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Peyton Ham Autospy; story on Pg.

St. Mary's
County Times


Office Park
Under Fire
2 The County Times Thursday, September 15, 2022




Staffing shortages hobble Charlotte Hall

Veterans Home

King and Kennedy Estates honored for their 50
Kovlcik helps people make connections at Camp
years as a self-built community


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Thursday, September 15, 2022 The County Times St..Marys Local News
St 3

SWAT Detains Suspect

in Business Park
By Guy Leonard
Staff Writer
The county sheriff’s office tacti-
cal team was called out to a situ-
ation in the Abberly Crest com-
munity just off Willows Road to
apprehend a suspect for an alleged
shooting at a nearby business
complex in Lexington Park on
The shooting, according to sher-
iff’s officials, occurred in the area
of 46600 Expedition Drive on the
north-bound lanes of Three Notch
Road shortly before 11a.m. Sept.
The suspect has been detained,
sheriff’s officials said, their name
will be released once they are for-
mally charged.
Tenants inside the building,
which houses multiple defense in-
dustry contractors, reported hear-
ing gunshots and called for police;
no one was injured according to
police officials and only the build-
ing was struck by the gunfire mul-
tiple times.
“This does not appear to be
gang-related,” said Jason Babcock,
spokesperson for the St. Mary’s
County Sheriff’s Office.
Babcock said later the alleged consultation
shooting did not appear to be a For personal
random act of violence.
Lexington Park has been rocked
by recent gun violence that has
been mostly gang-related.
About two hours after the shoot-
ing occurred, the sheriff’s of-
fice issued an alert for the Orchid
Bloom Way section of Abberly

personal injury
Crest to be
warned of po-
lice activity
and to stay in-
side or avoid

& car crashes

the area if
A mobile
command post
and armored
police vehicle
used by the
tactical team
arrived short-
ly thereafter.
Police ac-
tively worked
to evacuate
the apartment
building in

Abberly Crest
where the
suspect was
net lexington park, maryland
4 St..Marys Local News
St The County Times Thursday, September 15, 2022

Ham Autopsy Raises Questions On Teen's Killing

By Guy Leonard been made by Ham. and he stayed there; he didn’t hardly
Staff Writer The gun was later found to be a replica move at all.”
A copy of the autopsy of Peyton that shot BB-style projectiles. Both Michelle Mills and Allison
Ham, the 16-year-old shot and killed by After opening fire on Ham with about Mills, who were working from home at
a Maryland State Trooper last year in 10 shots from his duty weapon, Ham the time, were alerted by the multiple
Leonardtown, shows that several of the eventually went to the ground, on his shots Azzari fired in their backyard.
shots fired at him were fired at a down- knees, dropping the replica pistol. They went to a window in their home,
ward trajectory. Ham was wounded and bleeding pro- which was next door to Ham’s residence,
This seems to match statements made fusely but was said to have produced a and saw Azzari approach Ham before
by several witnesses to the incident who knife and brandished it, according to the the second volley of shots.
said the trooper fired on Ham when the official report. “He kept saying ‘Show me the knife,’”
decedent was still on his knees and not When Ham would not comply with Michelle said of Azzari’s initial orders
when the teen was alleged to have risen the trooper’s order to drop the knife he to Ham after he was on his knees. “I’m
to his feet with a knife to move towards opened fire, striking Ham in the chest, absolutely sure that’s what he said to
the officer as earlier reported. killing him, official reports stated. Peyton.”
Tpr. Joseph Azzari, the law officer who According to the official report one Eventually, a short video picture Mi-
shot Ham, is currently being sued by the eye witness said Ham was standing, chelle took of the incident shows that Az-
teen’s family in federal district court; holding the knife, while Azzari said he zari did order Peyton to drop the knife
they are seeking damages for what they Peyton Ham fired when Ham was attempting to get before shooting him.
allege was their son’s wrongful killing. back up. Michelle Mills said she never saw
An investigation of Azzari and his ac- penetrated into the chest wall on Ham’s In the official report’s account, Azzari Ham approach the trooper.
tions on Apr. 13, 2021 by both the Mary- right side. said Ham was on his feet with the knife “Peyton never moved from that spot,”
land State Police and State’s Attorney The next shot listed in the report was when he fired again. Michelle Mills said. “He [Ham] made
Richard Fritz found no wrongdoing on also to Ham’s left neck that was recov- “Trooper Azzari, reported that [Ham] the slightest move with his left foot and
his part and did not pursue any criminal ered on the right-side chest wall, but did then said he wanted to die and stood up then the police officer shot him.
charges. not enter the actual chest cavity. and approached Trooper Azari with his “He [Ham] didn’t lunge at him.”
Ham’s family disputes those findings Both of these shots traveled “from the knife still in his hand,” the report stated. Michelle Mills told The County Times
in their lawsuit against Azzari and in pri- decedent’s front to back, left to right and “The Trooper Azzari was once more in that when she saw Azzari shoot Ham, the
or statements regarding the investigation downward,” the report stated. fear of his life and discharged his weap- trooper was at least 10 feet away.
into the death of their son. Ham was 6-feet tall, the autopsy re- on again.” She said she was came forward with
In their lawsuit, Ham’s family have ported and weighed 233 pounds. Three women who witnessed the the same testimony she gave in front of
said their multiple requests for a com- The next shot the report listed to shooting and spoke to The County the Grand Jury “only because the grand
plete autopsy report of their son have Ham’s body was to the lateral left chest, Times in November of 2021 say Azzari’s jury found that they weren’t going to
been denied, Maryland Public Informa- with no vital structures damaged; it’s dispute the official account; one of them hold anyone accountable for anything.”
tion Act requests to the Medical Exam- path was from front to back, left to right was Ham’s grandmother, Victoria Boyle. Allison Mills’ testimony closely mir-
iner’s Office by The County Times were and slightly downward. All three eye witnesses who spoke to rored that of her mother; she said she saw
also denied. The fourth shot listed entered at the The County Times say the official ac- Ham move his right foot up to the point
Their e-mail to The County Times posterior left shoulder and hit Ham’s count is false. where his toes were pressing against the
from the Medical Examiner’s Office lung while coming to rest in his back; “He didn’t move, he was almost like a ground before Azzari fired.
stated Fritz had not yet authorized the this shot was also listed as being on a statue,” Boyle said of her grandson as he “He wasn’t picking his entire leg off
report to be released. downward trajectory. was on his knees. “I saw the knife in his the ground,” Allison Mills said in a
The first four gunshots listed in the au- Three other shots that hit Ham which left hand; I never saw him raise his hands phone interview.
topsy appear to be the last ones fired— appear to be the first rounds actually or raise the knife. She said in the aftermath of the shoot-
seven shots out of 15 fired that day struck fired, were one to the posterior upper “He moved his [left] hand but only ing, which took place on their property,
Ham. arm, posterior left arm and posterior from his wrist down.” she could see no blood trails indicat-
Prior reports showed that Ham died right forearm all had an upward trajec- Boyle said she watched her grandson ing that Ham had moved from the spot
after being struck by the second salvo of tory, the report stated. get hit with the final rounds from Az- where he had initially been shot.
rounds fired from Azzari’s duty weapon. Ham was killed when Azzari, re- zari’s weapon. “His blood was puddling in one area,”
The first three shots to hit Ham were sponding to a 911 call to Ham’s address “I wanted him to drop the knife,” Allison said. “I don’t think he moved
peripheral wounds and occurred at the just yards from the Leonardtown bar- Boyle said of Ham immediately before from that spot ever before I saw it.”
outset of the engagement. racks, fired on him after Ham pointed he was shot. “He didn’t drop it but he All three women said they saw the bul-
One gunshot to hit Ham listed in the what appeared to be a handgun at the didn’t do anything with it either. lets strike Ham.
autopsy report entered his left neck and trooper. “When I saw him, he was on his knees
That 911 call was later found to have
Thursday, September 15, 2022 The County Times St..Marys Local News
St 5

Cornfield Harbor Bridge

To Be Replaced
By Guy Leonard bridges in the Federal Bridge Replace-
Staff Writer ment Program, to which the supple-
A small bridge connecting a rural mental agreement pertains. The fed-
id McDonough
community to Route 5 in Scotland is
getting funding from the federal gov-
eral bridge program includes inspec-
tions, design, program management
ncial Advisor
ernment through the state to get re-
placed after years of use.
and construction funding for repair or
replacement of bridges in the program.
The Commissioners of St. Mary’s The commissioners voted 4 to 0 to Member SIPC
County approved an agreement with approve the supplemental agreement to David McDonough
0 Miss Bessie Dr Suite 302
the Maryland Department of Transpor-
tation this week at their Sept. 13 meet-
use the federal funding. Financial Advisor
41680 Miss Bessie Dr Suite 302
Jim Gotsch, director of the Depart-
ardtown, MD 20650
ing that will fund the project to replace
the Cornfield Harbor Bridge.
ment of Public Works and Transporta-
tion, said the current plan would likely
Leonardtown, MD 20650
David McDonough
According to county government Financial Advisor
replace the bridge at “it’s current lev- Member SIPC

documents the bridge was identified in el,” which is roughly the same as the 41680 Miss Bessie Dr Suite 302
2018 as needing replacement. Leonardtown, MD 20650
roadway upon which is it is built of the 301-997-1707

“The structure was built in 1970 same name.
and rehabilitated in 2008 with the re- Gotsch said, however, in response to
placement of the timber deck,” county a question from Commissioner Mike
records show. “The project is within
tidal wetland limits and requires co-
Hewitt, that his team could inquire
during the design phase of the state if
David McDonough
ordination with the Army Corps of they could raise the height of the bridge Financial Advisor
Engineers.” to accommodate boats to the harbor.
The bridge replacement is estimat- Commissioner President James
ed to cost $2.06 million, of which the “Randy” Guy commented that the 41680 Miss Bessie Dr Suite 302
county will pay $453,200, county doc- area there under the bridge was most- Leonardtown, MD 20650
uments show. ly marshland and was not readily
Designing the new bridge is set 301-997-1707

for this fiscal year, with construction The bridge crosses overDavid
Pt. LookoutMcDonough
scheduled to begin in fiscal 2025. Creek and All Pond.
St. Mary’s County currently has 14 Financial Advisor Member SIPC
41680 Miss Bessie Dr Suite 302
Leonardtown, MD 20650

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6 St..Marys Local News
St The County Times Thursday, September 15, 2022

Veterans Home, Base Security Facing Staffing Shortages

By Guy Leonard According to social media posts
Staff Writer from the veterans home their staff-
Charlotte Hall Veterans Home ing needs also run to drivers, nurs-
is operating far below its capacity, ing assistants, activities assistants,
said County Commissioner Presi- laundry aides, grounds keepers and
dent James “Randy” Guy this week, housekeeping.
because of a critical shortage in Charlotte Hall Veterans Home is
staff needed to properly run the care the only state-run facility to house
facility. veterans in Maryland.
Guy said he learned of the prob- Recent traffic backups at the three
lem after attending a veterans af- operational entrance gates to Patux-
fairs committee meeting as part of ent River Naval Air Station have
the larger Tri-County Council of also become a problem.
Southern Maryland recently. “There was a little jam up this
“It was pretty enlightening about morning at the gate,” said Commis-
some of the problems were having sioner Todd Morgan. “The skipper
in our medical community and the [Capt. Derrick Kingsley] and I have
[Department of Veterans Affairs]” been on the phone since bright and
Guy said during the Sept. 13 meet- early this morning and we had this
ing of the Commissioners of St. discussion last week.
Mary’s County. “The veterans home “The bottom line is that there are Charlotte Hall Veterans Home
here in Charlotte Hall is only 63 staffing and manning issues on the
percent occupied. base; they're going through a securi- during morning rush 0600-0900 amount of time on base, said he had
“They have closed it down — al- ty drill right now that requires them vice 0530-1800. not witnessed any recent traffic
most — because they can’t get help.” to be in different places at different “We are working with our region jams during afternoon hours when
The shortages include registered times.” commander on manning shortages employees were leaving the base.
nurses, maintenance and food prep- Morgan posted a message from and will do everything to provide “For some reason,” Morgan said,
aration staff, Guy said. Kingsley on his social media relief at the gates as soon as we can. Kingsley cut down the number of
“They can’t get the people to ap- account. “We appreciate everyone’s pa- access lanes leading into the base
ply for the jobs,” he continued. “Al- “I regret to inform the team that tience as we work [through] this. on the morning of Sept. 13.
most an entire wing is closed down I can no longer support the extra Safety and security of the base and Morgan said the morning traffic
because of that lanes during morning rush at Gates our workforce remain our number was still not as bad as it could be.
“People are standing in line wait- 1 and 2,” Kingsley wrote. “Addi- one priority.” “It’s nothing like what it was pre-
ing to get in there but they don’t tionally, I have temporarily ordered Morgan, who works for a defense COVID 19,” Morgan said.
have the care available.” modifications to Gate 3; open only contractor and spends a significant

