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20/1/22 17:39 Learn Nauli Kriya In 9 Steps And Transmute Your Sexual Energy

Learn Nauli
Kriya In 9 Steps
And Transmute
Your Sexual
b y S t e f f o S h a m b o | N a u l i K r i y a , S u b l i m a t i o n , Ta n t ra Yo g a

Is it Nauli Kriya or is it Alien Yoga?

If you follow yoga trends on social media, you’ll surely have come
across the latest stomach contortion craze sweeping the internet. 1/17
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People across platforms are raving about this new “Alien Yoga.”

The strange name comes from the seemingly out-of-this-world

control yogis have over their abdominal muscles. Some of the
abdominal contraction we see in people doing nauli kriya is really
quite something!

So what is Alien Yoga exactly?

Contrary to its viral name, there’s nothing extra-terrestrial about

this classic yoga move.

Classical Hatha Yoga refers to it as Nauli Kriya. It’s a term that can
be traced back to the yoga text Hatha Yoga Pradipika from the 15th

And one that often illustrates as a rocky boat on a stormy sea – as

can be seen in this Nauli Kriya video:

Nauli is one of the six practices from the Satkarma Kriya system.
Also known as the six cleansing techniques for the body.

The Satkarmas are thought of as a way to purify the body for subtler
yogic practices such as breathing techniques and meditation. 2/17
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According to renowned author and yogic scholar James Mallinson,

Satkarma translates to ‘the six magical acts’ in tantric tradition.

These acts, or techniques, were considered to be able to cure several

diseases of the physical body, as well as being able to clear and
control the mind.

The 6 Cleansing Techniques: Satkarma

1. Netī (nasal cleansing using either water or a thin string)

2. Dhautī (cleansing of the digestive tract)

3. Naulī (movement of the abdominal muscles)

4. Basti (enema)

5. Kapālabhātī (vigorous breathing)

6. Trāṭaka (focusing of the eyes at a singular point)

“These six techniques, which purify the body, should be kept

secret. They confer wonderful abilities and are esteemed by the
best yogis.” – Hatha Pradipika 2.23

It is mentioned in the yogic texts that reaching higher levels of

Tantric Hatha yoga is difficult without the proper practice of the
above-mentioned purification techniques.

The Benefits of Nauli Kriya

It’s one of the most vigorous exercises from Hatha Yoga. 3/17
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“It always stokes a sluggish [digestive] fire, fixes the digestion and
so on, and brings joy. It removes all imbalances and diseases. This
nauli is the crown of hatha techniques.” – Hathapradipika 2.32-35

This yoga practice refers to intestinal cleansing, which creates a

robust purification in the abdominal region and organs. And as such
is considered to be the best technique for abdominal cleansing.

Let’s take a further look at some of the benefits:

1. It improves digestion and activates your inner energy

and fire, which further burns away negative thoughts
from your mind.

2. The inner abdominal organs – the spleen, kidneys,

pancreas, gall-bladder, and the adrenal glands are all
stimulated which restore their proper functioning.

3. The use of the abdominal muscles strengthens them,

resulting in a flatter and more toned belly.

4. The vigorous movement of the abdominal muscles also

decreases constipation and bloating! It is pretty common
to feel the need to use the bathroom after an intense
Nauli session, thus making Nauli a pretty useful tool to
turn to when you feel constipated.

5. According to the Ayurvedic science of medicine, Nauli

balances the three main characters of the body; Vata
(wind), Kapha (mucus), and Pitta (bile).

How Wim Hof Uses the Brain to

Control the Nervous System

Performing Nauli by excreting control over the abdominal muscles

also stimulates the nerves in the abdominal region. In turn, this 4/17
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positively affects the nervous system.

This stimulation serves as a bridge between the voluntary and the

involuntary nervous system.

That bridging is generally what advanced yogis do to take control of

various processes of their being. This is usually considered

This control reflects how the Dutch athlete Wim Hof can withstand
extreme cold. An aspect he attributes to his yoga-inspired breathing

Wim Hof has proven under multiple scientific tests that he can
voluntarily shut down functions of his body, and activate his nervous
system on command.

