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NOTES (2020- 2021)
Section : Boys’/Girls’ Date : 25-05-2021
Class & Div. : XI (All Divisions) Subject: CHEMISTRY
Lesson / Topic: UNIT III Classification of Elements and Periodicity
1) What is the basic theme of organisation in the periodic table?
The basic theme of organisation of elements in the periodic table is to classify the elements in periods and
groups according to their properties. This arrangement makes the study of elements and their compounds
simple and systematic. In the periodic table, elements with similar properties are placed in the same group.
a) Moseley proposed .It is based on atomic number.
b) Moseley did an experiment in which he bombarded high speed electron on different metal
surfaces and obtained X-rays. He found out that   Z where  = frequency of X-rays, Z =
atomic number.
2) What is the basic difference in approach between the Mendeleev’s Periodic Law and the
Modern Periodic Law?
Mendeleev’s Periodic Law states that the physical and chemical properties of elements are periodic functions
of their atomic weights. On the other hand, the Modern periodic Law states that the physical and chemical
properties of elements are periodic functions of their atomic numbers.
3) State the Modern periodic law:
The physical & chemical properties of elements are the periodic function of their atomic number.
(It is also called as 'Bohr, Bury & Rang, Werner Periodic Table)
o It is based on the Bohr-Bury electronic configuration concept and atomic number.
o This model is proposed by Rang & Werner
o 7 periods and 18 vertical columns (groups)
4) Why do elements in the same group have similar physical and chemical properties?
Elements belonging to same group having same number of electrons in the outermost shell so their
properties are similar

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(Classification of Elements and Periodicity)
▪ Description of periods

5) On the basis of quantum numbers, justify that the sixth period of the periodic table should
have 32 elements.
• In the 6th period, electrons can be filled in only 6s, 4f, 5d, and 6 p sub shells. Now, 6s has one orbital,
4f has seven orbital’s, 5d has five orbital’s, and 6p has three orbital’s. Therefore, there are a total of
sixteen (1 + 7 + 5 + 3 = 16) orbital’s available.
• According to Pauli’s exclusion principle, each orbital can accommodate a maximum of 2 electrons.
Thus, 16 orbital’s can accommodate a maximum of 32 electrons. Hence, the sixth period of the
periodic table should have 32 elements.
▪ Nomenclature of elements
a) IUPAC gave names to elements above atomic number 100 as follows

b) In all the elements, suffix is – ium. Ex.

▪ Electronic configuration of elements in group

The periodic table is divided into 4 blocks based on the type of orbital’s that are being filled
6) The general outer electronic configuration s, p, d, & f block elements
s-block : ns1-2 p-block : ns2np1-6 d block : ns2 (n-1)d1-10
f-block : ns2 (n-1)d1(n-2)f1-14

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(Classification of Elements and Periodicity)

• The elements of the periodic table in which the last electron enters in s-orbital, are called s-
block elements.
• General electronic configuration is ns1-2 .Group 1:- ns1 and group 2 :- ns2
• s-orbital can accommodate a maximum of two electrons. 1 ST group elements are known as
alkali metals because they react with water to form alkali. 2nd group elements are known as
alkaline earth metals because their oxides react with water to form alkali and these are found
in the soil or earth
• Their general formulae are ns1 and ns2 respectively, where n = (1 to 7)
• They lose the outermost electron(s) readily to form 1+ ion (in the case of alkali metals) or 2+
ion (in the case of alkaline earth metals).
• They are not found pure in nature because these are most reactive metals .Metallic nature and
reactivity increases as we go down the group
• The elements of the periodic table in which the last electron gets filled up in the p-orbital, called
p-block elements.
• p-orbital can accommodate a maximum of six electrons. Therefore, p-block elements are divided
into six groups which are group 13 ,14,15,16,17 and zero group.
• The general formula of p-block elements is ns2 p1-6 (where n = 2 to 6)
• Most of them are nonmetals. They form both ionic and covalent compounds
▪ Bromine is non metal liquid
• The elements of the periodic table in which the last electron gets filled up in the d-orbital,
called d-block elements.
• The d-block elements are placed in the groups number 3 to 12
• In d-block elements the electron gets filled up in the d-orbital of the penultimate shell.
• d-block elements lie between s & p block elements. Transition metals form a bridge
between the chemically active metals of s-block elements and the less active elements of
Groups 13 and 14 and thus take their familiar name “Transition Elements
• The general formula of these elements is d block : ns2 (n-1)d1-10where n = 4 to 7.
• All of these elements are metals. They mostly form coloured ions, exhibit variable
valence (oxidation states), para magnetism and used as catalysts.
• Out of all the d-block elements, mercury is the only liquid element.