Join us as we celebrate the

Anniversary of Leonardtown's
designation as an
Arts & Entertainment District
throughout the month of
Thursday, September 15, 2022 The County Times St.Marys Local News
St. 7
Alt Resigns From AUCTION
Leaonardtown Council OCTOBER 8TH


Heather Earhart Tyler Alt
By Guy Leonard of the town.” BUILDING EQUIPMENT, AND MUCH MORE.
Staff Writer Earhart has served on the town’s ESTATE AND FLEET MANAGER’S WELCOME.
Leonardtown Mayor Dan Bur- planning and zoning commission DELIVERY AND PICK-UP SERVICES ARE AVAILABLE.
ris announced this week that town since 2008. PLEASE LIKE AND FOLLOW US ON OUR SOCIAL
council member Tyler Alt had re- Earhart lives in the Academy MEDIA ACCOUNTS AND AUCTION ZIP FOR MORE
signed his position with the town Hills community and is a pro- INFORMATION ON THIS EVENT.
effective Sept. 9 in an apparent gram manager for a government
move to take advantage of a new
job offer in Florida.
“She has a good history with the ACCEPTING
Burris made the announcement
at the council’s Sept. 12 business
town,” Burris said.
Council member Mary Maday CONSIGNERS NOW
meeting. Slade said she felt confident in
Alt recently won re-election to
the town council in May.
researching Earhart’s background CALL (301) 861-7738
that the council would get a strong
“He wasn’t ready to step down new member. FOR MORE INFO VISIT SOMDAUCTIONS.COM OR CALL (301) 861-7738
as a council member but the new “She passed with f lying colors LOCAL FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED
job offer wasn’t something he on my end,” Slade said.
could pass up,” Burris told the Earhart, who was in attendance

St. Mary’s County

council. at the Monday meeting, received
Alt was not in attendance at the unanimous acclamation from the

Ducks Unlimited
four remaining council members.
According to a town ordinance, She is to be sworn into her new
the council was responsible for office at the next town council
voting to name a successor for meeting, Burris said, which is
Alt’s empty seat; they chose scheduled for October.
Heather Earhart to fill out the re- During her spring campaign for


mainder of Alt’s term, which is set office, Earhart said she wanted
to end in 2026. to help implement the downtown
Burris recommended Earhart as and waterfront strategic plans
the nominee as she had the next as well as find ways to aid small
highest number of votes compared
cocktails | dinner | raffle prizes | silent and live auction
businesses and persuade property
to Alt’s in the recent election. owners to reduce leasing prices to Doors open 5 p.m. | Hollywood Firehouse Social Hall
“We should listen to the resi- bring new businesses to fill va-
dents that voted,” Burris said. cant storefronts.
“We’d be listening to the people

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8 St..Marys Local News
St The County Times Thursday, September 15, 2022

Lexington Park Royal Farms Appeals Dropped

By Guy Leonard
Staff Writer
The construction of a new Royal
Farms convenience store and gas
station on the corner of Tulagi
Place in Lexington Park seems
imminent now that appeals to the
stop the project moving forward
have been dropped.
Michele Rosenfeld, attorney for
appellants Julia King and James
Carr and intervenors Linda Pal-
chinsky and the Unified Commit-
tee for African American Contri-
butions (UCAC), told the county
Board of Appeals Sept. 8 that her
clients were dropping their ap-
peals after they had come to an
agreement with Royal Farms for
some form of compensation.
At an appeals board meeting
Aug. 25, when the deal was first The buildings on Tulagi Place, Another person with knowledge traffic that such a project would
proffered by Chris Longmore, owned by the Whitlow family of the deal, speaking on condition have on Great Mills Road and
attorney for Royal Farms, said based in Virginia, would be de- of anonymity, said the terms were Route 235 intersection which sits
his client agreed to fund an in- molished in favor of the new Roy- “better than nothing.” immediately across from Gate 2
depth historical documentation al Farms construction project. The appellants had petitioned of NAS Patuxent River.
to include oral histories of Tulagi Nathaniel Lawrence, president the Board of Appeals for a hear- Royal Farms argued that the ap-
Place, provide relocation assis- of UCAC, said he could not com- ing to forestall the project, argu- pellants did not have legal stand-
tance for Linda’s Café, owned by ment on the finalized terms of the ing that the county Planning Com- ing to pursue their appeal against
Palchinsky, make improvements agreement between the appellants mission had erred in its decision the project; the appeals would be
to the Elmer Brown Freedom Park and Royal Farms as they were held of Apr. 25 to approve the project’s dismissed if the board ruled that
to mitigate traffic impacts and in confidence. concept site plan because it did the appellants had no standing.
also help fund a community gar- “They are acceptable,” Law- not take into account the histori-
den there. rence told The County Times of cal nature of the buildings to be
the newly minted agreement. demolished nor the impacts to

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Thursday, September 15, 2022 The County Times St..Marys Feature
St 9

Kovalcik Helps People Connect With God, Nature

By Guy Leonard
Staff Writer
Nestled away on Breton Bay in
Leonardtown since 1937, Camp
Maria has provided a place for
groups of all kinds to hold retreats
to heal from trauma, focus on
building and strengthening rela-
tionships or getting closer to God
in a simple, serene and natural
Ann Kovalcik, its director for
the past 12 years, is responsible
for ensuring that those seeking
time to relax, enjoy and connect
can do so with as few problems as
But the person who has to en-
sure everyone else’s enjoyment,
often does not experience much of
it themselves.
Kept busy by constantly over-
seeing the housing, food service,
maintenance and programs of-
fered at Camp Maria, Kovalcik
still finds ways to enjoy the seren-
ity of the place when she can.
To Kovalcik, Camp Maria is
more than a place to simply relax.
“For me and this place… we
needed to be doing more ministry
work,” Kovalcik told The County
Times. “It’s not just a conference
“I wanted to give people the ex-
perience of connecting in God’s
nature; connecting is the begin-
ning of healing.”
Working with the camp’s board
of directors, operations staff and
a supportive community willing
to donate to keep the place open,
Kovalcik said it almost all came
to a screeching halt during the
“Covid-19 hit Camp Maria re-
ally hard,” Kovalcik said. “I It brought new focus to her life- on me,” Kovalcik said of the sis- through appreciation of nature.
didn’t think we’d be able to do it long mission of helping people — terhood. “They helped me to con- “It’s to get them outside, play-
financially.” she’s a trained social worker who sider large views of life.” ing together and to become
But get through the pandemic spent years as a county employee Always at the center of their more aware of their environ-
they did, and now retreat groups helping to stem the tide of sub- teachings, she said, was a Christ- ment,” Kovalcik said, adding that
are once again reserving time to stance abuse in the 1980 before focused mission of helping others. Camp Maria must continue to be
come to stay in one of Camp Ma- taking a job as a guidance coun- That mission carried over to self-sustaining.
ria’s cottages. selor at St. Mary’s Ryken High Camp Maria. Her vision is to see it grow into
In the summer time, the camp School in 1992. Right now, Kovalcik is focused an ecumenical, eco-friendly re-
can take up to 120 visitors, in the “I loved St. Mary’s Ryken,” she on finding ways to bring new pro- treat center where visitors can
winter it’s 51, Kovalcik said. said, noting that she thought she grams to the retreat center, mod- find ways to connect with God,
All of the financial problems would probably never leave work- ernizing it but still keeping its the environment and each other.
Kovalcik and the Camp Maria ing there. sense of constant tranquil and un- “That’s where I need to put my
family had to deal with paled in But the job at Camp Maria called spoiled isolation. focus,” Kovalcik said, who was
comparison to her own struggles; and she took it in 2010. Groups renting retreat space recently honored with the William
her son died last year after a long Providing a place of gentle re- there are the ones who have Donald Schaefer award by Comp-
struggle with opioid addiction. f lection and a place where people brought their own programs for troller Peter Franchot for help-
Through that sad and traumatic can connect is a mission she still decades, Kovalcik said, but she ing others. “To keep Camp Maria
journey, she said she learned how pursues at the age of 62. and the board of directors are self-sustaining so it will continue
important it was to “be present She has been married to her hus- working to change that. when I leave.”
with someone, not try to fix them, band Mark for 40 years and has a Christ-centered yoga is one pro- While she plans to move on from
just be with them.” daughter, Maura. gram they have brought on board Camp Maria eventually, Kovalcik
Kovalcik called 2021 the “worst She graduated from St. Mary’s and are working to bring on arts- said she relishes working there.
year of her life” but she said Academy — one half of what now based programs for campers, too, “My connection is my faith and
through it all she remembered how makes up St. Marys’ Ryken High Kovalcik said. my connector is God,” Kovalcik
important it was to be gentle with School — in 1978 and learned One program Camp Maria has said. “It’s [being at Camp Maria]
everyone around her, because you from the Sisters of Charity of hosted is called Camp Creation, a gift to me.
never really knew what people Nazareth who ran the school. which is for campers aged 7 to 14, “God sent me here.”
were dealing with. “They had an incredible impact designed to connect them to God
10 St..Marys Local News
St The County Times Thursday, September 15, 2022

Ribbon-Cutting Launches St. Mary’s County Health Hub

The St. Mary’s County Health for launch over the next several
Department (SMCHD) held a rib- months include:
bon-cutting ceremony on Thurs- • Behavioral health crisis stabi-
day, September 8, 2022, to cele- lization services
brate the official launch of the St. • Jail diversion programs that
Mary’s County Health Hub. emphasize mental health and
In 2021, the St. Mary’s County substance use treatment
Equity Task Force, in partnership • Primary care health services
with the Housing Authority of (e.g., routine preventative
St. Mary’s County (HASMC) an- care, immunizations, health
nounced plans for the St. Mary’s screenings, diagnosis/treat-
County Health Hub. ment, etc.)
The 6,200 square-foot facility, • Coaching, workshops, and
located at 21625 Great Mills Road other trainings to support vio-
in Lexington Park, was donated lence prevention, conf lict res-
by PNC Bank to HASMC to be olution, housing stability, em-
used by the health department for ployment and financial well-
COVID-19 pandemic response, being, literacy and academic
behavioral health crisis stabiliza- tutoring, and youth mentoring Special thanks to the Hub Al- • Minority Outreach Coalition
tion services, and other programs “The health department team is liance Partners, Maryland Com- • NAACP Branch #7025
to promote wellness. SMCHD and grateful for our partnership with munity Health Resources Com- • PALM Public Consultants
a variety of community partners PNC Bank, the Sheriff’s Office, mission, and to our local health • PNC Bank
will roll these services out over Public Schools, and Housing Au- care providers, first responders, • Stella’s Girls, Inc.
the next several months. thority in establishing this facility and behavioral health support • St. Mary’s County Depart-
Currently, the Health Hub of- and for the support of our state and organizations. ment of Social Services
fers a broad range of scientifically local elected officials in getting it Hub Alliance Partners: • St. Mary’s County Health
proven interventions through the ready. Many community partners • Community Mediation Center Department
SMCHD Harm Reduction Pro- are coming together to turn the of St. Mary’s County • St. Mary’s County Library
gram to promote safety, infection vision for this Health Hub into a • Greater Baden Medical • St. Mary’s County Public
prevention, and recovery for com- reality,” said Dr. Meena Brewster, Services Schools
munity members with a substance St. Mary’s County Health Officer. • Housing Authority of St. • St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s
use disorder. COVID-19 testing “This facility and the private-pub- Mary’s County Office
and vaccine appointments have lic partnership supporting its use • JobSource • Three Oaks Shelter
also been available at the Health will greatly benefit our commu- • Literacy Council of St. Mary’s • WellCheck
Hub location. nity members and their families. County • Williams, McClernan & Stack
Future Hub services planned We’re excited to get it going! • MedStar St. Mary’s Hospital

A Presidential Lecture

Inalienable Rights
in the 21st Century
FREE public event (tickets required)

JESSICA YELLIN JELANI COBB A distinguished national panel will examine the question, “Can the inalienable rights
referenced by the fathers of the Constitution exist for all Americans in the 21st century?”
• Moderated by Jessica Yellin, former Chief White House and Chief Domestic Affairs
Correspondent for CNN and founder of News Not Noise
• Jelani Cobb, award-winning writer, author and thoughtful voice in progressive politics;
• Mara Liasson, a national political correspondent for NPR and frequent Fox News
Channel contributor;
• Bill Kristol, a dyed-in-the-wool conservative and founder of influential publications
such as “The Weekly Standard” and “The Bulwark.”
The panel is funded by the College's Andrew J. Goodpaster Endowed Leadership and
Honor Lecture Series.