This recent scientific research on Wim Hof is the new proof of what
ancient Yogis and Tantrikas of India and Tibet were able to discover
thousands of years ago.

Nauli Kriya Balances Manipura Chakra

Practice nauli in the morning. Before breakfast and on an empty

stomach is best. This is a great way to jump-start your day.

Nauli tends to give you a boost of fire energy. This is because it

activates and purifies your navel (solar plexus) chakra – the
Manipura, which governs the fire element. Trust me, it’s better than
an espresso!

“The technique called nauli [purifies] the Manipura [chakra] in the

navel.” – Hatharatnavali 1.63

Once the Manipura chakra is balanced and purified, your emotions

associated with this chakra, such as anxiety and stress, will also ease 5/17
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You’ll further find feelings such as vigor and dynamism will have

How to Perform the Nauli Kriya

It’s an advanced yogic practice that involves mastering several

techniques and then merging them together into one wave-like

1. Breath retention called bahya kumbhaka,

2. The abdominal lock called uddiyana bandha,

3. The isolation of three different muscle groups of the

abdominis – the central pillar, left pillar, and right pillar of
the abdomen.

“With the shoulders rounded, the yogi should, with a fast and
forceful rotation, revolve the belly left and right. The adepts
call this nauli.” – Hathapradipika 2.32-35

Let’s break it down into 9 steps: 6/17
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1. Begin by entering the starting position:

Stand with legs shoulder-width apart and toes slightly pointed

Hinge forward at the hips, placing hands on the thighs above
slightly bent knees.
Fingers must point inwards and towards each other, placed just
above, but not resting on the knees.
The spine must remain straight in alignment – neither curved
nor arched.

2. Take three preparatory deep breaths, to warm-up your lungs.

3. With a strong exhalation through the mouth, crouch down into

a squatting position to expel all air from the lungs.

Hold your breath without inhaling. One void retention equals

one performance of Nauli.

4. Rise back up to the starting position again, this time without

air in the lungs.

In the beginning, it is helpful to look down at your bare

abdomen to see what is going on. 7/17
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5. Perform ‘uddiyana bandha’ - the abdominal lock.

Pull the belly in and upwards, pulling it close to the spine to

create a concave underneath the rib cage.
When done correctly, your chest and shoulders will naturally
lift up towards your head.

6. Isolate the muscles of the middle abdominal area, creating a

pillar coming out. That stretches from the base of the pelvic
floor up until the rib cage. This step is called Madhyama-nauli.

It can be difficult to learn how to control muscles that you’ve

never used before so have patience.
Placing a mirror on the floor under you can help you to learn to
control the abdominal muscles. With the visual aspect added,
things become easier.
For beginners, it can help to practice ‘pumping’ the stomach
while holding the breath. This entails rapidly performing
uddiyana bandha (step 5) and releasing it, several times during
one breath retention. 8/17
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7. Balance your body weight towards the left side by leaning

onto your left arm. Move the middle pillar of your abdominal
muscles to the left side. This is called the Vama-nauli.

Repeat with the right side which is called the Daksina-nauli, as

demonstrated in the above image.
After mastering Nauli Kriya, leaning your body to one arm will
not be necessary any longer. It’s mainly to help you find and
isolate the side muscles.

8. Combine the three pillars into one churning wave movement.

Once you begin to gain control over all three pillars, it will be
quite easy to combine them to create the wave-like movement.
It’s important to perform equal amounts of the wave movement
on both sides to equalize the polarity of the energy. So, for
instance, if you do 7 waves to the left, also do 7 waves to the

9. At the end of the equalized wave movement, you can add a

few rounds - usually three - of the middle pillar 'pump'
movement before releasing the practice.

You do this by performing the middle pillar and releasing the

middle pillar. 9/17
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It’s almost the same as ‘pumping’ the stomach as we did with

the uddiyana bandha. This time only with the muscles of the
middle pillar. The stomach remains actively engaged at all times
(see image 1), which differs from a flabby stomach from
releasing the muscular tension.
If you really want to feel a strong sensation of the energy
shooting up your spine, hold the last performance of the middle
pillar. Push it out at the end for as long as you possibly can. Go
beyond your comfort zone by holding it a second or two longer
than you are normally able to.