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(Classification of Elements and Periodicity)
▪ The element of the periodic table in which the last electron gets filled up in the f-orbital,
called f-block elements.
▪ The f-block elements are from atomic number 58 to 71 and from 90 to 103.
▪ The lanthanides occur in nature in low abundance and therefore, these are called rare
earth elements.
▪ There are 28 f-block elements in the periodic table.
▪ The elements from atomic number 58 to 71 are called lanthanides because they come
after lanthanum The elements from 90 to 103 are called actinides because they come
after actinium (89).All the actinide elements are radioactive.
▪ All the elements after atomic number 92 (i.e. U92) are transuranic elements.
▪ The general formula of these elements f-block : ns2 (n-1)d1(n-2)f1-14
7) Lanthanoids and actinoids are placed separately in the periodic table .Why?
To maintain the structure of periodic table, They show horizontal similarity
8) What are Representative Elements or Main Group Elements?
s-Block Elements together with the S Block Elements are called the Representative Elements or Main
Group Elements
▪ Determination of period, block and group of an element
a) Period number: The period no. of the element can be predicted from the principal quantum no. (ns) of
the valence shell.
b) Block number: Last electron enter in which orbital is knows as block no. .
c) Group number: It is predicted from the number of electrons in the valence shell and penultimate shell.

9) Give the electronic configuration and in terms of period group and block where would you
locate the elements with Z= 17, 19. 24, 26
S.No z Electronic configuration period Block Group
2 5
1 17 [Ne]3s 3p 3 p 10+2+5=17
2. 19 [Ar] 4s1 4 s 1
1 5
3 24 [Ar] 4s 3d 4 d 1+5=6
2 6
4 26 [Ar] 4s 3d 4 d 2+6=8

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(Classification of Elements and Periodicity)
10) Give five properties each of s, p, d, & f block elements.
11) Assign the position of the element having outer electronic configuration (i) ns 2np4 for n=3
(ii)(n-1)d2ns2 (iii)(n-2)f 7 (n-1)d1ns2 for n=6 in the periodic table.
S.No Electronic period Block Group
1 ns2np4 for n=3 3 p 10+2+4=16
2 (n-1)d2ns2 for n=4 4 d 2+2=4
7 1 2
3 n-2)f (n-1)d ns for 6 f 3
n=6 in the periodic

12) Periodicity = repeating patterns of chemical and physical properties.

Causes of periodicity : The cause of periodicity in properties is due to the same outermost shell
electronic configuration coming at regular intervals.
▪ Valence shell e–suffer force of attraction due to nucleus and force of repulsion due to inner shell
electrons. The decrease in force of attraction on valence e– due to inner shell e– is called
screening effect or shielding effect.(i.e. total repulsive force is called shielding effect.)
▪ Due to screening effect. valence shell e– experiences less force of attraction exerted by
nucleus.(i.e. total attraction force experienced by valence e– is called Zeff.)
▪ There is a reduction in nuclear charge due to screening effect. Reduced nuclear charge is called
effective nuclear charge.

14) ATOMIC RADIUS : The average distance of valence shell e– from nucleus is called atomic
radius. It is very difficult to measure the atomic radius
a) Covalent radius : One half of the distance between the nuclei (internuclear distance) of two covalently bonded
atoms in homodiatomic molecule is called the covalent radius of that atom.
b) Metallic Radius : Metal atoms are assumed to be closely packed spheres in the metallic crystal. One half of the
internuclear distance between the two closest metal atoms in the metallic crystal is called metallic radius.
c) Van Der Wall's Radius or Collision radius : One half of the distance between the nuclei of two adjacent
atoms belonging to two neighbouring molecules of a compound in the solid state is called van der walls radius.
Van der wall's radius > Metallic radius > Covalent radius