Thursday, September 15, 2022 The County Times In Our Community 11

Oakville Community Jocelyn Pettit and

Perseverance Honored Ellen Gira, with Richard
50 Year Anniversary Celebrated
Osban on Guitar
In Concert - Friday, September 23rd 7:30 PM
Christ Church Parish Hall, Chaptico Performance highlights include Celt-
Enjoy a musical evening, featur- ic Connections (Scotland), Niel Gow
ing high-energy tunes and songs, with Festival (Scotland), Edinburgh Castle
nuanced fiddle-cello interplay, richly (Scotland), Northwest Folklife Festival
interwoven vocal harmonies, lively (USA), and Folk Alliance International
stepdancing and French Canadian foot (USA). They have also performed for
percussion. HRH Prince Charles, and been featured
From Canada and the US, Jocelyn in live broadcasts on BBC Radio 3.
Pettit & Ellen Gira are a dynamic fiddle Their debut album, “All It Brings”, will
& cello duo. First meeting in Scotland be released in Summer 2022.
in 2018, they joined their musical forc- Advance sales through TicketLeap
es, and have since been gracing stages - cash or check at the door. Go to
and captivating audiences in both North for more information.
America and the UK. Fusing together Tickets: $15 SMTMD members; $20
traditional and contemporary influ- Non-members.
ences, Jocelyn & Ellen create power-
fully uplifting and soulful music. Their
instruments weave a rhythmically driv-
ing and textured sound, with nuanced
fiddle-cello interplay through delicate
and fortissimo arrangements. They
bring life and fire into their original
melodies, and high-energy tunes from
Scotland, Ireland, North America, and
Scandinavia -complemented by richly
interwoven vocal harmonies, and lively
Canadian stepdancing.

Cedar Lane Senior Living Community would like to

thank the following businesses and organizations for
their donations to our resident Fall Festival.
Bernie’s Hair Salon Ledo Pizza
Bob Evans Leonardtown Grill
Crabknockers Olde Town Pub
Do Dah Deli Outback Steakhouse
The Front Porch Salsa’s Mexican Café
The Green Turtle St. James Deli
The Good Earth Natural Foods Co. St. Mary’s County Arts Council
Hong Kong Buffet The Town of Leonardtown
Residents of King and Kennedy Estates in Oakville celebrated 50 years of building an affordable-living IHOP
community this week and received a proclamation from the Commissioners of St. Marys’ County honor-
ing their achievement. —Guy Leonard Thank you for your generosity in supporting seniors in our community.
photos courtesy of Ceandra Scott
12 In Our Community The County Times Thursday, September 15, 2022


New Ambulance Stationed
at Veterans Home






The Commissioners showcased including 12 for the Charlotte Hall

the new ambulance permanently Veterans Home.
stationed at the Charlotte Hall “St. Mary’s County always takes
Veterans Home and recognized care of our own, and taking care
PLANT HARDY PERENNIALS & COLOR SHRUBS funding support from Maryland of our Veterans is especially im-
Senator Jack Bailey and Secre- portant. Adding a permanent am-
Add PERMANENT Fall Color to Your Yard
tary George Owings III of the bulance at the Veterans Home ex-
“ They’ll Come Back Year After Year” Maryland Department of Veter- emplifies our commitment to the
ans Affairs. The Commissioners men and women who have served
approved the purchase of the am- our community and our country.
bulance with county funds and an We are thankful for Senator Bai-
allocation of $200,000 from the ley and Secretary Owings recog-
Maryland Department of Veteran nizing the critical need for this
Heuchera Anemone Rudbeckia Affairs through a Memorandum service and providing funding,”
of Understanding (MOU) signed said Commissioner President
in February. Randy Guy.
The full-service ambulance is Pictures of the ambulance, crew,
stationed at the Charlotte Hall and dignitaries may be viewed on
Veterans Home. It is staffed daily the St. Mary’s County Govern-
with Emergency Medical Tech- ment Flickr page by clicking here
Aster Sedum Coneflower nicians with the primary duty to https://f jA76xb.
serve the veterans and secondarily For more information on St.
NEW VARIETIES ARRIVING EVERY DAY any emergency requests that may Mary’s County Government
arise in the Charlotte Hall area. Emergency Services, please visit

To Schedule an
Since Aug. 8, 2022, the ambu- htt ps://w w w.stmar /es/
Appointment Call: lance has responded to 48 calls, emergencyservices/.
is Available

Prince Frederick Oakville Garden Center GENERAL MERCHANDISE
Garden Center Hours: & Landscape Project Center
1700 Solomon’s Island Rd, Mon.-Sat. 9-6, 5 minutes North of Hollywood WWW.SOMD.COM • CLASS.SOMD.COM
Prince Frederick, MD Sun. 9-5 10 minutes South of Charlotte Hall YOUR ONLINE COMMUNITY FOR CHARLES, CALVERT, & ST. MARY’S COUNTIES
410-535-3664 • 866-535-3664 41170 Oakville Road, Mechanicsville, MD 301-373-9245 • 800-451-1427
Thursday, September 15, 2022 The County Times Sports 13

Sell it - Buy it
Charles County Fair 4H Livestock Auction
Saturday, Sept. 17, 2022 @ 6:30 pm

Charles Co. Fair Wood Carving & Glass Blowing Auction
Sunday, Sept. 18, 2022 @ 4 pm
St. Mary’s County Fair 4H Clubs Cake Auction
Friday, Sept. 23rd, 6:30 (Prior to Lightweight Horsepull)
By Ronald N. Guy Jr. Bowl XXVI. Long-time Bill Steve St. Mary’s County Fair 4H Livestock Auction
Contributing Writer Tasker, a 13-year NFL veteran who Saturday, Sept. 24th, 6 pm – Main Livestock Showring
Captain’s log star date July 2021. played in Super Bowls against Bill Online Auction for the Estate of Jimmy Banagan
My wife and I had planned a vaca- Parcels’s Giants and Jimmy John- “Coming Soon” (September/early October).
tion to a location with smaller lati- son’s Cowboys, called that 1991-92
tudes, palm trees and, as much of Washington team his Bills lost to Mechanicsville Rescue Squad Aux. Auction
a lock as the sun’s morning rise, in Super Bowl XXVI the best he FRI, OCT 14th @ 6 PM - Mechanicsville Moose Lodge
plenty of adult beverages. In the faced in his career. Fall Harvest Auction
weeks leading up to the trip, spik- I rewatched Tasker’s statement (Mums, Pumpkins, Fall Produce, Locally-Raised, USDA Meats –
ing airfare costs and the surging several times (sometimes technolo- Quilts – Crafts – More)
Delta variant of our ever-mutating, gy is great). Washington’s football
but ever-present nemesis COVID franchise used to be the very best; SAT. OCT. 8TH @ 4 PM - Westfield Farm – Mechanicsville, MD
caused us to postpone “Plan A” to confirming artifacts – Sports Illus- Grocery Auction: Hughesville VFD – SAT, OCT 22nd @ 5 PM
another day, another economic situ- trated magazines, pennants, t-shirts Grocery Auction:Mother Catherine Acad. THURS NOV 17th,6 pm
ation and another less sinister phase and Wheaties boxes – have con- So. Md. Farm & Country Christmas Auction
of our COVID dance. sumed a closet in my house. But af- SAT. DEC. 10th (start time to be determined)
The question then was, if not a ter three decades of mostly misery
tropical paradise, where would this on the field and embarrassment off Westfield Farm – Mechanicsville, MD
adventure lead? While I prefer to of it, the joy of that far-off time has Tri County Livestock Auction
characterize my wife and I as open- dulled. The sea of burgundy and
1st & 3rd Wednesdays of the Month – Auction begins at 4 PM
minded and flexible, indecisive is gold that used to dominate at home
completely fair too. A coin flip games is now counterbalanced by Located Off MD Rt. 6 West – Charlotte Hall, MD

www.Far rellAuctionSer

is sometimes (or usually) how we the opposition’s colors and empty
choose a dinner location. As our seats. It is a perfect – and sad and
scheduled departure date neared,
the pressure was detectable. Sever-
undeniable - metaphor for a fran-
chise torn down to its foundation. 301.904.3402

Here for
al destinations were discussed with That I stumbled on this Bills
neither of us selling or buying any documentary and Tasker’s hom-
candidate. The waffling mercifully age to Washington’s 1991 cham-
ended when my wife, while staring pionship crew just days before the
at a Google map on her computer 2022 team’s first game as the re-
screen, ended an awkward pause branded Washington Command-

in our conversation with an unex- ers, felt like something more than
pected question. just coincidence. It was a reminder
“Do you want to go to Buffalo?” of what once was, how far the or-
The suggestion was bizarre ganization has fallen and what
enough to be intriguing. It was this reboot might make possible
an order off the menu; a play call again. Of course, the promised
draw up in the dirt, not off any culture changes and actual name
rehearsed script. Buffalo bound and branding changes lacked what
we were. Two days after heading
north, I was standing in front of
Washington needed most – a new
owner; but last Sunday’s Com-
It’s time for
Buffalo’s City Hall when a 30-year- manders’ debut, a win no less, did storytime.
old sports memory came rushing feel like something more than just
back: this was where Buffalo Bills
fans gathered after a difficult Super
the start of a new season. Maybe
the last few disgraceful years – the It’s time to
Bowl XXV loss to the New York
Giants to welcome their Bills home
latent and awkward burial of the
R-word, the disgraceful treatment
meet old friends
and comfort kicker Scott Norwood,
who, after missing a game-winning
of women in the organization, the
league and Congressional inquiries
and make new
42-yard field goal on the game’s last – will provide the scorched football ones.
play, would have been a scorned landscape that Washington needed
goat in any other NFL locale.
About a year later, Labor Day
for a meaningful rejuvenation.
Difficult periods in life - divorce, Visit your
weekend 2022 to be exact, Nor-
wood and the Bills’ moment at City
unemployment, personal loss, etc.
– sometimes work that way. The
public library
Hall was on my television screen.
A late-night channel surf discov-
good news for the Commanders:
the bar is incredibly low. Most
to reconnect.
ered a documentary on the early- fans, this one included, would settle
1990s Bills – teams that appeared for a competitive team, an ethically
in, and lost, four straight Super and morally grounded organiza-
Bowls. In the season after that tion, and not a single peep from
heart-breaking loss to the Giants, ownership.
Washington defeated Buffalo in a Send comments to Ronald-
much more definitive way in Super
Books Music Movies Events for All Ages Storytime
Play Areas Computers Free Wi-Fi Meeting Space
14 InCops & Courts
Our Community The County Times Thursday, September 15, 2022

