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Are the following methods to reduce car congestions suitable?

There has come a time in which overcrowding on roads must be addressed. Indeed,
excess of vehicles can cause social, economic and environmental problems.
Some people consider that the best solution is parking restriction, whereas others
advocate for decreasing the prices of public transport.

The purpose of this essay is to examine some of the alternatives to reduce the
hundreds of cars that cause traffic jams in towns. Therefore, I will put forward the
main arguments that I consider most important for this discussion.

To begin with, people would find themselves forced to park in forbidden places, which
implies the punishment of paying costly fines. They will not agree with this measure as
they won’t be ready to pay the penalty. However, restrict parking might be useful, not
radically in the whole town, but gradually in some areas, for example, city centre to

Besides, another problem with this method is that people may complain about those
who unconciously could step into the road, as they might think it is free from cars,
which could cause accidents downtown, especially where the streets are labyrinthine:
entangled, and not so wide.

Nevertheless, by lowering the prices of public transport, more people will feel like
using it and they won’t face the problem of being late as roads will be less congested.

In conclusion, even though restrict parking may be attractive, there is no doubt that
cutting the prices of public transport will be undoubtedly more beneficial. So, this
method is the best and more effective, because at the end of the day, is our monthly
economy from one’s own salary what we measure, and we should spend it efficiently.
How should students feel tempted to study science?
The aim of this essay is to focus attention on the appropiate methods for young
learners to start a scientific path.

In fact, helping these future students will benefit our society as a whole, due to the
countles unanswered questions in the matter of science.

Some people propose that the best solution is advertising while others suggest that
school programmes could bring more positive outcomes.

To start with, advertisements create a powerful monopoly that controls people’s

minds. Based on it, media should divulge this subject and decrease publishing well-
known people, in order to attract the intellectual knowledge this discipline emits

However, it could be expensive as mainly all economical means are invested in

laboratory experiments. It also implies ardous skills as scientific marketing is not as
easy as it sounds. For example, people tend to relax while watching TV, instead of
concentrate on studying science.

On the other hand, those who defend scientific programming in schools have the
advantage of catching youngers’ awareness from childhood, as it is often said that
brain is like a sponge which absorbs anything in early ages. And not only would this
help, but it could also bring excellent results at an academic level for compulsory

To sum up, while advertising can be a tedious task for comercial agents or publicists
and for those whose product is offered (consumers), spreading of wisdom in classes at
a young age is quite more productive. After all, knowledge is a powerful tool to use
when is more convenient.
Factors favouring international travel
This essay seeks to critically examine the several alternatives to increment travelling

Some people complain that some means of transport result slower than others.
However, it is true that those types are the less costly. Furthermore, it is said that
planes are the most contaminaiting of all, followed by lorries, buses and cars, being the
train the least pollutant, and this could rise awareness by lessening the use of air
transport instead of terrestrial one.
On the other hand, the majority uses the fastest transportation because it is the one
which saves us time, as the routes are mainly straight.

One argument in favor of global business is the rapid increase of international job
opportunities which could increase our cultural backgrounds, but it is true that it might
create discomfort and stress when it comes to work. And this should be something to
be controlled, as anyone would love to do their job as comfortable as possible because
travelling frequently could cause mental problems, jet lag and fatigue.

So, due to the reasons mentioned above, I think the factor that increases world
travelling the most is the use of planes, because it has a wider range, as anyone from a
child to and elder person who can afford it might use it with ease, whereas global
business is limited to workers.

In conclusion, and based on what has been said, while the spread of companies
internationally could sound more convincing, I opt for the first alternative as people
find it the most used and most rapid, not to mention the safest.

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