F 061, Rev 01, dtd 10thMarch 2020

(Classification of Elements and Periodicity)

▪ Periodic variation of atomic radius

a) Across a period : It decreases from left to right in a period due to effect of successive
increasing nuclear change without addition of a new shell.
Ex. Li > Be > B > C > N > O > F < Ne
b) In a group :It increases from top to bottom in a group due to successive addition of shell.
Ex. Li < Na < K < Rb < Cs
c) Noble gases large radius than group 17 due to complete filling of electrons in outer shell
electron-electron repulsion mildy increases and vanderwal radius is larger.
▪ Ionic Radius : A neutral atom changes to a cation by the loss of one or more electrons and to
an anion by the gain of one or more electrons.
a) Cation radius < Atomic radius due to more no. of protons than number of electron an
electron effective nuclear charge increases size decreases. [Mg2+ < Mg+1 < Mg]
b) Anion radius > Atomic radius: Due to more number of electron than number of protons.
Electron-Electron repulsion increases, an electron effective nuclear charge of attraction
decreases. [N3- > O2- > F-]
a) Isoelectronic species .A series of atoms, ions and molecules in which each species contains
same number of electrons but different nuclear charge is called isoelectronic series.

▪ Number of electrons is same. Number of protons is increasing. So the effective nuclear

charge is increasing and atomic size is decreasing.
▪ In an isoelectronic series atomic size decreases with the increase of charge. Some of the
examples of isoelectronic series are as under.

F 061, Rev 01, dtd 10th March 2020

(Classification of Elements and Periodicity)
1) What do you understand by isoelectronic species? Name a species that will be isoelectronic with
each of the following atoms or ions. (i) F– (ii) Ar (iii)Mg2+ (iv)Rb+
2) Consider the following species: N3– , O2–, F–, Na+, Mg2+ and Al3+
(a) What is common in them? (b)Arrange them in the order of increasing ionic radii.
3) Explain why cations are smaller and anions larger in radii than their parent atoms?
15) Ionization energy: The energy required to remove electron from outer most shell of an atom in
its isolated gaseous state. (Isolated → Without any bonding with other atom)
M(g) → M+(g) + e-
▪ Factors affecting ionisation potential
a) Atomic size

b) Effective nuclear charge ( Zeff)

c) Penetration power of sub shells

Order of attraction of subshells towards nucleus (Penetration power) is s > p > d > f\

d) Stability of half filled and fully filled orbital’s

Noble gases are having highest I.E due to completely filled outer shell

Nitrogen has a half filled p sub shell

▪ Variation in groups and periods
a) Variation in a period :The first ionization enthalpy generally increases as we go across a
period because i) Size decreases ii) Effective nuclear charge increases
b) Variation in a group among the representative elements : The ionisation energy generally
decreases in moving from top to bottom because the size increases due to the increase of the
principal quantum number

c) Successive Ionisation Energy( )

F 061, Rev 01, dtd 10th March 2020

(Classification of Elements and Periodicity)
a) Ionization enthalpy of Be greater than
Boron Why?
2 2
4Be- 1s 2s
2 2 1
5B -1s ,2s ,2p
▪ Be has stable configuration and more
Penetration power of 2s orbital experience
more effective nuclear charge
▪ 2s shields 2p orbital which experience more
effective nuclear charge
b) Ionization enthalpy of greater
than oxygen

7N -1s2 2s2 2p3

▪ Lowest I.E : Alkali metals
▪ Highest I.E: Noble gases 8O -1s2 2s2 2p4
▪ the isotopes of an element have the same ▪ N has stable half filled configuration. There
number of protons and electrons. Therefore, fore electron removal is difficult.
▪ In oxygen, due to e-e repulsion ,its removal is
the first ionization enthalpy for two isotopes easy
of the same element should be the same.