Police Investigating ST. MARY'S SHERIFF'S

Single Vehicle Collision CRIME BLOTTER
in Mechanicsville Violate Protective Order
On August 31, 2022, Dep. Law-
rence contacted the victim who
and Trespass: Private Property.

advised Christopher Shannon On September 1, 2022, Dep.
Bridgett, age Deinert responded to the 21600
24 of Mechanic- block of Great Mills Road in Lex-
sville, had vio- ington Park, for the reported as-
lated a protective sault. Investigation determined
order by sending Denis Migdael Florian Giron,
the victim a mes- age 29 of Lex-
sage from the ington Park, as-
detention cen- saulted the vic-
ter. Dep. Law- tim by punching
rence responded Christopher the victim in the
Shannon Bridgett
to the to the St. face, cutting the
Mary's County victim's face with
Detention and Rehabilitation Cen- a knife, and stran-
ter in Leonardtown, and charged gling the victim.
Bridgett with Violate Protective Florian Giron Jason

Photos courtesy of the Mechanicsville Volunteer Fire Department. Order. was arrested and
On Sunday, September 11, 2022, at Rescue Squad 2 personnel donned charged with As-
approximately 10:30 a.m., police, fire wet suits and entered the water to check Theft sault 1st and 2nd Degree.
and rescue personnel responded to the the pond and area around the vehicle. On August 31, 2022, Dep. Wim-
area of Golden Beach and Road All Law enforcement personnel advised berly responded to the a theft Drug Arrest
Faith Church Road in Mechanicsville, they had received information the oper- in progress at the California On September 4, 2022, Dep.
for the motor vehicle accident with a ator had been picked up from the scene Walmart. While responding to Jerew responded to the 21600
reported vehicle into the pond and the by another vehicle and was reportedly the call, Dep. Wimberly observed block of Great Mills Road in Lex-
operator slumped over the wheel. travelling to a local hospital. the suspect vehicle and initiated ington Park, for the reported un-
Units arrived and confirmed a single Police are investigating the collision. a traffic stop in the 22000 block conscious individual. Dep. Jerew
vehicle accident, partially in the pond All fire and rescue personnel re- of Chancellor's Run Road in Cali- was able to wake the individual,
and into a tree. Quick assessment of the turned to service after approximately 40 fornia. Located in the vehicle was identified as Jason Edward Mid-
vehicle found no one in it. minutes. Richard Alvin Nolan III, age 34 kiff, age 38 of
of Lusby, as well Great Mills. Mid-
as the stolen kiff had two out-
property from standing warrants

Philip H. Dorsey III

the business. In- for his arrest and
vestigation de- he was taken into

Attorney at Law
termined Nolan custody. Located
was previously in Midkiff 's back-
issued a notice pack were two
not to trespass at glass vials con- Denis Migdael
Florian Giron
the business and Richard Alvin taining suspected
the vehicle he Nolan III cocaine. Midkiff
was utilizing had was served the outstanding war-
been previously reported stolen. rants and charged with CDS: Pos-
Nolan was arrested and charged session-Not Marijuana.
with Theft, Vehicle Fail to Return,

-Serious Personal Injury Cases-

Editor's Note
The above arrests are not an indication of
guilt or innocence as the cases have not been
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County Times
St. Mary’s
St. Mary’s County ● Calvert County COUNTYTIMES.NET
e w s
Thursday, September 15, 2022 The County Times PAX River 15

Patuxent River
Naval Air Station
Hyder Awarded 2021 Grampaw Pettibone Individual Award

Lt. Samuel T. Hyder, Safety Of- during touch-and-go maneuvers, liantly captures the nearly instan- various positions such as Assis-
ficer with Scientific Development presenting them with the pos- taneous decisions that pilots often tant Operations Officer, 100 Di-
Squadron (VXS) 1, was recently sibility of unsafe landing gear. need to make and sometimes fear vision Officer, Readiness Officer
presented with the 2021 Gram- Immediately assessing their op- … articles like this promote an and Wardroom Treasurer (Bull).
paw Pettibone Individual Award. tions, Hyder decided to continue environment where candid safety He was designated an Instructor
Hyder was presented the award the takeoff and requested a visual discussions are the norm, helping Pilot and received the squadron
in the hangar at VXS-1 at Naval check of the landing gear to be to mitigate the risk we take with nomination for the 2020 Order of
Air Station (NAS) Patuxent River, performed by the tower and run- us every time we step on the f light the Daedalians Award.
Maryland. way duty officer. The tower re- line.” Hyder has been at VXS-1 since
The Grampaw Pettibone Indi- ported “both nose tires were gone, Hyder is a native of Philadel- November 2020. Since then, he
vidual Award is presented by the the nose landing looks bent and phia, Pennsylvania. He enrolled in has been the Safety Officer, Na-
Naval Safety Center (NAVSAFE- the aircraft looks un-landable.” the Navy ROTC program in 2011 val Air Training and Operating
CEN) and recognizes individuals The f light crew discussed their at the University of Notre Dame. Procedures Standardization (NA-
and organizations that contribute options, developed a plan and in- After receiving a commission in TOPS) Officer, Training Officer
the most toward aviation safety formed the remaining crew of the 2015, he then proceeded to NAS and Senior Watch Officer. He has
through publications and media situation. Using time critical op- Pensacola, Florida, for initial been instrumental in the coordi-
resources. erational risk management, the f light training. nation and execution of multiple
Hyder was nominated for the crew implemented several prudent Upon completion of indoctrina- projects, including NEXUS and
award for publishing an article, measures to mitigate the possibil- tion in Pensacola, Hyder proceed- IMPACT II.
“The Aircraft is Un-Landable,” in ity of a nose strut collapse and ed to Corpus Christi, Texas, to Hyder has logged over 1,400 pi-
Approach Magazine Vol. 63, No. executed a safe landing on what complete primary and advanced lot hours in his career. His awards
4. The magazine is published by turned out to be two blown nose- multi-engine f light training, earn- include the Navy-Marine Corps
NAVSAFECEN and highlights wheel tires. ing his Naval Aviator wings of Achievement Medal, the Glob-
aviation safety protocols and The nomination letter, sub- gold in 2017. After al War on Terror Expeditionary
mishaps and associated lessons mitted by I.J. Lilyquist, then- initial P-3 Pilot training in Jack- Medal and the Sea Service De-
learned. Commanding Officer of VXS- sonville, Florida, he proceeded to ployment Ribbon, in addition to
Hyder’s article detailed an in- 1, said,” the thought-provoking his initial operating assignment at various other unit and campaign
cident where he was the aircraft and well-written article stands Fleet Air Reconnaissance Squad- awards.
commander on a routine P-3C out from others I have read in its ron (VQ) 1 in Whidbey Island. Hyder lives with his wife Riley
Orion training f light out of NAS simply written ref lections on the During his time at VQ-1, Hyder and three sons—David, Calvin
Whidbey Island, Washington. thoughts that go through an avia- conducted electronic warfare mis- and Julius—in Patuxent River,
During the f light, Hyder and his tor’s head when the unexpected sions out of Japan, Bahrain, Saudi Maryland.
crew felt an abnormal vibration happens. Lt. Hyder’s article bril- Arabia and Cuba. He served in
16 The County Times

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Un i q
Sho p s of S o u t h e r n
Mar yland

September th

Open Thurs.- Sun.

11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
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Thursday, September 15, 2022 The County Times In Our Community 17

TheA p p l eB a s k e t Open

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Days a M on -F Ri 10-7 | S at 10-5 | S un 12-5
Week 25760 C o lt o n P o i n t R d . M o R g a n z a , M d
18 Obituaries The County Times Thursday, September 15, 2022

In Remembrance
The County Times runs complimentary obituaries as submitted by funeral homes
and readers. We run them in the order we receive them. Any submissions that come to after noon on Mondays may run in the following week’s edition.

Wellman Lewis “Buddy” al Technical School in Carneys wife enjoyed travelling, especial-
Point, NJ with a degree in glass ly to Hawaii, Peru, Bermuda and
Clark, Jr. blowing. He began his career in Alaska. Every year they went to
glass blowing with the Naval Re- Florida to visit his sister and other
search Lab in Washington D.C. family. He loved spending time
On June 28, 1969 he married his with his family, who were his
beloved wife, Camilla Louise greatest pride and joy.
“Candy” (nee: Pownell) Clark in In addition to his beloved wife,
Warren, OH. Together they cele- Candy, Buddy is also survived
brated over 53 wonderful years of by his son, Joshua Adam Clark
marriage. He went on to own and (MaryAnn) of Leonardtown, MD,
operate Taylor Rental Company his sister, Sharon Ingleton (Bill)
for over 18 successful years before of Florida; his grandchildren,
his retirement. He was a member Miranda Thompson (Russ Dean)
of the President’s League during of Avenue, MD and Shelby Lynn
his tenure with Taylor Rental’s. Thompson of Leonardtown, MD;
He also worked during tax sea- his great grandson, Trevor Mi- William Dixon “Billy”, and his
son with Jackson Hewitt assisting chael Piaquadio of Leonardtown, granddaughter, Lauren Dixon, all
people with their income taxes. MD; his nieces, Stacey R. Waters of Helen, Maryland.
He was a devoted member of Chayka (Bobby) of Leonardtown, Bill proudly served as a Lead
the Hollywood and Leonardtown MD and Camilla Helmbrecht of Shop Mechanic in the PEPCO
Wellman Lewis “Buddy” Clark, Church of the Nazarene. He vol- Mechanicsville, VA; his nephew, General Shops on Bennings Road,
Jr., 77, of Great Mills, MD passed unteered with many missions and Scott Ingleton of WV; his great retiring after 37 years of service
away peacefully at his home on as a summer camp counselor for nephews: Hudson, Archer, and in 2002. During his career, he es-
September 2, 2022 with his loving over 20 years at Summit Lake. He Lincoln Chayka, all of Leonar- pecially enjoyed his assignments
family at his side. enjoyed many sports and bowled dtown, MD; and many extended at the Chalk Point and Morgan-
He was born on September 29, on Esperanza Men’s Bowling family and friends. He is preceded town plants where he made many
1944 in West Lafayette, IN to the League with his son, Josh. He was in death by his parents. lifelong friendships and fit in
late Wellman Lewis Clark, Sr. and an avid fan of the Washington Family will receive friends for some extra fishing time nearby
Margaret Reynolds. Redskins and Washington Nation- Buddy’s Life Celebration on Fri- after work.
Buddy is a 1962 graduate of als. He was an umpire for South- day, September 16, 2022 from During retirement, you would
Northwood High School in Silver ern Maryland softball leagues and 10:00 to 11:00 a.m., with a Funer- most often find Bill spending
Spring, MD. He also graduated the church leagues. He also played al Service celebrated at 11:00 a.m. time outdoors, usually on his trac-
from Salem County Vocation- and coached soccer. He and his by Reverend Eric Folk, at Brins- tor or on his porch swing with
field Funeral Home, 22955 Hol- an ice cold ”beverage” in hand

lywood Road, Leonardtown, MD watching the deer or wild turkeys
20650. Interment will be private. make their way through the back-
Memorial contributions maybe yard. Watching the beauty of the
made to the Leonardtown Naza- hardwood trees surrounding him
rene Church, P.O. Box 1110, Leon- brought him peace and he spent
ardtown, MD 20650. countless hours admiring them.
You can watch the live stream at He looked forward to the site of a
Our Family 
Life Celebration Homes &

Buddys Livestream. neatly stacked and split wood pile

Serving Yours
Condolences may be made to just before the cool weather ar-
the family at www.brinsfieldfu- rived. He loved classic cars and
Traditional Funerals, Cremation Services, was proud of his die cast car col-
Arrangements by the Brinsfield lection depicting models from the
Memorial Packages & Pre-need Services Provided Funeral Home, P.A. 1930s through 1960s. His most
favorite model was a 1956 Chev-
rolet, similar to the one he drove
William Floyd Dixon, as a young teen. This paired well
with his love of Rockabilly music,
Brinsfield Funeral Home, P.A.
“Bill” which he could be caught blasting
22955 Hollywood Road William Floyd Dixon, “Bill”, in his garage on any given day.
of Helen, Maryland passed away Bill taught his family the value
Leonardtown, MD 20650 in working hard in life so that you
peacefully at his home surround-
301-475-5588 appreciate things much more. He
ed by his his loving family on
September 12, 2022. Born on was the fixer of all things and au-
January 4, 1947, he was the son tomatically there to take care of
of the late William “Johnny” and anything for family and friends
Marie (Ronayne) Dixon. He is without hesitation. He looked for-
survived by his wife of 53 years, ward to kicking off the Christmas
Brinsfield Funeral Home, P.A.

