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Name Murphy (Chase) Morgan Player Ajod1331 height 5'11

Age 18 Patron The Morrígan weight 185


1 Origin Music Prodigy Empathy Culture Persuasion

2 Role Straight edge punk Close Combat Athletics Integrity
3 Pantheon The Battle Crows Lucky son Close Combat Culture Occult

Path Contact Tags Access

Music Prodigy
Straight edge punk
The Battle Crows Lucky son

Academics ooooo Athletics OOooo Close Combat OOOOO Mosh pits
Culture OOOOo Music Groups Empathy Ooooo Firearms ooooo
Integrity OOooo Leadership ooooo Medicine ooooo
Occult OOOoo Urban legends Persuasion OOooo Pilot Ooooo
Science ooooo Subterfuge OOooo Survival ooooo
Technology Ooooo

Mental 2 Physical 6 Social 4
X Force Intellect OOOoo Might OOOOo Presence OOOoo
Finesse Cunning OOOoo Dexterity OOOOo Manipulation OOOoo
Resilience Resolve OOooo Stamina OOOoo Composure OOOoo

Honor Virtue Prowess Legend Momentum

X o

Pantheon Magic flows from verse and satire.
Teanga préachán Birds of a Feather must flock together
Motorcycle Jacket of Terror The Strength of fear can even terrorize the strongest hearts
Deireadh sciobtha A swift end with a just edge

Condtions and Fate bindings

name Descriptor condtion
geis You are under a Being under a geis is a Condition that requires you to obey a prohibition on
geis. certain behavior or follow a specific rule. You gain a 1 Momentum whenever
Must take a obeying your geis causes trouble. Breaking a geis resolves the Condition, and
trophy from a causes you to lose all points of Legend (including those imbued in Boons and
foe I have marvels). Mortals who break a geis are instead drawn into a life-or-death situation
defeated. by Fate.
The Riastradh Your body warps into a nightmarish mass of muscle and sinew, like something
Riastradh from a horror film: Eyes pop, joints invert, hairs become daggers. You can barely
distinguish friend from foe; and once you’ve eliminated the latter, you continue to
fight the former.
System: All of your intimidation rolls or strength based attacks gain Scale as if
you’d invoked your Legendary Title, along with the Shockwave tag. Any time this
causes harm to your allies, gain a point of momentum. This does not stack with
other supernatural sources of Scale.
Resolve: You are immersed completely in cold water. Alternatively, you can wear
yourself out in a massive act of destruction damaging something of similar Scale
(e.g. a car, a building, or a mountain).

Calling Keywords Title
Sage Expert
Trickster Cunning, rascal
Warrior Sharp, terrifying


Name Tags
Motorcycle Jacket of Terror Armored: (Soft 1) (1), Innocuous


Name Tags Enhancement

Deireadh sciobtha Lethal, Melee, Brutal, Piercing, Two-Handed, Unconcealable 2

Health Conditions
X Bruised +1
Bruised +1
Injured +2
Mamied +4
Taken out -

Callings And Knacks

Calling Sage Dots

Name Skill Summary Ooooo
You always know when you are near an object or place of true magical or
sacred power. How this manifests is up to you. Ask the Storyguide if an
Presence of magic object is magical or sacred, and she must tell you honestly “yes” or “no.”
This bypasses the need to make any kind of Occult roll to identify a place
or object of magical or sacred power.

Calling Trickster Dots

Name Skill Summary OOooo
When you disguise yourself, you do without needing to roll. You have the
option to change your hair, skin, and eye color, apparent gender, and
In Sheep’s height within a few inches, but cannot assume the exact appearance of
Clothing someone else. The disguise cannot be seen through, though your
mannerisms and turn of phrase may give you away. At Storyguide
discretion, Knack Skill rolls may be required to blend in.
When you are the target of a scam or a lie, you recognize that a deception
Takes One to is taking place. You do not know what the truth is, but you instinctively
Know One understand that you are in the company of liars and cheaters. Whether or
not you call out the cheat on his dishonest actions is up to you.
Standard prisons or manacles cannot contain you, and you may Imbue for
Escape Artist Scale to get out of any confinement: a supermax prison, a labyrinth, the
confines of an Underworld.

Calling Warrior Dots

Name Skill Summary OOooo
At the beginning of the session, choose one of your weapons to be your
favored weapon. When you use your favored weapon, add a number of
Master of additional Tag points to it up to your Warrior Calling. These do not have
Weapons to fit the weapon’s existing profile: A sword can be made to strike at Far
range, for example. Spend Momentum to switch the benefit to another
weapon. Negative cost Tags cannot be purchased with this Knack.
Whenever you successfully deal Injury with your Knack Skill, you also
Enhanced Close
knock the target back one range band. This does not do any extra damage,
Impact Combat
but can put someone in a tight spot.
Like Cuchulain, you have mastered the horrifying “warp spasm.” Once
per session, you may imbue a Legend point to frenzy yourself into the
The Riastradh
Riadstradh Condition as a Simple action. If you break a geis under the
Condition, it resolves immediately and the legend becomes spent.

