latent heat?
Latent heat of vaporization
∆vap Ĥ = ĤV − ĤL
∆vap H = HV − HL

Latent heat of fusion:

∆fus H = HL − HS

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Energy Balance

Latent Heat Associated with Phase Change

What is latent heat?
Latent heat of vaporization
∆vap Ĥ = ĤV − ĤL
∆vap H = HV − HL

Latent heat of fusion:

∆fus H = HL − HS

Latent heat of sublimation:

∆sub H = HV − HS
For solids and liquids at low pressure, as molar volumes of the
condensed phase is small
H = U; =0
∂P T
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