Donna (Gallerizzo) Dixon, chil- holidays with his annual tradition

30195 Three Notch Road dren Cynthia Dixon “Cindy” and of cooking both an Olde Ham and
Charlotte Hall, MD 20622

How to scHedule an obituary


Reserve space for the obituary by 3 p.m. each

Tuesday. Submit the obituary by 10 a.m. on
Family owned and operated for two generations
Wednesday to Include
photo and text. The Obituary publishes on Thursday. Direct questions to
Thursday, September 15, 2022 The County Times Obituaries 19


Stuffed Ham. Underneath Bill’s Vicki Lynn (Brogan) Brown.
tough and strong exterior was the Benjamin, a special needs per-
most sentimental heart of gold son since birth, loved listening to
which will be missed the most by country music. He enjoyed going Contributing Writer:
those who knew him. to church with his ARC family. Lynda J. Striegel
The family will receive friends His favorite things included going
on Monday, September 19, 2022 to the movies, swimming, and go-
from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at ing outside to swing and watch the We’ve discussed the importance and bonds and may include both U.S.
the Mattingly Gardiner Funeral birds.  Going out to eat with fam- of asset allocation to your success as and foreign securities. The percent-
Home. Prayers will be recited at ily and friends made his day extra an investor. Harry Moscowitz won age of funds in each asset class is
7:00pm. Mass of Christian burial special. Benjamin loved his fam- a Nobel prize for inventing modern determined by the fund manager
will be celebrated at St. Joseph’s ily very much and he was the one portfolio theory in 1954 based on the who attempts to earn the highest re-
Catholic Church on Tuesday, Sep- who gave the best hugs. He will be concept that if you allocate your as- turn possible by switching portfolio
tember 20, 2022, with Father Drew missed by many. sets across a broad enough spectrum weightings in each type of asset class
Royals officiating. Interment will He is survived by his father, of equity, fixed-income and other by market conditions. Lifecycle funds
follow at Queen of Peace Catholic Samuel and his siblings, Matthew types of investments, and one of your generally include three or four “port-
Cemetery Helen, MD. Brown of California, MD and investments declines in value, the oth- folios” with varying percentages of
Condolence may be made to the Missy Brown of Woodbury, Ten- ers are likely to take up the slack and funds in each asset class. The port-
family at www.mgf Ar- nessee; his nephews Gavin Brown keep your investment returns on an folios are designed by fit investors of
rangements provided by the Mat- and Connor Brown. He is preced- even keel. various ages or risk tolerance levels.
tingley-Gardiner Funeral Home ed in death by his mother, Vicki Pundits refer to asset allocation For example, Vanguard has a LifeS-
and Cremation Services, P.A. Brown. as the “Rule of 92” meaning 92% of trategy fund with four asset choices:
Leonardtown, MD. Family will receive friends your success as an investor is directly income (lowest percentage of stock in
Monday, September 12, 2022 attributable to whether you allocate the portfolio), conservative growth,
Benjamin Joseph Brown from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. at Brins- your assets or not. moderate growth and growth (highest
field Funeral Home, P.A., 22955 Ok, now we know that allocation is percent of stock in the portfolio). As
Hollywood Road, Leonardtown, the way to go. But, one big problem with target date funds, fees for allo-
MD 20650 with a Funeral Service with asset allocation is, how does an cation are included in the cost of the
11:00 a.m. celebrated by Bishop ordinary investor select the proper al- funds.
Josh Darrow. Interment will fol- location of stocks versus bonds? The ACTIVE MANAGEMENT
low at Charles Memorial Gardens, big mutual fund companies like T. Active management involves the
26325 Point Lookout Road, Leon- Rowe Price, Vanguard, BlackRock use of a portfolio manager who works
ardtown, MD 20650. and others think they have it all fig- directly with you on your investments.
Serving as pallbearers will be ured out. They do the allocation for This clearly is the most custom tai-
Will Gillingwater, Andy Brown, you. lored to your wishes. Your portfolio
Randy Brogan, George Brown, TARGET DATE FUNDS: may include everything from securi-
Mark Henderson Jr. and Jeff Target date funds contain a mixture ties to real estate. The manager in
Kulik. of stocks, bonds and cash. They have this case reviews all of your assets
Memorial contributions may be a future date in the title you can se- and your personal goals with you and
made to The ARC of Southern lect to correspond to your retirement selects those types of investments that
Maryland, online at, date. As you get older, the asset al- will give you the most return for a
or mail to 355 West Dares Beach location within the fund changes and risk that meets your expectations. The
Road, Prince Frederick, MD gets more conservative over time. The upside of professional management is
Benjamin Joseph Brown, 38, of 20678. fund manager will put fewer assets that your strategy is tailored for you.
Avenue, MD passed away on Sep- Condolences to the family may into stocks which are inherently risky No one except the portfolio manager
tember 2, 2022 at his ARC home be made at www.brinsfieldfuner- as you get closer to retirement. You is going to ask about the strategy you
in St. Leonard, Maryland. do not have to take any action. The have to exit your small business, for
He was born on November 12, Arrangements by the Brinsfield fund manager does that for you. You example. That question, along with
1983 in Prince George’s County, Funeral Home, P.A. simply pick the date when you think many others, should be asked by the
MD to Samuel Brown and the late you will retire. For example, suppose portfolio manager in order to provide

In Memory of
you will turn sixty-five in 2020. You the best retirement approach for you.
Honor the memory of your cherished pick the 2020 Retirement Fund. You The fees involved will be a percentage
A Tribute to the Loved One one by sharing the story of their life can buy the fund at any age and with of the assets and, as your assets grow,

Mary Catherine Kane

with friends, neighbors and associates
a minimum investment, but the target the fees will grow. This means at the
Whose Memory Lives here in the community.

For details and to place

date is what matters. very least that the portfolio manager
The big boost for target date funds has a vested interest in seeing your
Sept. 18,
On Forever 1924Heart
in Your - Nov. 22, 2019 your notice of remembrance,
call 301-373-4125 for assistance.
came in 2006 when pension laws
changed so that employers could
portfolios grow.
Whether you choose target date,
The 18th would have been your birthday. choose investments for employees lifecycle or active management, the
We remeber you on this special day as who had not designated investments principal is the same. Your success as
for their 401(k) plans. Target date an investor and an investor preparing
well as everyday. Our hearts still hurt mutual funds became the most popu- for retirement will be directly attrib-
because you are not here with us. Mama lar investments for employers to offer utable to whether you allocate your
your love for us was so precious. So we and to use as a default if employees assets or not. As usual, I advise you
want to say that we love you and miss failed to designate anything else. Fi- to investigate before you invest. Take
you so much. delity launched its target date funds in a look at all of the options available
1996; Vanguard in 2003 and T. Rowe to you first, then decide. No one will
Happy Birthday Price in 2002—together, those three protect you like yourself.
Ellen & Larry fund companies control about 75% You are invited to attend a free
of the market. Fees for the alloca- seminar on estate planning—third
tion are included the cost of the funds Wednesday of every month at 11am at
themselves. 8906 Bay Avenue, North Beach, MD
REMEMBRANCES LIFECYCLE MUTUAL FUNDS 20714. Call 301-855-2246 to reserve
IN PRINT & ONLINE Lifecycle funds include cash, stock your spot. See you there.
20 Calendar The County Times Thursday, September 15, 2022

St. Mary's
Community Calendar
To submit your event listing to go in our Community Calendar, please email with the listing details by 12 p.m. on the Monday
prior to our Thursday publication.

Friday Sept. 16, 2022 Kids$5

3 and under free
Plein Air Event Family Package $30
Leonardtown Wharf
:30 PM - 7:30 PM. East Coast Drifters Fall
This activity is free and open to Classic Car Show
plein air artists of all levels. Bring Mechanicsville Moose Lodge
your easel and supplies and join us 27636 Mechanicsville Road
for a community paint along at the Mechanicsville8:00 am – 3:00 pm.
beautiful Leonardtown Wharf. Art- All years Cars, Trucks & Motor-
ists are welcome to bring a small cycles are welcome.
table to display and sell their work. Top 70 and several other awards.
Space is limited, please register to First 100 receive dash plaques.
attend at brandy.blackstone@leonar- Spectators $5 (under 12 free) Registration cut-off Noon.
For more info call: Chuck 301-751-
NARFE-St. Mary's County, 5602 or Rich 240-538-4266 https://
Chapter 969
Come Hear the Latest on
Alzheimer's Drive-thru Fried Chicken
Alzheimer's Association repre- Dinner
IN PRINT AND ONLINE sentatives will address our NARFE
members at the luncheon/meeting
7th District Volunteer Rescue
Squad Auxilary
of the St Mary’s National Active & 21530 Colton Point Road
@COUNTYTIMES.NET Retired Federal Employees. Reser-
vations are required by Sept 15 and
11 a.m. until sold out.
Cost: $18
the cost is $17.00; if you have not al- Menu: ½ fried chicken, red pota-
ready confirmed reservations, please toes, green beans, applesauce and a
contact Joyce Gentillo 301 645-5006. homemade dessert.
There will also be a Cake Raff le dur- There will be a drawing for the
ing this meeting (so bring your do- winner of a 50/50 Raff le. Thanks for
nated deserts) to benefit Alz & Hos- the support of our fundraisers.
pice. The Luncheon/Meeting begins
at 11:30 am; is held at Olde Breton Upcoming
Inn in Leonardtown; and the food is
prepared by Bailey's Catering Ser-
vice. Not a member? Contact Gene-
October 1, 2022
va for membership details 301-884- Community Yard Sale
5112. Check out our website http:// Longview Beach Clubhouse 8 am– 2pm
23141 Longview Blvd.
Sunday, Sept. 18, 2022 Bushwood
St. Francis Xavier Catholic Cruisin’ Southern Maryland
Church Picnic 100 Mile Car Cruise & Show
21370 Newtowne Neck Rd All Vehicles invited, cruise
Leonardtown through three Southern Maryland
Mass at 11 am counties. Begins at 9:00 am at the
Picnic from 12 pm to 3 pm Golden Beach Park & Ride (37750
LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS Burgers, hotdogs, sodas and water Golden Beach Rd. Charlotte Hall,
LOCAL ADVERTISERS YOUR ONLINE will be provided. MD 20622, two blocks from Mary-
Bring a side dish or dessert to
land Route 5) and arrival at the last
SERVICES CHARLES, CALVERT, stop is estimated to be 2:30 pm at
Charlotte Hall Veterans Home.
& ST. MARY’S COUNTY Back to School Breakfast Registration begins at 7:30 am.
VEHICLES St. Michael’s School Maps and route info will be provided
EMPLOYMENT 16560 Three Notch Road upon arrival. Optional Poker Run
Ridge available for an additional $10.00
CHILD CARE 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. per entry. Registration Fee is $30.00
GENERAL All you can eat. per Vehicle, which includes a free
MERCHANDISE Sausage, bacon, eggs potatoes, Cruisin’ Southern Maryland Event
fruit specialty pancakes, coffee and T-Shirt for the first 150 vehicles.
more. (Rain date
Dine in and carry out Oct. 2 weather permitting)
Adults $10

