Btech Ce 3 Sem Surveying Ce 302 2019

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CS/B. Tech. }CEICVE/Odd/ SEM-3CE-302/2018-19 MAULANA ABUL KALAM AZAD UNIVERSITY OF ‘TECHNOLOGY, WEST BENGAL Paper Code ; CE-302 SURVEYING Time Alloted: 3 Hours Full Marks: 70 The figures in the margin indicate full marks. Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words. as far as practicable. Group-A (Multipte Choice Type Questions} 1. Choose the correct alternatives for any ten of the following: 1xt0=10 (i) The process of determining the location of the station (on the map) occupied by the plane table is known as_http:/ (a) intersection (b) three point problem (c) traversing (4) resection (ii) In a closed traverse with five sides, the error found from the fore bearing and back bearing of the last line is +2°, the correction to the third line will be (a) 0°24" (by 048" F(c) O12 (d) 1°36 ii) The multiplication constant for the tacheometer is (a) fli (b) i/f (©) fia (a) fra (iv) Atthe equator the dip of the needle is (a) (b) 90° was (a) 130" (8) The face lett position is also called http://www (ay telescope upward (b) telescope downward fe) telescope normal (d) telescope inverted 7972 Turn Over CS/B.Tech /CE/CVE/Odd/ SEM-3#CE+302/2018-19 (vi) The radius of u one-degree curve is (a) 1719 m fc) 2000.m (b) 1760 m @) 2719 (vii) The stadia diaphragm is provided for measuring _hmtp:// (a) elevation (©) horizontal dista (b) reduced bearing (4) WCB (viii) A theodolite in which the telescope can be revolved through a complete revolution in a vertical plane is known as a (#) transit theodolite (c) tilting theodolite (ix) Working edge of an alidade is known as (a) fiducial edge (c) parallel edge () The principle of chain surveying is (ay traversing (e) parallelism (b) non-transit theodolite (d) moving theodolite (b) bevelled edge (d) graduated edge (b) (iangulat (d) None of these «xi)_ Which of the following marks the end of a chain line? (a) Arrow (c) Ranging rod (b) Peg (4) Cross stat (xtiy When higher values are inside the loop, in indicates (a) hill (e) stoping ground Group - 8 b) pond (d) depression (Short Answer Type Questions) Answer any three of the following, 2. What is orientation? Describe 3. The fore and back bearing of declination at the place is kno system, amy ene method of orientation. tp a line AB were obs. erved to be NAg°4: wn ta be 1°55'W, find the true bea Sx3=15 Awww 48°45'E and S58°12'E. If the magnetic ating of the lines in whole circle bearing CS/B. Tech JCE/CVE/Oddl/ SEM-3/CE-302/2018-19 4. Mention the distance formulae for findi Jistances using a theodolite for a horizontal line of sight? Find the stadia constants K and C from the following data where the line of sight was horizontal in both cases: _ Instrument at | Observation to | Distance Staff readings | r Tt | 54, 1-623, ° A 70m 1454 1623, _ 1-789 | 272, 1-735, o B 150. rr " | " | 2.157 v5. A 30 m chain was tested before the commencement of the day's work and found to be correct. After chaining 940 m the chain was found to be 0-07 m too long. Al the end of day's work, after chaining a total distance of 1376 m the chain was found to be 0-12 m too long. What was the truc distance chained? 6. The following perpendicutar offsets were taken from a chain Fine to a irregular boundary 0 10 20 0 | 50 3 40 | si | ses | 62 | 635 Offer (my Find the area by Tra xe7oidal method and Simpson's Method. http:/ nswer any three of the following. 15x3=45 7. (a) The following are the bearings taken on a closed compass traverse. Compute the intemal angles and correct them for observational errors. Also find out the corrected bearings of the lines applying the correction for local attraction: Line BB. AB 259700" BC 301°50" cD 350°30° 23010" 49°30" i ~ | S100 Bes (b) What is ‘closing error" in a waverse traverse with proper diagram. http:/ plain the Bowditeh’s cule to eliminate closing error in a 10+S=15 CS/B Tech /CE/CVE/Odd/ SEM-3/CE-3 8. 10. MM. 12/2018-19 (a) Briefly mention the fundamental adjustments of a theodolite (b) In a tacheometrie survey the following observations were taken where the staff was held vertically upon the point and the instrument is fitted with an analytical lens and the constant of the instrument being 100. Compute the RL of Q and the distance between P and Q: Instrument | Height of Staff Vertical Staff readings (m) Remark Station | Instrument | Station Angle __ [oa 145 _ 20" | 1-315, 1.775, 2225 | BL M45 6°30" _ | 0-865, 1-680, 2.350 | RL of BM=220 m | Q 1-40 I P P24 1-615, 2-335, 2-715 - 7 S+10=15 (a) Derive the relation between radius and degree of curve? http:/ ¢b) A two lane pavement on a National Highway has a curve of radius 235 m, where wwo tangents intersect at a chainage of 1-350 m. The angle of intersection is 160° and peg intervals were taken as 20 m. Calculate all the necessary data for setting out the curve by preparing a setting out table when the least count of the vernier is 20". S+10=18 Write short notes for the followings (any fiver 3x5=15 (a) Well conditioned triangle (b) Local attraction (c) Plane and geodetic survey (@) Contour interval (e) Latitude and departure (f) Errors in tacheometry (g) Transition curve http://ww.makaut com (a) The following staff readings were observed successively with a level, the instrument having been moved after third, sixth and eighth readings: 2-225, 1-605, 0-995, 2-090, 2-865, 1-265, 0.600, 1-985, 1-045, 2.685 m, Enter the above readings in a page of level book and calculate the reduced levels of all the points ifthe first reading was taken with a staff held on benchmark of 135-75 m. /(b) What do you mean by face left and face right observation? Why both the observations are required? 1O#(2#3)=15

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