Keep in mind that mastering Nauli Kriya takes time and effort. If
you expect to master it on your first attempt, you will be
disappointed. On average, most people find that it takes about a
month of steady practice to accomplish

How Long Should I Perform Nauli


For beginners, to see the beneficial effects, it is

recommended to start with 3 minutes per day.

Advanced yogis may perform it for 15-30 min per day.

Perform each set for as long as you can hold it.

You are welcome to strive towards 21 (the yogic number)

rounds in each direction – clockwise and anticlockwise –
which makes 42 rounds in total.

When NOT to practice Nauli Kriya 10/17
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Women who are pregnant and children under 12 years of

age should avoid this practice.

People with severe abdominal issues such as an abdominal

tumor should seek the advice of a medical practitioner and
an advanced yoga teacher before attempting this exercise.

Practice on an empty stomach only. And so is best done in

the morning. But it can also be done 4 hours after a meal, or
1.5 hours after a beverage or a cigarette, and at least 8
hours after consuming alcohol.

Water is not considered breaking a fast.

Transmuting Sexual Energy With Nauli


Is your sexual energy feeling suppressed lately? Or is there simply an

air of heaviness around you when it comes to performance? If so,
practicing nauli for just 10 minutes a day can bring a much lighter,
more charged feeling. Even better is to combine nauli kriya with
regular practices of kegels for men. You can read all about the
benefits of kegels in this article I have written on the subject via the
above link.

This positive feeling occurs because it transmutes the frequency of

your energy into a different vibration. Energy that vibrates at a
different frequency, making you feel energized and refreshed.

The power of your focus will direct this energy. Of course, the
direction also depends upon your intention, along with what you
want to increase in your life.

For example, let’s say you need to study for a test, but you’re not
quite feeling up to it. Maybe you feel lazy and lethargic. 11/17
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You could take that gross, heavy energy and turn it into refined
mental energy. Refined mental energy is full of clarity and focus.

Once you have transmuted it, you can focus on your studies. This
new focus comes without feeling distracted by procrastination

A similar transmutation happens with your erotic sexual impulse.

Channeling your inner sexual energy and directing it towards a non-
sexual purpose. With kriyas and pranayama, we can achieve things
like abundance, health, increased digestive fire, and spiritual

This transmutation of life-force energy to the desired outcome is

one of the results that I help men achieve through The Tantric Man

If you are interested in mastering special techniques for transmuting

your sexual energy, watch my free training video for men!

Do you need tips and tricks for your practice of Nauli Kriya?

Post your question or feedback in the comments below and I will be

happy to help!


What is nauli kriya procedure? 

What is nauli and dhauti? 

What exactly is nauli kriya?  12/17
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What are vama and dakshina nauli? 

What are the benefits of nauli kriya? 

In which position is nauli performed? 

How do you master nauli kriya? 

How is basti kriya done? 

When should I practice nauli? 

When to do pre nauli? 

What are the 6 kriyas? 

What is a yogic kriya? 

Which chakra does nauli kriya work on? 

How long should I perform nauli kriya?  13/17
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How long does it take to learn nauli kriya? 

Do you breathe during the stomach vacuum? 

Do stomach vacuums reduce waist size? 

Steffo Shambo
Mentor at Tantric Academy
Steffo is a sex, love, and relationship expert. He is the founder of The
Tantric Man Experience - the #1 love and relationship program for
men in the world. There he helps men in relationships reignite
passion and connection to restore their marriages from the brink of
divorce. While also helping single men attract their dream woman
naturally with success. He's on a mission to guide men towards an
intimate, connected, and meaningful relationship, and end the war
with their sexuality, so they can finally become integrated men,
fathers, brothers, husbands, and leaders in the world.

“It meant a paradigm shift in life.” – Patrik, Sweden

“Life-changing experience.” – Antonio, Italy 14/17
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