Thursday, September 15, 2022 The County Times Fun & Games 21

CLUES ACROSS 44. Cool! 13. Intend

1. Crops sown in 45. Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! 15. Talk excessively
winter in India 48. Winged 17. Bronx cheers
5. Nursemaids in East 50. Partner to “oohed” 18. Drain
Asia 52. Defensive nuclear 21. Renews
10. Investigates weapon 23. Monetary unit in Asia
12. Treated like a child 53. Coated 24. Relative biological
14. About religious 55. Furry household friend effectiveness (abbr.)
belief 56. Chinese principle 27. Carthaginian
16. Widely used underlying the universe statesman
exclamation 57. Prefix meaning “within” 29. Aged
18. Car mechanics 58. Makes easier 32. Mauna __, Hawaiian
group 63. Transferred property volcano
19. Not good 65. Branched 34. Firearm
20. Indigenous people 66. Hillsides 35. Consolation
of Alberta 67. Abba __, Israeli 36. An island in the north
22. Everyone has one diplomat Atlantic
23. Fencing sword 39. Pitching statistic
25. Soaks CLUES DOWN 40. Disconsolate
26. The human foot 1. Eggs in a female fish 43. A part of a river where
27. Of she 2. Military mailbox the current is very fast
28. Erythrocyte (abbr.) 3. Unit to compare power 44. Call it a career
30. Soldiers levels 46. Behave in a way that
31. Energy, style and 4. Line on a map degrades someone
enthusiasm connecting similar points 47. Health insurance
33. Playwright O’Neill 5. One who accepts 49. Recommend
35. Stone parsley 6. Partner to cheese 51. Baltic peninsula
37. Small stones 7. Ancient Greek sophist 54. Father
38. Gas descriptor 8. About hilus 59. After B
40. Monetary unit of 9. Southeast 60. Bar bill
Samoa 10. Where actors ply their 61. Doctors’ group
41. Jeans trade 62. 2,000 lbs.
manufacturer 11. Beloved Philly 64. Equal to one
42. NHL great Bobby sandwich quintillion bytes


The St. Mary’s County Times is a weekly newspaper providing news and information for
Publisher Thomas McKay
the residents of St. Mary’s County. The St. Mary’s County Times will be available on news-
Associate Publisher Eric McKay stands every Thursday. The paper is published by Southern Maryland Publishing Company,
which is responsible for the form, content, and policies of the newspaper. The St. Mary’s
General Manager
Al Dailey County Times does not espouse any political belief or endorse any product or service in its
news coverage.
Jen Stotler
Tim Flaherty To be considered for publication, articles and letters to the editor submitted must include the
writer’s full name, address and daytime phone number. Submissions must be delivered by
Dick Myers 4 p.m. on the Monday prior to our Thursday publication to ensure placement for that week.
After that deadline, the St. Mary’s County Times will make every attempt possible to publish
Staff Writer

County Times
late content, but cannot guarantee so. Letters may be condensed/edited for clarity, although
Guy Leonard
care is taken to preserve the core of the writer’s argument. Copyright in material submitted
Graphic Desinger/Layout Artist to the newspaper and accepted for publication remains with the author, but the St. Mary’s
Jim Lucke
County Times and its licensees may freely reproduce it in print, electronic or other forms. We
Contributing Writers are unable to acknowledge receipt of letters. The St. Mary’s County Times cannot guarantee P. O. Box 250 • Hollywood, MD 20636
Laura Joyce, Ron Guy, Shelby Opperman, Dave Spigler that every letter or photo(s) submitted will be published, due to time or space constraints.
11 BusinessDIRECTORY Calvert County Times Thursday, September 15, 2022

Grey Beard Stump Grinding

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27898 Point Lookout Road • Loveville, Md • 20656

St. Mary’s County ● Calvert County
Thursday, September 15, 2022 Calvert County Times Calendar 10

Calvert Community Calendar

To submit your event listing to go in our Community Calendar, please email with the listing details by 12 p.m. on the Monday prior
to our Thursday publication.

Thursday, September 15 Taste the Beaches is a festival-

themed experience with local food,
Concert Series., “Riverside South," a lo-
cal bluegrass/country band favorite 
Tony Dove, a renowned Horticulturist
with the Smithsonian Institution and an
Little Minnows drinks, artists, vendors, and businesses Bring your lawn chairs and coolers.  international consultant and lecturer on
Calvert Marine Museum celebrating the Twin Beaches. Enter- The concerts are free and open to the horticulture and Historic Garden pres-
10:15 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. tainment offerings include the Big Mon- public.  Snacks will be for sale.  Over- ervation. Dove has an extensive career
This program focuses on one of the ey Band, a Kid's Zone, Environmental flow parking next door at Trinity United in the care and preservation of heirloom
museum’s three themes. Preschoolers educational outreach, Health and Well- Methodist Church. Concert will be can- plants, trees, shrubs, etc. His book, Es-
ages 3 – 5, with an adult, are invited to ness resources, and a day full of fun!  celled in case of rain.  www.calverthis- sential Native Trees and Shrubs of the
join us for story time and a craft you can Try out Town of Chesapeake Beach Eastern United States will be available
do on-site or take home, available while and Town of North Beach's local restau- for sale and autographed too.
supplies last. Sessions are 25-40 min- rant menu items, and taste local beer/ Sip & Save Beer-Tasting Event RSVP: 443-964-4252. For informa-
utes. Sign up at the Admissions Desk wine, while enjoying live entertainment. American Chestnut Land Trust's tion on the Club visit: www.chesapeak-
when you arrive. This month's theme is Shop local vendors and artisans. This is North Side Trailhead
Squirrels! a free event sponsored by the Town of 676 Double Oak Road,
Chesapeake Beach. No tickets are sold Prince Frederick, 1-5 p.m. Thursday, September 22
Friday, September 16 for food; vendors may charge patrons “Sip the Beer* … Save the Land!”
Little Minnows
directly or offer tastings. At ACLT’s annual Sip & Save event,
Dee of St. Mary’s Sunset Sail Calvert Marine Museum
sip beer from local breweries and from
Calvert Marine Museum, adults-only 10:15 a.m. and 11:15 a.m.
Dee of St. Mary’s Public Sail around the Chesapeake Bay region
6 – 8 p.m. This program focuses on one of the
Calvert Marine Museum while supporting ACLT's efforts to pre-
Join us on a 2-hour public sail on the museum’s three themes. Preschoolers
2:30 – 4:30 p.m. serve the Parkers Creek and Governors
historic vessel Dee of St. Mary’s, and ages 3 – 5, with an adult, are invited to
Join us on a 2-hour public sail aboard Run watersheds. Take home a souvenir
experience the Patuxent River aboard join us for story time and a craft you can
the historic vessel Dee of St. Mary’s, and glass! We’ll have Gato Tacos food truck,
an iconic Chesapeake Bay Skipjack. do on-site or take home, available while
experience the Patuxent River aboard an live music from Some Assembly, yard
Guests will have an opportunity to help supplies last. Sessions are 25-40 min-
iconic Chesapeake Bay Skipjack. Guests games, door prizes and more! *Must be
raise and lower the sail. This Friday utes. Sign up at the Admissions Desk
will have an opportunity to help raise 21 or older to sample beer. More info &
evening cruise is for adults-only, and when you arrive. This month's theme is
and lower the sail. Capacity allows for purchase tickets:
you are welcome to BYOB. Capacity al- Squirrels!
30 guests. If there is inclement weather,
lows for 30 guests. If there is inclement
weather, you will be notified by the crew
you will be notified by the crew prior to Tuesday, September 20 ONGOING
the cruise. Cost is $35 for ages 13 and
prior to the cruise. Cost is $45 per per- NHS Annual College Fair
up; $15 for children ages 5-12. Children Wm. B. Tennison Public Cruise
son. To register, visit: Dee of St. Mary's 2950 Chaneyville Road,
under 5 are not permitted. To register,
Cruises | Calvert Marine Museum, MD Owings, 6-8 p.m.
visit: http://www.calvertmarinemuse- Calvert Marine Museum,
- Official Website Northern High School will be holding Wednesday through Friday
their annual College Fair on 9/20. Over
the month of Sept. 2 p.m.
Learn to Square Dance 50 colleges will be in attendance. This is
Pirate Day Saturdays and Sundays
Southern Maryland a free event for all Southern MD Junior
Calvert Marine Museum 2 p.m. and 3:10 p.m.
Community Center, and Senior High School Students. The
10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Relax and enjoy a leisurely one-hour
20 Appeal Lane, Lusby, 7 p.m. first 200 students to attend will receive
Ahoy Scallywags! Throw on your best cruise on the river aboard the Wm. B
Come join the Aqua Squares Square a free gift! Don't miss out on attending
pirate outfit and head to the museum for Tennison, a log-built bugeye. Capacity
Dance Club for a Modern Western one of the only College Fairs being held
some jolly good fun. Make a pirate flag, allows for 40 guests. If there is inclem-
Square Dance.  You don’t need a part- in Southern Maryland this Fall.
build a toy pirate boat, get a pirate tattoo, ent weather, you will be notified by the
ner, just your desire to have lots of fun.  and walk the plank! Sing pirate songs at crew prior to the cruise. Cost is $7 for
No experience necessary, all you need Essential Native Trees and Shrubs
10:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m., 1:30 adults, and $4 for children 5-12 years,
to know is how to walk.  It is friend- All Saints Parish Hall, Sunderland
p.m., and 2:30 p.m. Activities included and children under 5 ride for free when
ship set to music.  Bring your friends, 10 am - 11 am
with museum admission. accompanied by a paying adult. For
neighbors, date, parents, kids (over age Please join the members of the Chesa-
more information and to register, visit:
9).  For more information call Mary at peake Garden Club at their September
htt p://w w w.calver tmarinemuseum.
301-863-8054 or Rita at 610-410-4798 or meeting to welcome Maryland author
visit our web page at www.aquasquare-
Sunday, September 18
Calvert County Historical Society
Front Porch Summer Concert Where Life and Heritage are Celebrated
Saturday, September 17 On the lawn at Linden
Taste of the Beaches
70 Church Street During a difficult
Prince Frederick, 7-8:30 p.m.
Kellam’s Field Last concert of the 2022 Summer time… still your best choice.
Chesapeake Beach, 1-5 p.m.