Relic Knacks
Name Calling Skill Relic Summary Dots

Guide Kncaks
Name Calling Skill Guide Summary Dots

Name(title) Rating ooooo
Skills Calling
Stunt Purview

Relic Teanga préachán(The Crows tongue)

Name Teanga préachán Rating Ooooo
Description A Celtic Brooch Covered in Knot work Motif Birds of a Feather must flock together
and crows in flight.
Enhancement 1 E to convince Crows to do things for Purview Beast
Knacks Flaws -2 Once per arc, The Morrígna requires a
favor; gain the Paying Tribute Condition
Other powers

Relic Motorcycle jacket of terror

Name Motorcycle jacket of terror Rating Ooooo
Description A Motorcycle jacket covered in metal Motif The Strength of fear can even terrorize the
scales painted black. Taken from a biker strongest hearts
scion who attacked him. Scion of Raijin
Taken from biker a Scion of Raijin
after a fight for hitting on biker sister in
a club. During the fight the biker called
lighting down and set Chase on fire
destroing his jacket. Chase took biker
jacket as a replacment.
Enhancement Purview Epic Strength, Passion(fear)
Knacks Flaws - 3Each time the Relic is used, roll a die with
target number 4 to determine whether it
functions or not
-2 All Difficulties to use Relic increase by 1
for the scene if it’s exposed to fire
Other powers Base armor: Armored: (Soft 1) (1),
Innocuous. Added Resistant (2)
Relic A quick end
Name Deireadh sciobtha Rating OOooo
Description A very long two-handed saber. Made Motif A swift end with a just edge
out of a meteorite and filled with the
speed and grace of a Falcon. Deireadh
sciobtha (A quick end) was orginaly
know as the falcons beak used by a
scoin of Tyr who fell out of favor with
his father for not living up to his
standers and failing to bring justice and
save mortal under his care. Attacking
Chase Morgan after a gig at a club
while getting food The scion of Tyr lost
the fight and the saber was taken as a
Enhancement + 1 General E Purview Epic Dexterity
Knacks Flaws 2 Flashy Complication, as follows.
Flashy (rank 2 Complication): Whenever you
use this weapon to attack or channel a
Purview, the effects are obvious and attention
catching in some way appropriate to the
Result: Using this weapon obviates mundane
stealth of any kind and requires a Clash of
Wills to maintain magical stealth (even
potentially against yourself). In general, all
eyes and ears are on you.
Other powers Base weapon: Lethal, Melee, Brutal,
Piercing, Two-Handed, Unconcealable

Name Dots Archetype Tags
Francis and the fellas OOOoo Consultant, Entourage Group, Mob, Archetype

Name Dots Powers

Purview's and boons

Purview's Innate power Boons
Geasa You are under a geis. If you break it or otherwise resolve the Condition, the
Storyguide should arrange for you to fall under another either from a
Tuatha or fellow Scion, one of the sidhe, the biting words of a poet, or
simply mythic circumstance. You take on a second such geis upon
becoming a Demigod, and a third upon becoming a God.
Fortune You can sense the presence of Fatebindings when you interact with Nine Lives
someone. If you later meet the other “half” of a binding that you have
already sensed, you can tell the two characters are bound together. You can
also sense when a Prophet or Sorcerer manipulates Fate with their Knacks
or other powers, identifying them as the one responsible even if the effect
cannot normally be perceived.
Beasts Animals will never attack or harm you, unless they are compelled by magic Leader of the
or Legendary creatures themselves. pack
Epic Dexterity So long as you continue to move towards a destination, you walk, run, or
leap with effortless grace. Any surfaces solid or liquid hold your weight as
if you weighed no more than a feather, and you may effortlessly scale or
descend vertical surfaces without a need for
a handhold.
Epic Strength You have +1 Scale for purposes of lifting, breaking, or carrying large
objects. You can use Might in place of Presence for intimidation, seduction,
or building Bonds of camaraderie.
Passion You see into the hearts of others, gaining Enhancement 3 on Assess Attitude
rolls. If you observe someone who has a Bond towards another character
present in the scene, you intuit the Bond’s existence.

Name Cost Duration Subject Action Description
Leader of the Imbue 1 Legend Indefinite Self Simple You can speak to and understand all
pack animals. Animals that don’t have a
Legend rating treat their Attitude
towards you as one point higher when
determining whether you can persuade
them to take on a task. This does not
stack with other magical Attitude
Once you reclaim the Legend from this
Boon, your animal helpers will still try
to complete your requests, but may
become distractible or less reliable, at
the Storyguide’s discretion.
Nine Lives Imbue 1 Legend One scene Self Simple Your luck is strong enough to survive
impossible accidents and deadly
firefights. You add +1 Defense against
attacks and have Enhancement 2 on
any roll where you could suffer
physical harm as a direct result of
failing it.

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