▪ Questions based on Ionization Enthalpy its Variation and factors affecting it.
1) Define Ionization enthalpy. Give its unit.
2) What is the significance of the terms - ‘isolated gaseous atom’ and ‘ground state’ while defining
the ionization enthalpy and electron gain enthalpy
3) Explain the term successive ionization energies.
4) How does the Ionization vary in a period and in a group? How do you explain the variation?
5) Among the second period elements the actual ionization enthalpies are in the order
6) Explain why (i) Be has higher ionization enthalpy than B.
i. (ii)O has lower ionization enthalpy than N and F?
7) How would you explain the fact the first ionization enthalpy of sodium is lower than that of
Magnesium but its second ionization enthalpy is higher than that of Magnesium?
8) What are the various factors due to which the ionization enthalpy of the main group elements
tends to decrease down a group?
9) Would you expect the first ionization enthalpy for two isotopes of the same element to be same
or different? Justify your answer.
▪ Negative electron Gain Enthalpy (ΔegH)/ ELECTRON AFFINITY
The amount of energy released when an electron is added to the outermost shell of one mole of
an Isolated gaseous atom in its lower energy state.

▪ 1st Negative electron Gain Enthalpy is exothermic

F 061, Rev 01, dtd 10th March 2020

(Classification of Elements and Periodicity)
▪ 2nd Negative electron Gain Enthalpy is endothermic, when second electron will be added to
gaseous anion against the electrostatic repulsion between the electron being added and the
gaseous anion.

Note : Oxygen 2nd electron gain enthalpy is positive

▪ Factors affecting electron affinity

Periodic variation of electron affinity

• In a period: The effective nuclear charge increases and the size decreases with the increase of atomic
number in a period..
• In a group : For the representative elements, in moving down in a group generally the electron affinity
falls down with the increases of atomic number because the size gradually increases due to addition of
new shell
• Exceptions
a) The theoretical value of the electron affinity of zero group i.e. inert gas elements is zero due to stable ns2
np6 configuration.
b) Group 17 elements (the halogens) have very high negative electron gain enthalpies because they can
attain stable noble gas electronic configurations by picking up an electron
c) F < Cl, O < S, N < P, B < Al. Though the electrostatic attractive pull towards the nucleus favours the 2nd
period elements more compared to the corresponding 3rd period elements, the added electron creates an
unfavourable effect, i.e. electron-electron repulsion, which is more for the 2nd period elements because of
their smaller sizes. This repulsive force is not so large in the 3rd period elements because of their
larger size.

F 061, Rev 01, dtd 10th March 2020

(Classification of Elements and Periodicity)
1) Define the term electron gain enthalpy.
2) How does the electron gain enthalpy in a period and in a group? How do you explain
the variation?
3) Would you expect the second electron gain enthalpy of O as positive, more negative or
less negative than the first? Justify your answer?
4) Which of the following pairs of elements would have a more negative electron gain
enthalpy? (i) O or F (ii)F or Cl (iii) O or S.Give reason to support your answer
5) Which of the following will have the most negative electron gain enthalpy and which
the least negative? P, S, Cl, F.Explain your answer.

The tendency of an atom to attract shared electrons towards itself is called electronegativity.
▪ Difference between electronegavity and Electron Affinity

▪ Factors Affecting electronegativity

Periodic Variation
(a) In a period : In moving from left to right in a period, the size gradually contracts and the effective nuclear
charge increases. This is why, the electronegativity gradually increases with the increase of atomic number in a
period up to the group 17 elements.

F 061, Rev 01, dtd 10th March 2020

(Classification of Elements and Periodicity)
(b) In a group : In the representative elements, in moving down in a group, the size increase while Zeff per
electron at the periphery remains almost constant. This is why, the electronegativity generally falls in a group
with the increase of atomic number.
Periodicity of Valence

Using the
Periodic Table, predict the formulas of compounds which might be formed by the following pairs of
elements; (a) silicon and bromine (b) aluminium and sulphur
Variation of properties down the group and across the period
properties Down the group Across the period
Atomic radii Increases decreases
Metallic character Increases decreases
Non Metallic character Decreases Increases
Electronegativity Decreases Increases
Electron gain enthalpy Decreases Increases
Ionization Enthalpy Decreases Increases

▪ The increasing order of reactivity among group 1 elements is Li < Na < K < Rb <Cs whereas
that among group 17 elements is F > CI > Br > I. Explain.

F 061, Rev 01, dtd 10th March 2020


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