Affordable Funerals, Caskets, Vaults,

Cremation Services and Pre-Need Planning
Family Owned and Operated by
Barbara Rausch and Bill Gross
Owings Port Republic Lusby
8325 Mt. Harmony Lane 4405 Broomes Island Rd. 20 American Lane
410-257-6181 410-586-0520 410-326-9400
9 Calvert Community Calvert County Times Thursday, September 15, 2022

Stephen Pereira Appointed Director of Technology

The Calvert County Board of
County Commissioners (BOCC)
is pleased to announce the ap-
pointment of Stephen Pereira as
the county government director
of the Department of Technology
Over his 21-year career, Pereira
has overseen and implemented
business technology change in the
government and private sectors. In
his previous role as deputy direc-
and we look forward to many more ChengChi University in Taipei,
tor for Technology Services, he was
years of his service and leadership.” Taiwan. He recently completed the
responsible for technology budgets
“Stephen has made valuable Senior Executives in State and Lo-
and contracts, records manage-
contributions that demonstrate his cal Government executive program
ment, and implementing new infor-
commitment to enhancing gov- at the Harvard University John F.
mation technology policies, stan-
ernment operations and service to Kennedy School of Government.
dards and training within Calvert
its citizens and employees,” said He is also a certified Project Man-
County Government. Pereira has Stephen Pereira
County Administrator Mark Wil- agement Professional (PMP) and
also served as the county’s web- merce, digital marketing and busi- lis. “With his broad range of expe- is Information Technology Infra-
master, managing the upkeep and ness strategy. rience, strategic execution of con- structure Library (ITIL) certified.
improvement of six websites under “In his time with Calvert County tinuous process improvements and Find information on Calvert
the Communications & Media Re- Government, Stephen has routinely constant drive to learn, he is well County Government services on-
lations Division of the County Ad- proven his technical and business equipped to guide county govern- line at
ministrator’s Office. expertise, professionalism and ment through the ever-changing in- Stay up to date with Calvert County
Prior to joining Calvert County leadership qualities,” said BOCC formation technology landscape.” Government on Facebook at www.
Government, Pereira worked in the President Earl F. “Buddy” Hance. Pereira holds a Master of Busi- /Calver tCou nt yMd
private sector for 19 years, man- “We are confident that he will ex- ness Administration degree in tech- and YouTube at
aging technology implementation, cel as Technology Services director nology management from National CalvertCountyGov.
digital transformation, e-com-

Taylor Gas Company offers full service installation and repair for a
breadth of propane related systems.
The customer is our top priority here at Taylor Gas. We provide 24 hour
emergency service and deliveries to the Sourthern Maryland area.
Combining extensive training with 68 years of on-the-job experience,
you can be sure that you’ll be getting the best service available.
Thursday, September 15, 2022 Calvert County Times Calvert Local News 8
2022 Taste the
Taste of the Beaches Returns After Beaches Vendors

Two-Year Hiatus
• Baked by the Bay
• Pinky's Eatery
• The Boozy Cake Lady
By Dick Myers “Both towns are working on this, Taste the Beaches event. Cal- • Beachin Bay Bakery
Staff Writer and the idea is to have an event vert Alliance Against Substance • SoulFull Caterers
It was an idea that kept growing. that brings people in town and Abuse has worked closely with the • Taste of the Tides
In its third year in 2019, Chesa- hopefully they come to town, and Town of Chesapeake Beach and • Herbs and Spice
peake Beach’s Taste of the Beach- they go, wow, this is a really cool the Town of North Beach through
es appeared to be on a roll with a place. I want to come back.” the Twin Beaches Opioid Abuse Wine & Beer
larger event and bigger crowds. As his town committee as the Awareness Coalition. The Cal- • Greenspring Brewing Company
And then the pandemic hit, main sponsor, he said it’s put on vert Alliance Against Substance • Whistle Stop Winery
and it was cancelled for the last with the hope “for people to be- Abuse, Inc (CAASA), is a grass- • Gypsy Brewing Company
two years; at the last-minute last come more acquainted with our roots coalition of individuals and
year because of worsening health twin beach area and come back.” organizations dedicated to fight- Community
metrics. Jaworski said of this year, “It'll ing alcohol and other drug abuse • Bayside Baptist Church
Now it’s back and the town and be pretty much the same other in Calvert County.  In addition,
neighboring North Beach are • Calvert Council Knights of
than the fact that we do have a CAASA is a non-profit corpora-
looking forward to a bigger and Columbus
pretty impressive turnout of par- tion that raises funds to support
better event and the return of the • Calvert Family Advocates
ticipants, vendors and things. this vital effort. Follow CAASA
crowds to Kellam’s Field on Satur- We’ve got, at last count, seven at @CAASAmd.  • Kemper Life
day, Sept. 17 from 1 to 5 p.m. food vendors. We've got 17 com- Jaworski said, “This year for • Chesapeake Beach Green Team
Chesapeake Beach bills the munity organizations, like the fire the first time we've got a separate • Chesapeake Beach Oyster
Taste the Beaches as “a festival- department's going to be there. A event going on of just publicizing Cultivation Society
themed experience with local bunch of county offices will be primarily our local restaurants, • Walkability Committee
food, drinks, artists, vendors, and there. Some of the town’s com- but other business as well. We are • Economic Development
businesses celebrating the Twin mittees will have tables there and asking those restaurants to offer Committee
Beaches. Entertainment offerings other community organizations. specials in the week leading up to • Kellam's Field Revitalization
include the Big Money Band, a Then there's about 15 art and bou- the actual Taste of Beaches event, Committee
Kid's Zone, Environmental educa- tique vendors there, and three again another enticement for peo- • Town of Chesapeake Beach
tional outreach, Health and Well- wine and beer vendors and then a ple to come to town and visit our Coastal Resiliency Committee
ness resources, and a day full of kids play area.” businesses.” • Living Adventures Travel Agency
fun.” Mayor Pat Mahoney said, Hoping for good weather, Ja- • Maryland's Commitment to
The event was the brainchild of “Chesapeake Beach is the place to worski said, “We want everybody Veterans
Councilman Larry Jaworski, who be this Saturday. It promises to be to come on out and enjoy the twin • TESSA SCOOTER RENTALS
co-chairs the town’s Economic a fun day for the entire family." beaches.” • Pivot Physical Therapy
Development Committee and also Absent that good weather the • Twin Beach Opioid Awareness
chairs the county’s Economic De- Calvert Alliance Against Sub- rain date is Sunday, Sept. 18, 1-5 Committee
velopment Advisory Committee. stance Abuse (CAASA) is this p.m. • Chesapeake Beach
“It is a joint effort between the year’s selected nonprofit for the
twin beaches,” Jaworski said. Railway Museum
• Community Mediation Center
of Calvert

• Bungalow Gypsy
• Chesapeake Beach Candle Co.
• Chosen Moments
• Coull Wood Designs
• Count on the Chesapeake
• Crushed Glass Art
• Dead Rise Gear
• Earth's Natural Art and Jewelry
• Harrell’s Attic
• Oscar and Olive Osprey:
A Family Takes Flight
• Southern Charm Kreations LLC
• JoyFilled LLC
• Watercolors by Ann
• MoonStone Goddess Jewelry
• Be Adored Jewelry/Paparazzi
• Rev. Dr. Deb S., LLC
• Louise Gorday Books

Family Fun
• Little Tots Playground
• Fish Mobile

• Big Money Band
• Kenney Holmes
• Trilogy Twirl Club
• Beach Buccaneer Pom Squad
7 Cops & Courts Calvert County Times Thursday, September 15, 2022


During the week of August 29, 2022 – September 4, 2022, deputies of the Calvert
County Sheriff’s Office responded to 1,512 calls for service throughout the community.

Juvenile Pedestrian
Damaged Property: 22-49577 (s) shot up the victim’s vehicle
On August 29, 2022, Deputy with a BB gun. Several BBs were
Strong responded to the 600 block collected at the scene. The esti-

Struck by Vehicle in
of Burr Oak Court in Prince Fred- mated value of the damaged prop-
erick for the report of maliciously erty is unknown at this time.
damaged property. The complain-

Prince Frederick
ant advised an unknown suspect Property Destruction:
(s) keyed the victim’s vehicle in 22-50975
the overnight hours. The estimat- On September 4, 2022, Deputy
Members of the Calvert County The juvenile was initially trans- ed value of the damaged property Lee responded to the 3000 block
Sheriff’s Office Patrol Bureau ported to Capital Regional Medi- is $800. of Ashwood Road in Dunkirk, for
and Crash Reconstruction Team cal Center for injuries received. the report of property destruc-
responded on Sept. 7 at approxi- After being stabilized, she was Property Destruction: tion. The complainant advised
mately 4:27 p.m. to a motor ve- transferred to Children’s Hospi- 22-49907 sometime between 5 p.m. on Sept.
hicle collision involving a pe- tal where she remains in serious On August 30, 2022, Deputy 3 and 11 a.m. on Sept. 4, a shed
destrian in the area of Oakland condition. Tavares received report of a theft. and a stone retaining wall on the
Hall Road and Turnberry Way in Hug, the driver of the Cadillac The complainant advised his left victim’s property had been spray-
Prince Frederick. was not injured. rear truck tire was slashed while painted with graffiti. The estimat-
Upon arrival, units located a The cause of this collision re- parked in the parking lot of the ed value of the damaged property
white Cadillac that had struck a mains under investigation. Giant Food store located at 11740 is $50.
juvenile pedestrian. Anyone who may have witnessed Rousby Hall Road in Lusby, fol-
Preliminary investigation re- this incident or events leading up lowing a road rage incident. The Theft: 22-49783
vealed, a 2009 Cadillac, operated to the collision is asked to contact estimated value of the damaged On August 30, 2022, DFC Bur-
by Shelly Hug, 39 of Prince Fred- Sgt. Phelps at (410) 535-2800 or property is $300. graff responded to the 1000 block
erick, was making a left turn from via e-mail: Thomas.Phelps@cal- of Adobe Drive in Lusby, for the
Oakland Hall Road onto Turnber- Damaged Property: 22-50960 report of a theft. The complainant
ry Way. While turning, the driver Press Release from CCSO On September 4, 2022, Deputy advised sometime between 11 p.m.
struck a juvenile female. Shoemaker responded to the 1500 on Aug. 26 and 7 a.m. on Aug. 27,
block of Lilac Road in St. Leonard, prescription medication was sto-
for the report of damaged prop- len from a vehicle parked outside
erty. The complainant advised the residence. The estimated value

the driver’s side rear window of of the stolen property is $100.
her vehicle had been busted out
sometime during the night. Noth- Theft: 22-50130
ing appears to have been moved or On August 31, 2022, DFC Mur-
stolen. The estimated value of the phy received report of a theft that
damaged property is $800. occurred in the 500 block of Car-
son Court in Lusby. The complain-
OF THE WEEK Property Destruction:
ant advised sometime between
Aug. 1 and Aug. 8, a refrigerator
On September 1, 2022, M/DFC was stolen from the garage of the
MEET ROCKY Flynt responded to the 6000 block residence. The estimated value of
of Gordon Drive in Sunderland, the stolen property is $1,200.
Adopt me! for the report of property destruc- Editor’s Note: The above arrests
tion. The complainant advised are not an indication of guilt or
Never jog alone again.
sometime between August 30 and innocence as the cases have not
Or more realistically,
September 1, an unknown suspect been adjudicated.
Never watch TV alone again.

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Hi, my name is Rocky. The loving
gang here at TCAS ask, “Who is ready for the cooler weather?
Rocky is!” You see, I ENJOY spending time outdoors, strolling
around the neighborhood, and hanging out with my people. I’m
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Thursday, September 15, 2022 Calvert County Times Calvert Local News 6

Grant Eyes Tennis Court Replacement

By Dick Myers Beach, totaling $300,000.”
Staff Writer Nazzal said, “Eligible projects
Calvert County is applying for include those that are ready for
allocated state grant monies to construction and can be encum-
replace the tennis courts at Cove bered in FY 2023. Stipulations of
Point Park in Lusby. The grant these funds are similar to Program
monies will also be used for proj- Open Space (POS) grants with the
ects in Chesapeake Beach and following additional restrictions:
North Beach. No amount of these funds shall be
According to Parks and Recre- used for projects that are inacces-
ation Director Shannon Nazzal, sible to the general public, require
“In the 2022 legislative session, memberships, exclude the public
the Maryland General Assembly because of higher user fees, or
and the governor adopted a state which include office, residential,
budget that includes an allocation or elaborate lodging facilities.”
of $1 million in grant funds to She noted at the Sept. 13 county
Calvert County for ‘shovel-ready’ commissioner meeting, “Funding
park infrastructure projects man- has not been allocated for replace-
aged by the Maryland Department ment of the Cove Point Park tennis
of Natural Resources (DNR).” courts, though it is detailed in the
Commissioner President Buddy approved updated Cove Point Park
Hance noted the program was ini- master plan.”
tiated by the late Senate President Nazzal said, “(The) Town of
Mike Miller and carried out by his Chesapeake Beach is requesting
successor Sen. Michael Jackson. an allocation of $150,000 to fund
Nazzal said they have priori- park projects within that munici-
tized funding of $700,000 of the pality. These projects meet all
grant for “the replacement of the the requirements and restrictions
tennis courts at Cove Point Park.” of the funding source. An appli-
She added, “A funding alloca- cation, funding authorization for funding.:” be made when it is received.
tion of $150,000 has also been of- municipality and letter of intent She said the projects for North The BOCC unanimously agreed
fered to the Town of North Beach must be submitted to Maryland Beach have not yet been received to submit the grant request.
and the Town of Chesapeake DNR in order to be eligible for the so an additional grant request will

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5 Calvert Local News Calvert County Times Thursday, September 15, 2022

Two Zoning Text Changes Proposed

Would Allow for Businesses to Locate
By Dick Myers within the rural commercial dis-
Staff Writer trict and various subareas within
The Calvert County Board of Town Center.”
County Commissioners (BOCC) O’Shea added, “Prior to the
has approved forwarding to the zoning ordinance update in 2006,
planning commission zoning crematoriums and funeral homes
changes that will allow for busi- were permitted by special excep-
nesses to locate in areas they are tion approval only within what is
now not allowed. One allows for now zoned as the Farm and For-
a crematorium at the existing est District (FFD, previously the
Chesapeake Memorial Gardens on Rural District). The applicant pro-
Broomes Island Road. The other poses to allow crematoriums and
allows for a cigar lounge to be funeral homes be conditionally
added to the Lusby Town Center permitted within the FFD given
behind the post office. they are accessory to an existing Map of Lusby Town Center
Zoning Planner Rachel O’Shea cemetery. Staff is recommending Center Use Chart as a separate use Hance wondered why the request
told the BOCC at their Sept. 13 allowing crematoriums and fu- and be permitted within the town didn’t include other town cen-
meeting, “In the current zoning neral homes by special exception center. The applicant states that ters. O’Shea said each town cen-
ordinance, cemeteries or memo- when accessory to existing public within the town center and within ter’s zoning was unique and such
rial gardens are permitted within cemeteries or memorial gardens.” proximity to the proposed loca- lounges were allowed in some
the Farm and Forest, Rural Com- The business originally had ap- tion for his cigar lounge is a liquor subdistricts in some town centers.
munity, Residential and Rural proval for a crematorium before store and a restaurant/bar. The ap- In approving forwarding the
Commercial districts. It is con- the rules were changed but did not plicant stated that the current or- proposal to the planning commis-
ditionally permitted within Ag- proceed with those plans. dinance does not lend to this type sion, the commissioners asked
ricultural Preservation Districts The BOCC went along with the of business model that is growing that they look at adding it to other
and Historic Districts for the pri- staff recommendation. throughout the Delaware, Mary- town centers.
vate use of the property owners Regarding the proposal for a ci- land, and Virginia (DMV) area During the public comment time
only. Crematoriums are permitted gar lounge by Lincoln Lawrence, and that this proposed change will on the agenda, serial public com-
within the I-1 district and condi- which would be the first of its kind allow for growth of these types of menter Joseph Cormier questioned
tional in the rural commercial dis- in the county, O’Shea said the re- businesses within the Lusby area allowing a cigar lounge when
trict accessory to a funeral home. quest was for, “the use of a cigar of Calvert County.” smoking was being discouraged.
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Thursday, September 15, 2022 Calvert County Times Calvert Local News 4

School Construction State Blueprint Touts

Plan Updated National Teacher
Priorities Switched for Elementary Schools
By Dick Myers Certification
Staff Writer
The newly released Calvert
County Assists Teachers Seeking It
County Public Schools (CCPS)
Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) By Dick Myers
for Fiscal Years 2024-29 includes Staff Writer
a switch in priorities for two el- In this particular case, NBC
ementary schools. doesn’t stand for the national televi-
A project for a new Calvert El- sion network. It stands for National
ementary School and renovation Board Certification.
of Calvert Counrty School has According to the NBC website:
stepped ahead of a new Mt. Har- “Every student deserves to be taught
mony Elementary School. The by an accomplished teacher. Nation-
mentary would beat out Calvert
dual construction/renovation proj- al Board Certification was designed
ect for Calvert Elementary and to develop, retain and recognize ac-
Warner responded, “From that
Calvert Country School is slated complished teachers and to generate
perspective, that could be the
for construction beginning in FY ongoing improvement in schools na-
case. However, the Facility Condi-
2028 while a feasibility study for tionwide. It’s the highest certifica-
tion Index does not look at enroll-
Mt. Harmony won’t begin until tion a teacher may obtain in addition
ment. It only looks at a building's
FY 2029 with construction be- to being the most respected one.”
condition. So, it’s just the bricks
yond the six-year CIP. Teachers achieving the certi-
and mortar.”
Director of School Construc- fication is a key component of
The first project in the six-year
tion Shuchita Warner told the Cal- “The Blueprint for Maryland’s Fu-
CIP is still the replacement of
vert County Board of Education ture,” the state’s education reform
Northern Middle School.
at their Sept. 8 meeting that the initiative.
The plan does include for FY
new CIP would be posted online According to the Maryland Board
’24 and ’25 monies from the state
for public review and comment of Education, “The Blueprint law
through the Healthy School Facil-
and then would be included on increases the salary by $10,000 of Calvert County 2018 Teacher of the Year, Mt. Har-
ity Fund. The three projects to be mony Elementary School media specialist Melaney
the consent agenda for approval in National Board-certified educators Sanchez.
funded are:
October. who are actively teaching in Mary-
• Mary Harrison Center Partial included liking challenge. But she
Warner explained, “In terms land public schools. In addition,
Re-Roofing– FY 2024 added, “Having my students grow is
of statewide facility assessment, National Board-certified teachers
• Mary Harrison Center Audito- non-negotiable; improving my skills
Calvert Elementary actually has working in a low performing school
rium HVAC – FY 2025 is non-negotiable because every
a higher FCI or Facility Condition will receive an additional $7,000
• Appeal Elementary Chilled time I get it right in my classroom,
Index than Mount Harmony.” annually.”
Water Plant and select HVAC something changes, and I have a new
Warner added, “By looking at The Calvert County Public Schools
equipment – FY 2025 challenge.” And then the salary in-
Calvert Elementary as a replace- (CCPS) Blueprint Coordinator Dr.
The plan also includes the fol- centive was a third reason.
ment project, we have land that Joe Sampson, III told the school
lowing athletic projects: She said when she first looked at
exists in between the Calvert El- board at their Sept. 8 meeting, “Cur-
• Patuxent High School Field it, she thought it shouldn’t be a prob-
ementary building and Calvert rently we're working with HR (Hu-
House – FY 2025 lem, she does it every day. Yet she
Country. That is our property. We man Resources) to help candidates
• Huntingtown High School failed in her first attempt and had to
can utilize that, look at a feasibil- through the document submission
track resurfacing – FY 2025 successfully retake it the next year.
ity to potentially replace the exist- process and will provide NBC fa-
• Calvert High School Field She has since been recertified after
ing Calvert Elementary that gives cilitators to assist staff through the
House renovations – FY 2027 the ten-year anniversary (the re-
us a number of options. We can national board process.”
• Design Services for Hunting- quirement is now every five years).
look at Calvert Country School to Sampson added, “Currently Na-
town High School Field House “You have to chase after it. You
potentially place those students tional Board-certified teachers have
renovations – FY 2028 have to make time for it. You have
in Calvert Elementary for swing even volunteered to help in any way
Warner explained that Calvert’s to give things up for it,” she said is
space, to do a renovation for Cal- that candidates may need assistance.
state/local split for FY 2024 is her advice to teachers considering it.
vert Country School. After those This is very exciting for our county
56 percent/44 percent. It breaks “I'm very thankful to know that
projects are done, the existing Cal- and proof of the growth of National
down as follows: at the state level, as well as at our
vert Elementary potentially could Board Certification, not only in the
State participation (56 percent local level, there are many things in
be looked at as an annex for the state of Maryland, but right here in
state/ 44 percent local Split) for place so that teachers can success-
Brooks Administration Building.” Calvert County.”
following: fully complete this process,” she
Why not a new building for He said, “There are currently 13
• Project construction cost (up exclaimed.
Calvert Country School? She teachers eligible for the salary in-
to maximum allowance for Re- “Overall, I definitely would say it
said Calvert Country School is a crease for their national boards and
placement / Renovation /Addition was intense…and rewarding.”
36,000-square-foot building be- close to 60 teachers who started
projects) Dr. Sampson said the state is
ing used for a very low enrolment. their National Board Certification
• Design costs (calculated at working on data on the effective-
“It looks like the state would only journey.”
maximum 10 percent of construc- ness of NBC, but in other states it
support it if we were to do a new One of the current NBC teach-
tion budget) has been impressive. In Mississippi,
building about 10,000 square ers is the county’s 2018 Teacher of
• Eligible FFE (for Replace- he said, “The data shows that stu-
feet. All of those things would be the Year, Mt. Harmony Elementary
ment, Renovation, and Addition dents are 31 percent more likely to
f leshed out, of course, in a feasi- School media specialist Melaney
Projects. Calculated at 5 percent be proficient on the kindergarten
bility study.” Sanchez. She called going after NBC
of construction budget readiness assessment if they have a
Board member Dawn Balinski in 2006, “a major commitment.” She
Local Participation: teacher with NBC and third graders
asked, “(If you) look at the capac- said, “This is not something that you
• 44 percent minimum share of are 11 percent more likely to score
ity of both the schools that you're sign up for a class and see how it
construction costs, design, FFE proficient on the math assessment.”
proposing for replacement and goes. It's something where you com-
• 100-percent share of project
the adjacent (schools), I would've pletely commit.”
thought Mount Harmony Ele- She said her personal motivation
3 Calvert Local News Calvert County Times Thursday, September 15, 2022

State’s Highest Court

Hears Comp Plan Case
By Dick Myers don't nullify councilmanic actions
Staff Writer based on a conf lict of interest.”
The Sept. 12 hearing by Mary- “A conf lict of interest does not
land’s highest court, the Court of constitute ultra vires action,” she
Appeals, on the suit challenging asserted.
the Calvert County Commissioner’s Nelson responded, “You have the
vote on the comprehensive plan was Sugarloaf opinion from 1990 and
filled with legal jargon and case it says what your honor just said.
law citations. That can be expected And then since 2009, plus or minus,
when lawyers, such as C. Macy Nel- this court has been sort of articulat-
son, legal counsel for four county ing and refining and writing robust
citizens, and John Mattingly, Jr., opinions about taxpayer standing.”
an attorney for the county, address The judge said that just gets you
jurists at the pinnacle of their legal in court, it doesn’t create a cause of
careers. action.
One of those legal terms bandied Nelson responded, “The taxpay-
about during the47-minute hearing er standing doctrine, it creates the
in Annapolis was “ultra vires.” It cause of action. And it gets you into
means acting or done beyond one's court for the merits hearing.”
legal power or authority. At issue “Nobody's disputing that your
was whether the county commis- foot is in the door, you're here,” said
sioners had the power to enact the Chief Judge Matthew Fader. “And
update of the county’s comprehen- nobody has alleged that you don't
sive plan by a 3-2 vote in August have taxpayer standing, but in order
of 2019 when one of the majority to prove an ultra vires act, doesn't
votes was by Kelly McConkey, who the court undertake a very narrow
in an earlier 3-2 vote participated review and simply determine wheth-
in an action that put two properties er the council was acting within its
he owns in the Huntingtown Town legal boundaries.”
Center. Maryland’s second highest Mattingly argued for the county,
court last month affirmed a county “The courts may not invalidate leg-
ethics commission decision that the islation on the basis of a conf lict of
action was a conf lict of interest. interest.”
The case law mentioned fre- He added, “The true heart of this

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quently was a Montgomery County
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Well, I disagree. That vote was ultra
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Thursday, September 15, 2022 Calvert County Times 2




Cove Point Park may recieve federal grants.

BOCC appoints a Director of Technology
Taste the Beach comes back to Calvert count



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Updated School CoveTimes
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Zoning Changes
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